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Hi all.

I'm here. I'm reading. No time to post. Concert tomorrow at 4 in Matteson at St Lawrence O'Toole Church. Phenomenal acoustics there. I am so looking forward to it.

Singing is great exercise. So is walking. So is running up and down the stairs at work. Trainers, shcmaners. Just get up and out and move. Find what you like to do. If you like to swim-find a pool. If you think you'll like running and there are no medical contraindications and you have most of your weight off, go ahead. Just start very slowly. Run a half a block and walk another one. Like to dance? Put on some music and go for it. Like to sing? Join a choir. Find someone who likes to do what you do and do it together. I, personally, like walking by myself. It's like meditation time for me. I often have glorious music going through my head to match the glorious weather--or to make up for the bad weather. As you lose the weight you'll feel more and more like moving. If you like housework, go for it. Take your grandkids to the part and follow them on all the equipment. You'll get a workout.


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Hi everybody...... I slept pretty well last night so even though I had some pain last evening I'm still counting it a good day and night..... Hoping for more of the same today and tonight... we have to travel to a wedding this afternoon and will be away from home until later tonight... It's no fun to have that pain anytime, but away from home is the worst as I have to try to pretend or else make a spectacle of myself..... hate doing that.....

Wow, Linda, I'm happy for your nice win.... Can you teach me how to do that????? I never win anything... Maybe because I only play the penny or nickle machines..... We don't go very often......

Laura K, hope you have a nice walk....

Phyll, if your husband is like mine, he doesn't make a good patient.... I'm sure he is getting nervous.... Hope everything goes well....

Gold Star (aka Janet), you have a fun time bowling.... I've never thrown a ball in my life......ever......

Well, I guess this is one of those fly-by posts that some of you talk about..... Gotta go get myself ready... You all have a great weekend... Hugs and prayers.. Julie

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Well today has been interesting so far. Only got about 30 min of sleep last night. The bad thing about it is that I usually use carbs to overpower being this tired. Not so much. Other than that things are peachy. Preop is going alot better than expected so far.

Thanks for all the support.


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I am using purple.......who uses purple?

Congrats Linda!!! Awesome win!!!

I don't know about being new, but healthier....yes! My weight has not moved, but I did go down a half size in my calves. I did order a smaller size Jacket......from QVC. I just love their clothes.......especially their coats and jackets.

Phyl........HUGS and Prayers for EARL. I think the older we get any time we are put under we get anxious. I hope a speedy recovery for him. Please keep us informed.

Thanks gang, for all the Congrats for Jakob. I haven't talked to him. He is busy getting ready to show tomorrow. You have to practically live at the fair when you are showing an animal. You have to feed, keep the pen clean, and all the prepping for the showing.

Janet.....good luck on the bowling!

Jodi.....Congrats on the workout!

Laurak.....keep us up on the new "friend".

Lori......Laying on Waikiki?

Eva......miss ya!

Julie.....one more week....right?

Joyce......where are you?

Tx.....How's it going today?

Kim......you won't regret getting a pedometer to get started. I use mine everyday.

1 day.....???? where are you?


Apples....miss ya!

Cheri........enjoy the singing. I wish we had taken time to here you sing a Hymn. I bet you have an awesome voice.

Laura.....where are you today? Playing with Nels I am sure.

Peaches....good to hear from you!

kasai.....Are you feeling better about being banded?

Okay, ladies......I have a mess of groceries to put up. I shopped at Walmart. They are remodeling. It looks like Super Wal is downsizing their inventory. The aisles are huge. I did hear on TV that Walmart is going to build smaller grocery stores. That's great. They ran off the mom and pop stores.......now they are building mom and pop stores without the personal touch. I used to buy my fabrics from them.....ran off the mom and pop fabric stores......now they quit carrying fabric.. I better stop griping. I am grateful I live where I have choices.

Take care all!!!!

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GREAT day today!!!

Went out to brunch with Nelson's BFF, Nick and his mom. I had two eggs over easy and grits. One of my favorite meals. Then we went shopping for HALLOWEEN! Michaels has everything 50-75% off already- so strange! They are making room for Christmas already! Hit Party City and two other costume stores. I think we are set- Nelson is going to be a SWAT/policeman this year. Then we went to the big pumpkin patch- lots of wagons and tractors and mazes, and pumpkins of course! Then to McDeees for ice cream and playground. Then came home and put out some new decorations. I got a motion sensitive talking/moving skeleton for near the front door. This is the first year Nels can tolerate these (without being scared) so going all out! While out we saw the neighbor girls and invited them to swim. Nelson had 5 girls in the pool at once! What a lucky boy! He was in heaven and even said he was glad none of them had cooties..LOL! Now we are showered and in PJs at 6. Bought the new HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON dvd and I am serving popcorn and peanut M&Ms for dinner. He's not "hungry" for food and I don't feel like cooking. He's been eating healthy all week. Gotta break the routine sometimes.

I am going to get my feet up- exhausted. Will go to bed early tonight!

hope everyone is well.......peasout

Edited by peascorps

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Drum Roll Please!!!!!!

DGS got Alternate Grand Champion on his Cherry Nut Cake!!! Thanks! Apples!!! for the recipe.:wink2:

DGS got 2nd Place for his Pecan Pie Bars!! Thanks! Julie!! for the recipe.:bolt:

Now he will be showing his steer on Sunday at the county fair. He is off to a good start. Thanks for all the juju!!!:lol:

Awesome job!

Linda, In the past we have butchered our deers but it is a lot of work. Now a days we take it to the butcher. :) We eat a lot of venison. Last year DH got 3 and we managed to eat most of it. I did give some to my nephew who also loves venison but does not hunt.

Laura, it sounds like you and DS are staying busy and having some fun with your time together. WTG!

Edited by sndycnrd

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Linda, yep meeting someone today, going for a walk, then a we'll see. DD is doing good, starting to make some friends from work. Weekends are still hard for her, friends are work friends. She is heading to LV right now to take some boots back and get her Jeep serviced, recalls, oil change. She said the mtns have snow already.

Phyl, I'll send good juju Earl's way early so he'll do good. Sorry Tx but men are such baby's.

Take care got to get moving.


How did the walk go? :)

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Hi all...read all your posts...sounds like everyone is doing great, I love that you all respond so well to each other!

I went to the Oakridge Festival today its like a craft thing in the woods, and walked and walked..bought a few things, had chicken off the grill for lunch, ate only a little and was full. When I came home, of course puppy wanted out, so I walked him, as I started to turn at the corner of my block, I thought--lets make it two, so I headed down to the next corner and came back around, two blocks tonight after walking all day. Had a Burger King $1.00 side salad for dinner, with some chicken breast on it. Feeling good. Need to get that Pedometer still, but I'd bet I walked 10000 steps today-my hips ache a bit, but gonna do it again tomorrow.

Congrats on the Casino win- Thats GREAT!

Peascorps-sounds like you had a wonderful day with your little one! My daughter took her little ones to the Orchard today and did about the same thing.

Thanks ALL for you kind words of encouragment!

Gonna take a bubble bath, get in my jammies and read--the hubby got me a book of short stories by Grisham -Ford County- a very sweet card and a pumpkin spice candle for sweetest day--hes learning--no candy for this gal. LOL

May you ALL have a peaceful evening!


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OMG Julie you have NEVER bowled... I find that strange for some reason - we use to do it quite a bit when I was a kid - a group of us would go to the bowling ally - did it as teenager - 20 - 30- I would say in the last few yrs I only go for this charity thingie - I'm not too good at it once a yr - 1st game 93 - 2nd game 86 - did get a strike - spare - a few gutter balls ;0)

Laura - sounds like you had a great day w/Nelson.. Love the pics...

Charlene - Great writes in purple ;0) - I hear they are remodeling our super wall mart too - i don't go to it cuz Target is closer ;0) WTG on a smaller size..

Edited by IndioGirl55

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GREAT day today!!!

Went out to brunch with Nelson's BFF, Nick and his mom. I had two eggs over easy and grits. One of my favorite meals. Then we went shopping for HALLOWEEN! Michaels has everything 50-75% off already- so strange! They are making room for Christmas already! Hit Party City and two other costume stores. I think we are set- Nelson is going to be a SWAT/policeman this year. Then we went to the big pumpkin patch- lots of wagons and tractors and mazes, and pumpkins of course! Then to McDeees for ice cream and playground. Then came home and put out some new decorations. I got a motion sensitive talking/moving skeleton for near the front door. This is the first year Nels can tolerate these (without being scared) so going all out! While out we saw the neighbor girls and invited them to swim. Nelson had 5 girls in the pool at once! What a lucky boy! He was in heaven and even said he was glad none of them had cooties..LOL! Now we are showered and in PJs at 6. Bought the new HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON dvd and I am serving popcorn and peanut M&Ms for dinner. He's not "hungry" for food and I don't feel like cooking. He's been eating healthy all week. Gotta break the routine sometimes.

I am going to get my feet up- exhausted. Will go to bed early tonight!

hope everyone is well.......peasout

Hi all I use purple.

Peas - I miss being in Fl and having a pool. Now I have to pay to go to the pool :) Which is sad since I used to have one.

So I had a frighting day at work Fri. A man call threating me about some product he gave my owner that I guess he had not been paid for. The problem was I was all alone and afraid he was going to come to the building. I knew what he looked like because he was talking to my boss earlier in the day. However my boss never told him he was leaving for the weekend and was not coming back till Monday. Good thing I had my large knitting needle and my cell phone just in case. I looked out the front two windows which show both ways of getting into the parking lot so I could lock the door just in case but he never showed up. I have to say I was never so glad to see the workers show up about 45 mins later. My office is not in the best part of town which normally I do not worry about cause there is someone always with me. Since then I have applied for 3 other jobs. Oh and to make other matters worse I was supposed to get insurance after a month is what my boss said then I found out Thursday I will not get it unitl Jan. we can not afford 3 more months of 1300 cobra I say 3 cause we have not paid this month yet. I even looked into putting my son on Peach care however that is based on income. Not sure what I am going to do yet.

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Hi All, walk went great, walked probably 4 miles.

He's very nice. A 7th grade teacher.

We'll see. I would go out with him again.


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Janet, i forgot about Lori writing in purple.....How is this color? Charcoal?

Well, I finally went through my make-up. I have so much make-up that hasn't even been opened......mostly HSN and QVC stuff. Anyway, I have it boxed up for my Granddaughters. They will be thrilled to get all that Smashbox eye make-up.

I bought all the stuff for the pouch test. I gave my DH a copy of the five day pouch test. I am just waiting for him to say okay. I hope we can start it next week.

Maybe this color is Navy? Anyway, I am gonna use it.

One day, so sorry you had been frightened like that. When I worked in Hawaii we had a bomb threat. i was so glad we were on the 3rd floor. I hope you can find another job soon. In Texas kids can get on chips when parents are laid off. It doesn't hurt to go apply for your son. If you don't qualify they may know of an organization that can help you with supplies for your diabetes and medication for your son.

I may not check in till late tomorrow. I have church, babysitting DGD, and then the fair.

Have a Great Sunday!

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Apples2 is back!!! Decided I'm not giving up my power to ANYONE. I tossed and turned last night and decided that no way, no how would I be intimidated by anyone. So, that said, I am going to post whatever the hell I want to post about my daily routine and if that "special someone" that finds my life sooooooooooooooo interesting wants to follow along....she can just "have at it". OK, Jen S.? Ready to follow? Pretty boring stuff, but, whatever.

We started our corn harvest about noon today. Thinking this will be a pretty easy harvest with the weather cooperating like it has been. Nice dry corn. Won't need to use much fuel for drying like we did last year. It usually takes us about 14 days for corn harvest. I am thinking that if we don't get rain or snow, we will be done in 10 days. Perfect.

Arlene...congrats to Jakob on his cake and bars. Hope he does well with his livestock. You should be very proud of him at that young age.

Janet....I haven't bowled for about 4 yrs. It got to be so much for me when I was heavy. I was on a Tuesday night league for many years. Enjoyed it. Been thinking about getting back into it again. The bad part of joining a league again is that I have to fine someone to replace me when we are gone in the winter months. Tough to find.

Have fun helping Andrew set up his new apt.

Julie...hope you enjoyed the wedding and you were pain free. Could it be that these treatments are working? Would be nice.

Laura...sounds and looks like fun was had by all today. Such a nice photo of you and Nels together. That will make DH smile!

Jodi...your turning into a gym rat! Good for you. Sounds like quite a schedule. Proud of you. You won't be sorry. Wish I didn't live so far from the gym. I do have a treadmill I use in the winter.

LauraK....hope you had a nice time on your walk. Could this be the one????

Hey Cheri...your email helped to push me to get back my name, pull up my boot straps and move on. Thank you for that.

Hey TX/Chris...sounds like you turned on your heel when it came to the brownies. YOU GET THE GOLD STAR FOR THE DAY!

Melissa...sorry you had that scare at work.. Creepy. Hope you find a new job with insurance soon. I wouldn't want to pay that much for COBRA either. Been there/done that. Like someone else said, check into what is available for your son.

Phyll....sending DH (and you) hugs with his upcoming surgery. I've heard it can be a bugger the couple of days after. Sounds like you will be practicing your nursing again. Hope he has an easy time of it.

Lori...get some sun for me. It's been awhile since I sat in the sun.

Linda...congrats on the casino winnings! Lucky/cute girl!

Hey Jessica...what you up to???? Studying???? Way to go on your tests.

Joyce...when do you leave for Guam?

OK...I missed some of you...so sorry. Will check back later. Nice to be back. (like it was soooooo long)....No one junking up your thread.

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I ditto Phyl's comments to everyone. Linda - $1,000 win - yippee

Julie - I leave for Guam on Nov. 1st and have lots to handle before I leave. 43 yr. old son moving from Nevada to K.C. and will arrive next weekend. Want to help him get settled before I leave.

Jodi - great plan of exercise.

Arlene - congrats to Jakob.

I went shopping yesterday and today and spent too much money - but was wearing an outfit I've not had on for 4 years. I was afraid to try it on -- but it fits. yippee

However, I need the fill that is on Tuesday next week. To improve restriction.

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