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Good morning. Waiting for my flight to denver to spend the day with grandma. Had a great time in Memphis. I finished my 50 state Quest, told dh i need to work on Europe countries or something next be just rolled his eyes. Also we did go to Graceland. Very interesting, the upstairs of the house was off limits. We got to go in his airplanes too. It all looked so old and dated and was probably the ultimate in it's day. Last night we strolled Brake street and had the best ribs ever ar BB kings. And janet would be so proud of me, i went down and swam 10 laps in the pool. I forgot workout clothes and sneakers but had a bathing suit thinking hot tub but i swam. I freaked dh out though he got back to the room from his meeting and couldn't find me. I had walked back to the hotel alone and he was worried something happened. Good to know he worries about me. Lol

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Hey all~

Didn't get to catch up on all the posts, but still wanted to put a quick post. It's cold here- 40s last night. We just aren't used to this weather. Not sure if it's the weather- or one night we ate dinner late (and too much). I didn't PB but felt full (not stuck even). Went to bed and 10 min. after I fell asleep I felt acid in my throat. I coughed for an hour and felt like I was choking and (felt like) I aspirated. So, this went on for 3 nights, EVEN with not eating ANYTHING past 530pm. I increased my prilosec to two times a day. Was taking the carafate liquid Rx at night to coat my esophagus. Well, it is continuing. Called my dr and they wanted a COMPLETE unfill. I absolutely refuse. I mean, COME ON, before the holidays... a complete unfill??????? WTF. So we compromised and took out 1cc with strict orders for no caffeine (basically ulcer diet) and liquids after 4pm for a week. Last night was a DREAM. He thinks I am eating too much quantity in the pm meal. Said we should only be eating 1/2 cup. SIGH. But I am terribly worried about the long term side effects of GERD and the band. So, following drs orders for a week. If it returns will get an unfill until healed. He was "pleased" with my weight- I had not seen him since the last fill. Had actually lost a few lbs. Was 220 when I saw him last and 214 on their scale yesterday. We had (for my dr) a long discussion of maintenance and the plateau... and testing the limits, etc. He said it is NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL. He said most bandsters do it at some point. He said he feels I will lose more based on the initial motivation, success, and adherence to the "change in lifestyle". He said I have lost 60% of excess body weight and thinks I can do 70-75. He wants to see me 190ish by March. (at my 2 yr. appt).

ok guys, time to go to my "room mom" job. : )

A few pics from the father/son weekend.

Promise to respond to posts tonight. Too much to say and not enough time to do it right.

more later...peasout.

Edited by peascorps

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Good Morning Gang...

Laura - Testing the limits - know all about that one ;0) my popcorn at night - was full from dinner - but had the muchies - ate popcorn.. Yep if you get your mind wrapped around it you can lose some more.. It's not really that hard - just remember why you got banded - but I guess the most important part - is do you want to lose more - are you happy where you are at. That's the real question.. As you know it's all about our food choices & exercise ;0)

It's 55 this morning - heard that we are suppose to be in the 40's tonight (middle of the night) 76 today - boot weather for me ;0)..

Great - WTG on swimming - proud of you - I would love some of those ribs ;0)

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Good morning peeps! I had coffee this morning with Protein drink, walked, and now just finished oatmeal with raisins.....I am hooked. I think I could go on a oatmeal diet for awhile.

Janet, My back is hurting......so the weather is going to change. It is a beautiful day today.....showers tomorrow. I am still going to get a fill even if it is just slight.

Oh I dropped a1/2lb. Every ounce counts.

Off to Sam's this morning to buy a case of diapers for DGD. Then going to dinner with a friend.....yep, mexican. I think I will have a chicken fajita salad.


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Hey all~

Didn't get to catch up on all the posts, but still wanted to put a quick post. It's cold here- 40s last night. We just aren't used to this weather. Not sure if it's the weather- or one night we ate dinner late (and too much). I didn't PB but felt full (not stuck even). Went to bed and 10 min. after I fell asleep I felt acid in my throat. I coughed for an hour and felt like I was choking and (felt like) I aspirated. So, this went on for 3 nights, EVEN with not eating ANYTHING past 530pm. I increased my prilosec to two times a day. Was taking the carafate liquid Rx at night to coat my esophagus. Well, it is continuing. Called my dr and they wanted a COMPLETE unfill. I absolutely refuse. I mean, COME ON, before the holidays... a complete unfill??????? WTF. So we compromised and took out 1cc with strict orders for no caffeine (basically ulcer diet) and liquids after 4pm for a week. Last night was a DREAM. He thinks I am eating too much quantity in the pm meal. Said we should only be eating 1/2 cup. SIGH. But I am terribly worried about the long term side effects of GERD and the band. So, following drs orders for a week. If it returns will get an unfill until healed. He was "pleased" with my weight- I had not seen him since the last fill. Had actually lost a few lbs. Was 220 when I saw him last and 214 on their scale yesterday. We had (for my dr) a long discussion of maintenance and the plateau... and testing the limits, etc. He said it is NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL. He said most bandsters do it at some point. He said he feels I will lose more based on the initial motivation, success, and adherence to the "change in lifestyle". He said I have lost 60% of excess body weight and thinks I can do 70-75. He wants to see me 190ish by March. (at my 2 yr. appt).

ok guys, time to go to my "room mom" job. : )

A few pics from the father/son weekend.

Promise to respond to posts tonight. Too much to say and not enough time to do it right.

more later...peasout.

Laura, so sorry for the problems. I'm not saying this is part of your problems, but when I was your age and pre menopausal I went through a year of what I call "itisis" I took pepcid, carafate.....basically anything to calm my gut. Then I took a .5 xanax and presto I was cured. Menopause can send your system into a tailspin.

You are where I want to be on weight. My goal next year is Onederland.

Take Care! You are so active you will do fine will a little less fill.

Love the Pics! Nels is just so cute.

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Good Morning All....

Janet and Phyll...glad you had a good day together. What a nice thing for Phyll's DH to have dinner made for you. And, way to go on the good deals, Phyll.

Laura...congrats on the wieghtloss. Nice that you were able to visit with your doc on your feelings about your testing the limits, maintenance and what you want to shoot for as far as weightloss. I think he is setting a reasonable goal for March. Gives you a number to keep in your mind and it isn't an overwhelming own. You have had a lot of stress in your life this past year and have done well to not gain, maintain and now to find out you have even lost. That has to give you that "kick" to want to get to the numbers he would like to see you at.

I am hoping that this unfill does it for you. I don't have a lot of fill in my band and have never experienced a true relux since banding. But, I need to be ever vigilant not to eat anything too rich at my evening meal. Just doesn't set right. Maybe try to stay away from any fats with your evening meal and try to do as doc says and watch your portion. I am the opposite of how Janet eats. I get 3/4 of my calories in by 2pm. It's just something I need to do for my body to fuel my physical activity I do during the day. Anyway, hope this unfill resolves the problem. No fun.

Tied to the farm this morning. Not sure if I have ever mentioned it but DH and his buddy invented a farm implement in 1986 and they have been sold all over the US up until 2 yrs ago. Well, this is the time of year they are being used and we sell parts for maintaining them. Either I ship the parts out or if a farmer lives close enough, he will come to our farm to pick it up. The pickle is....I've never known a farmer to be anywhere he says he is going to be at the time he says he will be there. So, even though I should be leaving to do a banking, errands, etc., I sit and wait. I know I am the most impatient person God put on this earth but I don't think he put me on this earth to make me sit and wait. Ugh! Whine, whine, whine. There, got that done for the day!

We have ANOTHER wake and funeral Wed/Thurs. DH's best buddy's mother passed away. Him and his wife left (driving) for AZ on Friday and she passed on Sunday. They had to do a turn around. "They" say things come in 3's....I'd like to let "They" know we are well over a dozen for the year and it can stop now.

Beautiful day here in MN. Sun is shining. Aha...my guy is here for his part. You all have a good day.

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Good afternoon everyone,

well I just got back from my walk and am having a bite to eat. I was in town this morning, had to take a physical and get a tb test done before I start, I am on a scholarship and I guess it is required.

WELCOME, Kelly!! I know EXACTLY where you live!! We have very good friends in Three Rivers that we usually visit twice a year.. .on our way south for the winter and again in the spring when we're headed back home to WA state. In fact, we'll be there for Thanksgiving in a few weeks. Jacki loves to drag me around to all the 2nd hand stores in your area. Have you ever been to "Grandpa's"??? She LOVES that place and I've been there with her several times. She carries "wet ones" in her car so we can clean our hands before we get back in the car when we go there!! LOL! Angelica Huston lives across the street from her and she's been told that "Grandpa's" is HER favorite place to shop, too!!

Phyl, if it's a thrift store I have been there, I have been thrift storing it for years! So yes I have been to "Grandpa's". Pretty much from Bakersfield to Fresno there isn't one I haven't hit!:crying:

I grew up in Springville and live below it, and it really is very beautiful. Three Rivers and Springville are very similar.

Well all I do like this thread and you all are very welcoming! So all for now, I am making stew for dinner tonight it is very crisp out, and that puts me in the mood for a little comfort food (notice I said a little IndioGirl):).

I shall be talking to you soon!


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Kelly...do you get that hour walk in every day?

I make a lot of stews and chilis. So easy to break them down into one to one and a half cup and throw in the freezer or leave in the frig for lunch for the week. Janet (Indiogirl) our leader makes one she named "One Pot Wonder". Acutally dishes like that have everything we need in it.

Hopefully, your winters aren't too bad and you can continue to get out and walk. Or do you do a treadmill then?

Edited by Apples2

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Most days I walk 30 min., but lately since I am home all day, I say what the heck I might as well go twice a day, while I can! When school starts Jan.20th....I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit two walks a day in. And since the weather is not too hot any more, I just say what the heck, and try for two times a day.

Plus since I have only had two small fills, it allowes me to eat a little bit more!

I get my third fill in 2 weeks and am very excited, because I'm sure it will really kick in my weight loss.:)

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Kelly...looks like you have done great so far in the weightloss department. Did you lose some prior to surgery? Do you feel like you have some restriction or are you getting hungry?

Just me being snoopy....

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Apples2, I don't think you are being snoopy at all. I did not really have a pre-surgery diet, just 24 hours of liqueds, then my surgery got bumped up unexpectedly:eek:, So I barely had 24 hours of liqueds. I was self-pay. My weight at surgery was 262, and now I'm 224. I have very little restriction so basically I am dieting. It has been tough, and of course I have had my bad days too, but I am determined to do this, and if I am bad I walk it off (literally):). I have never really been a "junk-food junkie", but it's the whole volume thing. Picture the lion in the cage pacing back and forth type thing.

Plus, I am a journaling fool:cool:! Writting every single thing down, what, when, grams of protien, calories, etc. etc.


Edited by kellyodoran

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Kelly....the key word in your post is when you said you are "determined" to do this. There are going to be those bad days even with restriction. If a banded person can stay away from the sliders, those bad days would not be so frequent.

Sounds like you are looking forward to a bit more restriction. My advice to you, and I am sure others on here will agree, take it little by little with the fills. You don't want to be too filled.

My guess is that most bansters with what they consider good restriction, have days when they are hungrier than most. Just be prepared for those days. Planning and having good/healthy choices on hand really helps in situations like that.

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Hi everyone, I wayyyy behind on reading -- only up to Nov. 2 so I'm not current. Just wanted to check in and say hi and that I'm fine -- had a work "thing" last week that kept me busier than I expected -- put in about 14 hour days and no time on the computer. It was a challenge food wise (as we ate out every lunch and dinner and they ALWAYS ordered appetizers, drinks AND desserts). I managed to do okay but boy, it was a struggle - I did exercise everyday to avoid problems and came out okay. When I got back home (out of town Mon - Thurs.), we had Aylah's b-day dinner on Thurs. and then a party on Sat. so have been busy, busy and busy back at work this week. My computer at home is really horrible and I can't get on the internet easily, so I need to work on that -- it takes forever so I haver pretty much given up using it at home. Still under warranty though so need to find the time to get Dell troubleshooters on the phone and get it up to normal -- it was too expensive for this to happen and less than 2 years old. It's frustrating cause I'm not a great techie like some of you. A few months ago I got a virus on it and managed to get rid of it (or at least I thought I did) but obviously it's not fixed cause I can't load pics or even navigate most websites.

Pics of the wedding were wonderful Julie -- you all looked gorgeous - loved the pics of the little ones too -- so precious, they sure look alike enough to be "blood" sisters. You and Hubby looked great and of course the bride was beautiful. Loved her dress. food looked fabulous too.

Arlene, loved the Halloween pics -- very precious little ones. I'll have to try to post some of Aylah here soon.

I hear ya on the FM issues -- we've had gorgeous weather here but suppoed to turn nasty tomorrow and I have the aches this afternoon -- feel quite lousy right now.

Apples, loved your costumes too -- glad you enjoyed yourself. You kinda looked like Cher. LOL.

Tex - congrats on the weight loss -- and glad your recovery is going well.

Joyce, if you're reading, hope you're having a great time!

Laura love all your pics on FB -- looks like you had a great Halloween. Did I read somewhere that NElson kissed a girl on the LIPS? LOL, he's really a ladies man. LOL. Love it.

Lori, glad you got some shopping in and enjoyed your DS's visit - I know how tough it is to say goodbye -- I do that crying thing myself. DS and DDIL flying in late on Thxg, night and then driving up to her folks on Friday to visit -- so won't have them very long but have food requests. LOL. I'm just glad to spend even a little time with them as they are so busy. Her dad had bypass surgery and she's homesick so they decided to fly in at the last minute.

Janet, glad you had a good visit with your DS. Sorry for the circumstances, hope all is going okay with her. Will keep you both in my thoughts/prayers.

Cheri, hope all is well with you.

Well, I must go, I promise to try to write more soon. -- I will keep reading until I get caught up.

Love you all, sorry if I missed some of you -- just running out of time.



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OMG...sooooooooooo good to see your post, Linda. I missed you and your participation in the thread. Sounds like you have had a crazy/busy last couple of weeks. Congrats on maintaining during your challenging food times. Take care.

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Good morning. Waiting for my flight to denver to spend the day with grandma. Had a great time in Memphis. I finished my 50 state Quest, told dh i need to work on Europe countries or something next be just rolled his eyes. Also we did go to Graceland. Very interesting, the upstairs of the house was off limits. We got to go in his airplanes too. It all looked so old and dated and was probably the ultimate in it's day. Last night we strolled Brake street and had the best ribs ever ar BB kings. And janet would be so proud of me, i went down and swam 10 laps in the pool. I forgot workout clothes and sneakers but had a bathing suit thinking hot tub but i swam. I freaked dh out though he got back to the room from his meeting and couldn't find me. I had walked back to the hotel alone and he was worried something happened. Good to know he worries about me. Lol

You do need a new challenge... maybe the Canadian provinces next??! Our son has a friend who is a baseball enthusiast, so he and his wife decided they would go to a game at every major baseball stadium in the country. Baseball was even their wedding theme! You like football... you could do football stadiums! Go to a Bills game in the dead of winter!! I'll go with you!! Mmmmmm.... maybe not!! I remember going to one with family one winter a long time ago.... blankets, thermos bottles full of hot coffee, etc.!

It's 55 this morning - heard that we are suppose to be in the 40's tonight (middle of the night) 76 today - boot weather for me ;0)..

Great - WTG on swimming - proud of you - I would love some of those ribs ;0)

Earl has the heater on when I get up most mornings lately! I don't think it's cold enough for that! He seems to get cold easier than I do these days! Didn't know tomorrow is going to be even colder! And I DO NOT like going off DST!! I'd been taking Zoey to the dog park right after dinner every night. Now it's already dark by then! I walked her when I got home from beading today, but don't think we'll be going to the dog park later!

Janet and Phyll...glad you had a good day together. What a nice thing for Phyll's DH to have dinner made for you. And, way to go on the good deals, Phyll.

Tied to the farm this morning. Not sure if I have ever mentioned it but DH and his buddy invented a farm implement in 1986 and they have been sold all over the US up until 2 yrs ago. Well, this is the time of year they are being used and we sell parts for maintaining them. Either I ship the parts out or if a farmer lives close enough, he will come to our farm to pick it up. The pickle is....I've never known a farmer to be anywhere he says he is going to be at the time he says he will be there. So, even though I should be leaving to do a banking, errands, etc., I sit and wait. I know I am the most impatient person God put on this earth but I don't think he put me on this earth to make me sit and wait. Ugh! Whine, whine, whine. There, got that done for the day!

We have ANOTHER wake and funeral Wed/Thurs. DH's best buddy's mother passed away. Him and his wife left (driving) for AZ on Friday and she passed on Sunday. They had to do a turn around. "They" say things come in 3's....I'd like to let "They" know we are well over a dozen for the year and it can stop now.

Beautiful day here in MN. Sun is shining. Aha...my guy is here for his part. You all have a good day.

Yes, it was very good to get out for the day with Janet. I think I need to plan one afternoon a week out by myself or with a friend. Too much togetherness here!! LOL

Certainly understand your frustration having to wait for people who don't show up when they say they will!!

So sorry for all the funerals/deaths touching your life this year. That has to be hard.

Laura, sounds like exactly what I was experiencing last spring when they took all my fill out. They didn't give me a choice, even though I panicked like you did! My esophagus was stretched, and, yes, probably from eating too much at dinner. They made me "rest" for a month, then put back half, then a little more the following month. Everything was fine after that... no further problems. But, I'm not sure I"m tight enough now!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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