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Oh, Sandy, what a terrible way to start the day..... My brother's house got skunked once..... on the farm.....got in the garage and it seeped into all of the house... They had to go stay with my folks.... And it just took forever to get that smell out... One thing I remember they did was put charcoal briquettes all over the house.... When I was a kid we had a dog that couldn't stay away from the porcupines.... got so she would just come and lay down in front of Dad so he could pull them out with a pliers.... Hope that smell doesn't linger long.... did you Tomato juice him???

Karen, something wonderful must be in store for you to make up for all the crap you have endured these last months..... I'm praying for you and asking that things will turn around for your family soon... Extra special hugs for you, my dear friend..... We all love and treasure you so much.... So, what about your Monday job.... just took today off or is it on hold for harvest??

My pain pills are starting to kick in, but I've had a rather hard evening..... Hoping to get it settled down and sleep it off..... Tomorrow I have a half hour massage and that should be good.. then one more therapy on Thursday before I leave.... Praying it will stay on an even keal while I'm gone.... So as not to lift anything I will check my bag...... If Karen is checking and is coming in just 15 minutes before me we should be able to meet up at baggage claim somewhere.... I'm getting anxious now.... I got to talk to Arlene last night after she tried to text me to make sure she had my number right.. We had a great talk about all our surgeries..... I'm thinking that sleeping is going to be slim this weekend...... We'll all have to sleep on the flight home..... except Janet, Phyll and Eva..... no sleeping behind the wheel....

My DH is happy that he gets to go to an auction on Saturday with his buddy without me to complain... It's a special lumber auction and he is looking for lumber as he thinks he needs to add another room to DD's house next spring.... Baby comes in May.... They have 3 bedrooms, but use one for an office and computer room.. so want to add on an office and a half bath....That's just right up his alley... something to keep him busy......

Lori, thanks for the tips.... I bought the hot and cold packs today and if I can't get them in I guess I'll just have to suffer....

Well, I'm going to watch Hawaii 5-O and hope to fall asleep soon.... Love you guys..... I think we are missing Jessica and Judy lately.... sure hope you all are fine and busy....... Nightie Night........ Julie

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Like what I got in the mail today. Scumbag, aka Carjacker Dude, got a total of 44 1/2 yrs for DH's carjacking incident last year. WOOHOO! I heard more of the details after the trial was over and those were some hard core scary dudes!

On a sad note, got an email from my mom and the 24 yr old daughter of a childhood friend of mine in Wisconsin was found dead of natural causes this weekend. How tragic. I have lost touch with her but through the miracles of the internet found an address and sent a card. Our parents are still in touch.

Great - that's great new about the car jacker - Hugs on your friend DD

Oh Lori, sorry about your friend's daughter. Such a tragedy. Nice of you to send a card even though you've been out of touch. Hope your DD is feeling better -- she probably needs to eat more -- is she having a lot of morning (all day) sickness?

LOL. I ate pecan pie when I was a kid, so I just naturally assumed everyone in the country grew up eating it. It's my DH's favorite too -- I make him one pie at Christmas every year. But if we go out to eat and he can get it, he'll order it. I love it, but can pass it up. I'll add that nothing is too sweet, rich, or chocolate-y for me -- I can eat it all anytime, anywhere. I'm like Paula Deen -- the more butter, etc. the better I like it. That's why I have to completely avoid it all - I couldn't have one bite, no way.

No Arlene, I'm not a techie like you guys -- I'm old school. LOL. I have no time to text!! Gosh, it would drive me insane -- i watch my kids and that's all they do - I would go out of my mind for sure. Seriously.

Julie, hope it all goes well with the adoption -- what a nice grandma you are to help out. Maybe you and I will win a big jack pot in LV cause we've been dishing out money to our kids lately -- that would be nice, wouldn't it? And deserving! LOL.

Well, still at work, gotta get back at it.



Linda we are twins !!!!

Lori, so glad to see a hard core criminal do hard time. The justice system worked in you DH's case.

So sorry for you friend's loss. Losing a child any age is tough.

Linda, believe me, I am not a techy. My kids only use text now......so if I want to talk to them I have to text. I will not do twitter. TMI. My oldest DS does and it goes on his FB status. I had to unfriend him because he was junking up the place. I don't want to read about his sports crap.

I need to send you Julie's recipe too. It is really close to pecan pie and really easy. I love Paula Deen's recipes. They are really heavy on the butter, but O so Good!

Well, exDIL came by for a visit. I think she was hoping I would dish about DS's new woman. She reminds me of my dog Charlie. When another dog comes over or he smells another dog on me he goes in my closet and marks his territory.....just to remind me he is in control...and I belong to him....lol.

Charlene LOL on xdil ;0)

Linda, I like the sound of that winning the jackpot in Vegas, but I'm just never lucky...... $80 is the most I ever won and it was on a nickel machine...... My husband says he is sending money with me to play the quarter machines like he does...... He thinks that maybe I'll be luckier when he isn't around.... I'm not going to count on it at all....

Lori, you must have missed my question about hot and cold packs on the plane..... what do you think.... Will I get on with the store bought kind???? I'm sure hoping or I could have a very long trip......will have to double up on my drugs and you guys will find me wandering around in the Vegas airport......

I'm like Linda about texting... Still don't know how to use my phone to it's fullest, so texting is something I just don't even want to think about..... Maybe someday..

Lori, sorry about your friends daughter and also happy to hear the sentence on the carjacker.... Truely deserved...... Hope your DD is feeling better soon.... Mine is having alot of the same issues as last time... smells is a bad one for her.... anything strong or perfumey just makes her sick..... And she's also very crabby...... Glad I don't live with her anymore... Poor DF has to put up with it this time.......But he takes it in his stride.... he's a great guy.....

Well, my therapist told me to take it very easy and rest the rest of the day... I lifted Mimi onto a high toilet at her WIC appt today and that set me off on a bad pain attack... It's just starting to calm down now.. Hopefully will be better after he massaged it very welll I definitly have trigger points he says!!! I knew that just didn't know what they were called.....

Time to make a little supper... going simple with a homemade chicken pot pie.....with a nice salad... DH will be happy with that.... You all have a great evening... TTYL...Julie

Julie - Maybe you will win - think postitively ;0) We are going to try anyway..

Julie, sorry I must've missed your original post. A hot and cold pack should be fine just no liquids or gels. Double check at www.tsa.gov and it's all spelled out there. I know some of those packs are gellish inside but gosh I can't imagine that not being okay but tis the gov't. LOL Sorry your DD is feeling yucky. Now what are you doing lifting??? I know sometimes you just gotta.

Linda, my DD is having no morning sickness what so ever, also no appetite though but is forcing herself to eat. I was never techie either but learnt to text just to keep in touch with my kids, now I do it more and more. It's easy and actually I kindda like it at times better than phone calls. LOL I got a phone now that has all the letters I hated it when I had to push a number key 1, 2 or 3 times depending on the letter I wanted.

Well DH is home.

Great - that's my phone - 123 - that's the main reason I don't text :smile:

Back after my whirlwind of a day. Thought I didn't have much left to bring home from lake place. B.S.!!!! Car was loaded full. All unloaded and just have to find a place to put it all, do the bedding and laundry but going to do it a bit at a time. I detest disorder so this is going to drive me crazy till I get it sorted and put away.

Lori...said story about your friend's daughter. I feel for them. Nice that you sent a card.

Can you eek out another lunch by pouting???? LOL

Long story short....picked up youngest DS for lunch. On the short 10 mile drive I tried to set up the ground rules on what subject would be off limints. Didn't work. Had just ordered lunch and he was relentless. Threw a $50 on the table, gave him a hug, told him I loved him and walked. I could see him as I drove away standing out in front of restaurant.

Sad part is that he is moving to San Diego this week for a job he got out there. I had his passport and log book, laptop and a few other essentials. He continually texted and called and I let him sit for a couple of hours. He found a ride back to his place after calling a friend.

I just knew I had to drop his things off so I drove out there and the last thing I said to my kid and don't know when I see him next is "You broke your mother's heart". Tough day.

I am not going to let this hang over me while in Vegas. I am going to try and not mention it and just touch on the positives. Best that way.

Thanks for listening.

Oh Julie...Arlene's post reminded me...I think it's wonderful that you helped the kids out with the adoption.

Hugs Hugs Hugs !!! I haven't heard from mine since the nite they called - and we have a trip planned - I almost want to cancel..


I new here just had my surgery 9/22/10. I need someone to talk to and I hope you don't mind it being you :smile2:I am so emotional I knew what I was getting myself into but now that I have done it I found myself thinking what did I do:sad: I'm also having this burping thing going on where I feel like I need to burp but it doesn't happen. It's uncomfortable I hate when it happens :) I've read so much on this website at times it helps me to get over this bump I've been feeling. I know that I did the right thing because I want to be health and happy I'm just all messed up right now. I hope this gets better for me.

Bander92210 - Are you in Indian Wells????? That's the zip code :0)

What food phase are you on - I usually get that burp thingie when food wants to go down and is sorta stuck..

I woke up from surgery thinking that but by the next day I was fine...

One day at a time - like everyones says follow your doc instructions - gas x strips help and walking..

Lori - great news about sentence for the car jackers. And very sad about your GF's daughter's death.

Karen - an evening of dancing was just what you needed. Time to let loose and play. As adults, we sometimes forget to play. What a bunch of driving you did too. Wow.

Laura - so sorry to miss you this time in LV. Will meet you next trip.

Arlene - got your text - and loved speaking on the phone this morning. New future DIL sounds wonderful.

Julie - hope you enjoyed your neck rub this morning.

Lots of reading to catch up. Busy ladies.

I went to the Plaza Country Club Plaza | The Country Club Plaza: Kansas City’s Premiere Entertainment District for lunch and met a step sister who I've not seen for a couple years. It was lovely and ate outside under a big umbrella.

May pack tomorrow - getting excited.

Joyce- That right you and Jodi coming in early ;0)

Happier stuff:

We're going to Vegas, BABY!!!

Bought a pair of black slacks to bring today, got my white capris, jeans and sweater so far.

DS, just called, this isn't so happy, seems him and his g/f are having problems. Drats, I really like this one. Hope they can work it out but if it's meant to be it will, want him happy in the end.

Must be something in the air w/our kids ;0)

Lori, sorry for your friends loss. I am happy to hear that the carjacker got what he deserved!

Karen, Kids can sure stir things up can't they? Sorry for the drama, I hope it settles down soon.

My day got off to a bad start. :thumbup: At 5AM I let the dog out. A couple of minutes later he was scratching at the door. I opened the door and immediately closed it in the poor dogs face. Oh My Gosh ~ SKUNK. He had taken a hit. Giving a skunked dog a bath at 5 AM is not fun. The first words out of my mouth when I got to work today was "Do I stink"?:glare:

Hugs - that's a terrible way to start a monday..

Karen, glad you made it home.......sorry about the sour lunch. We will talk in Vegas. HUGS! Oh gonna make your Cherry Nut Cake tomorrow. One more practice before Jakob does it for Real.

Lori, I think I am gonna check a bag. If y'all want to leave early I will take a cab. Just let me know before Friday. Really, I am going to pack tomorrow just to see which bag I am taking.

Janet, where are you this eve......DWTS? I have it on. Michael Bolton sure can sing, but he sucks and dancing.

I love Florence! Of course I was an avid Brady Bunch Fan.

Joyce, glad you had a good visit with step-sis. Two years.....time does fly. See ya soon! Thanks for giving me a call. I am glad you got to hear my new little one squeaking. lol

Bander, I know what you are going through. I couldn't burp either. Take a Gas-X strip 30 min before your meal. It will help. And remember to take that first bite and try to wait for a burp. I call it "first bite syndrome". If I don't get a little burp out......I'll will get stuck.

Julie, Linda.....me too!!!.....we will win this time!!!! I am lucky on the quarters. I won 800 twice on the same machine at the Stratosphere. "Haywire". Then I won a 1000 on a dollar machine. Pretty good return. It is pure luck.

Later ladies, gotta finish my bottle of Water....then shower. Oh, I am taking DD and the DGDS to the town center(mall) for a walk and then new shoes. I know I need to do Water aerobics, but my DD needs to get out, and with all the gear she still needs help. I just think it will give her a boost.

Charlene - you all should know my schedule :smile:-

Monday @ 5 weight training Arms (had a great workout tonite)

Tuesday - Bootcamp at 5:30

Wed - Weight Training Legs @5 then at 7:30 Yoga

Sunday 10 a.m. Pilos..

Andrew called - i swear I talk to him more now a days - twice today ..

it' 7:30 gotta go figure out what's for dinner ..


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I can't believe how many pages you've guys added since yesterday.

UUhhh skunk, Sandy, I don't envy you this morning. Had my house skunked once. Had to move (fortunately it was a rental). We're pretty lucky here, no skunks, just javalinas and they smell skunky but don't spray.

Lori, glad the scumbag got what he deserved. 44 years is good. Sorry your DD isn't feeling well...hope she starts feeling better as the pregnancy progresses.

Same for your DD Julie. Check your luggage instead of carrying it on. Then your cold/hot packs won't make a difference. Also, you won't have to lift them up and down out of the bins. I hate dragging bags through the airplanes and avoid it if I can.

Apples, sorry about DS. We'll talk in person and you can vent as much as you want. I can always go to San Diego and kick his butt for you too.

Pecan pie is okay, but not my favorite either. I like real cherry pie...as in pick the sour cherries off the tree pie. I think apple pie is pretty good too. We had a jag of apple pie baking last year because of a recipe from Alton Brown. I finally got the crust down really well. Need the apples to be tart enough too.

I also believe there isn't anything too rich for me...love butter, creams, and that sort of thing....like chocolate.

Three more early mornings. I'm leaving early tomorrow because I have a 4pm appoint for eyebrows and pedicure. It's only a few minutes away from work, so I shouldn't have any problem making that appointment. Got my hair done on Saturday. It looks fine, no icky red.

I'm avoiding packing....don't know why, but I can't concentrate on it. Too tired I guess.

Hope everyone has a good night.


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Julie....will just work Mondays once in awhile now. What's nice about this job is I can say yes or no to working. I do it far enough ahead of time so she has someone to cover. Job is only 9 miles from lake place but close to 50 from home.

Get rested up. Should work out fine to meet you in baggage claim.

Janet....the workout queen! Hey....no news is good news with those kids. I am not bringing any of this crap to Vegas with me. Not a bit....it's staying home and will deal like we have for the last six months with it. Nothing is going to ruin this trip.

Phyll...congrats on the twins, Auntie. When my oldest DS saw his twin baby cousins for the first time he said (he was 2 at the time) "Look, Mom, the two-ones".

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Eva...wishing you luck with your last days of work. Sounds like you will be all prettied up for the trip. I haven't gotten anything together to pack yet either. Lake clothes/home clothes all mixed together and have to decide from the mix. I have an idea what I am bringing...usually does not take me long to pack.

All right! Someone close to kick butt! Thanks for the offer. He WILL come around....thinking positively. Done...enough said.

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If you can take on anymore, I would love for you to me my buddy. I love this.

Hey smallvolume...jump on in! Welcome! Any questions????????????

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Apples, what are you doing up so early? My DH gets up at 4am so I get up and drink a coffee before I go walk. I weighed this morning.....not good. I think the cookie bars are stuck on my backside. I am glad I got all that crap out of the house.

Well gang, I am off to walk then going to help my DD. I will check back later. I have packing questions.

Later peeps!

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just a quick fly by.

apples~ {{{biggest warmest loving hug ever possible}}}

Nelson got in trouble yesterday for not listening to the teacher and she "pulled" his green card (it goes to yellow and a note gets sent home). I didn't get the note since I am volunteering this morning. Hmmm.. should be interesting. Glad he was honest and told me. I look at YOU as a mom meter of boys. When I am bitching and moaning and you remind me of how much you miss hugging those boys when they were young--- I hug my boy more. I know whatever he did, had to have been bad b/c you are understanding. Give him time to cool off and think. Ball is in his court, as they say.

Gotta pack lunches. Will CBL in an hour.

peasout... LAURA

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Arlene....woke up at 2:55 and no way could get back to sleep. Didn't get to bed till after midnight. Will catch up with sleep tonight. And don't worry about my butt dragging in Vegas. I rented a hotel room in MPLS the night b/4...nice dinner with a friend and off to bed early. I just couldn't sleep last night cuz I was worked up about DS. But I process anger/hurt/whatever quickly and work through it with the help of a counselor (sp).

Damn those bars....glad you threw them out. Have fun with the wee ones and DD today. Gosh I wish that was me.

Laura...thanks for those understanding words. And, what Nels might have done may seem like a big deal to you but it is supposed to seem like it at this age. My boys were naughty but nice. Always respective to us, never swore in front of us (saved that for the bus), helped out around here, but I spent my share of time visiting with the principal. Smoking behind the school...duh!, class clowns, both got thrown out of choir for their antics...I think they would have been Cheri's biggest nightmare...now it all seems not so bad. But, we stayed on top of it and I know you will also.

Gotta go get dressed. Dental this morning. And, I'm so angry at myself. Forgot my favorite (only ones I've ever worn for 20 years) up at the lake. Now I have to drive to my dentist which is in the area where I had lunch yesterday, then all the way to the lake and back. I'm then going to try and pack when I get home and finish the laundry.

You all have a good day.

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If you can take on anymore, I would love for you to me my buddy. I love this.

I see that you have posted on a couple sites that I post on but aren't saying much - Whats your story - we can't help till you let us know the facts..


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Apples, what are you doing up so early? My DH gets up at 4am so I get up and drink a coffee before I go walk. I weighed this morning.....not good. I think the cookie bars are stuck on my backside. I am glad I got all that crap out of the house.

Well gang, I am off to walk then going to help my DD. I will check back later. I have packing questions.

Later peeps!

Charlene - this is why I suggest having GS make healthy (good tasting) treats - then when you indugle - it won't be so bad.. I won't be making Xmas Cookies this yr cuz I doubt the kids come for xmas .. Which is a good thing for me .. I have been wanting sweets alot lately..

just a quick fly by.

apples~ {{{biggest warmest loving hug ever possible}}}

Nelson got in trouble yesterday for not listening to the teacher and she "pulled" his green card (it goes to yellow and a note gets sent home). I didn't get the note since I am volunteering this morning. Hmmm.. should be interesting. Glad he was honest and told me. I look at YOU as a mom meter of boys. When I am bitching and moaning and you remind me of how much you miss hugging those boys when they were young--- I hug my boy more. I know whatever he did, had to have been bad b/c you are understanding. Give him time to cool off and think. Ball is in his court, as they say.

Gotta pack lunches. Will CBL in an hour.

peasout... LAURA

Laura - LOL on the green card - be prepared you are going to get many of those notes ;0) - deal and talk w/him - school is tough now a days - they sometimes make big things out of little ones...

Exercise this week - food ???

Arlene....woke up at 2:55 and no way could get back to sleep. Didn't get to bed till after midnight. Will catch up with sleep tonight. And don't worry about my butt dragging in Vegas. I rented a hotel room in MPLS the night b/4...nice dinner with a friend and off to bed early. I just couldn't sleep last night cuz I was worked up about DS. But I process anger/hurt/whatever quickly and work through it with the help of a counselor (sp).

Damn those bars....glad you threw them out. Have fun with the wee ones and DD today. Gosh I wish that was me.

Laura...thanks for those understanding words. And, what Nels might have done may seem like a big deal to you but it is supposed to seem like it at this age. My boys were naughty but nice. Always respective to us, never swore in front of us (saved that for the bus), helped out around here, but I spent my share of time visiting with the principal. Smoking behind the school...duh!, class clowns, both got thrown out of choir for their antics...I think they would have been Cheri's biggest nightmare...now it all seems not so bad. But, we stayed on top of it and I know you will also.

Gotta go get dressed. Dental this morning. And, I'm so angry at myself. Forgot my favorite (only ones I've ever worn for 20 years) up at the lake. Now I have to drive to my dentist which is in the area where I had lunch yesterday, then all the way to the lake and back. I'm then going to try and pack when I get home and finish the laundry.

You all have a good day.

Well - I'm not the only one who didn't sleep well up til mid nite - clock goes off at 5 - and I have boot camp tonite..

I haven't packed - have an idea of what I am taking - but that's it - well it's after 6 late for the shower


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Pack? I haven't packed for New Orleans yet and I leave at 1pm. LOL But I have an idea of what I am taking. I will think about packing for Vegas as I am sitting at home preparing for my colonoscopy. LOL

Apples, hoping some daylight and hugs from everyone here help you get through the day today. Whenever I've had issues with my kids they always seem to pile up in my mind at night when I am trying to sleep. I'd have a sleepless night and first thing the kids would ask, which one of us is it? As I'd be fretting about one of them. God gives us no more than we can bear, but sometimes it seems that he thinks we can bear than we think we can. As Laura, said the ball is in his court now. Good luck at the dentist today. Your favorite what? did you forget at the lake??

Laura, hugs to you on the yellow card at school. I got many a note, phone call from school with my son as well. Only one for my daughter and that was to tell me she got hurt.

Arlene, back away from the bars!

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Morning................. My pain finally broke and I went to bed at 12:45.... Slept pretty well.... just up to bathroon a couple times... I ate too many popsicles waiting for the pain to end!!!! Got woke up by the phone this morning asking me to come over to be with the girls... They were still sleeping and DD and DF had a meeting about Mimi at school...... So I got my time with them this morning....and then came home... Works for me after yesterday.... I have no pain this morning and have a massage scheduled for noon.... I'm going to be very careful today.. Only thing is both girls have colds so I'm going to overdose on Airborne to try to stop those dang germs from getting me before Vegas...

Eva, you must be so anxious for the time to pass quickly.. I know I sure was when it happened to me... Good luck.......

Karen, safe travels with good music today... Is this an easy day at the dentist????

Lori have fun with DH...... You should just have a bag ready to go all the time...... You're such a jet-setter....

Laura, that sweet little thing couldn't have done anything to bad... He doesn't have the temperment for too naughty.... I'm sure it will be fine. How are you doing?? Getting a handle on your schedule now??

Melissa, how goes the job.... any better this week?

Arlene, dang those bars..... Hope you get them out of site now..... When does Jakob have to do his baking??

Judy, I miss you....

Jessica, you must be super busy... Hope all is well..

Cheri, we haven't heard much from you... You must be so busy and then preparing to take a day off, too.... You'll need a long weekend to rest up....

Janet, that's how it was with my one brother.... When he lived here we didn't talk much, just busy with our lives... Now that he moved to SD we talk and e-mail all the time... and I' glad..... His wife is in the hospital with a big blood clot in her leg right now.. Need to call her today again.....

Joyce, how are you doing?? Haven't heard from you in a little while..... Hope all is well...

Linda, I know you are busy..... How is Katie doing??? and Aylah..... still with you or at home???

Phyll is it still so hot.. How is your DH doing/

Laura K, any more dates planned with this new guy??

Jodi, do you leave today?? Have a safe flight.. Is Dassi coming along????

Sandy, how's the skunk smell....? Can you stand to get anywhere near your dog yet???

Well, I had DH carry all the laundry down to the laundry room this morning before he left, so better go put some in and get it all started.... I also must do paperwork this morning... Has to be done before I leave Friday..... You all have a good day... Hugs... Julie

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So what happened to innocent til proven guilty? We got a call from Visa fraud protection last night. Seems someone in Lansing, Michigan tried to buy some electronics at a Best Buy for $900 with our Visa number. So now all our cards are shut off, this on a day we are leaving town. Luckily we bank at the credit union at the airport and can stop in there at the airport before our flight and get a new card, etc. Just such a hassle. I understand why they turned them off and am glad they are so vigilant but it's such a hassle for someone who did nothing wrong. Interesting how they catch that stuff. There were no fraudulant charges on our account when I looked last night for anything else. We carry a zero balance on the card and mostly use it for hotels etc. so it doesn't get used much so not sure how someone got the number.

Julie, glad your pain went away. Now no lifting! Gotta keep you healthy til Vegas.

Karen, thinking of you.

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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