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Hi and happy Sat. everyone!

Apples, wow -- love those costumes but yes, why in the heck didn't you dress up as a slinky, sexy girl since you had recently gotten to goal? Funny how our minds work.

Eva, glad you got the book -- it is a great one -- very helpful.

Tx, hope you have a good day and are feeling a somewhat more comfy. Hi to Debbie too!

Gotta get to the gym.



Good Morning....

Linda...I ordered the fake boobs and butt for both myself and my friend. She's always been a skinny little thing (she's the one I was talking about yesterday that wants a boob job and is saving for it) and she talked me into it. It was fun. My son had ordered the theatrical beard and hair (he has shaved his head for years) and it looked so real. He is one to dress up in really elaborate outfits each year. It's killing him this year cuz he is at a wedding in Mpls and cannot attend the many costume competitions which he usually comes in first. Anyway, he came that night with the fake hair a beard and decked out in his trench coat and lace up boots. I could not post a photo of what he had under that coat. All I can say is that it was a very real looking prostetic.

We started harvest again yesterday and am keeping my fingers crossed that DH is not too tired to go out. It's been so long since we have been out and I sooooooooo want to be his sleezy date. LOL.

It's sad when you live farther out and don't get a lot of kids coming to the door for Halloween. I grew up in town and every kid came to the door. We only get a handful but I am going to dress up early and Tanker will be decked out in his headless horseman garb so we can meet them at the door. Gotta load up their bags with candy cuz DH and DS have packed on a few pounds...my fault buying it too early. They don't get the concept of having just one.

Here is how it works at our house....yesterday I was Christmas shopping and not here at lunch time. I was unsure of how many would be at the table so left an apple crisp on the table with 1/2 dozen serving plates and roast in the crockpots to put on Buns. Well, it turned out that DH was the only one to eat. Asked him where he put the rest of the apple crisp...in frig?...in freezer? He got this look and said "I thought I was supposed to eat it all". There were like six servings! But, DH has always been one to watch the scale. Up 5lbs and he has the determination to take it off in a week. I used to envy him for that.

Arlene....I had responded to another thread yesterday to a girl that was struggling with extreme hunger between meals and was stating that I have somewhat defied my doc and had 5-6 small meals a day. My metabolism was so out of whack and I think that is what brought it back to where it was b/4 all my weight gain. I also am a believer (this is pushed by my LB doc) that carbs should be minimal. I know Cheri is a believer in the same tactic. If you can really make sure of the carbs you are getting and counting them, try to keep them between 20-40 carbs daily. Give it a good 2-3 week try and I bet you will see a difference. Those little things that we all think do not matter really do add up.

I know you probably feel that we are closing in on your with all our advice and tips. Please don't. When one of us is struggling, we all feel your pain.

Cheri wrapped it up in a neat little package with her post about some ppl being carb sensitive. I have a friend that if she introduces anything over 35 carbs into her diet, she will notice the difference. She is very vigilent in watching and it does it to her. I used to be during the weight loss stage. Somehow it did a turn around for me.

Quite weekend on the thread. I am home most of the day (just have to run to town in a bit for parts) and will check in later. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Hi all. Had a pretty good week at work. New schedule is working well. However, 3 new students starting at our school Monday. One is just pre-school. However, 2 of them will need to be added to my schedule. One of them is coming to us from Wisconsin. Her mother "homeschooled" her and then died. A foster family put her in school where it was discovered that, though she was old enough for third grade, her academic scores were at kindergarten level. The school was providing massive help for her but grandmother, who lives in Chicago, sought custody and had to prove to the courts that she would provide good schooling where she would receive equivalent help. I couldn't promise equivalent help, but I wrote up what I could provide and talked to her sped teacher and compared methods. So grandma got custody and she's starting Monday. She is in second grade and currently tests at beginning of first grade.

The other child has been out of our school since first grade and is returning as a 5th grader functioning at a mid-third grade level.

Two weeks ago, I started two new kids I'd tested who also need help. One is testing at the 98th percentile in reading but below the 10th in math. Fortunately, he's only in third grade and I should be able to catch him up but I suspect a genuine learning disability in math. His half-sister is very high in computation but very low in math compreshension, so she is seeing me, too.

This is the way it's like with every new kid we get. I think, when the parents find out about my program, it's one of the main reasons they send their kids to RCS. As long as RCS can keep its doors open, and some fool doesn't shut down No Child Left Behind or stop funding it, I have great job security.

It means I work 10 hrs/day in order to accommodate these kids but that's my choice. I've reduced my group sizes by putting kids in before and after school and as long as my groups are small and I've neutralized behavior problems by making sure those kids are on the computers or are coming before school and not with their peers, I can just keep teaching. I do have at least one light period everyday where I just have 2 kids on the computer. I have an assistant two days a week, and another woman who comes in and tutors a couple of days a week. She is a theology student at McCormick Theological Seminary and is paid by them to tutor at our school. She got assigned to me to supervise so she comes in as her classes allow her.

So, my food is OK, not terrific. The small weight gain has led to me being tight, which makes it hard for me to eat as much meat as I'd like. My high blood Calcium problems are also affecting my food choices. The Atkins products I like for treats all have high Calcium in them. It's difficult to do 3 days of very low carbs when I can't use any of the products that worked for me while losing weight. Just the milk I put in my coffee contains almost all the calcium I need in one day. Add one Protein drink and I'm over the top. None of my parathyroid tests has come back abnormal. My blood calcium is only a small fraction above normal and they haven't found a cause, so I'm thinking it's just a physical anomaly of my body, and the amount of calcium I consume is probably not the cause. Nevertheless, I'm trying to at least not go over 200% of what I need. Woman my age are supposed to be taking 150% of the daily recommended dose to prevent bone loss, which I do have-though very mild-despite my high blood calcium. This is a very wierd thing. I've cut back my Vitamin D but I'm not eliminating it because its helped me so much with seasonal affective disorder. It's very hard for those of us of Northern European extraction who live in northern climates to get enough of it. My blood levels are high but not too high. However, combined with too much Calcium it could still be the cause of the high blood calcium levels. Especially since I use a laxative which can also lead to high blood calcium. So I'm trying to cut my laxative use as well, but I've been constipated since childhood. I eat a salad every night and take ground flax seed in the morning and at night and it makes no difference.

So I'm frustrated. I have no time and no desire to cook. I don't enjoy eating out because I can eat so little and my husband can eat so much. Plus he eats extremely slowly because of his false teeth so I'm sitting there forever watching him eat. For an ADHD compulsive overeater, this is not a good thing.

So I'm venting. If you didn't understand half of what I said, that's OK. The gist of it is that my calcium problems are causing me food choice problems since what works for me weight wise may not be good for my blood calcium levels. In addition, the slight weight gain has tightened my band enough that I'm having trouble eating enough meat and Protein to satisfy me and keep my cravings at bay. This leads to eating sliders, which are always fat and carbs combined-a deadly combo.

So I need to lose weight in order to loosen the band in order to eat right, but my tools for doing that have been compromised by my blood calcium.

So I'm frustrated which is something I always used food to medicate.

I'm not enjoying my meat because I start pbing so quickly on it, so eating is frustrating.

I can't eat out because of pbing on meat and having to sit there and watch my husband eat for another half an hour while my food is cooling in front of me.



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Cheri....I feel your frustration...it came through load and clear. Only suggestion I have is to eat whatever you want at this point till your band loosens up. I.e....protein shakes, bars, high protein/high Fiber Cereal. If you are still hungry during the day because you are eating sliders, make yourself some lowcal veggie Snacks to have at hand. Just make it work for you and not worry about your DH. I have had to do that many times this summer while recovering from dental procedures. I apologized to no one in my family for not sitting down and eating a meal with them.


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The funny part is taking the bandages off hurts as bad as the surgical sites do. They didn't shave my shoulder area wide enough so the big Saran wrap like adheasive bandage they put on was stuck in my hair. Stitches look good. I have only had 2 that are still bleeding a little. The only problem I have right now is a bad case of numb butt from sitting around. I can get up and down by myself now. Still have to have some help with getting situated after I get down though.

Thanks to you all for the encouraging words. The support means so much.

Hugs to you all.


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Gosh, Tx...being a trucker you should be used to "Numb Butt Syndrome". Good to hear that you are doing well. I feel for you with the hair stuck on the tape thing. That's just plain inhumane!

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Hi gang..... I'm trying to have a productive day today.... finally getting winter clothes out and summer ones packed up.... doing some laundry, defrosting my upright freezer from the basement... It needs it badly and DH wants to do apples today... No room for them.. We peel and slice with a gadget that goes fast and package in freezer bags in pie size amounts..... I only want about 20 or so...... But have to do the freezer first..... Outside freezers ....one is now empty (was my wedding freezer) so is unplugged again... the big meat freezer is in bad need of organization... We buy our meat off the hoof from a friend and it's pretty full right now.... but badly abused from all the wedding ins and outs.... I am going to work slow and use DH for all the tough stuff......

Apples, I can't beleive that you are done with Christmas shopping already... I haven't even given it much of any thought.....

TX glad you are doing okay... I'm sure that shoulder makes the LB seem like nothing....

Phyll, hope you get things figured out..... this up and down temp isn't good....

Eva, thanks for filling me in... I understand now... I worked from home years ago doing accounting when I was single..... It worked pretty well for me, but no one to interfer... I could work all night and sleep all day if I chose to..... Wouldn't want to do it much now... I do to some extent because I do bill paying and such for Mother and Brother.....and of course our rental business.... Hope you get a routine developed soon and settle in...

Cheri, sorry to hear you are so mixed up with your emotions and such right now... I'm sure you will get a handle on it soon..... Just takes a little time and you are such a busy lady.... take care...

I'm omitting so many, but DH is hollering for me to come and I'd better go or he'll find something else to do beside help me..... Hugs to all.... TTYL.... Julie

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Sandy...I think it was you that was looking for recipes for you PB2. The one I made last weekend (and posted recipe on this thread last Sat.) is WONDERFUL. It's a chicken dish that I cannot get enough of. It has kind of a sweet/peanuty flavor and low in cals. If you go back to last Sat. you can pull up the recipe.

Also, the Bell Plantation site has great recipes using the PB2...if you find they are higher in cals, you can revamp them using subs.

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Sandy, how is your Charlie? What did you ever find out about his leg? I never heard or I missed it if you posted it here. Merry continues to amaze us with her running -- the other night she did 4 laps around our yard - and it's a big back yard. I'm so grateful that it all turned out so well.

Merry does not tolerate "dressing up" -- she hates all clothes -- so I'm a little jealous to hear of all of you having your doggies in Halloween costumes. LOL.

Arlene, hope you are having a good day, I'm having an okay day -- I don't know what is up with me -- jut not feeling great -- aches and pains everywhere. I've been exercising - feel bloated -- I've been good with food but feeling bloated and fat.

Phyl, hope you start feeling better! goodness, you don't need all that -- you're missing too many parties. Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hugs.

We only had about 8 trick or treaters -- so sad -- I really miss having so many like we had in LA -- it's just cold here and we're the only ones on our street that turn on the lights and want trick or treaters so they don't really come to our area -- plus it's on the edge of town and almost in the country. I miss it. I was good -- no candy for me -- I love spitting in temptations face. Love it.

Gotta run -- more later. I'm resting this weekend -- well, I'm going to the gym but resting otherwise. Linda

So good to hear how well Merry is doing! I put a witch dress on Zoey yesterday. She didn't mind it a bit but it drove DH crazy!

Hope those aches and pains aren't an indication that you are coming down with something! Finally talked DH in to getting his flu shot at Walmart the other day!! And I am feeling a little better today... still feel worn out, but neck is so much better and no fever last night. But we missed Oktoberfest pot luck/talent show/costume contest last night. MRI took longer than expected and it was just too late to go home and put casserole together. We were going to do green Beans. So we went out to eat instead. Then came home and changed in to my jammies.

Good for you on the candy temptations. I didn't buy any. We have so few kids here in the park that I'm really not expecting any.

Linda. I went to the dr today. He told me he forgot what I did for a living. He is saying prob 4-6 weeks

Sounds like you're doing well!

WTG on the weight loss.

Hey Girls and TX...successful day of shopping. I AM DONE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!

Tomorrow night the plan is for DH and I to dress up and go out. There's a Blues Brothers band playing in a town east of here that we plan on going to and costume contest. I will snap some photos b/4 we head out.

The following are photos from two years ago when I went out with my friend, my son and some of his friends. Fun was had by all. (My son is the one in the trench coat a.k.a. "Flasher") I'm the blond and was at goal...online shopping can provide almost anything a girl wants. LOL:w00t:

Love those pics!!! And waiting to see this year's!

I can't believe you are finished with Christmas shopping!!

I think most of my Christmas shopping will consist of ordering Amex gift cards online!!

Woo Hoo Phyl!!!WTG with the challenge! And not one, but two hot grandsons! You should be one proud lady.


Thanks, Sandy. I am planning on resuming my exercise on Monday, so hopefully will lose again this week! And no more eating out this week!

Phyll...those grandsons of yours are both very handsome...good genes.

Thanks!! Those are the two oldest. We have 6 grandsons, 4 granddaughters, and then we have another 2 step-grandkids who are in their 30's, and 4 step-greatgrandkids!! That's a BUNCH!! And of course, they're all good lookin'!!

Phyl, sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, hope you get better and so what's up with the MRI? You've certainly had your share this year.

I'm doing some computer work (documentation and autoCAD) for a very small company out of Dallas. My friend turned me on to the job. Finally making some progress on "the job". I starting to figure some stuff out and I think it's going to be alright. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to structure my day. I guess it doesn't have to be perfect the first week. I worked 16 hours this week and got 4 autoCAD drawings done plus quite of bit of a workbook done. Still quite a bit more to do, but I'll need my friends help with it because I don't have the right information. Eva

MRI to see what is going on in my back. Saw spine specialist on Thursday and he ordered MRI and X-Rays of lower spine and neck.

New job sounds like a challenge. Always good to learn new things.

Eva......you are so sweet. I love my grand kids, and my DD is so appreciative. I know when I get old she will be there for me and so will my Grand kids. Bethany did so good after DD cut out her milk products for one day. She is definitely lactose intolerant.

Cheri, I know carbs are my downfall. I have been slacking on the journal. I have to get back to it. This morning I had 2tbsp of PB2 on half of a whole wheat sandwich thin. The fact that I can eat a sandwich thin tells me I need a slight fill. I want to get one before Thanksgiving.

Sndy.....yep Dr. DAvis told me that my BP med is one that makes losing hard, but doable. I tried not taking it, but my pressure went up. I think if I can lose 20 more lbs I can get off of it I take meds for the FM which don't help either.

Phyl....how are you?

Okay peeps......gotta go get Charlie groomed then off to my GS's last football game . He will be 9 next week. I will check in later! Have a great saturday!

I did a short lesson at TOPS the other day on the difference between food allergies and food intolerance. But it was short and boring so I went on to discuss 4 nutrients many people are deficient in... Potassium, Vit. D, B-12 and Magnesium.

I think I need a slight fill, too. But guess it will have to wait until spring, unless I decide to fly up to Seattle for a few days this winter. And I am probably taking meds that are impeding my progress, too... 2 BP meds are possibilities.

Enjoy your Saturday. I am feeling better today but still so worn out I don't want to get off the couch! I think we will go to Walmart in a little while. Forgot what we need, but will be good to get out.

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Phyll....hope you Umph comes back soon.

I have read where products like pain meds and even Tylenol PM can impede weightloss. I think you guys that take meds on a daily basis need 2 gold stars for every pound lost.

Yes, done Christmas shopping and I am spending my afternoon wrapping. I do this most years....didn't last year and I was a mess. It really does de-stress our holidays for me to do it early. DH thinks I'm nuts to do it all so early but I always tell him....it beats swearing during the holidays. Not a good thing...like he has to worry about buying gifts or preparing. He shows up on Christmas morning in his robe with a hungry tummy and ready to rip open the gifts!

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Phyll, hope you get your energy back soon. Also hope they can do something about your neck and back pain. Now that you're settled in one place you can maybe also get back into onederland and beyond. Good for you, though, in not gaining all the weight back.

I don't think we always give ourselves enough credit just for maintaining at whatever plateau we're on. Some have gained 10-15 lbs back but called a halt. Others aren't losing but they're not gaining.

Many aren't losing but they're exercising so they're losing inches.

This is a disease and it is life-long. The band is a tool but the disease can still take over. Kudos to all of us who post here and hold ourselves and each other accountable. We each have our peccadillos and can't all follow the same path. Some find journalling helpful, others don't. Some find counting carbs helpful, others find counting calories helpful, some can't accurately do either, like me. I just try to keep my Protein high and my carbs low and let the band help me with quantity. Some weigh everyday to hold themselves accountable, some weekly, some monthly. Some allow themselves daily treats, some weekly, and some monthly. Some exercise like demons and some can't exercise at all.

The main thing is, we're all, despite falls off the wagon, working on managing this disease. We can't cure it, but with God's help and each other's, we can manage it.

God bless you all ladies and gentlemen for being there for each other and for me.


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Phyll, hope you get your energy back soon. Also hope they can do something about your neck and back pain. Now that you're settled in one place you can maybe also get back into onederland and beyond. Good for you, though, in not gaining all the weight back.

I don't think we always give ourselves enough credit just for maintaining at whatever plateau we're on. Some have gained 10-15 lbs back but called a halt. Others aren't losing but they're not gaining.

Many aren't losing but they're exercising so they're losing inches.

This is a disease and it is life-long. The band is a tool but the disease can still take over. Kudos to all of us who post here and hold ourselves and each other accountable. We each have our peccadillos and can't all follow the same path. Some find journalling helpful, others don't. Some find counting carbs helpful, others find counting calories helpful, some can't accurately do either, like me. I just try to keep my Protein high and my carbs low and let the band help me with quantity. Some weigh everyday to hold themselves accountable, some weekly, some monthly. Some allow themselves daily treats, some weekly, and some monthly. Some exercise like demons and some can't exercise at all.

The main thing is, we're all, despite falls off the wagon, working on managing this disease. We can't cure it, but with God's help and each other's, we can manage it.

God bless you all ladies and gentlemen for being there for each other and for me.


Ditto what she said! Cheri..you are so good at putting it all into words. And, if all were not trying to hang onto losing, maintaining, etc., they wouldn't be showing up on this thread on a daily basis. Coming here for support and getting it is a real blessing.

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I am doing ok. I haven't lost anything in awhile but I have went down another pant size. That makes me happy. I haven't been walking a lot miles but I have walked almost everyday. Today I worked on leaves for over 2 hrs. I can feel some muscles that I haven't used in awhile.


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Good afternoon! I am around, actually this is the first weekend since before our Vegas gathering that I've been home. But DS just flew in this morning so have been busy sucking up all the time I can with him. He's napping on the sofa now, poor guy worked all night then went to the airport and got on a flight here. But it's nice to have him here. He did go to Home Depot with DH to help him get and load a snowblower into our vehicle. A snowblower was one of my 'conditions' of moving. LOL DH is gone so much and there's no way I am going to shovel a 3 car driveway by myself when he's gone. And it always snows when he's gone. LOL Also it's north facing, meaning if we don't clear it right away it gets icy bad. I couldn't convince him to spend the extra $$$ for the fancy model with the hand warmers however. LOL Then we had to run to Walmart for candy. Usually I don't do Halloween for personal belief reasons and we usually aren't home. We aren't going to be home tomorrow night but I found out that seeing as this is Utah, Halloween falls on Sunday, so when it does they switch it to Saturday, they being the Mormons. So I ran and got some candy to hand out, feel bad being home and not answering the door. However, it's now pouring rain so if it doesn't clear up I may have wasted money on candy. LOL I got DS's favorites so he can take it home then. Though usually candy isn't a temptation for me, just those chips and popcorn. LOL

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So just got back from a trip to Walmart. Did alot of walking. Feel really good so far.


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So just got back from a trip to Walmart. Did alot of walking. Feel really good so far.


Tx......WTG! Walking will help you with recovery better than anything.

Hi Gang!

Cheri......Like your words on our disease. Yep, I am stalled in my weight, but am exercising every day, but Sunday. I think i will even walk tomorrow. The weather is beautiful here.....Low fifties at night.....eighties in the afternoon, and plenty of sunshine.

DH and I went to the gym and swam. Well, he swam and I did the Water aerobic exercises. I am so sore from last night I dread standing up from this computer. I think I know what my problem is.....I am not drinking enough Water before and after exercising.

Apples, I hope you got to go out this evening.

Lori, yep, I would insist on a snowblower. I can't imagine having to shovel all of that driveway.

Phyl, glad you are feeling better today. That must have been a nasty virus. How is your back?

Joyce.....check in before you leave. We will miss you!

Janet......miss ya!

Sandy.....my Charlie is all groomed with a festive fall neckerchief . Too bad he has to spend Halloween in his kennel while we go to my DD's and pass out candy.< /strong>

I have never liked Halloween ......even as a kid.....just saying. Christmas is my fav! I just started buying toys for the babies. The g-kids from 6-18 are getting a pair of pj's and a gift card to their favorite store. So far I have to get a card from Gap-kids, Academy, and Game stop. I haven't asked the older girls. They usually like Buckle.

Okay, peeps......I guess I will have to get up UGH! I think a Tylenol is in order for tonight.

Oh Julie, saw the wedding pics on Facebook. Awesome.....beautiful! So happy for your DD and Mimi......and you too!

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