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Hi all....today was Hell Day. 3:45 hour dental appt, lunch with son (no eating for me) another 1 1/2 hour appt after that, another visit with son and home at 6pm. Left here at 7am. My mouth is hamburger and the entire inside of my mouth is broke out in a bumpy rash. If it does not clear, I will be making the trip over again in the morning. Last of the grinding but they saved the worst for last and it was (I will say it again) HELL.

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OUCH!! Apples, sounds just awful this last appointment. I am glad that is behind you. You are one tough cookie though. Did you have lunch with the same son twice or meet each one once? or did the one move yet?

Melissa, you can't be the victim when it comes to your eating and your health. DH needs to respect you by not tempting you with the stuff too. He doesn't have to 'go on a diet because you are on one' (I know it's not a diet but that's a quote I see a lot not from you though) but he can be considerate and not do it in front of you or leave the stuff where you can get it. There's got to be a comfortable middle ground. Perhaps you can meet each other there?

arlene, Christmas so early? I know I am seeing lots of commercials, etc. for it already but not actual decorating yet.

I kept busy today with Bible study and lunch with a friend afterwards and am doing better today. I guess I am just really missing Denver right now. I will be visiting for the day on Tuesday on my way home a weekend trip to Memphis I hope.

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Oh Apples, you poor baby! I only had my front six ground down in one day, I can't imagine how bad you must be hurting right now. HUGS! and prayers too!

Great, I know.....the ladies ministry is doing our Holiday dinner. We can do Thanksgiving or Christmas. I chose Christmas because I needed a new centerpiece for my dining room, and why not match my china. I have ten grandkids. I have to start early because I have to get sizes right.

Linda, are you Okay?

Laura.....over the infection?

Sndy.....I did not see if you lost this week....how is it going?

Janet.....you ok?

Eva.....how's the new job going?

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Good Evening Gang...

Charlene I'm fine - just haven't been enough hours in the day- my boss had prostrate surgery yesterday - have tons to catch up on being out 2 days - plus just my house stuff and gym etc - life is getting in the way right now - I even had a friend from FB (she a bander too but don't know her band name) send me a message asking if I was alright -

Hedi - Congrats on your 50 lbs - that's great - What are you eating- are you exercising??

Don't diet - eat healthy (protein 1st -then veggies - limited staches/carbs and eat mostly sugar free)

Exercise 5 days a week

Keep a food diary - keep calories between 800-1200 and vary them daily...

The majority of our issues w/food are in our heads not our stomachs - if you need a fill get one - and as the saying goes - just cuz you can - should you.. Why did you order a philly cheese sub in the 1st place (this is the tough love) there were healthier choices - treat are fine - but if you are in the weight loss phase - they shouldn't be to often..

Apples - Hugs on the teeth issues and now the bumps..

Great - It's 11/3 - have you been to the gym yet?? How's the food going??

Christmas !!! It's not even Thanksgiving yet... I'm not even thinking about Xmas yet - 3 weeks till I go on vacation - that's my christmas - I think the kids are staying up north - which I won't mind - I would like just some quite time.. Gift Cards - That will be Christmas - may decorate a little - but not going to have much time as I usually decorate when I am on Vacation (the week of thanksgiving & week after - I always take those 2 weeks) but with being gone the whole 2nd week and I will only have 1 week in which to shop - pack - get carpet clean - etc - so who knows what Xmas will be here..

Cheri - Hugs hope the bug passes quickly...

Melissa - I agree w/Cheri - your DH should understand - Andrew was good - if there was stuff I wanted - he would put it in his room - tell dh to hide the crap..

Well gang I need to eat -

Todays food...

BF - Jerky & 2 crackers & cheese

lunch - Cheivce tostada and Beans

dinner - Fish - salad

snack - popcorn - WW Fudgescicle - sf pudding.

1 hr at gym - weights working arms..

CBL - Hugs & Love to all

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Hi there, it seems like I just can't get to the computer until late anymore..... DH just went to bed so thought I would try to catch up again.... Made a trip to Bismarck today to the chiropractor.... She did mostly accupressure on my today and says she strongly understands why I describe my current pain as charley horse in my neck and shoulder.... The muscles were just popping out...... She gave me a good work over..... Hoping to be better again now for awhile....

Apples, you are a tough one.... does drinking hurt your mouth now, too, or can you drink your calories??? I'm feeling for you..... take care of yourself......

Lori, glad you are better today..... and a trip to Denver to see GM and DD sound like the ticket..... good going on the shopping....

Arlene, what kind of things are you doing of or for your grandchildren??? Silouhettes???? I can't picture what you mean..... One of the churches in our town does a thing where you sign up to decorate a table in whatever style you want... Must be something similar to what you are doing.... glad your pain is better....

Melissa, you hang in there... Your DH must just need for you to help him understand what his actions do to you.... He'll get it eventually.... mine did..... It's my mother who doesn't get it..... but I just try to ignore that about her and she doesn't live with me.....

Cheri, gosh I hope you are better.... taking a day off from work must mean you really felt tough...... feel better soon.....

Jodi, hope you made the right decision about your fill... You're the only one who knows how you feel... How is Dassi doing???? Did I ever tell you thanks for the pictures way back when??? She is beautiful.... just like her mother....

Janet, I understqnd your feelings about just wanting some peace and quiet over the holidays.... I'm having trouble even trying to think about it this year....

Heidi, welcome.... Arlene said it... we are all emotional eaters.... We understand.... Just grab a hold and get back on track...... We've all had to do it at one time or another... I need to do it now.....

Well, time for some sleep..... I'm trying to break my stupid sleep cycle... Up all night and sleep most of the day isn't doing for me anymore.... I hate it.... We'll see how it goes.... HUgs to all and sweet dreams.... Julie

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Good Morning All....no rest for the wicked (isn't that how that old saying goes?). I know at some point I will be happy that yesterday was the last of the grinding down of teeth and whittling away of the gums, but I'm still trying to phathom how this could keep me up all night. I'm a pretty good sleeper so not used to this. Usually with my appts, 3 Tylenol would take care of it...sometimes required nothing. Oh well, will deal with it. Hopefully it will calm down today. All worth it in the end. OK...now that I got my major whine of the day over with.....(thanks for listening)...

Great...in between appts. yesterday I tried your retail therapy....it doesn't solve much but I have a really cute pair of brown Born boots in my closet. The dept store had a deal where if you donated a slightly used pair of boots to Caring Soles , a person got $15 towards a new pair.

Yesterday here in MN was actually pretty nice for a fall day. A little windy but the sun was shining and warm (52 was our high). Today's high 44 with wind, nice over the weekend (50's) and then they are predicting crap. So, just will enjoy the rest of this week. DH and I are going to drive up to the lake one last time on Sunday and hang for a bit with the dog. And then, I guess, it will be time to hunker down and get used to layering up the clothes. My daily outfit in the winter is usually my Body Armour (long underwear), a sweater, a quilted or wool vest and a quilted jacket over it all. B/4 weightloss it was a short sleeved T-shirt. Funny how that works.

Arlene...photos please when you complete your Christmas table.

Have a little going on today. Have a bday luncheon with and for a couple of friends today. (Lake friends). Then need to stop at the little dept store for some paint for items that I am painting and then home to work on them.

Going to have to make up some caloires today...protein drinks and cappicinos. Think I only got about 600 cals yesterday. Not a good thing.

Well, my oatmeal is done and waiting for me. Hope you all have a good day.

HeidiB....I know I have talked with you b/4. Sounds like you are a bit frustrated about the scale not moving. Stay around and visit for awhile. There's all kinds of advice here and support. Welcome.

Edited by Apples2

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OUCH!! Apples, sounds just awful this last appointment. I am glad that is behind you. You are one tough cookie though. Did you have lunch with the same son twice or meet each one once? or did the one move yet?

Melissa, you can't be the victim when it comes to your eating and your health. DH needs to respect you by not tempting you with the stuff too. He doesn't have to 'go on a diet because you are on one' (I know it's not a diet but that's a quote I see a lot not from you though) but he can be considerate and not do it in front of you or leave the stuff where you can get it. There's got to be a comfortable middle ground. Perhaps you can meet each other there?

arlene, Christmas so early? I know I am seeing lots of commercials, etc. for it already but not actual decorating yet.

I kept busy today with Bible study and lunch with a friend afterwards and am doing better today. I guess I am just really missing Denver right now. I will be visiting for the day on Tuesday on my way home a weekend trip to Memphis I hope.

Great...met with same son twice...our time was limited during lunch so drove out to where he is living to visit a bit b/4 I came home. He has not moved yet and job on west coast was not to be. Hopefully, he'll make a decision soon on which direction he will go.

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Thanks for the welcome. Yes Apples I think we have talked. I am just eating whatever. I have not been writing down no regular exercise either. Taking care of everyone else but myself. I have to write down and set sm goals for myself....i guess. I would like to lose some more weight before christmas. Then I want to make a SASSY holiday outfit for myself and buy a pair of SEXY heels! That s a GOAL right!

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Good Morning Gang! I think I am going to cancel my fill. Since the cold front moved in I am tight. Probably has to do with my muscles getting so tight. Anyway, I fixed an egg white pancake this morning and could only eat half of it before I started slimming .

I have been reading "Conquering the Munchie Monster". I like it better than the Beck book . It is a little different because this writer is a fitness trainer. He wrote the food Lover's Diet. I am not buying his plan, but I do like the way he explains how our bodies work in relationship with carbs.

OKay, gotta get some letters written, send birthday cards, and pay bills. Yep, gonna cancel the fill. I think I would be in a world of hurt to get one. I just have to go back to my 1100 calories a day, and up my Protein. Maybe I will need one if I lose this ten lbs.

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Good Morning Gang...

Apples - Sorry for the pain- yep you need to drink your calories :0)..

Hedi - No guessing - it's a proven fact that if you keep a food diary you will lose more weight !!! Counting calories teaches you what you are eating and how fast they add up... I still read labels 3 yrs out - I know for the most part how many calories are in the foods I eat now a days.. Yes - Heels is a goal and you can do it..

Charlene - WTG with your plan !!! You can do it...

Julie - Glad you got some relief w/the adjustment - I need one or a massage my neck is really tight..

Well not much to report since last night - gotta hit the showers..


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Charlene, I am feeling better, back to work at least. I went to yoga last night and it sure made me feel good. So onward and upward. I have a date tonight for dinner. Not sure how that will go since I am tight. I will have to be very careful I guess. Don't want to have to run from the table. lol

Apples, hope you are feeling better today. You are almost done right?

Janet, I am sure you'll get it all done and you'll be ready for Christmas.

Julie, sounds like you are getting some relief with your pain and life is settling down for you.

Lori, get snag on the clothes the other day. Have a great time with you Gma and DD.


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Morning....... My attempt at a new sleep schedule worked a little.... I couldn't get to sleep until late last night, but I sure am up early this morning... Pain woke me about 7:15...... Been trying to calm it down and was hoping to sleep some more, but I'm thinking I should get busy and do something and maybe I can go to bed early tonight... I want to do some much needed cleaning today... My office is a fright.... dust and cat hair..... Yuck... Must get down on the floor to do a lot of it as I have stuff packed in here pretty tight.....

Apples, so sorry to hear you didn't sleep much.... I guess we just have to remember the end product and know it's almost over.... You've been so brave....

Janet, have a good day at work....

How are all you sick ones doing??? Better I hope.. Cheri, will you make it to school today???

Arlene, I got all that bill paying and letter writing done yesterday.... However I do have to write some letters to our rentors.... We just got blasted with a horrible special assessment on our property... No choice but to raise the rent as of 1-1-11...... Don't relish writing those letters.....

I think I'm going to take a nice warm bath before I start my day.. Might break of that pain.... or maybe the hot-tub... DH is already gone to work so I can skinny dip if I choose..... Yup, think that's what I'll do... you all take care and have a good day... Hugs.. Julie

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Hi guys~

Apples~ HUGS. Hope you are feeling better. Hamburger? yuck. Thanks for the update!

Julie~ Loved the photos of the wedding! Just beautiful! I know you are glad to have that behind you. I just love weddings.

Janet~ I was thinking the same thing. I know we have all been busy. Just that time of year. Hugs. Been there. Done that. Bought the tshirt! : )

Great~ Thinking of you. hugs.

LauraK~Glad you are feeling better.

Cheri~ Great advice. Words of wisdom.

Arlene~ Yep, sounds like the fill is out. I know I have been tight the last few days since sinuses acting up.

FINALLY have a few minutes to get on the computer! I've been really really busy with Nelson (TKD, homework, being class mom- Halloween and now Thanksgiving crafts and food), DH, volunteer work at the clinic and home improvement projects. (gutters, pressure washing roof, lanai, sidewalks, paver driveway, sand in them, waiting for rain to stop to seal them.) Keep in mind, I am NOT doing the HIP, but having to deal with the workers and the mess and have to park cars in the street, etc. Life feels hectic and house feels upside down. When my environment if not in order, I feel discombobulated. Girls came and cleaned today while I was at work. Just have LOTS of laundry to fold and put up. But NOW I am better. : ) This weekend talked DH into going to Orlando with Nels for a father/son night. They are staying in the Sponge Bob room at the Nickelodeon hotel. Reservations for dinner with Sponge bob and special SLIME (It's a nick thing). I am looking forward to my first night off in WEEKS.

Sorry I have been MIA. Just busy, tired and continue to be frustrated with my maintenance. (I know what to do- just need to do it.) No need for pep talk, just need to do it. I am the weight I was at my wedding in 2001. I can buy 14/16 off the rack. My band is keeping me at a steady weight +/- 5 lbs. I am not advocating staying overweight, but am THRILLED that this is the longest I have lost weight and kept it off. I have lost 60% of my excess body weight. The statistics say most LB lose 55%. I plan on losing more, but have to tell you- I feel GOOD. I feel SEXY. I feel HEALTHY. I can SHOP. I can eat healthy without worrying and obsessing. It's a good feeling. My first year of banding I spent so much of my day thinking about food, counting calories, planning every bite. It's nice to know I can TRUST myself, my band, and my body to kinda do the right thing now. There is something very freeing about that. I do KNOW I need to start exercising more. Right now, walking 2-3 miles three times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. <stepping off my soapbox>


Until later.............. peasout.


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Hope the paid stays away - don't over do it..


Good luck on your date - order Soup ;0)


Bought the t-shirt - love it.. Sounds like DH & Nels will have a wonderful time - but you will be roaming the house when they are gone - I know I would wish Andrew to go somewhere for the weekend - then find myself roaming not being able to really relax :0)..

As to maintaining - good for you.. If you feel good about you that's what is important !!!

Well back to work ;0)

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