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Good Morning Peeps

Ok looks like Desert Rose is selling CC # - I think that we all need to call and talk to the head office

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So Apples Me Charlene - who else - I forget But Great you had a cc issue after Vegas though but you didn't use your card there - want to get facts straight..

Chris - for me today (the day before surgery) it was easy not to eat - cuz I was nervous ;0) - You will be in our prayers ..

I got my PB2 last night - I made up both the choc & reg - I thought the choc was good - I will be making shake for bf today.. I wouldn't eat the stuff plain - but use it in shake and cooking..

Julie - Glad the wedding is behind you - can't wait to see pics

Charlene - Today you are going to purge yourself of all carbs/sugar - 3 days no carbs/sugar..

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Charlene - Today you are going to purge yourself of all carbs/sugar - 3 days no carbs/sugar.. __________________

Yep, I had two boiled eggs this morning. Well, Charlie ate the yolk.

I am headed out to take my mom to the eye dr. to get eyelashes pulled, and I am getting a follow up on the laser surgery I had. The scar tissue is still clouding up my vision, but seldom.

I will call Desert Rose after I do the paperwork this afternoon.

Okay gang, have a prosperous day!

Tx, praying for you......You will do great!!

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Good Morning....I called the Desert Rose this morning and asked to talk to the General Manger of the Vegas facility. I got his voice mail stating that he would be out thru the 29th. I left a message stating that I would be calling him back after that time and also told him the dates we were there and that we had 5 out of 11 of us that had compromised cr cards after statying at their hotel.

Cold, windy, rainy and DEPRESSING weather here. I have not been off the farm since last Thursday and ready to bolt.

I have a doc appt. this afternoon regarding the apron. We'll see what he suggests and if it is even worth it to pursue anything with it. Part of me feels silly even having it looked at and the other part of me says "Hell yeah...not willing to deal with the rashes (few but bothersome) and sweating. Will see what is said by the doc and take his advice.

Other than that, just doing books today. The days are coming where I can foresee feeling like a prisoner in my home. Predicted strong winds thru tomorrow night with snow tomorrow. Only harvested 50 acres yesterday which leaves about another 150 left in the field. Supposed to be nice on the weekend so maybe will get it in then.

Arlene...keep going with the no carb plan as Janet said. Carbs are the devil!

Great...hope your weather changed around and you can enjoy the beach and get some rest.

Will talk later.

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Today is going to be the hardest for me food wise. I am very much an emotional eater. I have used food to cope most of my life, and now it is time to stop the distructive behavior.


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Today is going to be the hardest for me food wise. I am very much an emotional eater. I have used food to cope most of my life, and now it is time to stop the distructive behavior.


Hang on, Chris...you have done soooooooooo well throughout the preop stage. Don't undo the good that has been done. Just know that there will be days like this throughout your LabBand journey and your determination and pride will get you through. There are tough days but there are so many good days that make it sooooooooooooo worth it all.

This is a process. Try to just take each stage as it comes and prepare for the next. You can do this!:thumbup:

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Hi all. Happy Tues. We are having same weather as Apples -- strong wind, rainy, cold and miserable. I'm wearing a flannel shirt, leggings and boots today -- winter is coming quick.

Chris, good luck tomorrow, will be keeping good positive thoughts for you. We are all emotional eaters -- you'll get through the day -- one minute, one second at a time - stay stong and just keep thinking of how great you're going to feel in a few months -- and you will -- you'll be a new man with so much more energy. It's what keeps us going -- I keep reminders around so I don't forget how far I've come -- you need to do that too -- take pics of yourself today and post them where you see them or can look at them. As you lose weight, look at them so you can compare how you look -- you'll be surprised really how quickly you change -- you've probably already lost quite a bit and already look differently from when you started the pre-op. Congratulations on getting throught that phase so successfully.

Arlene, Sandy and Phyl, wtg on setting your new goals -- so proud of all of you!

Cheri, hopefully you are doing better this week - I think your week away did you some good. The grieving process is complicated. Glad you're doing so well with your weight issues during this stressful time. Proud of you too!

Jodi, glad the job interview went well -- sounds like a good job for your future, after Dassi is a bit older. But it's always good to get out there and check out what's there.

Julie, happy to hear the wedding went well -- I'm sure it was beautiful and all the food was delish. Can't wait to see the pics.

Joyce, hope all is well -- did your DS get moved yet? Have a wonderful trip if I don't get to write before then.

Several of you have asked about Katie's health. She's back to where she was before the lung incident -- where she's good for several days and then has problems -- back to her stomach problems caused by her diabetes. Not sure if that will ever clear up -- hopefully by taking better care of her diabetes (which she SEEMS to be doing) it will eventually get better. We've still had to take Aylah for several days -- at least twice a week. But, she has gained weight -- says she's back up to 130 (from a low of 104). So hopefully she will eventually get better. She still eats too much processed food (in my personal opinion, I think that is part of the problem). Thanks for asking and keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Eva, hope you're doing good today as well.

Gotta run, CBL.

Love you all.

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Good Morning Peeps

Apples - Andrew is suppose to move in 11/1 - going to try and get keys so that he can move in on the weekend (11/1 monday) - I'm not nervous he can handle it - the only thing I worry about is the drive to and from cuz he drives too fast and don't want him getting any tickets - thats about the only thing that I am concern w/

Eva - back to work already :0) - I know a lot of telephone pple get job's right away - also those who got early retirement can also get unemployment - don't ask me how but they do..

Jessica WTG on the 5 K !!! Glad things are going well

Chris - you will be in our prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recover..

Well gotta leave for work - hugs to all

Andrew will have to learn not to speed, or he will get tickets...sorry, but I have friends that never learn that lesson and they are always on the verge of losing their license. I wish him the best in his new digs.

I retired, I didn't get "laid off" so I don't get to collect unemployment. Sometimes, you get "laid-off" but you still retire and those people do get to collect unemployment. Not me. Also, mine isn't considered early retirement because of my years of service.

Ugh....not sure what is going on with my nice little camera. All my Vegas pics were extremely fuzzy and it's not any better now.

Anyway, Tanker is all ready for Halloween and for the trick or treat kids to come. We decided he could wear his costume for about a week or more. He does the same at Christmas time. He loves getting dressed up. DS bought him this outfit yesterday. Headless horseman...he's the horse!

Pics are so cute. It's amazing how calms these black labs are. Glimmer will just sit and look at me when I put stuff on her too.

Yeah, true, but I have to stand on the scale and look someone in the eye..... the"Walk of Fame or Walk of Shame". Okay, here is the truth......Janet......get ready.....I have gained since I started Water aerobics and strength training. I am so dang hungry. Yeah, everyone has told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but this is really bothering me. And eating more carbs is not working for me. Today is the 25th. Thanksgiving is Nov 25th. I want to really go down 10lbs by Thanksgiving. I am going to make a Thanksgiving ticker.

Good for you. I think I will join you on the Thanksgiving goal. And a pound is a pound, it's just the volume as Janet said.

Charlene, I love the new ticker. I will have to make a new “off the plateau” ticker. I have 43 pounds left to lose. I am ready to do this and I know I can.

I love it! We even have cheerleaders!

1 Day, an apple or a handful of nuts is a good snack.< /span>

Linda, both you and Charlene mention FM. What does that mean? Sorry you are in pain.

Cheri, Batten down the hatches. We are going to get hit!

Chris, Best of luck tomorrow!

My calories today were 1229. I walked one mile and worked out at the gym for 1 hour.

Sandy thanks for starting the accountability thing. I really need that and have been terrible since before vacation. Now I really do need to mind my "p's and q's" and log my food and exercise.

Hello dear ladies and Chris........ My darling daughter is a married woman now, my Mimi has a daddy and I'm still alive!!!!!! and OMG I have over 10 pages to read....... don't know when I'll get to that..... I may need someone to do for me what I have done for others in the past and give me the lowdown........ I've missed you all very much, but just no time to do anything but wedding.....

It went off wonderfully..... My food and cake was all a hit..... got all the traveling relatives and friends off yesterday.... I'm trying to get my house back in order but it still resembles the aftermath of a tornado around here... We got Mimi about 5:00 today and will have her while kids are gone on honeymoon till Thursday night in Vegas..... I am happy to report that my pain let me alone for most of the time.... Actually having a bit now so am doing my routine..... It's my feet and legs that took it the hardest with all the walking and mingling...

The photographer will be sending all the disks of pictures tomorrow so hope to share pictures soon.... I didn't take any, but he took tons.... He is my cousin and was shooting pictures all night..... Should be lots of good one... I did get the video of the wedding on my camera......

Well, gotta go check on Mimi.... She has school at 8:30 tomorrow so I put her to bed, but doubt she is sleeping yet.... I love you all and will try to get back again tomorrow..... Hugs......... Julie..................a tired MOB

Julie, I'm so glad everything went well. Best wishes to the newlyweds!! Take care and enjoy your rest!!

33 hrs to go. had my Protein chocolate mint isoflex(which is fantastic by the way) with PB2 and some choco fudge sf pudding mix for brunch and homemade chili for dinner. I am bouncing back and fourth between excited and nervous.

I really want to think all of you for your encouraging words. I'm not sure i could do this with out all the support.


So is isoflex oneof the Isopure products? I use Isopure Protein drinks. They are tolerable and have 50 grams of Protein. Actually I'm out and need to buy some more but at $50 a container, it's a little hard to justify right now. The bouncing you are doing now is normal. You will be just fine! The emotional eating will be something you need to deal with, it doesn't get banded and I have problems with that too. Just try and keep your goals in mind. Good luck on your surgery.

Linda, glad to hear DSD is doing a little better. You sound pretty busy lately. Sorry about the colder weather. It's finally beautiful here and I'm inside doing work. Amazing.

Lori, are you back now for a while or have you done Hawaii yet? Traveling is exhausting. Even though you are sitting and not doing power walking or anything there is something about flying and driving that sucks the energy out of you. I do have to say, after flying first class, that is a lot easier to take over long hauls than the cramped cattle class. However, I can't afford 1st so I'll be mooing along with everyone else.

Phyl, those dogs are smart and they do teach you to react to their behavior. Glimmer has me trained to let her out when she wants....it's not always to potty.

Jessica, glad to hear your life is going well. Be proud of your accomplishments, so are doing so well.

Hello to everyone else I've missed.

I took yesterday off and got caught up with some stuff, like bills and things that didn't get done this weekend because Ron was here showing me this job. Today, I'm working on AutoCAD drawings and will get a couple done.

My sister from Florida is coming in today and I'll pick her up from the airport at 1pm. She's coming to clear out her house so she can put it up for rent. I wish her luck because she won't be getting a lot of help from me and Tracy. We are both working on stuff and sort of busy.

I'm getting some new software for the computer, need to upgrade a couple of programs for the new job, so I'm waiting on that and I figure by the end of next week, I should be up and running full tilt. This is so cool.

Apples, you said you want to work somewhere else, I get that, but I've worked somewhere else for 34 years so working from home is a dream. See the grass is always greener.....

Okay, back to work for a while.


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Eva. The isoflex is made by allmax nutrition. It is awsome stuff. Is is a whey Protein isolate. Which is supposed to be the top of the line whey protein. It is 27 grams per scoop. With thirty servings at 27 bucks a 2 lb can that's not to bad. The chocolate mint supreme is GREAT

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I am home from the eye doctor. My eye looks great. He said it is probably a floater in my eye. My mother toughed through getting her ingrown lashes pulled....poor baby.

I went to the bank and did the paperwork to get my money back from Visa. The lady there said to be sure to contact Desert Rose as it sounds like an inside job. Visa will investigate, and so will my credit union.

So far.....two boiled eggs (whites only)

chicken salad without grapes (boo) and crackers(UGH)

Plan for the day 100 cal yogurt, Muscle Honey Milk light 20 Protein....150 calories...no sugar. In fact , I may have two shakes.

Eva, jump on this bandwagon!

Chris, hang in there! You will do very well.

Apples, Let us know how it goes......email if you don't want to post.

Okay, gotta do some stuff around here. Later!

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I just got a call from Desert Rose. There system was compromised. They said it was not an employee. They are working with the credit card company. I told them that others were going to call.

Okay, gotta run babysit for a bit. Later!

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Janet my cc issues were with dh's card and unrelated to Vegas

Having a good time in Hawaii went for a walk and will go swim after lunch before i get ready to head to airport it's a red eye flight home.

Chris take a before pic. Someone recommended i take one in a set spot like in a doorway of a closed door. I then took a photo in that same spot each month and watched as i became smaller and the door got bigger.

Arkene crackers are carbs you can do this!!!

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I am back home. I went out to eat with DH......yes, Mexican. I am so proud of myself. I asked the waitress if they had raw veggies for my salsa. So I ate zucchini, cauliflower , and yellow squash with my salsa. Then I had grilled Tiapia. I plan on drinking a Honey Milk coffee shake for snack tonight. I made it!!!

Chris.....Lori's picture idea is great. I wish I had done it. Prayers for you tomorrow!

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Hello dear ladies and Chris........ My darling daughter is a married woman now, my Mimi has a daddy and I'm still alive!!!!!! and OMG I have over 10 pages to read....... don't know when I'll get to that..... I may need someone to do for me what I have done for others in the past and give me the lowdown........ I've missed you all very much, but just no time to do anything but wedding.....

It went off wonderfully..... My food and cake was all a hit..... got all the traveling relatives and friends off yesterday.... I'm trying to get my house back in order but it still resembles the aftermath of a tornado around here... We got Mimi about 5:00 today and will have her while kids are gone on honeymoon till Thursday night in Vegas..... I am happy to report that my pain let me alone for most of the time.... Actually having a bit now so am doing my routine..... It's my feet and legs that took it the hardest with all the walking and mingling...

The photographer will be sending all the disks of pictures tomorrow so hope to share pictures soon.... I didn't take any, but he took tons.... He is my cousin and was shooting pictures all night..... Should be lots of good one... I did get the video of the wedding on my camera......

Well, gotta go check on Mimi.... She has school at 8:30 tomorrow so I put her to bed, but doubt she is sleeping yet.... I love you all and will try to get back again tomorrow..... Hugs......... Julie..................a tired MOB

Julie - I am so glad the wedding went well for everyone!!!!

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8_1_237.gif Yeah! We have Eva on board too. Great job on dining out Charlene!

Today I had 1363 calories and exercised 1/2 hour at lunch.


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Just called Desert Rose. They want everyone to call. They're keeping track of everyone affected. They have a web site you can contact for updated info. Its www.shellvacationsclub.com and if you want additional info contact 877shell10 (phone).

So far all the info available is that they had a breach that affected credit card and debit. Investigators are working on it. Sounded like it might have been shellvacations in general that was affected not just Desert Rose.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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