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Good Morning Posse! I just ate one of my egg white pancakes.....well, half of it. I am going to walk this morning then run errands. My back stopped hurting so I will go work out this evening.

Jodi......Thanks for telling me what you do. I wish I had talked to you about my two year old DGD. She is really having a problem with speech. I think the pediatrician is going to recommend therapy. She is very smart, but really struggles saying certain sounds.

Okay, gotta go get the house ready to get my carpets cleaned. I wouldn't have to do this if Charlie would not scratch on places my DGD spilled milk. Even though I cleaned them he must be able to smell the milk. I catch him all the time scratching at those spots. I really want wood flooring, but it will be a while.

Tx......you probably are getting ready to go into surgery. Thoughts and prayers for you today!

Julie, so glad you are feeling better. Don't overdo!

Laura.......where are you?

Laura K......you too?

Janet, thanks for the recipe. I can't make it yet.......NO CARBS!! you know. Well, I did have a little bit of oatmeal in my pancake.

Later peeps!!!!

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Good Morning Gang.

Chris thinking of you this morning - good ju ju being sent your way..

Yep Charlene - No carbs ;0) - but I did have it for dinner last night - VERY good - 1 dumpling and the rest just Soup - carrots celery and chicken...

Julie - No I won't be helping Andrew move- I am flying up this weekend to see my sister - and he is suppose to move in 11/1 and that's a Monday - Plus you gotta know Andrew - he will put things his way - he would tell me how to fix my house lol... So it's a good thing I won't be there to help ;0) - Plus he lives on the 2nd floor - Stairs - up down up down - no thank you ;0) get enough exercise at the gym.. I will go and ck it out when I get back - take them grocery shopping to stock their shelves

Jodi - I know w/b of a you have to let them know when you are going out of USA not so much in state - I have already let them know will be in Mexico 11/27 ;0) - this Saturday 4 weeks to go..

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So I'm am checked in. Waiting for my nice new clothing for the day.

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Wow they are really moving this morning. I am in preop and gowned up. Waiting on preop nurse to come in and start iv

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Tx, good juju on it's way to you. You will do great. Welcome to bandland.

Julie, so glad to hear you are doing ok.

Arlene, I'm still here, haven't been up to much, making it thru the week.

Janet, recipe looks good. Soup is sounding better and better as the weather gets cold.

Apples, still have the crudy weather. We have the wind and rain on and off. Tomorrow we get the cold too.


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Iv in. Waiting on drs now

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Good Morning...radio said this morning that the winds we are getting compare to a category 3 hurricane. We have lived in this house since 1987 and NEVER have I heard such wind...not even in a full-blown snow storm. The winds are expected to not subside until this evening. I'm staying in today. I think some meanial tasks are calling my name.

Cheri...sounds like you really got hit with the wind also. My advice for today...hang onto your hat!

Arlene...good going on your carb-clean day...keep it going.

Janet...smart GM....staying out of the moving up two flights of stairs. Very nice of you to stock their panty. It's fun to do that for young kids. I know my kids loved filling up the cart when I would fly in to visit. Momma's treat.

Jodi....I ditto what Arlene said...thanks for explaining your job. Busy girl.

Julie...good to hear you are doing much better...hope it continues.

Well...have some company that stopped in for Breakfast (farmer friends have nothing to do right now) and going to go make some omelettes. Thank goodness I have a couple of kinds of muffins in freezer and Cookies and cake cuz I am sure this "farm session" will go on till noon.

Janet...thanks for the recipe....I've made those dumplings for years. I throw a tsp of Italian spices in them once in awhile.

Gotta go. Will talk later. Sending the ju ju also, TX. Hope you are under by know and having dreams of your new band life and life without shoulder pain.

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Tx - I'm sure you are in recovery by now. I wish nothing but smooth sailing for you.

Charlene - How do you make egg white pancakes? They sound good.

Janet - thanks for the recipe. I will try it this weekend. The weather here is perfect for it. It is officially Soup season.

Apples - How nice to have drop in on a bad weather day. It makes it a little sunnier!

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Hey guys~

Just a fly by. Been REALLY busy with Nelson's school (lots of Halloween activities), Halloween parties, TKD, and being with my DH. Sort of taking a break from the computer. I will check the posts now and again but haven't had time to post proper.

Tx you should be out by now and in recovery or in room. Hope you are doing well. We are thinking about ya!

All is well, no worries. Will try to post tonight guys.

peasout~ Laura

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Tx - I'm sure you are in recovery by now. I wish nothing but smooth sailing for you.

Charlene - How do you make egg white pancakes? They sound good.

Janet - thanks for the recipe. I will try it this weekend. The weather here is perfect for it. It is officially Soup season.

Apples - How nice to have drop in on a bad weather day. It makes it a little sunnier!

Egg White pancake

1/4 cup eggwhite

1/4 cup oatmeal ( use quick oats) if you use steel oats. let them soak in the egg white for 15 minutes or so.

1 Tbsp of sf jam any flavor or I have used Splenda brown sugar.

Mix.....put in a 8' fry pan coated in pam.....It doesn't take long. Sometimes in use a little Sf Syrup. I think it tastes like french toast.

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Evening ladies and tx. Just got some grades in and I am soo excited. I got a perfect score in calculating IV meds and rates, and a 95 A on my final on monday.

My teacher mentioned that we should all try to get jobs assisting nurses after our 1st semester. All the nurses I talk to seem to agree. I am concerned about adding more responsibilities to my plate. I was also sent an invitation to join the honors society. You have to be invited to join. I would love to do all this stuff. Just not sure if I can handle it all. I am hearing that it is hard to get a job in my area as a recent grad because there are 7 nursing schools in my city. I gotta figure some way to make myself stand out.

WTG!! You are doing GREAT!!

Phyl, Oh My, you sound miserable.......get well soon! I know about calories. I ate 926, but I did not exercise today. I will walk in the morning and go to the gym tomorrow evening.

Feeling better today. Temp went to 100.5, but no temp this morning and I can turn my head without too much pain! Pretty sure it was a virus. Chatted online w/friend last night who is here in the park and had same symptoms last week.

...when I went to FL with Dassi two years ago.. Chase put a stop on my card because it was being used so much all of a sudden in another state...but didnt call to ask if it was me!!! That was real bright. They have this great safe guard but they forgor to call me to ask if I was in FL....I had to call them when my card was all of sudden declined at some restaurant or something and when I called they told me this was standard procedure...

Phyl...take care of yourself...feel better soon!

Linda...im a special educator. I work with babies 0-3 and then 3-5s I work for BOE of NY. I work with two agencies one for the 0-3 population and one for the 3-5 population. Two different sets of laws one for Early Intervention and one for Preschool. so....am sort of a therapist...I do special instruction along with other therapists that provide related services such as P.T, O.T, and Speech and Language. Im what the parents and kids usually refer to me as the "play teacher". lol

After work ran to pick Dassi up from school to go to the Ped Orthopedist for her long over due leg braces. Thank god they are the right ones this time....and they fit.

Had so many problems with this particular company.

I know have to go out and buy her new shoes and sneakers...maybe boots. Not a happy camper.

Just bought new shpes just last month and they werent cheap special shoes to fit her feet....she always needs special size etc etc....70 bucks! Now another 70 and the sneakers will need to be special. GRRR but, must be done so...whats new?? lol

food intake....

Egg with cottage omelet for breakfast, Grilled vegetables and 4 bites of chicken breast, Protein bar for snack and lamb shwarma for dinner with steamed veggies....could not think of cooking so it was take out tonight.

Tomorrow am going to surgeon. Havent been since first week in Sept. am deff do for a fill...starving all the time!!! Im down to 148...but fluctuating from that to 150. Another five to ten lbs. Im good....according to charts now..my BMI is 25 and im no longer overweight or considered obese. woo hoo....on my way to maintenance!! Yes...now the hard part is here....the band did its work and I used it but now its more of me everyday to keep up the help it gave me to get to this point......more then ever food and exercise is the key now to maintinence I know this...so am trying, trying, trying!Jodi

We had stop put on CC once too. Very aggravating, though I appreciate their diligence! We were traveling OK to WA in our RV. Got to RV park in WY one night, tired and ready to call it a day, and CC was denied! We had no clue why. And we'd been on the road for several days, so why then?? Got it straightened out... but the next day, as I remember. Think we had to pay cash that night.

Feeling much better today, thanks!

Good to get your description of your job.

So, you put cottage cheese in your omelet? ? That sounds like a good idea. Earl makes me one every morning but I am always telling him.... "too much cheese"! I think I'll buy some cottage cheese and tell him to use that instead!

Hope your visit with surgeon goes well!

Apples, we are getting your weather, too... Just a real ugly day today.....wind and cold.... now tonight the snow started and we are supposed to have a blizzard tomorrow.... DH and I have dentist appointments tomorrow, but may have to cancel.....We'll see in the morning.....

Phyll, I sure hope your neck is better soon... nothing worse..... How is Earl after his surgery???

Well, time to try to get some rest.... I'm tired still and my shoulder has hurt some tonight again, but nothing like before.... I'm starting to think I might be having a breakthrough...... I'll be back in the swing before long.... Love you.... Julie

Seeing the horrible weather news for your area on TV this morning! Hope you make it to your dental appts!

Earl is doing well. Had uncomfortable follow-up appt yesterday and goes back in 2 weeks. He says doc poked around a lot and it hurt bad. Its causing him to have a bit of a headache today. He had to go help with pancake breakfast very early this morning, so he's taking a nap now. While he was at doc, Zoey and I went shopping and to Starbucks!!

Certainly glad to hear things look like they're turning around with your shoulder!!

Good night all. Will check in later. 9 hrs to go. Heading to bed. Have to be up in 5 hrs
So I'm am checked in. Waiting for my nice new clothing for the day.
Wow they are really moving this morning. I am in preop and gowned up. Waiting on preop nurse to come in and start iv
Iv in. Waiting on drs now

Love your minute to minute updates!! Waiting for the next one and trusting everything went well!

Happy Bandday to you

Happy Bandday to you

Happy Bandday, Dear TX

Happy Bandday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!



Egg White Pancake

1/4 cup eggwhite

1/4 cup oatmeal ( use quick oats) if you use steel oats. let them soak in the egg white for 15 minutes or so.

1 Tbsp of sf jam any flavor or I have used Splenda brown sugar.

Mix.....put in a 8' fry pan coated in pam.....It doesn't take long. Sometimes in use a little Sf Syrup. I think it tastes like french toast.

Mmmmmm!! That sounds good! Think I will email that one to Earl!

Maybe he'll fix some for me.

Edited by phyllser

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All this talk of omelettes made me go make one right in the middle of the afternoon. I had just eaten breakfast when we got company so missed out on the ones this morning.

I don't like much cheese on mine either, Phyll. Love the taste of it but cheese is my "binder". I am sitting here while typing eating an omelette with a little cheese and topped with salsa. Good comfort food on this cold and windy day.

Did I tell you guys that we had snow on the ground this morning? When I was younger, that first snow was so exciting. Now....not so much.

DH went to town to do some errands. I can honestly say I cannot remember the last time he was off the farm (except for farming other fields). I would take a guess and say Sept 25 when we closed up the lake place. Might have to snag him Friday night to go out to dinner. It's been quite some time.

Doing some online Christmas shopping this week. Got my first orders today. Going to wrap them later. Should be done shopping by the end of the week. Was lucky with DH's gift. A pilot stopped by a couple of weeks ago that had taken aerial photos of the farm. I bought him a large matted print to hang with the other (about 15) prints of the farm. Fun to see the changes over the years. The first one aerial we have framed and matted is of this farm site back in the early 1920's. His mother was born on this farm and his GP owned it at the time.

TX...you should be one of us by now. Hope your shoulder pain is manageble. You most likely will not even notice the LB surgery pain with also having the shoulder surgery. Wishing you the best this week as you heal.

OK...back to shopping. Later.

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This is Debbie, TX's wife. We are finally home and Chris is snoring loudly in the chair beside me. The shoulder surgery took longer than expected. He went in at 9:00 and that surgeon came out to talk to me at 12:30. I think they were just trying to give me a nervous breakdown. LOL The Lapband surgeon was done and out to give me the updates at about 1:30. Everything went well, but we had trouble getting him awake enough for the nurses to feel comfortable letting him leave. He wanted us to "leave him alone and let him sleep." I got him settled and gave him pain killers so hopefully he will be out for a while. I don't look forward to seeing him work through the pain over the next week or so. (More with the shoulder than the lap band.)

Thanks to all of you for the great support you have given him and will continue to give him I'm sure through this journey. Debbie

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This is Debbie, TX's wife. We are finally home and Chris is snoring loudly in the chair beside me. The shoulder surgery took longer than expected. He went in at 9:00 and that surgeon came out to talk to me at 12:30. I think they were just trying to give me a nervous breakdown. LOL The LAP-BAND® surgeon was done and out to give me the updates at about 1:30. Everything went well, but we had trouble getting him awake enough for the nurses to feel comfortable letting him leave. He wanted us to "leave him alone and let him sleep." I got him settled and gave him pain killers so hopefully he will be out for a while. I don't look forward to seeing him work through the pain over the next week or so. (More with the shoulder than the LAP-BAND®.)

Thanks to all of you for the great support you have given him and will continue to give him I'm sure through this journey. Debbie

Hey Debbie...nice to "meet" you and thanks for the update on Chris. Sounds like you are taking good care of him. Let him know we are thinking of him and to post when he can. I am sure the next few days will be tough ones for him but he's lucky he has you by his side. Take care

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This is Debbie, TX's wife. We are finally home and Chris is snoring loudly in the chair beside me. The shoulder surgery took longer than expected. He went in at 9:00 and that surgeon came out to talk to me at 12:30. I think they were just trying to give me a nervous breakdown. LOL The LAP-BAND® surgeon was done and out to give me the updates at about 1:30. Everything went well, but we had trouble getting him awake enough for the nurses to feel comfortable letting him leave. He wanted us to "leave him alone and let him sleep." I got him settled and gave him pain killers so hopefully he will be out for a while. I don't look forward to seeing him work through the pain over the next week or so. (More with the shoulder than the LAP-BAND®.)

Thanks to all of you for the great support you have given him and will continue to give him I'm sure through this journey. Debbie

Hi Debbie, and thanks for keeping us updated on hubby's surgery... I am glad that it is over and behind him! I am sure you are too!!!!

He is very lucky to have the support of a good women.. His pain will pass, and then onto Physio and Mushie foods! Yeh=haw!!

Keep us posted on his progress:biggrin:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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