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Thanks for the support everyone.

Apples I think you hit the nail on the head. Only I can truly judge how I am doing. This doctor brought up alot of shit from my past that I like to leave there and move on. He pulled it out of me right in front of my son and one of his new employees. Now they all think I am an emotional mess. He actually said I am "emotionally fragile". Really it is just the one subject that gets me upset like that. I take his word for it because he is a doctor. I need to have more confidence in my own opinion of myself.

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Thanks for the support everyone.

Apples I think you hit the nail on the head. Only I can truly judge how I am doing. This doctor brought up alot of shit from my past that I like to leave there and move on. He pulled it out of me right in front of my son and one of his new employees. Now they all think I am an emotional mess. He actually said I am "emotionally fragile". Really it is just the one subject that gets me upset like that. I take his word for it because he is a doctor. I need to have more confidence in my own opinion of myself.

Jessica...you had mentioned that the therapist that you clicked with and has now moved on is someon that you wish you could talk with again. Why not give her office a call and see if she does phone appts. When I was in therapy my doc would do phone conferences when I was unable to travel the 2.5 hours during the winter months. It was only a few times but I so appreciated her doing the phone appt. Worth a try.

Also, uncalled for to bring up ANY issues in front of your son. Very unprofessional behavior by your doc.

Had to do a double take with your avatar photo. Cute hair color! It brings out your eyes.

Phyll....happy you got your diagnosis and that you now know what has been causing your troubles and how you are going to treat it. Take care and sending the love.

Eva...wish I could find decent audio books at our library. They have about a dozen and I've "read" all of them. I put in a request today to see if there is a way they can get more. Certainly going to hit your libary when we are down in AZ.

Arlene....have fun with GF. Poor girl sounds like she doesn't know what she wants. I know you will be there for her for support. Good going on journaling and planning your food prior to going out to eat. Boy, you did the multi-quote and answered all at one time.....looking at all those quotes made it look like we beat the he!! out of you today. OOPS.

Had a nice time with my friend. We drove to a town about an hour away, did some craft and fabric shopping, hit a dept. store and got 70% off on a few items, had lunch, hit a consignment shop on the way home. All in all a nice day. Now have supper in the oven and expect my guys in about an hour.

Plan on spending a quite evening reading and pretending that I am listening to DH about what he is reading about on his forum "Ag Talk". I know, I'm bad.

You all have a great evening.

Edited by Apples2

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Well all I decided not to do my second walk today, I am pretty sore. So gonna give these muscles the afternoon off! I'll be back at it tomorrow:wink:!

Tonight is taco night:biggrin: I used to eat 3 or 4 before, but now I am down to 1 and a half:rolleyes2:. I'll be glad when I'm down to 1.

The weather here is absolutely beautiful in the high 60's and not a cloud in the sky, and I can see all the mountians sooo clearly.

Oh almost forgot I had a nsv today as I was sitting on the couch I crossed my legs (wow) that is the first time I have been able to do that in a while:thumbup:.

I guess that is all for today, hope everyone has a warm comfey evening.


P.S. Is there a way to upload a picture to this or do I have to put it on my signature?:(

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GF ditched me for dinner too. Anyway, DH text me and he got an early flight. He is on his way home, but the traffic is awful. I think Houston traffic must be close to being as bad as LA. Chris would probably know.

Oh, I did finish most of my Christmas shopping today. I bought all the Gkids sweaters. I took back the Pj's. Kohl's is having a super sale. I got everything on sale plus 30% off and 40 cash bucks I can spend on Monday.

Apples....Y'all didn't beat me up.......You just care. You know prophecy is someone telling you something God has already told you in your heart. I am just surrounded by prophets. Cool!

"when you know better you do better." Oprahism....I have never forgotten that. Sometimes it just takes me a while to get it in my thick skull.

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Arlene, it was a sign from above that you were not to eat that sweet potato... lol

Ditto on what Apples said to ya all


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Arlene, it was a sign from above that you were not to eat that sweet potato... lol

Ditto on what Apples said to ya all


Yeah, you got that right! lol

Me too!

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Arlene, I went to the movie for ya this afternoon. After reading about you going to a movie, DH came home early and it sounded fun. Though we went and saw a different movie, Morning Glories. I liked it. I think DH did too. Most of the audience was our age, too funny. Harrison Ford is pretty good in the movie I thought. Then we went to costco and bought some new lights to put on the house. Gonna get our 'ho ho on' tomorrow. DH is willing to haul out the Christmas 'junk' as he calls it. LOL Glad you didn't feel beat up. Everyone here just cares so much for one another and wants to see everyone succeed.

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Evening ladies and gent.

Getting ready to go out and meet friends tonight. Spent the day working on updating and cleaning out computer files. UG. My contacts list is sadly neglected. I also backed up all my stuff on an external hard drive. You know, this stuff takes a long time to do.

Hope you all have a great night.


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Well all I decided not to do my second walk today, I am pretty sore. So gonna give these muscles the afternoon off! I'll be back at it tomorrow:wink:!

Tonight is taco night:biggrin: I used to eat 3 or 4 before, but now I am down to 1 and a half:rolleyes2:. I'll be glad when I'm down to 1.

The weather here is absolutely beautiful in the high 60's and not a cloud in the sky, and I can see all the mountians sooo clearly.

Oh almost forgot I had a nsv today as I was sitting on the couch I crossed my legs (wow) that is the first time I have been able to do that in a while:thumbup:.

I guess that is all for today, hope everyone has a warm comfey evening.


P.S. Is there a way to upload a picture to this or do I have to put it on my signature?:(

Go to post reply (not the quick one) and click on the little paperclip. It will allow you to upload photos. 5 max and there are MB limits, but it shows that when the box opens to do the attachments.

So what are you going to show us?

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Phyll....happy you got your diagnosis and that you now know what has been causing your troubles and how you are going to treat it. Take care and sending the love.

Eva...wish I could find decent audio books at our library. They have about a dozen and I've "read" all of them. I put in a request today to see if there is a way they can get more. Certainly going to hit your library when we are down in AZ.

Had a nice time with my friend. We drove to a town about an hour away, did some craft and fabric shopping, hit a dept. store and got 70% off on a few items, had lunch, hit a consignment shop on the way home. All in all a nice day. Now have supper in the oven and expect my guys in about an hour.

Plan on spending a quite evening reading and pretending that I am listening to DH about what he is reading about on his forum "Ag Talk". I know, I'm bad. You all have a great evening.

Yeah, good to know exactly what is going on and have a plan of attack. Youngest sister, 12 yrs younger, has exact same diagnosis and has responded well to the epidural injections. Waiting anxiously for them to call me to schedule an appt.! Hip pain acting up again this week. Took 3 Ibuprofen, cup of strong coffee.. instant Starbucks, and NSAID ointment Rx Dr. gave me yesterday to get through choir practice!! Figured the caffeine in the coffee would augment the Ibuprofen and Rx! It was okay!

When are you going to AZ??? It's just a hop, skip and a jump to Palm Springs from there!!! LOL! You can probably get a library card from other areas and check out audio books online. I can get them from my library in WA or here in CA.... except it's not too easy to figure out the format and how to get it on my iPod! But, if you can have someone help you figure it out, it's a great way to have access to a larger inventory of books.

My DH has just gone to the pool. I enjoy that time in the evening when he's gone so, I'm BAD, too!! LOL! Except the dog won't leave me alone! First she wanted treats, now she wants me to play. I should say, first she wanted to get on my lap and give me lots of kisses. I had my ears and nose cleaned quite thoroughly. Then I thought she was just kind of enjoying snuggling on my shoulder when in reality, she'd found a kleenex on my little armchair table and was busily shredding it and eating it! Fished some out of her mouth and cleaned up the rest off my shoulder, etc! Turkey! Now she's attacking her little squeaky football. The longer she amuses herself and doesn't make me throw it the happier I'll be! Not in me to play much tonight!

Have I shared the saga of the Red Hat Doll??? That was yesterday morning's adventure. Photos on FB. Let's just say, my Red Hat doll is now missing half of her purple boa and there was a purple feather explosion all over the front of the Rv.

Sounds like you had a great time with your friend. Completely enjoyed my time with Janet on Monday. Found a few bargains, and even had one store ask me if it was my birthday month which gave me an extra 20% discount!!

DH thinks he wants to go to Vegas for a few days. Ever since he realized that it's not that long of a drive from here, he wants to go. He though Dec., but I think Dec. is too busy, so maybe Jan. I'll be needing a "lift me up" after DD & SIL leave.. they are coming for 10 days over Christmas and I am SO excited about that!

You know what? I haven't said this lately...just slipped my mind. I love ya all!


Well all I decided not to do my second walk today, I am pretty sore. So gonna give these muscles the afternoon off! I'll be back at it tomorrow:wink:!

Tonight is taco night:biggrin: I used to eat 3 or 4 before, but now I am down to 1 and a half:rolleyes2:. I'll be glad when I'm down to 1.

The weather here is absolutely beautiful in the high 60's and not a cloud in the sky, and I can see all the mountians sooo clearly.

Oh almost forgot I had a nsv today as I was sitting on the couch I crossed my legs (wow) that is the first time I have been able to do that in a while:thumbup:.

I guess that is all for today, hope everyone has a warm comfey evening.


P.S. Is there a way to upload a picture to this or do I have to put it on my signature?:(

LOL! I remember the first time I could cross my legs. Happened at book club last winter! Shocked me that I was sitting there with my legs crossed.

Add photo by clicking on the little paper clip thingy above your post when you're finished typing. A box will pop up. Click on "browse", find your photo, click on it and then click on the "upload" button. You can add up to 5 pictures at a time. When you're done and they are all uploaded, you just close the box, then click on "submit" button at the bottom of your post and they will appear like magic!!

GF ditched me for dinner too. Anyway, DH text me and he got an early flight. He is on his way home, but the traffic is awful. I think Houston traffic must be close to being as bad as LA. Chris would probably know.

Oh, I did finish most of my Christmas shopping today. I bought all the Gkids sweaters. I took back the Pj's. Kohl's is having a super sale. I got everything on sale plus 30% off and 40 cash bucks I can spend on Monday.

Apples....Y'all didn't beat me up.......You just care. You know prophecy is someone telling you something God has already told you in your heart. I am just surrounded by prophets. Cool!

"when you know better you do better." Oprahism....I have never forgotten that. Sometimes it just takes me a while to get it in my thick skull.

You people with your Christmas shopping all done are really ticking me off!!! LOL!

Shame on your friend for ditching you today! Uncalled for!~!

Things are still playing havoc with my emotions. Don't know if it's med change or what! I am physically full but thinking about what else I can have to eat tonight!! SICK!! DH fixed pork chop, spinach and small container of no sugar added applesauce for dinner. I am FULL! But thinking about how soon I can have one of my 70 calorie puddings!! Don't know what is going on. Cravings and wanting to eat so accelerated last 10 days or so. I think I need to play some computer games. They keep me distracted!! So if you see all these Cube game notifications on my FB profile, that's why!!!


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You people with your Christmas shopping all done are really ticking me off!!! LOL!

Shame on your friend for ditching you today! Uncalled for!~!

Things are still playing havoc with my emotions. Don't know if it's med change or what! I am physically full but thinking about what else I can have to eat tonight!! SICK!! DH fixed pork chop, spinach and small container of no sugar added applesauce for dinner. I am FULL! But thinking about how soon I can have one of my 70 calorie puddings!! Don't know what is going on. Cravings and wanting to eat so accelerated last 10 days or so. I think I need to play some computer games. They keep me distracted!! So if you see all these Cube game notifications on my FB profile, that's why!!!


Phyl, I feel your hunger. That is what I am going through too. I need to drag out my sewing to occupy my mind. Shopping does it, but I have limits.

Yeah, GF is notorious for ditching when it is my idea, but I need that kick in the head to remind me not to ask her to go anywhere with me. She has serious problems right now.....best I just stay away and pray.

We are going to Vegas next week. Don't you remember? lol We are going to take a tour of the Grand Canyon. I think it is a 9 hour bus tour, but we like for other people to drive around mountains.

Oh yes, I will be playing HAYWIRE!!! I got cheated last month. I was supposed to hit the jackpot on Wheel of Fortune. I will do it this time!

Jessica, that was so wrong of the doctor to talk in front of your son. I would call the therapist you liked and get her to recommend another therapist.

Good going on school. I'm glad Jacob is doing well too.

Kelly, yeah, crossing your legs is such a good feeling. WTG on your weight loss!

Eva, got a beautiful hand made card today......loved it!!! I got my Olympus camera today. I think it will be easy to use. I am taking it to the Grand Canyon.

Lori, I have my centerpiece on my dining room table. I am going to get my tree and ornaments down after we get back or on Thanksgiving. I don't think I am cooking this year. The kids go to inlaws or vacations every other year, but we always gather on Christmas Day. There is a new Grandbaby this year and girlfriend with two kids. That makes twenty-five of us. You see why we only gather once or twice a year.

Apples, enjoy your quiet evening!

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Arlene, I went to the movie for ya this afternoon. After reading about you going to a movie, DH came home early and it sounded fun. Though we went and saw a different movie, Morning Glories. I liked it. I think DH did too. Most of the audience was our age, too funny. Harrison Ford is pretty good in the movie I thought. Then we went to costco and bought some new lights to put on the house. Gonna get our 'ho ho on' tomorrow. DH is willing to haul out the Christmas 'junk' as he calls it. LOL Glad you didn't feel beat up. Everyone here just cares so much for one another and wants to see everyone succeed.

i love that hohoho part! ;}

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Go to post reply (not the quick one) and click on the little paperclip. It will allow you to upload photos. 5 max and there are MB limits, but it shows that when the box opens to do the attachments.

So what are you going to show us?

Thank you Ocotillo! ;}

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Well all I tried like a "son-of -a-gun" to eat two tacos but gave up half way through my second.....gave the rest to my mom.

Just wanted to see if head hunger was a thing and I can definitely say it's not the thing....as soon as I got full, I was done. P.S. IndioGirl I was listening very careful to my tummy!

I hope these pics turn out, this is my walking demon....when we walk together the leash just floats in my hand:biggrin:!

Edited by kellyodoran

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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