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Still have the pain to answer some of you they did an internal ultrasound yesterday to check for cysts and placement of the things in my tubes from the tubal but everything was good I am supposed to have blood work tomorrow and go see the surgeon again if the White BC is still norma who knows but he said if it was appendix it would get alot worse but I am not. I am not backed up I made sure with out being gross maybe its phatom pain

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Melissa, hope you start to feel better soon and it turns out to be nothing.

Laura, hope your Dad gets better soon -- sorry to hear he's having problems again. Hope your Mom is doing okay. WTG Nelson on his first board break -- Im impressed. Sorry about the car issues - but this way your DH (and his staff) can appreciate what you do everyday even more.

Julie, I said Joyce's prayer for you too - hope it works.

Lori, sorry about NO - but it'll get planned again I'm sure -- congrats on that full length mirror -- put on your bathing suit and look at yourself too. I just got a copy of the DVD from the wedding/reception and I FINALLY got to see how I really look -- and you know what? Everyone is right - I'm damn skinny enough! I may wear larger sizes than some people, but I'm skinny enough for me. LOL. So enough of worrying about that.

Cheri, so very sorry about both boys --- how sad, and especially for the older boy - what a sad and horrible burden to bear and how tragic for both -- my heart just goes out to everyone concerned. Just tragic. I hope you and the family will find some comfort in knowing that it was just his time. Celebrate his life, as short as it was, I'm sure he made a large impact on everyone.

LauraK, so sorry about the BF -- I hope you'll meet someone new that will take your mind off him. It's hard, sending hugs to you.

Arlene, hope Bethany and DD are doing good.

I have really bad allergies - in fact I woke up with my eyes dripping several times and they are really red today - pink eye - caused by allergies -- should go away in a day or two on it's own, if not, I'll go to eye doctor.

Katie home and is doing okay - still very weak. She will take it slow - Aylah will be with her until I get off work then I'll pick her up and she'll spend the night with us and I'll get her off to school in the morning.

All is calm for the moment and I'm thankful for that.

I'll try to write more later, getting busy again.


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Gosh....you girls are tough to catch up with. Got home about noon today. Worked till 8pm last night and had an early appt with LB doc (6 mo) so just stayed at the lake last night. I felt so bad when Julie called about staying over on her way to mayo. First of all, I was totally confused. I thought she was still in Rochester. Anyway, it didn't work and I felt horrible about not being able to accomodate her. Next time, Julie.

Well, weighed in about 5lbs under at my visit today. I was not happy with it but doc was fine with it. Still on the BMI chart and no worries. Stress and having all my teeth worked on over the last 5 months is what I'll blame for the loss. Funny, even though I have had all this dental work done, I have not dropped a calorie from my daily menu. I always get them in and then some. It will be back on my bones b/4 I know it.

Cheri...how horrible about your young student. I ty to never use the word "hate" but I HATE guns when they get into the wrong hands. So sorry for how you must have felt and that poor family.

Melissa....poor girl. Hope they can find what is causing you trouble. I, like Arlene, have had quite a few surgeries and always cause adhesions. When they are in the lower region, they feel like something is being twisted and pulled.

I am smack in the middle of things going on around here today so don't have time to talk right now. Just wanted to let you know I am back. Will talk with you when I can.

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Arlene...just gotta comment on that beautiful baby and her smile. OMG. She is so pretty and perfect. My oldes DS smiled as soon as he was born. I should go find one of my favorite photos of the day I brought him home....a smile on his face.

Julie...thinking of you today. Fingers crossed for answers.

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Welcome home Apples. I miss your green when you are gone. LOL Glad you got a good report from the lap band doc. You will get those 5 lbs back, you are so good about managing your calories etc. for what your body needs.

Well after being kindda rude and rushed on the phone when he called to tell me New Orleans was cancelled, DH called back and feels really bad. I just have to learn to go with the flow and appreciate the trips I do get to take and the paycheck he brings home! LOL

All the talk of a/c bills, I just got mine today only $79 for the month of August and I ran the a/c every day. Not bad! I know I have some certificate from Energy Star saying how efficient my house is, it must really be.

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Jodi, You make me want to become Jewish -- such beautiful traditions and sounds so comforting!

Apples, glad you're back -- are you going back to the lake this week? I can't remember your schedule.

I know I'm forgetting things, sorry if I'm missing stuff.


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Lori, I haven't had a colonoscopy since banding.....I have to get one in about six months. Anyway, I know a lady that had one last week......she said that you don't have to drink the gallon size Golightly now. There is something that is about half that amount of liquid. I would definitely tell them about the band. My friend had a colonoscopy after her bypass. The doctor told her to start drinking the stuff earlier in the day so she could get it all down.

Janet, sometimes I just read stuff and skip the key words of the post......glad you caught it.


Charlene I do the same thing - then when I am reading someones reply - I think Oh I do don't remember reading that - then have to go back and read slower..

I had to have a cleanse before surgery - my lb doc had me get this stuff from CVS I it's really really awful - suppose to drink like 3 6 oz bottles - well 1 cleaned me out and that was it.. The are going to have to give me a pill in 7 yrs when I have to get re-check.

Today I got to school and found out one of my students had been killed over the weekend. He had found the key to a locked gun cabinet and he and his older brother took out the shotgun and the older brother accidentally shot him.

I've had Michael, the boy killed, since 1st grade and he was now in 6th. I also taught the brother who killed him. I've taught two older siblings as well.

I had a very rough day today and cancelled my classes and went to hug my grandchildren.

I just couldn't function at school.

Both those boys were good boys. They worked hard and brought their grades and test scores up. They could be silly but they were never malicious and never disrespectful.

The last time Mikey was in my room I'd had to discipline two boys and after they left he said to me, "I didn't get in any trouble!"

And I replied, "No you didn't! Good Job." Then I gave him his treat and he said, "Thank you." He always said it. And I said, "You're welcome." And now I'll never see him again--not in this lifetime.

His older brother was taken by the police and questioned a long time. I just saw a post by him on Facebook asking for prayers. I was so proud of all the RCS students who responded with love.

Pray for the family and for RCS. We are all in deep shock and mourning.


Cheri - How terrible - Oh Hugs GF - Hugs Hugs Hugs

Just a fly by...

Cheri~ OMG........ that is so so sad. What a tragedy. Hang in there. Hugs.

Julie~ I am thinking about you! I hope someone there can think outside the box and find a solution. hugs

More car drama. I left to go to MY work... and DH was leaving 15 min after me. I shut my phone off since I was going into a meeting. His car wouldn't start. ALL the cases at the surgery center were waiting on him to arrive. (the CRNAs cannot start until MD is on premises). I felt bad b/c I was just in orientation and could have left but phone was off. DH took a cab. Now, you city folks won't find that odd at all- but we live in BUM FUDge. There is ONE cab company..lol.. and it has one car and one driver. It took them 50 min to pick him up and he smelled of alcohol. After I got out of orientation I came home- had car towed by AAA (starter they think) and then drove my car to hospital and had Hertz pick me up- went there to rent a car. Now have to take Nels to TKD, have a friend pick him up and take boys to dinner, b/c I have curriculum night at his school. (DH is on call tonight.ughhh) The joys of life. I still always say, if this is the toughest stuff I deal with all day............ then I am doing OKAY! : )

My Dad is having a rough time this week. He had to go to the oncologist b/c he's not able to eat or drink much the last two days and has had REALLY bad diarrhea for a couple weeks. Usually he can keep up with fluids but now he can't. His potassium is really low and he's had two days of IV fluids with K+, but my gut tells me he needs to be admitted. Crossing my fingers he's ok. He said last night he is glad he didn't let them take the port out b/c all his veins are shot. SIGH.


Laura - Prayers for Dad - Hugs on car issues - they are the pits -

First off, Cheri, I am so saddened and sorry to read of your students accidental shooting.

and, Laura, about your dad not doing well. Hope he improves soon.

Well my New Orleans trip just got cancelled. So frustrated, I was packed and everything. DH has been so hard to make plans with everything changes. Our last trip to Hawaii took forever to pin down. I know I shouldn't complain and it's his job and sometimes out of his control (but not always), I am lucky to get to do what I do. Now I gotta call the boarding place for the dogs and cancel that, call the book club to tell them never mind I really can be there after all etc. Oh well.

JOdi, is that a Jewish belief as well about the soul coming back to finish it's work? I never realized that, I am learning a lot from you. Also about the prayer shawl, I am sure Dassi would've cherished something like that of her fathers, but am sure there are other things. Did the prayer shawl have the blue cords on it? I remember reading about those some where.

Apples, where are you today? Usually you are home on Tuesdays, hope all is well.

Julie, hope you are getting some answers!

Hope the car starter virus isn't contagious like the dead battery one was several months ago.

Oh forgot to mention, guess what I finally bought (at least I think I forgot to mention LOL), I got a full length mirror at Ikea when DD was here. I've been standing in front of it at least once a day, not naked yet but am trying to really study my body shape so I can hopefully get rid of this distorted body image I have.

Great that too bad - I would be like you - yes we know you appreciate all that you have - but when you get your mind set on something and it doesn't go that way - it's had to deal with ...

WTG on the mirror - When you get dressed in the morning you don't look at yourself in a full length mirror --- plus I can see myself in the mirror while I'm in the shower - I don't look but if I wanted to I could - Yep keep looking in that mirror girl !!!

Still have the pain to answer some of you they did an internal ultrasound yesterday to check for cysts and placement of the things in my tubes from the tubal but everything was good I am supposed to have blood work tomorrow and go see the surgeon again if the White BC is still norma who knows but he said if it was appendix it would get alot worse but I am not. I am not backed up I made sure with out being gross maybe its phatom pain
Melissa, hope you start to feel better soon and it turns out to be nothing.

Laura, hope your Dad gets better soon -- sorry to hear he's having problems again. Hope your Mom is doing okay. WTG Nelson on his first board break -- Im impressed. Sorry about the car issues - but this way your DH (and his staff) can appreciate what you do everyday even more.

Julie, I said Joyce's prayer for you too - hope it works.

Lori, sorry about NO - but it'll get planned again I'm sure -- congrats on that full length mirror -- put on your bathing suit and look at yourself too. I just got a copy of the DVD from the wedding/reception and I FINALLY got to see how I really look -- and you know what? Everyone is right - I'm damn skinny enough! I may wear larger sizes than some people, but I'm skinny enough for me. LOL. So enough of worrying about that.

Cheri, so very sorry about both boys --- how sad, and especially for the older boy - what a sad and horrible burden to bear and how tragic for both -- my heart just goes out to everyone concerned. Just tragic. I hope you and the family will find some comfort in knowing that it was just his time. Celebrate his life, as short as it was, I'm sure he made a large impact on everyone.

LauraK, so sorry about the BF -- I hope you'll meet someone new that will take your mind off him. It's hard, sending hugs to you.

Arlene, hope Bethany and DD are doing good.

I have really bad allergies - in fact I woke up with my eyes dripping several times and they are really red today - pink eye - caused by allergies -- should go away in a day or two on it's own, if not, I'll go to eye doctor.

Katie home and is doing okay - still very weak. She will take it slow - Aylah will be with her until I get off work then I'll pick her up and she'll spend the night with us and I'll get her off to school in the morning.

All is calm for the moment and I'm thankful for that.

I'll try to write more later, getting busy again.


Linda - WTG on accepting you...

Welcome home Apples. I miss your green when you are gone. LOL Glad you got a good report from the LAP-BAND® doc. You will get those 5 lbs back, you are so good about managing your calories etc. for what your body needs.

Well after being kindda rude and rushed on the phone when he called to tell me New Orleans was cancelled, DH called back and feels really bad. I just have to learn to go with the flow and appreciate the trips I do get to take and the paycheck he brings home! LOL

All the talk of a/c bills, I just got mine today only $79 for the month of August and I ran the a/c every day. Not bad! I know I have some certificate from Energy Star saying how efficient my house is, it must really be.

Ya it must be efficient ;0)

Well have boot camp tonite - so cbl

Oh ya - went to italian for lunch w/gf today - wanted alfredo or cannolie - but had a salad... It's all about choices..

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Melissa....poor girl. Hope they can find what is causing you trouble. I, like Arlene, have had quite a few surgeries and always cause adhesions. When they are in the lower region, they feel like something is being twisted and pulled.

So how do they know it is Adhesions. And would the adhesions have to be in the same area as the pain? How did you both get diagnosed with Adhesions? Xray?

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Melissa...exploratory surgery was how they found all of mine and during scheduled surgeries for ovarian tumors and during hernia surgeries. I am not sure if there is another way to find them. Arlene might know.

Thanks for the welcomes backs, girls....nice to feel wanted.

Great...I DOES help to look in the mirror and become accustomed and accepting of your body. I avoided every mirror below the neck for years. Catching myself in window reflections was a real wake up call. Good for you. Sorry about your cancelled vacation. Darn.

Janet...good choice doing the salad today. You set such a good example for all. And, never afraid to share when you hapen to make a bad choice. You show us all that you are human even though you are so aware of how to eat.

Melissa...not sure when I will go back to the lake this week. Have books, housework, etc. to catch up on and ANOTHER wake and funeral at the end of the week. One of our landlords passed away this morning. Also have some things to do for a benefit that will take place on the 25th.

I'm actuallly looking forward to being home full-time and full blown harvest. My favorite time of year.

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Just got off the phone with Julie. They will be heading home in the morning. Docs feel that her pain is coming from her shoulder. That the muscles have atrophied (sp?) and they encourage her to use them but to not do anthing that would be above her head. They gave her litocaine Patches for now and told her to ween herself off the pain meds based on how the pain is.

Plan of action is physical therapy (which she can do right in her hometown) and injections into the muscles. Hopefully, this will be the answer to her problems. She has a late Oct. appt set up with a surgeon at mayo and will go back down there if these treatments are not the answer.

She stated that her DH is somewhat disappointed as he wished for a miracle cure. She sounded in good spirits and accepting of the diagnosis. She is hoping to have the first injections on Thursday when she sees her pain management doc.

That's about it for now. She stated she would check in tomorrow night when she gets home. Now, let's all say an extra prayer or send positive ju-jus that this will all do the trick!

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LauraK...just had to tell you that I am thinking of you and your up and down relationship. Hopefully you will find peace with your decision and be able to walk off your stresses. Bummer but you seem to be such a straight-on type of person and will accept this as just a bump in the road. Hugs

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Hi All,

Laura, sorry your Dad is down again. Prayers. Congrats to Nels on breaking the board. Keep your car troubles in FL please.

Great, I am trying to look in a full link mirror often also, I don't see where people are telling me I'm skinny. I don't see it. It's so hard to even think that thought after all this time of being fat.

Linda, glad DSS is doing better, I hope she keeps it up and gets herself healthy. You are beautiful looking and in your spirit. Glad you see that in that DVD of the wedding.

Wonder what Julie found out today?

Apples, you must spin like a top, you are the busiest person I have seen.

Ok got CRS again. Hugs to all.

On the BF issue, I talked with his sister tonight to give her some heads up on issues he is having and things she needs to know. I hope it helps the family, she is going to keep in touch with me. I told her I would do whatever I could to help. I am trying to take care of myself in this whole process. Doing good with my food, and this is day 15 with no smoking. I have thought about turning to both in all of this mess but I am not going to do it. That is the old way.

Laura K

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Apples, we must have been posting at the same time. Thanks for the update on Julie. My good JuJu and prayers are on the way to her.

Yep speed bump in my path. I know where I am heading and can't control anothers path.


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LauraK...we were posting at the same time. Wrote a post to you and also an update on Julie. Good of you to check in with BF's sister. Sad that he is having issues.

Funny comment of the "spin like a top". My DH has always called me that "white tornado". I actually am the QUEEN of multitasking. That's how I am able to get it all done.....plus, on a dead run from dawn till dusk. But, so easy now compared to 2 yrs ago.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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