ifyourstomachoffendsyou 1 Posted September 23, 2010 Hi all. Need to buy silly bands. I'm looking for cheap rewards for my students. Where do I buy them? Cheap? I'm keeping up with readings. Posts are going to be short for a while yet. I've been seeing various specialists because of the higher Calcium in my blood and the Sjogren's Syndrome. With my new insurance it is now $45 a pop to see them. Ouch! No more HMO. I'm now on a PPO. Some advantages, some disadvantages. Thursday is my toughest teaching day. I get the eighth graders twice. Kdg/1st grade class only once today though and they really wanted to earn their stickers. I can see them making progress, however slow it is. Actually, all the kids are making progress. Cheri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ljv52 2 Posted September 23, 2010 Hope red is not too much as I've been using it for quite some time. LOL. Jodi, I don't know where you eat in LV, but the most expensive buffet I've ever eaten at in Vegas was the Rio Seafood buffet - and it's around $35 or $40 each. Most of them are reasonably priced -- around $20 for dinner on a week night -- maybe $25 on the weekends. Jodi, I could also get in big trouble in LV -- I lived there when I was single -- I've never ever run into any of them when I've gone (and we go a lot to LV). It would be interesting if that ever happened. Of course, it's now almost been 20 years and who knows if I'd even recognize some of them? I, of course, (lol) look much the same. LOL In my dreams, I'm sure. Sounds like you know what you are doing and I say have FUN while you can. Enjoy yourself. Sounds like you know what you are doing with this guy. You just need to keep your mind set straight. Lori, the M Casino is a little over one year old - it's in Henderson and it's gorgeous (all Asian decor) and has the most wonderful buffet -- if you can ever go there I recommend it. If we had enough cars it'd be fun to go out there but I don't think we'll be able to. The buffet is just amazingly huge and delish. As I said it includes wine, beer, espresso bar, etc. They always have salmon cooked on a wood plank that I love. Laura -- your new plan sounds good -- a new gym sounds interesting - -the factory!! Interesting! Please don't worry about the me post -- isn't that why we are here? To be supportive of you when you need it -- please don't ever worry about unburdening yourself -- that's all part of our "problem" and "recovery" in my opinion. If we had always known how to handle our problems/emotions, etc. we probably would never have turned to food. I feel so guilty that my DS is heavey set -- I know I must have failed him in some way. Although he's a great guy and very successful, I worry, especially while watching Biggest Loser. He calls it "Linesman disease" (cause he played football) and always says "it's hard to be petite".) So, yes he has a good sense of humor about it, but I do wish he'd quit eating fast food. That's part of his problem -- his wife doesn't really cook. Melissa, glad to hear that you're job is going good so far. You sound happy. Joyce, if you're planning a fill, you might want to change your appt. as some people say flying makes them even tighter. I've never noticed it, but it might affect you, especially if you just get a fill the day before. LauraK great going on running 2 miles -- good for you -- soon you'll be running the whole 3K. Just keep working at it -- increase it each day by just a little and you'll soon be running all the time. I'm proud of you. Wish I could run, but every time I try, my new hip gives me trouble, so only walking for me. Good luck on your date -- so happy you're meeting someone new! Julie, so happy to see you posting and happy you had a bit of a better day. Yes, Katie is much better, still on the mend, but has already gained some weight and looks so much better. They are trying to figure out if this bacteria might be what was causing her so many of her other problems the past year. If so that would be great -- and we could thank mayo for that as well as they are the ones who grew the cultures. Her doctor told her today she can go back to work next month -- she only works part time, so that's a good sign. We've been keeping Aylah on school nights, but I think starting next week she should be able to handle it alone. Aylah has school only Mon. through Thurs. so it's not too bad, but it's plenty to tire me out. LOL. I gotta get home -- worked overtime and this has been sitting here for hours. Busy busy at work. Linda Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charlene K 1 Posted September 24, 2010 I just got back from my first session with the trainer. He had me on the floor doing core exercises........I know I looked like Orca the Whale. I had black and white blocked shirt and he had me doing crunches then flipping over and doing something else. Then I used machines....all kinds. He was just checking my strength. I think I am going to like working out. Janet, I am not a gym rat yet. Linda, that buffet and Casino sounds great......how far is Henderson? from Vegas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1day at a time 2 Posted September 24, 2010 Okay so it will be a week tomorrow at my new job and I am bored to death. The only person that gives me things to do is the owner. I have cleaned that place as best as I can for a warehouse. It smells better and dust free as least for a little while. The place is right next to rail road tracks on a gravel road. They are hoarders I mean they have magazines and blank forms from companies they do not even deal with anymore as far back as 2000. OMG 10 years I mean some stuff you keep for 3-7 years depending on what it is but not stacks of magazines and junk. I would love to straigten out the boss and his wife's offices but I can't. I know some of you smoke which does not bother me but the wife insists on smoking in our bathroom and I always leave wanting to take a shower cause I smell like smoke and I and grimmy from the dust everywhere. I mean I have to take Zyrtec everyday. I also love dogs but there dog is blind and is always under your feet when you are walking I am afraid I am going to fall on her. I feel terrible for complaining but what do I do? I can't really be on the computer playing games or read a book I have to be busy which I have played with the same excel sheets over and over again and read the same manuals over and over. Oh and they like to recycle stuff and not throw things out but when you are using a file folder (like the ones that have slots for each letter of the alphabet) and it has been taped glued and stapled to stay closed I mean give me a break I will by a new one throw it out already. Also they have an outdated computer system no antivirus really to speak of and they are using old versions of excel, word and powerpoint. My friends tell me to stick it out because it is easier to find a job when you already have one. I thought this company was something more than it was it sounded good I would be doing so much they really sold me crap. Sorry to vent like this but I can't post this anywhere else where someone on FB might see oh and I have not told my DH cause he really stresses but my mother - in - law knows maybe I need to through in the towel and go back into retail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndioGirl55 32 Posted September 24, 2010 Ok I just skimmed - sorry but it's 8:15 and i haven't eaten - I just got off the phone w/Phyl ;0)... We had a great visit... We are excited about Vegas.... Great - Missing from your air is Joyce - I remember something about coming in around 6p.m. on Friday.. And Linda will be in Vegas w/DS?? And I don't remember Cheri's.. Phyl & I should arrive around 1 ish - I plan on picking her up at 8 a.m and it's a 4 -5 hr drive (mapquest says 4.5 but you know we have to stop and pee - get gas etc) So where will everyone be at 1?? I have #'s so I guess I'll call when we hit town.. Charlene - avocado & fruit - ugh - I'm not a person who mixes food - I don't eat cranberries w/turkey or mint jelly w/lamb.. Might be good - but it's not something I would make.. ok I gotta go - I need to eat and watch some t.v. - sorry gang and I sure missed Jodi $100 buffett - will have to go back and re-read Make appoint for Tues 10/5 for your fills - don't wait - not a good idea to do it the day before - a trip - need to give it time to settle - but NEVER EVER PUT IT OFF ON PURPOSE SO THAT YOU CAN EAT WHILE ON VACATION OR GET UNFILL TO GO ON VACATION - pple do that - and it's so STUPID IMHO - why did you get the band in the 1st place.. Laura - WTG on your exercise Laurak - WTG on running - I jog a bit w/bella - but I will never be a runner - an most pple who do those 3ks & marathons done run the whole thing - I was shocked when I heard that - they are allowed to walk.. Julie - glad you posted - work is work - it will be changing again next week - losing Van's accounts - getting more of Pauls account (my main producer) which I use to handle in the 1st place - but he want's me to keep him posted on my work load - I know I will lose about 80 account that are all small and be getting who know's what and they are large acccount - but I will only be wotking w/Paul and he's my office husband - so it will be ok - i know how he works and he knows how I work - gotta go gang - will thry to catch up tomorrow night xoxox J Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndioGirl55 32 Posted September 24, 2010 Good Morning Gang - Bumping this Great - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) at ???? Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am. Linda ???? Joyce ???? Eva???? Janet/Phyl - Around 1 on Friday Jodi - Will be there Well not much to report since last night I remember reading last night (in my skimming) that we have a few off their program - I'll get you back on in Vegas :0) I really feel that I haven't dieted since day 1 - I don't think of this as a diet but as a way of life - both in my exercise and eating healthy... I am always mindful of what I am eating - last night when I went to Target after work (got my flu shot) I really wanted candy - junk sweets - but since I always look at the calories of something before I buy it - I just say oh no 500 cal ain't worth it (cuz I will eat all of it not just 1 serving) - 500 extra calories a day for 7 days is a pound gained.. I have really been craving oreo's - I could buy them then throw them away - but why waste the $$$ - so I just don't buy them and I bet $100 bucks that they won't taste as good as I think they will - so I stick to my 90 cal sf ice cream ;0) Well time to hit the showers - been up since 4:15 - dogs are feed and pottied - now back alseep - oh the life of a dog ;0) CBL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charlene K 1 Posted September 24, 2010 Good Morning Gang! I am off to Water aerobics. My back hurt so bad last night I took ibuprofen then I got up at one and took 5mg of flexeril . I think when I go back for training he will have to cut back a little on the weight. My back and core are so weak. When I did core I could feel pain radiating from my port.....up to my shoulder and down to my foot. Those muscles are Weak! Off to take Charlie to get clipped and then Water aerobics. Hugs to all today!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Great2BThin 5 Posted September 24, 2010 Sorry didn't mean to exclude anyone coming to Vegas, I was making a list of just those arriving on Fri morning that were going to meet in the airport. But it would be good to have everyones arrival time. I would think those of us arriving in the morning would be to the resort by 1 and drop off our bags if we can't get our rooms. Perhaps we could then all meet for lunch some place?? Not Jodi's $100 buffet though, never heard of one costing that much, wonder if they serve on plates of gold. LOL Linda's buffet sounds nice but Henderson is a bit away. Well DH got back from Houston last night, I saw him for about 45 min. before I went to Bunko and he leaves after lunch today to go hunting again. Thankfully this is the closing weekend of the archery season for deer and elk in Colorado. Next weekend is my turn. VEGAS BABY!! I may have a chance to go to dinner with him in New Orleans on Tues. night but am concerned about getting home early on Wed. as I have to start ummm.... preparing for my colonoscopy. UGH!! Oh and I won a prize at Bunko. Glad Phyl is safe and sound at 'home' in CA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ljv52 2 Posted September 24, 2010 MOrning all, this will be quick as I'm at work and busy. I am flying to Vegas Thursday and spending night with DS. I don't know for sure what is going on yet - DS is very busy -- he said he's taking 1/2 day off on Friday, but I'm assuming it's afternoon so he can drive me to the resort. I just can't commit to any for sure arrival time yet as it's all contingent on his work and when he can get away. Sorry I can't commit to any specific time as of yet. I'll be there as soon as I can as I'm so anxious to meet everyone! CBL Linda Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charlene K 1 Posted September 24, 2010 Hi peeps! Well, I made through my second Water aerobics.....I love it.....just like all of you said I would. Thanks for pushing me!!!! I didn't go to the trainer tonight because I thought two hours of exercise might be a bit much for just starting out. Everyone........have a great weekend!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ifyourstomachoffendsyou 1 Posted September 24, 2010 I hate to say it guys, but I don't trust trainors with my body. They can show me how to do certain things, but I find there's too much of a no pain no gain mentality and they don't know how to take into consideration things like fibromyalgia, trigger points (myofacial syndrome), various forms of arthritis, adhesions, and age. They push you too hard, too fast. I am very cautious with my exercise because even trained physical therapists have put me in pain or made my pain worse. Water aerobics put my neck and shoulders in pain because they were doing exercises above where the Water level reaches so the benefits of doing the exercise weightless with less strain were lost. The one time I had good results from therapy was with a therapist who worked with me in an arthritis pool with very warm water. He made sure all the exercises I did all my joints, including the base of my neck, were underwater. All stretches were very gentle and if he saw me wince he backed it off. You have to know your own body and its limits and not let anyone push you beyond them or you may pay dearly. I've learned the hard way that I'm the only expert on my body. Cheri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndioGirl55 32 Posted September 25, 2010 Good Evening Peeps... I see it's been slow today :0) I was super busy and will be next week too - getting my old accounts back - I'm not sure of the # but know that premium volume is like $1.5 mil if not more - I'm going to need another file cabinet.. But Paul did say to let him know how I am doing - not to get over worked - hell today an insured just sent me info for a 10/1 renewal which I won't be there for - I asked for it ages ago bugged them a couple of times - hell I got a big account renewed that's 10/6 and my other big account hopefully will have done Monday or Tues - but they both have tons of certificates to do - which is one of the parts of my job that I HATE .. and I mean TONS.. Great you weren't excluding anyone - I just wanted to know pples arrival times - lunch sounds good Cheri - What time are you arriving? Joyce - What time are you arriving?? Eva - I bet they are kicking your butt (work) before you leave ;0) Hugs... I am going to be in the same boat next week - but I'm not leaving;) - What time to you expect to arrive?? I just wanted in all in one place - I know everyone said it earlier on but don't want to go back all those pages and look for it.. Cheri - You have alot of issues and I would be afraid too - as most trainer don't have to do much to get certified.. My trainer use to be a body builder - Nurse - Correctional officer - in the Air Force and sales.. He has never pushed me and if my knee is acting up he lightens the weights - I think it's really the individual and you can fine good ones out there.. Charlene - LOL were afraid to exercise twice in one day - That's a good one girl ;0) You need to schedule them not on the same day then ;0)... You need the trainer - weight are good - just don't go to heavy - light and good form is what are important - not how heavy.. Great - How long have you been in UT now.. When you get back from Vegas - You gotta get into a routine and stick to it... You were going to the gym - but haven't mentioned it in a while.. Joyce - Maybe you can show me some good yoga moves ;0) I was impressing my bosses w/my down dog and some knot postiion ;0) - I do gym yoga not spiritual yoga ;0) well that's what our teacher says - But I love it :0) Melissa - You got a job - you got insurance - if you hate it look for another one but don't quit the one you have til you do have another one - If its so slow why can't you read a book - LauraK - WTG on Running - you and Sandy are going to have to hook up and run a marathon and we will be your cheer leaders on the side lines :0) Julie - How are you feeling today - whats your schedule on pain shots and therapy are you weaning yourself off the vicodin.. How many a day do you take.. Laura - How was your day - Doesn't Nelson have a competition today or tomorrow.. Continued prayers for the family... Apples we miss you.. Who am I missing - someone - but not intentional ;0) - I'm having a cup of coffee - was up at 4:15 today.. Can't go to bed at 6 and hell I would sleep for an hr and be up - so coffee then feed the dogs.. CBL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phyllser 3 Posted September 25, 2010 Great - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) at ???? Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am. Linda ???? Joyce ???? Eva???? Janet/Phyl - Around 1 on Friday Jodi - Will be there Well not much to report since last night I remember reading last night (in my skimming) that we have a few off their program - I'll get you back on in Vegas :0) LOL@@@ We really need to get those "Janet's Posse" t-shirts ASap, unless someone can come up withh something else... like "Janet's Chain Gang"! HAHAHA! I really feel that I haven't dieted since day 1 - I don't think of this as a diet but as a way of life - both in my exercise and eating healthy... I am always mindful of what I am eating - last night when I went to Target after work (got my flu shot) I really wanted candy - junk sweets - but since I always look at the calories of something before I buy it - I just say oh no 500 cal ain't worth it (cuz I will eat all of it not just 1 serving) - 500 extra calories a day for 7 days is a pound gained.. I have really been craving oreo's - I could buy them then throw them away - but why waste the $$$ - so I just don't buy them and I bet $100 bucks that they won't taste as good as I think they will - so I stick to my 90 cal sf ice cream ;0) Well time to hit the showers - been up since 4:15 - dogs are feed and pottied - now back alseep - oh the life of a dog ;0)CBL I've been craving THOSE Skinny Cow tRUFFLES but can't figure out how to get them back to the RV in anything less than liquid form in this 100+ heat!! Yeah, sounds like Zoey's life, too!! Earl gets her up early, then ack to bed! She was so good today. Took her to Panera bread, Walmart, and then for a scooter ride to visit at beauty shop here. Now she's sleeping again. Earl is really sick. Should probably take him to urgent care, but both of us have had 2 glasses of wine and shouldn't be driving. I think we better go in the morning because he is not getting better. I made him an appt wiith EENt for Tuesday, but he is pretty miserable and got very little sleep last night.b Good Morning Gang! I am off to Water aerobics. My back hurt so bad last night I took ibuprofen then I got up at one and took 5mg of flexeril . I think when I go back for training he will have to cut back a little on the weight. My back and core are so weak. When I did core I could feel pain radiating from my port.....up to my shoulder and down to my foot. Those muscles are Weak! Off to take Charlie to get clipped and then Water aerobics. Hugs to all today!!!! Sorry didn't mean to exclude anyone coming to Vegas, I was making a list of just those arriving on Fri morning that were going to meet in the airport. But it would be good to have everyones arrival time. I would think those of us arriving in the morning would be to the resort by 1 and drop off our bags if we can't get our rooms. Perhaps we could then all meet for lunch some place?? Not Jodi's $100 buffet though, never heard of one costing that much, wonder if they serve on plates of gold. LOL Linda's buffet sounds nice but Henderson is a bit away. Well DH got back from Houston last night, I saw him for about 45 min. before I went to Bunko and he leaves after lunch today to go hunting again. Thankfully this is the closing weekend of the archery season for deer and elk in Colorado. Next weekend is my turn. VEGAS BABY!! I may have a chance to go to dinner with him in New Orleans on Tues. night but am concerned about getting home early on Wed. as I have to start ummm.... preparing for my colonoscopy. UGH!! Oh and I won a prize at Bunko. Glad Phyl is safe and sound at 'home' in CA. You are a true "jet setter'!! Colonoscopy!!! I think I'm due for one, too!! Looking forward to Vegas!!! I hate to say it guys, but I don't trust trainors with my body. They can show me how to do certain things, but I find there's too much of a no pain no gain mentality and they don't know how to take into consideration things like fibromyalgia, trigger points (myofacial syndrome), various forms of arthritis, adhesions, and age. They push you too hard, too fast. I am very cautious with my exercise because even trained physical therapists have put me in pain or made my pain worse. Water aerobics put my neck and shoulders in pain because they were doing exercises above where the water level reaches so the benefits of doing the exercise weightless with less strain were lost. The one time I had good results from therapy was with a therapist who worked with me in an arthritis pool with very warm water. He made sure all the exercises I did all my joints, including the base of my neck, were underwater. All stretches were very gentle and if he saw me wince he backed it off. You have to know your own body and its limits and not let anyone push you beyond them or you may pay dearly. I've learned the hard way that I'm the only expert on my body. Cheri Good points!! Hi peeps! Well, I made through my second water aerobics.....I love it.....just like all of you said I would. Thanks for pushing me!!!! I didn't go to the trainer tonight because I thought two hours of exercise might be a bit much for just starting out. Everyone........have a great weekend!!!!! Me, TOO!@ 2nd day of water aerobics since we got back to the desert!! Feels good, but we do need to know our limits! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charlene K 1 Posted September 25, 2010 Janet, my DH just got back from the trainer.......he was dragging. I don't have a problem with exercise twice a day.....I was walking twice a day, but the trainer agreed it would be too much too soon. I am walking twice tomorrow.......no gym. We have to work at church. We are moving from a 300 seat auditorium to a 1000 seat auditorium. Lots of stuff to move. Are you going to the gym this weekend? Phyl, good for you. Yep, I love it! I think we are all in our 50, 60, and 70's. A real nice bunch of ladies. Weird that the people in the morning are real young college age kids or old farts like us. Then in the evening it is a mixed bag of people. Linda.......so cool you get to visit with your DS this coming week. I hope we get to meet him. Lori...... a colonoscopy and then Vegas???? You are a "mover and a shaker"... lol. I hope it goes well. Congrats on the Bunco. I love that mindless game! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndioGirl55 32 Posted September 25, 2010 Charlene - I was jking ;0) - You know me the task master - You will be getting your exercise tomorrow for sure with all that moving ... Yes I will be at Pilos on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. ;0) and taking Bella for walks - Bear & Angel can't hang but Bella needs the exercise and we even jog a little - LOL Phyl - Janet's Chain Gang ; If you go to von's or staters in DHS and buy them the very last thing and go straight home - oh wait - you live farther than I did - You need to take a cooler ;0) - I know that when it's super hot and I have ice cream - I have to come straight home and stick in the freeze right away and target is right across the street ;0) Yep you need to take him to urgent care tomorrow... Great - do you have to drink that gallon of junk - or can they give you something else - heck - I think now a days they would have a pill that we could take Share this post Link to post Share on other sites