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Laurak – Keep at it. It took me almost a full year to get to the point that I could do a 5K. In April, I realized that I would not be able to do it on my own, even with the couch to 5K program, so I hired a trainer. She has helped me tremendously. I can’t wait to get my charm. I have to wait until mid October for it because it is not available in rose gold so the jeweler is going to make it for me. I am so excited; I have been working for this for a long time. I was, unfortunately, completely out of shape when I started and it took some time to be strong enough.

Laura, sorry to hear about all you are going through with your Dad. My Dad will be 85 on Sunday. I know, all to well, the pain of watching the ageing process. Hugs.

Janet, I tried a harness on my lab but it didn’t work out well. He is just too darn strong and I could not hold on to the leash. Thank goodness he only got away from me in class and not on the street. I have had to go temporarily to a pinch collar. I know a lot of people frown on that but I need some control to get the training process started. He has so much potential. I would like to get him into agility training.

Joyce, sorry to hear about your family. I hope it all works out. Try to keep your stress level down. I find walking helps mine – just a suggestion.

Great – Funny about thinking your troubles are over when the kids get to 18. My Mom used to tell me the older they get the bigger the troubles. As much as I hate to admit it, she got that one right. Oh my gosh, did I just admit that my Mother was right about something? I agree about the small dog issue. I guess I just tend to focus on big dogs as they heve my heart.

Julie, wishing you well.:thumbup:

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Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday! Got home about an hour ago. Long day already. Up b/4 5am and one the road by 6. DH and I had an appt and both had to drive about an hour to get there. Had Breakfast with him afterwards and then ran errands for the benefit the rest of the time. Had to travel to deliver ground beef and spaghetti sauce to the caterer who has a restaurant about 100 miles the opposite way of our appt. Lots of time to sing to the Bose in my new car! Good thing I didn't have a passenger. My dog puts his ears down when I sing. Home now and have laundry started. Waiting for the software guy to show up so I can reformat DH's card for the grain combine. Soybean harvest has begun and now the craziness begins.

Nope....have not locked the door at the lake for the season yet. Will do that on Sunday. I was just packing last weekend. I have as many clothes up there as I do at home. Now just have to find room for them again.

Janet....what a good GM/mother. It melts my heart when you talk about the way you stepped in. Also, shows what a caring person you are when you do not dog Andrew's mother and give her credit for being young.

Phyll...hope you had a nice visit with Eva.

Eva....hope you had a nice visit with Phyll. How was your hike???? I love walking...I just never post about it....not sure why. Just part of my day, I guess.

LauraK....just saying "hi". Gosh...wish you were coming to Vegas.

Jessica...hugs on the Jake issues. We had a way off the charts ADD son and a way off the charts ADHD son. We tried meds for a short time but they just were not my boys on them. They did not get angry but just "flat lined" personality. Give it a good try to see what you think. Stay in contact with Jake's teacher to see if it makes a difference in his classroom behavior. You might have to try a different med if the anger continues. Cheri might have some insight on this. Hugs. Sure with you could make the Vegas trip. Sounds like you could use a good break about now.

Joyce...sorry for the kid troubles. Once a parent, always a parent. They can sure cause some sleepless nights. Hugs

Laura...you should have called. I was probably just in the middle of a jigsaw puzzle, crossword or a book. Happy news about your dad. Treatments must have done their job. Your parents are living on the wall with this cancer. I am sure they just don't want to get too comfortable with the good news....if only they could...hugs. Gosh...with you were coming to Vegas.

Great...Good to hear you did not have to evacuate. Would have been a bummer. Hope the fires have settled down. There were some iffy ones in Colorado last week too.

Cheri....hope your week is going good. I am sure you are getting excited about the upcoming trip. You stated you have not travelled for awhile. Just keep our numbers handy....there's always an info desk or curteousy person handy at the airport. Not too many days till take off.

Melissa....hope you just love your new job. You deserve it after the stress of your last one. Peace of mind is so important. I would rather take a cut in pay than work under extreme stress. I walked from my last job because of it. They had numerous warnings that one person could not physically or mentally handle what was on my desk. 2 others had walked and they did not replace. I handled it for 2 yrs and working 90 hours most weeks. Not worth it.

Linda....gosh you have your hands full. Sorry to hear Katie ended up in ER. You certainly need to wipe your mind of things prior to this trip and just enjoy yourself. Can't wait. We'll have so much fun.

I know I have missed someone. Sorry. Can't think and have too many irons in the fire at the moment. My damned software guy better show up soon....starting to tick me off. Will talk to you all in a bit.

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Fly by.... volunteered at school all morning, lunch with Nelson, came home, ran to do an hour more of orientation at the clinic (they wanted me to do 5 full days with the NP)- just can't do it. Won't pay a babysitter to volunteer as a NP. (Plus don't have one that is reliable for long periods of time. There is a teenager that we will trust for 1-2 hrs but that's it. She worries me with the texting, etc.) REAL sitters want consistent hours/pay. They will just have to "use" me when I am available during school hours. Came home, got Nels off bus, then to TKD (last class before tournament on Thurs.) He broke his 4th board- Yesterday he had a rough time with the board, took 3 times and his confidence was shot. Had to puff him back up today. He's ready now. Made dinner (stuffed zucchini). Still need to do homework, baths, laundy, clean. Didn't exercise or even shower! I am EXHAUSTED. cbl...peas

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I got a slight unfill today. I feel so much better when I eat. Jake is doing good in school the past 2 days too. His birthday is sunday and he designed his own cake. It has chocolate cake, chocolate icecream with oreos in it and marshmallow filling. Got it ordered today.

Doc wanted to show me exacctly how much my weightloss has made a differnece. He had me carry 2 bar bells around a bit and put them down. Almost threw my back out. He reminded me that is what I use to be walking around with and I fought back tears. This journey is amazing and we are all amazing.

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Apples - Welcome home - you are so missed when you are gone - you need internet at the lake :0)

No reason to dog Andrew's Mom - Really she has always put him before her own needs - I had Andrew from birth til 2 when Joseph & Deeann broke up - then Joseph (still living at home) had join custody and we (ME) had Andrew Thrusday -Thru Sunday - Then Joseph met Melissa and they moved to a ranch house -Andrew still spent alot of time w/me - I think that's why when Andrew was 4 he went to live w/Joseph -(I was married then) as his stepdad - well was a step dad and she felt it would be better for Andrew w/his Dad - and then when Joseph was in rehab - she knew Andrew wanted to be w/me - so she let him go - just like a parent who gives their child up for adoption - Everyone in my family & friends know that even though I didn't birth Andrew - I feel in my heart he's my child and not theirs - they just made him ;0)

I love Andrew's Mom w/all my heart - she is like a daughter to me - and she loves me - we have to be careful cuz her DH gets a little pissed that we are so close even though we don't like hang out or anything.. He has the typical stero type Mexican male thinking ;0)

I love my DIL with all my heart as she has been so good for my DS.. - I guess I just love everyone ;0)..

Well back to work - have boot camp tonite and try and walk 3 dogs - don't know if that's going to work - may have to take turns with them ;0)

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Hi everyone,

Jewel, glad to hear you are feeling better when you eat - -I feel the same way - -like Janet I really don't need the band to tell me when I'm full - I eat the same things over and over so (except on those rare occasions when I do eat other things) and my band with .500 ccs less tells me when I get full quick enough. Don't need it so tight we can't eat our Protein. Glad to hear Jake is going better in school as well.

Apples, glad you are back -- glad you have one last weekend at the lake. Looking forward to our trip. Just talked to DH and Aylah is going to stay home tonight with her mom, Katie took her car home. So sounds like things are getting back to normal -- I'm glad cause Biggest Loser starts tonight and I want to watch it UNinterrupted -- with a little one around that just never happens. LOL.

Laura, glad you are taking a stand on your voluteer job -- and not letting them push you around - seriously if you had that much time I'm sure you'd be WORKING and making some good money NOT volunteering - I'm sure they will be grateful for whatever hours you can put in. That's one reason I never liked volunteering - you end up doing more and more until it's a full time obligation. Glad to hear the good news about your Dad -- hopefully with time and him starting to get his energy back he'll start to think more positively -- but that's hard I know. I think sometimes we are afraid to Celebrate the good news because we worry we'll cause something bad to happen. Which is ridiculous, but a lot of people do that.

Sandy, congrats on your 5K and on ordering your charm -- good for you on both.

Arlene, glad you enjoyed your Water aerobics. It's a great work out for those of us with Fibromylgia and other ailments. LOL.

I love all food -- but I wanted to comment that in Vegas if we go to a buffet then we have a selection of ALL foods (American, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, sushi, etc. etc.) PLUS they honor our cards by charging us the child's price -- I've used my card for buffets for the two years since my surgery and I always find lots of band friendly food and it's cheap. So I just wanted to throw that out there for all of you. You can also get wine or drinks at all of them as well for an extra charge. Unless you go to the new M casino buffet which is fabulous and includes wine, beer and espresso bar with the buffet -- its a truly fabulous buffet, but out in Henderson unfortunately.

My DS turns 38 tomorrow - that's MY baby -- can't believe he's that old. Ugh!! Where has the time gone?

CBL hugs to all.


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Sandy..Linda's post reminded me that I did not congratulate you on your 5-K....Way to go!!!! What an accomplishment. I don't run anymore....fast walk. Used to be on the track team in college. Ran the mile. I have long legs up to my butt, which came in handy. I loved running.

Linda...good to hear things are getting somewhat back to normal in your household. Hopefully, Katie will feel stronger with each day and will behave herself. If not for herself, for Alayah.

I didn't put my 2 cents worth in on where I would like to eat. I will eat anything/anywhere....why do you think I got to 249#'s?????? LOL. Anything is fine with me. I find that no matter where I go, there's something on the menu that works for me. Liver and lamb are about the only things that I turn my nose up to....oh yeah...and the rude lady down the road that always calls me deathy skinny.

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Janet, I bought a harness at Walmart. The straps under Charlie's legs( I started to say arms..lol) are black terry cloth material. The top straps around his neck are red like a regular collar. It is so easy to adjust. Charlie walks with me in the morning, but in the evenings there are too many joggers and he goes crazy barking at them.

Julie, Julie, Julie.......you got me worried.....How are you????

Eva, I tried on a pair of Merril's today. I loved them, but they didn't have wides......gotta make room for that bunion. Macy's doesn't sell wides.

I also went to buy some new makeup. A friend told me about MAk. Does anyone where it? Anyway, the lady was busy. I am going back to Macy's on Thursday.....gotta get my toes done too.

Joyce, sounds like the adult kids are circling the camp. Tell them you can only handle one drama at a time. I need to do that too. You heard of " In and Out Burger"......my house is "In and Out Drama".

Laura.......So glad your dad has good news on the Pet scan so far. I am sure he must have anxiety just worrying about if it will return. Does he take anything for anxiety and depression? I have a friend that had ovarian cancer in 1991. She has had it return twice, but to look at her you would never know she had cancer. She said she cannot live without antidepressants. They keep her going. She is a miracle. I can't believe it has been almost twenty years. She is 69.

Jodi, Happy Holidays! Enjoy your week. Can't wait to meet you.

Lori, is the fire out?

My dog has "arms" and not front legs, too!! LOL! She uses her front paws like hands! When we play with her little squeaky football... I throw it, she brings it back. Then if I don't pay attention, she barks at me because she wants me to take it. But as soon as I reach it she clamps down on it with both her front paws. She wants me to fight her for it! We have to play this game several times a day with one toy or another but the little red football is her favorite.

I am worried about Julie, too. Sent her a text message yesterday but didn't get a response. Did text w/Apples, Great and Eva though, while on the road and bored! LOL

I have 2 prs of Merrill sandals and LOVE them. Very comfortable. Always looking for another pair on sale!

Glad your Dad got pretty good news, Laura!

Makeup... I don't use a lot, but most of mine is Clinique.

We've had in & out drama a few times, but hopefully those days are long gone!! Downsizing is great defensive move for this problem!! LOL.... not much room for adult kids in a condo/RV!!!

We have a very good friend... folks we visit several times a year in Three Rivers CA, no under treatment for recurrence of breast cancer, now in her pectoral muscle. Had surgery, now undergoing 6 weeks of chemo, then after a 5 week break has to do radiation 5X a week for 6 weeks... and it's in San Francisco... about a 4 hr drive. So has to stay there Mon-Fri during those weeks. She has an amazing attitude! If anyone can beat it, she can!! Her breast cancer "morphed" to a more virulent type.

Charlene - You had me lmao - In/Out Drama !!!!

You will get stronger and stronger as each day goes by and you won't be so tired - that just goes to show you how much you need this !!!

Mac makeup is at Macy's I have some eye shadows - it's expensive - put the eye shadows do blend really well

Hell I'm a make up whore - I have mac - laura geller - smashbox - malley - bare minerals - loreal - dr densie - philosophy - covergirl - revlon - nerutogena - just to name a few items in my makeup table drawers :wub::lol:

And if you want to talk about hair products lol - can name a few of them too - but I use Wen to wash my hair - but have a million diff mouses - hair sprays etc ;:lol::lol:

Yikes!! I have to restrict myself because I don't have enough room to store a lot of stuff.

I ran out of Shampoo just before we left WA and my big bottle was already in the RV. So I pulled out a sample bottle of something I got in a hotel somewhere. Well, I LOVED it... so I got on the internet to see where I could buy it. I found a salon less than 5 miles away in Everett that sold it, so Earl took me there and I got a huge bottle of it. I love the way it smells... Aveda Rosemary Mint shampoo! Saw an Aveda salon in Buffalo and all three sisters were with me.. we were on our way to somewhere or another.. One was going in the UPS store next door... so I made them all go in and smell my favorite shampoo. Several of them bought something.. but not my Rosemary Mint!! LOL

Oh what an exciting life I lead today. First up the annual boob squishing, yep had my mammo but is going to take a while for results as they have to send for my previous one in CO, dummy me forgot to get a copy of my films when I moved. Then if that wasn't enough fun for a morning it was off to the UT DMV. Our CO plates were expiring on the Camry this month and needed to get those an while there decided to get my UT drivers license since that expires on my next birthday. That took 2 hours. I had to take a test. EGADS haven't had to take a test for a drivers license in years usually they just swap one state for the other if you have no violations. But since I had a license and no violations I got to take the test open book. How silly. For years I have had my name on my license and other legal documents as my first name, maiden name as my middle and last name. Oh no, UT had to put my middle name in there too since my passport had it (didn't realize it did) and of course my birth certificate. I never use that name and when I fly I am in Delta's system without the middle name. Now they have all this positve ID match stuff and your tickets have to match your ID exact and I have tickets booked w/o the middle name. I sure hope it's not an issue. He said the only way I could take the Ann off was to have it removed from my passport which doesn't expire for 2 yrs. He said it was a new rule as of the first of this year. Sometimes I think we've gone a little far with this identification verification. It makes things more difficult for the honest person and the dishonest scum bag just finds a way around it anyway. So guess now I am an official Utahn. :thumbup::)

Sandy, so sad about the dogs at the shelter. I agree about the big dogs, but then there's also the little dogs that these usually young gals get after Paris Hilton made her little purse dog so popular and they treat thing like babies and not dogs. Then when the little dog gets a little bigger and is a behavior problem because it doesn't know it is a dog they end up at the shelter too. i love big dogs and have two lab mixes. My son just adopted a jack russell from the shelter.

Laura, glad it was good news on your dad. I can't imagine wondering what the next test will bring. Heck I am a nervous wreck just waiting for mammo results I can't imagine if I had cancer and was waiting to see if it was coming back.

Arlene, soon you will be a gym rat too! Good job! I used Mac for awhile. I liked it but didn't like buying it, it was always so 'young' and exoctic at their counters. Since working at QVC and discoving Bare Minerals or Bare Essentials (same thing I think) I love that and only use that. I get it at either QVC when they have it as their special or from Ulta. As for Merrills, I have found lots of wides at DSW if you have those shoe stores near you. Also, Born brand runs wide.

Joyce, I was so naive, when my kids were teens I thought I can't wait til their 18 and my job is done. ha ha little did I know the job is never done. LOL It seems to take our sons longer to mature up too. And while on the topic of them maturing up, what's with them and video games? I guess I think of them as toys and my DS and DSIL are so into them still at their age.

Melissa, glad the job is going to be okay, youll have them organized in no time!

Eva & Phyl, are you meeting today? Just a week and a half til we all meet! WOOHOO!!

Apples, are you coming back today?

Julie, thinking of you. Please post when you can.

Dancing with the Stars, anyone watch? what did you think? I was surprised at how bad Michael Bolton did, but I really didn't like the guy that calls himself Situation.

Wonder if that fire was anywhere near my nephew's house. Forgot to tell you they finally found a place. Moved in a couple of weeks ago. Twins are due in a few weeks, but think they are doing a c-section this week or next. We had such a fun shower for them on Skype!!

I don't watch Dancing, but read a few reviews today and doesn't sound like anyone was too impressive!!

Good visit w/Eva today. Guess what??? There is a STARBUCKS right next to the parking lot where she works!! LOL! So we parked the RV in her parking lot and she walked out to meet us. Then she and I walked over to SBX and got our coffees. Earl walked over w/Zoey to meet us. Actually, he apparently was getting impatient because he thought we were coming back with our drinks, but I sat down in a booth so we could chat a bit before we went back. Kind of funny... windows were broken out and boarded up where someone apparently tried to make it a "drive through"!!!

I got a slight unfill today. I feel so much better when I eat. Jake is doing good in school the past 2 days too. His birthday is sunday and he designed his own cake. It has chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream with oreos in it and marshmallow filling. Got it ordered today.

Doc wanted to show me exactly how much my weight loss has made a difference. He had me carry 2 bar bells around a bit and put them down. Almost threw my back out. He reminded me that is what I use to be walking around with and I fought back tears. This journey is amazing and we are all amazing.

So glad you got an unfill... you will be so much more comfortable. Didn't realize how miserable I was until after my little "episode" this past summer!

Apples - Welcome home - you are so missed when you are gone - you need internet at the lake :0)

No reason to dog Andrew's Mom - Really she has always put him before her own needs - I had Andrew from birth til 2 when Joseph & Deeann broke up - then Joseph (still living at home) had join custody and we (ME) had Andrew Thrusday -Thru Sunday - Then Joseph met Melissa and they moved to a ranch house -Andrew still spent alot of time w/me - I think that's why when Andrew was 4 he went to live w/Joseph -(I was married then) as his stepdad - well was a step dad and she felt it would be better for Andrew w/his Dad - and then when Joseph was in rehab - she knew Andrew wanted to be w/me - so she let him go - just like a parent who gives their child up for adoption - Everyone in my family & friends know that even though I didn't birth Andrew - I feel in my heart he's my child and not theirs - they just made him ;0)

I love Andrew's Mom w/all my heart - she is like a daughter to me - and she loves me - we have to be careful cuz her DH gets a little pissed that we are so close even though we don't like hang out or anything.. He has the typical stero type Mexican male thinking ;0)

I love my DIL with all my heart as she has been so good for my DS.. - I guess I just love everyone ;0)..

Well back to work - have boot camp tonite and try and walk 3 dogs - don't know if that's going to work - may have to take turns with them ;0)

We're stopped for the night in Buckeye AZ, on the west side of Phoenix. We have a little less than 250 miles to go, I think. Earl is miserable because it's TOO HOT!! DUH! Isn't this why we came south for the winter??? LOL! So, I've been told that I must take my dog to the dog run soon so she can go potty! He got out my scooter as it is a LONG walk away. This park is HUGE! So... scooter is in the shade and we will be going out soon!


I can't imagine walking 3 dogs at once! Zoey learned to walk on a leash very quickly. And we prefer the harness for her. And Earl is delighted that she has figured out how to pee & poop in the desert when there is NO grass!! HAHAHA!! He thought we were going to have to go to Home Depot and buy some artificial turf and hose it off every day! But she figured it out pretty quickly. She really loved Eva and gave her lots of kisses. Her "meet and greet" involves licking both sides of your neck... if she really likes you she may stick her tongue in your ears! And then she has to circle your feet a few times. Not sure what that is about, but if she has a leash on, it's a real problem because she gets it wrapped around your legs!

Okay, I'm done rambling. Looking forward to Vegas. Earl has a bad cold and I better NOT get it between now and then!!

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Didn't you just love that Eva? One cool girl.

I love your Zoey stories. Makes me feel so normal. I always worry someone is going to think I am NUTS for the way I talk about my little baby boy. LOL

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Does any body watch Biggest Loser? It starts tonight. I watched last season and got inspired to exercise (on a much lesser scale). I will miss tonights as it is dog school night. I love that pup pup and would miss any TV show to get him to school. Funny, Apples calls her's pupa (sp?) and I call mine pup pup. Count me in as crazy about my pooch.

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I call Tanker my puppa, Sandy. I am not quite sure if I was considered nuts b/4 the dog....now I have an excuse. Good luck at school.

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Count me in as being on the couch watching Biggest Loser tonight. I love that show and have watched every season.

Linda, I like the buffet idea as well, I mentioned it awhile back there are so many really nice ones, not the cheap ones. But I can find something almost anywhere, Italian is hard for me but can find something. Where is the M buffet? I lived in Henderson (Green Valley) and don't remember that one.

Sandy, that charm will be so worth the wait and so inspiring for you everytime you look at it. Way to go.

Apples, so nice to see that green again. And Phyls blue too.

I call my dogs my babies or puppies. We have 2, I baby them both but Lucy is 'my' dog and Hunter is DH's dog.

I have a friend coming over to pick up a book, she's supposed to be here at 630, planned that purposely so I can watch Biggest Loser right at 7. LOL Hope she's not late.

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Hi all.

Went to funeral yesterday. Open casket. Big swollen head and face, didn't look like Michael at all. Hardest part was seeing his older brother who was involved in the incident read his apology to his brother. Man!

After the funeral I had a meeting at Elim with the other Discovery teachers from the other Christian schools.

Then I had choir practice.

Got up early and climbed steps at the school at 7 and then started teaching at 7:30. Finished teaching at 4:35, came home and ate then tutored from 6:30 to 7:30.

So not much time to post.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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