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Hey Chris (txrckcrwlr)....how are you doing? Hope you check back in with us all. So important to have some support and to get ideas on things. Also, just good to talk with ppl that have gone b/4 you.

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Morning.... I'm up, but not at 'em yet....... had a visit from my brother and a call from DD.... Still feel groggy and drugged up..... Bad crying pain last night and DH really hurt my feelings and I got upset.... I was moaning and crying and he was trying to watch tv.... He said, "Go take a pill," in a rather uncaring voice... I had just done all that a bit earlier...... So of course I left the room and went down to the bedroom to cry some more.... He didn't mean it that way, but it's how I heard it.... He can hardly stand to hear my cry anymore..... it bothers him so much..... I recovered and the pills took hold finally, but I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00....... so not a good night... My neck is hurting still this morning.... I do have therapy at 2:00, but don't know if I want it... I think he is going to do a tens unit rather than manual stimulation of my mucsles.... So, we'll see

Neen, welcome and congratulations on the weight loss... Glad to have you here where we all understand the band and how it works.... I started at 387 and am 5'9".... so I still have a ways to go too, but have been stopped by a major pain issue with my shoulder and neck.... But we're both going to make it where we want to be soon... You take care and share as often as you want... We like that... The better we know you the more we can help.

Arlene, I can just feel your sore muscles..... I'm proud of you for keeping going.... WTG..... I like saltines with my Soup, too..... Hard habit to break...... Good luck to Jakob... How's all the babies...???

Lori, I don't do seafood, so that wouldn't be a temptation for me..... but I do love butter..... So it's not just MN, but ND, too, that has to blame WI..... Have a great time..... Gee, if so many of us want to visit New England states in the fall we may have to meet there next fall...... Shouldn't be any heat issues.....

Apples, you are not a boring farm wife..... actually anything from it..... And I should know.... I'm a farmer's daughter and proud of it.....

Well, I just had boiled eggs for breakfast/lunch (first meal of the day) but I had a little butter on my hot eggs..... Apples, I think you said you eat lots of eggs.. Has it affected you cholesterol in any way??? I don't have high cholesterol, but don't want to get it so I try not to overdo the eggs......

Linda, you sound busy.... take care... is the hip any better??? Hug Ayla lots from all of us LB sisters, too..

I need to try to do something... I asked DH to get my "big" kitchenaid mixer out before he left, but he forgot... I have a regular one on my counter I use all the time, but a much bigger one that I use occassionally... Cannot lift it myself, but I want it for my cakes and frosting.... He'll have to do it tonight... So, I think I will make a couple more pans of bars and then start cakes tomorrow... Only 15 days till the wedding and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed.....

You all take care.... Hugs and love to all..... Julie

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Julie...I boil up at least a dozen eggs a week and just peel and put them in a baggie. I have never been a fan of the yolk but love the whites.

Whites: large egg, 17 cal, 4 Protein, 0 cholesterol

Yolks: large egg, 55 cal, 2.4 protein, 210mg cholesterol (70% daily requirement)

I give the yolks to my dog. Keeps his coat shiny.

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Julie...I boil up at least a dozen eggs a week and just peel and put them in a baggie. I have never been a fan of the yolk but love the whites.

Whites: large egg, 17 cal, 4 Protein, 0 cholesterol

Yolks: large egg, 55 cal, 2.4 Protein, 210mg cholesterol (70% daily requirement)

I give the yolks to my dog. Keeps his coat shiny.

Excellent idea......will do that for a snack.....I love boiled eggs!

Well, changed lunch. I was out and DD wanted McD's.....yep got nuggets.......real bad experience. I brought them home. I took a bite of mine....DD took a bite of hers.....they had sand, gravel or dirt ......hey, maybe even ground glass in the batter. I took them all back and they gave us anything we wanted. I got a small hamburger and ate half of the patty. I think I still have grit in my teeth. Cured me on nuggets. If I die in the next couple of days be sure and tell everyone it was a chicken nugget from Mc D's.

Oh, I finally found some toffee bits for Julie's bars. Jakob is baking Friday night for the fair. He turns them in on Saturday morning. I think I told y'all that. My DN is still in the hospital trying to pass a kidney stone.

Lori, I would love to go see the autumn leaves . I've always wanted to take a bus tour through New England.

Julie, so sorry about your relentless pain. Have they ever suggested traction? My mother had a pinched nerve in her neck/shoulder area and hung by a contraption from the door. My dad would hang her up a couple of times a day. When they went camping he hung her up from a tree. Sounds funny....hey it worked. She never had a problem with it again. You need relief soon. Go see the pain dr and ask him about Lyrica for extra relief.

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Hi all....

Well...its been olmost a week since Ive been back from Vegas and had one busy busy week so no time to read or post until now.

Well...the trip back from Vegas was uneventful but arriving home was interesting. Dassi was awakened by the door and so of course we had to have all the presents bought and pictures shown etc etc. She was happy I was home. Me not so much lol

Well....upon inspection of the house in the AM...I found the most interesting, disturbing really.....I found, Cookies, cake, ice cream, half eaten chocolate bar and rugalach frozen in the freezer. All the fruit and vegetables that were bought was still in the same place and some rotting. hmmm

so.....what do I do????? What???? I know you guys know.

No I didnt throw them all out till last night, so what do you think?? Of course I did...6 Cookies, I ate 6 of those trader Joes.. chocolate oh's! 2 a night....until I said enough!!! First I threw out all the garbage and then called my mom...

That wasnt such a good conversation.....for her that is.

I really let her have it. What in the world was she thinking???

Her response..I forgot to take it all home..was going to.

that was her response???? The end of the conversation was with me saying....after all the saying about how unhealthy it is and we dont eat this stuff anymore there is so many alternatives etc etc....the last thing I said was I love you but this is not acceptable and the next time you come here and sit for me....either you listen to me and do as I ask or I higher a babysitter and you wont be able to spend time with your grandaughter and shel have a stranger with her when I and if I go away....what you do in your house is your buisness but in mine its mine and I expect you to follow my instructions.....

hmmm. Response was.....in that you are higher then though voice.....okay miss Jodi....gotta go....


What the heck was she thinking????

In any case.....my week about was about cleaning house...still cleaning so will post when all done...perhaps by Sunday! lol

When the house and me will be back on track!!!

Have a great night all.


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Jodi, good job on throwing the stuff out. You are doing Dassi a great service in teaching her the right way to eat. We don't want our children to suffer the way we have. I am on my kids all the time about eating right. Of course they are older than Dassi and are over weight and will have to do it for themselves now. Great to see you post, love the pics of Vegas. You look wonderful.


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You know, Jodi...not only have you "gotten" this new healthy lifestyle for you, but you are teaching your DD at a young age. Keeping crap out of the house is half the battle. I would rather see my kids overeat on healthy food than a couple of portions of crap. Good going!

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Hi Everyone

Welcome Neen glad to have you.

I am still having a problem with the sweet thing I have alot of sf pudding but still can't stop the junk I of course still want the crappy stuff my husband is being weird he will say something about me spending all the money on the band and sometimes makes little comments and then bring home chips and Peanut Butter and choc and all kinds of crap of course the stuff I like. Ugggg men I don't get it sometimes.

I need to help myself but I feel stuck and I am paddling backwards.

Also you all know I started working for a small employer family own. For the last two days the husband and wife have been egging each other on. To tell you the truth I love working for the husband the wife is nasty remember she is the one that smokes in the bathroom we share. Oh and so no one gets any ideas the couple is in their mid 60's. Even though you might have to point the husband on the right track through out the day meaning he can talk for an hour and forget what he was orginally talking about she on the other hand talks to me like I am stupid and wonders why I am nice to everyone on the phone, Hello?? what is that. I actually watched her be two faced to someone today. When the guy called she was so nasty to him (I can't really go into why but it stems from something she was mad at her husband about) however when he came in she was smily and sneaky with him.

Go figure its a job right not really stressing anymore about the job it is what it is and if I am meant to be there for a short time or a long time God will guide me. I am trying to give those thoughts up nothing I can do about it.

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Hi all. Cried a lot today. Going to school started thinking about Mikey. Memorial tomorrow night. Hopefully, the pain will start subsiding after that. People keep saying, "He's in a better place." Frankly, that doesn't help. I believe that, but I still miss him. It was still a horrible death.

I look at the kids I teach and wonder how long I'll have with them. I've always had such a sense of urgency with these kids. I might only have them a few months before the get pulled out because the parents can't afford it. How much time do I have to let them know they are loved, that God loves them, that they can succeed, etc? It's why I start teaching at 7:30 and don't finish till 5:00.

It's why I'm so driven and so passionate about my job.

People keep saying I made a difference in Michael's life, but he made a difference in mine. He was one of those students whom it was a joy to teach. His face lit up whenever he learned something new. He loved being in my class and never created problems. He made me smile. And I miss him.


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Welcome Neen. Congrats on your success and so nice to have you join us.

Loved all the conversation about lobster - mmm....my favorite.

I'm sure Lori will have a great time. Loved her suggestion of having her DH work on Karen's farm and the two girls could travel.

Beautiful fall day in K.C. Took Gizmo for a long walk.

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Hi all. Cried a lot today. Going to school started thinking about Mikey. Memorial tomorrow night. Hopefully, the pain will start subsiding after that. People keep saying, "He's in a better place." Frankly, that doesn't help. I believe that, but I still miss him. It was still a horrible death.

I look at the kids I teach and wonder how long I'll have with them. I've always had such a sense of urgency with these kids. I might only have them a few months before the get pulled out because the parents can't afford it. How much time do I have to let them know they are loved, that God loves them, that they can succeed, etc? It's why I start teaching at 7:30 and don't finish till 5:00.

It's why I'm so driven and so passionate about my job.

People keep saying I made a difference in Michael's life, but he made a difference in mine. He was one of those students whom it was a joy to teach. His face lit up whenever he learned something new. He loved being in my class and never created problems. He made me smile. And I miss him.


Cheri...take pride in knowing that you made a difference in this child's life and in the lives of the other children. I still am thankful for certain teachers. The ones that took the time to help me get something I could not wrap my head around. The highschool English teacher that allowed me to take the Junior and Senior plays and just run with them. I can hardly remember the name of the teachers that were flat-lined and didn't give a hoot what they taught.

A lot of these students that you teach (from what you have said) don't have much of a chance in life. If you give them just a little bit of hope for change, you are doing more than you know. Hugs:crying:

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Just a very quick post to let you know that Charlie's (my dog) pathology report came back - no cancer! 1070.gifWooHoo. He will stay on antibiotics for 3 weeks and we will decide at that time if the bump needs to be surgically removed for his comfort.

Cheri ((hugs))I am so sorry for your grieving however it is a process and it takes time. When you are feeling more like socializing let me know and we can meet for lunch.

Welcome Neen.


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Drive by - I am having company for dinner tomorrow - need to clean up - and I'm just to tired to think and type..

Love to you all..

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Cheri.......HUGS! I know words seem empty when you are hurting so bad. His spirit will live on as you teach the other kids. Karen is so right......you are making a huge contribution in the lives on those kids.

Phyl......I just have to say this . Cheri's grief reminded me of something this past weekend. As you rode your scooter and joked with Janet it was as if my sweet MIL had come to join the party. You look and act so much like her. She was so funny and when she rode her scooter if you were in the way you might get run over. Just watching you put the "pedal to the metal" in Hooter's really made me think about her. The spirit of the people we loved so much still live on in the people we love in our lives now. Does that make sense?

Well, I did walk this evening. I was getting so stiff. I am better now. I definitely need to get back to the Water aerobics before training again.

Plan tomorrow......boil eggs in the morning for Snacks. Cut up celery too.

Did I miss something? Janet are you on another vacation? I thought it was in November.

Okay gang.....gonna go soak in the tub, and turn the jets on my aching body.

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