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Good morning, finally got to sleep after midnight last night.

When living in Vegas I always carried a sweater even when it was 115+ because then it always felt so cold indoors with the a/c. Baggage claim is pretty easy in Vegas too, it's all in one place for all airlines. Maybe I will pack some little shampoos, I always take the extras from hotel rooms anyway. Won't pack a hair dryer as mine takes up so much room. Do I need anything dressy for dinner?

Apples, I know your DH is home, but how did the moving trip with DS from Atlanta go? Is DS settled in anywhere?

Julie, nice to see you post, hope you are doing better every day.

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Good morning, finally got to sleep after midnight last night.

When living in Vegas I always carried a sweater even when it was 115+ because then it always felt so cold indoors with the a/c. Baggage claim is pretty easy in Vegas too, it's all in one place for all airlines. Maybe I will pack some little shampoos, I always take the extras from hotel rooms anyway. Won't pack a hair dryer as mine takes up so much room. Do I need anything dressy for dinner?

Apples, I know your DH is home, but how did the moving trip with DS from Atlanta go? Is DS settled in anywhere?

Julie, nice to see you post, hope you are doing better every day.

I am thinking semi-casual for going out for dinner. I vote "whatever".

DH bought an enclosed trailer once he got out to Atlanta for DS's stuff. It's still loaded and sitting by my garage. He had a 4 BR house and we have a 5 BR house so really just waiting for him to let us know if we store and pull to his next destination. He is job hunting, even though he has a job around here. Warmer weather is more condusive to what he does. He is looking at Pheonix.

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Good Morning Gang! Well, my two DGDS have colds. I dropped off drops and tissues. I don't want to get too close. I just hope DD doesn't come down with it

I am off to nutrition in just a little bit. Did I mention I am tired since Water aerobics? lol I walked this morning just to get going for the day. After nutrition is is pedi time. I think we are going to the gym tonight.

I am going light on packing for Vegas. What I am wearing, undies, nightie, and another long sleeve tee with a few sparkles. I am going casual, I vote "whatever" too. I wash my hair every other day so I will be good with just a little cream rinse.

Eva, I went to Zappos and didn't find wide. I will look again. I am going to try DSW tomorrow.

Joyce......hang in there sista! Kids can really rattle our minds. HUGS and Prayers for you!

Julie.....so glad you posted.......so sorry you are in so much pain. I wish we could fix it for ya. Shouldn't you just rest after those shots? When I had epidural shots the doctor had me rest a week before therapy. I hope you improve soon. HUGS and Prayers for you today!

Oh Cheri, the funeral must have been heart wrenching for everyone. Such a tragedy. We can take comfort in knowing he is resting with our Lord. HUGS!!!

Janet......you running late today?

Phy.....I'm clueless about Aveda products. I'll check it out online.

Later ladies......gotta go weigh in.....Boo!

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Arlene....good luck with the weigh-in and congrats on all the walking, etc. you have been so into lately. It's gotta make you feel so good.

I also vote no colds in Vegas. DH came down with a small one Sunday but gone by yesterday.

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Good Morning Gang...

Drive by as I am at work and need to get at it

Had bootcamp last night then came home and walked 3 dogs - it about killed bear and angel - they aren't use to it - overweight and have hip/knee issues - bella was just fine but heck she's 4 months - So my new plan - take bear & angel short walks then come back and bella and I will do 1/2 or 1 mile - they need exercise - so that I can wear their little butts out and they leave me alone at night when I'm on the computer ;0)

Then got home and Andrew called - had to run to his work for a second to give him $10 ;0) then home - I was really tight last night could barely eat - I think it was from the crunches..

Anyway - didn't sit down till like 8:30 so no computer time and this morning had to answer some pm's from newbies and get ready for work ;0)

Can tell Apples back 3 pages ;0)

Here's what I can remember since I didn't quote

Cheri - Hugs !!!

Rosemary mint shampo is a great wake me up - cuz of the mint - my old salon was an Aveda salon - I didn't like the medicine smell of some of their stuff - They do have a good hair spray though - Phyl there is an Aveda store I think right down the street from my work - Washington & Country Club and one at the River too..

Yep weather here is mid 90-104 - was 66 this morning

I figured Charlene had an accent ;0) being from Texas :0) my Mom was from TX - she came here when she was 15 so she lost it - but my grandma had a little bit of it when she said Hello..

I'm bringing coffee, Splenda, Creamer - and popcorn I think - may throw in some TP but we had 6 pple in our room in Feb - and if I remember correctly this time 3 is the most in a room so tp should be ok - I'll bring some Water too.. - I wash my hair every other day but rinse it every day - and since I'm driving home - I don't really care what I look like on Sunday

I gotta go find my leather jacket - must be in the other closet - Casual dress - jeans and tops for me.. food - I don't have card never have - I think I can go to lapband and print one.. Will have to figure out what's close to us - 2 cars - so we should have enough room - or maybe Jodi's limo will take us ;0)...

Oh Bella will lick your nose - eyes & ears :0)

I gotta get to work gang - Karen enjoy MofA I loved their loft - it's the best one I have ever been in - I was in hog heaven when we were there :0)

Ok - I gotta go... Will ck back later

Julies hugs !!!

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Morning girls...... I'm going to try to post a bit before the pain hits today... I'm trying to catch up on a bit of reading as there has been so much since I've been away.. Lots of talk about Vegas.... I feel a bit out of the loop.... Some one will have to give me the lowdown so I can be up-to-date....... Apples I fly from Bismarck to Mpls..... what flight are you on??? Mine is Delta 1751....arriving at 10:25....

Slept some last night but not without my pills.... I'm so groggy when I wake up.... Today is a home day.. I've had so much on my plate with running here and there to doctors and therapists and after medication... I'm just pooped... My house is dirty....... I need to do some things... but no energy.... Today the little girls will be here for a couple hours.....DD and DF have to go see the attorney about Mimi's adoption... did I tell you that her biological father agreed to sign away his parental rights..... He did it so fast it just makes you sick to think he is allowed to procreate at all...... I sure love my Mimi and wouldn't change her, but he gave her up without even a second glance..... She will have a good daddy now.... Hopefully papers will be ready so they can see the judge shortly after the wedding date...

Anyway, I will just sit and let them play, give them some lunch and put them down for a nap..... That's my plan, but don't know how lucky I will be....

there is so much to say to everyone, but I just can't do it today.... Need a shower before the girls come, so better get moving.... Love you all and hope to be back fulltime soon..... You all take care....... Hugs... Julie

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Janet..woohoo on the bootcamp....I get tight when I lift. Yesterday I did all that food lifting that I took care of for the benefit. Tight last night and today. 3 pages??????? Just junking up the thread....luv ya too!

I've only been to one Loft store. I will have to look for it. Most of my Loft or Ann Taylor were bought on the internet or consignment shops.

Julie...Great has my flight info and I have everyone's. I will PM it to you next week if you want it. All you have to do is call my cell. I get in at 10:10 or something like that.

Talk to you all next Sunday or Monday. Sending the love

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Apples we stayed at the homewood suites when we were at mofa - it was great - living room - kitchen and bed just as good as the ones at the Wynn in Vegas. Nordstroms was having a great sale - and they have a Nordstroms Rack on the 3rd Floor..

We did do a lot of weights yesterday - had 1/2 of ck thigh and some sf ice cream ;0)

Julie - Hugs hope this stuff you are doing hurries up and helps... You are in our thoughts and prayers..

Well tonite is 2 x exercise weights & yoga might not be back till tomorrow ;0)

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I love that Aveda mint Shampoo too -- I got it at our local casino a couple of times. Really smells good and my hair turned out great with it as well.

I went to Water aerobics this a.m. -- yesterday I went to the gym - can't remember if I actually posted that. Trying to get back to my "regular" routine.

It's getting so exciting to think that we will all be in Vegas together next week -- it's going to be fantastic, I just can hardly wait.

Julie, good to see you post -- sorry for the pain, hope you start feeling better soon - more hugs coming your way.

Joyce, sorry about the adult kid drama -- i understand - it's just so hard to deal with - makes my stomach hurt - your DH sounds like he's very supportive of you. I have the impression he is not the father but your kids' step dad -- is that correct?

What did you all think of Biggest Loser? I'm glad they made them do a challenge to get in - oh some of those stories were so sad - omg - especially that young man whose mother died and the girl who's 3 year old died of cancer. Made me realize how lucky all of us are. We have our problems but we can at least be thankful that we are now taking good care of ourselves.

Re food in Vegas -- I really don't care where or what we eat. But for those of you who've never used your lapband cards, it's very discreet -- no one but you and the cashier know what you're showing them. Once in awhile I get a cashier that will charge me only $3 for a seafood buffet that is normally $20 - they are supposed to charge the over 5 price, but sometimes they make mistakes - and I never realize it until my DH tells me (or I'd probably correct them). And truthfully, I don't eat more than a kid about 10 years old would eat so it's fair. Of course, there have been times when I only ate as much as a 3 year old too (when I was too tight). I don't have a problem with using the card and have never had anyone look at me funny or anything. When I eat in restaurants I usually order regular sized meals cause I can take the food home that I don't eat. As far as packing food to bring to Vegas, I figure we'll need to go to the store after we get there anyway -- for Breakfast items, etc. -- so I'll buy some stuff then -- rather than packing stuff since I'm flying. I always pack our small soft cooler in my suitcase to use to take to the pool so I have that covered. It holds quite a bit.

Cheri, hugs on the funeral -- so tough -- I'm really sorry for everyone involved. Such a terrible, terrible tragedy.

Arlene, wtg on the exercise! I can't wait to hear your wonderful accent -- I love Texans and especially Texas accents -- as a matter of fact, my dear son was born in Texas (I say that's why he's so tall) and I haven't been back there since we left in 1974 (unfortunately) -- I can't wait to retire so we can spend some time down there.

Well, gang, gotta get back to work. Aylah stayed home last night for the first time and it went well. Katie is doing okay so far so I'm keeping fingers crossed.

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All the preparation talk about Vegas is exciting. I hope you have a great time.

Julie, I hope you are getting better each day and that the trigger point injections start to help.

I just got back from the gym. I usually go straight from work but had another appointment. I seemed to have a much harder time going later. The cardio kicked my butt. Normally, I am ok but tonight I was such a wimp.

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Fly by...

DH on call. Nels was in a MOOD today. (He got in an argument with his new BFF today at school and the kid moved to another table in the cafeteria.. and Nels was upset the rest of the day.) To think this stuff happens already in the 1st grade! He has his TKD tournament tomorrow and will do the official board breaking ceremony. He was allowed to decorate it- made it a window with fire * think GLITTER!..LOL. He will be a fireman rescuing someone.

My neighbor's dog ate my workout shoes. SIGH. They were $100+ Brooks from the running store. They weren't new and her dog is old. (she offered to pay but I couldn't accept) I went and got new ones. ummm, Janet, I didn't work out today. TOMORROW I will. (dog ate my shoes, really).

My parents are REALLY preparing for the worst today, now that the news is sinking in. Dad told Mom he won't do anymore treatment if PET is positive in 2 mo. SIGH. She cried all day. Medicare won't pay for his repeat scan b/c they classified his CA as "terminal, Stage 4" and they think repeat scan is unnecessary. Can the govt add more insult to injury????!!! WTF.

OK guys. I have to send gifts with DH when he goes to Syria to see his Mom and family. WHAT can you buy from the US anymore that isn't made in CHINA??? Needs to be lightweight, small, packable, and really cool. I bought a bunch of magnets of Florida filled with sand, some little sea shells, Univ. of Miami stuff since DH went to residency there (hats, keychains), Jones of NY mini umbrellas (made in China, but say NY), Levi's wallets (made in China), kids were easy- bought Fisher Price stuff (won't break ever). Clothes are cheap there and don't know sizes anyway. Any other suggestions? I made a nice photo book for his mom with photos from last year.

Will write more later. I am so tired and hungry. Got a fill today. The other day was able to eat a whole hamburger. Gained 4 lbs in 10 days. I am going to start exercising again. I did read the posts but just can't reply tonight. sorry guys- but I do love you. Also, feeling sad about LV. : ( peasout.. LAURA

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Today was the first normal teaching day from beginning to end that I've had this year. It felt easy and right. Scheduling difficulties pretty much resolved. All emergencies dealt with--for now. I've whittled down unmanageable classes that were too big where the advantages of small group instruction were being lost. Especially with the very youngest and the oldest groups. My oldest group is eighth graders. Big eye-roll. Even three of them is too much. They have their own social interface. And I am only marginally linked in.

I've also got 4 first graders who should have repeated kindergarten and 4 who did. They are close to special ed level if not actually sped. One is autistic-much worse than my grandson. One has very major spatial issues. Can't copy anything accurately. Moves his hand in the opposite direction of what he wants. He's already 7 yrs. old and repeating kindergarten. Can't tell beginning and ending sounds at all.

I have all 8 at once on most days. Sometimes twice. Aargh. I haven't bent over to teach this much since I started teaching. I have to do everything for them, including holding their hand in correct placement on the pencil and moving their hand to accurately make letters and numbers.

Today I gave them sensory breaks and rewarded them several times with stickers for being quiet and doing the work. We got 1 page done in a 35 minute period. That was major progress. Aargh.

But it felt like I was getting the hang of teaching again without living in constant reaction to various emergencies.


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Okay y'all, I do have an accent. I got rid of it once when we lived in Hawaii, but backslid when we moved home. My son who travels said my accent is really country. At this age, I don't give a crap. I have learned to embrace it.

I weighed in......no loss. Oh well, I am expecting change with this extra workout. I did come home and eat some Cereal and crackers. It made me feel better. I think I was low on carbs, but I should have eaten a banana. Then we ate Mexican tonight. I had a little chicken fajita and ate my dab of guacamole. My dr. said guacamole is healthy......it is what we eat it on that is bad. I don't use chips......I just eat it.

Tomorrow night is with the trainer.....kinda excited.

Julie, It is so good to see you posting. I know you must be a little better. Yeah, it is amazing how people give up their kids, but he is giving her a gift. My adopted kids where given up by signing a temporary paper in the parking lot of the 7-Eleven. He was so anxious to unload them. Then we went to the judge a month later and swore we would take good care of them. You know that jerk dad of theirs called my DD and wanted their shot records. I sent them and found out later he used them to draw Welfare. Of course we turned him in, but they don't have time to prosecute deadbeats. It all turned out good for the kids. That is all that mattered. We are blessed!

Janet, My neighbor walks his dogs separately. One is big......the other is a toy. He gets a good walk and the dogs are happy.

Okay, you Southwest peeps.....is it too cold to tour the Grand Canyon in November? We were thinking about taking the tour out of Vegas Nov 18th. Too Cold?

Eva and Lori.....I am going to DSW tomorrow. Then stopping by Macy's for MAC cosmetics. I am tempted to go back to Este Lauder. They have a special right now and I do like their foundation. I also need a one piece suit for Water aerobics. What suit has a good bra in it? I need major support. Got any suggestions???? I know I will have to get it online now so any recommendations ?

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Fly by...

DH on call. Nels was in a MOOD today. (He got in an argument with his new BFF today at school and the kid moved to another table in the cafeteria.. and Nels was upset the rest of the day.) To think this stuff happens already in the 1st grade! He has his TKD tournament tomorrow and will do the official board breaking ceremony. He was allowed to decorate it- made it a window with fire * think GLITTER!..LOL. He will be a fireman rescuing someone.

My neighbor's dog ate my workout shoes. SIGH. They were $100+ Brooks from the running store. They weren't new and her dog is old. (she offered to pay but I couldn't accept) I went and got new ones. ummm, Janet, I didn't work out today. TOMORROW I will. (dog ate my shoes, really).

My parents are REALLY preparing for the worst today, now that the news is sinking in. Dad told Mom he won't do anymore treatment if PET is positive in 2 mo. SIGH. She cried all day. Medicare won't pay for his repeat scan b/c they classified his CA as "terminal, Stage 4" and they think repeat scan is unnecessary. Can the govt add more insult to injury????!!! WTF.

OK guys. I have to send gifts with DH when he goes to Syria to see his Mom and family. WHAT can you buy from the US anymore that isn't made in CHINA??? Needs to be lightweight, small, packable, and really cool. I bought a bunch of magnets of Florida filled with sand, some little sea shells, Univ. of Miami stuff since DH went to residency there (hats, keychains), Jones of NY mini umbrellas (made in China, but say NY), Levi's wallets (made in China), kids were easy- bought Fisher Price stuff (won't break ever). Clothes are cheap there and don't know sizes anyway. Any other suggestions? I made a nice photo book for his mom with photos from last year.

Will write more later. I am so tired and hungry. Got a fill today. The other day was able to eat a whole hamburger. Gained 4 lbs in 10 days. I am going to start exercising again. I did read the posts but just can't reply tonight. sorry guys- but I do love you. Also, feeling sad about LV. : ( peasout.. LAURA

Laura, did your dad get bad news on his PET scan? I thought the spots were cold.

Can you send food? Picante Sauce and chips or that is a Texas thing? How about Disney stuff......nothing more American than Mickey Mouse. Good luck on the gifts, and safe travels for DH.

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Good evening. Had a busy day with Bible study and lunch afterwards and then a contractor coming over to fix some doors. We got a little rain hopefully it helped the firefighters. They have it about 50% contained now.

Laura, I also thought your dad's PET scan came back good. Did I miss something? What about some candy as a gift to send, or different foods/snacks.

Arlene, I like Lands End for swimsuits. They have a variety of styles and sizes and for me being tall I like that I can get long torso. But they have extra support ones and even suits for masectomies. Have fun make up shopping. No need to try and have to hid an accent, we are who we are and where we are from. I get told all the time I have a wisconsin accent and I haven't lived there since the 3rd grade.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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