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Good morning! It's another beautiful day out. I am loving this weather. No plans really for the day other than some vaccuuming and cleaning and a pedicure. A new place opened up near by and is advertising a spa pedicure for $15.99 so will check it out.

Laura, I have big, fat feet too, I like Merrills and Born shoes. I got some good deals at them at DSW if you have those stores. Good luck in your Quest. It's always so hard to find something when you need to find something specific it seems.

Melissa, good luck at the dr. hope you get some answers and it's nothing serious.

Julie, hoping you get answers at mayo today.

Phyl, so glad you got to see your grandson after 4 yrs. that's a long time. I can understand why it was hard for him to say good bye to you. He's a cute kid!

Janet, sounds like a nice recharging kind of day. We need those once in a while.

Apples, are you home yet? We miss ya.

LauraK, sorry it didn't work out with the guy but glad you realized it now. As someone else said, we can't fix someone else, need to take care of ourselves.

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Lori - enjoy New Orleans for dinner. We've been there several times and love the food and atmosphere. Oh yes, then Hawaii - what a great life you have.

Laura K - sorry the relationship failed again, but protect yourself and your heart. You deserve someone who will love you fully and who is strong.

Laura - I loved all the pix of fun weekend on FB - now I understand why you kept Nels so busy. Dad was working and then trying to rest. What a fun Mommy you are.

Janet - Thanks for posting exactly what you eat (once in awhile). It helps me to see what "normal" will look like when I master this band. Glad you enjoyed some relaxation time too.

Julie - sending love today for you and doctors @ mayo.< /p>

Eva - can't wait to meet you. Something in your post made me laugh out loud today.

Phyl - nice to have Cody wear out Zoey. So good for both of them. Nice that you could visit with him.

Arlene and Melissa - hello from K.C. Just trying to remember everyone today.

I have a pedicure today and a class on my new iPhone. Perfect fall weather here today. Can't wait to see how fall clothes fit. What a change from - oh crap - wonder if anything will fit.

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Melissa - hope you OB gets to the bottom of your problem. hugs Also, thanks for the info on the spider (complete with pix) Fascinating.

Lori - I think my spa pedicure is $65 - wish I was there to share yours, and then go to lunch together.

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OH Joyce that would be fun to get pedicures and lunch together. I am curious to see exactly what the grand opening sign means by spa pedicure for that price. LOL

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Forgot to share - Went to American Girl store yesterday and bought doll for GD in Guam. She will Celebrate her 7th b'day when I'm there and she wanted a doll that looks like her.

It was my first experience in that store - what fun.

Will go back & buy accessories before I leave in November. Will probably carry the doll in my carryon bag to be sure it doesn't get "lost" in my checked luggage.

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Good Morning Peeps

Julie Safe travels - we will be thinking about you and waiting to hear what they find out..

Eva - that was my highest so far and next month should be lower - I guess pple in the east north have $500 heating bills whereas we have a/c bills.. Yep as of this friday 2 weeks to Vegas... On FB Phyl said 10 days (about) and she will be here in the Desert - So figure around the 25th.. 3 weeks of travel - Sounds good - I have 2.5 months till I have my vacation - DS called last night wants to look in to whats to do - I said I'm hanging on the beach :0)

Melissa - Scary spider - I know most that are scary aren't poisioness (sp) Get your butt to ER ... Let us know...

Laura - Busy weekend for you... I'm on and off w/fv - this month on - but will lose interest sometime :(

Joyce - Yesterday was a pig out day ;0) As I was eating when I wasn't hungry - really the only thing I should have avoided cuz i don't do much cheese was the quesidilla as I wasn't physically hungry - but mentally and tastbuds.. dinner ended up being yellow crooked neck squash - chick thigh - sf ice cream -

Today's Plan food

BF - greek yogurt/blkberries & rasberries

lunch - chick thigh & squash

dinner - chich thigh - 1/2 sweet potato & a veggie or maybe just veggie and no tato - will see how I feel tonite - gotta say I crave veggies alot more than starches now a days..

Snacks - ???? Have some special k crackers at my desk - lf cheese in the fridge - most likely will have sf ice cream tonite - have been most nights ;0) - popcorn? ?? It will all depend on my hunger tonite ;0)

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Back from getting my new cheap toes. LOL It was just what I consider a regular pedicure. For $10 more I could've gotten the deluxe but didn't care to pay for that. LOL

Forgot to mention here, though I put it on Facebook today. 36 yrs ago today DH & I had our first date it was a Friday the 13th and a HS football game against Columbine HS. How time flies. And it was freezing cold, I got a new winter coat that I wore that night.

Wow you gals have some high a/c bills. I am glad I don't have a/c or heating bills that high. I complain when it approaches $100. LOL Though I am already warning DH, I refuse to freeze this winter, this is a brand new construction home so insulation etc. is good and I plan on turning the heat past 70! LOL

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Joyce - do you go to a resort to get a pedi - $65 that's high

normally 20-25 for a pedi - got deluxe at new shop it was $35 - won't do that again - wasn't worth the extra $$$ - I can now paint my own toes (no more tummy in the way)- and since winter is coming soon - I won't be getting pedi's as my feet are in enclosed shoes and heels are fine in the winter - and toes - I let them breath (clear or no polish or super shear pink)

My GD is into motorcycles not dolls :0) but they are cute..

Great - Heck I thought in Denver it got cold - well I guess not as cold as apples - I bet she has a hell of a winter bill - you don't have any a/c at all - ugh -doesn't it get hot there??

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Hi gang! I posted last night, but it wouldn't post. Oh well, nothing to shout about.

Eva and Janet, do you have choices in electric companies? I switched to Ambit Energy.......My bill dropped at least 75.00. I don't know if they are in your area yet. Check in to it. I signed under a friend who is actually selling the service.

Well, helping my DD has slowed now. She is so much better this time than the last pregnancy. Her husband is off for a week to help her. Sydney is being such a sweet sister. She is so gentle with Bethany.

Melissa, is that a banana Spider? We have those in the pecan and oak trees down here. They are everywhere. Skeeters are really bad right now. I have six bites on my leg. I really sprayed down before walking this morning.

Lori, have a great time this week. Watch out for the skeeters.


Laura, I did not know your dad was in the hospital again. Whats going on with him. Is he getting treatments again?

Joyce, I pay 25-35 depending on whether I go with the deluxe. They are always trying to push something on me.

Okay, better finish the housework.........later peeps!!!

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Janet, yes I have a/c, I run it most days in the summer just during the day, try to open windows at night if it's not too hot. My electric bills get to right at $100 and then in the winter it got to about 16 below zero a couple times in Denver, does that count as cold? For heat we had (and have here) natural gas and I try to keep that bill from going over $100 too. Though this house here in UT has gas appliances as well so imagine that will account for a little higher as well. I love this time of year because I need neither heat nor air and it's perfect!

Spiders: To me there's no 'good' spider, they all freak me out and if I dare get close enough they are dead spiders. LOL

Well got my house all clean and am the only one home to enjoy it. LOL atleast it won't get dirty again. LOL Gathered all DH's stuff up he had lying around and put it in a pile in the basement. Then I sat and messed with my DVR to set it up to record all the new fall shows. I hadn't touched the thing since moving so even the old shows I recorded regularly like Biggest Loser, NCIS etc. had to be changed as they were set for Denver channels. Hopefully I didn't forget any. Not sure if I will watch everything I have set but figured I'd rather have it and not like the show and delete it than be mad that I missed a good one. LOL

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I'm going to make a valiant effort to respond to a few recent posts!! I told you guys we are in OK! Threatening weather here ALL week and the sky has been dark most of today. I just heard some thunder. I do NOT miss the OK weather! It's hot and humid and severe weather warnings all the time!!

Dear Friends........................ We're off to see the wizard........................I'm hoping to receive a new lease on life........ I'll try to be in touch when I can...... Love and hugs to everyone.......... Julie

Hope you get some answers soon, Julie!!! HUGS!

Phyl, glad you are having a good trip. You going to be able to stop by on your way through?


I am thinking we will be in your area not this coming weekend, but next weekend. Maybe Thurs/Fri time frame. Texas this weekend... then make our way south to I-10, and then west. Not sure how long that will take, but surely next weekend at the latest. Don't remember what you told me, but we need to park in a place where there is enough room to turn around.. can't back up while towing the car and try to avoid unhitching it at all cost! I have your address in our trip plan, but also found an RV park nearby in case we can't park at your place. But think we should be able to stop and see you. If in an RV park, you can come over and visit. Also, depends on what kind of progress we are making. We like to stop about every 200-300 miles. Earl gets too tired and cranky if we drive longer than about 2pm! Very stressful driving this rig!

Okay my Nurses on the board. I am going to the Dr today because I have had severe lower right pain in my pelvic groin area. Started Friay with bloating and belly button hard to touch and then I also have my monthly. Then Sat more bloating and Nausea and heating pad on my back and front. Sun. nausea, worse pain and really could not sleep last night up till 3am then feel asleep woke up at 8 dripping in sweat.

I think it is Appendicitis however because I had then new tubal thing almost a month ago I thought it was that. I don't have a fever (I hardly ever run one when I am sick) But I can't stand up straight.

I have an appt at one with my OB Dr since they have internal ultrasound an other xrays so i will keep you guys posted.

Anxious to hear what the doc says. Could be appendicitis, but I kind of doubt it. Sounds more like a gyn problem.

Good morning! It's another beautiful day out. I am loving this weather. No plans really for the day other than some vaccuuming and cleaning and a pedicure. A new place opened up near by and is advertising a spa pedicure for $15.99 so will check it out.

Laura, I have big, fat feet too, I like Merrills and Born shoes. I got some good deals at them at DSW if you have those stores. Good luck in your Quest. It's always so hard to find something when you need to find something specific it seems.

Phyl, so glad you got to see your grandson after 4 yrs. that's a long time. I can understand why it was hard for him to say good bye to you. He's a cute kid!

I LOVE Merrills.. have two pair of their sandals. I have small, kind of thin feet, with toes that cross over and are arthritic!

We paid big bucks for mani/pedi for the wedding... about a dozen of us.. sisters, nieces, bridal party, etc. went to a place on Friday morning before the wedding. One of my nieces brought lunch and champagne and several bottles of wine! Made the bill a little more painless, but I think my total was over $50 and then I tipped... got the deluxe pedi. Guess what?? Mani lasted ONE WEEK, and some had to redo their nails the next day before the wedding!

Yes, Cody is a cute kid! Very sweet, but, like I said, a few residual problems from what his mom and our son have put him through. Wish we didn't live so far away!

Phyl - nice to have Cody wear out Zoey. So good for both of them. Nice that you could visit with him.

Yes, he had a great time with the dog, but what was really kind of sad is how he craves some male attention. As soon as he got here.. "where's Grandpa??" Then he wanted to ride with Grandpa when we went to dinner, and go for a walk with Grandpa, wanted Grandpa to take him golfing, (RV park is part of a golf complex...Grandpa is NOT a golfer, has no golf clubs... Cody just didn't get why grandpa couldn't take him golfing, and he wanted to spend the night with us (school day today!), etc. I could kick our son! When I talked to him on the phone earlier that day he says, "wait til you see him. You won't believe how much he's grown!" And I'm thinking.. when is the last time YOU saw him???? So I asked him.. and he tells me he picked him up in the summer and took him out of state with him for a week. YEAH!! That was like May 2009!!! GRRRR! He has NO idea how much he's grown! Then he told me to be sure and call him when Cody was here so he could talk to him! I called twice, texted once, left one message tagging it "URGENT", and no call back! So today he texts me and asks how the visit went!!! Sorry... do you hear a little hostility!??? He texted me last week wanting to know if we could "help" his older son, Kurtis, get to Nebraska to spend some time with him because he needs some "supervision"!! Don't know that he is capable of "supervision" and don't know why he would need our "help" since he had just finished painting a train (in Nebraska) and I know that usually means a big pay day.

On FB Phyl said 10 days (about) and she will be here in the Desert - So figure around the 25th.. 3 weeks of travel - Sounds good - I have 2.5 months till I have my vacation - DS called last night wants to look in to whats to do - I said I'm hanging on the beach :0)

Today's Plan food

BF - greek yogurt/blkberries & rasberries

lunch - chick thigh & squash

dinner - chich thigh - 1/2 sweet potato & a veggie or maybe just veggie and no tato - will see how I feel tonite - gotta say I crave veggies alot more than starches now a days..

Snacks - ???? Have some special k crackers at my desk - lf cheese in the fridge - most likely will have sf ice cream tonite - have been most nights ;0) - popcorn? ?? It will all depend on my hunger tonite ;0)

Your estimate is about right. I would like to be in DHS by weekend of 25-26 and hoping to get appt at Eisenhower Spine Center first part of that week to get things rolling before our Vegas trip. No hope of getting any resolution before that, but need to get MRI lined up and maybe some more appropriate pain pills. I don't want to take the hydocodone. Sister gave me Darvocet and sometimes it works and usually it doesn't. I suspect she'd had it a while and maybe had lost it's potency.

Keep forgetting to ask... did you ever find a housesitter for the Nov. vaca???

Today is my DS 21st B-day. We are going to dinner to Celebrate and I will buy him his 1st legal drink. lol

Laura K

We have two granddaughters that turn 21 next May. Told them both we'd take them out for lunch/dinner and a "legal" drink!! I know they've both been drinking for a couple of years! One is at U of WA..living in sorority house, going to frat parties.. so... just sayin'!! LOL! The other.. arrested for DUI when she was about 17!! SNOT!!

Well, helping my DD has slowed now. She is so much better this time than the last pregnancy. Her husband is off for a week to help her. Sydney is being such a sweet sister. She is so gentle with Bethany.

Okay, better finish the housework.........later peeps!!!

That is such a SWEET baby! Can't believe the SMILE in that photo.. never saw such a smile on a newborn!!! And I worked a long time in labor and delivery and in newborn nursery!

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Just spent the afternoon on the phone scheduling appts. When I had my 'well woman' exam 2 weeks ago he suggested I get a colonoscopy, bone density scan and of course mammogram. So have all those scheduled in about 2 weeks, should feel real poked and prodded after that's all done, especially the colonoscopy. I am dreading that. Anyone have one done since banding? Is drinking the liquid the night before an issue?

Then more phone work in getting DH's hotel frequent guest accounts all squared away. Might as well get some benefits from all his stays but he always forgets his numbers and had duplicate accounts etc. so got them all fixed and written down on a little card to put in his wallet. Hopefully that will fix the problem. I just hate phone calling stuff and put it off. My butt hurts from too much sitting. LOL

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Okay back from the day with the OB DR and a surgeon. Symtoms seem like Appendix but my White Blood Count and other labs were fine. Ob did and internal ultrasound and no cysts to be found not pregnant (I told him I was not) BP normal so he sent me to my surgeon that did my liver surgery in 07 he did a fun rectal exam (did not know this but apparently that is the old school way of knowing if it is the appendix or not) When he did that test nothing different as far as pain so so he did labs that came back normal. So he wants to re run labs on Wed and see me again in case today is actually the first day of pain and I got confused due to the cramping of my monthly. He does not want to do a CAT Scan because I had so many in the past and they are just now realizing that CAT scan put out more radiation than they thought so he only likes to do them if the blood work shows something.

"Melissa, is that a banana Spider? We have those in the pecan and oak trees down here. They are everywhere. Skeeters are really bad right now. I have six bites on my leg. I really sprayed down before walking this morning.


I asked my Hubby and he said they are different but when I googled it they look the same so only GOD knows

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Hi everyone,

Just catching up on all the posts. Julie, I hope you get some answers this time around at the mayo. It seems a shame you had to leave and go back again. And congrats on the new baby news!! I'm jealous -- but happy for you and your DD.

Katie is coming home - should be getting home soon -- DH went around 2 to pick her up. Aylah was so very excited. She will spend the mornings at her apt. and have a visiting nurse come in to do her pic line every day (for 3 weeks). Then she will come spend the afternoon with Aylah at our house, have dinner and then her dad will take her home. She won't be driving for awhile either. We don't want her to do too much and get sick again - plus she's very weak. We just want her to heal and get stronger. Aylah will be fine spending the night with us and we'll get her up and off to school every morning.

Sylvia Browne was pretty good - the first hour she did a little lecture -- we felt like she was talking directly to us as it was mostly about adult children taking advantage of parents, not taking care of themselves, etc. As we arrived, we each received a raffle ticket and were told to keep that. Then they drew the tickets and the people who were drawn got to ask one question - she spent the entire second hour doing that -- she made people limit it to one and only one question -- she moved through them quite quickly -- probably about 70 people got questions answered. Sadly, most of the questions were "I lost my job, do you see me working soon?" All in all, it was worth the $32 each we spent on the tickets - we enjoyed it.

Had a nice evening away and swam and soaked in the hotel hot tub (we had one in LA and sure do miss ours) .

Lori, I love NO -- we were there just a week before Katrina -- we were soooo lucky in that regard. But definitely a place I want to visit again -- love the people and hospitality.

Our house is all electric and our bill is $130/month total on a budget -- for heat, air, all appliances, etc We are lucky, but we live in Iowa and it's cheaper to live here. Sometimes I actually pinch myself when I pay that bill, it still seems unreal to me -- even after six years.

Janet, I kept forgetting to tell you that in that pic of you and your girlfriends at the concert, you looked like you were out with your "older" sisters - don't tell your friends I said that but you looked so fabulous and young in that pic!! You looked fantastic!!

Arlene, glad to hear your DD is doing so good and that the new older sister is being so careful of Bethany. I just love little kids with their new siblings - usually so sweet. Sorry to hear the mosquitos love you too - they always love to drink my blood.

Phyl, hope your having a fun trip -- glad you're able to visit family all along the way.

Melissa, hope you're okay -- hope it wasn't appendix. Sure sounded like it though.

Laura, loved all the pics -- you are one busy lady!! Wow, hope you find some time for yourself too.

We got home late yesterday afternoon -- stopped at the store, then I went home and made a bunch of food -- homemade sauce with meatballs, cooked some chicken and made homemade chicken noodle Soup and enough chicken for another casserole. Then I had to make a dessert for this guy at work who won the gourmet dessert of the month raffle we did for Relay for Life -- it was my month to make it -- lucky for me he requested the Buster Bar Dessert - so easy to make -- So I whipped that up and dropped it off to him after my lunch today. So at least there's food there for the gang this week -- maybe Katie will be able to eat and get fattened up a bit. They do have her on some new meds which she said have been helping with her eating -- she's gained several pounds this week -- so that's good.

Apples, you are working today, should be back on line tonght I figure.

Joyce, I love the American Dolls - your GD will love it.

Hopefully things will settle down a bit with me. I did manage to go to Water aerobics this morning. I feel so much better when I can get in the Water and stretch.

CBL. Have a good night everyone,.


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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