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Good evening. I just went to the movie by myself. What a disaster. I shouldn't be allowed out alone. LOL The movie was great though, You Again. First I got there about 30 min early for a 4:05 movie. I get my popcorn, go to the ticket taker, he looks at my ticket and says you are in theater 10 but they are cleaning right now so you may have to wait a minute to find your seat (this theater has reserved seats, you pick your specific seat when you purchase your ticket mine was D-5) So I wait, they finish cleaning and I find what I think is my seat (aisle seat behind the bar with extra leg room so my knees don't cramp up). But as I go to that seat I notice it is row E not row D and D is actually a row for wheelchairs. I get the gal that was cleaning and she said to go back to the sales desk. I do and she says not to worry I was definitely in teh row behind the bar. Still feeling uncomfortable (I didn't want someone to come it after the movie starts and tell me I was in their seat), I see the manager, he assures me I am okay and says they will even block out E-5. So I go back in. JUst as the movie starts some old _itch comes in and complains I am in her row that she bought the whole row for her grandkids (that should've been my first clue why are grandkids all coming to see You Again). The previews start late (so I think) and then a short cartoon of Roadrunner. WTH?? Then the movie starts it's some Disney owl movie. HUH???? I am in the wrong theater. GRRRR It's now 4:20 and my movie was for 4:05. I am ticked at this point. I go back to the ticket taker of course he's no longer there but I remember his name as it's the same as my dad's. I complain and they get the manager again. I feel partly like an idiot as I should've read the ticket closer myself but I just assume you buy a ticket for a movie that's what you get. He apologizes, gives me a free pass and a ticket for the 5:25 so I don't miss the beginning. Now I have an hour to kill. How did I kill it? By refilling my popcorn and eating the WHOLE thing. I feel sick now. GRRRRR In the end it was a wonderful movie and I could relate to it so well. My HS years were not great. I had very few friends (other than the year I dated DH then suddenly I was popular til he dumped me LOL, DH was popular I was not). I felt like an ugly, fat duckling when in reality at 5'9 and 125 lbs I was not fat and I wasn't even ugly. But in my reality and how I was treated I felt it. It's funny how we can carry HS issues with us through adulthood. I highly recommend the movie, I liked it a lot.

So, Janet, you noticed I haven't mentioned the gym, eh?? Oh how wise you are. I've not been since Hawaii. I gotta get my a$$ in gear and my mojo back. I feel myself slipping and here it is as you will see me in a week, I am up almost 20 lbs. Sooooooo, there you have it. I am tearing up as I write this. I feel like such a failure and like I am going to fail this band too. But I can turn this around, I think. It's only 20 lbs and not all 126 if I stop it now.

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Lori - Don't cry - you aren't a failure - you've been side tracked that's all - your head keeps telling you - it' ok you can eat this cuz you got to goal and maintained it for a while and now you can go back to eating normal and you don't have to work out..

But it just doesn't work out that way - it's really something you are going to have to do for a lifetime..

It's work and it's hard work - and after a while you get tired of working so hard - always planing always thinking should I or shouldn't I eat this or that - what the hell - I'm tired - I'm frustrated - I want it.. I have these same exact feeling.. It's the reason that I read every label before I buy or eat something - when I want candy - I think is that 230 cal or more - worth it.. I've been wanting Oreo's like I said earlier - but I won't buy them - cuz I will eat them all ..

When I cook dinner - I always make enough for my lunch the next day - all week I have been eating bbq chicken and salad and ya I think won't it be nice to have a bowl of mashed potaotes loaded w/butter..

I sometimes feel I come down too hard on everyone.. But This is how hard on am on me - I can not allow myself to lose my motivation - it's what keeps me on track - I remind my self daily that too many treats or skipping the gym is going to get be back to where I was 3 yrs about - every time I put on a pair of pants in the morning - I think they aren't going to zip up - I am afraid of waking up tomorrow and weigh 250 lbs..

You just have to get a routine and not let anything interfere with it.. Yes life does happen - but you can't let the stupid little excuses get in the way... You gotta start watching what you are eating (what are you eating) - How's your restriction.

Quit buying the fritos (or is that charlene ;0) if you don't buy them you can't eat them - when you want them read the # of serving in that bad (cuz you know you are going to eat the whole thing and not just one serving) 250 x 4 = 1000 cal that's almost your whole daily calorie budget - that x 3 - is a pound..

I know you don't like being in UT - but are you going to let that be the reason you put your weight back on- what's that going to do - think of food as your drug - I know you would never do drugs - but you are you are feeding your addiction legally w/food - so think of those frito's as mj - you would never smoke a joint - so why would you eat fritos - they are essentially the same thing - your drug of choice..

Hell you are going to need that energy to play w/your grandbaby - You are going to want to run/play with him/or her - that him or her to Disneyland - well you can't do that if you are back at 300 lbs - hell you won't be around to see the baby or enjoy watching it grow up..

If you aren't going to do it for you - then do it for your grandbaby - you want to set a good example with healthy eating - you want to be around to watch them grow up and enjoy them..

So tomorrow - clean out the kitchen of the junk - make a menu of healthy foods - shop for it then make a calender and put it on your desk or fridge and say - ok Monday - Tues - Wed - Thurs gym - (or what ever 4 days you want) but write it down - Monday treadmill - Tuesday weights - Wed a Class..

And you start now - not after vegas that a whole 5 wasted days another lbs added -

Pple are always waiting till after the holidays to start their programs - well buy then they have gained another 5 lbs..

Start now - put the brakes on tonite - this second - ok you are sick from too much popcorn - you are disgusted w/yourself - well gf we can't change what you did earlier today but what we can do is change what you are going to do from this moment forward - and that's getting back on track..

Like I said - I love all you and I to me sometime I really seem to be harping all the time - and that's why I lay off - I know you all have to get sick of me

and I feel that sometimes I am putting shame on you and I don't mean to - I just want you to pull up the bootstrap and go forward..

No one's a failure - we are fighting an addiction - food has always been our BFF's - but that bff is killing you - it's not really comforting you - it makes you feel worse after you ate it - so say screw you - I'm not caving into you..

This is also why exercise is so important - if you exercise (build muscle) you can have a treat and not worry about gaining..

So how about it - Follow what you would tell me if I just wrote your post - what would you tell me to do.. Follow that advice - you know what you are doing wrong - you know what you need to do to fix it..

Also - this statement . But I can turn this around, I think. It's only 20 lbs and not all 126 if I stop it now.

What' wrong with it !!! You CAN turn it around and as we all know that ONLY will turn into 100 before we know it - so as of right now you are going to throw on the brakes and not let that 20 lbs go any further - and you are going to get those 20 lbs off by 1/1/11 - Deal :lol:

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Great - aka Long - here's some post from the past - maybe they will bring back that feeling you had when you joined this thread - you have been w/me since 5/29/08 - you were my 2nd poster

Great – this is my 1st post to you on 5/29/08 you asked if I told or not ;0)


I told my office and then the word spread - my friends knew and my family - no one gave me any guff - in fact they were all happy for me and I am the type of person who doesn't care what others think - I do want I want to do (old catholic school rebel in me still ) I figure I am grown I was the one paying for it (well what insurance didn't cover and my doc has a program fee).

It's really a personal decision - and only you can make that choice but I would say from what I have gathered over the last yr it's probably 50/50 who tells and who doesn't.

If you are going to face disapproval and family gossip and that's going to bug you don't tell - but if you can deal with it then tell - this is about what you want to do for you to become a healthier person and extend your life..

My 2nd Post to you on 5/30


Originally Posted by Long2bThin


Did you lose all 97 lbs just since your surgery in July? OR had you lost some before? Regardless that is impressive. I keep hearing statistics that you lose so much slower than with RNY surgery, which sortta didn't make sense to me since both surgeries have the small pouch.

How soon after surgery did you exercise? And were you able to do much at your highest weight? Right now my knees hurt, I get out of breath so quick etc. I know that will improve as I lose, but also that I need to exercise to lose. Catch 22!!

I have lost the 97 lbs since surgery...

My doc says that I have lost weight like a bypass patient - That I am his star patient

It's not the size of the pouch - The diff between bypass & band is that bypass pple don't absorb their calories (cutting of the intestines) were we as banders still absorb our calories. That's why they tend to lose weight faster ..

I didn't start exercising till my 6 week ck up I think.. I started out slowly like a 20-25 minute miles and I would go 4-5 days a week - then each week I would increase speed - and time and incline - I HATED exercise - I would take the elevator before the stairs. So I have gone from total slug bug to a person who goes to the gym 3-4 days a week and has a trainer

(weight 2 x week - Treadmill 3 miles 2 x week)

It all boils to to your food choices - I would say that I had baked fish for the first 8 months most nights for dinner - along with veggies and 1/2 c rice - I eat out maybe once a month if that. I have drank maybe 5 or 6 times during these 10 months - I eat healthy 98% of the time - low fat and mostly sugar free and limited starches -

I have been very good even when I didn't have much restriction (and I don't believe in being super tight) I would eat maybe 2 cups max and one cup would be veggie -

I really haven't cheated or binged on anything since I was banded - During Christmas I said no to all the sweets that were in my office - I make xmas Cookies with DGDs - so when I did this I allowed myself 10 cookie - which I ate over a 5 day period and I budgeted those calories into my daily calorie budget - I did not gain one lbs during the holidays -I lost even if it was only 1/2 of a pound.

I am truly dedicated to losing this weight to being healthier and prolonging my life - this is no longer a friggin game - this is real life

Do I want to continue to eat and die fat and unhappy as the quality of my life was the sh*ts (to tired to do anything - ashamed of the way I looked)

The 50's is the new 30's and that's how I feel now - I no longer say - oh I don't care - I will just eat - well now i care and I won't keep putting all those high calorie - high fat & sugar foods into my mouth - and if I do indulge - it's a slice of cake not the whole damn thing. And I now go and exercise - if I want to eat and maintain this weight I MUST/WILL continue to exercise 3 - 4 times a week..

It's all about being accountable to you and that you are worth being accountable to or for - you are worth the work - you are better than the excuses you give your self why you can't do it - the only reason that you can't is cuz you think you can't - If you think you can you will

I am a firm believer in positive affirmations - take the words hope and try out of your vocabulary and replace them with WILL.

We aren't going to die from being a little hungry from time to time - but we are going to die for sure if we keep feeding our faces.

Also a key to my success has been planing and preparing - I bring my lunch 99% of the time I fix it on Sunday night - I bring my Breakfast to work - when I shop on Saturdays - I read labels as to serving sizes and calories for that serving size.

I bought a scale to weigh and measure my foods in the beginning cuz I didn't really know what 4 oz of meat was. I can now look at it and tell.

I don't keep tempting foods in the house and if I find myself over eating something - I throw it away..

Ok - I gotta get back to work - so there is part of my story... to continue later

Your post to me on 6/5 – I sent a post cking up on you cuz you hadn’t posted

Thanks for checking up on me. I'm a little nervous right now. I leave for the hospital in 30 min. and am killing time on the computer! But I am very excited. Today is the first day of the rest of my life!!!!!!!!! And I am now down over 20 lbs from my highest!! and that's before band, of course 2 days of Clear liquids helped with that!

Great – your post to me on 2/2/09

Wow, Janet, you are really on today, great info here. I can't really add much more to my story that you haven't already posted. For me, it's become a way of life. I feel stronger and more confident with every pound I lose and more and more determined to never go back to that way of life again. Also I was self pay and paid big bucks for this surgery and that keeps me on track too. Even if I cave to head hunger, always try to make it Protein first. That helps if you can do that. Junk food unfortunately as you know, Bonnie, slides right through and you never really get that full feeling.

Post on 2/3/09

Just booked my 100 lb reward...A Meditteranean cruise!! We sail from Barcelona on May 10th. WOO HOO!!! DH had promised me this cruise about 3 or 4 yrs ago one time when I was crying on his shoulder about my weight and he said if you ever lose 100 lbs..... And here I am!! Got a fantastic deal too, can't wait! Oh the new clothes I am going to need!!

Go back re-read your old post - remember the feelings you had then - remember how strong your felt - !!!

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Oh Janet, how I love you! The time you took to write that post to me and look up some of my previous ones, I am so touched that someone even cares. You are so right, I can do this. I opened up my mind to some stinkin thinkin because I was feeling down about losing my 'grip' and it just got me spiralling downward. When I turn this around, I can look back and feel good about how I did and what I learned. I had such a grip on things in Denver before I moved. I had my routine, moving and starting afresh in a new place just threw me for a loop, I felt sorry for myself and well you know the rest. But I can make a new routine and I need to dump the all or nothing type thinking. I was white knuckling it too much instead of enjoying the journey. Yeah, it's me and the stupid Fritos. They are gone. I really don't have any junk in the house, I would just go buy a bag at a time. DH is gone for the weekend, so it's just me to feed this weekend. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for caring! You don't know how close I came to cancelling Las Vegas because I was so ashamed, but it's just what I need right now.

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Janet and Lori, I love you both so much - a week from right now we'll be sitting in person talking - can't wait. Janet you are the greatest -- and Lori, please don't be too hard on yourself -- it's been a tough few months for you but Janet is right - you CAN and you WILL do this. We're all in this together.


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Oh my yes, Lori, I think you and I really truly need the Vegas trip -- we missed out on Florida - so please do not cancel - I'd be heartbroken!!

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Girlfriend !!!!

If you had

freaking cancelled

I would come to UT and kick your BUTT...



Don't be ashamed!!! That's why at times I don't harp cuz - I don't want pple to feel that way..

We have an addiction and with what you have been through w/this move - it's so easy to slip back..

What is important is that you stop this spiral now - not tomorrow not next week - right this second..

We are here for each other !!!

That's what this thread is about !

Yep Linda - This time next week we will all be together - it's going to be a FABULOUS WEEKEND !!

Love to all my peeps..:wub:

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Janet - I'm arriving @ 6 pm on Thursday, Sept 30th. Can't wait to meet you and everyone else.

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Lori - you better be there. I want and need to meet you. I agree with Janet - don't even think about canceling.

I have been MIA with tons of family issues. Can't wait for Vegas and MY TIME.

I'LL BE there on Thursday and available to store luggage or whatever is needed. Can hardly wait to meet everyone.

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Oh Janet, how I love you! The time you took to write that post to me and look up some of my previous ones, I am so touched that someone even cares. You are so right, I can do this. I opened up my mind to some stinkin thinkin because I was feeling down about losing my 'grip' and it just got me spiralling downward. When I turn this around, I can look back and feel good about how I did and what I learned. I had such a grip on things in Denver before I moved. I had my routine, moving and starting afresh in a new place just threw me for a loop, I felt sorry for myself and well you know the rest. But I can make a new routine and I need to dump the all or nothing type thinking. I was white knuckling it too much instead of enjoying the journey. Yeah, it's me and the stupid Fritos. They are gone. I really don't have any junk in the house, I would just go buy a bag at a time. DH is gone for the weekend, so it's just me to feed this weekend. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for caring! You don't know how close I came to cancelling Las Vegas because I was so ashamed, but it's just what I need right now.

WHAT!!! Don't you even think about canceling!!!! If you cancel.......I will cancel!!! Don't listen to the shame devil. He is trying to destroy your victory. Take Janet's advice.........CLEAN OUT YOUR FRITOS!!!. Look, I know exactly what you are going through. Change triggers those old eating habits. I have had a couple of bad days this week too. I just know I have to go weigh next week and listen to a dietitian which puts a crimp in my "graze".

Just Say No.....To The Frito!!!!!

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Wow, what a supportive group we have. food is an addiction and there are times that we will stumble but we must pick ourselves up and recover. It is wonderful to have a place to come and discuss our struggles with others who have experienced the same things.

Cheri- I agree with you that nobody knows our bodies or limitation like we do. We should never allow a trainer or therapist to push us too fast too soon. We are our own best advocate. I will say however, I would not be where I am without my trainer. She does encourage and push me but never too far. I have learned that people in authority aren’t the final word when it comes to me and my health. If I am not happy with a doctor I find another; same with a trainer. We are all different and sometimes we have to move on to find the perfect match. I lucked out and am working with a trainer who is a good fit for me.

I have a busy day ahead of me. We are celebrating my father’s 85 birthday tomorrow. I am spending the day cooking as he wants to have his party at home. I had hoped to have it at a restaurant but it is his day and will do what he asks. He wanted lasagna and eggplant parmesan. I made meatballs, sausage and gravy last night and will make the lasagna and eggplant today. Tomorrow, I can just put the pans in the oven and enjoy the day. I have a 5K run in the morning tomorrow so this kind of a make ahead menu works well.

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Oh, my, Lori, you can't cancel. No one is going to judge you so you get your back side there. We all struggle with one thing or the other....it's part of life.

Sorry, I've been tired when I get home (I've also walked a couple of nights after work and then I'm really tired) so I haven't been getting on line. Yes, I'm working a lot trying to catch up and not leave a mess for the person taking my area. She worries and is not confident she can do my area. She has been an engineer for years, like 20 years, and I've been one for 2 1/2 years. I have a lot of outside experience as a net tech (I used to install and repair phones and work on the air pressure system) so I have a different perspective than most of the other engineers. Anyway, she'll do fine, just don't want to leave a mess for her. We took a 1/2 day on Friday and looked at the jobs I had downtown then Monday we'll the other jobs so she at least has some clue about them.

I walked last night and woke up at 3:15 and can't go back to sleep, so I'm catching up now. I still haven't had my hair done. My guy has a knee problem so I guess I'll be seeing his wife today at 3:30. Oh well, I need to have it done before Vegas.

Sorry this post is all about me...I'll catch up with posting one of these days. I'm really looking forward to meeting with you all. I should be there around 1-2 pm. It depends on what time I leave Phoenix. I will try and get out of there as early as I can. I'm spending the night at my brother's and he has to work Friday, so I should be gone by 8am..and I think it's a 6 hour drive, so we'll see. Call me when you all get together and we can make a plan to meet maybe or at least I can tell you where I'm at. Janet and Phyl are closer than I am.

I think I can sleep again. I'll try and catch up again later.


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Good Morning Gang..

Well the family drama hit me last night

OMG - Joseph calls at 1 a.m. I (think) - Story he got in a fight w/friend (all do to drinking) then Melissa and the kids left - and wouldn't answer the phone -

Joseph has a tempter and drinking isn't a good thing - they did the right thing - but why are they calling me at 1 a.m. when I'm 400 miles away...

Joseph wanted me to call Melissa to tell her to come home - Kaitlin calls me to tell me their side of the story- I told both of them why in the hell are you guys calling me - I can't do anything.

Joseph calls back wants divorce and to move home (w/me) I said HELL FREAKING NO.. You can get divorced but you aren't living w/me.. If he came back to Indio - he would go back to his old life (drugs)..

I feel bad this morning for being short w/Kaitlin - but what the hell - what am I suppose to do - I was in a sound sound sleep..

I was sleeping so good - when i got these calls - I ended up taking the phone off the hook cuz stupid childish drunk Joseph kept calling me..

Was able to go back to sleep - dogs got me up at 5;25 - but I went back to bed and got up at 6;55 -

Well - today's plan - nails - get bday present - clean closet and that's about it - got tons of t.v. to catch up on - haven't watched Greys or detorit 187 -

Eva - I was shocked to see the time you posted since we are in the same time zone ;0) well you are an hr diff ;0) I figured life was getting in the way - figured that work is going to be a bitch before you left. It's always that way - plus you must have shortimer mentallity - I know I would..

Sandy - I take it you are Italian ;0) meat balls & gravy ;0) us none italians don't call sauce - gravy ;0)... Sound like a great time - Yesterday would have been my Dad's 90th bday..

Joyce - Great you will be at the resort before us - be sure to tell them that you are with the group info - so they put us as close as possible..

No one is cancelling - do you ALL hear me... Not an option..

Not happening..

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just checking in before I head to the gym. Lori, I hope you're feeling better this a.m. Janet you truly are so fabulous -- truly, you brought tears to my eyes with your posts to Lori!! Whatever would we do without you? Joyce, where are you staying on Thursday night?

janet, we were posting at same time. Sorry about the family drama -- I agree with you - what the heck were you supposed to do? God, I can't believe these kids today and the way they want to pull us parents into their dramas - we never did that -- the last thing I ever wanted was for my mom to know any of my business. Geez I just don't get it at all. Sorry sorry sorry. Glad you said no to him moving home I feel bad for the kids -- poor Kaitlin.

Edited by ljv52

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my DS is heavey set -- I know I must have failed him in some way. Although he's a great guy and very successful, I worry, especially while watching Biggest Loser. He calls it "Linesman disease" (cause he played football) and always says "it's hard to be petite".) So, yes he has a good sense of humor about it, but I do wish he'd quit eating fast food. That's part of his problem -- his wife doesn't really cook.


Linda, you are not to blame for his weight anymore than his wife is for not cooking at home. Everyone is responsible for what they put in their mouths. And the amount they put in. I have a very heavy son also. But I have two children who are not heavy. My son who is heavy began gaining weight in 6th grade. His bones thickened and he got pile driver legs and couldn't run like a little kid anymore. He hated sports, was not a natural athlete, and was always very shy. He really liked food. My ex insisted on having junk food in the house and would often walk in with fast food just as I was starting supper. My kids always earned their own money in high school and I suspect his went to food. It's sad, and I certainly didn't set the best example, but I am not responsible for his food addiction other than that I passed to him the genetic predisposition for it.

My friends tell me to stick it out because it is easier to find a job when you already have one. I thought this company was something more than it was it sounded good I would be doing so much they really sold me crap.

Sorry to vent like this but I can't post this anywhere else where someone on FB might see oh and I have not told my DH cause he really stresses but my mother - in - law knows maybe I need to through in the towel and go back into retail.

Melissa, I have got to say I seldom hear people complaining about a job because they have too little to do. Ask your boss for more work. Tell him some of the things you see that need doing on the computer and the files. You have the ideal job if you can change your thinking. You can create it yourself. The boss may be seeing how you work out personality wise with everyone before he gives you more work. Prove yourself trustworthy and earn their respect and this could become the best job you've ever had.

QUOTE=IndioGirl55;1529802]Good Evening Peeps...

Cheri - What time are you arriving?

F9765 arrives 9:06 a.m.

Cheri - You have alot of issues and I would be afraid too - as most trainer don't have to do much to get certified..

My trainer use to be a body builder - Nurse - Correctional officer - in the Air Force and sales.. He has never pushed me and if my knee is acting up he lightens the weights - I think it's really the individual and you can fine good ones out there..

I'm sure there are good ones. But like you said, it doesn't take much to get certified. One time my husband was taking yoga and the instructor pushed down on his back and put his back out.

My own lower back is bad right now. I started stair walking at work this week and I did some bend and stretch exercises with the Kdg/1st graders to give them a fun break and yesterday, throughout the day, I could feel my back starting to hurt. I did nothing that was extreme in any way. My legs don't hurt at all from the stair climbing so I think it was just the couple times I touched my toes. Although lifting my legs repeatedly to climb the stairs may also have pulled the spinal muscles. Repetition is the enemy of those with osteo-arthritis. We are very prone to repetitive stress syndrome type injuries.

I hung from my inversion table last night and slept very carefully using pillows to support my spine last night. I think its the muscles around the spine that are inflamed and its not a disc problem. I'm not feeling nerve compression. When I touch the area it hurts, so that's tissue. However, inflamed muscles can pull the discs out of place so I'm taking great care with my movements today.

By the way, my cell phone # is 708/829-2842. Hate traveling by myself on the plane. Have to do a transfer in Denver that's making me nervous. I'm traveling very light so I don't have to check any bags. If I forget something I'll just have to buy or borrow it. By the way, I've never heard of a lap-band card. I'll try to call my Dr. Monday so they can mail it to me. Don't know if it'll reach me on time. I have no desire to drive down to U of I Chicago to pick one up.



Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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