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Laura, I felt the same way - unsure of myself. I have to give her credit; my trainer made a world of difference. I have learned so much and my confidene has soared. Maybe you could check into it. It wasn't nearly as expensive as I had feared. I am paying $35.00 a session at the gym I belong to. Just a suggestion.

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Thanks, I'll do that.

Looking into taking a yoga class also. I want to really try that too.


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ok guys, What fort are we supposed to be holding down??? Everyone is in Vegas! snifffffffffffffff. I just saw some photos on FB and they look funny! They are blurry and dark and inside a limo and nightclub! Looks like they are having a blast! We can't wait to see the real pics girls! Be safe and hurry back soon!

I worked Thursday- went great! Love the clinic and all the people that volunteer their time to work there. The patients are grateful and it makes it all a wonderful place to be. : )

Yesterday was Nelson's TKD belt testing! He is now a purple belt! SOOO proud of him! : ) After we had a pizza and pool party at our house with his best friend and parents. Went to bed late and pooped out. Today is class get together at the local park. (wasn't brave enough to have it at the house). Only 5 RSVPd but with my luck 100 would have shown up at the house! It's from 1-3. High of 86 so should be a nice day outside. I will post pics later.

I hope you are all well. peasout.. Laura

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LauraK - I would like to try yoga too. I just haven't gotten up the nerve yet.

Laura - You are right; there isn't much of a fort to hold down. I can't wait to see the photos from the Vegas trip. I don't have anybody's Facebook info so I will have to wait untill the pictures come out here.

It sounds like you have a perfect day for your party. Have fun!

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Safe travels to all. Have fun.


Drive over here was great! Janet took the "back" way through 29 Palms, for anyone familiar with the area, and we were here in 4 hours... 250 miles from when she picked me up. Everyone was here by about 2pm, I think. Most of us got here around 12:30-1:00 pm. Five met at the airport, Jodi was already here, Linda was already here, Eva, Janet and I all arrived by car about the same time as the gals got here from the airport. Only snafu was that Janet and I couldn't get in our room until almost 6pm which was pretty annoying. We think they had to clean the carpet and were probably wanting to give it a few hours to dry... my theory, anyways because someone noticed it was wet in one area.

I am holding down the fort right now, just as requested. I hope a good time is being had.

Janet, I have exercise tomorrow morning. I am taking my dog with for the first time. My trainer wants us to run up the sledding hill at the park and then walk down. Repeat 5 times and then jog once around the park (one mile). I am sure the dog is up for it; I hope I am.:wink2:

LOL! How did that work for you!??? And the dog???

I've talked to DH several times since we got here, speaking of DOGS, and he keeps putting me on speaker phone so the dog can hear me. So then she goes and gets her little red football and brings it to the phone and starts barking for me to throw it!! HAHA!!

1day, I am so glad you are working again. It was a tough transition but I hope it was worth it.

ey Ladies, Just thought I would check in. I forgot ya'll were going to vegas this week. I hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I did the orlando trip.

My first 2 exams I earned a 90 and 94 percent. I am doing really well in school.

Jacob is doing ok on his new meds for adhd. I would like to see him doing better though. He may just need a little bit more.

I went and saw my surgeon today. I lost 1.5 pounds since my last visit a week and a half ago. He talked to me alot today. He said I am not enjoying the success of losing over 50 pounds. I beat myself up and need to give myself more credit. I cried the whole appointment. He brought up my mom and asked about the horrible things she did to me. I really don't talk about that EVER. So I am just raw right now.

We are going to disney sunday. Hopefully we will have a great weekend. I know those of you in Vegas will. Talk to yall later

Jewel, you're really doing great! With school, weight loss, etc! Hope Jacob continues to do well with his new meds!

Hi Sandy, We I guess it's us this weekend. You will do great tomorrow on your run, got your support team with you.

I can run 2 miles now, haven't done it to much this week. I've been having a problem with a tendon in my foot so if I feel like running I do if not I'm walking. Dr says to make sure to stretch before and after. Silly man told me to put ice on my feet after. He doesn't understand how cold I am since losing weight. Ice on feet is not going to happen. Laura, how did the job go. Did you like it? LauraK

Great job on the running!

Great job on the running!

Janet is up... said she got home around 1:30-2:00 pm! But, then she was up all night with leg cramps!

Hi all!! My name is Chris. I live in Keller TX. I just got my date last week. i am having my band done oct 27. I can't wait. I am starting to get nervous now. I am looking for some ppl here in Keller/Southlake area for support. My wife was banded nov 20 2009. She has only lost about 40lbs.

I am a truck driver so i tend to eat out alot. I know you can be productive and do well eating out with the band. The nutritionist i have been dealing with has given me alot of flack for eating out, and has basically told me that i can not after the band. I have asked for her to sit down with me and help and was told it wont work. She has said that i need to bring food with me and heat it up at the places i deliver. I happen to deliver to restaurants so that is not an option due to health code. So i will be forced to only carry things i can eat cold. This doesn't seam reasonable all the time. Any advice?

Thanks Chris

Chris.... eating out is tough, but it can be done.... salad, carry your own dressing. You can get by with Protein drinks, kashi GoLean Bars, etc. in a pinch. Soup in a thermos, etc.


We're here to help you through it, Chris!

ok guys, What fort are we supposed to be holding down??? Everyone is in Vegas! snifffffffffffffff. I just saw some photos on FB and they look funny! They are blurry and dark and inside a limo and nightclub! Looks like they are having a blast! We can't wait to see the real pics girls! Be safe and hurry back soon!

I worked Thursday- went great! Love the clinic and all the people that volunteer their time to work there. The patients are grateful and it makes it all a wonderful place to be. : )

Yesterday was Nelson's TKD belt testing! He is now a purple belt! SOOO proud of him! : ) After we had a pizza and pool party at our house with his best friend and parents. Went to bed late and pooped out. Today is class get together at the local park. (wasn't brave enough to have it at the house). Only 5 RSVPd but with my luck 100 would have shown up at the house! It's from 1-3. High of 86 so should be a nice day outside. I will post pics later. I hope you are all well. peasout.. Laura

Congrats to Nels!! And to you on your first day of work!

Sorry about the quality of the pics! I brought 3 cameras with me, actually... my phone camera, my Kodak HD movie/still camera and my Canon digital. But once in the limo I discovered the Kodak doesn't have a flash, or at least I didn't find one! I need to work with that camera some more to get familiar with it. I think the phone camera has a flash, but again, the phone is new and I'm still learning! And the digital was back in my room! The other gals will have better photos! And today I will make sure I have the digital with me.

Edited by phyllser

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1day, I am so glad you are working again. It was a tough transition but I hope it was worth it.

Hey Ladies, Just thought I would check in. I forgot ya'll were going to vegas this week. I hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I did the orlando trip.

My first 2 exams I earned a 90 and 94 percent. I am doing really well in school.

Jacob is doing ok on his new meds for adhd. I would like to see him doing better though. He may just need a little bit more.

I went and saw my surgeon today. I lost 1.5 pounds since my last visit a week and a half ago. He talked to me alot today. He said I am not enjoying the success of losing over 50 pounds. I beat myself up and need to give myself more credit. I cried the whole appointment. He brought up my mom and asked about the horrible things she did to me. I really don't talk about that EVER. So I am just raw right now.

We are going to disney sunday. Hopefully we will have a great weekend. I know those of you in Vegas will.

Talk to yall later

Jewel - Can I say I have the same problem with beating myself up and not looking at my success. I think that is why I am stuck (in my head anyway)

You are doing great in school I am so proud of you. Once they figure out the right mg. Jacob will be fine, I am glad he is doing better.

Yesterday was Nelson's TKD belt testing! He is now a purple belt! SOOO proud of him! : ) After we had a pizza and pool party at our house with his best friend and parents. Went to bed late and pooped out. Today is class get together at the local park. (wasn't brave enough to have it at the house). Only 5 RSVPd but with my luck 100 would have shown up at the house! It's from 1-3. High of 86 so should be a nice day outside. I will post pics later.

I hope you are all well. peasout.. Laura

Peas - I can't believe Nelson is a purple belt. It seems like he was a white belt yesterday. Tell him Congrats for me. Also I am glad you like working at the clinic.

Chris - welcome to our board eating out came be difficult but you can do it. The first part if liquids so you will most likely going to have to bring a cooler with you. They have some that plug into your car so they stay cool and you would not have to worry about ice packs or anything. But you have a while to even think of that. Congrats on getting a date and I wish you a transformation journey and we are all here for you.

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Good morning everyone! It sure has been quiet around here with almost everyone in Vegas. I am sure they will have a few stories when they get back.

It truly is a cold and grey Chicago morn (think Elvis). The house was 62 when I woke up. Turned on the furnace for the first time this year, it fired up for about 2 minutes and then shut down. It looks like a service call is in my future.

My dog is an awesome exercise partner. He had no problem keeping up and even pushed me a bit. We still need to work on the "squirrel" reflex.

We have trapped 5 skunks this week. We put a have-a-heart trap out after the dog got sprayed last week Monday. Skunks have been a problem for the last 3 or 4 years for our area. 3 of the 5 skunks were caught in a 24 hour period. I have found the advice about skunks not liking lights to be a fairy tale. The outside of my house has been lit up like a Christmas tree and still they come. UGGGGGG.

Have a good one.

Edited by sndycnrd

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Sandy, Way to go on the exercise, glad you have your partner to push you.

It sure has been quiet on here and I'm sure they will have plenty of stories to tell and even more to "stay In Vegas".

I didn't exercise this weekend unless you count shopping. I had my 30th class reunion last night. What a blast chatting with everyone. I felt so good, some of the guys made the comment that I looked younger than when they seen me 10 yrs ago. lol Others said I looked great. Just loved it.

Good luck on the skunk trapping hope you got them all.


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Just checking in to see if anyone posted anymore pics of Vegas! Missing my girls. Love you all.

Have a date day with my hubby. Last weekend before his big trip. One of my GF is taking Nelson for the day. LOVELY. : )


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Peas - I can't believe Nelson is a purple belt. It seems like he was a white belt yesterday. Tell him Congrats for me. Also I am glad you like working at the clinic.


he is a purple dragon............ which is the kid's division. : ) not real purple! : )

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Awesome on the purple Dragon WTG Nels

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Sandy, Way to go on the exercise, glad you have your partner to push you.

It sure has been quiet on here and I'm sure they will have plenty of stories to tell and even more to "stay In Vegas".

I didn't exercise this weekend unless you count shopping. I had my 30th class reunion last night. What a blast chatting with everyone. I felt so good, some of the guys made the comment that I looked younger than when they seen me 10 yrs ago. lol Others said I looked great. Just loved it.

Good luck on the skunk trapping hope you got them all.


It is so great for your confidence level when you see people you haven't seen in a while and they make a fuss. Because we see ourselves everyday it is sometimes hard to visualise just how far we have come. At least I have a hard time. I dont' see the loss in myself until I look at a picture from last summer next to a current picture. Wow, it is a huge difference. Unfortunately, I don't always see it in the mirror. :smile2:

I reset the skunk trap. I don't think I am done yet. If you drive down the street after dark you see them everywhere. The village is offering a program in which they will pay 1/2 the price for a removal service. The cost to remove one skunk is $150. At the rate we are removing them I would go broke. A trap cost $60 and is exactly what the service uses and is reusable. My DH has a pick up truck so the cage with the skunk goes in the bed and off he goes to a forest preserve. :thumbup::crying::mellow:

Way to go on the purple dragon Nels!:):lol::lol::lol::lol:

Edited by sndycnrd

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Hey Gang! Just checking in after my flight home. We had a great time.....I am pooped! Yes, I was the Biggest Loser this weekend........money that is. I spent so much at the Hooter's Casino I have a hat and tee shirt to show for it......nothing else!!! lol. Good thing Texas doesn't have casinos or I would be in a different kind of support group!!! food.....we won't talk about it. I don't want to weigh until my Wednesday nutrition class. Okay, ladies, I am gonna go unpack and chill.

Laura, I haven't seen the picks yet, but Phyl went crazy snapping with her phone.

Jessica....congrats! on the grades! Glad J is doing better on meds

Melissa.....how is work?

LauraK.....so glad you got to go to your 30th reunion. Yeah, after 30 no one cares what you did or how you look.....they just want to talk about the old times and grandkids.

Syndy.....we will be tearing up the thread again. I'm glad to be home. Just wish everyone could have been there.

Tx.....You might want to invest in a Magic Bullet for shakes. I was told they have them with a connection for vehicles. You could go to a fast food place.....Chick fil A or Jack in the box.....order a fruit cup and a cup of ice with Water.......make a shake a couple of times a day. Restaurant food does have so much more fat and sodium than home cooked, but there are good selections if that is all you have to eat.

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Hey Arlene, glad to see you made it home.

I just walked in a few minutes ago. Good trip and no problems but was surprised by the rain around Kingman again. Lots of rain. DH said we got about an inch of rain here yesterday and you can see the high Water marks everywhere. Cool, we need the Water.< /p>

I'm really tired...not enough sleep, but had a great time are really enjoyed meeting everyone. Arlene was a great room mate, couldn't have asked for better.

Gotta go take a nap...will check in later.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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