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Karen - what time is your flight out on Monday??? Mine is 9:50 a.m. US Air

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Laura - so sorry your parents are having such a rough time. grrrr re: Medicare not paying for additional tests. Hugs - you are such a wonderful daughter.

Linda - 5 children are my husbands and I have 2. One of each are the problems right now.

We won't allow anyone to live with us. We will pay for hotels or apartments - but no one here.

Had a delightful lunch with DD and went to American Girl store again to buy clothes for DGD (7 yr. b'day) in Guam. I see I can take 3 bags, so there will be room. I try to pack light and have laundry done anyway and will only take 2 bags.

Perfect fall day in K.C. Spent several hours on deck this afternoon until I got a call from the office. Had to pull together information regarding distribution of profit sharing for terminated employee. Then hubby came home and asked me to revise it. grrrr.....

Arranged for limo to pick me up on Monday on return from Vegas. Young man I met at first lap band seminar. I befriended him and his surgery was just before mine. We have remained friends and he works for the limo company.

Time for bed.

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Hi all....

not really here...as it is holiday and well....shouldnt be online however.....Dassi decided to stay at my brothers house with her cousins and walking back tomorrow morning with them......am taking advantage of the free time and well.....here I am as she isn't here...hypocrite I still am....no excuse. My mom wanted to watch this weeks "Weeds and the "The Big C" so said uch what the heck...the holiday is another three days...lol Getting so excited about VEGAS..can hardly contain myself!!

but...before that....

While I was at my brothers...for dinner in the suckah

stole myself away and weighed myself.....havent in three weeks. yea me..down to lbs. Woo hoo lbs. lbs more till goal! 20 will be great! Although I am seeing some skin hanging and I dint like it! My arms are beginning to look like chicken arms..and my neck too!! My belly beginning to sag.....am I seeing the results of not muscle building the last month?? Would this all tighten up if you do exercise and muscle building? I l know my surgeon said I can get a Tummy Tuck when I want but would I need it if I did crunches every day and weights etc?? or would this happen regardless?

Legs are great...face is great except for chicken neck!! Don't like it one bit...anyone with any suggestions for this?? exercise for chin and neck??

I guess..ill live with it if cant do anything for these!! lol Hell better then the fat that was there!!

Apples glad your back safe and sound....I guess this was your last weekend out at the lake.

I already miss Fire Island and I was just there two weeks ago. That was our last week out. Not sure about this coming summer. The way things look now...not happening. Too many expenses. Bat Mitzvah party for Dassi etcetc. We will see.

Julie, I hope those shots are helping and you feel better soon!!! All that traveling for that and waiting it had better been for good!!

Cherri....Again I am so sorry about your student how awful about the brother and his apology letter....his having to live with the guilt for the rest of his life....is hard enough I'm sure...poor thing.

Phyl I hope you are bringing that Zoey cause she is def a part of this support group!! I cant wait to give her kisses and hugs...same goes for all of the lap dogs....hahahha

Julie, Good luck with navigating through the CSE. You can get all the information you need on line from "WRIGHTS LAW on SPECIAL EDUCATION". I would also recommend speaking to a free child advocate that is available in every state/community to discuss situation to help you navigate through the IEP process, how to proceed, receiving the correct special services and supports and tapping into resources that you might not know exist. I would never have known how to get what was needed....without an advocate for my child and I'm a special educator!!! Theres just so much out there and so many laws regarding special education and the amendments that have been made since the last laws regarding Augmentative communication I think in 2007. Cherri will surely correct me and give us the history...however my point is....get educated. You are your child's first advocate....you need one yourself don't leave it for the committee on special education...their policy most times is to give as little services as possible in the least restrictive environment with the least amount of resources You want just the opposite..except for the least restrictive environment but want as much supports as possible in that place. Good luck!! In NY can help and would love to but...know nothing of your state..so sorry.

Phyl...I used to use the Aveda Rosemary Mint....I loved those products...but haven't seen them around and since coloring and processing use Redkin for color processing. The blue. Love it.

Arlene...I am a "Bare Essentials" girl! I only use all the products. I love it. Ive used it for the past ten years. Wont use anything else. Its light and the finish is smooth and natural. Sometimes I just put on the foundation and nothing else....and its flawless. At 45 you want flawless!! lol

I even use the lipstick. They have come out with a pencil eyeliner however that I have not tried. I use " 24/7 urbandecay". Got it at "Sephora" last year and I love it. It glides on and stays on till you take it off with makeup remover. I used to use "Lancome" but when I tried this....it was like wow....I must have this....and the mascara is...um um forgot...but got it at "sephora" as well.

Joyce....all I can say is...as a child who is 45 and has yet gotten her life together...I am sorry. I'm sure my mother feels the same way about me. She is saying.."Jodi when are you going to get it together" I cant keep on supporting you" I hear it even if she isn't saying it....

Some of us just have a harder time then others.why? Ive yet to figure that out.....no excuse, it is just what it is....and I understand your child cause I recognize me in that picture. I understand you the parent and again I apologize for all the irresponsible adult children..and just want you to know as I tell my parents "it wasn't you the parent who made us this way its just us but please Ive us unconditionally, with patience and some limits we will be all the better for it". Thats what I can wish us for all you parents of kids like me. Don't write us off we are doing the best we can.

Okay....as for LAS VEGAS...yes I will be arriving the 28th in the early evening....apparently I will be going to see.....Cirque de solei "love", on Wednesday night and Thursday night "Phantom". I have been told not to bring clothes or anything lol. Really?? Really??? Don't think ill be doing that....I like my clothes and don't really want to be treated like some princess. Ill bring my own clothes...and if you want to take me out to nice restaurants and shows for three days great....but thats not going to change the way things are.....Money cant buy love...and trust and honesty and shorten the distance. I can see that since planning this trip nothing has changed. Its the same ole same ole even from so far away...

Bottom line....my life is so far removed from the wheeling and dealing of the glitz and glamor of the draw of money......thats just so not me....im about giving the money and helping.....not taking and getting. The philosophy of ours is so diametrically opposed that I cannot begin to try and explain the realm of differences here. No need to...ive already explained that this relationship was never meant to be..but how can I not want to see him?? Spend some time??? Id be so close?? Id never have been able to stay away. So....going for the whole...might as well enjoy!!! So I will. I know am whoring myself lol. Its not hurting anyone. He knows how I feel so not hurting him either...otherwise this wouldn't be right...but he gets it and is okay with it. (I hope)

So....as far as food. I'm good. Yes there are great Buffet...some are about 100 bucks a pop. Not really what I was looking at for one meal that you can only eat about cup and half worth lol. SO, am good for whatever...but am going on Monday to get that card from the surgeons office about the half meals etc. apparently he has one but didn't know!!!

yes Thank you Janet got the list of #s from everyone. Am so excited to meet you all.....I cant wait to give you all hugs and kisses and thanks for all your support and help over the last 7 months!!! Without you guys....I never would have gotten where I am today with my journey to good health....and meeting such wonderful amazing people along the way!!

Is there anyone else coming in early or will I be the meet and greet committee...I can go to hotel and pick the bar that we will all meet at until all arrive. lol. (next to the quarter slots)

anyways....I must go to sleep....will post before I leave Tuesday..if you want I can check the hotel etc etc

I will also ask Jeff about possible use of Limo service however I'm pretty sure that its one that is used for their company employees but will ask.....hey who knows.

I guess the shows were not interesting? He did say he can get discount tickets to some shows. Not sure which but if we were hed get them.

Well.....have a great night all....and again....this is me as a phantom....not really online.

Getting ready to meet go and have long leisurely lunches and dinners for the next three days with tons of people I dont know at peoples houses that are in the community that I don't know..but plunging into it wholehearted...looking forward..its time to get back into life after....divorce, um death of an ex? single parent stuff...etc etc.. Who knows....Dassi will meet more kids her age and I might make some new friends as well...what could be so bad??

Chocolate cake?? Wine?? candy? ??? all of the above??? Yes, but control. I am in control, I am in control. I am I am!!!

night all


Edited by NYSparklegirl

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Fly By I am at my new job things are good to far.I pray this lasts

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Good Morning Gang

Charlene - I eat avocados all the time - I won't have a salad w/o them ;0) - they are a healthy fat.. Swimsuit - I just try them on - I can't have the ones that are low cut - cuz I don't have any boobs - I have mostly bandau type. I walk all 3 but due to the knee/hip issues that bear and angel have they can't go far - so last night took them to the corner and back then bella and I did a little more not too much as I had yoga at 7:30 - Don't think it will be too cold to do the grand canyon

Jodi - Girl - as much as you didn't want to see this man - you are still seeing him ;0) - Enjoy your time and don't fret about it you will be going back to NY and he will stay in LV

Great - Green type - I thought apples was popping in ;0)

Joyce - 7 kids - OMW too many - I am glad I just had 1 and if I ever did find a wonderful man - what would make him wonderful would be no kid drama ;0) that and a job and treat me like a princess ;0)

Laura - 4 lbs - ate a hamburger - why?? Just cuz you could doesn't mean you had too - why did you eat the bread - you didn't really gain 4 actual lbs in 4 days - I seriously doubt that - it was Water from all those carbs - Ya the dog ate your shoes - what did you do leave them in the front yard so he could ;0) lol...

Hugs on you Dad - Cancer is the pits and as an NP you know this

Well gang only a week to go... I will be picking up Phyl about 8 a.m. on Friday - she arrrived here in the Desert yesterday - can't wait - Looking forward to it

ok time to jump in the shower


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Jodi, you go girl! I totally understand your thinking on this issue, been there done that. On with my life.

Joyce, hugs on kid (adult) issues.

Melissa, I forgot to congrat you on your new job. Hope you like it and the fit is good. You'll do great.

Janet, I be the dogs love going for a walk.

I was able to run 2 miles the night before last. Farthest I have run all together. I think I can make that 5k. I wish I had some one to run with that knows what they are doing. You gym rats are right it does get addicting.

Have a great day


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Janet, I have no idea how that post ended up green. It didn't show green on my computer as I typed it. So sorry Apples, for borrowing your color! LOL

Getting ready to go get my bones scanned. Fun fun. It's a baseline bone density test? I'm getting all the fun stuff out of the way, mammo on Tues., bone scan today and next week the colonoscopy. At least the colonoscopy and bone scan will be done for several years.

Jodi, $100 buffets? never heard of such a thing. Wow! I didn't mean that kind of buffet. LOL Proceed with caution with your guy friend in Vegas.

Can you believe a week from tomorrow we will be arriving! WOOHOO!!

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Laura - 4 lbs - ate a hamburger - why?? Just cuz you could doesn't mean you had too - why did you eat the bread - you didn't really gain 4 actual lbs in 4 days - I seriously doubt that - it was Water from all those carbs - Ya the dog ate your shoes - what did you do leave them in the front yard so he could ;0) lol...

Hugs on you Dad - Cancer is the pits and as an NP you know this cbl

:smile2::):mad: Let me know if the red font is too much. I had to confess, it's good for the soul. I didn't leave the shoes for the dog, they were stinky from my last walk and airdried them on front porch (instead of lanai) b/c of afternoon sun. Anyway, I bought new Brooks yesterday. Had to get men's b/c of my wide feet. Sigh. So depressing. Went for a brisk 3 mile walk this morning after the bus stop. I did lunges down at the docks and can already barely walk. I got out of shape these last two months w/o my trainer. Plan: 2 weeks of walking and getting some strength and then starting with a new trainer in a new gym. It's called THE FACTORY. The owner is the BF of one of the female MDs in DH's group. He's eye candy for the cougar. She's puertorican and he's black and in PERFECT shape and a cutie! They say he is tough but with the right balance. I need it. Trying to get DH to go, but won't count on it or push it. The hamburger was a homemade one, not that big. It's all I had but shouldn't have had the bread.(I did put a slice of avocado!) Point was that I was ABLE to do the bread and before was NEVER able to w/o PB. Thus decided on slight fill yesterday. Feels perfect amt. (I like to call it my choke collar for when my head isn't on straight). The weight was down 2 today. Took some senna natural lax. Feel so much better. Guess (TMI), I was FOS. :mad:

Julie~ I am so sorry you are still having pain. I can't remember if you ever tried the acupuncture? My chiro had a Chinese med specialist and he did WONDERS when I was going through infertility/gaining weight/had back pain. Might want to add it what they are doing. Thinking of you.

Apples~ I know you are gone to the lake- hope you are having fun. Next yr we HAVE to have internet for you there.

Jodi~I mean, the phantom. No lecture for me about Mr. LV. I have been there- done that. As long as you can sep. the head/heart, then have fun. I LOVE the cirque shows. During the holy times, can you have the DVR running? I guess as long as it is programmed ahead of time? I remember working at Mt. Sinai in Miami and the elevators stopped at each floor so no one had to press buttons. : ) Enjoy the time with Dassi. Sounds like you have great control of the exercise and eating. WTG! So proud of you!!!

Linda, Lori & someone else asked about the PET. The original cancer mets locations were cold. But there was a NEW uptake in the spine. They are recommending MRI, but his doc wants to repeat PET in 2 mo. But now, medicare is giving him a hard time. I try and support them (but even this last PET I thought was unnecessary, as it didn't change the plan). But can't tell them that. My parents are very sensitive. If I even go 1 day w/o calling I get on the "list". They are going through the toughest battle of their lives. They had so many plans for these years. They saved $ their whole lives and now cancer is robbing them of that dream. Dad said that 75% of his friends are gone already. At 76 he feels lucky to be alive. He said he won't do anymore treatment. Mom is crushed. I respect his wishes. So new mets is in the spine at T3 level. Clear as mud. (BTW, unusual presentation for return of CA. Usually with his kind would show up in liver/lungs/original tumor location.)

Melissa~ glad you like the new job! so happy for you. : ) hugs.

Arlene~ i wouldn't worry about the no loss with the new working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. : ) Just stay on plan.

Phyl~ Glad you are back. Love to Zoey (though I don't like dogs licking my face). Maybe That's why I don't have a dog! It's the licking privates and then licking us that I cannot handle. LOL

I am missing others- sorry. CRS. Hi to you all. Felt bad about the ME ME ME post last night. I am in a bit of a funk and trying to stay positive. I know I have so many blessings in my life. I just hate that I am not losing (and I know what I need to do and just can't get myself motivated to do it). I need to STOP being happy with maintaining. It's not ok.

will cbl............peasout.. Laura

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Jodi - how lovely of you to share your feelings from the adult child perspective. You helped to open my eyes to the difficulty from your side of the fence.

I'm coming in on Thursday and will arrive about 6. There are no machines at the hotel we are staying. A non-gaming resort.

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Laura - I'm at the same point. Have not lost since June and so happy to maintain. After Vegas - new plan.

I have an appt with my doctor on Wednesday next week. Think I might move it back a week to be sure I'm not uncomfortable in Vegas. What do you think, ladies????

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Hi there, think I can sit here for awhile and catch up.... I finally finished reading most all of the posts... I admit to skimming some... Sorry, but I was away quite awhile and there was so much...... I'm okay right this minute.. had a bad night so didn't wake up til after 10:00 this morning.. managed to do a few things, like dishes and make a peach pie.... They were getting too ripe and needed to be done.... I really need to swiffer my floors, but DH is off today and said he would help later.. I have therapy at 3:00....

Apples I believe is having her last weekend at the lake... Sorry your little piece of heaven is going to be locked up again for the winter.... But next year will be a great one.... Hope your dental journey is being easy on you this week....

Janet, You are so busy with work and working out, but you still find time for everyone... Thanks.... Is work better these days???

Lori, I haven't heard too much about the fires lately.. Are your kids away from all the smoke? Hope you are doing well......

Jessica, gosh I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis with Jacob, but now you have something to actually work at....instead of guessing... You will do whatever is best for him and he will be fine.... Your classes seem to be going well for you... Good for you..... How is the 5k training coming..?

Judy and Gwen seem to be missing...... Hope you are well and doing fine... Judy are you still attending OA meetings?

Laura, hugs on the parent issues... I know how very hard this is... I've been in your place many years ago.... Take care of yourself..... Your little one is doing great I see..... And your volunteering at his school is great... How is the job going????

Laura K, I believe you have become single again... Sorry if there is pain there.... But you are a strong woman and can find your way.... How is daughter doing in Nevada?

Eva, the time is dwindling down for you.... I'm sure you must be so excited.... Are you still doing yard work??

Linda, how is Katie... I think I remember that she was getting better.. Is she at home or with you.... What about Aylah...... is she still with you....

Joyce, I too, am happy to have maintained all this time.. I keep thinking that when I can get this pain off my mind every minute of every day I will be able to concentrate on losing again.... We'll have so much to talk about in Vegas.... Can't wait to meet everyone...

Cheri, you had a loss, but I'm not sure who....was it a student...? So sorry about it and how it affects you... How are your kids and grandkids doing.???

Jodi, I see you have been gone longer than I have been... You are so busy... Hope you know what you are doing with this guy in Vegas.....At least you know you have good backup in case of a problem.... We are some tough ladies......

Melissa, so happy you found a new job and hope it will be better than you imagine so you can get back on your feet again... did your insurance issues get solved with the new job??? hope so..

Phyll, are you home in CA now?? What a journey you had... lots of visiting and family fun..... You are probably tired of driving, but hope you have enough left to ride with Janet to Vegas.....

Arlene, how is the new baby....? Beautiful I know.... You are just so busy all the time, too....

Sandy, don't know you very well yet, but thanks for the good wishes..... Hope to get to know you better soon..

New people, can't recall names, but glad to have you and look forward to getting to know you better.. This is a great place with lots of loving, caring friends..

Thanks everyone, for worrying and caring about me... I have to get better one of these days... Wedding plans are still being made...and I still worry that I will be able to pull everything off...... But first things first... I have to make it to Vegas to see all of you wonderful ladies..... Have a great day and I'll TTYL.... Hugs.... Julie

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Julie, so glad to see you post. You did a great job catching up on everyone. Hope the pain gets better for you each day. You are amazing with all you do through all of your medical problems.

DD is doing good in NV. She is even volunteering this weekend. yeah! Making some friends at work but her weekends are lonely. Keep pushing her to find stuff to do. It's working.

Yes I am single again, he pushed me one time to many. His problems are not my problems and I can't fix him.

But, good news I have a date on Saturday. Someone I'll be meeting for the first time. Taking my own advice and getting out of my box/comfort zone.

The answer to all of my big sisters here is "yes I'll be very careful, stay in a public place, let someone know where I'm at"


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Hi gang! Whew! Rushing around today. I went to DSW.....they did not have wide Merrel in stock , but I found the shoe that will accommodate my bunion.....Easy Spirit. I think DSW will be my new shoe store. They even have Birkenstocks.....Thanks Lori for the tip. And for Land's End......I ordered a one piece. They tell you exactly how to measure. I am getting a bigger size than I thought I would wear, but I still have big deflated boobs.c-d.

Well, I had my face waxed yesterday, and for some reason I have a rash today so no make-up shopping till my face clears up.

I cleaned DD's bathrooms and mopped her kitchen. She is doing great, but the doctor told her to get more rest. She is still spotting bright red because of lifting the 2 year old.

Laura, sorry for the tough times with your parents. Hang in there! I can tell they really lean on you emotionally. HUGS! for you!

Julie, I know you will get better. It will just take longer than you thought. Take time for yourself. I know.....easier said than done, but really, take care!

Joyce, sounds like a good plan to me. I am going to get a fill after the holidays unless I start to gain. I ate three chicken strips today. That is unusual for me. The doctor said if I notice that I am taking in more food at one meal I need to get a fill.

Linda.......I just saw Drew Carey on the Price is Right....wow! I googled him and he lost it on no carb and exercise 70-80lbs. Good for him. I hope he doesn't let up on the exercise or it will come back.

LauraK...Congrats on the 2 miles!!

1 day, glad you are doing good.....again congrats on the job!

Janet, I am a avocado nut too. I think I will start putting slices in my salad. Have you ever eaten avocado and cantalope salad? cut and avocado up with a cantalope and put poppy seed dressing on it. Chill for a little while.......YUMMY!!!

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Good afternoon. I am home from my bone density scan, the gal told me the results 'unofficially' as the radiologist has to read them but my T score was -1.4, nurses is that good or bad? I also had a Z score that was almost -2? Guess it means moderate bone density loss but that is compared to a 30 yr old so heck who knows. I know since moving everything in my routine fell apart, food, exercise, Vitamin regime, etc. So I have not regularly been taking my Calcium. It's a reminder to get a grip on everything again. After reading Laura's post about the dog eating her shoes, I even tried putting gravy on mine so my dogs would eat them. LOL I wish.

Laura, I guess I got confused when I read about your dad's test result. You hear so much how people save and save for their retirement years and then something happens. It's such a fine line, saving for a great retirement but enjoying life along the way as well. It's part of the reason I supported DH is this job promotion/transfer. First of course the extra pay will go a long ways in retirement, and second the travel it will allow us to do now. So kindda the best of both worlds I hope. Plan, but enjoy the journey, guess I can apply that to many areas of life. Like plan my food and exercise but don't become so obsessed over it that I don't enjoy the journey there as well, which is I think what I did and why i lost my grip. I have always been an all or nothing type thinker. For example I was either on a diet or off a diet. I was holding on so tight to my routine that once I lost my grip I was lost. I need balance. Not sure where all that came from but your post really spoke to me today in so many ways. Also the part about stop being happy with maintaining. So thank you for your post today!

Julie, so nice to see you back. I pray that these new treatments start to kick in and give you some much much needed relief. Can't wait to meet ya.

LauraK, enjoy your date this weekend, sounds like you are being cautious, good job.

Okay Vegas gals, I think I have the flight info of those arriving Friday morning except I can't find Cheri's. This is what I have, please correct if I am wrong:

Me - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am

Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am

Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am

Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) at ????

Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am.

Anyone else arriving Thurs. morning?

I know Frontier and Delta arrive the same terminal, Southwest is different. They all go to the same baggage area but lots of carousels there. In the Delta wing of the terminal that Delta and Frontier arrive at there is a food court in the middle of the concourse with some tables by a Buger King, would that be a good meeting place for all of us besides Arlene? Then we could meet Arlene by bag claim?? Let me know if anyone has any better ideas? Perhaps since there's 5 of us we can get a limo or van for all of us.

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1day – Glad to hear the new job is working out. Having a job is a good thing, liking it is a wonderful thing.

LauraK – If you can run 2 miles you can do a 5K. Be sure to rest for a couple of days before the 5K. While running the race be sure to pace yourself. Start out slow and steady and finish strong, that way you don’t run out of steam. That’s the advice I got from my trainer before my first race; just last week by the way. I am going to run another 5K this Sunday. This time I am going for a faster time. Hope you have a great time on your date!

Laura & Joyce – It was good to hear about your being happy to maintain and motivating yourselves to get back to loosing. I have been at 190 for 6 months now and have been ecstatic to be maintaining. I need a kick in the pants to get back to loosing. Somebody kick us please!

Julie – Glad to see you posting again and that you are feeling a little better. Hopefully, you will keep moving in the right direction with your pain.

Great – I had a bone density too. My T score was 1.2 and Z score 1.8. I wish I knew what it means. All I know is the doctor said it was good.

I had a crazy busy day at work today. I am so glad to be home with DH and pup pup.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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