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So I have not said anything but I have been pbing like crazy the last three days. I have tried broth, yogurt etc. But everything is coming up. I am living on hot beverages like tea , coffee and plain Water. My problem is a new job and my dr is 1 1/2 hrs away and does not open until 9:30 and last appt is at 4 I work 8-5 Also his nickname is Dr Delay cause he is always behind I practically have to take the whole day off to go see him. I don't know what to do I just called but my dr is not on call someone else is. But I have not called them yet. I could go to that hospitals er but that will be 200 I do not have Uggg what to do. Everything has been fine but then poof problems

Gosh, Melissa....you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Please try to get into your dr or find one closer. You might have to miss a day of work but better than missing weeks if things get worse. In the mean time, baby your band. Get out the Protein Drinks. Hugs

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Apples, what an unexpected surprise to see green today. Welcome home. Is the lake place closed up now? I know how difficult that is for you. HUGs on the DS issue. Is this the son that lived in Atlanta? I forget which is the older/younger one. We are here for you in any way you need.

Phyl, what kind of wine? LOL

Eva, is this the final week of work? Any big retirement party planned?

Oh forgot to mention DH got his region changed at work and so far I know he has Palm Springs and Tuscon in his new region! Portland, OR too but think that is far from Phyl. They actually asked him already if he was willing to move. HUH???? but they didn't make him move but changed his region up.

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Gosh you girls have been busy. Phyll and her appropriately placed icons always put a smile on my face. Just so darned cute.

Phyll...bring the wine if you want to...you enjoy your wine. You could find a bottle out there too. Oops...you'll be in Janet's car so you can bring whatever.

So looking forward to this trip. I am usually in LV at least once a year if not twice. My last visit was a year ago in April and had two different groups of friends out there at the same time.

I had planned to bring my white jeans and capris. Anything goes in Vegas. So looking forward to leaving behind the stresses of the last year. DH told me this morning that I need to just go and forget about it all. I agree.

The benefit was a huge success. Raised lots of $$$ with our silent auction. Ppl were very generous. Our caterer is 40 miles from here and tomorrow I have one last delivery to make to her. My truck is packed full. My third trip out there in a week but really don't mind doing it.

Janet...hugs on the DS issues. Boy, I have quite the stories on my youngest DS that I will share when I see you guys out there. Don't want to bring anyone down with what has been going on but it will give you all some incite as to what hell DH, older DS and I have been through since April. Pure hell. Told DH this morning "We are lucky...he's alive". He has dished out a lifetime of crap in the last 6 months.

DH is always asking me if I told "My Girls" (you guys) what has been going on. He thought it would be good for me to dump and share....he's right but didn't want any of the crap "out there". It's been hell and many, many times this summer just wanted to run away from everyone. It all got pretty bad and not sharing did not help matters at all. Like I said, didn't want to place the burden on you guys and a lot is so difficult to even talk about. Will fill you in when I see you guys and try not to dwell on any of it.

Will check back with you all later.

Hugs, girl! Didn't know you had such hard stuff going on. You are always so UP and so cheerful. We're here for you!!!


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Phyll...I am naturally an upbeat person. Always appreciated that I could (most days) go to bed happy and wake up happy. Very close little family the four of us. Not since April and not sure if we can undo this damage done. Love my son but not what he has done to his family. I am staying strong thru it all but cried myself to sleep more night than not this past 6 months. Sorry to be so vague...you'll understand when we discuss it why I didn't put it out here.

Lori....I felt so bad when I read your post about your gain. YOU ARE TALKING TO US FAT GIRLS....NO ROOM FOR SHAME HERE. Janet said exactly what should be said and I really don't have much to add except don't be so hard on yourself. Damage is done, brush yourself off and go back on plan. You can do it. And, just think how good you will feel about getting back to where you want to be. Keep the damned chips out of the house. LOL....Hugs

We were going to go up and close everything down and winterize today but DH and DS got a new toy and are "playing" and I didn't have the heart to tear them away from it. They got a big A$$ excuvater for their business. Don't ask me what kind....I tend to not pay attention....all I know it's big with a huge bucket.

I will drive up to the lake tomorrow after delivering to the caterer and take care of what I need to and DH will go up while I'm in Vegas if not harvesting. I guess I'm ready to get back to real life. Harvest season is my favorite and super busy.

One last dental appt b/4 Vegas trip. (Wed). I have been so lucky to have not too much pain after my appts. Just a couple of days with the pulling and the two orals surgerys when they cut the gums off. I am so very happy with the results. I still catch myself doing the closed-lip smile or putting my hand up....gotta knock that off.

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Good afternoon ladies, Hope you all are having a restful Sunday... I had a nap after we go home from church (had breakafast at DD's right after and then home.) I woke up with my shoulder huring some, but have not taken any pain meds yet... I'm trying to not take them during the daytime...... Some days are harder than others.....

Apples, so glad to see you back again... I'm sorry you have been through the prolems with DS and welcome being your sounding board when we meet up in Vegas... Our grown children have the means to hurt us almost more than anyone else in the world..... We have experienced that here with DH's 2 olderst children... I have just tried to not speak of them to anyone anymore... Nothing good to say so say nothing.... Doesn't change the heartache one feels about it all.... Has the harvest begun????? I know you enjoy this time and hope all goes very well for you this year....

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing casual and wearing white..... However, I must have missed something about $100 for a buffet..... There is no buffet in the world worth $100 with what I can eat...... I must not have the correct facts..... I'm not a cheapskate, but I like my money more than that..... I actually gave up some of my mad money a couple days ago...... DD and DF were so worried about how they would pay for Mimi's adoption... $880 is a very large amount for them.... His folks kicked in $300 and were happy to do it to get a new granddaughter.... I gave the rest and was happy to do it to let my little Mimi have a daddy.... So I just won't have as much mad money for slots..... Not a problem to figure out which is more important......

It will be Friday before you know it and then when I get home I have to really hit the wedding plans again.. It will be time to start the wedding cakes... Will bake them and freeze..... then frost a couple days before the wedding... Most everything else is in order and ready to go... Have to make some punch bowl ice rings, order the rest of the food and then prepare the two salads......I'm thinking I'm going to be able to pull this off if I don't get any worse....

Well, DH is calling so better go spend some time with him..... Have a good evening... Hugs........... Julie

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Julie...bean harvest began about a week ago. But, got loads of rain again and it all came to a screeching halt. Just the way it is. October is supposed to be drier and warmer than Sept.

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Apples, sorry to hear you've been under such stress these past 6 months. I know how tough it is and you are such a strong and wonderful lady, it's hard to think of you being so unhappy. Hugs and hoping everything starts to get better soon.

Kids just left -- got here before I got back from the gym -- busy day around here, but gorgeous weather - sunny and about a high of 70, perfect fall day.

Okay, I'm just checking in to see what is going on.



Edited by ljv52

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Apples, sorry to hear you've been under such stress these past 6 months. I know how tough it is and you are such a strong and wonderful lady, it's hard to think of you being so unhappy. Hugs and hoping everything starts to get better soon.

Kids just left -- got here before I got back from the gym -- busy day around here, but gorgeous weather - sunny and about a high of 70, perfect fall day.

Okay, I'm just checking in to see what is going on.



Thanks for those kind words, Linda....just want you to know I will be OK. I am one to deal with things and get on with life. This was just a little tougher than most. Having lunch with the little turd tomorrow. Love him to death but things are now on MY terms.

All this talk about doing nails/hair etc. for the trip makes me want to share this fact. I have NEVER had pedi/mani, or a massage of any kind. Weird, huh? I have grown such nice nails since I NEVER have missed a day of taking my Vitamins and Biotin since banding. Well, did a trip and fall the other day and broke two nails...on ripped straight thru the middle of the nail. Painful and another stupid move on my part. Rushing around and tripped. Anyway, I will do my own nails a day b/4 the trip. I don't usually do them when I am working around here. They don't last.

Jodi....haircuts around here are $15-20. When I do my cut/color/highlights it runs about $100.

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I have been seeing on the news about the flooding in MN and WI, are you having any of that by you Apples? And you betcha you have to not do the closed mouth smile any more, we are going to have to see those beautiful pearly whites!!

Well DH called and is about an hour from home. And you bet he's going to have to take me to dinner tonight! LOL I've gone stir crazy this weekend, but not the kind that wants me to be busy doing something. Think I am still in somewhat of my funk and I just have been sitting around like a slug bug. I could clean, do laundry, etc. but want to do NADA. Truth be told, DH & I had a little big of a disagreement before he left and it's been nawing at me all weekend too, I'm not entirely faultless, but more so than him! LOL

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Gosh, Melissa....you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Please try to get into your dr or find one closer. You might have to miss a day of work but better than missing weeks if things get worse. In the mean time, baby your band. Get out the Protein drinks. Hugs

Thank you for the advice

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Karen - feel I may be facing some of the same issues with our son who will be moving to K.C. mid October. It has already begun. Sometimes we need "seat belts" to travel thru our lives. lolol So sorry you have had such heart ache.

Julie - sounds like you have wedding under control. Well done on sharing your mad money to help out DD & DF.

Lori - enjoy you dinner out tonight with DH.

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Wow! y'all have been busy on the thread today. I went to church in our new 1000 seat auditorium. I think there were about 800 there. We went from 10,000 sq feet to 100,000 sq feet. It was so nice to have so much room.

I baked this afternoon.....more bar Cookies. Trying to decide on which one Jakob can handle making. Julie, your bar cookie recipes are awesome. My life group is still talking about the pecan pie bars. I think I am going to make them for tomorrow night.

Well, gang, I met my future DIL today. She is a doll. She has an accent as thick as mine, but she is from Arkansas. She is a pilot in the Air Force......stationed here in Houston. She said the good thing about being in the Air Force Reserve is they fly her to her duty station. She doesn't have to live there. Right now she is stationed here working at the U of Houston. I told her she was an answer to many prayers.....she just grinned. DS has had many girlfriends in the last four years, but this one is different. She is a keeper. I don't know when they will marry. They are going to meet her parents next weekend. I asked them to come to Vegas with me and get married. We could have all gone to a wedding. lol I think they will get married soon.

Apples, nice surprise to see you on the thread today. I know you just wanted to get in on page 900. I can't believe we have flown through so many pages. I am sorry for your troubles. Adult children can really make our hair stand on end. Vent, vent, vent, in Vegas.....we are here for you. HUGS!!!!

Julie, I was going to take a carry-on, but I am gonna lift it and if it is too heavy, I will check it. My DS said he helps ladies on all his flights. You just have to ask the one who smiles at you. My DS said I really should leave a few gray hairs in my head so i can show my age. I said " what about all these wrinkles". lol.

Okay peeps, I gotta go walk off these sample bars I ate. Yep, I ate one of each. I don't dare weigh until next Monday, the 4th. I want to enjoy every minute of our visit.

Lori, Move again!!! Heck no! Unless it is in Denver.....glad you don't have to pack so soon.

Pam.......where have you been? Your FB pic is beautiful. Looks like you got all your weight off. Good for you!

Jodi.....A Limo! That would be awesome. Hey, save those plus size swimsuits....you still have a LAP-BAND® buddy that wears them.....ME!!!

Melissa, Even taking a Xanax may relax your stomach. See if you can take something to get a little relief till you can get to the doctor. Don't damage your stomach.

Janet, sounds like Texas weather in Vegas. I am wearing a light jacket......bringing a couple of tees, and one pair of capris. I don't wear white pants.....my hips are just too big. I broke in my Easy Spirit shoes today. I may wear sandals since it is going to be warm.

Joyce, thanks for the prop on the trip.

Linda, gym today! woohoo for you!!! Can't wait to meet you. Do you text? I don't want to text girls that are limited on their phones. I know first hand how it can really run up the bill.

Okay peeps, gotta go walk. Then tomorrow I get to babysit my sweet Bethany Marie. Sydney is having her first dental appointment.

HUGS Y'all!!!!

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Pam - Friday we are meeting in Vegas - Phyl's great at taking pic's and posting - so you will get them :0)

WTG Sandy !!!

Eva - Menopause = sleep issues??? it's 110 today .. I don't look to hot in a bathing suit either - So don't worry about that..

Phyl - I usually have some gentleman helping me with my overhead luggage - Good thing I cleaned out the trunk today - how much stuff do you need for 2 day LOL...


Make the appt at 4 - leave at 2:30 they will understand

Karen Welcome home - Yep it's easier to say things in person than typing it for the world to see :0) Hugs you know we are here for you

Great - Palm Springs - well that's me & Phyl (during the winter) she lives in Washington in the summer..

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Joyce...thanks for the kind words...we'll compare notes in Vegas.

Lori....flooding is in southern MN. Quite the mess. Never fun to have an arguement and not have it resolved b/4 leaving. I have the worst time at staying mad. I need resolve and closure immediately. I have actually made DH stop in his tracks, come back in the house and finish it up.....I just can't stand the feeling of being ticked off. Give him a big old hug and make up.

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Phyll...I am naturally an upbeat person. Always appreciated that I could (most days) go to bed happy and wake up happy. Very close little family the four of us. Not since April and not sure if we can undo this damage done. Love my son but not what he has done to his family. I am staying strong thru it all but cried myself to sleep more night than not this past 6 months. Sorry to be so vague...you'll understand when we discuss it why I didn't put it out here.

Lori....I felt so bad when I read your post about your gain. YOU ARE TALKING TO US FAT GIRLS....NO ROOM FOR SHAME HERE. Janet said exactly what should be said and I really don't have much to add except don't be so hard on yourself. Damage is done, brush yourself off and go back on plan. You can do it. And, just think how good you will feel about getting back to where you want to be. Keep the damned chips out of the house. LOL....Hugs

We were going to go up and close everything down and winterize today but DH and DS got a new toy and are "playing" and I didn't have the heart to tear them away from it. They got a big A$$ excuvater for their business. Don't ask me what kind....I tend to not pay attention....all I know it's big with a huge bucket.

I will drive up to the lake tomorrow after delivering to the caterer and take care of what I need to and DH will go up while I'm in Vegas if not harvesting. I guess I'm ready to get back to real life. Harvest season is my favorite and super busy.

One last dental appt b/4 Vegas trip. (Wed). I have been so lucky to have not too much pain after my appts. Just a couple of days with the pulling and the two orals surgerys when they cut the gums off. I am so very happy with the results. I still catch myself doing the closed-lip smile or putting my hand up....gotta knock that off.

Big A$$ excavator!! LOL! Reminds me of this... church we're going to meets in the gym I belong to. One Sunday we had a visiting lady preacher... young gal. She opened by saying that the last time she had preached there, she had a tough time ignoring the fan. At that point we all looked up at the ceiling... brand name of the fan in great big letters.... "BIG A$$ FAN"!!! And it was the biggest fan I have ever seen and I'd never noticed before!

Phyl, what kind of wine? LOL

Oh forgot to mention DH got his region changed at work and so far I know he has Palm Springs and Tuscon in his new region! Portland, OR too but think that is far from Phyl. They actually asked him already if he was willing to move. HUH???? but they didn't make him move but changed his region up.

I have a couple of those little bottles that they sell on airplanes... I think they are merlot. Then I have a couple of the same size bottles of homemade wine that we got at the wedding... blueberry merlot and strawberry reisling. Yummy!!!

Palm Springs... so can we count on a visit???

Portland is only about 3 1/2 hrs from us. We're about 35-40 miles north of Seattle. Can't believe they actually asked if you wanted to move again!! You just about got settled!!

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