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Hi guys. I had fun at the race track last night. It was a fund raiser for my husband’s fire department. They had a good turn out – 150 people. It included a buffet dinner which was actually pretty good. I had a big salad and a small plate of peel and eat shrimp. OK, I did go a little over board with a slice of chocolate cake.

I am hoping for no rain tomorrow morning. I have a 5K run for the shelter that we adopted our dog from. His name is Charlie and he is a 2 year old yellow lab. He is the joy of my life. I was in a bit of a depression after loosing both of my dogs within the last year to old age. I wasn’t looking for a new dog, it just sort of happened. I guess rain and 60 degrees would be a better than 90 degrees and sunny. I am a bit excited because this will be my first official timed race. I have been working up to it for a few months with my trainer. Tomorrow I am on my own. She has asked me to text her when I cross the finish line so she can Celebrate with me. I owe her that much, she has really helped me.

I will let you know how it goes tomorrow after the race.

I hope everything works out for you Julie!

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Apples, what a nice surprise to 'see' you today! Thinking of you as you close up your little slice of heaven here on earth at the lake. I think we are talking April for the cruise and not May so I hope that makes a difference for you.

Sandy, best of luck in the race tomorrow. What an awesome accomplishment. Post when you can after you finish and let us know how you did. And if you listen real close, you'll hear me cheering for you.

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Janet - dd has returned to her pre-hostipal life. Like Cheri, I now wait for the next meltdown. Mothering is never over. Fortunately, I've not yet been called upon to raise grandchildren. We can all Celebrate that we have changed life and shown responsibility for our families.

Our blessing is strength in the face of crisis.

Now for a bit of a problem - I am constantly clearing my throat. I'm sure it's acid relux - carrying the mucus ball at the base of my throat.

I take Rx prevacid daily. Any suggestions????

Joyce, stress can cause you to be a little tight. If it continues you need to see your dr. I was reading on Dr. Davis' chart how to tell if you are too tight. Some of the symptoms are coughing, excessive saliva in mouth, pressure in abdomen where the band is......and acid reflux. I always read it when I am waiting for him.....waited an hr this time so I read it over and over. Sorry about your daughter.......I know it must be tough. HUGS and Prayers for you!

Janet, I bought some tees on clearance today. Now I need to order another bathing suit. My top is getting too big.

Apples, have a great time!

Melissa, Congrats! on the job.

Cheri, when it rains it pours......Grandmas don't get much rest. I hope you have a better day at the birthday party.

Laura, I hope you get rest soon. Tylenol PM? I bought it in the liquid form, but haven't used it yet.

Julie, how are you today? Those shots can be painful at first. I hope you get some relief from them.

I just took my mother home. I brought her to my house to meet her new great granddaughter, Bethany. My DD took picks. If she posts them on FB I will swipe them and post here.

Trazola......you are going through what we call "bander's hell". You will stay hungrier than usual until you get better restriction with a fill. Journal your food so you won't go over. Walk if you can......it really helps. Hang in there! It gets better. Banding is a tool to help with weight loss, but it is not a magic pill.

Lori, I got your number in my phone. In fact, I am going to put all the #'s on the list in my phone. Now, I just gotta remember to take my phone to Vegas. I have forgotten it the last two days. I thought it was sewn to my hip....wrong!

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Janet, oh good, I don't like coffee so I can sleep in a little longer before Trainer Janet gets me going. LOL I ate most meals at the buffet too on my cruise and it was no problem, I could load up on Protein and pick and choose what I wanted. Worked well. dinner in the dining room most nights but the poor waiters don't understand my eating habits and were always so concerned if I didn't eat something and try and bring me more stuff. LOL

I saw all the props on Phyls FB page. I think the lady that must've posted the comment posted something too trying to recant what she said. Phyl has done too well to have someone like that poo-paw her progress.

Melissa, congrats on the job!

Yes... Melissa... CONGRATS on the job!!

You have all been wonderful with all of your support on FB!! I really do love my friend, Laverne, but she is just CLUELESS sometimes and her comments were so WRONG! She did come back and recant after I posted my "EXCUSE ME" comments! Of course, she is a skinny minny, but I happen to know that she has had plastic surgery at least twice! Cuz I remember saying WHAT?? She said she had a pouchy tummy so she had Tummy Tuck and liposuction and then another time something else... like butt lift or something! She's very vain and .. well, I just won't go in to it. She didn't mean to make such a catty comment, but she did!

Jewel... hang in there, kiddo... you can do it and it'll be so worth it! I always loved giving injections, too!! And I was good at it... one time a patient said I was the "best shot in the west!" I got a kick out of that and always remember it.

Julie.... so sorry for your pain and troubles you are having. HUGS, Chick!!!

My daughter, who has suffered with anxiety and depression in the past, really got herself in a frenzy this past week with her husband out of town. Instead of being happy for him for the honor he was getting (he was given a presidential award for notifying and working with the FBI to break up a prostitution ring working the State Line between Calumet City, IL and Hammond, IN. He's a Hammmond PO who works the gang unit.) She had herself convinced he's been having an affair and would meet a woman out there. She called me almost every night and I went out there after work several times because she was so hysterical. She recognized that she was being irrational and was stuck in circular obsessive thinking and in behavior that could drive him into an affair and eventual divorce, but she couldn't stop herself. I kept urging her to get in to the Dr. and get on meds and she finally did. I also encouraged her to get counseling while on the meds so she could change her thinking.

I also reminded her that she was expecting the same behavior from her husband that her dad engaged in. That seemed to be the thing that really clicked with her. She'd blocked out a lot of her Dad's behavior prior to our divorce.

Life goes on. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. Cheri

Sorry about all the drama, Cheri! You've been through it this week for sure!! Hugs! You are so right... God is good, all the time.. He won't give you more than you can handle!

Janet - dd has returned to her pre-hostipal life. Like Cheri, I now wait for the next meltdown. Mothering is never over. Fortunately, I've not yet been called upon to raise grandchildren. We can all Celebrate that we have changed life and shown responsibility for our families.

Our blessing is strength in the face of crisis.

Now for a bit of a problem - I am constantly clearing my throat. I'm sure it's acid relux - carrying the mucus ball at the base of my throat. I take Rx prevacid daily. Any suggestions????

More drama! So sorry! Yes, mothering is never over!! We have not been called on to raise grandchildren either, but do feel the burden for a couple of them... Our little Cody that we spent time with last weekend, and his older brother, Kurtis. Neither our son or the boys' mothers have provided adequate parenting and these boys are suffering from that. It's so hard when you see your grandchildren hurting and there's not much you can do about it.

I think probably all the stress right now is contributing greatly to your reflux problems. May need to change the Rx. Should talk to your dr's office.

Phyll....you ex-friend needs a blanket party. In our part of the country it entails covering her with a blanket and kicking the sh_t out of her. If it's not in you to physically do it, you can carry the mental image. I agree with you and others...what a "B".

Sandy...was so happy to see your post that you are going to stick around. I always wondered why you didn't but understand. No room for embarrassment on this thread. We are here to support each other and be friends. No shame in going through the LB process and not getting it. If you felt you could do it, more power to you. Heck, I am kind of the weird duck here on this thread and I have been shown nothing but kindness. Just the occasional "whine" once in awhile cuz I junk up the thread. LOL. Hope you stick around. I loved it when you used to post.

OK....no time for other comments. I need to head back to town for my meeting and to set up for benefit. After that, heading back to my beloved lake. I work Monday, meeting on Tues morning and then will catch up with you all. Just a couple of more days of heaven b/4 locking the lake place up. Thank God for the Vegas trip to look forward to. As far as the cruise goes....I'll think about it. May would not be the time for me to do it. Planting season and DH was so great about Vegas during harvest. Oh heck....when he comes to the lake tonight I'll just greet him at the door wrapped in Saran wrap. Reminds me.....stop at the store for another roll of wrap.

Saran wrap indeed!! LOL!! Too funny!

Sorry you are having to close up the lake place already. Sure was a fast summer, wasn't it!!??

I am hoping for no rain tomorrow morning. I have a 5K run for the shelter that we adopted our dog from. His name is Charlie and he is a 2 year old yellow lab. He is the joy of my life. I was in a bit of a depression after loosing both of my dogs within the last year to old age. I wasn’t looking for a new dog, it just sort of happened. I guess rain and 60 degrees would be a better than 90 degrees and sunny. I am a bit excited because this will be my first official timed race. I have been working up to it for a few months with my trainer. Tomorrow I am on my own. She has asked me to text her when I cross the finish line so she can celebrate with me. I owe her that much, she has really helped me. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow after the race. I hope everything works out for you Julie!

Yes, Sandy... good to see you posting!

Hope your race went well!

We drove about 300 miles today... a long day for us, but we left early and made good time so we were at our destination and all set up before 3 pm. Watching Huskie football game now. We are in Big Spring TX. DH just watched news report on Fox News (during half time) about a shooting in Odessa TX... about 40 miles west of where we are!! I've always hated guns, but I'm about at the point where I think we should buy one!

So.. dinner soon, then probably take a dip in the indoor pool here. Tomorrow we head towards El Paso but will stop short of there. We want to do the stretch of I-10 that runs along the Mexico border in daylight on Monday! Too much violence down there lately!

Arlene... yes.. DO remember your cell phone!! Essential tool on a girls' outing!! LOL

I think we should get t-shirts made in Vegas.. then they'll be ready for cruise is that's what we decide... Janet's Posse... or whatever! Good idea!

Edited by phyllser

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Yeah, I like that Janet's Posse idea for t-shirts.

Phyl, good idea about doing I-10 in the daylight. Of course, I prefer to drive during the day too. My night vision isn't what it used to be.

It's very hot out again, 103. I just planted a rose bush and came in with sweat pouring off me. Only a few more days of this brutal summer heat I hope. Actually it is still offically summer, so I shouldn't complain.

We had FNSC last night and didn't get home until midnight. I slept in this morning and have just been doing normal weekend chores. That's all I want to do. If it would cool off 10 degrees, I would be outside doing stuff, but the heat is sucking the energy right out of me.

Okay, off to do some more nothing. Tomorrow I will be hiking early with my friend, so I'm enjoying having no commitments today.



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Hey Gang

Well I got my pantry all cleaned out and organized - went to Target & Marshalls and got baskets to put stuff in - looks really nice - had to throw out expired canned food that's been in there since surgery - have all but 1 cupboard straighten out - junk drawer cleaned..

That's my exciting day :0)

I will respond in a bit - I am starving.... Had a hot link for bf and been busy all day - think I am going to order mexican - but that means I have to get dressed...


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Never got back online last nite - did order mexican and after I ate that's all she wrote - eating usually makes me sleepy - I don't care if it's straight Protein or carbs..

Had enchillda and couple bite of my relleno and a couple bites of beans- then sf ice cream..

Well been up since 5:30 - You all know why - but what the heck - I got floors mopped - doors clean (well some of them I have colony doors think that's what they are called) - they have panels and omg dust - Andrew wasn't a deep cleaner

The perfectionist in me avoids it till I can give it my full attention - even moved the washer and dryer and cleaned behind there - hadn't done that since I got new ones a few years back and I think that was October - If you ever want to know were those socks go - ck behind the stuff - I found a few :0) - plus Bear likes to do the leg thing not marking but after he peeps or poops the bull things (moving hind legs) well that some times leaves poop on the doors/wall - so got that cleaned too. Disinfected the doggie door - they say that is a big bacteria place..

Now I gotta get dressed for exercise - tempted not to go - in a cleaning mood - but need the exercise - after mexican last night - reminds me to take something out for dinner - chicken I think..

Well just a quick ck in - will ck back after exercise..

:thumbup::wub::wub:Happy Sunday...:thumbup::wub::tt1:

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Back from Gym - well at 11:30 - came home finished mopping - then Andrew came over - I guess he needs some peace and quite :thumbup: we went to Target and as he was putting stuff in cart I said I thought I was done w/this lol ;0) he said well your Water, electric, food & gas are going down ;0) lol - But he's getting ready to take a shower ;0)

Well going to hit the couch w/some popcorn and a movie or book - it's hot today...

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Hi everyone. Sorry I've been missing in action a few days -- just busy - had time to read but not write anything. Went to Des Moines Friday -- I was suffering all week with an eye infection -something I've never had before -- my eyes were actually "running" (kinda the same thing as a runny nose) and then were super red all week - my lids were crusting together in the mornings, etc. Katie had to go to an appt Friday afternoon in des Moines so I called my eye doctor and they got me in to see him early Friday afternoon -- so he said it's a bacterial infection and gave me a script for drops -- he said they are "kinda expensive" Holy Cow! They were $105 for a tiny little bottle. Jeez! Anyway, eyes are much better - I will get reimbursed 80% but always takes about 10 days -- that's why I really dislike our prescription plan - have to pay so much up front. I'm on such a tight budget this month. Oh well, glad I prepaid my trip to Vegas.

Katie is doing okay -- still doing her infusions at home and we've had Aylah most of the time. Katie's trying to do too much I think and then wonders why she doesn't feel good. So we've had Aylah most of the time lately.

Gotta run -- get dinner on the table. Will try to check back later.


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Good afternoon. Not much going on here, DH is just busy watching football, his team is on the Broncos. My team wasn't on here today, the Packers. Feel like I am fighting off a cold I haven't gotten it yet but just feel like I am getting one.

Linda, sorry about the eye infection. Goodness what's in those drops, liquid gold? LOL

Julie, where are you? how are you doing? concerned since your last post said you weren't doing well.

Janet, wanna come clean for me? I'm a terrible deep cleaner it seems I think I am doing good but then a few months down the road I see all the 'deep' areas I missed one being those ridges on the doors.

Eva, whats FNSC?? isn't it late to be so hot still there?

Just saw on TV something for the state fair. They have deep fried. Gosh the fat that must be in that!

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Janet, I wish the cleaning bug would hit me like that! My house could really use a deep cleaning but somehow I always find something better to do. Someday……..

I am sure you love to see Andrew and take him shopping. I always love when I get to spend the day with DD and buy her a few things.

Linda, I am glad to hear that your eyes and Katie are doing better.

Eva, I am so jealous that you can plant a rose bush in September. Heck, by me we are just starting to cut them down and cover them for winter.

I finished my 5K this morning. DH ran with me and he even stayed with me the whole race. Usually he takes off because I am too slow. I was so excited to be able to finish. The official times haven’t been posted yet but I was around 45 – 46 minutes. I even managed to beat someone!! When the times get posted I will know better how I did.

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Linda hugs on the eyes - I would hate that plan too - I know mine you have to have prior approval for some meds - Ya Katie need to take it easy and build up her strength

Great - it doesn't hit me often - you should see my blinds and window tracks - my ceiling fan in my room needs cleaning - but I was in the nesting mood - I guess now that the house is all mine - I have a little more incentive to do things cuz Andrew's not here to do them - well he would have never replaced shelving paper in the pantry - he might rearragne but that's about it.. and he did mop - but didn't get the base boards and dirt in the corners - I usually do a good cleaning every few months.. But in Nov I have a gf coming to stay and watch the dogs - so that's been my incentive ;0).. Carpets & grout getting clean 11/23..

FNSC - Friday nite social club if I remember correctly - group of pple who get together at each others houses on friday nite.. sounds fund to me..

Sandy 45 minutes for 3 mile - you go girl:thumbup::thumbup: - I can walk a 15 minute mile - but I don't run (don't like it) but gotta say I am getting better at pilos as I did sweat but not as much - but maybe the routine was a little easier today

OMG our roses do the best in our winters ;0) - they bloom in the summer but the heat makes them wither up.

I don't mind buying stuff (shampoo - body wash - Qtip's)- Andrew's pretty good - he asked - did I have enough $$ as he wanted an electric shaver - Yes they are pricey - he didn't pick $150 one nor the $40 - he went w/the mid priced and I am keeping the receipt in case he doesn't like it..

The only thing that is bugging me is that he's lost weight (and he doesn't need to) - they don't eat like he does at home - they don't have top ramens - Andrew lived on them - they don't have soda's - where as we did - They don't have junk foods (hot cheetos)- which I always had for him - and when they do the other kids eat it all up - I told him to take stuff and put it in his suit case so he would have it when he wanted it - but he said he wasn't hiding food from his bros and sis that was rude.. But he did get some hot cheetos - Told him to let me know when he worked and I would cook him did (he works 2 blks from my house)

Joyce - Yep being a Mom is never done - I didn't have to take Andrew when he was 11 he came to live w/me because his dad was in rehab (dil and him broke up for about a yr and she moved home w/her family) he was w/his mom - but didn't want to be there and he and his stepdad didn't get along real well - (he everyones stepchild) he wanted to be w/me - I think he bonded the most with me in his 1st 3 yrs (they lived w/me when he was born).. I was like 43 and didn't really want the responsiblity - but Andrew has been my heart since the day he was born - so I let him come and live w/me..

Got the chicken in the oven (I always pre-cook it) then put it on the bbq for a few to get the bbq taste - plus it's too hot to be standing outside - I just ck'd it's 101 but for some reason it felt hotter today.. Got my butternut squash cooked and dogs fed..

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi gang! I just finished trying Apples cake recipe for my GS's fair entry. It is yummy and easy. I think he can do it. I made Julie's Pecan pie bars last week and took them to bible study. Everyone wanted the recipe. You know it is almost pecan season here, and we are always up for recipes with pecans in them.

Janet, I am going to Water aerobics tomorrow. Kinda excited about it. I treated myself today to a day off from walking.....rain bands from Karl managed to make their way up here. Now the skeeters will be coming out, but I can go to the gym. Yippee!

Julie, you must really be feeling bad. We haven't heard from you. Prayers going up for you!

Synd......Congrats on the 5K. I could try to walk one, but running......hadn't done that since my kids were little.

Eva......Tell Lori and I what is FNSC?

Linda.......so sorry you have an eye infection. That is not fun. I hope the drops give you relief soon.

Okay peeps.......have a relaxing evening!

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Hi gang! I just finished trying Apples cake recipe for my GS's fair entry. It is yummy and easy. I think he can do it. I made Julie's Pecan pie bars last week and took them to bible study. Everyone wanted the recipe. You know it is almost pecan season here, and we are always up for recipes with pecans in them.

Janet, I am going to Water aerobics tomorrow. Kinda excited about it. I treated myself today to a day off from walking.....rain bands from Karl managed to make their way up here. Now the skeeters will be coming out, but I can go to the gym. Yippee!

Julie, you must really be feeling bad. We haven't heard from you. Prayers going up for you!

Synd......Congrats on the 5K. I could try to walk one, but running......hadn't done that since my kids were little.

Eva......Tell Lori and I what is FNSC?

Linda.......so sorry you have an eye infection. That is not fun. I hope the drops give you relief soon.

Okay peeps.......have a relaxing evening!

Girl you are going to become a gym rat like me :0)

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Linda - I have had some of those $$$$ eye drops and very, tiny bottle - only good for two treatments. But, they did the job.

Janet - love hearing the story of how you and Andrew began living together. The universe set the stage when he was born to create that special bond that would continue thru life.

Spent the day at a farm picnic today. About 80 ppl and lots of children with emphasis on activities for all the children to enjoy. Much effort had gone into the planning and it was lovely. My DH offered to make a plate for me. After 7 months, he knows exactly what I can comfortably chew and swallow and the perfect amounts. I love him sooooo.

Gizmo spent the day with a young widow and her 11 yr. old daughter. His first visit in someone else's home. He came home exhausted and kissed me to death when I came to get him.

Phyl - you and I have the doggie stories to share - crazy old ladies and their dogs. lolol

Arlene - hard to believe I might be too full, but I'll see my doc before I leave for LV and let him decide.

Night, ladies.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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