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Good evening. Wow we have a huge forest fire in the mountains to the west of our house called the Oqqurihahs (sp) I could see it real clear now it's very smokey out and hard to see but it's coming down very near some homes. We aren't in danger.

I was texting with Apples earlier and she talked to Julie. Julie has had more intense pain after 4 shots. She had her DD's bridal shower today so it was a very, it was good but she ahd a tough time. She's worried about the Vegas trip. Gosh I hope she gets some relief from this pain soon. Poor thing.

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Good morning,

I have an exam this morning and got very little sleep last night. I decided to call my surgeon as soon as his office opens this morning. The pain is just too much. I was trying to wait out the weekend but now it's monday and I gotta find out what is going on. I am a bit nervous about what is going to happen.

Jake has been on adderall 2 days now and he is just a huge grouch. He talks to us like he is very angry. He is just not himself. We can tell right when it starts to wear off. We went to a gathering in a park last night and played soccer. A little boy was trying to play with us but he couldn't kick the ball to us. He kept kicking it away. Jacob was getting so mad and vocal about it. I feel bad for him. I will be calling his doc today too. I am wondering if he just needs time to adjust to the med or if we should just try something else. I can't imagine how he is feeling that would make him be this way.

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Yeah, I like that Janet's Posse idea for t-shirts.

Phyl, good idea about doing I-10 in the daylight. Of course, I prefer to drive during the day too. My night vision isn't what it used to be. Okay, off to do some more nothing. Tomorrow I will be hiking early with my friend, so I'm enjoying having no commitments today. BBL Eva

I have to make this quick as we are getting ready to pull out!

Eva.... we are in El Paso and getting an early start. I have to possible stops today depending on how DH is feeling... sinus problems, sore throat. The first stop is less than 150 miles so we'll probably be going on to the 2nd one which is in Willcox AZ about 100 miles from you. So... that will mean... coffee with you somewhere tomorrow morning. STARBUCKS??? LOL!! HAHAHA! No... is there a mall or little plaza with lots of parking room somewhere near you and not too far off I-10??

You gals are too funny... Janet's Posse and then there's Phyl's Mama Bears!! Your FB responses tickled my funny bone! Thanks for all the support.

Laverne is just clueless. She didn't mean to hurt my feelings! And I didn't mean it when I said I never want to see her again!! But maybe before that I'll have some plastic surgery done!! LOL! I KNOW she's had plenty and she's so skinny! Tummy tuck!! Give me a freakin' break!!

Never got back online last nite - did order mexican and after I ate that's all she wrote - eating usually makes me sleepy - I don't care if it's straight Protein or carbs..

Had enchillda and couple bite of my relleno and a couple bites of beans- then sf ice cream..

Well been up since 5:30 - You all know why - but what the heck - I got floors mopped - doors clean (well some of them I have colony doors think that's what they are called) - they have panels and omg dust - Andrew wasn't a deep cleaner

The perfectionist in me avoids it till I can give it my full attention - even moved the washer and dryer and cleaned behind there - hadn't done that since I got new ones a few years back and I think that was October - If you ever want to know were those socks go - ck behind the stuff - I found a few :0) - plus Bear likes to do the leg thing not marking but after he peeps or poops the bull things (moving hind legs) well that some times leaves poop on the doors/wall - so got that cleaned too. Disinfected the doggie door - they say that is a big bacteria place..

Now I gotta get dressed for exercise - tempted not to go - in a cleaning mood - but need the exercise - after mexican last night - reminds me to take something out for dinner - chicken I think..

Well just a quick ck in - will ck back after exercise..

:thumbup::wub::wub:Happy Sunday...:smile::wub::wub:

I want Mexican in Vegas!!

Good afternoon. Not much going on here, DH is just busy watching football, his team is on the Broncos. My team wasn't on here today, the Packers. Feel like I am fighting off a cold I haven't gotten it yet but just feel like I am getting one.

Linda, sorry about the eye infection. Goodness what's in those drops, liquid gold? LOL

Julie, where are you? how are you doing? concerned since your last post said you weren't doing well.

Janet, wanna come clean for me? I'm a terrible deep cleaner it seems I think I am doing good but then a few months down the road I see all the 'deep' areas I missed one being those ridges on the doors.

Eva, whats FNSC?? isn't it late to be so hot still there?

Just saw on TV something for the state fair. They have deep fried. Gosh the fat that must be in that!

Didn't Green Bay bury my BUffalo Bills last night??? LOL

You need to get a fantasy team next year! Haven't checked my points for this wek yet, but Aaron Rodgers is one of my QBs and I know he did great yesterday!

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We had some excitement with the fire last night, it was eery to be able to watch the flames from our backyard. We were never in danger but the evacuations of over 1200 homes was about a mile or so away. The winds died down thankfully and they are getting a handle on the fire now. If you go to www.ksl.com you can see more about it and pictures.

Still feel like I am getting a cold but never seem to really come down with it, just groggy, scratchy throat, etc.

Phyl, oh I have a fantasy football team and I am kicking some booty! Aaron Rodgers was going to be my number 1 pick til my son took him just to be ornery. Little stinker! But so far I am undefeated! LOL And yes my Packers kicked some Buffalo booty yesterday.

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Good Morning Gang

Great I heard about the fire this morning on the news - Thought of you - sure glad you aren't in any danger -

I emailed Julie last night - it was like 7 my time - so that's 9 or 10 her time - too late to call

Hope she gets some relief...

Joyce - Yep my materinal instinst went into over drive when Andrew was born - I should have had at least 1 more kid - but didn't marry till I was 40 - and wasn't having another child as a single parent -

Well boss just walked in better get to work... cbl

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Hi All,

I just laid low this weekend. Did some projects around the house.

Great so glad the fire didn't reach your new house.

Linda, My DD always got the "crud' in her eyes always started being sick there. Learned a trick that helped a lot, Steep a tea bag in very warm Water, squeeze just a bit and place over eye, making sure to get some into the eyes. Learned it has the same type of acid as in the $$ meds that you get. Worked like a charm. They would send her home from school saying she had pink eye, did the tea bag and sent her back the next day.

Jessica, now that you have diag from Dr for Jake the school has to have an IEP meeting within 30 days per Federal law. Make sure you tell them about that fact. IEP stands for Individual Education Plan usually they attach a "C" which stands for committee. Which consists of principle, teacher, special educ rep, parents and any others the parents want there. 504 is about the same thing. All his goals and objectives are put on paper for the school year that are to be followed, extra time is only one of the things he can get help with.

Janet, you didn't stop loving Andrew just aren't living with him.

Julie, good juju your way.

Laura hope your Dad got good news today.


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Lori - so glad you are safe from the fire and sending prayers for all families affected.

Poor Julie has had more than anyone should be expected to bear. Please God - help her receive relief from this pain.

Phyl - Mexican food is my favorite too.

Jessica - hope your doctor can sort your tightness out and that your son gets the help he needs from doctors and teachers.

Another week begins.

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Hi gang! I went to Water aerobics......I am not sore yet, but I am tired. We didn't stop for an hour. I have a trainer tomorrow night and then Water aerobics on Wed and Fri.

Janet, I am not a gym rat yet, but I feel like a drowned rat after water aerobics. lol

Joyce, I was just saying that without realizing it we get tight when we are stressed. I am tight right now because of the weather changing.....yep old Fibro is trying to keep me down. We are getting our first cool front on Wednesday. I should adjust and be better then. My joints have really improved. It is just my dang abdomen and IBS. PO's me big time.

Lori, I saw the fire on tv. I am so glad you are safe.

Jodi, I saw the train trestle on fire in New York. Are you near there?

LauraK, thanks for the eye tip. My dentist said tea bags are good for stopping the bleeding when you have a tooth pulled. My DH gets eye infections several times a year. I think it is an auto immune thing. He started wearing a contact and his eye is so much better.

Eva and Phyl, I wish I could meet Y'all for coffee. I will have to wait 11 more days.....right?

Jessica, I am glad you are giving the dr a call. He may not be able to tolerate adderal . There are other medication on the market. I hope he adjusts soon.

Well, gang, my DS just told me that he will be moving out soon. He is never here anyway. He is off to Chicago this afternoon for the week. I think he is going to marry sometime in the near future. He asked my GS how he like his new "step brother". Sounds like marriage to me.I asked him when he was going to "put a ring on it". He just smiled. Now, I bet when he moves out my oldest DD and DGD move in for a few months.

Oh, Julie, How are you today????

Apples, You home yet???

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Hi all. Wrote this earlier today and got busy and never got it sent.

Katie went back to ER last night - she said she felt like she was having a heart attack and couldn't breathe. They did CAT scan, EKG, and found everything was fine (thank goodness). So didn't sleep well - and then they called at 2:00 a.m. so we could go pick her up. So needless to say, did not exercise this morning.

I love having Aylah around, but it's much tougher now than it was when DSS was this age (4) and I was 41!!! Baths every night, homework (honestly), story time (love that though) and then hair every morning (and her hair is really really tough to do -- LOL.) I need to get some extra cash and have it braided - would save me time.

Jewell, sorry about Jake's diagnosis. I'm sure with time and the right meds, he will start to feel better soon. I hope so. You sound so stressed out -- just try not to worry constantly -- it will all work out. Hope you can get in to see your surgeon-- I've been much more comfortable since I had the .500 ccs taken out.

Janet, the story of you buying Andrew stuff reminds me of my step kids -they know I'm weak and will buy for them so they always ask me . Same with Aylah - I just love to buy her stuff too. Loved hearing the story of how you came to raise him -- sounds like he really needed you -- you are a great Grandma.

Arlene, hope you enjoyed your Water aerobics - I really love how I feel afterwards. I didn't get to go to mine this a.m. -- didn't get enough sleep - but will try to go Wednes a.m. Went to gym yesterday and did okay -- I've been sore lately.

Phyl, you're trip across country is making me wish my DH and I could buy our motor home and join in on the fun. Our day will come, just not as soon as I'd like. Zoey looks like she's enjoying her new home!! My Merry is doing great with her 3 legs -- unbelieveable really -- she's so sweet. I don't know what you and Earl did before Zoey! Especially Earl. LOL.

Melissa, congrats on the job, I knew something better would come along. I'm sure it will work out well - family business or not -- sometimes that can be better -- you just can't judge until you're there awhile. In the meantime, hope you are feeling better too. Did you start work today?

LauraK, hope you had a great weekend and are still smoke free.

Eva, how many days left? Again, I'm so jealous!!

Laura, love all the pics of Nelson and his playdates -- they look so adorable all the time. When your first day of volunteering? Hope it goes well. It's hard being a working mom, but you'll get your routine in place and I think you'll enjoy being back out in the working world again. Hope you get good results today from your Dad's PET scan. Thinking of you and your family. I'm so bummed you aren't coming to Vegas -- we will web cam you though -- so you'll BE there, kinda.

Julie, hope you are feeling better -- hope after a few more shots and a little more therapy you'll start to feel some relief. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Cheri, hope school is better this week - such a terrible tragedy - thinking of you today too.

Lori, so happy you didn't have to evacuate. My goodness, one mile is close -- so happy your DH was home with you - and so happy they got it under control befire more homes were lost. We light a facility close to that area so heard about it this morning at work.

I loved the Survivor episode last week -- and agree that Wendy had to go. OMG she really drove me insane at the tribal counsel!!! What did all you Big Brother watchers think of Hayden winning? I was okay with that -- except he's so young to get that much money!! Hope he uses it wisely.



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Laurak, thanks for the information -- good for me to know for any future problems in this area. It's all new to me, this kind of stuff.


Hi All,

I just laid low this weekend. Did some projects around the house.

Great so glad the fire didn't reach your new house.

Linda, My DD always got the "crud' in her eyes always started being sick there. Learned a trick that helped a lot, Steep a tea bag in very warm Water, squeeze just a bit and place over eye, making sure to get some into the eyes. Learned it has the same type of acid as in the $$ meds that you get. Worked like a charm. They would send her home from school saying she had pink eye, did the tea bag and sent her back the next day.

Jessica, now that you have diag from Dr for Jake the school has to have an IEP meeting within 30 days per Federal law. Make sure you tell them about that fact. IEP stands for Individual Education Plan usually they attach a "C" which stands for committee. Which consists of principle, teacher, special educ rep, parents and any others the parents want there. 504 is about the same thing. All his goals and objectives are put on paper for the school year that are to be followed, extra time is only one of the things he can get help with.

Janet, you didn't stop loving Andrew just aren't living with him.

Julie, good juju your way.

Laura hope your Dad got good news today.


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Linda - hugs - sounds Katie may have had a pantic attack... To bad you don't live closer - I now how to do Aylah's hair :0) - I use to straighten DS dad's hair - braid it - Back in the Michael Jackson jerri curl days I permed Joseph's hair - I know how to take care of her kind of hair ;0) - Both Joseph and Kailitn have her hair - and I had a gf who's daughter use to come to my house so I could do her hair as her mom didn't know how..

Yep little girls are harder to get ready in the mornings ;0)

I liked Lane to win BB since Britney couldn't - but he really didn't do much - I was ok w/Haden winning.. I don't know if the old pple are going to be good in phyiscal challenges - need more mind stuff

Dancing w/the Stars tonite :0)

Charlene - WTG at the pool and trainer tomorrow :0)!!!!

Joyce - Yep Andrew is my child and his mom knows that - when he was like a yr old he would wait at the window for me to come home from work - Truly for the 1st 3 yrs his mom was the babysitter and I was the mom - just the control freak in me and my maternial instincts in over drive I sorta just took over - his mom wasn't bad - just a kid.. Yep it was in the stars ;0)...

Got email from Julie - in pain was going for physical thearpy today..

well just a drive by cbl

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I wasn't thrilled with Lane winning but better him than Enzo at least. LOL I thought this was a boring cast this year on Big Brother and they weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. I mean after Ragan told Britany about the guy alliance and her own suspicions, and the fact that Lane said he wanted to go to final 2 with her, why didn't she and Lane vote out Hayden when they had the chance? They could've kept Ragan and gotten Enzo next as he couldn't win anything. I am looking forward to Dancing tonight and Biggest Loser tomorrow. Also tonight a show that looks interesting is Mike and Molly who are both overweight and meet at some type of weight loss group, might be interesting to see how they handle the whole weight issue.

Linda, sorry to hear Katie was in the ER last night. Hope she's okay.

Jewel, stress can make you tight and it sounds like you are really stressing lately, not that you don't have reason too wiht school and Jake and all. But try and take a step back and deal with it all one step at a time. Hope you get his meds figured out sooner rather than later.

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We had some excitement with the fire last night, it was eery to be able to watch the flames from our backyard. We were never in danger but the evacuations of over 1200 homes was about a mile or so away. The winds died down thankfully and they are getting a handle on the fire now. If you go to www.ksl.com you can see more about it and pictures.

Still feel like I am getting a cold but never seem to really come down with it, just groggy, scratchy throat, etc.

Phyl, oh I have a fantasy football team and I am kicking some booty! Aaron Rodgers was going to be my number 1 pick til my son took him just to be ornery. Little stinker! But so far I am undefeated! LOL And yes my Packers kicked some Buffalo booty yesterday.

Glad you were spared any damage from that fire! That would be scary... to have it so close!

I have two Fantasy teams now because besides GS' league, which he has had for several years, his mom, DDIL, now has her own league. So I have one on each league! I missed the first draft because we were busy or on the road.. don't remember which. At any rate, I had pre-picked some players and #1 on my list was Aaron Rodgers! So guess who ended up with first pick and got Aaron Rodgers!!! :thumbup::thumbup::smile:

Haven't checked my points since all the games yesterday so I don't know how I'm doing right now.

Okay.. if I don't copy all the posts I can't remember what anyone said!!

Hoping to meet Eva tomorrow.. probably for lunch, depending on what kind of time we make. I think we're only about 100 miles away, so if we leave fairly early, we may be there around 10 a.m.

Had fun with my phone this morning.. texting Apples, Great, Eva, Julie. I have come to love my new android phone and just miss the slick way my Blackberry synced my contacts and calendar!! Have not yet figured out a seamless way to do that on my new android phone.

Was able to exercise a little in RV park pool and then relax in hot tub last two nights. And there is pool and hot tub here, too. So planning to go there soon. And my back is so much better today!! I walked the dog and walked around in Flying J stores X2 without much pain at all!! HOORAY!!

It poured like crazy for a little while, and it's still cloudy, but the rain seems to have stopped. So maybe it's a good time to go to the pool. It's indoors, but didn't want to walk over there in the pouring rain!

Poor Julie has had more than anyone should be expected to bear. Please God - help her receive relief from this pain.

Phyl - Mexican food is my favorite too.

Jessica - hope your doctor can sort your tightness out and that your son gets the help he needs from doctors and teachers.

Another week begins.

Actually.... Italian is probably my favorite, and then seafood after that. But... I haven't had any Mexican in a long time, so I'm craving it right now. This RV park actually has a restaurant, but it's closed!!

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Have you guys seen Drew Carey? OMG he looks fabulous -- he must have lost at least 150 lbs.!! Wonder how he did it. He looks amazing!


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I love Mexican food and seafood, can't say I am too crazy about Italian unless it's in the form of a pizza LOL. Funny so many of the foods I don't like are high calorie ones so why did I get so fat? things like mayo, chocolate, sour cream, salad dressings, cream sauces, Pasta, etc. HMMMM Oh you mean portion sizes, popcorn with tons of butter, chips, etc. are fattening? LOL

Wow Phyl your cross country trip and back is almost over. It seems like just yesterday you left, well to me anyway, probably not to you driving it every day. Bet you are anxious to get settled in CA for the winter. Do you stay in the RV all winter then?

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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