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Melissa - We own two companies. When the new employee starts, we want to be comfortable with their skill level and motivation.

We begin to assign responsibility as we become comfortable with their motivation and skill level.

Relax - breathe deeply and give this new situation time. They need to gain confidence in you - and you need to learn respect for them (if they deserve it). If they don't deserve respect, focus on what advantages for your family are received from this job. Then, look for another job, while you are employed.

This economy has left many people under-employed. It is a wonderful thing to be able to pay your bills and support your family. Sending my very best for your future.

Please be patient.

OMG you have so hit the nail on the head. That you for understanding and spelling my situation out for me. I never worked for a small company it has been hard things moving slow. I mean I go from a crazy fast pace company where I can breathe to one that alows all of this slow time. What you said makes so much sense thank you so much for your input.

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Immmmm still awake...

I know I said I needed to go to sleep..however I guess its that OCD kicking in but couldn't go to sleep without reading all the posts from the last week......missed you guys!!

LORI>>>>you best not be canceling at last minute!!! No way....must meet you. Your one of my biggest inspirations!!! Ill have to stop on the way to where you are where ever that is again lol and drag you if I must!!!

Jodi - how lovely of you to share your feelings from the adult child perspective. You helped to open my eyes to the difficulty from your side of the fence.

Not excusing myself here you see.....just explaining a little. Hate being known as the irresponsible one all the time...but I do deserve it alot of the time!! I also have no one to blame but myself either....but I'm glad it helped even if a little.

I'm coming in on Thursday and will arrive about 6. There are no machines at the hotel we are staying. A non-gaming resort.

If you are coming in on Thursday...perhaps we can meet for Breakfast then??? Thursday night we are going to see Cirque de solei at 7:30 so wont be able to see you then but can meet for Breakfast and meet everyone together if that works for you? NO SLOTS???? good thing then as I wont be wasting my money....and not get mesmerized by those lights and ringing....so attracted to that....lol.

If Lori is coming in early perhaps we can have breakfast all together if possible...not sure.

Julie, so glad to see you post. You did a great job catching up on everyone. Hope the pain gets better for you each day. You are amazing with all you do through all of your medical problems.

DD is doing good in NV. She is even volunteering this weekend. yeah! Making some friends at work but her weekends are lonely. Keep pushing her to find stuff to do. It's working.

Yes I am single again, he pushed me one time to many. His problems are not my problems and I can't fix him.

But, good news I have a date on Saturday. Someone I'll be meeting for the first time. Taking my own advice and getting out of my box/comfort zone.

The answer to all of my big sisters here is "yes I'll be very careful, stay in a public place, let someone know where I'm at"


I read you had a nice time on your date...so glad to hear that!!! Two hours of talking?? wow you really must have liked him alot!!! So happy for you!!! Take it slow and enjoy!!! You deserve it!

Julie, hope that you are feeling better by this week.

Laura, wow you are some daughter. My heart goes out to your parents as they are dealing with so much...your dad should have a speedy recovery.

Cherri....Hope things are settling back down for you and your students now that its been a week or so since the funeral.

Okay....my week?? Alot of walking!!! Made sure to plan the places we ate at all week a bit away so I can get some exercise walking at least twice daily. Of course Dassi and my mom were not to happy with planning but didn't do it for them. lol My mom in any case didn't come with us to most meals...so wasn't including her in my plans from the start and Dassi could walk...only problem was coming home at night.......she was tired and rightfully so....so one night she slept at my brothers house so it was only two nights she had to walk home at about 10 Pm and made sure she took a nap before going out those nights!! Still it was a shlep for three days....add to it that shes a shy girl and putting her in the middle of a party so to say with people she didn't know wasn't really her speed....but she did enjoy the families we went to and met lots of new girls her age.

Two meal parties a day for three days was an awful lot of people and food....but I did good....I watched and really was okay until this afternoon.....as the family we went to today.....she was a phenomenal cook and well her deserts looked to die for....but I had a little taste of a chocolate cake and blueberry pie...a forkful each and that was it....other then that.....I really wasn't tempted at all to overeat or eat things that were not healthy for me.

Felt even better that I walked to each of these houses and back. Each was a half hour walk back and forth....I have some blisters on my ankles though....as it was so hot that I didn't wear tights or panty hose at all....so shoes rubbed as walking in high heals all dressed for a long time in high heals wasn't really comfortable!!

My niece slept here as well last night and as an extra walk I walked her home and came back home in morning before walking to synagogue which was ten minuets in the opposite direction. Something I would have balked at last year at the thought of doing that in the AM. lol

All in all it was a good week. The best..I didn't have to do much cooking!! Just that one dish and the bought presents I bought to bring as gifts to the family's we went to.

We met lots of nice new people from the neighborhood that I think we will become friendly with as they go to the new synagogue across the street from us and most have girls Dassis age. They were friendly and have invited us after the chagim...in fact I forgot but someone did invite us for that Friday the next week but cant remember who!! uhh oohh.

Who was it??? hmm

well, I'm getting really excited about leaving Tuesday. Tomorrow we will be volunteering at the animal shelter again. I will be walking the dogs and Dassi will be socializing the cats and kittens. We've started doing this last Sunday and not sure I posted this or not. We will be doing that in the AM...and then Apple picking in the PM. Monday will be getting my hair cut and mani/pedi and in NY.....its only 15 bucks for both!!! hair cut is 50...which makes up for the cheap mani pedis lol.

Monday night ....packing....Janet...thanks for the reminder of the camera!!

Now...heres a question for you fashion bugs....in NY we dint wear white after Labor Day....but in LV??? Can we still wear white in 100 plus degrees? I have these white Capri's that I wore through the summer that I loved to death? Shorts??? teeshirts???? Sandals???

Summer clothing??

Not bringing bathing suits. Apparently Jeff did a shoot for a plus bathing suit company in July and he told me he saved several suits and cover ups for me in several sizes as he didn't know what size I wore....lol Good thing as I did not tell him I'm lbs less then he saw me last!! I just told him I had the surgery and lost weight. Wont he be shocked when he sees me!!! Cant wait.

The Buffet for the 100 bucks was what Jeff had said when I asked him about some places and thats what he knew of that was nice...lol. Figures. He said the one in Henderson was nice..hes been there. Its about an half hour from the hotel with traffic. If we get the Limo...perhaps that would be a great place then!

I wish everyone and their families were able to come as well....as we will surely miss those who cant come. I am lucky enough to come this time around being that I wont be able to leave Dassi to often and to places where I would have to spend alot with air and hotel. SO glad to have this opportunity to meet those who can now.....which is why I wish everyone can come....

okay...well now really must go to sleep...as need to get up fairly early to arrive at 11 AM at shelter.

Have a great night all and a great rest of the weekend!!!


Edited by NYSparklegirl

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Good Morning Gang..

Jodi - we wear white year round on this side :0) So bring your Capri !!! A bite of cake & pie are just fine.. WTG on your walking..

Great - How was your football game ;0)

Melissa - isn't it great that pple understand what we are trying to say and put it in better words - I love that..

Well up at 4:45 - my little alarm clock bella... No calls in the middle of the nite - Thank God... Heck I was in bed last nite by 9:30 - I guess I am an old lady ;0)

Today - gym - need to color hair and not much else - still have some tv to catch up on ;0)

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Julie, when you get on the plane stop and ask the flight attendant to help you. Tell her/him you have shoulder problems and can't lift your bag. Otherwise you might have to lift it, cause if I'm the one (or someone like me) is standing next to you I can't lift it for you either and you don't want to even attempt to lift that bag (please). It could really hurt you badly. If I were you, I'd check it, but I understand if you're trying to save $$ but I just look at it as part of my ticket, but I hate it since it used to be free.

I'm bringing my bathing suits -- I plan to spend quite a bit of my time in the pool/jacuzzi. I always bring a light sweater or jacket even on the plane, cause I even get cold on the planes these days. Yes, it sounds hot, but remember, it's not humid, so it won't feel as hot to those of us used to humidity. 95 with no humidity is more like 80 here in the midwest. It should feel like heaven to us who've been dealing with high humidity and rain. Don't forget to pack sunscreen girls!

I'll probably just bring casual clothes -- I've been there so much and yes, you CAN dress up but you NEVER have to dress up -- we've gone to shows all dressed up and then been seated next to people wearing ripped t-shirts, shorts and flip flops! I miss the old days where every one dressed up -- it was so much fun!

LauraK, happy to hear you had a great date -- sounds promising -- enjoy.

Melissa, everyone's given you great advice. I once worked for a guy who owned a printing business - I worked in the office and he and one other guy worked in the back - it was one of my favorite jobs as I look back over my 40 years of working in offices, so hang in there -- it might be something you'll truly enjoy with time.

Headed to the gym. CBL.


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I'm coming casual too - Hell half those young girls in Vegas look like freaking hookers lol - I'm not getting decked out to go eat dinner and play a little slots.. If I were going to a club ya - but now adays jeans and a cute top w/heels is dressed up..

I'll bring a suit too.. I know half the group are hot tub pple ;0)


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Heck I was (still may) bring a jacket - but doesn't look like we are going to need one.. Summer clothes..

Well got hair colored - now waiting til 10 to go to Pilos class..

Might have to take a nap - since I have been up since the crack of dawn... Or maybe more coffee ;0)

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Jodi - I'd love to have breakfast together and visit while we wait for the others to arrive. I sleep late & usually have breakfast at the crack of 10.

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Good Morning Ladies :biggrin: When are you all leaving on your Vegas trip? Wishing you a safe trip and take lots of pics so I can see since I can't make it this year. Hopefully next year I can meet all of you sweet ladies face to face. Have a wonderful time..............Pj

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All of the Vegas talk is so exciting - I hope everyone has a great time!

Ran a 5K this morning. I have to get cleaned up and then it is time for Dad's B-day party. WooHoo! 85 years old.:biggrin:

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Sandy congrats on the 5K...that is absolutely fabulous. Have fun with your Dad's B-day party.

Yes, white is acceptable in Vegas. Yes, the air conditioning is usually extreme, bring a sweater or something especially if you are wearing sleeveless. And as Linda says, it's a dry heat. You'll be surprised how nice it will be when it's in the 80's in the morning and evenings. And I'm bringing a bathing suit too. I never do this because I look like crap in one, but I don't care, if the pool is warm, I'm there! Tucson and Vegas have very similar weather.

Jodi, the offer of the limo is fabulous. I wouldn't mind going to a club....never done that before, just done the casinos. I don't line dance or karaoke either but people watching is fun. I'm up for whatever!!

Joyce, I want to work for your companies. Sounds like a great place to be employed. Oh yeah, I'm giving that up for a bit.

Julie, it's good to hear from you. Sorry DD is having a rough time already, hope it smooths out and she starts feeling better. It will be much nicer in Vegas than it was in Florida. It was darn cold in Florida this year. Vegas will be hot, but everything has A/C and you can walk for miles without ever going outside. Take care of yourself so you can have fun when you get here.

Arlene, yes, I'm looking forward to having you as my roommate. Less than a week to go.

Didn't sleep well last night and feel like dodo today. DH and I stayed up until midnight watching the DVR and I thought I'd fall right asleep. Nope, so I finally get ready to go to bed about 1 and the cat barfs.....had to clean that up (fortunately on the tile). Then I'm trying to fall asleep and the dogs starts licking and licking...usually a sign of something. She is a bit incontinent and she had made a large puddle (again on the tile) so I had to clean that up. Poor thing, it just runs out of her, it isn't like she can't wait to go, she's usually sleeps and it leaks out. So I ran out of pills for that and haven't been able to get to the vet and pick them up, so I will absolutely have to during lunch tomorrow. Then I woke up a couple of times after that.

We are having company for lunch. He'll be our house sitter while we are gone and I need to show him some stuff because he'll have to do more than he ever has in the past. We will be gone longer. I'm marinating chicken in yogurt right now and we'll have couscous and cucumbers in yogurt with onions. I also made olive slaw...regular cabbage dressed with sliced green olives and olive juice plus onions. It's pretty yummy and low fat, although not low salt.

I have to go finish laundry and Water my plants. Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.


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Jodi... you are a true New Yorker... all that walking!! I couldn't keep up with you I'm sure!!

Limo sounds great, but will it seat all 11 of us?? But, we will have two cars there, too... Janet & Eva. I'm up for whatever.... I think!! LOL

Hot, hot, hot here today.... and all week 100+! Sitting inside watching football for now. This is making DH very grumpy! So, I might be venturing out later!!

Started a stack of things I want to bring with me on my makeup table. Trying not to bring too much!

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Eva.... we were posting at the same time. Your lunch sounds intriguing... I will definitely have to try the cucumbers in yogurt! And the chicken.. that would give it a real different taste. Sounds good. Earl has put beef stew in the crock pot for later... I'm thinking maybe I should add a little Greek yogurt to that now!!

Edited by phyllser

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Phyl, you're driving so you do have a little bit more flexibility. I'm glad I'm not flying this time....I can bring my pillow!!!

Sorry about the heat....I'm ready for it to cool down some...say low 80's would be great!!


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Joyce won the page 900 award!!

Oh good on the white, I will bring my white capris too! I think I will bring those and dodge the dress pants, I am all for casual too.

Julie, if you can't lift your bag I would check it. The flight attendant may or very likely may not help you. It's not really part of their job to stow your bag and some of them willing will do it, but many other grumpy ones will point that out to you in a not very friendly way. Their feeling is if you carry it on it is your responsibility. When I worked the gates for the airlines I saw many examples of that. I don't want to freak you out but if you are worried about travelling alone I just don't want you to have any unpleasant surprises. Many times I've had a nice person in the aisle next to me willing to help me with my bag though and have seen many nice flight attendants who will but during boarding they are busy a lot. Just wanted to put that out there to you to ponder.

Well DH just called as I was typing this and is on his way home from the hunt empty handed. But had a really good time with his brother. It's been a long weekend.

Just heard last night on the news as well that they have that fire near me 100% contained now and are just keeping a watch out for hot spots now. So that is good. The Army which was ultimately responsible, they were doing machine gun practice on a red burn day and a spark caused the fire has been awesome in settling claims with the families who suffered losses and has accepted full responsibility.

Well I didn't do the quote thing as I knew what I was going to say to each person then the phone rang and now I am blank. Can't wait til Friday though! I feel so much better after my confession and am glad I didn't cancel.

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Phyl, you're driving so you do have a little bit more flexibility. I'm glad I'm not flying this time....I can bring my pillow!!! Sorry about the heat....I'm ready for it to cool down some...say low 80's would be great!!ee

Ah... thank you for reminding me... my pillow!!

I really don't mind the heat, but Earl is miserable! Sinuses still bothering him, too. I can't wait until Tuesday!

This is going to be a busy week. I think I will go do a little shopping by myself after lunch tomorrow. Tuesday the EENT appt will dominate the afternoon. Wed. I'm hoping I can go get my nails done somewhere and Thurs. I will see if the beautician here will do my hair after Water aerobics. And later we're meeting friends from up north in Palm Springs for dinner at our favorite fish place and then the Thursday night street fair. So I better be all packed by then because Janet picks me up at 8 a.m.!

Joyce won the page 900 award!!

Oh good on the white, I will bring my white capris too! I think I will bring those and dodge the dress pants, I am all for casual too.

Julie, if you can't lift your bag I would check it. The flight attendant may or very likely may not help you. It's not really part of their job to stow your bag and some of them willing will do it, but many other grumpy ones will point that out to you in a not very friendly way. Their feeling is if you carry it on it is your responsibility. When I worked the gates for the airlines I saw many examples of that. I don't want to freak you out but if you are worried about traveling alone I just don't want you to have any unpleasant surprises. Many times I've had a nice person in the aisle next to me willing to help me with my bag though and have seen many nice flight attendants who will but during boarding they are busy a lot. Just wanted to put that out there to you to ponder.

Can't wait til Friday though! I feel so much better after my confession and am glad I didn't cancel.

Yeah, guess I'll ditch the dress pants idea, too. I have white capris... but debating about bringing them. They show every ripple of cellulite and fat in my thighs. Might see if I can find a different pair in town tomorrow. No heels for me, though. Only sandals! Bringing bathing suits, too. I guess I can deal with that.

Debating about whether or not to bring wine! I have some small bottles I might bring.

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I've had the same experience with lifting bags in to the overhead. Some attendants not very nice about it. But.. usually, as soon as I try doing it myself, some chivalrous gentleman will offer to help. I generally lift it first to the seat, then to the back of the seat, and usually I'm rescued before I get it that far!!



Edited by phyllser

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So I have not said anything but I have been pbing like crazy the last three days. I have tried broth, yogurt etc. But everything is coming up. I am living on hot beverages like tea , coffee and plain Water. My problem is a new job and my dr is 1 1/2 hrs away and does not open until 9:30 and last appt is at 4 I work 8-5 Also his nickname is Dr Delay cause he is always behind I practically have to take the whole day off to go see him. I don't know what to do I just called but my dr is not on call someone else is. But I have not called them yet. I could go to that hospitals er but that will be 200 I do not have Uggg what to do. Everything has been fine but then poof problems

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Gosh you girls have been busy. Phyll and her appropriately placed icons always put a smile on my face. Just so darned cute.

Phyll...bring the wine if you want to...you enjoy your wine. You could find a bottle out there too. Oops...you'll be in Janet's car so you can bring whatever.

So looking forward to this trip. I am usually in LV at least once a year if not twice. My last visit was a year ago in April and had two different groups of friends out there at the same time.

I had planned to bring my white jeans and capris. Anything goes in Vegas. So looking forward to leaving behind the stresses of the last year. DH told me this morning that I need to just go and forget about it all. I agree.

The benefit was a huge success. Raised lots of $$$ with our silent auction. Ppl were very generous. Our caterer is 40 miles from here and tomorrow I have one last delivery to make to her. My truck is packed full. My third trip out there in a week but really don't mind doing it.

Janet...hugs on the DS issues. Boy, I have quite the stories on my youngest DS that I will share when I see you guys out there. Don't want to bring anyone down with what has been going on but it will give you all some incite as to what hell DH, older DS and I have been through since April. Pure hell. Told DH this morning "We are lucky...he's alive". He has dished out a lifetime of crap in the last 6 months.

DH is always asking me if I told "My Girls" (you guys) what has been going on. He thought it would be good for me to dump and share....he's right but didn't want any of the crap "out there". It's been hell and many, many times this summer just wanted to run away from everyone. It all got pretty bad and not sharing did not help matters at all. Like I said, didn't want to place the burden on you guys and a lot is so difficult to even talk about. Will fill you in when I see you guys and try not to dwell on any of it.

Will check back with you all later.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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