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Lori - so sorry for the inconvenience. We'll have to talk about issues we have had with cc fraud when we meet.

Just a reminder to all, if you plan to use your cc while traveling, best to call the credit card company and let them know. I'm calling right now.

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Hi guys~

Finally have a few minutes to write a bit. We had horrible tropical storm/flash flood warnings this morning. Weather radio went off and woke everyone up. Bus was late and it was raining- so drove the whole bus stop to school. (6 kids) Thank God for big SUVs! : ) Nelson LOVED having all those girls in the car! Funny that there are no boys on our street.

I volunteered all morning at school. Teacher had laryngitis and was VERY happy to have me. I did all the reading and even did some of the lessons. I loved it! I would have been a teacher if I wasn't a nurse. Got to the bottom of Nelson's troubles yesterday. He's clashing with one of the other kids and he is demonstrating some poor time management skills. He gets stuck on one work and doesn't move on to the next. He wants everything to be perfect, but there's not time for perfection in class. Something to work on. I bought the class little plastic bins to organize their desks. (can't remember if I told you this). With coupons and school discount, etc. They were like $3 each for 16 kids.(they are good quality and something the teacher could use for a couple years over and over). You would have thought I gave the teacher a million dollars she was so thankful. Anyway, she had the kids write me a thankyou card. It was sweet. Had lunch with my boy and now am home for an hour before the bus comes and then to TKD. Belt testing is Friday.

Janet~ food is going good. Exercise is not. No excuse or reasons- other than been busy. Saturday was on my feet for 8 hours- must have walked at least a few miles. Tomorrow will go to the gym. Had my fill a few days ago. I have good restriction but not too much- feels like sweet spot. : ) If I can get my ass to the gym, we will be in business. Walking 2 times a week, 3-4 miles isn't gonna cut it, I know. Better than nothing?!

I officially start my NP job on Thursday. I had to go buy my own labcoat yesterday. This is the first job in all these years that didn't provide them for me! (and it's the one I am not getting paid for!) I tried on my old one and it was HUGE on me. (looked like a kid playing dress up with dr's coat on!) I still have to alter the one I got, they are so unflattering. I bought two new pants. I don't like to wear dry clean only stuff b/c I like to WASH things after having contact with patients. Wish I could wear scrubs. Also, Once my schedule gets set- everything will get easier.

I have been busy getting DH ready for his trip. Buying gifts, new suitcases, all his meds/stuff, sending clothes to drycleaners & having shirts pre-folded (they pack nicer with collar stays and sleeves done perfect).

Lori~ Sorry to hear about the CC stuff. We have a special program called Shopsafe for online purchases. (It generates a specific number just for that purchase, so never giving out REAL number). May want to look into it. ALso, glad for the sentencing of that A hole! Sorry to hear about your friend's daughter.

Phyl~ Loved the news of great niece/nephew! WOW!!! TWINS!!! : )

Julie~ Glad you slept better. When is the next injection? Did you have any relief? What's the plan now?

Eva~ Hope you are surviving the last week! Thinking of you!

Sorry all the trouble everyone is having with the adult kids. SIGH. Must be in the air. My sis who lives at home is going to drive my parents nuts. Almost 2 years now, no job (barely looking), does bare min. around the house, (she has been their errand person- and I know this has been a Godsend when Dad was really sick. Now he is ok and she is still just sitting there!) June was 1 yr post op RNY and she is down 90 lbs or so. She's 185-190. (she is saying.) Still in 16 womens/18s. I am in 16s and supposedly 30 lbs heavier, same height, and I exercise and have muscle. She isn't exercising and gets winded going to mailbox. Mom said she is sabotaging herself and grazing all day long. Of course sis says everyone is staring at her eat and it causes her to "squirrel food" away and eat at night. They are "picking" on her a lot. But she is lazy, not exercising, not always making good food choices, spending unemployment money on crap instead of saving (they haven't asked her to pay for anything but asked her to save so she could move out one day). She is also drinking "a glass" of wine at night- but with bypass that gets her buzzed big time. (yes, cross addiction!) I can't say anything to her b/c she thinks I am the "chosen" one anyway and that I $hit roses in my parents eyes. I can't help her. I try and encourage her and she takes it the wrong way. She is almost 50 (in Feb) and I fear she will live in my parents' attic apartment the rest of her life mooching. My parents have gone above and beyond the call of duty for her! Time to stand on her own two feet!!! uuuhghhhhhhh. rrrrr.

ok girlies. I need to get going. Am bummed about LV (repeating myself). Just wish I could go, but DH's trip and Nels in school- just can't. Love hearing about it and will just do this one vicariously through you guys. Will miss the hell out of ya though! Sorry if I missed someone- can't remember the rest. Hi to LauraK, Jodi, and others. Love you too!


Edited by peascorps

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Laura...sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Sorry to hear that your DS has not changed her lifestyle. I'm like Joyce...I would pay their apt rent or for a hotel b/4 I'd have one living in my basement. In dire need....I probably would but then it would be short term.

We will keep you informed on the Vegas trip. Hold the fort down while we go please.

Doesn't sound too serious with Nel's school troubles. He does sound as if he wishes for perfection though. Maybe with help he can learn to move on easier from one project to another.

Tell that DH of yours to have a wonderful trip and enjoy his time with his mother. A special time for him and her both.

Lori...enjoy your trip. All your trips sound exciting. But, bet your are soooooooooooooo jeolous of my daily trips.....to the farm tractor parts store, picking up tile equipment for the guys, dentist, driving my truck over bumpy terrain to get to my guys in the field. Oh yeah....mine is so much more exciting. LOL

Had a good day so far. Lots of driving. Dental appt was about 2.5 hours long. Not too bad. Figure I have about 4-5 left b/4 I'm absolutely perfect (yeah, right).

Now gotta hit the laundry room and catch up on some of this lake stuff b/4 I go. My goal is to get it all put away and the house nice and neat b/4 I leave on Thursday morning.

Staying at a Mall of American hotel which is just a couple of miles from the airport. At this point, don't think I will do any shopping. Meeting a good friend (she's like a sister...a great sister) for dinner Thursday evening.

Better get to work. Hope you are all having a great day. It is a perfect day here. About 68, sunny and ideal for soybean harvest. 2 full days of combining after today. Then a couple of weeks and we start corn harvest.

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Great, It wasn't me using your card. lol. (Lansing is only about 1 hr away from me). Glad to hear that creep got 44 yrs for what he did to your DH. Have fun in NO.

Julie, hope you continue feeling better.

Laura, little boys just have to get in some trouble. This is minor. Tell DH to have a great time on his trip.

Karen, how many sets of tires do you burn off in a year? lol Sounds like you had a "coming to jesus meeting" with your DS, just like I did this week. It all has a way of working itself out.

Joyce, are things getting better with your kids?

No plans for any more dates yet. Man this dating thing is confusing/different, not sure how to handle this. Oh well it will either be or not.


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Hey ALL still hanging in there no Dr appt yet just trying to take it easy. Thank you all for all of the advice.

Oh and things are getting busier at work I guess some of you were right they just had to make sure I was right for the job. They are giving me alot more to do now.

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I've been lurking all day, trying to read bits and pieces while I work.

I'm so glad I'm getting away this week -- Apples hugs hugs and more hugs. I think our weekend will do all of us a world of good. Katie has been at her house and Aylah has been staying with her. But as usual, there is drama -- there's never a dull moment. So I too was up until way too late and not sleeping well again either. So no gym for me this morning. Tomorrow for sure. I keep wondering why our lives can't be simple and easy like they should be at this stage of our lives -- life is too short for this kind of stuff.

Julie, so glad you are checking your bag -- it will be much easier for you. I never do carry on - between my back, hip and fibromylgia I just check it, plus, that way I'm not so limited in what I can bring. Glad you're pain was better this morning. Sounds like it's all helping.

Lori, can't believe your credit card was compromised -- you just never know - we've had that happen a couple of times. Just always make sure you really are talking to the credit card people when you get calls like that -- so many of the calls are even fraudulent these days.

Arlene, love your attitude - yes we WILL win -- also just gotta warn you, I'll be speaking Texan after being around you awhile. I tend to pick up on accents quickly -- I also still speak with the long O's from when I lived in Duluth 40 years ago!! Just don't want you to take offense if I start to speak that way -- it's just something I tend to do - maybe cause I lived there once -- not sure. But I love the Texan and all southern accents.

Laura, you did do a lot for that teacher --most parents wouldn't do that -- you are so nice to be so generous. Poor Nelson -- it's hard - but he's a great kid and smart and he'll get it all figured out. He's always in a crowd of girls -- LOL. I don't envy you during his teenage years -- girls are going to chase, chase, chase him and it'll be a worry, trust me. Your sister needs to grow up -- honestly I wonder sometimes what people expect these day - don't understand how or why someone her age would even WANT to live with her parents, especially if she feels they are watching what she eats, they pick on her, etc. Get a job and take care of yourself. Why is that so hard? It's like my step kids -- they don't want to work, they don't want to save, they don't want to be responsible -- heck they don't even want to get up before 9:00 a.m.! GRRRR. Sorry, stepping off my soap box, but stuff like this really bugs me cause I had to work so hard, etc. when I was a single parent and no one gave me any help of any kind (not that I wanted any, but you know what I mean). I worked for everything I had and I don't understand this mentality at all. Okay, really shutting up now. Sorry.

Cheri, hope all is well with you - haven't seen you on here for awile.

LauraK, when's the next date? I hope this works out well - at least for awhile - nice to have a friend over the holiday period.

Eva congrats on the last couple days of work!!!! You go girl!!! Enjoy that retirement party! We'll Celebrate all weekend!

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all you girls, have a blast in VEGAS... its gonn abe so much fun...


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LauraK and Linda - thanks for asking about kids issues. Actually I was unable to sleep last night too b/c more s#@t hit the fan last night.

Linda - I agree, I thought this time in life was to be peaceful. Time for me to find a yoga retreat again and OOOMMMMMM all day long. Spend time in meditation and silence.

It allows me to center and regain mental/emotional balance.

Finished packing for Vegas. Yippee.

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Hey gang! Well, I am sitting here in my new Land's End one piece suit for Water aerobics. Dangit!!! It presses on my port and my shoulder, arm, and jaw hurt. Maybe it will stretch out in the Water. I will take the other two piece just in case.

Linda, that's okay if you talk a little country with me......I won't feel alone. Who knows, I may go home speaking like one of y'all. We WILL Win!!!! The Jackpot!!!

I bought some MAC makeup today. I don't like it. Oh well, I give up.....no magic cream.....no magic makeup.

I started packing. I have lots of black and white. I just like it. I will try to throw a print in there. My night shirt is a print. I think I will check my bag. I am like Linda....too much jacked up to take a chance on having pain when I get to LV.

Laura and Laura K....gonna miss Y'all. Oh, and Laura.....I feel you frustration over your sis. My SIL was like that too. Best wishes on your new volunteer work!

Apples, I am so jealous of you running the roads if you are running in that Caddy. Love it!

Lori, we have Lifelock. Everytime one of us makes a big purchase on our card or fills out an application they call our house, and will not let it go through until they get hold of us. Laura, I am going to check into the online card. Sounds like a good idea.

Joyce, thanks for reminding me of the CC. Will call.

Cheri.......where are you?????


Melissa, glad you are getting busy.

Janet, well, I am not making anymore sweets till I get from our trip. Jakob has to turn the bars and cake in on Oct 8th.

Phyl....I didn't read all the posts, but read something about twins....Congrats!!

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Boy...I've found out I'm sure not alone in my kid worries. Hugs Linda and Joyce.

Poooooooooor Linda. You are going to be so messed up by the time you return home. Me with my MN Scandinavian umpapa and Arlene with her drawl, you're going to have to listen to some hometown radio stations for a bit to get back to normal.

Lori....one of our cards was compromized a few months back. Luckily, we were not on vacation at the time and our cards were in the mail within a few days. Card company said they had all the info on who was trying to use it. Didn't take them long to call us.

OMG....I DETEST wearing a swimsuit in public, but I will. DH gets so upset with me. He went down to the laundry room this morning and had it sitting on top of my suitcase b/4 he left the farm site. I guess that's my push to give it up and just do it.

I just want to say this...I think I've been lax in including everyone. This is a message for all the girls on this thread that are unable to make the Vegas trip. I truly wish you all could make it and would love to meet you all or would love seeing you again if I've met you b/4.

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all you girls, have a blast in VEGAS... its gonn abe so much fun...


Hopefully you'll be able to make the next meet, Peaches

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*I just want to say this...I think I've been lax in including everyone. This is a message for all the girls on this thread that are unable to make the Vegas trip. I truly wish you all could make it and would love to meet you all or would love seeing you again if I've met you b/4. *

I second that statement......you will all be missed!!!!

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And I third the statement. Wish all could be there. I remember reading all about the trip to Florida in February before I was banded.

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I'm here. Took me an hour and a half to catch up. Taught yesterday, went to Dr., ate, went to 2 and a half hr choir practice, crashed. Came home today, ate, tutored, watched taped "Chuck" and then checked e-mail and read 5 pp of this. No time left to post.

All those with adult children issues-hugs. My daughter's still shaky. Hope the meds kick in soon for her. But she's not calling me so that's an improvement.

I'd love to win big in Vegas and pull my school out of its financial hole. They are down 25 kids since last year. Once again we don't know if the school will open next year. We need to reduce tuition so parents can afford it but we need to increase donations to make up the difference.

Husband's reading all the fine print on air travel. PIA. Too much to remember. I'm hardly going to bring anything. KISS (keep it simple, stupid).

Love to all


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Cheri - life is keeping you very busy. This vacation is just what you need.

Will be waiting for you at the resort.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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