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Charlene, WTG on the Water aerobics and food journaling

Julie, I truly hope you find relief soon. You have been in pain for too long.

Linda, I love the Dr Seuss quote. So appropriate. How is Merry doing? Is she completely back to her old self?

Janet, I think with my old brain. Not as much as I used to but often enough that I have to catch myself and reel myself back into control. Old habits really do die hard. Or in my case maybe never.

Msampson, Stand up straight, dust yourself off and start again. Just because you slipped is not an excuse to continue. Sorry for the scolding but sometimes we all need one. Welcome to the thread. I think you will like it here.

We hiked for 3 hours today at Starved Rock State Park. What a nice way to spend the day. It was sunny and 80. The trees had a lot of yellow and some red. Not peak color yet but it is close.

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Hi all.. I am new here and have been looking for an answer to my questions. I am a year out, banded last Sept in MX. My restriction is STILL a mystery to me, when I first start to eat, I get stuck feeling, but eventually it passes, then I can complete my meal. I have not lost much weight in the past four months, but feel the restriction every time I start to eat. What is this "first bite syndrom" and do you think I need a fill?

Thanks so much...


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Hi all.. I am new here and have been looking for an answer to my questions. I am a year out, banded last Sept in MX. My restriction is STILL a mystery to me, when I first start to eat, I get stuck feeling, but eventually it passes, then I can complete my meal. I have not lost much weight in the past four months, but feel the restriction every time I start to eat. What is this "first bite syndrom" and do you think I need a fill?

Thanks so much...


Some of us have that problem. If I eat too fast and don't wait for that first burp......yep, I get that stuck feeling. Try a smaller bite........and slow down. Are you journaling your food intake? You may be eating too much. I plateaued for months then I started moving, journaling my food, drinking more Water, and I did go on shakes for three months(medically supervised). I have lost another 34 lbs. I want to lose 50lbs more.. Don't give up!!!! You are on a journey, not a diet.

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Okay, peeps, I am home. I don't think we will know the results of Jakob's baking until Friday......the first day of the Fair. He shows his steer on Sunday evening.

I did not eat chicken this eve. I ate a leftover ribs(two babyback). It is too late to eat. I may still make a shake. i am so tired from Water aerobics. It is a good tired. I am hoping to sleep better tonight. I am waking up at 3am again. I am not worried about anything. I was so sleepy yesterday. My pup got sick early Sunday morning about 2am......threw up on our blanket....got up and cleaned up. Then he threw up at 3am on our quilt....cleaned that up. Then he went under the covers and threw up on my DH's feet at 5am....lol. He stripped the bed and went to the couch. I went to the other couch. It was a rough night, but Charlie is fine now. Yes, I gave him people food and it made him sick. Lesson learned. Anyway, we are still trying to get back those hours we lost.

Okay, going to bed......sweet dreams to all!

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help me please. Ok I got banded in 01/21/09 and I started at 338lbs I'm 5/7 I have lost a total of 90lbs but then I go back to eating wrong... I weighed 247 in August now I weigh 264 :laugh:

I work out.. just started and I just got a personal trainer (twice a month) but i keep eating sweets. OH how I need some encouragement. Thanks I look foward to hearing from you. Oh I do need a fil but htats another issue with in its self

msampson... Sorry for your struggles - yep sweets can be a problem - even w/restriction - I agree w/Apples - take 3 days don't eat any - you gotta get the sugar our of your system -

When I want sweets (they can be my down fall too) I eat sf treats - get the sweetness and less calories..

Clean out the house of the sweets and don't buy any more - if they aren't there you can't eat them..

Go back to keeping a food diary for the accountability factor

Restriction - talk to your doctor..

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Good Morning Peeps..

Charlene - hear you of fur baby issues - i'm up at 4:30 cuz of mine - no throwing up they just wake me up to peep - and since I get up in 1/2 hr any way why go back to bed - hell it's all ready 5 the alarm will be going off in a second.

Not much to report - did my usual last night - weight training arms - had a work out - even increased my weights some - I guess the extra weight training I get at boot camp is helping.

dinner Steak & veggies.. SF ice cream & popcorn..

Got boot camp to nite..

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Good morning gang!

Arlene, WTG on the eating/exercising! I really think you have turned a good corner. (Can you make it catchy?!) :thumbup: I think the "didn't sleep well last night" thing is catchy. I was up every hour on the hour. I feel like I was out partying but didn't party. : ) Now I have to go face 16 first graders for my school volunteer time this morning.. fun fun. Just not 100% in the mood. I do LOVE seeing all their smiling faces. Once I am there- it is usually intoxicating and then I am glad I went.

Kimberly~ Yes, it sounds like you do have a first bite syndrome going on. The comments/advice from others is spot on. How much volume/calories are you eating at a meal? Are you snacking? Drinking calories? Definitely think journaling would be a good idea. Go back to the guidelines you had when you were first banded. It's so easy to sneak in calories here and there- and then you will not lose. You've come to the right place. Lots of support here. A "fill" is not always the magical fix we are looking for. Trust me- Several times I was where you are and I went for a fill and then was too tight and suffered greatly. It's really about our head hunger, what causes us to overeat in the first place. We have to remember the band is a tool only, does just part of the work. Still have to make healthy choices and exercise.

Lori~ glad you are back. WOW, that's an early flight! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what your DD did with the toes in the water! That sounds like something I would do. :laugh:

Julie~ Sorry you had a bad night the other night. Did the babies help? I think there are VERY few things in life that the sights and sounds of a baby can't cure!!!

Sandy~ I have to tell you guys. All your posts about the dogs is coming at a PERFECT time. I have had puppy fever the last few days (a neighbor got a cute little ball of fur. Shih Tzu. OMG what a cute puppy (can fit in your hand). I am sure missing my DH isn't helping. But this vomiting 3 times in the bed... and all the ailments, and behavior problems, and picking up poop have me cautious! My two cats are plenty. It's so funny that once you get banded, you have more empathy for your cat's furballs and PB episodes! LOL. I used to find myself getting pissed at them and now it's like... oh honey, I know. :) Anyway, good luck with the dog, and the Cesar book and catching up on sleep. : )

I spoke to DH via video call last night and he is doing fine. He saw some old friends from highschool and medical school! He said it was weird that the guys that were skinny in medical school (like he was) are now married and well nourished (:)) and the ones that were chubby are divorced and skinny. Hmmm.. He was able to send me a bunch of photos of him and his family. So nice to put a current photo with the names. The video calls are also really helping Nelson deal with his absence! He feels connected to daddy. Today we have TKD and then I decided to let Nelson invite his BFF over for swimming after. I heated the pool this week to take the chill off. It's been getting in the low 60s at night but up to 85 in the afternoon. The pool was too cold to go in yesterday. Maybe we will have a pizza night for the boys. I haven't felt like cooking. (wonder why) But last night I did force myself to cook.

OK friends. I hope everyone is well. I will CBl......peasout.. Laura

PS. I don't want anyone to faint, but I plan on going to the gym at 11 after my school volunteering!

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Makes sense to me, Cheri. I do understand where you are coming from with your statement about being well-rounded and mostly sane even though you are faced with challenges on many different things.

Growing up I had horrific/terrifying things that I had to endure. I made a promise to myself early on in life that I would make my adult life, my children's lives, our family life as normal as possible. It was very difficult at times to keep it all going and felt extremely overwhelmed at times. But, I think I was able to accomplish what I set out to do.

We all have our challenges in one form or another. Not letting them get the best of you, positive thinking and setting your sights on the future (and faith) is what gets a person to where they want to be....maybe a little frazzled...

Good Morning all...

This week I did some serious planning.....

Did the shopping for food on Friday, bought meets on Monday and cooked for the week!!! Planned the meals including brocoli and Cauliflower...steamed those.

Dont need to eat out, dont need to cook in a hurry, dont need to think about what to eat at that moment of hunger....thats when the trouble begins usually.

Put them all in labeled containers and waalah....

Made, several different dishes...Dassi will be happy theres real food around as well.

Only thing needed to make is salad and what ever vegetable I get that day....but in case I dont theres the steamed ones allready.

I also called the trainer and will be seeing him today. Made arrangements for tomorrows spin class that will be the first one of those....

Its back to basics....the gym and eating real meals. LV is over and time is ticking.

oh and I lied about yesturday....didnt start at the gym.....I forgot that there was no bussing for Columbus day...and I was doing drop off. But.....that is not going to stop me from today...thats Tuesday!!! Today I am going to the trainer....at 4PM.

Helps if I write this down. Affirmation.

Made lunch to bring with to work....

Must run...

have lots to reply to but will have to wait till tonight...but read posts and have what to say...of course lol

Have a great day!!!


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Good Morning Peeps! I am still tired, but I did get more sleep last night. I had coffee and watermelon for breakfast....then I walked. I just got back from seeing my DGDs and helping my DD straighten up her house....company is coming to see the baby. My DGDs had their pictures made yesterday. Go to my profile on FB to see them.

I will check in later. Not sure about my food today. I know I am making chicken salad for my mother tomorrow so I may have to have half a cup. It is the chicken, grapes, celery, and pecan salad with Smart Balane mayo. Oh, and a good dose of pepper.

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Good Morning...was somewhat MIA yesterday. Just trying to catch up around here and started my fall house cleaning. This may sound sick but I find cleaning and organizing very theraputic. There...I said it again. I am happiest when I am doing these types of things. Feels kind of like I'm organizing my life. Got a ton of stuff done....may sound annul to some but I have this thing....I alphbetize my spices (can you name 400 spices)? LOL. I just feel better when everything is in it's place. I spend so much time away from home from April thru Oct that things get neglected. Home for 2 days, hurry up to get the important things done and on the run again.

Went through closets and have some for Salvation Army again. If I didn't wear it in a year, it should go.

Janet...will be thinking of you tonight at boot camp. My A$$ will most likely be on the couch with a good book. Admire you for the committement you make to your body. It shows. Those cute little sun dresses you wore last weekend were perfect on you. And, BTW, your arms look great. Happy you are finally showing them off.

Sandy...I love the Dog Whisperer. Have tried some of his techniques with our baby. I should order the book but will wait till our next dog. This one we have is close to perfect. Brag.

Arlene... I get what you are saying with losing sleep when it comes to the dog. We spent a few sleepless nights with ours. This summer we had way more thunderstorms than usual. If his calming meds did not kick in right away or we did not see a storm coming, that big ole' guy would get in bed with dh and I and just shake. Of course, no sleep until he slept....hours later. Never had pukey toes though.

Also admire you for your committment to exercise. Good going!

Laura....those skinny divorced guys either left their wives because they weren't getting fed or they got skinny after divorce so they could hook a new one!

Your weather sounds just like ours during the day. 85 during the day. dips in the 50's during the night. We feel so fortunate to be having this weather last for so many weeks. Fingers crossed it stays during corn harvest.....pretty soon now. End of the week harvest will start again.

Do NOT buck out on the gym at 11. I will give you kudos now cuz I KNOW you will head there, right????

Jodi....good going on the cooking ahead. Whatever works to be prepared and preplan....helps to head off getting sloppy with what a person eats. Plan, plan, planning is the key. Not having crap around is another thing I think most successful banders are aware of. So easy to look and eat something we shouldn't. Good Girl!

Sending the love to all....even if I didn't "talk" to each. Just got done making a big pot of steel cut oats. Have been getting up at 3am to eat and have been craving them. They go down better than a lot of things at that time of night. Have been doing cold Fiber Cereal with milk. Not very comforting. So tomorrow morning at 3am I will be sitting in front of my computer catching up and feeling all warm and comfy with my oats, raisins and dates.

Back at it..will talk later.

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Good Morning Again

Just a quick ck in before I start my day at work..

Apples - thanks - my arms arent' perfect and you know we all want that 30 yr old body again :0)... But tanned they aren't bad - right now I'm white again - sometime you get too much tanner and can get spotty - so have exfoliated and will start again - especially for vac next month - but keeping up the tan is work.. I will be glad when winter is here and am back to nylons for winter and don't have to self tan - heck I may go get sprayed for the vacation..

Yep VERY orignized alpha your spices ;0) but in the end saves time when you are using them ;0).. I don't have many - every thanksgiving I have to buy new one cuz the ones from last yr are a yr old ;0)..

I just know I have to go to the gym - infact today I feel bloated - too much sf ice cream last night ;0) - got up at midnite cuz I couldn't sleep and had another small bowl - you know those kid bowls in the $1 section of target - I have tons of those - those are the ones I eat out of..

Jodi - WTG on planning - it's key imho - be prepared so you don't make bad food choices - I took fish out for dinner - will have if tonite and for lunch tomorrow - always thinking ahead..

Laura - Fainting when you post that you actually went to the gym ;0).. Happy that you have that planned... Don't let anything get in the way of that - well it's almost 11 your time - so hopefully you are almost there..

I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee....

Well need to get butt in gear - cbl

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Morning all!!

Last night I went to my local support group meeting. Found out a few things I didn't know. Alot of the things discussed were things I have learned from you guys. Thanks for that. Now to my preop diet. Holy cow. I am allowed 35g carbs and 35 g fat a day with no more than 1500 cal. The 1500 cal part is manageable but the low carb part i'm not so sure about. I had a chick-fil-a grilled ckn salad this morning with the berry balsalmic vinigrette. Just carb wise that is 35 carbs. Now I know my portion size is the issue but crap that sucks. Oh well it's only the rest of my life were talking about here. I really want to be around to enjoy it . GERONIMOOOOOOOO

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Good Morning Again

Laura - Fainting when you post that you actually went to the gym ;0).. Happy that you have that planned... Don't let anything get in the way of that - well it's almost 11 your time - so hopefully you are almost there..

I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee....

Well need to get butt in gear - cbl


I went. I wasn't happy, nor very motivated... but I went. I showed up. I told myself if I got there and felt that horrible I could leave..LOL. Well, I wish I could lie and say I walked in the doors and felt awesome and ran 10 miles. Truth is I walked in and almost left. I told myself 1 mile and 2 weight machines and I could go. I did 1.5 miles and 4 machines. Bargaining I know. I did do 50 crunches and did my yoga stretching on the mat. After I did my crunches it was either stretch or fall asleep..LOL. I have decided I need to go somewhere else to work out. I think I am going to join that private gym that one of the lady anesthesiologists boyfriend owns. My Y smells like dirty feet. It just grosses me out. Now that it is "snowbird" season, it gets so busy. I want a bumper sticker that says: If it's snowbird season does that mean we can shoot them? :tt2:

OK. not the motivated speech you wanted- but the truth none the less. I went. and I will go again tomorrow. :smile2::crying: I guess I showed Janet how to faint.

Love you all. Just got off the phone with my DH. His tummy is upset. I think he ate too much of a good thing last night.

peasout.. Laura

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Hello everyone..... I never did get back to posting last night... After I got back from daycare at 5:30 I crashed in my chair for a bit... Then made supper and started decorating my house for fall... DH had brought my tubs in from the garage and I had to get it started... I don't do a great deal, but enough..... finished it this morning, but still have to put away the summer stuff..... I did enjoy the babies, but just so you know, I don't lift them.... the others know I can't so they lift them into my lap or whatever.... I do it the smart way for me...... I did have a better night last night, but couldn't lay in bed... my shoulder hurt then... finally got comfortable on the couch and slept pretty well... No pain so far today.. Just put my tens unit on a while ago.

Linda, I love the Dr. Suess quote.... He really is quite brilliant some times.... I think you are right about things being better after we get this wedding behind us... I'll be able to relax and sit back and just take care of myself rather than trying to do it while working too hard......

Arlene, sorry about your dog issues... Interesting reading that so many of you like this dog whisperer so much.. I have a friend here who just is dog crazy and just loves him, but doesn't get his show on her Dish channels..... I have cable and I see he is on here quite often.... but I don't watch... just see him while surfing the channels late at night... Hope your dog is better soon... We'll just wait to hear how Jakob is doing.. I'm sure the pic of the babies will be wonderful.. I'll have to check Facebook... I'm so bad at that....

Well, in general it seems that most all of our regulars are doing okay right now.... That is wonderful... You new folks have come to a great place for help and guidance... Welcome... Janet and Apples, and Great as well as lots of the others have very good advice... Welcome and keep coming back....

I need to get to work... Need to bake some bars today again... sour cream raisin and cheese kuchen bars... Then I need to make some decorations for the church pews.... Shouldn't be too hard for me..... Just a flower and some tull and ribbon...... Then I need to finish the programs..... DD doesn't like the front I picked... It has wedding bells, but she wants something different. Leaves and such.. I'll do what I can....

You all have a great day.... Love and hugs to all.... Julie

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Good for you Laura for going! I promise to join you in going when i get home from my travels which should end or slow down after next week.

Today i am getting a pedicure for Hawaii, a new 'do and cover the gray and new tires on my SUV gotta be ready for winter. Everyone else has the same idea and the tire place was super busy.

I weighed this morning and lost a pound in Maine, must've been all the lobster. Lol

DD just asked me to come to her ultrasound appt next week to find out if it's a boy or girl, so of course I am going

WELL THINK my car is ready sorry for the typos on my phone here

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