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I did speak too soon................... went to bed at 12:15 in my bed, but am already up by 1:15 with pain... I did take Tylenol and my other pills..... So, now I took a Hydrocodone and then took an hot bath and now have my tingly cream on.... the pain isn't horrible, but just can't sleep through it.... When I got up I found DH on the couch..... I heard him get up, but just thought he went to the bathroom......He's been having dreams lately... I think about Iraq or Viet Nam..... doesn't like to talk about it..... So, I'll just let him sleep....

Hope you all are resting comfortably and having sweet dreams......................... Love to all......... Julie

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Good Morning to all...busy day on the farm. We have been having the most beautiful weather ever. 80-85 with NO humidity. Nice. So different than a year ago when we were in our long johns during corn and bean harvest.

Our farm is surrounded by lakes, ponds and wildlife refuges. Hunting season and shots going off b/4 daylight and well after dark. No rules followed. I keep my puppa in the house and I drive to the mailbox (a little less than a city block from the front door). Will have one city hunter after the other at the door until hunting season is over asking to hunt our land. Paranoia sets in and only go to the door if I'm pretty sure I know the person. A few years ago (at dusk) I walked across our paved road to a field to shut the cab light off in DH's tractor. I heard shots and "pings" on the pavement. Ran right out of my sandals and to the house. Didn't pick up my shoes till the next morning. Reason for paranoia.

Julie.....looks like you had a restless night. Hoping these treatments start to work for you soon and give you some relief.

I'm off to a bridal shower this morning, errands in town and stopping by to visit a friend who's father passed away. Was unable to attend the funeral in Virginia and she is home now after three weeks of sitting by his bedside. After that, home to see if I can catch up a little here.

Hope you all have a great Saturday. Do something fun!

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Apples, have a great time today.

Glad you are having a good harvest. Sure makes it easier when the weather cooperates.


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Apples, have a great time today.

Glad you are having a good harvest. Sure makes it easier when the weather cooperates.


Actually, Laura, we are sitting between bean and corn harvest. Got done with Beans almost two weeks ago and waiting for corn to get a little dryer in the field. Forecast is good all through October. Hoping to get into the corn by the end of next week. I love corn harvest. Lots of action in the yard. This nice weather will be a lot easier on DH's knees and ankles. He makes many trips a day up the steps to the top of the bins and when it's cold, it's a killer for him. He's a young 56 yr old but inherited a bit of arthritis. I can see the pain in his eyes when he's been working out in the cold. My 29 yr old DS also suffers with the cold. He has back and knee disability from his stint in Iraq. My fingers are crossed for this weather (even if it's 20 degrees colder than now) to hold.

Enjoy your weekend.

Edited by Apples2

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Good Morning Gang..

I'm fine - it's just I am pooped - work has been a bitch - we moved files yesterday - I went in a little early and got mine done by 8 - the other pple in that office just bitch and moan - take the horse by the bridle and lead it - just do it.. Its not going to get done if you wait for someone else.. Had to play mediator between my gf who's the supervisor and another lady who over stepped her boundaries - stepped on supervisors toes - but supervisor was being unreasonable - it's all about power plays and authority - drama - drama - drama - Well I got that worked out -

Then my GF Kaye came over for dinner - she's not doing well 65 or 67 I don't remember age is not important - any way her Iron is like 8 they want to do a blood transfusion but she's a witness and she won't.. Plus heart issues too - needs a pace maker - She is the nicest person - we had a nice evening.

Then Andrew calls crying - said he wants to come home - told him he could - then calls back and said they had an argument (I said oh like us) yep but the whole family gets involved so it makes it that much more - he call's back and says he's ok - not moving back yet (;0) I think he just needed to know that he could - and yes he can - I miss him - but again enjoy the freedom of him not being here - but again miss the help w/the animals - like if I wanted to go out after work - i would have to come home and let them out and feed them..

So - that's why I have been not around - just a lot going on

This morning beauty shop for 3 dogs ;0) so I will have 4 hrs of alone time - no one wanting attention ;0)

Well gardeners here to scalp the yard - here in the desert we have bermuda in the summer and hit goes dormant in the winter - so they cut it down to the numbs and then plant rye grass - I love rye grass - this is the sign that winter is here ;0)

It's suppose to warm up mid to high 90's this week but cooling to mid to low 60's at night - good weather - the kind that you can open the house in the morning and evenings.. Middle of day a/c but not that much

Well just wanted you all to know I'm fine

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Good morning guys~

DH landed in Paris a few hours ago and is on last leg of journey. He is somewhere over Italy (thanks to flight tracker) and in 2 more hours will be in Damascus. I realize many of you have been without your S.O. for LONG stretches- and have endured much worse. I guess each person's suffering is their own. I realized last night that other than him being on call- I have NEVER been alone in this house. The few times he went to a conference or out of town, my Mom came to stay with me. (either b/c Nelson was really small and I asked her to- or it worked out that she was in town). So it just felt very strange to be home alone. Found myself double checking the locks/alarm. Phyl, I loved your story about your Dad helping you with your 3 little ones. I think family always helps in these times. I miss my family and am suddenly wishing we lived in NC or they lived here. : ( And I do realize DH's visit is LONG overdue. It almost took this mini crisis to get him to go. (I have been insisting on this visit for YEARS and he was hesitant to go). I know it is good for him/me/us as a family. I am so thankful he had the time off and the ability to go. Imagine wanting to take a trip like this and then being unable to go. We are so very blessed.

The goodbye went much better than I expected! I actually was stronger b/c Nelson was in the car. I didn't want to make the situation worse- and instead of crying, just had teary eyes under my sunglasses. Nelson hugged his daddy bye and not a tear to be found. (almost to DH's dismay) DH conveniently had bought him some Sponge Bob Matchbox vehicles to deflect- and it worked like a charm. A nice long hug, one big kiss and we sent him off.

A restless night... but I survived. : ) Today is a new day! We both woke up with colds (just pray DH doesn't have it). We were planning on TKD and brunch but now will have a lazy morning at home. Letting Nels make a mess with toys in the living room. I dumped a huge box of legos on a sheet and he is a happy camper. It's nice not having an agenda today. Doing laundry and cleaning up a bit. Apples, took your idea of Nels buying DH something to take and bring back. He bought a little dog stuffed animal with sad eyes. Well, I was packing the bags and pulled it out to put clothes and left it on my dresser and never put it in the suitcase! Luckily I spied it before Nels and hid it! At least we don't have to worry about dh losing it or accidentally giving it away! LOL.

I promise to comment on everyone a bit later. I have lots to say. (imagine that..LOL) Where's Janet????


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Janet.......glad you checked in. I can't fly to Cali to find you. I guess we could have sent out Sheriff Phyl. It is good Andrew is working it out with his family. I know you miss him. I miss DS. He moved in with his girlfriend. My oldest DD is in the process of selling her Ex boyfriend the house she is living in. Then who knows.....she may circle the camp next, but not for long.....we like our privacy.

Cheri......HUGS! for you!

Julie, is your DH on disability for the nightmares? I saw on tv a couple of months ago that they are giving disability for PTSD and depression without proof of incidents. Hell, the way Vietnam Vets were treated in the US is proof enough. You have till January 1, 2011 to apply. My DH applied because we want to see if they will help to buy his hearing aids. He sat out on the deck of the destroyer while the guns were going off. We will see.

Apples.........great weather. I think you must have the same weather pattern we have. It was in the fifties this morning and supposed to be in the high eighties. I love this low humidity . I was up last night aching from my gym workouts......took Tylenol.....slept till 3am and got up at 5am. I just can't lay in the bed....I have to move.

Okay, Linda and Joyce.....where are you?

Syndy.....will post a pic when Jakob shows his calf.

Texas Chris...... Almost time for pre- op. Ready?

Laura......I know you miss DH, and he misses you. HUGS!

Laura K.....thanks for the juju for Jakob. Let us know about the date!!!

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Gorgeous day in Chicago. Catching up on laundry. Have to do an Atkins run. Got plenty of my shakes but like some of the soy bars and treats. Trying to find some alternatives to the peel off small cans of chicken and tuna that I kept at work. They were perfect for lunch but they're no longer being made. Don't want pre-mixed tuna or chicken salad. Not fond of mayo and celery and onion. Plus they give you crackers. I like my tuna and chicken plain out of the can. I have to watch how many Atkins things I eat each day because they're packed with Calcium, which I have too much of in my blood. Trying to stick with only a 150% of my Calcium needs per day and no more, even though women my age generally have no problem with more and need more to prevent osteoporosis. The milk in my coffeee and the Atkins products were adding up to 200-300% of my daily needs. They still aren't sure why I have the slightly high Calcium reads. I still think it was the combo of high Vitamin D, high Calcium, and laxative. They still think its my parathyroid. But so far no proof.

I have found that the Atkins is constipating, so I'm trying to cut back on it. It's just that its so easy for Breakfast when I can't eat real food, and frequently I have little time for lunch. And I need smaller Snacks throughout the day to keep me going from 7 a.m. when I get to school till 5 p.m. when I leave.

I think my Sjogrens Syndrome has improved on the malaria meds. I only take one antiinflammatory at night and I'm off my flexerall. I have little pain and lots of energy.

I'm back to doing my stair climbing for 20 minutes to half an hour at school before the kids start coming in my room. Its amazing how doing that 3 or 4 mornings a week keeps me in shape. An hour or twos walk on the weekends, and a night or two of choir practice each week also really help me maintain my all over fitness--particularly my cardiovascular. People don't realize how much exercise singing is. Stomach muscles, diaphragm, body position. Controlled breathing. Love it.

Laundry, shopping for BD presents for 2 oldest granddaughters, babysitting 2 youngest granddaughters tonight, church tomorrow morning, and BD party tomorrow night. Monday night dress rehearsal for first concert after a meeting after school at Elim and Tuesday night first concert of the season. Wednesday night meeting at Roseland and away at dyslexia convention during the day Thursday and Friday. Crazy week. You may not hear much from me.


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Morning............. I did finally get to sleep......DH got up early to go with his buddy to an auction.... Their penance is that they must take us girls out for supper..... Works for me.... I feel okay this morning, just having a hard time getting going......

Janet, glad you checked in and that things are all worked out again......One of us has drama all the time... I guess that's life.....the trick is to keep on keeping on...

Apples, a morning baby shower.... I've never been to one... Is the baby here yet??? I like showere after the baby comes best...... Too much can happen to do it ahead of time, in my opinion...... I understand your feelings about hunting season... although I've never been shot at, someone killed one of my father's best bulls one year.... Black angus bull looks nothing at all like a whitetail deer!!!!!!

Laura, WTG on handling the goodbye..... How long is he to be away?? You and Nelson have so quality time now to do lots of things and plan a wonderful homecoming party....

Arlene, I never heard about that program for veterans.. I'll have to have DH check it out.... I think it's Viet Nam haunting him right now.... There was a soldier on my flight into Bismarck on Sunday who was coming home on leave.... He watched all the hugs and such when the soldier got off the plane.. I had visited with this man at the airport in SLC and told him about DH...Watching this was very emotionaly for DH.

Well, everyone have a good Saturday... Like Apples said, do something fun.... I need to get moving and be constructive today.... TaTa.... Julie

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Cheri - sounds like a very busy week for you. I treasure the time we had together to get acquainted in LV. What a dedicated teacher you are. Your life will make a difference in all those students who share the classroom in your school.

Jewell - Wow - you look wonderful and love those sexy shoes. Way to go on the grades. Keep up the great work.

Phyl - loved the story of your Dad helping with the children and the "more than challenging" move. I can't even imagine. It explains why you are such a self-sufficient, strong lady. And you sense of humor, makes it delightful to be around you. I agree, wish I'd had more time to share with each gal individually.

Janet - nice that you could be there to support your friend. And how wonderful that Andrew can always count on you.

Julie - hope that tens unit does the trick for you.

Laura - I love being in the house alone, but constantly check alarm at night.

Karen - Even the alarm would not help you with ppl knocking on the door carrying guns requesting to hunt on your property. Very frightening.

Would like to see the new Facebook movie today, but way to nice to be inside. Think I'll take Gizmo to the park and we can walk together.

Hugs to all.


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Arlene - good luck to Jacob on his bars and I'd also love to see pix of his calf competition.


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Janet...I can just see you jumping in and taking the bull by the horns at work. There's always one bad apple no matter what the situation. I have always noticed in places I have worked that there are "team players" and those that sit on their hands because "they are not getting paid to do that". I say the day goes by so quickly when one is busy and productive. Hope next week goes smoother for you.

Awww...how sweet that Andrew called GM....you might have him back yet. Makes my heart warm that you love him and would want him back. So nice.

Julie....was a bridal shower I attended. Was a nice shower and then I headed into town for a estate auction. Stayed about 10 min. Nothing I was interested in. I buy straight back wooden chairs of all kind. Strip them down, prime, paint and then do some kind of painting on them and give them for housewarming gifts, bday gifts, etc. My hobby. I plan on doing much more of it this fall and winter.

You stated that the black angus looked nothing like a white-tailed deer. Well, I can tell you I look nothing like a white-tailed deer either but I can run as fast as one when I'm scared enough.

Laura...make sure when you talk to DH to tell him to fake it that he has the stuffed puppy along so Nels is not crushed. Stay busy...DH will never be sorry he took this trip to see his DM. Hope he can connect with her and find peace with this trip.

Jewel...you looked so svelt and sexy in your new dress and shoes. Loved the shoes...great legs, girl!

Phyll, I, too, loved your story about DH, the kids, you DD stepping in and taking care of your little family while DH was gone. One thing we never had when our kids were growing up...not much for grandparent's involvement. But, we filled our lives with ppl that were loving and caring and they had many "fake" aunties, uncles and grandparents.

Joyce....20/20 had a peice on the FB movie last night. Interesting. Not sure if I want to see it or not.

OK...going to put this out there just cuz I care for you guys. Let's all be careful about not posting too much personal info on the thread or anywhere on the net. Ppl can pick up on the littlest bit of info. Take it from someone who knows. I guess I have the most fascinating life in the world. LOL. Info from here....not much but just enough snow balled into some freaky, freaky calls and texts. I am pretty sure my life is ho-hum. But, I guess someone else's life is so boring that they felt the need to follow and know my every move. Just plain freaky and weird. Jeolousy maybe along with the fact that I must be just the MOST fascinating person....yeah, right. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my own life and just wouldn't have the time to focus on someone else's. Enough said. Just be careful. There's that song..."Private Eyes".......

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Karen - I strongly agree. Sad, but true, that we have to monitor our posts. I also agree, that managing my own life is a full time job for me.

On a lighter note, re: white tailed deer - after all the weight you lost, you don't make a good target. Combined with the speed you can run, those hunters better just leave you alone. lolol

Has anyone received their pix of LV yet? Hope they arrive today in the mail.

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Karen - I strongly agree. Sad, but true, that we have to monitor our posts. I also agree, that managing my own life is a full time job for me.

On a lighter note, re: white tailed deer - after all the weight you lost, you don't make a good target. Combined with the speed you can run, those hunters better just leave you alone. lolol

Has anyone received their pix of LV yet? Hope they arrive today in the mail.

Joyce...oh dear...thought I mentioned it to you yesterday. I recieved my disc yesterday and was also so happy to open the envelope to find printed photos also. Thank you so much...so thoughtful.

Also, forgot to mention....I am proud to say I put back on ALL of the 6lbs I lost over the summer. Yeah me! The elastic on my underpants are now doing their job again:lol:

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