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No Phyll, my son is out of the monster truck stage. Now he is into monster tractors. I will have to take a photo of them when they are finally moved back to the farm and the tiling jobs are done.

Walmart and other pet supply stores have the calming meds and we have found they work better (not so drugged) than what the vet prescribed.

And, thank you for the nice face comment. I'm fine with my face. Since I feel so young and have so much energy now, I forget that I have aged when Il look in the mirror. I will grow old gracefully and except it all as it sags. At least now I have the smile I have always wanted and it will distract from it all.

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So still having issues I need to get refocused i bought some stuff to make one of the Soup I liked in the 5 day book I also already had shakes I just need to get by brain regrouped I go to the diabetes dr thurs and she will not be happy with me.

Also my son is going to start wrestling and I figured I could run/ walk when he runs each day. My mom with out knowing made me feel bad and said it would be bad for me to run because it would be bad for my joints and I have not worked out in a while. I am 34 not 60 that hurt me.

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Hi girls and TX. Lot's going on tonight. Apples, sorry to hear you have a cyber stalker. creepy. None of our lives are that exciting. Some people just need to get a life.

Phyl, my previous dog needed meds for thunder storms. Give it a try to see if it helps Zoey. I found it workded best if I cut the dose in half. A full dose made him a zombie.

LauraK - any exercise today? I didn't go to the gym but we were moving into a new building today at work. I got a major workout. I hope your date goes well.

Linda - How exciting about your health assesment. That had to make your day. Thank you again for the information you sent about Merry. I appreciate it.

As I said, I worked today (uggg) moving into a new building. The new place is nice and is such a huge upgrade from where we were. I am exhausted. Moving is a lot of work, but it is done now. Still some unpacking to do.

My DH and I are thinking about going to a state park for a hike. The weather here is going to be perfect for an outing.

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Nope I was lazy today. I went to the casino, lost, shopped, watched football. Planning on raking in the yard tomorrow, taking care of stuff for the winter, general pick up clean up. Date got moved from 2:00 until 4:00 now. That is ok gives me more time to get stuff done.


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I am still having a problem with the sweet thing I have alot of sf pudding but still can't stop the junk I of course still want the crappy stuff my husband is being weird he will say something about me spending all the money on the band and sometimes makes little comments and then bring home chips and Peanut Butter and choc and all kinds of crap of course the stuff I like. Ugggg men I don't get it sometimes. I need to help myself but I feel stuck and I am paddling backwards.

Also you all know I started working for a small employer family own. For the last two days the husband and wife have been egging each other on. To tell you the truth I love working for the husband the wife is nasty remember she is the one that smokes in the bathroom we share. Oh and so no one gets any ideas the couple is in their mid 60's. Even though you might have to point the husband on the right track through out the day meaning he can talk for an hour and forget what he was originally talking about she on the other hand talks to me like I am stupid and wonders why I am nice to everyone on the phone, Hello?? what is that. I actually watched her be two faced to someone today. When the guy called she was so nasty to him (I can't really go into why but it stems from something she was mad at her husband about) however when he came in she was smily and sneaky with him.

Go figure its a job right not really stressing anymore about the job it is what it is and if I am meant to be there for a short time or a long time God will guide me. I am trying to give those thoughts up nothing I can do about it.

Hugs, for the challenges you are facing! You can do it!


The way things go for me I guess I'll take any help I can get. lol

What happened after that last date?

I thought you really hit it off with that guy. I must have missed something after that.

No Phyll, my son is out of the monster truck stage. Now he is into monster tractors. I will have to take a photo of them when they are finally moved back to the farm and the tiling jobs are done.

Walmart and other pet supply stores have the calming meds and we have found they work better (not so drugged) than what the vet prescribed.

And, thank you for the nice face comment. I'm fine with my face. Since I feel so young and have so much energy now, I forget that I have aged when Il look in the mirror. I will grow old gracefully and except it all as it sags. At least now I have the smile I have always wanted and it will distract from it all.

The pills the vet gave us were broken in to 8 tiny fragments. Gave her one before she was groomed in WA, and it didn't seem to do much. She still bit the groomer!! LOL!

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We did but when I talked to him next he told me that since his wife passed he has got himself into financial trouble so he didn't want to date because he thought it would not be fair. He also said he would be working all the overtime he can get. I did like him, it's to bad.

so many men so little time. lol yeah right


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We did but when I talked to him next he told me that since his wife passed he has got himself into financial trouble so he didn't want to date because he thought it would not be fair. He also said he would be working all the overtime he can get. I did like him, it's to bad.

so many men so little time. lol yeah right


Laura...sad that you made a connection with this person and it isn't in the cards for going anywhere. But, at least he was kind enough to tell you about his situation b/4 you were involved.

Kind of nice, when dating, to be with someone that can at least be able to afford to go Dutch.

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Yes it was very nice of him to tell me right away. Not sure what he thought I was expecting, I am not high maint. at all. If it's cheap or free I'm all over it.

Not sure how much he has dated since his wife passed, said she has been gone 4 yrs. Also the day I talked to him last he had just found out his son was injured in Afganistan. I did send him and email this weekend asking how he was doing. I haven't heard anything. I'll keep him in my prayers.

The one is out there just got to find him.


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Good Evening all..

Just recovering from the busy week back. Finially settled. (I think) Went shopping at Trader Joes, laundry and straightened up the place again. lol

I packed up the wadrobes 14's in big black bags and am running them over to a family that needs clothes due to a fire I think....not sure but glad I can help and get rid of the next batch of sizes at the same time.....after all they apparently arent fitting any longer....:D

Thursday afternoon stopped at the thrift shop that I found at the beginning of summer and stocked up on jean skirts, short and long, corderuoy and suede...got to get ready for fall and winter. Getting chilly here especially at night. Have no clothes for this coming season at all. lol. Not even a jacket. I saw some leather and one cashmere and angora...was so tempted to get those two however.......skirts were more important at the moment...as the 12 that I was wearing um embarrasingly enough fell down as I was walking down the stairs to the apt house...lol Good thing no one was about other wise theyd have a good show on my behalf....that prompted that visit....spent $125 for about 10 skirts and two shirts and...did buy a fall wool jacket that I can wear dressy or with my skinny jeans...:)

I will go back on Wednesday after payday and buy those two coats..and am now in the search of boots...however I think the best thing to do is to buy them new as I will not grow out of them, and can wear them till the style goes out...and with boots that wont be too soon.

Can use more shirts as well but have enough of mediums to last 3 months so...can get away with what I have.....I just love that I need to go through the closets every three months and get rid of everything that I own and start from scratch again. lol Wish I can just buy all new.....but that would be such a waste and I would feel terribly guilty about good money spent like this when I really dont have that to spend....saving for when I can buy and have till I decide to get rid of it as apposed to not fitting any longer.

So....was happy to wear something new....for this shabbat....I know that this thrift store gets from the religous community of Jewish woman in Brooklyn because alot of the clothing is what is being worn now..and conservative but modest...so for me its striking gold. I find for work and for going to synaguage. Not really for anything else. Funny that.

SO....felt good to look and feel good in new clothes for me that was designer fashionable and relatively new styles. lol

Last night we went to people for dinner that we didnt get a chance to on the first days of the holiday...I was in Vegas the second days..so we went. We had an okay time...but they were younger...much with young kids so dont think we will be freinds with this family..really. Again its nice to meet new people. Dassi wasnt really too happy as she would have prefered to stay home but....if we do that we will meet no one in this neighborhood and she needs more social situations then just with me at home.

Didnt eat much there as most food was fried of made with flour and chicken had corn flake crumbs....not good....so came home and had some cottage cheese and apples. .lol

Today....was a big kidddish...(after prayer party) for the new month. Again, socialization was fun but food not good so ate only salads and chulent...meat, Beans and potato stew..and ate only meat and Beans.

In the late afternoon....I walked Dassi 40 min to the Rabbi of the shuls house. The rabbis wife apparently has a party for all the 6th grade girls who are members of the shul once monthly on Sat afternoons....but they live 45 min away....and since we dont drive on sat....we walk and walk and walk. lol so walked her there and then back an hour and half later....that was two total hours of walking for me..and sure damn glad it wasnt rainy or cold out...when that comes we will have to make some other arrangement. There is nothing that I like less then miserable weather to walk in NY!

Tomorrow.....There is a community fair in the park across the street with rides and all. We are very excited about all the rides especially...I wil probably have to ride them all more then once. grrr. but wil do them happily!!! After the fair I promised to go to animal shelter and walk dogs so Dassi can volenteer to clean and socialize with the cats. I need the exercise so as long as it isnt raining we are going. This will keep the idea of getting another dog now at bay. (for how long?)

Have bought all the food for this weeks preperation at hand Friday...so can cook tomorrow night for the weeks lunch and dinners....I hope.

I will go to gym starting back on Monday morning. I will do treadmill on Monday, step on Tuesday, weights and strengh with trainer on Wednesday and Thursday cardio machines..not treadmill. This is my plan this is what I am going to do....

now that ive stated this....you are all free to call me upon this everyday....

I must get back to the exercise...the food is okay, the exercize as usual sucks....if i want to loose another 20 lbs and keep it off then this is what I must do!!!!! I know this and I must do this no ifs ands or buts....no excuses the summer, holidays and start of new school year is over.

Welcome Neen and Chris.....

Lori.....I believe that Maine is not that far from NY....lol If your flying through call....im 10 min from airport if you have layover or something. Yes its gorgeous there this time of year.. We try to get to New England at least once a year at this time but the last two years not...enjoy!!! Dont be surprised of the lobsters are imported from other places however.....unless it says maine lobsters its not! Try to get to a farm that you can get your own molasses from the trees. I like that....enjoy the time....

Just a very quick post to let you know that Charlie's (my dog) pathology report came back - no cancer! 1070.gifWooHoo. He will stay on antibiotics for 3 weeks and we will decide at that time if the bump needs to be surgically removed for his comfort.

So glad to hear that!!! Doing the doggy dance for you.

Cheri, I agree with you about being angry at those that say "he is in a better place now" why is that??? Was he in physical pain? NO....was he sick??? NO. This boy was tragically killed....by a gun that was in a place that shouldnt have been. Yes, god has a plan for everything..and everyone but that doesnt mean we have to accept it and take it and say nothing....no I believe you are so entitled to scream, be angry, sad and have any of those feelings you have described..frankly Id be suprised if you didnt feel any of those things....this was a death that could have been avoided and nothing is okay about it period. So...dont feel bad and dont explain but please dont let it derail you from doing what you do best and that is to teach...in the inner city school, and improving your health...dont let this experience and others like it get the best of you....thats all I can say....is continue to make a difference as you have for so many students.....regardless of the obvious outcomes.......your involvement with these children and their families are priceless and this experience is tragic but dont let it be so tragic that it desensitizes you so that your teaching them is impaired. They need you.....I thank you....and they do I know as well.

Karen, no doorbell?? Hah. Buzzer, doorbell and triple locks. We dont need hunting season to double lock but sure would take this over the thought of people hunting on my land....killing all those animals....all I hope is that they are killing for food and then eating them or giving others the animals for food.

Probably alot for sport but I dont want to think about this possibility. I guess posting a no hunting here and private property no tresspassing......would preempt some serious glass shattering??? So...Id do as you,...stay the heck inside till the seasons over!!!!

Laura....dating such a painful experience sometime. I think that this guy did you a favor. Use this as an experience and move on....you will find someone who not only stimulates your brain but you as a whole as well.....until then enjoy the time out with a person..other then yourself. Thats how I see it.

Jessica, love that picture....you are looking a "Hot, Hot, Hot"! Yout going to have to fight them off soon! You go girl!

Phyl, Well....spending more time in Vegas again is looking farther and farther away as life again has interupted love sadly....Vegas will soon become a passing.......and while it was lovely .....it was a vacation and "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" truly has meaning for me personally....so not sure if I will get there any time soon...and besides without you and the others it wouldnt be the same anyways!!!

Janet....your grandson adores you and whilest he is out of the house hes dying to be with you again!!! Dont be suprised if he comes a knocking one day very soon. The important thing is that he knows he has a place to stay...that is very comforting and he will never forget this.....this I know for sure!!!

Julie...I do hope those ten units of whatever it is..helps and the stress of the upcoming wedding does not put undo stress on your body that you do not need now...just remember how to use your voice to call out if you need help!! You can always find a place that will cook and deliver anything these days if you need it!

May cost alor of money but if you need it in a hurry..you can get it!!! Dont be a martyr your daughter im sure would prefer you to be painfree then to have worked yourself so that you cannot enjoy the wedding.

Joyce, thank you for the lovely pictures!!! That was so nice of you....ive barely got them online and onto facebook!! Thank you....

oh as far as the Snacks go.....believe you me...there are plenty of healthy Snacks in the house...and chocolate and potato chips baked, and real icecream, pop corn, tortilla chips and so on....I just try to keep them to a minimum and allow Dassi to buy whatever she wants as snacks out....but demonstrating healthy yummy alternative snacks as apposed to processed snacks loaded with sugar, additives, preservatives and white flour is a thing of the past...there are plenty of snacks without all of that.....and organic dark cacao choc is just one to name a few...and on shabbat we always have one cake or some unhealthy treat....but when its three of four or five things....and the healthy stuffs are shoved aside...that is where the line stops in my house...even before lap band. Sugar and dyes are the worst culprits so far!!! Yes....to throwing it all away after eating what we want...thats the key..take one or two and throw the rest away. Moderation.

BTW...there are plently of no gluten choc brownie, Cookies and cakes for snacks and other products that are yummy.....you can find them at your health food store. We try a new item each week.

Everyone else..hope you are feeling good.....must go to sleep. sorrry if ive forgotten someone....and of course ive had!

Have a great night all....and enjoy the rest of the weekend!


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OMG...I get tired of reading my posts. so sorry...will try to post shorter and more condensed in the futire. Apologies for killing eyes and brain cells.

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Good Morning Gang....

Melissa - don't know what to tell you - you can do this - you just have to want to do it - you have to say no to the junk - if he brings it home - put it in a bag and tell him to put it up somewhere where you don't see it..

I'll have to go ck my mail - haven't in a couple days..

Jodi - you are just so busy ;0) you wear me out just reading all the walking and stuff you do ;0)

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Jodi, That is what I'll be doing, moving on. If he's not the one maybe the next one. hmm Never had so many options. How's it going for you? Any more set up dates? They ought to be knocking the door down from the looks of the pics I seen.


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Good Morning All....

Jodi....so busy...so much interesting things in your life.

My poor house. Moving DS's furniture from trailer to house until he sends for it or whatever. He had a four bedroom house full of furniture. My job today is to do some "creative cramming" and figure out a spot for everything. We have three storerooms so much of it will go in there. His childroom bed is 4 mattresses high.

Hope you all have a great Sunday.

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Apple, good luck with that project. You can do it.

No date today, he just emailed that he has to watch his GS longer than planned. Maybe another day.


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