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Kelly...that's a lot of service to our country in your family. 4 tours in Vietnam is the one the stuck out with me. Amazing.

Good going on the walk. The more weight you lose, the easier it will get. We don't have to run to get the exercise. I've never deducted the calories from a workout. Just set what I thought it would take to lose a couple of pounds a week and went from there. There were days every couple of weeks that I went over the usual intake but that was with my "planned treat days". Just a thought.

You are doing great and nice to have you here and for you to have a place to post your daily routine. Makes a way for us to be accountable.

Kelly, I agree 100% with Apples on the walking. Walking is a great low impact way to get some exercise in and you don't need a gym membership or any fancy equipment to do it. WTG! :)

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Arlene...Albert Lea is about 5 hours from where I live. And, I'll be around this weekend. Didn't see that question till now. It's a working weekend for us and all until the ground freezes hard. Don't mind though. I get so much free time during the summer.

Julie...hope tomorrow is a better day.

Just vegging with DH tonight. popcorn time pretty soon. The dog has been sitting in his "popcorn place" for about an hour. I can't make him or my tummy wait much longer.

Heading out with a friend tomorrow for a shopping day. Have an extra guy working so he can run if my men need parts. Really looking forward to the day. Have not been able to spend time with this friend for a loooooooong time. She was the one we did the benefit for in late Sept. Her DD was so very sick all spring and summer. It will be a great day for her also (not only cuz she's with me) just because she has not had any time for herself for so very long.

Have a good evening

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Hey gang, Just checking in. Everything is going really well right now. I am getting a little bit of a rest from all the school work. Getting ready for it to kick back up again though. My grades are pretty good. I am usually above average compared to the rest of the class. I can't wait for this semester to end. It is the most difficult of them all. Atleast that's what the professors say. I think it's because we are trying to balance 4 classes. Next semester will be differnt. I just can't believe I have come this far. If I woke up tommorrow and had to drop out I would still be very proud for making it to this point.

Had a fill tuesday. Lost another 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. The doc is happy with my progress as far as weight goes. He just thinks my mentality is screwed up. How do you build self esteem for yourself? I don't really know how to stop feeling the way I feel. How is it my classmates describe me as "happy all the time" and yet my doc can see right through it. Don't know but I got alot to think about. That new therapist I tried awhile back was horrible. My hubby even tried her out and agrees with me. So I quit going. I really miss my old one. She left town though I am considering driving out to see her. Maybe if my surgeon had seen how bad off I was 3 years ago he would understand the progress I have made.

Jake is doing great on the new dose of adderall. No more complaints from school. We are talking with a therapist about that too.

Miss yall.

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Here is my "diddy" for the evening!

It seems like when I was young I was stupid and thought I was smart and knew it all.

Then I got a little older and thought I was smarter, but didn't know it all....I still thought I could do it all!

Now I know I'm older, I know I'm smarter, but question the fact "if" I can do it all.

Because I'm sooo stuborn, it completes this cycly.

Back to knowing I'm not invinsible, but still with a mind set of there is nothing I can't do.

So I think maybe I'll just go ahead and just do it!

Life is crazy!

Love, Kelly:confused:

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Kelly, ditto to that diddy. You are doing great, keep it up.

Julie, hugs on your pain again.

Apples, have fun on your outing tomorrow.

Arlene, Glad you researched that fill before you did it.

Linda, glad to see you post. Nice to see Katie is doing better.

Jessica, keep up the good work. You are a success now, you don't have to build it.


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Good Evening Gang..

Jessica - Hugs - Keeping looking..

Kelly - Don't deduct your exercise calories - you bank them - that's how you will lose the weight....

Loved your ditty ;0)

Great - Do you really hate SLC that much or just missing your kids

Apples - They invented this thing called a mop a while back - why dont you use one - or get yourself a steamer ;0) I ordered one from QVC - getting grout cleaned and going to see if that helps keep it cleaner..

Julie - I think you need to find out what's going on - if you have to get a morphine shot - Girl you can't be on all these drugs... What happened w/Mayo - You are really going to become an addict..

Charlene - busted ??? so you aren't eating good ???

Well here's my ditty

Hope is a word you use when you have no control over a situation - I hope she shows up on time to go shopping with me..

We don't use the word hope when speaking of ourselves as we have control over ourselves !!!

We don't say I hope to not to eat that candy today - you control that - I will not eat that candy today...

Back from the gym - nothing sounds good to eat - do you ever get bored w/food - not that I don't want to eat - but nothing really seems exciting..

Really I just want some popcorn... So that may just be my dinner tonite..

Thanks to the pple who protect our country..

My Dad was in the Airforce - WWII

My Uncle in the Airforce - during peaceful time :0)

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Evening all!!!

Just got back a little bit ago from a 1 mile walk with Debbie and our 2 papillons babies. WE had a really good walk. This is really the first time I have exercised since the surgery. I felt great but the puppies were getting tired so we had to cut it short. I wanted to go two miles. Debbie has done the 3day cancer walk a couple times. I am wanting to do it nest year. Its 60 miles, so i had better start training now.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening



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I'm up with my pain again..... I wish it would just let me sleep.................. I took tylenol now and hope it will ease up in a bit..... I'm waiting to here about an appointment with a rheumatologist...... I just sure know that I don't feel well now at all...... Didn't eat much again on Thursday..... You'd think I'd be losing, but not yet.... My stomach is nauseous and I'm belching all the time... Over the past 15 months my pain has taken different forms..... some worse than others.... This is a bad one.... And I've done nothing different... I don't know if the pain and my not feeling well otherwise are connected or not..... Really hope to find that out sometime soon.... Something has got to give soon... And, Janet, I'm not an addict..... But when I can take it no longer I have to do something and the ER and a shot of morphine is about all there is to do... It's been 8 months since I had to do that last......DH and I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and will have Mimi with us... Thank goodness DH will be along.... I couldn't do it alone....

Linda, thanks for the tip... Arlene, that darn Flexeril made me gain before I put a stop to it... I'm going to ask about any new meds before taking them.... Can't have the weight come back.... Not after all I've been through......

Apples, you'll be up soon I suspect.... have a great day with your friend.... Supposed to be nice here today... high in the 40's....

TX, glad you are doing so well..... walking is great for you and now you have a goal... this is good...

Sandy, you have set a big goal for yourself... best of luck with accomplishing that.... I'm sure you can do it..

Jessica, you're doing great..... finding the right councelor can be tough... good luck with that... Glad Jake is doing so much better now.... take care and don't forget to keep in touch....

Cheri, glad you are back to your comfort zone....

Kelly, welcome to our group.... this is a great place to make wonderful friends... Look forward to getting to know you better... I've been absent alot lately because of my medical issues.....

Arlene, sorry you didn't get your fill..... My PA never denied me when I asked.... even if it was just a little bit....Let's hope her advice helps and you can get one next time....

Laura K, hope all is well.... have you seen this last guy again??? Lots of luck.... I'm so glad I'm not out there in the single world..... I'd never make it..... Just enjoy yourself and the rest will fall into place....

Laura, I'm sure you had a busy day.... Thank goodness for your neighbor to watch Nelson....

Everyone else, know that I'm thinking of you... Will catch up again later.... Must go try to sleep now... Hugs and prayers for all..... Julie

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Hi all, I went to Floida last week and got a fill. Ever since I have had pain under my left rib cage. The fill is working, I really needed it, had only .8cc in the band, I think it leaks out???? She filled me to 2.2, I def have restriction, maybe for the first time ever...but why does it have to come at such a cost? The pain is terrible, and I can not even take a deep breath. Any suggestions?


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Hi all, I went to Floida last week and got a fill. Ever since I have had pain under my left rib cage. The fill is working, I really needed it, had only .8cc in the band, I think it leaks out???? She filled me to 2.2, I def have restriction, maybe for the first time ever...but why does it have to come at such a cost? The pain is terrible, and I can not even take a deep breath. Any suggestions?


Kimberly, I would definitely call the doctor. That kind of pain is not normal for a band. HUGS!

Sheriff Janet,......I have been eating too much of everything. I quit journaling. I've been kidding myself thinking all this exercise would take care of the calories.....NOT! I do think I need a fill, but I will journal, exercise, and stay within my calorie range till December 11. then prove to her and myself I really do need a fill. The receptionist told me that a girl got a fill the day before. She had not had one in a year. She had to come back the next day and got it out....was not able to eat. I just think the PA(all she does is fills) is just being safe. So, I have to do my part.......then next month she can do hers. I think I am going to start going to the dietitian once a month for another accountability tool. You are my daily, but I need someone to get in my face.

Julie, I know I have said this before, but I wonder if your pain may be coming from your abdominal adhesions. I am glad you are going to a new doctor. Never hurts to have a fresh pair of eyes checking it out. HUGS!

Chris, good for you on the walking. You will heal so much faster.

Peeps, gotta go walk. I am going to go see Denzel's new movie today......then out to eat with a friend. Plan, salad(dressing on the side) and a sweet potato.

Breakfast- oatmeal, eggwhites

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TGIF....that phrase means nadda to me since I have not worked for years but it's for all of you that need a break from your work routine.

Arlene...you seemed to be better off when you had your appts with the nutritionist and had to be accountable on a weekly basis. I know for myself, if I wouldn't have had those bi-weekly and then monthly check-ins with my LB doc, I don't think I would have done as well. Since you are unable to attend the meetings try to either find another one to attend or try to make things work so you can attend the one that did work for you. It's time to think of you. Arrange YOUR time without thinking of what you need to do for others and go back to those weekly meetings that worked for you. You can do for others when it fits your routine. (This is my lecture for the day...down off my Soup box).

Jessica...please don't let someone tell you how YOU are feeling on the inside. He may be a doctor but he is not a God. Only you know what is on the inside. He may think he is right on with his judgements but if you know he not, just blow off his comments. My take on it is that he's being an A$$.

Congrats on your grades and for all you have accomplished this last your. This mother hen is so proud of you.

Janet...I have one of those floor cleaners. I only do the down on the knees scrubbing spring and fall. The cleaner does not get into groves and it may as well go into the dumpster. All it is good for is sucking the Water back up. It gave me a good workout (which doesn't hurt anybody) and I use knee pads.

Love your hope ditty. It's soooooooo important the way a person talks to themselves. In certain situations hope can be a negative word.

Kelly....good morning....hope you have a good day. Ooops...strike that last sentence...You WILL have a good day.

Hi LauraK...have a good weekend.

Laura...saw request for recruitment at your clinic...if I didn't live so far away, I'd sign up.

Phyll...how are you doing? Big plans for the weekend.

Julie....hoping you get into the new doc soon. My hope is that he just takes everything you are on and starts over. Those meds have to be affecting your system on many levels. It's been months and months with many different doctors and on doesn't know what the other is treating you for. If you could just have one follow it all the way through and push for putting their finger on what it is that is causing your trouble. I would be a wicked by now and insisting on answers. If there wasn't one provided, I'd be moving on and pushing with another doc.

Great...what's your plans for Thanksgiving???? We will be spending it on the 27th with DH's family...kind of a TG/Christmas party b/4 FIL takes off for AZ for the winter. I still might cook for my little family on Thurs...not sure. Gotta call the girlfriend. DS's mind is too much into work and cannot give me an answer.

TX...I like your attitude about shooting for the 60 mile walk. I've thought of doing the 60 mile bike ride. I'd have to have my rear fitted extra padding though. Love to bike but have not found the ideal bike seat. Have tried many.

Cheri...sounds like you are doing good except for the gassy problem. Hopefully, that will ease and go away. Surprise quacks are no fun.

Well...better get going. Got my DKNY black skinny jeans on with a boiled wool sweater and my boots. Cold today.

You all have a good one!

Edited by Apples2

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Good morning! I think I am finally caught up on some sleep and am looking forward to my first weekend totally at home since we went to Las Vegas. I love the travel but need to take a breather I guess. I am hoping to convince DH to get some of our Christmas boxes out. They got stashed below the steps downstairs by the movers and I am not really sure if it's all there or not. Probably won't put up stuff yet other than maybe my village but I want to know where it all is. Also want to get my shopping done before Thanksgiving or while in Denver for Thanksgiving, since we are driving then. That way I don't have to worry about packing it for the flight when we fly for Christmas.

Apples, all I know is we are driving to Denver for Thanksgiving beyond that not sure. I figure there will be a family gathering somewhere with DH's family. DD is committed to going to her inlaws this year. My big day is the day after and I am goig shopping. I don't have to be up with the birds and go to all the early bird sales but I like just going out and watching people, seeing all the festivities, etc. For sure DD and DH are going with me and hoping DS does as well, but with working for Walmart I am sure he has to work all night Thanksgiving night so he may not be up to it.

Janet, no I don't hate Utah that much. Granted I don't love it here. But I do miss the kids and feel isolated here. I am not Mormon and have no plans of ever being one so am sortta ostrasized by neighbors. They are friendly on the surface but once they know you won't convert they sortta write you off. I do have some very good friends here and that helps a lot and I keep busy. The isolation feels even more so when DH is travelling so much. I think of getting a job sometimes but then I wouldn't be able to do the travelling I do so it's a catch 22.

Arlene, Dr Lori thinks you do need to have a complete breakup with carbs. They tend to get you in trouble. Some people are more sensitive to them and addicted to them. Also, I don't mean to disagree with Janet, but my doc would disagree with her's. He gives fills if you are losing because he says the band gets looser and it's harder to manage the hunger. Just saying as there are different opinions out there. You, of course, need to do what your dr wants. I'm wondering if I need a tweak. I can sure tell I am eating a bit more. Like one chicken thigh was more than enough before but now I have pieces from a second, etc. But am afraid of reflux as I had that with more before and am perfect now.

Julie, Didn't mayo give you any more options if the therapy didn't help? All those drugs can't be good, but neither is not being able to function because of pain. You've been suffering too long and taking such strong stuff for so long. I wish someone could give you some answers and relief.

Cheri, glad you figured out your gas problems. Enjoy your lighter work day.

Sandy, what a goal! Good luck with it, I know you will complete it in no time.

Laura, all you do for other's, this child's mom can take care of Nelson for you. Especially since you are doing such good for her husbands clinic. No guilt allowed! LOL

Linda, hope things calm down for you soon, miss ya around here.

Eva, do your torts like having mom around more? LOL

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......I have been eating too much of everything. I quit journaling. I've been kidding myself thinking all this exercise would take care of the calories.....NOT! I do think I need a fill, but I will journal, exercise, and stay within my calorie range till December 11. then prove to her and myself I really do need a fill. I think I am going to start going to the dietitian once a month for another accountability tool. You are my daily, but I need someone to get in my face.

Good Morning! You can do this, Arlene! New start TODAY!! For me, too! TOPS weigh in was NOT good yesterday... up like 3 1/2 lb. I'm blaming it on med change and depression last week, but honestly.... think there is some Water weight, too because I just don't feel like I over-indulged. Definitely too much wine on Sunday and Monday, and birthday party Sunday, but I was very careful what I ate. Too many carbs that day, but didn't go crazy. Like 1/2 bagel, some casserole that was eggs, asparagus, cheese, chicken. 3 shrimp w/cocktail sauce, couple of bites of kielbasa and onions, and a small piece of cake w/ice cream. That was the only day I really blew it.

OH, well... like I said... new start today.

Spine doc went over MRI with me explaining pictures, etc. Severe disk disease at lumbar region, moderate in neck. I could have a 12 hr surgery that would involve multi-level screws and leave my spine unstable. I don't think so and he didn't recommend it! Pain is just not that bad and it's intermittent. Walked a LOT with Janet on Monday, but not able to walk too far the rest of this week. So, waiting for a call from pain clinic for epidural injection... nerve block, basically. And I have NSAID ointment to apply topically twice a day. Overall, I was not really upset over the diagnosis or the treatment plan. Did opt out of PT because to much of a nuisance to go in for that several times a week and I think the Water aerobics is sufficient. I can change my mind later. Have to go back and see doc in a few weeks.

No big plans for the weekend. Red Hats tomorrow, but "Queen" is sick and "Vice-Queen" taking a LOA so don't know if the meeting will go on with no one to lead it.

Have to work in Activities for 2 hrs this afternoon... but last week when I went there was a sign on the door saying the office was closed for meetings. So... I'll show up and see! Then choir practice after that.

Okay.... been keeping up with posts, but don't have any more time for further responses right now. Love you all. Have to get ready to go to the pool for water aerobics.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

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Janet....yes, we control our choices....not always easy is it? And yes, I get bored with food. There are days I can't figure out what I want to eat and I'm bored with everything. I have to say, being home and staying relaxed (as in not being stressed by anything) is certainly helping some of my food issues. I'm not always making the best choices, but I certainly am not snacking all day and not eating everything but the kitchen sink. This is a breakthrough for me.

Chris, I've thought about doing that 3 day cancer walk too. That is a great goal for next year. Good for you. I take my dog too, but only every other time. She is 11 and I don't want her in pain, but she is building up some muscles too.

Arlene, the walking helps with everything, but it truly doesn't burn that many calories. The only thing that burns a lot of calories, is high intensity aerobics and for some of us, that isn't recommendable (arthritis, impact, etc.) Just keep walking lady....you'll make it.

Julie, I hate seeing you so miserable. Good luck with the next doctor....I really hope they don't find anything too serious, rheumatoid arthritis is a terrible condition.

Jessica, it's so good to hear from you. You are still losing weight and doing well at school. I'm so proud of you. You won't drop out and by the time you graduate, your self esteem will have improved just by having this accomplishment. Completing something as big as this is a great boost to your self.

Kelly, really liked your little ditty. You are so up-beat, it's nice to read your posts...especially since they are large enough.

Cheri, sounds like your week is winding down. Do you have plans for the weekend or are you just relaxing. Sorry about the gas issues....I belch a lot but not so much from the other side...just mornings after I take the Fiber. Your chemistry is just making you produce gas with everything.

Lori, I guess I'm not the shopper....I can't stand to be in the crowds on black Friday. Have fun doing your Christmas decorating. I can't do that either until after Thanksgiving. The tortoises could care less if I was around or not...just feed them and they do their own thing. Now the dog on the other hand is one happy old girl. She gets to go outside a lot more and goes on walks. The cat....well, she is a cat, so who knows.

Phyl, the surgery is scary and especially if it's going to make you more unstable? Yuck. So why don't you step in and fill in for the Red Hats. I bet you would do great as a pinch hitter. Have fun in Water aerobics!

Yesterday was a busy day for me...had shopping and errands to do then Ron came over and we had work. Ron is the person I got the new job from or through is a better term. He's the one providing the info that needs to go in the spreadsheets. He still doesn't have everything together, but we went over a few things and I did get some hours yesterday and have a little bit to do today.

The library was closed yesterday, so I went this morning and pickup 8 more audio books for the road. 4,000 miles will require a lot of audio books. I bet I'll be sick of the trip by the time it's over, but I sure am looking forward to it now.

Okay, I have to get back to my job. I'll try and check in later.


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Arlene, the walking helps with everything, but it truly doesn't burn that many calories. The only thing that burns a lot of calories, is high intensity aerobics and for some of us, that isn't recommendable (arthritis, impact, etc.) Just keep walking lady....you'll make it.

Good Morning! You can do this, Arlene! New start TODAY!! For me, too! TOPS weigh in was NOT good yesterday... up like 3 1/2 lb. I'm blaming it on med change and depression last week, but honestly.... think there is some Water weight, too because I just don't feel like I over-indulged. Definitely too much wine on Sunday and Monday, and birthday party Sunday, but I was very careful what I ate. Too many carbs that day, but didn't go crazy. Like 1/2 bagel, some casserole that was eggs, asparagus, cheese, chicken. 3 shrimp w/cocktail sauce, couple of bites of kielbasa and onions, and a small piece of cake w/ice cream. That was the only day I really blew it.

OH, well... like I said... new start today.

Arlene, Dr Lori thinks you do need to have a complete breakup with carbs. They tend to get you in trouble. Some people are more sensitive to them and addicted to them. Also, I don't mean to disagree with Janet, but my doc would disagree with her's. He gives fills if you are losing because he says the band gets looser and it's harder to manage the hunger. Just saying as there are different opinions out there. You, of course, need to do what your dr wants. I'm wondering if I need a tweak. I can sure tell I am eating a bit more. Like one chicken thigh was more than enough before but now I have pieces from a second, etc. But am afraid of reflux as I had that with more before and am perfect now.

Arlene...you seemed to be better off when you had your appts with the nutritionist and had to be accountable on a weekly basis. I know for myself, if I wouldn't have had those bi-weekly and then monthly check-ins with my LB doc, I don't think I would have done as well. Since you are unable to attend the meetings try to either find another one to attend or try to make things work so you can attend the one that did work for you. It's time to think of you. Arrange YOUR time without thinking of what you need to do for others and go back to those weekly meetings that worked for you. You can do for others when it fits your routine. (This is my lecture for the day...down off my Soup box).

I agree.......with all! I did do better going,but the time is not good for me. I could get out of picking up DGD. Kelly is doing much better. The rush hour traffic starts on that side town early. And to tell you the truth......I really am not connected to the support group. It has changed since I started in March.....three times. I am gonna start going to their dietitian that deals with the surgery patients. I will see her once a month starting in January. The ladies in the support group have not had surgery. Yes, all the emotional stuff is the same, but their diet is different. I have done good today by journaling food, calories, and Proteins. I walked 2 miles too.

My friend ditched on the movie, but we are going out to eat.......salad, 3oz steak, and sweet potato. I may ditch the sweet potato.

This is my friend that had gastric bypass when I had the band. We don't see each other much. She has started going to a counselor for her unhappiness. She thought weight loss and plastic surgery would make her happy.....wrong. Now she blames her husband of 42 years. At least she is seeing someone. Hopefully, she can do the work necessary to love herself or her hubby will be the next thing she loses.....just saying......

Later peeps!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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