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I need help! I was banded Jan 2010. It has been 8 months and i have lost 47lbs!!! Not happy because that weight came off the first 2 months after surgery since April i have not lost a pound. Its very difficult for me not to have a few drinks on the weekends, even beer. Its also very hard for me to stay away from sweets. I dont know what to do!!! I wanted to try and become pregnant by january, but my weight is not dropping due to my lack of control.

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Hey all fly by post Started my new job today. Everything went well except the place is very dusty and unorganized. With my help they will not be for long. Also they so need to upgrade their 1 computer and there phone system.

Nothing is perfect. So all in all a good day did shakes today and tried a small chili could not even eat 3 bites and dinner did not stay in. Stress I guess but on what who knows.

All in all a good day.

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Hi all...

well its been a long last week and this week seems like it should be the end of the week meaning....another doosey week. Its another hoiday starting Wednesday night and beginning to prepare for it. My mother will be joining us so have to reallly prepare. Nice thing is we have been invited to all the meals out from Wednesday night till Saturday lunch. This will mean lots of food and lots of drink...and lots of no thank you...ill just have um um um something. Im at least confident knowing I know now what I should be eating ill be okay.

This is a big social holiday......so everyone invites people for meals to eat in their sukkah (temperary tents of sorts)We will be going to people we dont know most meals, my brother and one friend across the street..so will be meeting lots of new people from the neighborhood. Am excited about meeting new people, and now that I am in better shape, looking and feeling good...I feel good about these visits....

LOS VEGAS around the corner. I will be arriving on Tuesday the 28th in the evening...again will be staying with my friend Jeff he lives near the hotel. Did Joyce say she is coming on Thursday night?

If we want to see a show or play we can get discount tickets however I think the consensus is to visit and not see shows that we cant talk through. How about a club that has country music? Line dancing the best in vegas?

I will come to hotel in the AM or whenever to meet you all...and stay till everyone goes to sleep or till you all send me home.

Food...im good for anything. Not picky I ike food...Just need my Latte from Starbucks on the AM and im good.

Im pretty easy as far as entertainment goes....I can do quarter slots all day or can window shop. I cant really buy much as its been a month of constant spending....so just window shopping for me.

Will have a limited amount of funds...so food and entertainment....limited..but what ever we decide im sure will be fine with me. ill try to make sure that im not to tired out from the three days befores goings on lol.

It will be good if I can have phone #s and room information before....so I can find you all as you get here....maybe we should make a meeting place at the hotel something or other till everyone arrives...

Is there a plan yet? perhaps there is but missed it.

Im just starting to think about coming so much too think about before then.

Laura to answer your question about single parenting? This is how....one day at a time!!

One day at a time.....Glad the first day went well, good luck.

Julie..I hope the shots helped and you are feeling better. Tried to read all the posts and keep up with your visit to mayo and the results..had you in my prayers on Sat for Yom Kippur.

Food has been good...exercise not....cannot get back to gym....in a rut, too much going on cant get a handle on the routine, getting up at 6 and working full days running for bus...karate and homework with no babysitter....and all these holidays interupting the routine every other day it seems....I will get back into it...but not today and yes I feel guilty but am thinking about how to do all this...

also thinking about the trainer and thinking there is no way I can continue paying for that.....but am going to try some classes at gym...but not today....and I know if not today when??

not sure really....but I will maybe when I get back...in the meantime I will go and at least do cardio and meet trainer Wednesday. Thats at least twice this week Cant go Thurs-Sat as holiday.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday is good......I hope unforseeing any problems with Dassi, or who!!

I also...had a really bad headache this weekend..thought it was just the stress of the holidays, new school year etc which is true but didnt think much of it....but my mother said I should check blood pressure I did and called doctor hystericle...185 over 85. Too high...way too high hence the headache and slight nausea.

So now....what? dont want to take meds again..but if I have to I will....but the doctor said to wait a day and take it again....as I took two benadryl last night...he thinks maybe thats why.....

could be...could be....stress thats more like it I think. Keeping calm now!!

well...just wanted to touch base.

cant wait till LV...but got to get through this week first...so need to concentrate start planning gifts for families that we are going to .....easiest thing is nuts, dried friuts and candies...or a bottle of wine always works both would be nice but that is so predictable and well im nothing but lol.

so will have to think about this one overnight.

have a great night all......

sorry been so distant...but busy busy busy.


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Rachel - Welcome and Hugs for your struggles - Now here is my tough band love - operative word is love..

Hate to tell you this - but losing weight w/the band or any weight loss surgery - isn't easy..

Our band's don't make our food choices - that's up to us..

They banded our stomachs and not our heads and imho the majority of our problems w/food lie in our heads..

How's your restriction?? What are the amount of calories you are consuming a day ???? Are you exercising???

You don't need the cocktails what do you want more - your health or to drink - simple choice - and if you want sweets - eat s/f puddings - Jello - WW or Healthy Choice fudgesciles..

I had a calorie budget 800-1200 during my weight loss phase - If I had a glass of wine - I skipped a snack - or if I did go out to a concert and have a couple of cocktails - I would increase my exercise and lowered my calories for the next couple of days..

You may want to seek the help of a counselor as to why you keep sabotaging yourself - if you get pg - then you can't drink - so play a little mind game w/yourself - say I am preparing for my pregnancy so I am going to stop drinking now..

Cocktails & beer are high in calories and have no nutritional value either

Follow the band rules - eat your Protein first - then veggies and if any room starches..

Losing weight even with the band is all about # of calories consumed vs # of calories burned - Our bands make us fuller on a smaller amount of food - doesn't mean that we are satisfied - hell - most nites I eat my dinner am physically full but my head tells me I want more food..

You are in control - you have control - you just have to exercise your gray matter and if you want to get healthy and have a baby then you have to make the choice to eat healthy - exercise and quit drinking...

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Good Evening Gang

Back from the gym - Had a good workout - got the dogs fed now I gotta watch Bella - cuz it will be potty time in just a few

Phyl Sure glad to hear your back is doing better !!! Have you found a starbucks yet - Wilcox AZ pop 3700 - omg what a small town - what's there besides a truck stop ;0) You are 330 miles from Indio - you should be here by Wed...

Well I'm back - took Bella for a walk - 1/2 mile I think - she still hasn't pooped - I got her a collar like you have for Zoey Phyl - she did excellent - it was the 1st time I took her for a walk - but I don't think I have it on correctly.. But it worked I even jogged 3/4 of Vincent - which is a long street - but it's hot 99 degrees.. - I was trying to wear her out so I can type on the computer - tomorrow I may try all 3 dogs :0)..

Bella is knocked out !!! Yea I will be doing this every nite ;0)

Great I agree I didn't like the cast of BB this yr - I think they won by luck - They didn't do anything - Britney was dumb in not beleiving Ragan- he was the smartest of the bunch..

Haven't seen Drew Carey saw something on AOL but didn't click it..

Well Dancing Started - going to go eat

food today (Rachel this is for you and I'm 3 yrs out and still eating like I have since I got to regular food 3 weeks out)

BF - Greek yogurt & raspberries

snack - Pistachio nuts (10)

lunch - BBQ Ck Thigh & butternut squash

Snack - Pistachio nuts (10)

dinner - Baked fish (in salsa) Spinach and maybe 1/4 c rice

Snack - SF Ice Cream - 100 Cal Snack Pack popcorn

Melissa - glad your 1st day was ok

Jodi - I can see you have posted scanned it - email me - jwrightpim@aol.com and I'll send you a list of #'s

I gotta jam - sorry for the drive by - but it's 8:07 and I want to watch some tv ;0) and eat ;0)

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Hi girls~

I glanced the posts, so I sorta know where everyone is. It's tough to take even one day off- you get so lost.

Lori~Saw the news link..OMG.. thank goodness it didn't get to you. So scary. Love the idea of the GM condo. So sweet of you to think of that. Your DD is so lucky to have a mom like you.

Julie~ Wishing you the best with the PT and injections. Sometimes it takes a little while to "break up" the muscles that are tight after being a wad of pain for a year+! They can do wonders. When I was at my heaviest DH used to give me trigger points in my lower back muscles. Life saver.

Linda~Glad Katie is ok. Those symptoms you described can be so scary and it is so important for her to NOT ignore them- one day it could be something serious. (This is where I edited- dang, forgot the NOT! duh?!) hugs. I know Aylah is glad to have her DGM around spoiling her and loving on her! (but I also know it will be nice to have YOUR time back.) I loved the new survivor. I spent some time in Costa Rica and Nicaragua so it brought back some cool memories for me! Thanks for asking about my dad, will follow with that news in a min. Oh, re: drew Carey. Drew Carey Weight Loss (PICTURE): Did He Really Shed Diabetes along with Fat? - Health Blog - CBS News

HE said he did the old fashioned way, diet and exercise. Lost 80+ lbs. Good for him! I love him.

Melissa~ SO glad to hear you started work! Sorry you are so tight! hope that calms down as the stress gets less. Might need an unfill? (though I know you are sick of drs) hugs. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the cool things your son is doing! It sounds like you gave him a great foundation all these years and he is thriving and becoming a great young man! So much to be proud of!!!

Jewel~ I can only imagine the stress you are under with school and Jake's Dx. School will go by in a flash. One thing I always did when I was in nursing school is look around at some of the nurses (some smart and some, well, ditsy). If the ditsy ones could pass their NCLEX- then you know you will! You are smart and with proper time management you will get through it. Just don't get behind, keep up with the reading (the most important thing) I know you already have the "caring" part of the art of nursing in your blood. You will do it- I have no doubt! Take the advice of the other teachers on here re: Jake. Stay on top of things. With most public school systems, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! You have to be his advocate! It will all be ok.

Phyl~ Sounds like your trip has been an adventure! LOVE the pics of the babies. They really have settled into life on the road. I really think about getting my mom and dad a dog. It just has to be the right rescue one. (kinda like yours) I know she wants one and the benefits of that unconditional love would help them both so much. I just don't want to add more to their plate than they can handle. My sister is still living with them and could help out with walks and other care though. Need Judy and others to keep eyes and ears open. It has to be a good fit. Your back sounds like it is better, huh? What a relief! And btw, LOVE the before and after pics, as I said on FB, you are a rock star! Can't believe that one person's comment. what a biach.

Arelene~WTG on the Water aerobics! Drowned rat..lmao! You are motivating me. No excuses. Other than walking I haven't gotten to the gym. A lot on my mind with Dad, and a lot on my plate with new job/nels' school/DH's schedule crazy as he prepares for two weeks off to go out of country. (even when you have vacation- the amount of call nights doesn't change. So you end up working your A$$ off before and after a vacation.)

LauraK~ thanks for the warm thoughts too. And you are right about the pinkeye tx. Sometimes the teabag works. It's impossible (without an expensive culture) to tell 100% if an infection is viral or bacterial- so most people want to treat. The best Rx is the $$$ eye drops. Usually tobradex (has antibiotic and steroid in it) or CIPRODEX. Both costly but work wonders. If someone doesn't have insurance can write a Rx for a cheaper antibiotic drop and a cortisone drop sep. and works almost the same. Working in a free clinic you have to learn the tricks of the trade as people can't afford the $$$ ones. : ) Luckily we do have a lot of samples.< /p>

Apples~ Hope you are enjoying one of (or your last) weekends at the lake house. I know how much you love that slice of heaven. On a selfish note, we love to have you around more. I almost called you today- was having a tough day waiting for dad's results. I know you have been there and done that with many. (other of you have too) But we finally got them...

Dad's PET scan is mostly "cold" showing no activity of cancer where it was before. (good news), but now a new lesion in the T3 vertebrae (spine). Will repeat PET in 2 mo. And consider MRI, but won't change much right now. He's not having symptoms of bone pain- so that is good sign. They also saw a blip in one of his lungs but radiologist said it was so small that they would not even be able to biopsy it. I was thrilled with the report (as was DH)- I feared it would light up like a Christmas tree as before. Mom and Dad are numb and don't know how to react. On one hand they are happy but the other they are thinking cancer is slowly coming back. Cancer sucks. It was torture today b/c the dr was an hour behind on his appts. and they had to wait. So it was 2.5 hrs before he called us! I was FREAKING out here! Glad it's done.

Yesterday I agreed to keep one of my friend's daughters for a few hours. (she is a NP as well and the kids go to the same school). It was their wedding anniv. and they wanted to go horse back riding on the beach. Well, when they came to get her the Miami game was starting. (keep in mind my husband doesn't watch sports on TV other than world cup). But he is also very polite and offered the guy a beer (which turned to 6) and subsequently he watched the whole game with him! I had originally ordered pizza for the kids and wings for DH&me. Once it was obvious they weren't leaving, I made a black bean salad and stretched that lunch out to feed 6 people! THe kids had fun and it was nice for the adults.

Hugs to you all. Sharing some pics. : ) The first one is a photo from 2 years ago of Nels and my Dad on their lake boat. I love this pic. The rest from the weekend. peasout.. Laura

PS I am sure I forgot someone- sorry. Not intentional AT ALL. : )

Edited by peascorps
Never forget the not when necessary

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A friend of my Dad's just sent this to me after knowing the tough day we had waiting for the PET scan results today. He knows we believe in God but aren't particulary "religious" or church going poeple (much like Karen's porch church). This video just brought tears to my eyes- so true how God is ever present in our lives.

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Laura, thanks for sharing the video. It is awesome. Like you I believe, but I am not a church going person. I love nothing more than to get out in nature and hike, it restores me. I do believe that God is all around us and that it doesn’t require church attendance to see and feel him. I apologize to in advance if my opinions offend anyone; it is just a statement of fact about me. I know, I know, never talk religion or politics, but this video is worth watching.

Phyl and Janet, what kind of dog collar are you using? I ask because I have had my dog for 3 months now and am working with him regualry. He is a 2 year old lab and needs some work yet. Unfortunately for him, he was not trained in his prior home - probably the reason he ended up in a shelter. He is a good, loving boy and tries hard to please. He just has never been shown what to do. It makes me so angry when I see big dogs like him in shelters. Some people buy these cute puppies and love and spoil them until something happens and they don’t know what to do. By that, I mean they grow into 75 pound freight trains and neither the dog or owner knows what to do. So the dog ends up ends up in a shelter. It is sad, because a little training goes a long way to prevent this from happening.

OK, off my soap box now. I signed up for another 5K for this Sunday. My trainer says she doesn’t want to spend our time together doing long runs because she now knows I can do them myself. She thinks our time together is better spent working on a new goal. She had a very mischievous look on her face when she said that. She would not elaborate so I am not sure what my new goal is.

I went and ordered a small gym shoe charm for my Bracelet in celebration of running my first 5K. I have done other 5Ks but always as a combination of running and walking. This was the first 5K that I ran the whole way. I know it is silly but I wanted a memento of the day.

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Laura, so glad your Dad got good news.

Sndy, I think it's wonderful you ran the whole 5k. I've started running but only up to a mile, then walk. Love the idea of the charm, you should have something, it's an accomplishment.

Have a great day all.


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Good Morning Gang...

Laura - Good news about your Dad... I understand how your parents feel (waiting for the other shoe to drop) but we gotta take what we have and stay posititive .... Love the pics..

Sandy - I got a harness - couldn't think of the word last night - I swear I am afraid I am going to get altimers (sp)

Bella is a little Yorkie and she did so well - I think it's better than trying to choke an animal as this goes around their body - like a guide dog harness w/o the handel..

WTG on your training !!!

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Linda - so sorry Katie had to return to hospital. May her healing continue from here.

Arlene - you ROCK on your exercise. Way to go. My good intentions will NOT make me thinner.

DD was here crying yesterday afternoon, then DS in Nevada was on the phone in crisis (& crying). Discussed all matters with DH. We will help DS move back to KC and co-ordinate the move. He has the maturity of a 14 yr. old and is 42.

Thought I was OK with all of it, but woke up this morning feeling like I was in an auto accident. Emotional stress times a million.

Arlene - thanks for informing me that the stress can make the band feel tighter. Want to discuss that issue in LV.

Have hair appt today for color. Beautiful weather. Focus on the positive and handle one issue at a time - my motto for today.

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Linda - so sorry Katie had to return to hospital. May her healing continue from here.

Arlene - you ROCK on your exercise. Way to go. My good intentions will NOT make me thinner.

DD was here crying yesterday afternoon, then DS in Nevada was on the phone in crisis (& crying). Discussed all matters with DH. We will help DS move back to KC and co-ordinate the move. He has the maturity of a 14 yr. old and is 42.

Thought I was OK with all of it, but woke up this morning feeling like I was in an auto accident. Emotional stress times a million.

Arlene - thanks for informing me that the stress can make the band feel tighter. Want to discuss that issue in LV.

Have hair appt today for color. Beautiful weather. Focus on the positive and handle one issue at a time - my motto for today.

Joyce - Hugs Hugs Hugs !!!! I am glad my DS is married - he's his wifes problem not mine :0) cuz he's not the most mature either at time ;0) ... Hugs Hugs Hugs - Enjoy the beauty shop - yep 1 thing at a time...

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Good Morning Gang...

Laura - Good news about your Dad... I understand how your parents feel (waiting for the other shoe to drop) but we gotta take what we have and stay posititive .... Love the pics..

Sandy - I got a harness - couldn't think of the word last night - I swear I am afraid I am going to get altimers (sp)

Bella is a little Yorkie and she did so well - I think it's better than trying to choke an animal as this goes around their body - like a guide dog harness w/o the handel..

WTG on your training !!!

Janet, I bought a harness at Walmart. The straps under Charlie's legs( I started to say arms..lol) are black terry cloth material. The top straps around his neck are red like a regular collar. It is so easy to adjust. Charlie walks with me in the morning, but in the evenings there are too many joggers and he goes crazy barking at them.

I am still tired from yesterday. I slept all night. If I got up to potty......I don't remember. lol. DH and I have our assessment and first training tonight. Did I tell you I was tired? lol

Julie, Julie, Julie.......you got me worried.....How are you????

Eva, I tried on a pair of Merril's today. I loved them, but they didn't have wides......gotta make room for that bunion. Macy's doesn't sell wides.

I also went to buy some new makeup. A friend told me about MAk. Does anyone where it? Anyway, the lady was busy. I am going back to Macy's on Thursday.....gotta get my toes done too.

Joyce, sounds like the adult kids are circling the camp. Tell them you can only handle one drama at a time. I need to do that too. You heard of " In and Out Burger"......my house is "In and Out Drama".

Laura.......So glad your dad has good news on the Pet scan so far. I am sure he must have anxiety just worrying about if it will return. Does he take anything for anxiety and depression? I have a friend that had ovarian cancer in 1991. She has had it return twice, but to look at her you would never know she had cancer. She said she cannot live without antidepressants. They keep her going. She is a miracle. I can't believe it has been almost twenty years. She is 69.

Jodi, Happy Holidays! Enjoy your week. Can't wait to meet you.

Lori, is the fire out?

Apples, Jakob can use a box cake plus extra ingredients so I am going to try the bundt cake too. His mother had a fit over the cherry nut cake. Jakob doesn't like cherries. We told him he doesn't have to eat it......just make it.lol

Well, gotta go get some stuff done .....mainly cook dinner.....which means I need to run to the store. Later peeps!

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Janet, I bought a harness at Walmart. The straps under Charlie's legs( I started to say arms..lol) are black terry cloth material. The top straps around his neck are red like a regular collar. It is so easy to adjust. Charlie walks with me in the morning, but in the evenings there are too many joggers and he goes crazy barking at them.

I am still tired from yesterday. I slept all night. If I got up to potty......I don't remember. lol. DH and I have our assessment and first training tonight. Did I tell you I was tired? lol

Julie, Julie, Julie.......you got me worried.....How are you????

Eva, I tried on a pair of Merril's today. I loved them, but they didn't have wides......gotta make room for that bunion. Macy's doesn't sell wides.

I also went to buy some new makeup. A friend told me about MAk. Does anyone where it? Anyway, the lady was busy. I am going back to Macy's on Thursday.....gotta get my toes done too.

Joyce, sounds like the adult kids are circling the camp. Tell them you can only handle one drama at a time. I need to do that too. You heard of " In and Out Burger"......my house is "In and Out Drama".

Laura.......So glad your dad has good news on the Pet scan so far. I am sure he must have anxiety just worrying about if it will return. Does he take anything for anxiety and depression? I have a friend that had ovarian cancer in 1991. She has had it return twice, but to look at her you would never know she had cancer. She said she cannot live without antidepressants. They keep her going. She is a miracle. I can't believe it has been almost twenty years. She is 69.

Jodi, Happy Holidays! Enjoy your week. Can't wait to meet you.

Lori, is the fire out?

Apples, Jakob can use a box cake plus extra ingredients so I am going to try the bundt cake too. His mother had a fit over the cherry nut cake. Jakob doesn't like cherries. We told him he doesn't have to eat it......just make it.lol

Well, gotta go get some stuff done .....mainly cook dinner.....which means I need to run to the store. Later peeps!

Charlene - You had me lmao - In/Out Drama !!!!

You will get stronger and stronger as each day goes by and you won't be so tired - that just goes to show you how much you need this !!!

Mac makeup is at Macy's I have some eye shadows - it's expensive - put the eye shadows do blend really well

Hell I'm a make up whore - I have mac - laura geller - smashbox - malley - bare minerals - loreal - dr densie - philosophy - covergirl - revlon - nerutogena - just to name a few items in my makeup table drawers :thumbup::lol:

And if you want to talk about hair products lol - can name a few of them too - but I use Wen to wash my hair - but have a million diff mouses - hair sprays etc ;:):lol:

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Oh what an exciting life I lead today. First up the annual boob squishing, yep had my mammo but is going to take a while for results as they have to send for my previous one in CO, dummy me forgot to get a copy of my films when I moved. Then if that wasn't enough fun for a morning it was off to the UT DMV. Our CO plates were expiring on the Camry this month and needed to get those an while there decided to get my UT drivers license since that expires on my next birthday. That took 2 hours. I had to take a test. EGADS haven't had to take a test for a drivers license in years usually they just swap one state for the other if you have no violations. But since I had a license and no violations I got to take the test open book. How silly. For years I have had my name on my license and other legal documents as my first name, maiden name as my middle and last name. Oh no, UT had to put my middle name in there too since my passport had it (didn't realize it did) and of course my birth certificate. I never use that name and when I fly I am in Delta's system without the middle name. Now they have all this positve ID match stuff and your tickets have to match your ID exact and I have tickets booked w/o the middle name. I sure hope it's not an issue. He said the only way I could take the Ann off was to have it removed from my passport which doesn't expire for 2 yrs. He said it was a new rule as of the first of this year. Sometimes I think we've gone a little far with this identification verification. It makes things more difficult for the honest person and the dishonest scum bag just finds a way around it anyway. So guess now I am an official Utahn. :thumbup::)

Sandy, so sad about the dogs at the shelter. I agree about the big dogs, but then there's also the little dogs that these usually young gals get after Paris Hilton made her little purse dog so popular and they treat thing like babies and not dogs. Then when the little dog gets a little bigger and is a behavior problem because it doesn't know it is a dog they end up at the shelter too. i love big dogs and have two lab mixes. My son just adopted a jack russell from the shelter.

Laura, glad it was good news on your dad. I can't imagine wondering what the next test will bring. Heck I am a nervous wreck just waiting for mammo results I can't imagine if I had cancer and was waiting to see if it was coming back.

Arlene, soon you will be a gym rat too! Good job! I used Mac for awhile. I liked it but didn't like buying it, it was always so 'young' and exoctic at their counters. Since working at QVC and discoving Bare Minerals or Bare Essentials (same thing I think) I love that and only use that. I get it at either QVC when they have it as their special or from Ulta. As for Merrills, I have found lots of wides at DSW if you have those shoe stores near you. Also, Born brand runs wide.

Joyce, I was so naive, when my kids were teens I thought I can't wait til their 18 and my job is done. ha ha little did I know the job is never done. LOL It seems to take our sons longer to mature up too. And while on the topic of them maturing up, what's with them and video games? I guess I think of them as toys and my DS and DSIL are so into them still at their age.

Melissa, glad the job is going to be okay, youll have them organized in no time!

Eva & Phyl, are you meeting today? Just a week and a half til we all meet! WOOHOO!!

Apples, are you coming back today?

Julie, thinking of you. Please post when you can.

Dancing wiht the Stars, anyone watch? what did you think? I was surprised at how bad Michael Bolton did, but I really didn't like the guy that calls himself Situation.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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