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Welcome aboard Kelly Just jump in

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Good Evening...just made it home from my day out. What a nice day! Got to 58 and sun was shining. Gonna enjoy it while we can.

Got what I went for but couldn't bring it home. Ordered a gun safe online (as I stated this morning) over a week ago and supposed to be free shipping. Well, found out yesterday it is back ordered and the shipping would be $189. Nope. Had to drive an hour one way to get to Fleet Farm where they have the same thing and had to leave it in the store cuz it weighs 450lbs. Will have DH go with me to pick it up in a couple of weeks. All in all a great trip. Except for the dog....he was so tired of momma singing Christmas songs by the time we got home. His ears were down most of the trip. That's what you get when you travel with mom.

Kelly...welcome. We are a nice close group but we love new blood. I know that for me, this was my soft place to fall when I was needing some help. Sounds like you are doing quite well. Also sounds like you live in some interesting country.

Just wanted to say "hi" and better go get dinner on the table. Later.

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Hey gang! I am back from my friend's DH funeral and babysitting for DD. The funeral was in the country town I lived in for 30 years. Alex(friend's DH) was quite the hunter. They had him dressed in his hunting outfit complete with the hat. He had a duck caller(is that what you call it?) in his hand. All the pallbearers wore cammo . One of my friend's sang country gospel songs. I had not seen some of the family in twenty years. I was so glad I went. Then I babysat while DD went to WW. She lost 6 1/2 lbs her first week. I think it was the incentive she needed to get off the baby weight. She only lost 13lbs since the baby was born.

I made an appointment to get a fill on thursday afternoon. I am gonna do it. I am just too hunger and eating too much at one time. That is what Dr. Davis said would be my sign to get a fill.

Apples.......wow! DH will be thrilled with the new safe. Does he know you bought it?

Kelly, thanks for the large print with the light color. The old eyes aren't what they used to be. You must live in a beautiful place.

Great, my DS stayed at the Peabody last month. He loved the ducks. He went to meet his girlfriend's parents in Arkansas.

Where is everybody tonight? Janet and Phyl......what did you buy?

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Arlene...gun safe is for oldest DS. I bought DH one for his bday about 5 yrs ago. That one weighs over 700lbs and took quite a few guys to move it into the house. Figured it was a good thing to buy him since he has an 8 yr old and a 5 yr old in his house now...I detest guns and when young ones are around, there should be absolutely no sign of them. Just ask Cheri...

Sounds like quite the "themed" funeral. I've been to a few like that. Fishing rod in the casket, etc.

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Arlene...gun safe is for oldest DS. I bought DH one for his bday about 5 yrs ago. That one weighs over 700lbs and took quite a few guys to move it into the house. Figured it was a good thing to buy him since he has an 8 yr old and a 5 yr old in his house now...I detest guns and when young ones are around, there should be absolutely no sign of them. Just ask Cheri...

Sounds like quite the "themed" funeral. I've been to a few like that. Fishing rod in the casket, etc.

Yep, it was definitely a theme. Most of the time the deceased is dressed in a western shirt...when it is a "theme". I went to to one that even had his saddle next to his custom wood casket that looked like it was made out of fence posts. Yep, he was a cowboy. He was also my DS's best friend. He died of a massive heart attack at 29. Sorry I got to rambling. Funerals do that to me. It kicks in the "memories".

I agree about the gun thing. He needs a safe with kids around, especially at their age.

Are you and I the only ones on the thread tonight?

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No I am here reading:biggrin:

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I just want to thank you for warmly welcoming me! I write big print, because I am artistic, and I can read it better!

I hear some coyotes out my window right now.

Back on subject.....glad to find a home.

I too absolutely loooooovvvveee Christmas, not for the presents, but for the decorations and the baking(mostly for the decorations).Last year I hung cut out snowflakes from my ceiling so that it resembled the movie "Elf"....then I plastered them all over my windows also.

I walked twice today about 50 minutes, and I jogged for five sets of 10 seconds.

I think my weenie dog thinks I'm crazy, but I'm going to work it as until I start school Jan. 20th!

So glad to found a home thanks so much for welcoming me!

Good night all, talk to ya tomorrow!


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Well Kelly...at least some of us ladies will be able to see your print..LOL. Note to Phyll...did you notice I didn't say "Little Old Ladies"??????

Sounds like you get your daily exercise. As you stated in your PM, you live too far to go to gym every day. That's the case for me also. But, I've always been a believer that a person needs to keep moving to stay young and stay healthy.

Good going!

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And I match my signature......You forgot about the part where my dog thinks I'm crazy!lol

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Dogs might think their owners are crazy but who else could you do certain things in front of? They love us no matter what.

I bet you are excited to start classes. If I weren't so old, I'd love to go back to school.

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Yes, Janet, that's why we are all here...to get the love. Whether it be tough love or the just the love you throw our way every day...thanks for the love you give all of us....(tears)

Awe thanks Apples ;O) xoxox

Ditto to what Apples says.


Dittos LauraK xoxoxox

Apples, how are you going to hide a gun safe until Christmas? It's not like you can slide it under the bed. Have fun in your travels today.

Still no work today so far, at least, so I'm going to work on the kitchen, need to clean out the fridge and a couple of things, then start on my office. I'm so sick of this mess.

And in between all of this I'm going to stamp. I've got to start on Christmas cards or they won't get done.

Great, have fun at the Peabody....ducks? I collect ducks...sort of. I don't have too many and don't want too many, but it was a theme a long time ago. We went as "ducks for President" one year at Halloween. We won the costume contest that year because there were 10 of us with duck bill, duck feet, feathers, and signs saying "Vote for Ducks" I'll post the picture.

Janet, one of the FNSC members is an NP and she lived in Haiti and has worked on the relief there. She also just got back from Liberia where she might get a job setting up a nursing program at the hospital in the capital. Her view point of the rest of the world is very interesting. She's actually seen some of the prejudice and discrimination that leads to genocide and the other horrors that occur around the world.

Okay....I need to get something done.

Later ladies.

Yep Eva - it's all about prejudice - terrible thing to still have in the year 2010 - we all are made from the same God or higher power - we just call him diff names and we all bleed red blood - Prejudice is a sad sad sad thing..

Hello All~

Well Apples invited me to join you folks over here, and I am taking her up on it.:) Sounds like you folks have been friends a long time!

My name is Kelly I am 49 and 1/2 years old, and next year I'll be 48:thumbup:! I live in California, in the foothills of the Sequoia National Park. Lots of cattle ranches and orange groves, then just 20 minutes up the hill are pine trees, and snow.I have lived up here and grown up on a ranch. A small one, with lots horses and sheep, cows, etc,etc.

Now i live on a country road, in a little secluded spot with my mother. She is retired and I am starting school to become a cna in Jan.:)

I'm almost 14 weeks with my band, and have never been happier. The main reason is I'm not "starving all the time" Makes a huge difference when you are not thinking "when do I get to eat next?"

I have had two small fills, and go for my third fill in two weeks. At first it bugged me how long everything took,but then after my second tiny fill, and averaging 10 pounds a month, I kinda quieted down and decided I totally cool with how I am doing!:w00t:

Well, time for my morning walk, I take my little weiny dog "Sophie",and she has to trot the whole way!:crying:

Take care,


Hi Kelly - Welcome !!! I have a 2nd cousin who lived in Porterville - Joanne something - I never knew her my Grandma use to talk about her.. I go by the sign when going to my DS house which is up north - I'm in So Cali..

You are doing great 10 lbs !!!

Hey gang! I am back from my friend's DH funeral and babysitting for DD. The funeral was in the country town I lived in for 30 years. Alex(friend's DH) was quite the hunter. They had him dressed in his hunting outfit complete with the hat. He had a duck caller(is that what you call it?) in his hand. All the pallbearers wore cammo . One of my friend's sang country gospel songs. I had not seen some of the family in twenty years. I was so glad I went. Then I babysat while DD went to WW. She lost 6 1/2 lbs her first week. I think it was the incentive she needed to get off the baby weight. She only lost 13lbs since the baby was born.

I made an appointment to get a fill on thursday afternoon. I am gonna do it. I am just too hunger and eating too much at one time. That is what Dr. Davis said would be my sign to get a fill.

Apples.......wow! DH will be thrilled with the new safe. Does he know you bought it?

Kelly, thanks for the large print with the light color. The old eyes aren't what they used to be. You must live in a beautiful place.

Great, my DS stayed at the Peabody last month. He loved the ducks. He went to meet his girlfriend's parents in Arkansas.

Where is everybody tonight? Janet and Phyl......what did you buy?

No Coach purses for us this time - nothing caught my eye - I really like B Markcousky (sp) lately - his leather is so soft..

I got a pair of Jeans at Ralph Lauren - 3 pairs of pjs at Hanes and 2 tops & 1 dress at Karen Kane - off the sample rack.. Her other clothes were to expensive.. Oh ya some garlic oil & herbs to cook my fish in..

Then came home and Phyl's DH fixed us a wonderfull dinner

I'm still stuffed ;0)

Yep, it was definitely a theme. Most of the time the deceased is dressed in a western shirt...when it is a "theme". I went to to one that even had his saddle next to his custom wood casket that looked like it was made out of fence posts. Yep, he was a cowboy. He was also my DS's best friend. He died of a massive heart attack at 29. Sorry I got to rambling. Funerals do that to me. It kicks in the "memories".

I agree about the gun thing. He needs a safe with kids around, especially at their age.

Are you and I the only ones on the thread tonight?

Yep funeral's do that to you - bring up all the previous one - Hugs !!!

Tell DD congrats

Hope a cold front doesn't move in so you can get your fill..

Well drive by gang - need to go veg so I can be ready for my busy day tomorrow ;0)

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I've been working on my office/stamping room. I still have a long ways to go, but it's getting cleaned and organized. I'm throwing away stuff. Yeah haw.....

Hope everyone has a good night.


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I've been working on my office/stamping room. I still have a long ways to go, but it's getting cleaned and organized. I'm throwing away stuff. Yeah haw.....

Hope everyone has a good night.


Eva...when I get projects like that done, I just feel a cloud lift. It's almost like it's nagging every time a walk into a room or closet that is a mess. I am going to tackle DH's office out in his shop while he is away doing tiling. He has brochures from 1982. WTH? I won't throw anything special away but I know the dumpster will be full.

You have a good night also. I'm off to bed.

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Phyll...sorry about the depression bug...is it time for a change in meds???? I am sure losing your friend did not help matters any. Depression is so misunderstand anyway

No offense whatsoever! I totally agree. Talked to Janet about my meds today and decided maybe I need to double my anti-depressant for the time being. I know it would be okay with my doc because she had me on that strength for a while until I suggested we cut it because I thought it might be causing me some insomnia.

Evening ladies.... Sandy, congrats on the 5k run...I'm so happy you beat your record. It does look cold there, but hey running should have helped keep you warm (until you stopped).

Julie, it is hard to keep up if you don't post every day. Some days there aren't that many posts, but it seems when I miss a day or so...I've have to read pages and pages and I can't remember everything.

Arlene, your table is beautiful. It's nice you can indulge in a non-fattening project for Christmas....decorating will burn calories. Hope your camera come in too. That trip is coming up soon isn't it?

Apples, so you are downsizing are you? It's probably a good thing to slowly wean yourself off the massive amount of farming you do. It's pretty cool your son's business is taking off. Decorating after Thanksgiving was our tradition too...but it has sort of slipped over the years. This year it will be when I get back from Ohio around the first of December. I'm looking forward to it this year.

Laura, your pictures are wonderful. Glad to hear you had a weekend just for you. We all need it now and then.

Jodi, good for you sticking with your food plan. I'm trying to cook more at home and eat just that. Tomorrow I have to do some dividing and freezing for the week.

Phyl, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well still. You are one of the most active and happiest people I've met. You can always come back to Tucson and we can do some retail therapy (at least window shop) and our dogs can play with each other.

Lori, have fun on your jaunt!

I know there are a bunch of other people I just missed, I'm sorry but I can't remember everything.

I went to a stamping convention yesterday in Mesa (Phoenix). We left after 7am yesterday morning and I got back around 3, then DH and I went back to Phoenix for an Elton John/Leon Russel concert. The concert was amazing. They played from 8 pm until after 11pm. Elton John is a gracious and very talented musician. I was quite impressed by his performance. Then we returned to Tucson this morning and my sister and her DH (from Phoenix) was in town so we met them for lunch and spent the afternoon visiting. They left and we met some other friends for the pre-party for the all-souls procession. THE ALL SOULS PROCESSION WEEKEND

It's a "day of the dead" sort of event and it's pretty cool. I'm just too tired this evening to participate. Maybe next year.

So hope you all have a great night! I'm going to go veg for a while. Eva

Completely enjoyed my day with Janet today and our retail therapy!! We both found some good bargains, but not at Coach. Nothing there really called our names.

Yes, our dogs would probably have a GREAT time. Zoey played hard with our friends' big basset yesterday and was thoroughly exhausted by the time we left. She seems to be more comfortable playing with big dogs than playing with dogs more her size.

When we are at home in WA, we go to "Primetimers" at the church we used to go to. Once a month a lady who does stamping brings all her stuff and we make cards. She always has a certain design for us to do. It's great fun and I really enjoy it, but probably wouldn't invest the money in all that stuff to make my own at home. I'm content to do it once a month!

Hello All~

Well Apples invited me to join you folks over here, and I am taking her up on it.:) Sounds like you folks have been friends a long time!

My name is Kelly I am 49 and 1/2 years old, and next year I'll be 48:thumbup:! I live in California, in the foothills of the Sequoia National Park. Lots of cattle ranches and orange groves, then just 20 minutes up the hill are pine trees, and snow.I have lived up here and grown up on a ranch. A small one, with lots horses and sheep, cows, etc,etc.

Now i live on a country road, in a little secluded spot with my mother. She is retired and I am starting school to become a cna in Jan.:)

I'm almost 14 weeks with my band, and have never been happier. The main reason is I'm not "starving all the time" Makes a huge difference when you are not thinking "when do I get to eat next?"

I have had two small fills, and go for my third fill in two weeks. At first it bugged me how long everything took,but then after my second tiny fill, and averaging 10 pounds a month, I kinda quieted down and decided I totally cool with how I am doing!:w00t:

Well, time for my morning walk, I take my little weiny dog "Sophie",and she has to trot the whole way!:crying: Take care, ~Kelly~

WELCOME, Kelly!! I know EXACTLY where you live!! We have very good friends in Three Rivers that we usually visit twice a year.. .on our way south for the winter and again in the spring when we're headed back home to WA state. In fact, we'll be there for Thanksgiving in a few weeks. Jacki loves to drag me around to all the 2nd hand stores in your area. Have you ever been to "Grandpa's"??? She LOVES that place and I've been there with her several times. She carries "wet ones" in her car so we can clean our hands before we get back in the car when we go there!! LOL! Angelica Huston lives across the street from her and she's been told that "Grandpa's" is HER favorite place to shop, too!!

The last couple of years we've timed our trip north so that we can spend the weekend of Jazzaffair in Three Rivers. We really enjoy going to that and buy weekend passes for both of us. It's great fun. And I LOVE jazz!!

I have a birthday coming up in a few weeks... I think I'll adopt your strategy and start going backwards, too!!


Well Kelly...at least some of us ladies will be able to see your print..LOL. Note to Phyll...did you notice I didn't say "Little Old Ladies"??????

Sounds like you get your daily exercise. As you stated in your PM, you live too far to go to gym every day. That's the case for me also. But, I've always been a believer that a person needs to keep moving to stay young and stay healthy. Good going!

Thank you for not saying anything about "little old ladies"!! LOL Janet and I saw some "little old lady" shoes today that I told her I didn't think even little old ladies would wear!!

We both found a few bargains! She told you about hers. I found a cotton pull-over sweater, royal blue, little collar and partial zipper at the neckline. Had $39.99 price tag and I got it for $12. Then I found a memory foam neck pillow and the Hanes-Bali store, and a pair of heather grey capris... just sit around the house type. As i was checking out cashier asked if it was my birthday month and when I said "yes", she said if I showed her m I.D. she could give me another 20% off! So my total w/tax was $15~~!!

One of our last stops is always the Le Gourmet kitchen store. They have lots of pretzel and dip samples. She likes their dipping oil and my favorite is raspberry wasaba mustard. I bought a bag of the big dipping pretzels and a jar of that mustard plus a jar of bloomin' onion dip. Then we went to Starbucks and one or two more stores before we headed back to the RV.

I did a LOT of walking w/very little discomfort, plus took the dog for a pretty long walk before Janet came to pick me up.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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