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I have not seen my doctor. I was banded in Mexico because of the cost. I have had three fills up in Michigan at a fill centers USA place. Some days I can eat and eat and other days, hardly anything goes down. At first I felt I was doing good, but I have not lost a pound in almost 6 months. I work 8-5 and come home tired, I never work out, and only walk the dog because HE likes it...lol I feel like I really need to get back on track and find the energy and motivation. I am not sure why I chose the band...I guess I thought it would solve my self esteem issues...but not sure about that now. My husband is younger and thinner, we are newly married (3 years now) and I wanted to look good and feel good and be with him forever...

Why did you? Are you still confident in your decision?

Thanks for being here...as I am having a rough time right now..


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I just replied and it didn't post...and now I think its gone...but anyways...I am not sure why I chose the band, I had my surgery in Mexico and have not seen a doctor since, I have had three fills in Michigan at a Fill centers USA, not much aftercare at all. Some days I can eat too much and other day hardly anything goes down, I wonder at times if the restriction level is affected by stress level. I work 8-5 and come home very tired and do much of nothing, I only walk my puppy because HE likes it...lol. I am newly married (three years now) and my husband is younger and thin, I wanted to look good , feel good, and be happy...it had been a very long time since I had felt that way. I thought the band would solve some self esteem issues, but don't know now...

At first I thought I was doing ok, but now have not lost any weight in almost six months. I just want to get back on track and get motivated. I am having a rough time right now...

Thanks for being here.


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Well it looks like day 2 down and no major problems. Had a chick-fil-a grilled ckn breast for mid day snack then my salad for dinner. Still only about 800 cal but feel really good

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Fly by night kinda gal (no time to catch up, just read the last page only)......

Janet~ you just made my whole frikkin day wonderful by posting that AMAZING photo! You are my star today! Shining ever so bright. Thank you for being you. : )

I just love my DH. (In case you guys didn't know!)

I had a FANTASTIC day of volunteering as a nurse practitioner today. I asked for a packed schedule and they listened! I saw 8 patients between 830 and 130. 2 were annual physicals! and 2 were train wrecks (not literally, but had tons of medical problems and tons of meds). Used my brain and my empathy a LOT. Now I am worn out. I have one six year old boy ASLEEP....... I am going to get my feet up and chill. (he got a yellow slip today at school today for talking in class and my punishment was no tv. I think it was harder on me than him!) :)

peasout......................... Laura

Laura - I have always been a ham - not matter 250 or 136 - I'm still a ham ;0) - Never scared of the camera

Yes we know you love your DH - he's a great dh.. I'm jealous ;0)

Charlene, WTG on the exercise. Like you, I never exercised and now I look forward to it. I really had to force myself at first but it does grow on you.

Janet, love the star!

Julie, glad the tens is working for you. It is about time you get some relief.

Newsflash - I just got a media message from DH. 16_3_160.gifWooHoo he got a deer. Venison is my favorite! He is almost home so I gotta run and help him.

Very low in calories too ;0)

any suggestions how to get started into exercising? I walk my puppy around the block twice a day and that about kills me...any ideas would be wonderful...



Just do it - Really - it will grow on you...


Keep increasing your walking each week. Try Yoga, I just started that and love it. zumba is fun also. Some of the girls go to the gym with trainers.

Laura, Some times the punishment is more on us than on the kids.

Julie, so glad your pain is better.

janet, you're our star too.

Linda, sorry about the issues with the "kids"

Sandy, good for your DH getting a deer.

Got CRS so, have a great night all.


Laura - Great suggestions - I love my classes - I haven't been to yoga - it's just too late 7:30 and I don't get home til 8:45 - that's late for me on a work nite - plus the dogs are alone all day - But really doing yoga was exercising 2 x on the same day - I may go some days - but the last few weeks too busy - I do love it though - just wish it was earlier..

Janet - I'm sure you told me about NO DIET - I was probably not ready to hear/digest it. Oprah says, "When we know better, we do better."

Very busy, stress-filled day today. You don't want to hear it, believe me.

Great food choices for Breakfast and lunch - then starving (physically & emotionally) for dinner. Was able to eat a whole bowl of chicken chili and a salad.

Have appt for fill next week - then lots more stress before I leave for Guam. I can do this.

You are doing really good Joyce - one day at a time..

Wow, Janet, you still had boobs then.... You look awesome though..... always!!!!:)

Ya I forgot I attached that picture - omg I though I looked really thin in that picture back then - that top was from the gap - xlarge and 14 jeans ... Yep I still had boobs - I like my b cup - just wish they were perky ;0)

Julie - Congrats on great new drivers license picture. I must confess, I weight on DL is desired weight. Highway patrol would never identify me by my license. lolol
Kimberly - we are the same age and are having similar problems dedicating ourselves to our program.

Why did we choose the band???

Relative to exercising - I started out walking my puppy one block and added a block a week. Now we can easily go 12 blocks in 20 minutes. HE EXPECTS IT. And I won't disappoint him. Add a little each week.

And - I'm tackling one meal at a time. protein/vegetables

My mantra.

How long since you have seen your doctor??? Do you need a fill???

Joyce - :0)

I have not seen my doctor. I was banded in Mexico because of the cost. I have had three fills up in Michigan at a fill centers USA place. Some days I can eat and eat and other days, hardly anything goes down. At first I felt I was doing good, but I have not lost a pound in almost 6 months. I work 8-5 and come home tired, I never work out, and only walk the dog because HE likes it...lol I feel like I really need to get back on track and find the energy and motivation. I am not sure why I chose the band...I guess I thought it would solve my self esteem issues...but not sure about that now. My husband is younger and thinner, we are newly married (3 years now) and I wanted to look good and feel good and be with him forever...

Why did you? Are you still confident in your decision?

Thanks for being here...as I am having a rough time right now..


Kimberly - if you haven't lost any weight in 6 months then it's what you are eating - like you said you are eating around your band..

Your band is not going to lose the weight for you - that's up to you - your food choices your & exercise choices.

You really have to make the lifetime lifestyle changes

I got the band cuz I wanted to be around to see my grandkids grow up and maybe see come great grand kids (oldest gs is 19 - gd 16 and one 6) I was eating and sleeping my life away - I was 52 and I wanted more out of my life - I wanted to participate in it and not watch it pass me by- I wanted to do things - like walk the mall without being totally exhausted..

You gotta make up your mind to do this - and then just do it- ya it's hard work - but so worth it.. Start keeping a food diary - exercise - and the weight will start coming off - if you can eat more than 4 oz of hard Protein and then some - you need a fill - if the days you can eat anything are the days you are eating around your band then no - you don't need a fill -

Google 5 day pouch test - start there to get back in the swing of things..

I feel 10 yrs younger have more energy than most of my friends - Hell I went zip lining a yr ago - something I could have never done at 250...

I am living my life - I am participating in it... Hopefully shedding 114 lbs is going to extend the # of years I have on this earth..

Well - I'm outta here for the evening - time to eat

Fish - Veggies - Rice :0)

Sweet dreams...

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Hi all...........

so..these responses might be late but have been wanting to post all week.

Welcome to the newbys...Chris and kimberly and Greygoose...

Chris.....you are deff the cook in your house and know food..you can just tell about the way you describe food. lol so use what you know and adapt what you make lighter...youl be just fine....keep it going. Good Luck you wont forget this experience....nor this thread.

Sandy, Dog whisperer.....Dassis favorite show..doesnt miss a one. Tapes it all the time.

I use basic "ABA" Applied Behavior Analysis". Its basic behavior modification. I only use positive reinforcement and shape the undesirable behavior so that it becomes desirable. You can look up ABA therapy and it will give you the basic priniciples to implement...bottom line its not the dog who is doing wrong its the adult...

changing our response to behaviors neg or pos will change those behavoirs....I use it with all the dogs we foster and um the children I work with as well. I hate the concept as it is so structured when done in a program that you need to be accountable for...but when done relaxed...it really does work and dont even realize that im using the method. Check it out and use one or two principals and apply it then work from there.

Janet, Your GS...will be fine because he has your support. Young adults who have support from loved ones are more successful in their personal and professional life. Just give your suport.

Joyce, you keep up the good work. You are doing great.

Great..You should get some new clothes for Hawaii. Im glad that you had a good vacation to maine.

All that talk about lobsters make me wish we didnt keep Kosher here. lol ymmm

Charlene, I hope things get better

Julie, wow seems like this new treatment is working. Crossing fingers for you.

Jessica, so happy to hear about your tests coming back so high you are doing fabulous. Keep up those great work.

Laura, you are so brave to be alone with Nels....its hard but you are doing amazing so hard when our little ones need us so much and we need to do it alone sometimes. Your husband seems to have needed this vacation home and the fact that you have allowed him to do what he needed without feeling guilty will solidify your relationship with him even more....and

btw...I know you were posting how hard it is to be away physically for so long when you live with someone...I think it was you. Well, when we get married, practicing religious folks that is...We dont sleep together for two weeks or so out of each month. um yes, its called "needah" so what happens is...when you get your period you seperate and get to know your own self....and spend time talking and communicating with each other, not just sleeping but no touching at all...not even to pass something. So what happens after two weeks is you renew your physical relationship like that very first time. This happens over and over every month. When really done with purpose it works....but so many times we get caught up and we dont follow the laws of "family purity" and when that happens the possibility of breaking down the marraige could happpen.

SOOO I bet that when your husband comes back it will be like the very first time.....so to say...but until then you are doing exactly what you should be....getting it together for you!!! You are important..enjoy this time as well!!! You will be both be better partners because of that.

Phyl, Zoey is so adorable...and the clothes for her. So cute..love reading your posts about her and your adventures with her. So refreshing.

LauraK...keep plugging away "the right guy" will present himself when you least expect it!! But you must seek it out in order for that to happen...otherwise the oppurtunity for that will never occur.

Goose. You are looking amazing!!! WOW...three hours in the dental chair and you were able to go shopping after? wow wow wow. You look great.

Thanks for that post from the magazine, its always good to remember these things that was so much in the mind before and right aftert surgery but quickly forget.

Sorry if ive forgotten anyone!!! Dont mean to offend but its hard to read and read and not post replies at once..so soo sorry.....

okay...well today was no different then the rest of the day...

Had an early meeting at the district with mom of child of the boy I work with..Anual review...this I knew. I planned on that training at 4. Well, after the meeting I told her I would go to hospital and stay till 1:45 as at 2:15 needed to see that other child. Really needed to be on the road to drop off the check for the feet braces....the ride would be at least an hour....figured that would be enough time to get there and then to gym by 4 if it was an hour there 1/2 hour there and then an hour to the gym. plenty of time..however MOM didnt come to relieve me until 2:30 because she couldnt find a darn spot. so...then I got into afternoon traffic and needed to cancel that apt. sooo there goes another day...but will go tomorrow morning and have that training in the PM!!

okay...time to go to sleep...late late. Have a great weekend...all. Dassi going to friend for shabbat. sooo I get to sleep and play! My friend Renee is coming over and movie and dinner....havent seen a movie in wow, a long time any suggestions???


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Aloha from Hawaii. Having a wonderful time however DD did not get her flight today hopefully tomorrow morning. She is standby as well. Last time we were here we got a crummy room and i complained, well thus time they gave us a major upgrade to make up for it. I am loving the lanai. Posting from my phone so forgive the typos. Trying to read and catch up but seem to be missing lots and i didn't bring my laptop.

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Good morning GF and new guy- Chris : )

I need to be careful about saying hello girlies.........anymore! But if I ever do, don't be offended and just know I mean it in the kindest way!

Jodi~ Thanks for your kind words. I know people have endured much tougher separations from their spouses. But each person's situation is their own. And there are always other factors that make a situation easier or harder. (ie. My dad sick this week, worrying about that, having to suddenly be the one in charge of everything.) Keep in mind that from 14 when I left for boarding school- I have been on my own for daily stuff (food, laundry, getting my own butt out of bed to class)- then worked through college- then RN- then Peace Corps- then grad school- then NP in trauma center in Atlanta... worked, took care of EVERYTHING (house, car, computers, savings, stocks, etc.) I was an "older" bride at 34. It was tough giving up some of the control that comes along with getting married. I was use to "my" money, etc. I took care of all the bills and stuff until Nelson, then DH took over. He's happier that way- he feels more balanced knowing where all his eggs are. I trust him completely and can peek at the eggs whenever I want, but am just as content not worrying about them hourly. LOL. The needah stuff is very interesting. Hmmm... What happens when you are menopausal and no periods... NEEDAH TAKE A BREAK? :) I am trying to be funny, but you are right- absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Lori~ Aloha! LOVED your sunset pic. Just made me smile. BEAUTIFUL. Enjoy. Hope your DD gets there!!! She needs to get her feet in that water!

Goose~ Just love the name. But seriously I have some greygoose in the bar and makes me want a bloody mary or screwdriver! Welcome to the thread! :) We are so glad to have new people here! Just let it all hang out- we are here to prop each other up, fluff up the feathers and send each other back into the banded world!

Janet~ eating out is so crazy! I just read a study that even the calories that they post is usually 25% more than is actually served! Variations between locations/chefs, etc. So even "healthy choices" on a menu can vary the calories. One chef forgot it was the healthy chicken breast and already threw a TBS of butter on it, or instead of cup of rice they put two.

Hi to everyone else. Can I just say ditto to Jodi's beautiful post? She addressed everyone so eloquently. : )

I really really really am happy DH made this trip. I think it is bringing closure to a lot of his childhood hurt. I think I told most of you- but at 3 his mom remarried and left him and his sister to stay temporarily with her parents- so she could be a new bride with her hubby and not shock him with 2 kids. Well, one year turned into 17. She had 3 more sons with the 2nd husband. My DH and his full sis were TOTALLY raised by their grandparents. Maybe their whole lives spent 2 weekends at their moms overnight. They would spend days there, but too many kids, they had beds at their GP. But as a little boy, no one can love you like a mommy. He missed her and felt rejected. He felt that she loved his half brothers more. His GP were AMAZING people who gave him EVERYTHING and loved him unconditionally and taught him so much! They encouraged him to go to medical school and are the ones who deserve the credit for him being such a kind, balanced, honest, loving, smart guy he is. BUT, until this week- there was a 3 yr old little boy in my DH who needed to hug his mom's neck. She has been cooking for him (stepbrothers are all out of the house now), and worrying about him and loving on him. He has been fixing stuff in her house, filled her propane tank, repaired some electricity, rearranged furniture, etc. He finally talked her into taking a vacation this weekend to a resort 1 hour away! She hasn't taken a vacation in 30 years. So, lots of milestones for them. I am posting a pic. (she covers her hair when out in public but uncovers in the house and in her neighborhood. But she won't let him take pics uncovered. Not really religious reasons- just habit)

My heart runneth over.

peasout.. Laura

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Aloha from Hawaii. Having a wonderful time however DD did not get her flight today hopefully tomorrow morning. She is standby as well. Last time we were here we got a crummy room and i complained, well thus time they gave us a major upgrade to make up for it. I am loving the lanai. Posting from my phone so forgive the typos. Trying to read and catch up but seem to be missing lots and i didn't bring my laptop.

Aloha!!!! If you don't have a good time in Hawaii.....you won't have a good time anywhere. I hope DD gets her flight. Want to see pics!

Good morning gang! I just fixed a eggwhite/oatmeal pancake.......boy, it is filling. I can only eat half of it. This time I made it with 1/4c eggwhite, 1/4c quick oats, 1 Tablespoon Splenda brown sugar. It was yummy, but I am miserable after eating .

I am off to Water aerobics in about an hour. Then tonight we have weight training.

Kim, when I started exercising six months ago I bought a pedometer. My first goal was 6,000 steps. Before I knew it I was doing 10,000 steps. I did wear it all day( walking and daily activity). Try it. You will be wanting to do more.

Linda, I am so sorry your Katie is not doing well. I thought she was doing better. HUGS!

Julie, sounds like you have plenty of ammunition to fight the pain. Don't forget to rest.

Janet, I am glad to see you and Andrew working together on his future. We had helped our kids with apartments when they were in school. It sounds like he wants to be responsible. He loves you dearly. I don't think he wants to disappoint you.

Jodi, thanks for the info on dog training. Charlie responds to treats, but we cannot get him to stop barking at anyone who leaves the house. Got any suggestions?

LauraK.....how is the Yoga going? That is a goal for me......to take yoga.

Joyce......you are doing great!

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Good Morning Gang....

Laura - Love the pic's of dh & family- it's a good thing he went - giving up control - I would love to give the bill paying up - Hate bill paying ;0) - I would do it in a hot minute - but I would have to see what was going out ;0) - but they could pay the bills..

Hugs on Dad issue - Prayers too

Charlene - WTG on sticking to your plan today...

Great - Enjoy Hawaii -

Jodi - I need you to help train my dogs ;0) I'm a terrible trainer ;0) they jump all over you when you come in the house...

Movies - can't help there - I rarely go myself - but the one with Josh Duhmel (sp) Leo from All my Children looks cute..

Chris you are doing fantastic...

Well, not much to report - it's Friday !!!


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Arlene, I love doing yoga. I am going to buy my own mat this weekend. Plan on keeping it up.

With all you do I bet you could do it now. They tell only to stretch as far as your muscles will let you, back off if you feel pain.

Jodi. That is my plan. He will come along when I least expect it. I am putting myself out there and sometimes it scares the $hit out of me. One good thing that came out of seeing the ex BF it made me realize I am ready for all of this.

Janet, you do great with all that you do.

Chris, keep up the good work.


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LauraK I admire you in getting out there - I don't know what's wrong w/me but I just have no desire to date... Sometimes I think something is wrong w/me.. I miss having someone to do things w/on the weekends and vacations etc - but all the other stuff that goes along w/it - just don't want it - I like doing my own thing - being my own boss and not having to be accountable to anyone.. Avoidance maybe - cuz prior relationships didn't work - so maybe afraid of my judgement - don't know - don't really care either ;0) I am happy and I guess that's what really counts..

Well need to get butt to work... CBL

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Janet, That's the part I miss the most. Having someone to do stuff with on the weekends and vacations. I miss having someone to talk with. The other parts maybe an adjustment for me. I haven't lived with anyone since my ex husband, so that's 12 years. xbf and I had our own houses. probably was a good thing.

Maybe things will change now for you since Andrew is gone, you always had him around. Well as much as a teenager is around. My DS basically sleeps and eats (on his way in at night) at home.


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Not sure where to post this but I am struggling with pre-surgery nerves really bad. So much so that i'm taking it out on my child sometimes. My husband is ok with me having the surgery but he's not supportive at all, no pep talks, no hugs, no nothing but stressing me out (he has many personal issues not involving me) Any body with words of encouragement please pass them to me... help I'm scared.

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I think we all felt the way you are feeling right now. I know I did before and right after. Just keep in mind the reasons you want to do this. Your health will greatly improve and you will be around for your daughter. Sit down and have a talk with your husband. Explain to him how you are feeling, ask for his help.

Keep reading and posting here these ladies will answer any questions. Get educated as much as you can before your surgery. Take care.


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Well DD spent the night at LAX and boarded a flight to Honolulu this morning. She'll be here soon. I hardly slept last night and DH just left for work so i may nap til she gets here but then again beach looks mighty tempting guess i could nap there.

Laura sounds like a good trip for DH glad there is some healing going on

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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