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Phyll - you are right - yours was a cosmo, sorry I forgot.

Sandy - that new bra sounds like a great foundation. Keep up the good work.

Arlene - sadly I missed the poop conversation, but it is not an issue for me.

Went to costco this afternoon and made copies of pictures (rather than a CD or DVD) and made address labels for each of you. Hubby will take them to the office tomorrow for postage and mail them. Watch for them. Easy to see - a good time had by all.

Beautiful weather in K.C. Gizmo had his teeth cleaned today and now has better doggie breath, and I have $450 dollars less in my bank account. Good thing I didn't lose more in Vegas. Sending hugs to all. Joyce

Yep... Cosmo. Thank you!!

I had two there and they were very good.


That is so sweet of you to send your photos!

Will be looking forward to getting them!

I just don't have any that are that great!

Although there is a really nice one of you!

I usually take a lot more with my Canon camera,

but I just kept pulling out my cell phone!

Didn't you say it was 43 in CK today!???

That's too cold for ME to ride in a convertible with the top down!


It was 60 degrees here this morning, and very windy! And I couldn't make it all the way through Water aerobics!

When they were doing one of those face the side of the pool exercises and Earl's back was to me... I high-tailed it out of there!! HAHAHA!! I headed for the hottest hot tub!


You better get Gizmo some doggie dental insurance!!

People dental cleaning doesn't cost THAT much!! LOL.

OH, thanks Joyce! That is so sweet to send us pics. Yeah, my DD had to pay 700 bucks for her dog because he needed some pulled. He was a homeless Minpin. I think he may have been hit by a car because his mouth doesn't close. OMG, his breath can kill a maggot. He is so sweet......I just hold my breath when I pet him.

I went to Water aerobics today. Tomorrow is my time with the trainer. Why I pay so much for physical abuse......I'll never know. Maybe I will when they measure me in a month.

And then there is my weigh in /nutrition class tomorrow. Fun time is over.....time to get back to the REAL world.

I shudder to think what it might cost to get Zoey's hair lip fixed!!

I think at least once a day she starts this kind of choking or spasms of some kind.. and we think it's from drinking her water too fast.

I think it goes up her nose because of that opening.

Photos: #1-Julie & Jodie, #2-Joyce and Phyl, #3-Joyce, #4-Arlene, #5-Eva

Edited by phyllser

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Great...you were wondering about setting fonts so you would have your blue print.

Go to "user pc" and go down to edit options. Scroll down to miscellaneous options and you will find it there.

So you mean you NEVER have to reset the font, color, etc.???

Because I've tried that and it didn't work so I must be doing something wrong! I'll have to try it again!!

Here's Zoey trying on another of my sun visors!

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Just checking out to see if the font thing worked, doesn't look like it.

Won't work for me either!

I've tried it before. Must be doing something wrong!

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Hi all,

Back to reality. Teaching, 2 and a half hours of choir last night. First concert next week Tuesday. Love the music. I'm getting challenged totally.

Picked up another child to privately tutor after school. Now I'm there till 5 o'clock. However, I'm making enough extra where it should help pay for my choir tour to Europe next summer.

Friday night is a memorial for Michael J Pierce. The staff is contributing money for the family's expenses. We're also starting to get contributions coming in for his memorial scholarship fund from the fund-raising letter I wrote. One thing his family said at his funeral was how much Michael loved school and how his eyes lit up whenever he talked about it. That was Mikey. I miss his smile and those lit up eyes so much.

Grieving takes a long time. A sculpture display at an art gallery at the Bellagio moved me to tears. Talked to a couple of you in Vegas and grieved some more. Chatted on FB with Mikey's older sister (from my first 8th grade class at RCS) and grieved some more. Grieving right now.

My heart goes out to all those in your community, Laura. The horrific death of a child and the endangerment of so many family members whose lives are hanging in the balance is really hard.

I really appreciate everyone who helped me get out of that hotel and see some of the sights. As a first time (and probably last time) Vegas tourist, and as a slightly claustrophobic ADHD person, I really needed to not feel trapped. I enjoyed hanging with people but I also need to move. I put $5 in the slots just to say I did but I really couldn't stand being inside the gambling areas. Complete sensory overload.

Jodi and Jeff, thanks for all you did. Jodi, you looked great. I loved helping to create a new look to match your new body. The hotel was very nice. Loved the pool. Wish I could have spent more time in it. Almost missed my connecting flight home. Forgot the hours difference between Denver and Vegas and was wandering around thinking I had all the time in the world. Phew! Another ADHD moment.

Looking forword to the pics Joyce. Your idea of a CD also a great one Phyll.

Glad everyone made it home safe.

Much love,


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Won't work for me either!

I've tried it before. Must be doing something wrong!

I went back to try again and it shows everything I saved but not sure what I am doing wrong. Oh well.

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So you mean you NEVER have to reset the font, color, etc.???

Because I've tried that and it didn't work so I must be doing something wrong! I'll have to try it again!!

Here's Zoey trying on another of my sun visors!

Heck, Phyll, I just happened to come across it and ran right back here to tell Great. Then, went back to "set my fonts for life" and ended up with the same kick in the pants that you got!

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Heck, Phyll, I just happened to come across it and ran right back here to tell Great. Then, went back to "set my fonts for life" and ended up with the same kick in the pants that you got!

Me too!!!!! lol

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No luck for me either on the options area. But not that hard to set the color each time.

Stopped after dinner (out) to pick up envelopes for the pix. Labels are ready and all will be in mail tomorrow.

Dinner: Jason's deli

Protein - turkey (they served it in a bowl for me)

salad - lightly dipped in ranch dressing (sparingly) and ate variety of non-starchy vegetables.

nothing to drink with meal

working with all the hints I received on this wonderful trip

changes will be made

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No luck for me either on the options area. But not that hard to set the color each time.

Stopped after dinner (out) to pick up envelopes for the pix. Labels are ready and all will be in mail tomorrow.

Dinner: Jason's deli

Protein - turkey (they served it in a bowl for me)

salad - lightly dipped in ranch dressing (sparingly) and ate variety of non-starchy vegetables.

nothing to drink with meal

working with all the hints I received on this wonderful trip

changes will be made

Joyce...hoping this kicks that plateau right in the butt and gets you back on that losing path again:thumbup:

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Hi all, Back to reality. Teaching, 2 and a half hours of choir last night. First concert next week Tuesday. Love the music. I'm getting challenged totally.

Picked up another child to privately tutor after school. Now I'm there till 5 o'clock. However, I'm making enough extra where it should help pay for my choir tour to Europe next summer.

Friday night is a memorial for Michael J Pierce. The staff is contributing money for the family's expenses. We're also starting to get contributions coming in for his memorial scholarship fund from the fund-raising letter I wrote. One thing his family said at his funeral was how much Michael loved school and how his eyes lit up whenever he talked about it. That was Mikey. I miss his smile and those lit up eyes so much.

Grieving takes a long time. A sculpture display at an art gallery at the Bellagio moved me to tears. Talked to a couple of you in Vegas and grieved some more. Chatted on FB with Mikey's older sister (from my first 8th grade class at RCS) and grieved some more. Grieving right now.

My heart goes out to all those in your community, Laura. The horrific death of a child and the endangerment of so many family members whose lives are hanging in the balance is really hard.

I really appreciate everyone who helped me get out of that hotel and see some of the sights. As a first time (and probably last time) Vegas tourist, and as a slightly claustrophobic ADHD person, I really needed to not feel trapped. I enjoyed hanging with people but I also need to move. I put $5 in the slots just to say I did but I really couldn't stand being inside the gambling areas. Complete sensory overload.

Jodi and Jeff, thanks for all you did. Jodi, you looked great. I loved helping to create a new look to match your new body. The hotel was very nice. Loved the pool. Wish I could have spent more time in it. Almost missed my connecting flight home. Forgot the hours difference between Denver and Vegas and was wandering around thinking I had all the time in the world. Phew! Another ADHD moment.

Looking forword to the pics Joyce. Your idea of a CD also a great one Phyll. Glad everyone made it home safe. Much love,


So sorry for the pain you're suffering in the loss of this child. It is such a sad thing!

It was a pleasure to get to know you a little better... wish we'd had more time together! It was a busy weekend! And, I might add... you are a GREAT dancer! Enjoyed watching you and Jodi dance.

No luck for me either on the options area. But not that hard to set the color each time.

Stopped after dinner (out) to pick up envelopes for the pix. Labels are ready and all will be in mail tomorrow.

Dinner: Jason's deli

Protein - turkey (they served it in a bowl for me)

salad - lightly dipped in ranch dressing (sparingly) and ate variety of non-starchy vegetables.

nothing to drink with meal

working with all the hints I received on this wonderful trip

changes will be made

Last time I saw a Jason's Deli was when we were living in Oklahoma. Always enjoyed their salad bar.

Heck, Phyll, I just happened to come across it and ran right back here to tell Great. Then, went back to "set my fonts for life" and ended up with the same kick in the pants that you got!

Yep! It doesn't work!

Just played throw the toys with Zoey and now she's sprawled exhausted across the hall leading to the bedroom.. waitng for Earl to take her to bed... but she's a little early!!! LOL! Tired herself out! I got myfinger in the way once.. my fault.. but, tooth nicked me a little! She didn't want to stay at the dog park tonight... too cold and windy!

Stupid hip started hurting me again yesterday. Not too bad. Just letting me know all is not well yet! Still trying to get appt w/spine clinic!! Feel like they are stalling me. Latest is they need me to call the urgent care clinic I went to in March and ask them to release the x-rays! UGH!

Mom & Uncle, her significant other, moving in to assisted living tomorrow. My sisters are maxed out! Uncle Ed being his usual Jerky self. Keeps teling my Mom... " we have to learn to live simple!" And every time someone turns their back he is taking a box of who knows what to the dumpster! GRRRR!! Give it to the kids!! Don't throw things away! They don't have that kind of junk! And he was trying to throw away linins, like towels and wash cloths... and they have to provide their own! And canned goods, Cereal, etc. Even though their meals will be provided, they are encouraged to have some stuff like that in their kitchen in case they don't feel like going down for a meal! I'm glad I'm not there! I would definitely be fighting with him because he is so stubborn and opinionated and I can't keep my mouth shut when he is being obnoxious!

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Drive by Gang - it's 8:30 - boot camp kicked my butt..

That font thing has NEVER worked for me - I tried it a long time ago...

Hugs Cheri - I saw on FB your pic of Michael (?) who past away a few weeks ago.

Joyce - WTG on dinner.. And Thanks to you & dh for the pictures -

Apples - Hugs

I missed the tmi subject - I take ducolax ;0)

Yep Jodi - You look fab in those Jeans !!! Cheri can be our stylist ;0)

Charlene WTG at the gym

Phyl - Hugs on the hip

Oh Andrew just called - said he would come visit this weekend and maybe go out to lunch or hang out at the mall

making me cry ;0)

Well gang - I gotta go eat..

Weather here (lower end of the valley) is beautiful - have the doors and windows open - no a/c ;0)

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Hello everyone..... No sleep yet so decided to see what was shaking here since I was on last.... I haven't tried to set the font and such on here... I know I did it on my e-mail...... I'm sure no whiz with the computer, but I manage....

Pain has been tough since early afternoon... Just won't let go.... I think the massage and therapy are stirring things up.... My next one is Thursday and I'm hoping he has a new plan..... Sending me home with a tens unit is what he said but don't know about that insurance approval........I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.... I have to take Laromi in for an ultrasound..... She was doing so well with potty training and then a couple weeks ago she started crying when she went and then started having lots of accidents.... Holding too long because it hurts maybe.... She's also been having nightmares about monsters.....Wakes up and cries in the night... One NP treated her for bladder infection but then said the urine sample came back clean.... DD took her to a different clinic today and they did an x-ray and said she is impacted wth stool..... they gave her stuff to unplug her and then want to do the ultrasound... Poor little Mimi..... Hope we get it figured out sooner rather than later... DD is going nuts.... and the wedding in just 2 1/2 weeks away...

Cheri, so sorry you are having a tough time grieving for Michael.... It is such a tough thing...... especially when a child is involved..... You have such a calling for the work you do......it shows how much you care..... try to take it easy and let the stages pass..... you will get better..... WTG on getting a little extra to help pay for your choir trip.... Every little bit helps.....

Arlene, in all the hub bub around here since returning home I forgot to thank you again for the cute Texas ornament.... It was so thoughtful and will look great with all my other special decorations... Can't believe it's almost time for that...... I don't have my fall/Halloween decorations out yet..... Maybe tomorrow or Thursday....

Apples, did you get rested up from your long drive?? Hope so...... Good luck trolling..... Did you have lots of laundry to do after being gone or did DH surprise you and have it washed??? Mine didn't so that's tomorrow's plan, too..... Would you believe I haven't unpacked yet..... Just haven't had time or was in too much pain to care when I did.... I'll get there....

DH filled little pumplin bags with leaves with the girls this afternoon... they had so much fun raking and stuffing.... and of course I forgot to take a picture... I'm so bad about that....

Phyll, Zoey seems to really be happy to have you home again..... Have a fun time with your Water aerobics....

Laura K, so you are starting a yogo class now.... I've never done any of that..... hope you have fun and it helps you lots...

Joyce, glad you came away with so many tips... I think we all learned so important things from each other over the weekend..... And girls, this woman is ageless.... she looks beautiful...... as did all the rest of you..... We are quite a bunch...... We should have done a tally of how much total weight has been lost by the group.... It would be a staggering amount I think.....

Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleasently surprised for it to be down 3 pounds... but It has happened before and then come back again... I'll wait to see what tomorrow brings... I didn't eat much today, but had a bunch of popsicles......

Linda, the pictures of Ayla are just gorgeous... what a sweeting.... sparkles in her eyes or maybe twinkles is better.... so precious.... And Jodi, your pictures of Dassi are wonderful, too... She is a knock out.... will be lots of suitors coming her way sooner than you think..... Brace yourself.....

So, I should try to go get some sleep.... Not sure if my shoulder is ready or not... I have a cold pack on right now......... Will heat my wheat bag and then get to bed and put it on my shoulder... Usually I will fall asleep like that.... So, nightie night, dear friends... have sweet dreams..... I love you all.......... Julie

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Actually I do mostly in state deliveries. I typically leave out at midnight and am gone about 24 hrs. Some of my customers feed me. Some will even do special things for me. My bigest problem is going to be Portion Control. I know about eating healthy. Knowing and doing are two different things though. My father has been a diabetic for 38 yrs. My mother was a home economics teacher. I love to cook, in fact I do most of the cooking in my family, when I'm home and have time.

Thank you all for the support you have shown me thus far. 3 weeks. I am going nuts waiting

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Actually I do mostly in state deliveries. I typically leave out at midnight and am gone about 24 hrs. Some of my customers feed me. Some will even do special things for me. My bigest problem is going to be Portion Control. I know about eating healthy. Knowing and doing are two different things though. My father has been a diabetic for 38 yrs. My mother was a home economics teacher. I love to cook, in fact I do most of the cooking in my family, when I'm home and have time.

Thank you all for the support you have shown me thus far. 3 weeks. I am going nuts waiting

Chris....just a little advice for you. Always have a "Plan B". If you are put in a situation where someone else cooks for you and you not sure if you will be able to eat it or want to eat it, have an alternative option. Preplanning is the key (especially the first year or so). There are so many great alternatives.

Congrats on your decision to make your life a healthier one. 3 weeks may seem like a long time right now. Use that time to prepare yourself and ask any questions you might have. Hang around this thread and we will help you with any questions you may have and help you to pass that time till the day of surgery.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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