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Charlene - yep it hits you slowly - but if you don't get out and move you miss it -

Julie Yep things line up that way (getting your 5 gallon bucket to prepare food in) - just like those miners that got out yesterday - the stars (God IMHO) were on their side :0)..

Only 30 minutes to go - don't feel like starting anything - need to go by store after work - need some fish & veggies for dinner..

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Star Employee of Desert Empire Insuranced

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Hi gang, not much time, still at work. We've been super busy and busy at home. Have had Aylah a few nights - katie not well and visited the ER a few times. Sigh.

Tx - you are doing fantastic!!! WTG on getting your mindset in the right place -- you'll do great. Yes, if you do the cooking at home it's going to help you a lot. Apples has lots of good recipes.

I feel horrible -- we have that PB2 in our Hyvee store and I could have brought it to ya all in Vegas -- I think it's about $3.50 in the store -- did you look on the webste -- they have a store locator on there -- before you all order from Amazon (Apples, how much was it on Amazon?) you might want to try that. It's very good I think -- I don't eat it often (I'm not a big pb freak) but I do like it.

Arlene, you are doing fantastic!! WTG on the exercise - I'm so proud of you.

Apples, glad you bought the jeans - -I'm sure they look wonderful - you look wonderful -- doesn't matter what you put on.

Janet, thanks for the tips from LHJ. Always need reminders -- especially that it's not about size - need to paste that one on my forehead.

Julie, wtg on those buckets -- what a deal. Glad you're feeling a bit of relief -- try to keep it that way -- glad your DH was there to help unload the car - I always make sure my DH or someone is home to help me whenever i go shopping -- I never carry heavy stuff -- I am the queen (or so I act).

Janet, I was surprised that Andrew is getting an apt. Hopefully that will work out okay -- Bryan did that at 19 and as you know is back with us -- I wish he'd get his own place. He told his dad the other day that he's tired of being the house "B ch" -- cause we have him do most of the cleaning as he doesn't pay rent. So that irritated me so I told him he has many choices and if he'd like to pay $300 in rent then I'd make sure the house would be clean and spotless or he could choose to move out!! OMG if we'd had that attitude with our parents they'd probaby have taken a strap to our backsides!

I gotta run -- I'll try to CBL but no guarantees - i'll catch up over the weekend.

Have fun in Hawaii Lori.

Love you all


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Hi again, have been reading your posts..you guys are great. I know I have to make a commitment to myself and keep a food diary and exercise. I think I am learning to eat around the band..alot to mushy stuff and crunchy stuff that goes down well. Some days I really wonder if I like this thing...I really just want to take a huge bite out of a cheesburger...lol...head hunger---I know! Thanks for your responses and support...will be checking in frequently..

Thanks again.


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Fly by night kinda gal (no time to catch up, just read the last page only)......

Janet~ you just made my whole frikkin day wonderful by posting that AMAZING photo! You are my star today! Shining ever so bright. Thank you for being you. : )

Apples~ I hear ya on the Amazon bulk stuff. Are you a prime member? It is sooooooo worth it! Paid for itself with a couple orders. Funny story, DH wanted to try some Kava tea. We live in a tiny town and the health food store didn't keep it. He found it on Amazon and it was very inexpensive and then free shipping. He misread the description and accidently bought ONE case instead of ONE box of teabags. "Kava is consumed throughout the Pacific Ocean cultures of Polynesia (including Hawaii), Vanuatu, Melanesia and some parts of Micronesia and Australia. Kava is sedating and is primarily consumed to relax without disrupting mental clarity"

Well, he was a chilled out dude for a while..LOL. Kidding. He drank it twice, it was disgusting and he never touched it again. I had 11 boxes of the stuff and couldn't give it away..LOL. Sometimes vendors on Amazon will list things wrong also and you can get weird quantities. I wanted to get a velcro camo wallet for Nelson today. They were 1.19 each with free shipping. Well each was a pack of 6! I can't wait to see what actually shows up tomorrow, but for $1.19 who cares!

Linda~ Hugs on being busy and all the stuff going on. Yeah, I don't know what it is with kids and their entitlement issues these days. And to have the nerve to bitch about things. OMG. My DS is going on 2 years living RENT FREE in my parents' house (at age 49). She has the nerve to bitch and moan at times. I have VERY little sympathy. OF course it is stressful living in a house with someone that just went through a year of stage 4 cancer! But hey, get off your A$$ and get a frikkin job and move out.

Julie~ WTG on buckets. What would one usually pay for those? Glad pain is tolerable. Keep up the good work.

Greygoose- your name makes me want a drink.

everyone else... i will get back to you tomorrow.... :)

I saw arlene and comments about sex for pain relief. My DH is 10000 miles away and I don't have any pain, but would settle for some relief! LMAO...........:lol: Actually, I was curious and just calculated the miles and it's only 7000. :biggrin: I miss that man. We spoke for 30 min this afternoon via Skype. So nice to see his smile and hear his voice. I just love my DH. (In case you guys didn't know!)

I had a FANTASTIC day of volunteering as a nurse practitioner today. I asked for a packed schedule and they listened! I saw 8 patients between 830 and 130. 2 were annual physicals! and 2 were train wrecks (not literally, but had tons of medical problems and tons of meds). Used my brain and my empathy a LOT. Now I am worn out. I have one six year old boy ASLEEP....... I am going to get my feet up and chill. (he got a yellow slip today at school today for talking in class and my punishment was no tv. I think it was harder on me than him!) :)

peasout......................... Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Charlene, WTG on the exercise. Like you, I never exercised and now I look forward to it. I really had to force myself at first but it does grow on you.

Janet, love the star!

Julie, glad the tens is working for you. It is about time you get some relief.

Newsflash - I just got a media message from DH. 16_3_160.gifWooHoo he got a deer. Venison is my favorite! He is almost home so I gotta run and help him.


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any suggestions how to get started into exercising? I walk my puppy around the block twice a day and that about kills me...any ideas would be wonderful...



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Good Evening Gang....

Linda - So sorry about Katie - Hugs - is she taking care of herself - or has she just let herself go so much that she's having a hard time getting healthy

Andrew talked about an apt when he was turning 18 (typical) but didn't have job then etc - Rents like 450 - just looked at apt online - not bad - he's on the 2nd floor can have his dog - nice balcony.. Between his cousin and him - they won't have much left over - a 2 bed room is $56 dollars more - I may help them w/that - it would be better than a 1 bed room w/2 beds - he's taking his bedroom set from his mom's and Andrew likes things neat - just ask Eva - He' was my house cleaner - and will become it to make some extra $$ - so that will help me out - but I told him if I am paying him to clean then he has to do the fans and dust blinds - stuff he didn't do when he lived here - he vacummed - mopped floors - straighten up but didn't do the stuff you don't see.. Also - he does know how to budget $$$ he's good at that.. I gotta say in just talking to my x tonite who's 20 yrs old DD is back w/him - he's an EXCELLENT kid - I always knew that but there is a time that they need to grow up and if you don't want to follow my rules and argue about it 24/7 then it's time to go.... We are fine - I miss him - but I don't at the same time - hell I think we talk more now than when we lived together.. I am proud of him for taking the initiative of getting his own place and taking responsibility for himself (to a degree)

As to size - that was never too much an issue for me as I didn't have a particular size in mind at the beginning - well ya 14 - when I got there 12/07 I thought I was hot - This is what I thought was goal size wise - not weight wise I think I was like 190-180 something..

My body has just found it's happy weight - I contribute it mostly to my exercise and eating healthy 98% of the time..

Apples - we need a pic of those new Jeans ;0)

I think I will do the store locator 1st - I think I would like it in my sf vanilla ice cream at night - sometime I add really Peanut Butter and in my occiassional shakes - hell I could use those 200 cal for something else (candy ;0) lol

Kim - I want to eat like a pig some days - I haven't even tried like a submarine sandwich or hamburger - I know I couldn't eat it - but that kind of eating is what got me fat in the 1st place - hell a mickyd hamburger fires and soda is like 3000 calories - for just one meal - that's why I think it's important that pple learn about calories - blooming onion at chillis or outback

A whole Bloomin' Onion with an average serving of dipping sauce contains about 2210 calories. Ouch, ouch, ouch! (Comparable fried onion appetizers at other restaurants will have comparable calorie totals.)

Most likely you'll share this appetizer with one to three other people, but the calorie total is still likely to be nearly 1000 calories per person, and that's before you've even started your meal. Not to mention that the total fat content is 134 grams, meaning that if you ate one half of the onion you'd have consumed more than your daily recommended fat intake for the entire day

Here's a typical meal from outback calorie for 1 dinner

Onion w/dipping sauce 500 cal

Cup of onion Soup 300 cal

Grilled ck on the barbie w/baked potato butter & sour cream

938 cal

6 oz steak w/baked potatoe & house salad & ranch dressing

total calories 1250

Bacon Cheeseburger w/Aussie fries 1625 calories

Dessert - chocolate from down under 950 cal

So if you have onion cup of Soup steak salad potatoe and dessert - 3000 calories - and that was just one freaking meal.. And pple wonder why they are fat - I never had a clue that food had so many calories...

I eat about 1500-1800 cal a day to maintain my weight and will have my splurge day about once every 2 weeks - usually a 600 cal reese Peanut Butter candy..

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Keep increasing your walking each week. Try Yoga, I just started that and love it. zumba is fun also. Some of the girls go to the gym with trainers.

Laura, Some times the punishment is more on us than on the kids.

Julie, so glad your pain is better.

janet, you're our star too.

Linda, sorry about the issues with the "kids"

Sandy, good for your DH getting a deer.

Got CRS so, have a great night all.


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Janet - I'm sure you told me about NO DIET - I was probably not ready to hear/digest it. Oprah says, "When we know better, we do better."

Very busy, stress-filled day today. You don't want to hear it, believe me.

Great food choices for Breakfast and lunch - then starving (physically & emotionally) for dinner. Was able to eat a whole bowl of chicken chili and a salad.

Have appt for fill next week - then lots more stress before I leave for Guam. I can do this.

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Good Evening Gang....

Linda - So sorry about Katie - Hugs - is she taking care of herself - or has she just let herself go so much that she's having a hard time getting healthy

Andrew talked about an apt when he was turning 18 (typical) but didn't have job then etc - Rents like 450 - just looked at apt online - not bad - he's on the 2nd floor can have his dog - nice balcony.. Between his cousin and him - they won't have much left over - a 2 bed room is $56 dollars more - I may help them w/that - it would be better than a 1 bed room w/2 beds - he's taking his bedroom set from his mom's and Andrew likes things neat - just ask Eva - He' was my house cleaner - and will become it to make some extra $$ - so that will help me out - but I told him if I am paying him to clean then he has to do the fans and dust blinds - stuff he didn't do when he lived here - he vacummed - mopped floors - straighten up but didn't do the stuff you don't see.. Also - he does know how to budget $$$ he's good at that.. I gotta say in just talking to my x tonite who's 20 yrs old DD is back w/him - he's an EXCELLENT kid - I always knew that but there is a time that they need to grow up and if you don't want to follow my rules and argue about it 24/7 then it's time to go.... We are fine - I miss him - but I don't at the same time - hell I think we talk more now than when we lived together.. I am proud of him for taking the initiative of getting his own place and taking responsibility for himself (to a degree)

As to size - that was never too much an issue for me as I didn't have a particular size in mind at the beginning - well ya 14 - when I got there 12/07 I thought I was hot - This is what I thought was goal size wise - not weight wise I think I was like 190-180 something..

My body has just found it's happy weight - I contribute it mostly to my exercise and eating healthy 98% of the time..

Apples - we need a pic of those new Jeans ;0)

I think I will do the store locator 1st - I think I would like it in my sf vanilla ice cream at night - sometime I add really Peanut Butter and in my occiassional shakes - hell I could use those 200 cal for something else (candy ;0) lol

Kim - I want to eat like a pig some days - I haven't even tried like a submarine sandwich or hamburger - I know I couldn't eat it - but that kind of eating is what got me fat in the 1st place - hell a mickyd hamburger fires and soda is like 3000 calories - for just one meal - that's why I think it's important that pple learn about calories - blooming onion at chillis or outback

A whole Bloomin' Onion with an average serving of dipping sauce contains about 2210 calories. Ouch, ouch, ouch! (Comparable fried onion appetizers at other restaurants will have comparable calorie totals.)

Most likely you'll share this appetizer with one to three other people, but the calorie total is still likely to be nearly 1000 calories per person, and that's before you've even started your meal. Not to mention that the total fat content is 134 grams, meaning that if you ate one half of the onion you'd have consumed more than your daily recommended fat intake for the entire day

Here's a typical meal from outback calorie for 1 dinner

Onion w/dipping sauce 500 cal

Cup of onion Soup 300 cal

Grilled ck on the barbie w/baked potato butter & sour cream

938 cal

6 oz steak w/baked potatoe & house salad & ranch dressing

total calories 1250

Bacon Cheeseburger w/Aussie fries 1625 calories

Dessert - chocolate from down under 950 cal

So if you have onion cup of Soup steak salad potatoe and dessert - 3000 calories - and that was just one freaking meal.. And pple wonder why they are fat - I never had a clue that food had so many calories...

I eat about 1500-1800 cal a day to maintain my weight and will have my splurge day about once every 2 weeks - usually a 600 cal reese Peanut Butter candy..

Wow, Janet, you still had boobs then.... You look awesome though..... always!!!!:)

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Julie - Congrats on great new drivers license picture. I must confess, I weight on DL is desired weight. Highway patrol would never identify me by my license. lolol

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Janet - LOVE, LOVE the star employee pix.

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Kimberly - we are the same age and are having similar problems dedicating ourselves to our program.

Why did we choose the band???

Relative to exercising - I started out walking my puppy one block and added a block a week. Now we can easily go 12 blocks in 20 minutes. HE EXPECTS IT. And I won't disappoint him. Add a little each week.

And - I'm tackling one meal at a time. protein/vegetables

My mantra.

How long since you have seen your doctor??? Do you need a fill???

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Sandy - congrats on hubby's deer. Enjoy the meat.< /p>

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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