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Bumping this - updating (now just missing Cheri's arrival time - sorry I misplaced it)

Great - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am

Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am

Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am

Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) at ????

Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am.

Linda Thurs evening staying with son

Joyce Thurs evening staying ???

Eva around 1 on Fri driving from PHX

Janet/Phyl - Around 1 on Friday

Jodi - Will be there

Well Linda, I'd have felt a whole lot better this morning if I woke up 20 lbs skinnier. LOL But I do have a better perspective on things and no I won't cancel. Nothing to be ashamed of now as I admitted it all. :smile2: And I truly need this weekend, I need to breathe in all the successful lapband air of you all, or as Arlene would say y'all. LOL I read one time about the top stressors of life and moving is one of the biggest ones and I let it get to me. I suppose if I was a drinker or a drug addict I might have relapsed into it. But no I am a diet coke and Frito addict. LOL There are no Fritos in the house. I have to go to the store today to get something for an appetizer to take to a party tonight and I will avoid the chip aisle no matter how loud it calls my name, gosh it is going to miss me. I have a very busy week ahead of me, I am going to Denver, I think on Monday or Tues. depends on my kids works schedules, then to New Orleans on Tues to Wed., colonoscopy on Thurs. and Vegas on Friday. I may have to cut Denver from the list but I feel so darn guilty, I vowed I'd see Grandma every 2 to 3 weeks and it's becoming more like every month and I know how she misses me. It's a catch 22, the more involved I get here and try and plug in and make this home, the less time I have to go to Denver and I need to plug in here. But the next week is more open so it may just have to wait a week, and this sounds horrible but with her being 101 I always fear that she won't have next week and then I'll feel even guiltier. My kids went and checked on her this week and took her to lunch and shopping for me. My sisters were in Mexico.

Sorry my posts have been all about me the past day or two. I think that movie last night also opened some old wounds about not being accepted or popular in HS and well I just had a grand ol' pity party and you were all invited. :lol:

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Cheri and I were posting at the same time, think we got it all now.

Bumping this - updating

Great - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am

Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am

Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am

Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) 9765 at 906am

Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am.

Linda Thurs evening staying with son

Joyce Thurs evening staying ???

Eva around 1 on Fri driving from PHX

Janet/Phyl - Around 1 on Friday

Jodi - Will be there

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Your posts to Lori were incredible. I needed to be reminded of all of it.

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Thanks for the invitation! LOL! And thanks, Janet, for raining on the pity party parade so effectively!


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LOL Phyl - Janet's Chain Gang ;:wub: If you go to von's or staters in DHS and buy them the very last thing and go straight home - oh wait - you live farther than I did - You need to take a cooler ;0) - I know that when it's super hot and I have ice cream - I have to come straight home and stick in the freeze right away and target is right across the street ;0) Yep you need to take him to urgent care tomorrow...

Well, last night wasn't too bad so now he has a "plan" to get him through to Tuesday and his EENT appt!

Oh Janet, how I love you! The time you took to write that post to me and look up some of my previous ones, I am so touched that someone even cares. You are so right, I can do this. I opened up my mind to some stinkin thinkin because I was feeling down about losing my 'grip' and it just got me spiraling downward. When I turn this around, I can look back and feel good about how I did and what I learned. I had such a grip on things in Denver before I moved. I had my routine, moving and starting afresh in a new place just threw me for a loop, I felt sorry for myself and well you know the rest. But I can make a new routine and I need to dump the all or nothing type thinking. I was white knuckling it too much instead of enjoying the journey. Yeah, it's me and the stupid Fritos. They are gone. I really don't have any junk in the house, I would just go buy a bag at a time. DH is gone for the weekend, so it's just me to feed this weekend. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for caring! You don't know how close I came to canceling Las Vegas because I was so ashamed, but it's just what I need right now.

You better NOT cancel!! Yep, Janet is our cheer leader, encourager, kick in the butt when we need it girl!!

Janet and Lori, I love you both so much - a week from right now we'll be sitting in person talking - can't wait. Janet you are the greatest -- and Lori, please don't be too hard on yourself -- it's been a tough few months for you but Janet is right - you CAN and you WILL do this. We're all in this together. Linda





Girlfriend !!!!

If you had

freaking canceled

I would come to UT and kick your BUTT...



Don't be ashamed!!! That's why at times I don't harp cuz - I don't want pple to feel that way..

We have an addiction and with what you have been through w/this move - it's so easy to slip back..

What is important is that you stop this spiral now - not tomorrow not next week - right this second..

We are here for each other !!!

That's what this thread is about !

Yep Linda - This time next week we will all be together - it's going to be a FABULOUS WEEKEND !!

Love to all my peeps..:wub:


Lori - you better be there. I want and need to meet you. I agree with Janet - don't even think about canceling. I have been MIA with tons of family issues. Can't wait for Vegas and MY TIME. I'LL BE there on Thursday and available to store luggage or whatever is needed. Can hardly wait to meet everyone.

Can't wait to meet you! We're going to have a great time.

WHAT!!! Don't you even think about canceling!!!! If you cancel.......I will cancel!!! Don't listen to the shame devil. He is trying to destroy your victory. Take Janet's advice.........CLEAN OUT YOUR FRITOS!!!. Look, I know exactly what you are going through. Change triggers those old eating habits. I have had a couple of bad days this week too. I just know I have to go weigh next week and listen to a dietitian which puts a crimp in my "graze". Just Say No.....To The Frito!!!!!
Wow, what a supportive group we have. food is an addiction and there are times that we will stumble but we must pick ourselves up and recover. It is wonderful to have a place to come and discuss our struggles with others who have experienced the same things.

Cheri- I agree with you that nobody knows our bodies or limitation like we do. We should never allow a trainer or therapist to push us too fast too soon. We are our own best advocate. I will say however, I would not be where I am without my trainer. She does encourage and push me but never too far. I have learned that people in authority aren’t the final word when it comes to me and my health. If I am not happy with a doctor I find another; same with a trainer. We are all different and sometimes we have to move on to find the perfect match. I lucked out and am working with a trainer who is a good fit for me.

I have a busy day ahead of me. We are celebrating my father’s 85 birthday tomorrow. I am spending the day cooking as he wants to have his party at home. I had hoped to have it at a restaurant but it is his day and will do what he asks. He wanted lasagna and eggplant parmesan. I made meatballs, sausage and gravy last night and will make the lasagna and eggplant today. Tomorrow, I can just put the pans in the oven and enjoy the day. I have a 5K run in the morning tomorrow so this kind of a make ahead menu works well.

Yep.... DITTO.... we have to stick together. The support we give one another is SO vital!!

Oh, my, Lori, you can't cancel. No one is going to judge you so you get your back side there. We all struggle with one thing or the other....it's part of life.

Sorry, I've been tired when I get home (I've also walked a couple of nights after work and then I'm really tired) so I haven't been getting on line. Yes, I'm working a lot trying to catch up and not leave a mess for the person taking my area. She worries and is not confident she can do my area. She has been an engineer for years, like 20 years, and I've been one for 2 1/2 years. I have a lot of outside experience as a net tech (I used to install and repair phones and work on the air pressure system) so I have a different perspective than most of the other engineers. Anyway, she'll do fine, just don't want to leave a mess for her. We took a 1/2 day on Friday and looked at the jobs I had downtown then Monday we'll the other jobs so she at least has some clue about them.

I walked last night and woke up at 3:15 and can't go back to sleep, so I'm catching up now. I still haven't had my hair done. My guy has a knee problem so I guess I'll be seeing his wife today at 3:30. Oh well, I need to have it done before Vegas.

Sorry this post is all about me...I'll catch up with posting one of these days. I'm really looking forward to meeting with you all. I should be there around 1-2 pm. It depends on what time I leave Phoenix. I will try and get out of there as early as I can. I'm spending the night at my brother's and he has to work Friday, so I should be gone by 8am..and I think it's a 6 hour drive, so we'll see. Call me when you all get together and we can make a plan to meet maybe or at least I can tell you where I'm at. Janet and Phyl are closer than I am.

I think I can sleep again. I'll try and catch up again later.


Hope you got some sleep! So you missed your hair appt? Make time for YOU next week!!

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just checking in before I head to the gym. Lori, I hope you're feeling better this a.m. Janet you truly are so fabulous -- truly, you brought tears to my eyes with your posts to Lori!! Whatever would we do without you? Joyce, where are you staying on Thursday night?

janet, we were posting at same time. Sorry about the family drama -- I agree with you - what the heck were you supposed to do? God, I can't believe these kids today and the way they want to pull us parents into their dramas - we never did that -- the last thing I ever wanted was for my mom to know any of my business. Geez I just don't get it at all. Sorry sorry sorry. Glad you said no to him moving home I feel bad for the kids -- poor Kaitlin.

Linda - We are a like - I never called my Dad - did once but that was it - I never have been one to share my drama too much - Mostly cuz I was ashamed of it

As I always say and haven't said in a while - No one understands a fat chick like another one - and I don't care if I'm at goal or not - in my head I still have fat chick mentallity - I still want to eat - I have the angel on one shoulder - the devil on the other - and they are always fighting - I get it - I really do - for me my exercise is what saves me from gaining weight... coupled w/my eating - but I do have too many treats at time - but again this is where exercise plays a big part in keeping the weight off..

Melissa, I have got to say I seldom hear people complaining about a job because they have too little to do. Ask your boss for more work. Tell him some of the things you see that need doing on the computer and the files. You have the ideal job if you can change your thinking. You can create it yourself. The boss may be seeing how you work out personality wise with everyone before he gives you more work. Prove yourself trustworthy and earn their respect and this could become the best job you've ever had.

QUOTE=IndioGirl55;1529802]Good Evening Peeps...

Cheri - What time are you arriving?

F9765 arrives 9:06 a.m.

Cheri - You have alot of issues and I would be afraid too - as most trainer don't have to do much to get certified..

My trainer use to be a body builder - Nurse - Correctional officer - in the Air Force and sales.. He has never pushed me and if my knee is acting up he lightens the weights - I think it's really the individual and you can fine good ones out there..

I'm sure there are good ones. But like you said, it doesn't take much to get certified. One time my husband was taking yoga and the instructor pushed down on his back and put his back out.

My own lower back is bad right now. I started stair walking at work this week and I did some bend and stretch exercises with the Kdg/1st graders to give them a fun break and yesterday, throughout the day, I could feel my back starting to hurt. I did nothing that was extreme in any way. My legs don't hurt at all from the stair climbing so I think it was just the couple times I touched my toes. Although lifting my legs repeatedly to climb the stairs may also have pulled the spinal muscles. Repetition is the enemy of those with osteo-arthritis. We are very prone to repetitive stress syndrome type injuries.

I hung from my inversion table last night and slept very carefully using pillows to support my spine last night. I think its the muscles around the spine that are inflamed and its not a disc problem. I'm not feeling nerve compression. When I touch the area it hurts, so that's tissue. However, inflamed muscles can pull the discs out of place so I'm taking great care with my movements today.

By the way, my cell phone # is 708/829-2842. Hate traveling by myself on the plane. Have to do a transfer in Denver that's making me nervous. I'm traveling very light so I don't have to check any bags. If I forget something I'll just have to buy or borrow it. By the way, I've never heard of a lap-band® card. I'll try to call my Dr. Monday so they can mail it to me. Don't know if it'll reach me on time. I have no desire to drive down to U of I Chicago to pick one up.



Cheri you will do fine traveling by yourself ;0) I was that way the 1st time - but now it's no biggie since I know how to manuver in an airport ;o)

I went to lapband website - but you need a # to get the card and I don't remember getting a packet from my doc - they said to call him to get the # - but dont have the time -

Bumping this - updating (now just missing Cheri's arrival time - sorry I misplaced it)

Great - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am

Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am

Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am

Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) at 9 a.m.

Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am.

Linda Thurs evening staying with son

Joyce Thurs evening staying at the resort I think ???

Eva around 1 on Fri driving from PHX

Janet/Phyl - Around 1 on Friday

Jodi - Will be there


Well Linda, I'd have felt a whole lot better this morning if I woke up 20 lbs skinnier. LOL But I do have a better perspective on things and no I won't cancel. Nothing to be ashamed of now as I admitted it all. :smile2: And I truly need this weekend, I need to breathe in all the successful LAP-BAND® air of you all, or as Arlene would say y'all. LOL I read one time about the top stressors of life and moving is one of the biggest ones and I let it get to me. I suppose if I was a drinker or a drug addict I might have relapsed into it. But no I am a diet coke and Frito addict. LOL There are no Fritos in the house. I have to go to the store today to get something for an appetizer to take to a party tonight and I will avoid the chip aisle no matter how loud it calls my name, gosh it is going to miss me. I have a very busy week ahead of me, I am going to Denver, I think on Monday or Tues. depends on my kids works schedules, then to New Orleans on Tues to Wed., colonoscopy on Thurs. and Vegas on Friday. I may have to cut Denver from the list but I feel so darn guilty, I vowed I'd see Grandma every 2 to 3 weeks and it's becoming more like every month and I know how she misses me. It's a catch 22, the more involved I get here and try and plug in and make this home, the less time I have to go to Denver and I need to plug in here. But the next week is more open so it may just have to wait a week, and this sounds horrible but with her being 101 I always fear that she won't have next week and then I'll feel even guiltier. My kids went and checked on her this week and took her to lunch and shopping for me. My sisters were in Mexico.

Sorry my posts have been all about me the past day or two. I think that movie last night also opened some old wounds about not being accepted or popular in HS and well I just had a grand ol' pity party and you were all invited. :lol:

Lori- Hugs GF it will be ok - it really will.. I hear you on the gm issues - I was glad I went and saw my Aunt in Feb 09 - but never called as much as I should have before she died - I would go 6 months and not call - the time diff gets me as I don't sit down till 8 and that's 10 in TX - well that's my excuse anyway..

I guess I didn't care if I was popular in HS - there were all diff kinds of clicks - the cheer leaders - the druggies - the nerds - - I had freinds in all of them - I guess being a small town where you knew everyone from kindergarden - its wasn't a big deal - pple just hung around with everyone - I was a floater ;0)


Thanks for the invitation! LOL! And thanks, Janet, for raining on the pity party parade so effectively!


Well, last night wasn't too bad so now he has a "plan" to get him through to Tuesday and his EENT appt!

You better NOT cancel!! Yep, Janet is our cheer leader, encourager, kick in the butt when we need it girl!!



Can't wait to meet you! We're going to have a great time.

Yep.... DITTO.... we have to stick together. The support we give one another is SO vital!!

Hope you got some sleep! So you missed your hair appt? Make time for YOU next week!!

Glad Earl is doing better - but it's going to be hot the next 2 days - so he may be grumpy..

Well I need to get off the computer - I never get my stuff done.

cbl -

oh Great - when you walk by the chip isle say "Forget You" I'm done and stronger than you" It's empowering..

xoxoxo J

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Linda - I'm staying at the resort all 4 nights.

OMG, Janet - such drama. Sorry about the drama and it is the same kind of drama I'm facing with two of our children. #%$@ grrrr.....

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Cheri you will do fine traveling by yourself ;0) I was that way the 1st time - but now it's no biggie since I know how to manuver in an airport ;o)

I went to LAP-BAND® website - but you need a # to get the card and I don't remember getting a packet from my doc - they said to call him to get the # - but dont have the time -

Lori- Hugs GF it will be ok - it really will.. I hear you on the gm issues - I was glad I went and saw my Aunt in Feb 09 - but never called as much as I should have before she died - I would go 6 months and not call - the time diff gets me as I don't sit down till 8 and that's 10 in TX - well that's my excuse anyway..

I guess I didn't care if I was popular in HS - there were all diff kinds of clicks - the cheer leaders - the druggies - the nerds - - I had freinds in all of them - I guess being a small town where you knew everyone from kindergarden - its wasn't a big deal - pple just hung around with everyone - I was a floater ;0)

Glad Earl is doing better - but it's going to be hot the next 2 days - so he may be grumpy..

Well I need to get off the computer - I never get my stuff done. cbl -

oh Great - when you walk by the chip isle say "Forget You" I'm done and stronger than you" It's empowering..xoxoxo J

I have a card but don't remember which purse it is in!!


Yes.... he is grumpy because it is hot. He keeps running to the laundry at the clubhouse. We had a ton of it. Told him if he will get me a golf cart I could take it up myself. But he takes it in the car and then has to carry it up that steep sidewalk. With a golf cart, and my handicap pass, I could park at the top of the sidewalk. My campaign this winter will be to get a golf cart! Big blue scooter is acting up. Quit half way to the pool one day this week.

Going to costco as soon as the laundry is done. About 5 loads in the dryers now. Have photos to pick up. Had a bunch printed from this summer and RV trip. And we need mushrooms and a few other things. I want to go back to DHS to browse at Glossy's. Got a new swim suit yesterday but had to make it quick because Earl and Zoey were waiting outside. Want one more suit and look at their sale stuff. Got some capris and 3 sleeveless shirts this week... for the hot weather.

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Phyl, I didn't miss my hair appt., it was cancelled twice because my hair stylist has a problem with his knee. So his wife is going to do my hair today. She's done it before, so it will be alright. I wasn't happy with the color last time and wanted to tell him, but it will wait. I'm very happy with this guy and have been going to him for almost 18 years and don't want to find someone else. It's hard to find someone you are happy with.

Janet, we are on the same time zone until the end of October then you change back to normal time and we stay the same. So sorry for the family drama again. Maybe DS thinks since DGS has moved out, now you have room for him. You are a very strong person to say no to DS. He needs to pull up his big boy pants and deal with his obligations, including his family.

Someone said we would never think of moving back to our parents house as adults. I came back for a few weeks when I was 19, but moved out as soon as I could. My mother would have sucked the life out of me if I had lived at home or even in the same town. She wouldn't have meant to do it, but she had expectations.

Cheri, I agree about some of those trainers not knowing how to deal with people with infirmities. I've had a couple that would push and had no clue how to deal with the arthritis. You are wise to know how much you can push yourself.

Melissa, there isn't a perfect job anywhere. You need to make the job work for you and if you can't change your circumstances, then you have to change your attitude. Not easy to do, but weigh the pros and cons and go from there. You can always keep looking for another job.

I'm busy doing my everyday errands, laundry, cleaning stuff (my cleaning lady canceled this week too) and starting to get ready for Vegas and Argentina. Next week will be very busy with wrapping up my projects at work and getting stuff ready at home for the house sitter.

Okay off to more projects.....later.....


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Yes, it is hot....going to be in the high 90's here.

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So sorry to hear about all of the family issues. I agree with what has been said about us never drawing our parents into our drama. Heck, the first indication my parents had about my marriage troubles (first DH many years ago) was when I when I called them and asked if I could live with them until the house was sold and I got my half. I would have never thought to call them until I was ready to move on. To this day, I have never discussed my real reasons for leaving him with anyone other than my DH. By the way, this is a second marriage for both of us and we are coming up on 19 years. Best move I ever made.

Janet, I had to giggle about the Italian question. How funny, I never thought about others calling spaghetti gravy – spaghetti sauce. My grandparents were from Italy, but my mother and I were both born here so I really don’t think of myself as Italian. Since I learned to cook from my mother I guess my cooking is heavily influenced by my Italian roots. We lived with my grand parents for a couple of years when I was growing up……..nothing better than the smell of a pot of gravy cooking on the stove and stealing a meatball when nobody was looking. Ah, good memories.

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Someone said we would never think of moving back to our parents house as adults. I came back for a few weeks when I was 19, but moved out as soon as I could. My mother would have sucked the life out of me if I had lived at home or even in the same town. She wouldn't have meant to do it, but she had expectations.

Amen to that Eva, exactly -- my mother would have done the same to me. And, we all couldn't WAIT to get out of h.s. and move the heck out -- I didn't have any friends who stuck around after h.s or college with their parents.

I'm back from the gym, showered and ate my fruit/yogurt, kinda halfway watching a game. Just checking in on all of you.

Sorry about the lapband cards -- yes you get them from the website -- need the no. from your surgeon's office -- I just assumed all of you had gotten them - they really are quite nice - I'll show you mine next week. I guess cause I live with a man who LOVES buffets (and we also go to Vegas a lot) that's why I use mine so much.

Are we bringing any thing with us like before pics or anything? Of course, most of us already have seen each other's pics. It made me think of that cause I put on an old night shirt after my shower that is HUGE on me now but was so tight I couldn't even put it on before surgery -- made me think about how far we've all come. No matter where we are in our journeys, we've all come a long, long way already! Watch out Vegas, Janet's posse is on it's way.


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What card? I never got a card. I will have to call the dr. office on Monday and see about one. I was supposed to get a card to show for eating out too. I forgot all about getting it.

I had to live with my parents during the week when I moved to the country and still worked in Houston. HATED IT!!!! My mother is a saint, but even earthly saints have a few flaws. My dad, well, he was an alcoholic, nuff said. And of course, I was pregnant with #3 so I was no sweet thing either. MY DS has been here a month today.......I probably have seen him six times. I think he is moving completely out before the 1st. Now, my oldest DD told me she rented an apartment and is moving out of her home ( it is for sale). I am glad to hear that news. She won't be moving in after DS moves out.


Linda, I know what you mean about feeling guilty when your kids get overweight. All of mine are overweight. I know I did not teach them the proper way to eat and put them on the pathway to obesity. They are adults now, and they know the right way. It is their choice. My oldest had lap band and lost 120 and gained it back. He has now lost 50 on Quick Weight Loss. The DS living with us eats a lot, but works out a lot. He like food too. My DD that just had the baby has a major weight problem, but she wants to start eating right. Her DH cooks and is skinny. She does have support.

Janet, so sorry for DS problems. They still want to talk to mama. My DS that was in the service would call me from Germany when him and his wife were fighting. Sometimes she would call. What was I to do?......I was thousands of miles away. I would just listen. Then I would get on my soap box. Then they probably questioned why they called in the first place. lol. Heck, if they are going to call and whine.........I'm gonna preach!!!! That'll cure em!!!

Lori, I am glad today looks better. I hope you enjoy your party tonight.

Cheri, I haven't flown alone in many, many years. I too, am very anxious about my flight, but I have been telling myself this is something I have to do. We will have this victory......call it a NSV!

Eva, You ready for a roommate? I will be there soon!!!

Julie......Are you feeling better??

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Arlene & Cheri, you gals will do great flying alone. It's really quite easy, check in on the kiosk if you haven't online. If you can check in online do it there, if you are carrying your bag you are set then to go straight to security and your gate. Remember the rule on fluids & gels, 3 oz containers and those must fit into a ziploc quart size bag. When you get to security take out your ziploc and put it in the tub so they can see it. And Cheri if you aren't offended by the body scan machines at security it makes it soooooo much easier to go through those with artificial knees otherwise you gotta get wanded all over, at least I do as mine always set off the metal detector so I always look for the body scan machine.

Janet, I was so self focused this morning, I didn't comment on your DS issues. I hate it when my DD calls because her and her DH had a small arguement (they are newlyweds and usually it's something very trivial), I don't want to know this stuff. But I always don't want to say don't call because I like that she feels she can come to me and don't ever want to stifle that. Do you think DS was serious about a divorce? or was it just the heat of the battle? I don't blame you not wanting him to move back in. After my kids first moved out, I wanted them back so bad, but now that I am used to my silent haven, it would be so tough. DD moved in for 6 mos while planning her wedding and even though she was 28 we still fell into the parent/child relationship. One time DD called DH from CA while we lived in Philadelphia stranded on the freeway with her car. Like what could he do from there? I think it is taking so much longer for this generation to grow up and sometimes I blame myself, guess we tried to make things too easy for them growing up.

Melissa, I agree with Eva, you need to give this job a chance, it's only been a week, you need the job and the benefits. Talk to them ask for more to do and if nothing ask if you can read a book or surf the internet etc. If you still don't like it, don't quit til you find something else. It's always easier to find a job when you have a job and don't have to take just anything. Good luck to you. How's your pain issue been?

Well this party I am going to tonight is a college football party. it's Boise State vs Oregon I think, some of the folks going are alumni of each school. I personally have no interest but am just going to be social and get to know folks. We are to bring something orange for food as I guess that is a common team color to both teams. I googled and found a recipe for some 'buffalo hot wing' flavored stuffed mushrooms. Safe bet for me as I dont care for them. LOL I hate bringing something I've never made but guess I have an excuse if they taste awful. LOL They have shallots, blue cheese (gross, yucky pooey) and Franks Red hot sauce in them.

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Melissa - You got a job - you got insurance - if you hate it look for another one but don't quit the one you have til you do have another one - If its so slow why can't you read a book -


Melissa, I have got to say I seldom hear people complaining about a job because they have too little to do. Ask your boss for more work. Tell him some of the things you see that need doing on the computer and the files. You have the ideal job if you can change your thinking. You can create it yourself. The boss may be seeing how you work out personality wise with everyone before he gives you more work. Prove yourself trustworthy and earn their respect and this could become the best job you've ever had.


Melissa, there isn't a perfect job anywhere. You need to make the job work for you and if you can't change your circumstances, then you have to change your attitude. Not easy to do, but weigh the pros and cons and go from there. You can always keep looking for another job.


I know all of you are right. They just don't want me reading a book at the desk and when I am bored I eat. The good thing there is no vending machines, the bad thing I am starving when I get home which then causes me to eat to fast and then you know PB. I need to get more Snacks and different types of foods to eat at lunch. When I am emotional my band is tight. I drink so much hot beverages it is crazy just so things move through. Usually a cup of coffee in the morning than tea or hot Water throughout the day.

I guess I worry cause I do not want to get laid off again. However the boss and I talked Friday and if he can get the time than we will takle his office. He says he has plans for me it is just all of a sudden orders have come in and jobs need to be done so I have been left to be alone by myself at the office or with his wife who really does not like dealing with people. (go figure that one). My thing is hopefully I will be busier soon cause when I am bored I eat even if it is just mints and gum. He is a great boss just I like to be busy and he has given me stuff and I am just faster than the girl they had a year ago. I don't like to beat around the bush at work just with my health if you know what I mean. Oh I will not quit I will also have a job lined up first I need a job just like everyone else. With time it should get better.

My pain issue has went away on its own who knows what that was all about.

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