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Apples, I'm glad the weight's back. Have you ever been evaluated for malabsorption? That keeps my dad unbelievably skinny. He gets Vitamin K shots to help.

Jessica, lookin' good and doin' good!

Joyce, thanks so much for the photos. Some really good shots.

DGD, Skylar, is over. I'm taking her with me to babysit other DGD, Leah tonight. They love to play together.

Jodi, I know you want your mom to abide by your food rules, even when you're gone. However, some of the best memories for grandparents and grandkids are getting together and having normally "forbidden" foods. Why not compromise with your mother and discuss a few treats that can be special for when Dassi and her Grandma are together? Things that you can't have in the house because of your eating disorder (addiction), but that, eaten in moderation, are not a problem for Dassi.

Frankly, you can't police Dassi when she's away from you. Her friends will have foods, she'll buy her own treats as she gets older, they'll be available at various parties, etc. For her, the key will be to learn not to deny herself, but to eat in moderation.

The things we totally tend to deny our kids tend to be the things they seek out when they get to the rebellious stage.

My parents certainly had a majority of healthy food in appropriate portions at our house with built-in treats as part of the well-rounded meals. It's not their fault I turned out to have a food addiction. My siblings do not. Luck of the draw.


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Cheri ...Have not been tested for malabsorbtion....and I doubt that would be the case. All my blood tests come back great. I have no worries. I am just back to feeling and looking the way I was in my twenties and thirties...with the exception of my face looking 55. This was my norm. When I would want to take a couple of lbs off, I would back down to 2,000 cals a day and it would be off.

Edited by Apples2

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Hi everyone, I'm alive, just been super busy -- so busy at work and then spending time with the family who claim they just miss the heck out of me when I'm gone. DH doesn't work, so I think he really gets super lonely when I'm away. And even little Merry has been clingy --and then there's Aylah. LOL. I feel so popular. Coming home Monday and stopping at Sam's and then dinner and home - didn't get home until close to 8:30 and then unpacking and getting back into the groove of working and the gym and Water aerobics I've been bushed all week. Sorry I haven't been posting much.

Arlene, thanks for asking where I am -- nice to be missed here too.

I've been thinking all morning about Eva in Argentina and Lori in Maine and hoping they are both having a fabulous time. Lobster sounds so delish yum-- it's been a long time since I've had lobster.

Arlene, hope your Jakob does super well at the fair -- as a former 4-Her I wish him juju and the best of luck!!! How old is he?

Jewell, you look fabulous!! Great job -- gorgeous gorgeous -- and great NSV at Disney - I felt that way riding the kiddie rides with Aylah at the fair -- and the rest of my family loved making fun of me and telling me those rides were "just the right size for you" -- in truth, they are since I'm short and now small enough to fit on them. LOL. So they thought they were teasing me but in truth, I truly enjoyed that teasing - felt like compliments to me. LOL.

I had a wonderful NSV myself this week. My company provides us with a yearly wellness exam where they bring a company in who takes our blood, weighs, measures us and has us fill out detailed questinnaires on line and then they provide us with the results and quarterly check ups. Part of it is they score you from 0-100 on a "healthy" scale -- my score before lapband was 27 -- my score this year -- 90!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? All my numbers are fabulous -- only problem I have now is one of my kidneys has very low kidney function -- so I need to get that checked out with my kidney specialist -- I had kidney failure a few years ago so I always keep an eye on that. It even said that my risk of heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years is 1% -- isn't that wonderful? Makes me all glowy and proud that I have accomplished so much in just such a short amount of time!!

Welcome to our new "man" -- you'll do just great -- just keep checking in here -- would love to have your wife on here as part of our group too -- please let her know we would welcome her with open arms.

Nee -- I apologize if I'm remembering your name incorrectly -- but welcome!! And congratulations on all your hard work and success! You are an inspiration to us all. Maybe one day we'll travel over to the UK to meet you in person!!!

Happy birthday to John Lennon - unbelievable that he's been gone 30 years --- they did a aging photo of him -- god, maybe he's glad he died young -- he looked exactly like Ben Stein (minus the ear nipples). If you haven't seen Ben Stein recently, check it out - he has ear "nipples" -- trust me.

LauraK, how's the new guy? Date night tonight? Hope it's still going well. Are you still running?

Laura, sorry your are missing your DH - try to find some enjoyment out of your time alone with Nelson -- pamper yourself a little -- take some bubble baths - read a few good novels -- go to the gym more often -- work on YOU while he's gone - -surprise him when he comes home with a new sexy outfit or new sexy nightie. Dwell on the homecoming rather than the away time. You will both appreciate each other much more after you have this two week of seperation -- it really is good for you.

Cheri, hugs on the past week - it was hard -- I can't imagine how tough it was -- I still think of a friend of Katie's who was killed in a stupid car accident when she was 17 so it's been over 10 years ago -- it's just too sudden a loss and too tragic -- our minds have a hard time with that -- I agree with what you said about early deaths -- first time I've heard anyone express it that way but I totally agree with what you said.

Apples, hope everything is fine -- when I was in 6th grade I spent the night at a gf's house -- the next morning we were awakened by the sheriff pounding on the door advising that her dad had been killed accidently by a hunter -- he was a construction worker working on Sat. -- I've always been afraid of hunting season ever since -- really is scary when you live out in the country. Our weather's been harvest perfect -- so much different from last year. It's the type of autumn that I love so much -- nice sunny, dry days and crisp, cool nights and mornings - love this weather.

Julie, hope you get some relief from the tens unit -- are there other types like Phyl mentioned? Perhaps you could ask about getting one that has the ice and heat -- at least worth a try to ask about it. The wedding is just a few weeks off - the time has flown by so fast. It will all work out well - do you have some friends that can help at the last minute so you can try to stay pain free? Wish I lived closer so I could come help you cook.

Phyll, you are fabulous-- loved meeting you -- there were so many of us it was difficult to really have time to talk individually -- but we'll have many many more get togethers in the future.

Joyce, thank you so much for the pics -- got mine yesterday they are great-- and the nice note - I enjoyed meeting you and our pool time too. Wish that storm hadn't come up. Darn it.

Janet, sorry about the drama at work -- glad you and Andrew had that talk -- it's comforting for him to know that you are there for him -- I know you miss him - I hae the same issues with my step son every time he moves in or out. Didn't he get another dog, or am I remembering incorrectly? If he moves back in will you let him bring the new one?

Jodi, glad you made it home safely -- sorry but I kinda agree with Cheri on the grandma/granddaughter treats - except if it was ridiculous -- a little treat is okay but shouldn't be over kill -- I do admire you for trying to teach Dassi about healthy foods. But, your DM absolutely should have taken every single bit of junk food home with her and not left it for you -- too tempting and I'm glad you held her accountable for that, she should never leave the junk around an addict -- would she leave a bottle of booze on the counter if you were a recovering alcoholic? I truly doubt it. Glad you were strong and threw some away. I live with junk food in my house -- my DH and kids buy it and keep it right in the pantry -- but it doesn't tempt me -- don't know why -- just doesn't bother me -- my DH buys Cookies, candy bars, pies, doughnuts, sweet rolls, etc., etc., etc. and I never ever eat even a bite of it I'd reather have a dinner roll smothered with butter -- (a little roll with my butter) now that would be more tempting to me. During that dinner at South Point I wanted those rolls and butter so badly -- was truly in agony over that. LOL. When we go for dinner here I just tell my DH to put them in the chair by him so I can't look at them. Isn't it funny how different our addictions can be? So much the same but yet so different.

Also, Jodi, please please tell Jeff how much we appreciated all he did for us last weekend - so nice of him to take such good care of us. He's a very nice man.

Hope I'm not forgetting anyone -- not intentional-- need to get moving here -- we are bbqing tonight -- have my chicken marinating and DH and the kids are having burgers. I'm going to make a huge salad to go with it all -- bought great baby spinach and spring greens at Sam's the other night - love to mix them up.

Love you all and I've been reading but just no time to post. Will try to do better this week. Tried to download my pics at work and they won't download -- so now I think it's my camera that's the problem -- hopefully I'll figure it out. Bummer.


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Linda...so funny about the John Lennon/Ben Stein comparison. LOL. I am sure you looking at the age enhanced John Lennon was about the way I felt some mornings looking in the mirror after my weightloss. My fat filled out all the sagging and wrinkles. I had to remind myself that I was 38 when I started gaining....15 yrs of aging and losing the fat makes quite difference in a person's face.

Have fun with your family!

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Meeting the new guy tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. I'm being very selective this time.


LauraK...hope you have a nice visit and this turns into someone you feel like spending time with. Sending the Jujus your way.

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Glad the pictures are arriving. Memories of a great trip.

LauraK - good luck tomorrow. Let us know.

Linda - NSV - yippee great health report -- what a difference.

Going out to dinner with friends. Protein and vegs. My mantra.

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Linda...so funny about the John Lennon/Ben Stein comparison. LOL. I am sure you looking at the age enhanced John Lennon was about the way I felt some mornings looking in the mirror after my weightloss. My fat filled out all the sagging and wrinkles. I had to remind myself that I was 38 when I started gaining....15 yrs of aging and losing the fat makes quite difference in a person's face.

*Linda......I got a kick out of your description of John Lennon. I need to see if I can find that on the internet.

*Apples.....thanks for reminding everyone to monitor their posts.....especially when they leave home for lengthy time. Of course, I am not as fabulous as you......lol. Talk about fabulous. I did go to Macy's with my DIL today and bought some MAC eyeliner. The sales person was a very handsome man , and his face was made up to perfection. He said" Love, you will look FABULOUS in this eyeliner." I hope it looks as good as his did.

*Joyce, I can't wait to get the pics. I guess it will be Tuesday because Monday is a federal holiday.

*Thanks for all the juju for my DGS. He got it all turned in. I hope they judge it this evening.

I hope y'all all have a great evening!

*Phyl.....I may have to have another glass of wine in honor of you......our wine expert!!!!

Laura K......we want the scoop tomorrow!!!!

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Linda...I bet that health report just floored you. That is such good news. You have such a great attitude to just ignore or "not see" your favorite foods, such as rolls. That's what it takes. Trigger foods can be the downfall of many a bandster. Making them off limits if you feel they have control over you is the trick.

Joyce....love your new mantra. I have a wish. That is that you will post by the end of next week and say you have broken that plateau.

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I missed the health report. way to go girl you rock. You look amazing and now you have it in writing too.


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Phyl, It is just a little bit of a thing......it has 4 leads that I place on the trigger spots and turn it on.... Chiropractor suggested doing 15 minutes per hour rather than 3 hours at a time... I agree so that is what I'm doing... but there is no hot or cold... Just a little unit that fits in my pocket or on my wasteband......... Oh, and thanks for all the kudos and I love you all, too..... I do love to entertain and such, just not when I'm in pain...... I'd love to do your 50th if I lived closer..... I did my dad's only he died the morning that it started and didn't get to attend, My DH and I managed to get it all done, but it was terribly hard.....

Just now on our 10:00 news they ran a story about a man who had bypass 10 years ago... The lead in was about whether these people keep their weight off or not.... Well this guy was the first bypass patient in Bismarck, ND>... he weighed in at 420......Well, ten years later he is still where he was shortly after surgery..... 200 pounds down!!!!!! It was a very nice story and they interviewed the doctor, too.. I know him as he has done a surgery for my mother's hyatal hernia... I was actually afraid this was going to be a negative story, but it wasn't.... It was promoting WL surgery..... Good to see.....

well, I'm going to try to get to bed early again....didn't work last night... hopefully tonight will be different. Hugs and prayers to all..... Julie

15 Minutes an hour makes a lot more sense than 3 hrs at a time!! Hope it's helping. Sorry your night did not go well again! Our sleep was interrupted by a very restless, distressed dog last night. Not sure what was going on... chatted with a random stranger about it today who stopped me to admire my dog and she said her mother's dogs (short snout) do the same thing and the vet called it a "reverse sneeze", and then sometimes the dog goes in to a sort of panic attack... which pretty much describes what Zoey does once or twice a week. Last night it happened after midnight! So I was walking her around the neighborhood and trying to calm her until after 1 a.m. The she insisted on sitting in front of the bedroom window just above my pillow! And she kept whimpering. Finally Earl took her out and held her on his lap in his recliner for a while and she settled down... until she pounced on top of my CPAP mask at 6:45 a.m. Then just sort of sprawled across my face. Needless to say, I put up with that about 30 minutes before I gave in and got up!

Good Morning to all...busy day on the farm. We have been having the most beautiful weather ever. 80-85 with NO humidity. Nice. So different than a year ago when we were in our long johns during corn and bean harvest.

Our farm is surrounded by lakes, ponds and wildlife refuges. Hunting season and shots going off b/4 daylight and well after dark. No rules followed. I keep my puppa in the house and I drive to the mailbox (a little less than a city block from the front door). Will have one city hunter after the other at the door until hunting season is over asking to hunt our land. Paranoia sets in and only go to the door if I'm pretty sure I know the person. A few years ago (at dusk) I walked across our paved road to a field to shut the cab light off in DH's tractor. I heard shots and "pings" on the pavement. Ran right out of my sandals and to the house. Didn't pick up my shoes till the next morning. Reason for paranoia.

Hope you all have a great Saturday. Do something fun!

Actually, Laura, we are sitting between bean and corn harvest. Got done with Beans almost two weeks ago and waiting for corn to get a little dryer in the field. Forecast is good all through October. Hoping to get into the corn by the end of next week. I love corn harvest. Lots of action in the yard. This nice weather will be a lot easier on DH's knees and ankles. He makes many trips a day up the steps to the top of the bins and when it's cold, it's a killer for him. He's a young 56 yr old but inherited a bit of arthritis. I can see the pain in his eyes when he's been working out in the cold. My 29 yr old DS also suffers with the cold. He has back and knee disability from his stint in Iraq. My fingers are crossed for this weather (even if it's 20 degrees colder than now) to hold. Enjoy your weekend.

Your weather sounds so nice! Hope you are enjoying it and not working too hard. Busy w/shower, etc., it sounds like!

Scary thought... hunters on your property!

Yikes! Dangerous!

You better equip that Caddy with bullet proof windows!!!

We enjoyed the beautiful weather today, too.. Went to College of the Desert street fair. Zoey had so much attention! She loved it. Then we went to Trader Joe's, Starbucks and Walmart. By the time we got home... 5 hrs after we left, she was exhausted. She and DH are both sacked out!

I did find her an orange vest type harness at C.O.D. that I will attach her "therapy dog" Patches to.

I'm fine - it's just I am pooped - work has been a bitch - we moved files yesterday - I went in a little early and got mine done by 8 - the other pple in that office just bitch and moan - take the horse by the bridle and lead it - just do it.. Its not going to get done if you wait for someone else.. Had to play mediator between my gf who's the supervisor and another lady who over stepped her boundaries - stepped on supervisors toes - but supervisor was being unreasonable - it's all about power plays and authority - drama - drama - drama - Well I got that worked out -

Then my GF Kaye came over for dinner - she's not doing well 65 or 67 I don't remember age is not important - any way her Iron is like 8 they want to do a blood transfusion but she's a witness and she won't.. Plus heart issues too - needs a pace maker - She is the nicest person - we had a nice evening.

Then Andrew calls crying - said he wants to come home - told him he could - then calls back and said they had an argument (I said oh like us) yep but the whole family gets involved so it makes it that much more - he call's back and says he's ok - not moving back yet (;0) I think he just needed to know that he could - and yes he can - I miss him - but again enjoy the freedom of him not being here - but again miss the help w/the animals - like if I wanted to go out after work - i would have to come home and let them out and feed them..

So - that's why I have been not around - just a lot going on

This morning beauty shop for 3 dogs ;0) so I will have 4 hrs of alone time - no one wanting attention ;0)

Well gardeners here to scalp the yard - here in the desert we have bermuda in the summer and hit goes dormant in the winter - so they cut it down to the numbs and then plant rye grass - I love rye grass - this is the sign that winter is here ;0)

It's suppose to warm up mid to high 90's this week but cooling to mid to low 60's at night - good weather - the kind that you can open the house in the morning and evenings.. Middle of day a/c but not that much

Well just wanted you all to know I'm fine

Sorry for all the stress and drama at home and at work! Doesn't sound like much fun! You need another mini vacation! Too bad you have to wait 7 weeks for the Mexico trip.

Didn't know that about the grass. Very enlightening. That explains what has been going on here. Pretty amazing, reaaly, because they did the "scalping" early in the week and there is already green grass growing in the areas that were completely brwn a few days ago!!

We need to get Zoey in for grooming, too. Someone here told me that there is a lady named Ruby at Ramon Rd Petsmart that is very good and really patient, so I may try to get an appt with her next week. Hope it's easier than trying to get an appt with the spine clinic!!! LOL! Still waiting for that promised return call from the infamous "Esther"! I will be calling her on Monday as left hip is getting very troublesome.

I am loving the weather the last two days! Earl is again whining about the heat, but not as bad as before. When we got home at 2:30pm, he closed all the windows and blinds and fired up BOTH a/c s! Did I mention I HATE air conditioning??? LOL

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Good morning guys~

DH landed in Paris a few hours ago and is on last leg of journey. He is somewhere over Italy (thanks to flight tracker) and in 2 more hours will be in Damascus. I realize many of you have been without your S.O. for LONG stretches- and have endured much worse. I guess each person's suffering is their own. I realized last night that other than him being on call- I have NEVER been alone in this house. The few times he went to a conference or out of town, my Mom came to stay with me. (either b/c Nelson was really small and I asked her to- or it worked out that she was in town). So it just felt very strange to be home alone. Found myself double checking the locks/alarm. Phyl, I loved your story about your Dad helping you with your 3 little ones. I think family always helps in these times. I miss my family and am suddenly wishing we lived in NC or they lived here. : ( And I do realize DH's visit is LONG overdue. It almost took this mini crisis to get him to go. (I have been insisting on this visit for YEARS and he was hesitant to go). I know it is good for him/me/us as a family. I am so thankful he had the time off and the ability to go. Imagine wanting to take a trip like this and then being unable to go. We are so very blessed.

The goodbye went much better than I expected! I actually was stronger b/c Nelson was in the car. I didn't want to make the situation worse- and instead of crying, just had teary eyes under my sunglasses. Nelson hugged his daddy bye and not a tear to be found. (almost to DH's dismay) DH conveniently had bought him some Sponge Bob Matchbox vehicles to deflect- and it worked like a charm. A nice long hug, one big kiss and we sent him off.

A restless night... but I survived. : ) Today is a new day! We both woke up with colds (just pray DH doesn't have it). We were planning on TKD and brunch but now will have a lazy morning at home. Letting Nels make a mess with toys in the living room. I dumped a huge box of legos on a sheet and he is a happy camper. It's nice not having an agenda today. Doing laundry and cleaning up a bit. Apples, took your idea of Nels buying DH something to take and bring back. He bought a little dog stuffed animal with sad eyes. Well, I was packing the bags and pulled it out to put clothes and left it on my dresser and never put it in the suitcase! Luckily I spied it before Nels and hid it! At least we don't have to worry about dh losing it or accidentally giving it away! LOL.

I promise to comment on everyone a bit later. I have lots to say(imagine that..LOL) Where's Janet? peasout....Laura

Glad things are going well so far. Saw on FB that Nael has arrived in Damascus and Nels is having fun building tents in the LR!! Fun! Sorry about the colds. You're going to do fine! He'll be home before you know it! I forgot... how long will he be gone? His family must be ecstatic to see him! Too bad you couldn't all go this time. How they would have loved to see you and Nels!!

Thought of you the other day... DD #2 called to ask me about John Deere toys we bought our youngest grandson... about same age as Nels... he'll turn 5 next week. We bought a truck/flatbed/tractor combination... I think down here at the fair in Indio, several years ago. Apparently big brother accidentally stepped on the flatbed trailer the other day and broke it. So, Thomas was somewhat distraught. Acted very subdued all day and got in trouble at pre-school and after talking with him about the events of the day... he said he was sad about his broken toy! Being that we bought it at the fair... no way to replace that exact one. But, I did a little research on Amazon.com, and Jodie sent me some JD toy website links to show me what it looked like.. and photo of an excavator that he said he'd like! So I was able to order some exquisite JD toys for his birthday, complete with shipping and gift wrapping! He will be a happy boy on his birthday! Got the excavator and a sort of a monster truck thingy w/flat bed and tractor.

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Phyll....those photos look like the smaller version of what is sitting out in the front of our shop.

You should talk to your vet about calming meds for Zoey when she gets her panic attacks. Tanker comes unglued before, during and after rain and thunder storms. Poor baby spent part of the summer on valium. It works and vet said it is safer than letting them deal with the attacks.

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OOOPS! I thought I was all caught up but I had all of the posts since this morning to read yet!!!

Cheri ...Have not been tested for malabsorbtion....and I doubt that would be the case. All my blood tests come back great. I have no worries. I am just back to feeling and looking the way I was in my twenties and thirties...with the exception of my face looking 55. This was my norm. When I would want to take a couple of lbs off, I would back down to 2,000 cals a day and it would be off.

Glad you got the 6 lb back! Your face is lovely!! Doesn't look 55 to me!!

Jodi, I know you want your mom to abide by your food rules, even when you're gone. However, some of the best memories for grandparents and grandkids are getting together and having normally "forbidden" foods. Why not compromise with your mother and discuss a few treats that can be special for when Dassi and her Grandma are together? Things that you can't have in the house because of your eating disorder (addiction), but that, eaten in moderation, are not a problem for Dassi.

Frankly, you can't police Dassi when she's away from you. Her friends will have foods, she'll buy her own treats as she gets older, they'll be available at various parties, etc. For her, the key will be to learn not to deny herself, but to eat in moderation.

The things we totally tend to deny our kids tend to be the things they seek out when they get to the rebellious stage.

My parents certainly had a majority of healthy food in appropriate portions at our house with built-in treats as part of the well-rounded meals. It's not their fault I turned out to have a food addiction. My siblings do not. Luck of the draw.


Thanks for your perspective! Hadn't thought of it that way. I do remember that when we lived in OK and DH would go to WA on business, the grandkids always looked forward to grandpa taking them out for ice cream! Good point!

Hi everyone, I'm alive, just been super busy -- so busy at work and then spending time with the family who claim they just miss the heck out of me when I'm gone. DH doesn't work, so I think he really gets super lonely when I'm away. And even little Merry has been clingy --and then there's Aylah. LOL. I feel so popular. Coming home Monday and stopping at Sam's and then dinner and home - didn't get home until close to 8:30 and then unpacking and getting back into the groove of working and the gym and Water aerobics I've been bushed all week. Sorry I haven't been posting much.

I had a wonderful NSV myself this week. My company provides us with a yearly wellness exam where they bring a company in who takes our blood, weighs, measures us and has us fill out detailed questionnaires on line and then they provide us with the results and quarterly check ups. Part of it is they score you from 0-100 on a "healthy" scale -- my score before LAP-BAND®® was 27 -- my score this year -- 90!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? All my numbers are fabulous -- only problem I have now is one of my kidneys has very low kidney function -- so I need to get that checked out with my kidney specialist -- I had kidney failure a few years ago so I always keep an eye on that. It even said that my risk of heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years is 1% -- isn't that wonderful? Makes me all glowy and proud that I have accomplished so much in just such a short amount of time!!

Julie, hope you get some relief from the tens unit -- are there other types like Phyl mentioned? Perhaps you could ask about getting one that has the ice and heat -- at least worth a try to ask about it.

Phyll, you are fabulous-- loved meeting you -- there were so many of us it was difficult to really have time to talk individually -- but we'll have many many more get togethers in the future.

Also, Jodi, please please tell Jeff how much we appreciated all he did for us last weekend - so nice of him to take such good care of us. He's a very nice man.

Love you all and I've been reading but just no time to post. Will try to do better this week. Tried to download my pics at work and they won't download -- so now I think it's my camera that's the problem -- hopefully I'll figure it out. Bummer. Linda

Congrats on that

health eval!! That is GREAT!!! What a testimony to the benefits of weight loss!!!

I think Julie can probably somehow wrap an ice bag around that TENS unit if she wanted to. I think that's what my PT guy was doing.

Loved meeting you, too, Linda, but wish we'd had more time to visit. Tried to sit next to different people each time we got together, but, alas, still didn't have enough time to spend with each one!

Yes, Jodi... can't tell you enough how much we appreciated all that you and Jeff did to make our Vegas trip more enjoyable! I LOVED that limo ride!! I think I saw a comment you made on FB saying you expected to be spending more time in Vegas in the coming months!!




Meeting the new guy tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. I'm being very selective this time.


Hope all goes well!!

Do you want an arrow from Cupid, too!??? LOL

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Phyll....those photos look like the smaller version of what is sitting out in the front of our shop.

You should talk to your vet about calming meds for Zoey when she gets her panic attacks. Tanker comes unglued before, during and after rain and thunder storms. Poor baby spent part of the summer on valium. It works and vet said it is safer than letting them deal with the attacks.

Hmmmmm... I still have sedatives from when she was spayed. Wonder if I should use that next time she has a freaky episode????

So... you have a monster truck???? LOL

Edited by phyllser

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Hi Everyone

Welcome Neen glad to have you.

I am still having a problem with the sweet thing I have alot of sf pudding but still can't stop the junk I of course still want the crappy stuff my husband is being weird he will say something about me spending all the money on the band and sometimes makes little comments and then bring home chips and Peanut Butter and choc and all kinds of crap of course the stuff I like. Ugggg men I don't get it sometimes.

I need to help myself but I feel stuck and I am paddling backwards.

Also you all know I started working for a small employer family own. For the last two days the husband and wife have been egging each other on. To tell you the truth I love working for the husband the wife is nasty remember she is the one that smokes in the bathroom we share. Oh and so no one gets any ideas the couple is in their mid 60's. Even though you might have to point the husband on the right track through out the day meaning he can talk for an hour and forget what he was orginally talking about she on the other hand talks to me like I am stupid and wonders why I am nice to everyone on the phone, Hello?? what is that. I actually watched her be two faced to someone today. When the guy called she was so nasty to him (I can't really go into why but it stems from something she was mad at her husband about) however when he came in she was smily and sneaky with him.

Go figure its a job right not really stressing anymore about the job it is what it is and if I am meant to be there for a short time or a long time God will guide me. I am trying to give those thoughts up nothing I can do about it.

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    • BetterLeah

      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
      · 1 reply
      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
      · 1 reply
      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

    • Sandra Austin Tx

      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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    • RacMag  »  bhogue925

      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
      · 2 replies
      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

    • Doctor-Links

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      You can order for wegovy at our online pharmacy
      Check for the prices of 0.25mg, 0.5mg and 1mg at our online pharmacy and buy ozempic.
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