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I just walked.......Oh my, what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful Day! Our first cool front......weight loss and exercise has paid off......I my legs ached last night and only had to take one ibuprofen . I got up this morning and only my bunion hurt. woohoo!!!!

I am off to babysit my new DGD. Then I need to buy just a couple of things for my trip to see my lap band buddies. I am getting excited now!!!

HUGS! Y'all !!!!

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Mornin'....Janet...have a good work week...hope it's stressfree.

Laura...thanks for sharing the photos. WannaBe City looks so cool. Such a "real" experience for kids. Did you get my text about a week ago about hot flashes??? I just texted you to let you know that, for me, if I overdo the sodium in any way, hot flashes are so much worse. That could just be me but worth a try for you. I am unsure what you usual sodium intake is but might be worth cutting back on if you do use some. Anything is worth a try.

I, too, wish you could just hop on a plane and join us in LV. Sad.

Busy day. Heading out shortly to drive the 40 miles to caterer to take stuff back. Back home to pick up my car, another 70 mile trip to pick up youngest DS for lunch, 30 miles back to the lake to get the last of what is there and lock it up (you'll all hear me wailing) and then back home another 50 miles to unload. Good thing I love road trips!

After I get home, I plan on going through things and decide the clothes I am taking to Vegas, get all packed so I don't have it hanging over my head. Zip up the suitcase and not let myself throw more in there or change my mind on what to bring.


You all have a good one and will check in later.

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Arlene....It's: Yaaaah, Ya Betcha

How about.....In so?? or was that more a Wisconsin thing. Yaaah, Ya Betcha, in so??

Well DH got home from hunting last night with nothing but stories to tell, the elk live another year to get bigger he says, though he did get a deer his first time out and has all that meat processed and in freezer. (he has his own freezer for his game meat). We talked and all is blissful again around here. LOL He has to go to New Orleans for that dinner that got cancelled 2 weeks ago tomorrow and I am invited along so think I will tag along. I am a little worried about getting home in time to start drinking my stuff for my colonoscopy the next day but should be okay am going to look at flights next, if too bad, I will stay home.

Laura, sounds like a fun place for the kiddos. Wish you were coming too, hop on a plane and bring Nels along. Though Vegas isn't too kid friendly.

Apples, good luck, hugs, and whatever else you need for your lunch with DS today. My thoughts and prayers are with you that it goes well. Is Tanker going along on all the road trips? My Lucy would be loving it with her nose out the window.

So what happened to fall? Gosh it's been hot here and supposed to be record heat all week.

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Yeah, all my overeating was and still is mindless. I am a graze-aholic( new word). Girl, you got to admit, pecan pie is worth eating once or twice a year. Hey, you ought to eat it everyday. That would be an easy 1000 calories. Right before bed....then it wouldn't burn off of you. Well, I did not like the bars I made today. Too much chocolate. Or sweet stuff is just too sweet now.

Too funny about the partying. I wish I had your caddy. I love those things. Also, your comment about Fargo. "You Betcha". Is that how you say it, or do I have the wrong state? lol

Gotta go to bed......Ambien kicking in.......Later!

Oh, Linda, Phyl, and Joyce.....I text you.....Let me know if you got it. Thanks!!!

Got it!!

Good Morning Gang... I don't think I ever had pecan pie ;0) -

Mindless eating - can't say I mindlessly eat - but will still want to eat when bored.. Thing is now adays - I don't have all the junk in the house to eat when that happens - I eat popcorn..

Well hopefully this week won't be too bad - take it one day at a time..

I've had pecan pie, but not one of my favorites... too sweet! I like fruit pies.... apple, peach, etc. pumpkin... I can take it or leave it, coconut cream, maybe but not banana cream, or anything banana for that matter. Banana seems to upset my stomach, so I usually avoid it.

Have a cute picture of our three youngest grandchildren with bananas, though. Before we left, I was going to do this "A,B,C" photo project. But we didn't get further than apple, banana, cat & dog! They thought it was fun for that long, then not so much, and DH was getting impatient to leave so we had to quit and I never got any further than "D"! And what does that have to do with pecan pie??? Absolutely nothing! See how I can ramble on!! LOL

Mornin'....Janet...have a good work week...hope it's stressfree.

Laura...thanks for sharing the photos. WannaBe City looks so cool. Such a "real" experience for kids. Did you get my text about a week ago about hot flashes??? I just texted you to let you know that, for me, if I overdo the sodium in any way, hot flashes are so much worse. That could just be me but worth a try for you. I am unsure what you usual sodium intake is but might be worth cutting back on if you do use some. Anything is worth a try.

I, too, wish you could just hop on a plane and join us in LV. Sad.

Busy day. Heading out shortly to drive the 40 miles to caterer to take stuff back. Back home to pick up my car, another 70 mile trip to pick up youngest DS for lunch, 30 miles back to the lake to get the last of what is there and lock it up (you'll all hear me wailing) and then back home another 50 miles to unload. Good thing I love road trips!

After I get home, I plan on going through things and decide the clothes I am taking to Vegas, get all packed so I don't have it hanging over my head. Zip up the suitcase and not let myself throw more in there or change my mind on what to bring.


You all have a good one and will check in later.

You're making me dizzy with all that back and forth driving!! Yikes!

Yes... Wanna Be City looks like fun. Our three youngest would LOVE it!!

Great, I'll send you some cold from MI. Only in the 50's all week again. LauraK

DH would like it if you sent some here, too! But I'm kinda enjoying the heat! Especially since I know it's raining at home!

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Arelene, I got your text -- I don't text -- but enjoy getting them occasionally. Gotta run, just wanted to pop in and say hi -- busy day at work. Did get to Water aerobics this am. -- feels so good.

Apples, good luck on lunch today - -thinking of you.



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I can't believe we have so many pecan pie virgins in this group!! What in the world????


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I can't believe we have so many pecan pie virgins in this group!! What in the world????


I guess I could have been considered a "Pecan Pie/Bar Slut"...(sorry to be rude)

Back home from lugging roasters, ect. Needed to shower again after that workout. Heading out for lunch with my little pill. Thanks for the well-wishes. All will be fine. I am to the point of not budging when it comes to my convictions.

Lori...never have heard the Wisconsin jargon.....you'll have to fill us in when we see you. Nope, not taking Tanker with me. Beautiful day here and he has jobs to do out in the yard. Bunnies to chase, snakes to bark to death, swims in our pond, etc. More fun than laying in the car. :smile:

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Hello girls......... I have had Mimi all morning and just returned from her WIC appointment... It's just across the street in a building we own...... Got DD's checks....for Sept and Oct... then she will have to be re-evaluated with the marraige and all...... Mimi is watching Caillou right now and soon I'll have to take her to her mother as I have therapy at 2:00. Can't wait for a nice neck rub....

Lori, pecan bars are just a take off on pecan pie.. A butter crust baked a bit first and then the pecan filling poured on top and baked some more... They are very good.....

I like most pies, but sweets have never been my downfall... I made a great peach pie a couple days ago.. The peaches were so sweet and getting too ripe so pie was just right.... pumpkin pie with real whipped cream is my favorite as long as I make the pie... I don't like it very strong.... some put too much spice in for my taste.....

Well, Mimi thinks she needs to help me so I have to cut it off..... but was wondering about Apples' Monday job. Do you just have a day off or are you done now during harvest?????? Bye now... Julie

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The weather man said we are going to have low humidity and 70 in the morning with highs in low eighties....doesn't get better than that. We rarely have low humidity 50%. Oh, my joints and muscles are doing a happy dance.

Apples I am a pecan pie slut too. I have to just not eat anything that remotely tastes like pecan pie or I am off the wagon.

I babysat my sweet Bethany. She has dimples and is still smiling. Nothing like the smell of a newborn. I am keeping her on Wednesday too. I am blessed!

Laura, sounds like a cool place to go. I wish you were coming to Vegas. I guess I will have to go to Florida to meet you. Maybe my future DIL will fly me. She said I won't have to worry about baggies and liquids when I fly with her.......so I take it she has access to planes. Not the military ones though.

Linda, I thought you text. Okay, You, Julie, and Janet don't text. Gotcha.....I will call. I am also giving my DH out list that Julie put together for us just in case he can't get me. I will highlight your numbers.

Later peeps, gotta do some chores.

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I wouldn't mind the pecan bar recipe if you don't mind sharing. Always looking for something good to take to places.

I wonder if pecan pie was more a regional flavor and that's why many of us never had it?

Apples, I don't know too much Wisconsin speak anymore but remember you betcha's a lot and 'in so's'. You'd say like, 'it's really hot out today, in so?' Utah has one I never hear anywhere else. It's 'oh my heck'.

Guess DH is still making up to me, he called and asked me if I wanted to meet for lunch. Ahh.... Think I'll keep him after all. LOL

DD called and is having dizzy and faint like spells. She hasn't passed out yet. I know for her last OB appt that she has low blood pressure and isn't gaining weight. They weren't too concerned yet but she has a call in to them today. Hope all is well.

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Just a quick ck in - before I go eat my salad..

Apples 200+ miles today ... That's alot of driving - be safe and enjoy your lunch w/DS and yes we know you will be strong in your convictions ;0) I hear you on that one..

Great - I really try and make liter verision of foods - like Apples does - it really helps - cuz that way you can partake w/o feeling guilty

Google recipe make overs - you will find tons of diff recipes w/half the calories

recipe makeovers - Bing

Laura - that place looks wonderfull - glad you had a good weekend.

Pecan Pie is Southern food - I perfer walnuts to pecans ;0)and for the books NOTHING IS TO SWEET FOR ME ;0) I am a sugar & fat addict - NOTHING IS TO RICH FOR ME EITHER ;0)

Well I need to go eat - starving - salad w/chicken - red onion - avocado -bacon lettuce and bolthouse ranch dressing (80 cal for 2 tablespoons)

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I wouldn't mind the pecan bar recipe if you don't mind sharing. Always looking for something good to take to places.

I wonder if pecan pie was more a regional flavor and that's why many of us never had it?

Apples, I don't know too much Wisconsin speak anymore but remember you betcha's a lot and 'in so's'. You'd say like, 'it's really hot out today, in so?' Utah has one I never hear anywhere else. It's 'oh my heck'.

Guess DH is still making up to me, he called and asked me if I wanted to meet for lunch. Ahh.... Think I'll keep him after all. LOL

DD called and is having dizzy and faint like spells. She hasn't passed out yet. I know for her last OB appt that she has low blood pressure and isn't gaining weight. They weren't too concerned yet but she has a call in to them today. Hope all is well.

Lori, I will make you a copy of Julie's bar recipes. They are great for holidays and get togethers. Yeah, pecan pie is a southern pie. I am not for sure , but I think pecan trees grow mainly in the southern region. There are several orchards just south of here. We had four huge pecan trees on our last place. People make good money this time of year picking up pecans and selling them at the feed stores.

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Like what I got in the mail today. Scumbag, aka Carjacker Dude, got a total of 44 1/2 yrs for DH's carjacking incident last year. WOOHOO! I heard more of the details after the trial was over and those were some hard core scary dudes!

On a sad note, got an email from my mom and the 24 yr old daughter of a childhood friend of mine in Wisconsin was found dead of natural causes this weekend. How tragic. I have lost touch with her but through the miracles of the internet found an address and sent a card. Our parents are still in touch.

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Oh Lori, sorry about your friend's daughter. Such a tragedy. Nice of you to send a card even though you've been out of touch. Hope your DD is feeling better -- she probably needs to eat more -- is she having a lot of morning (all day) sickness?

LOL. I ate pecan pie when I was a kid, so I just naturally assumed everyone in the country grew up eating it. It's my DH's favorite too -- I make him one pie at Christmas every year. But if we go out to eat and he can get it, he'll order it. I love it, but can pass it up. I'll add that nothing is too sweet, rich, or chocolate-y for me -- I can eat it all anytime, anywhere. I'm like Paula Deen -- the more butter, etc. the better I like it. That's why I have to completely avoid it all - I couldn't have one bite, no way.

No Arlene, I'm not a techie like you guys -- I'm old school. LOL. I have no time to text!! Gosh, it would drive me insane -- i watch my kids and that's all they do - I would go out of my mind for sure. Seriously.

Julie, hope it all goes well with the adoption -- what a nice grandma you are to help out. Maybe you and I will win a big jack pot in LV cause we've been dishing out money to our kids lately -- that would be nice, wouldn't it? And deserving! LOL.

Well, still at work, gotta get back at it.



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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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