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Sending healing prayers for Julie and her doctors at mayo Clinic.

Also, sending strength with Karen on another trip to the dentist.

Arlene - enjoy holding that new granddaughter today.

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Thansk for the well-wishes on the dental appt., Joyce. Got my permanents of top and they look fantastic. Had some other prep work done for more caps. Have another early appt tomorrow morning to prep top right side for caps. Will be happy when this is done.

LauraK...thanks for sharing info about your fun weekend. I must have missed a post of yours prior to that.

Had to drive home the 65 miles from dental office because something came up here. Now the dog and I are really headed to the lake. For sure this time. LOL

Oh gosh, Janet, if ppl were buried in what they wear to bed while sleeping, I would be buck necked! Ewww....no one would want to take a peek in that casket except DH...one last look at lovliness.

You all have a great weekend and will catch up with you all when I get home on Tuesday. Sending the love.

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I am back from Denver. Had a good time with Grandma also my MIL and DS and DD met us for lunch. A very tiring day though. By they time I get up, do the drive to the airport, get there the minimum one hour before, the little over and hour flight, then drive to Grandma's it takes about 3 to 4 hours each way for a 3 hour visit then it's time to come home. Exhausting especially since I was still awake at 2am and got up at 4am. Early to bed for me.

I hate cemetaries. Growing up in Wisconsin my Grandma always took us there to visit all these people I never knew. All the while my sisters and I would want to run around and play and Grandma would get after us for walking on people's heads, etc. I was just so creeped out by it all.

Apples, glad the dental work is getting close to done, can't wait to see that smile.

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Hi gang! I am pooped! We did not get much sleep last night. I got DGD dressed for Mother's Day out and off we went. She did fine. She slept almost two hours. Meanwhile, Dh and I went to see our new DGD. She is adorable......looks alot like her sis, but has dark hair. DD is doing good and they should be home tomorrow morning. It will so much easier to take care of DGD at her house.

Apples, I am glad you shared your funeral plans. We need to talk about it. I was telling DH today that we need to move our plan to the funeral home in this town. I want to keep it simple for my kids. That is another reason I bought the plan. This may not be funny to some, but I have to tell you this little story. I once worked for an answering service. We had a small gas company account. They would go out and fill tanks after hours especially during the winter. One night a man called the gas service and I answered for them. He needed someone to come out ASAP because he had bodies to cremate. After I got over the shock of his request I called the gas people and they went out and filled the tanks. I never thought about how people were cremated until I got that call. Joyce you are right about being vessels. I guess the funeral thing was a way of letting go. Okay, there is my two cents.

Peeps, I gotta go to bed. DGD gets up early. Goodnight!

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Wow! What a discussion I came home to!

First of all, congrats to you and yours Arlene. Glad all went well.

Now, births and deaths. Whew! The whole gamut!

I cry for other people's pain at funerals. For them missing the person. Open casket or cremated makes no difference. The two worst and best funerals I was at were when two women, one a friend, one a co-worker, both highly involved with young people, with children still at home, church packed with young people whose lives they'd impacted, died with what seemed like unfinished lives. Yet they'd had such a tremendous impact. The faith and love in those rooms was palpable. No doubt about the faith of these women and the knowledge they'd been welcomed home with a "Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into your Master's rest."

People who've really suffered I feel a sense of relief, older people who've lived full lives a sense of gratitude.

For my grandfather, whom I'd loved, but who abused my mother, very mixed feelings. Felt like God was a better judge than me.

My parents are still alive. I'll miss them but I also have a certain amount of detachment towards them.

However, if it were my kids or grandkids I'd be devastated. Just the thought of going to their funerals fills my eyes with tears and my heart with sorrow.

The funeral would be almost unbearable, no matter what kind. If someone deliberately hurt and killed them, that would be an unimaginable grief. I just pray I never have to go through that. I can't watch movies or the news when such stories are on. The thought that one of my students or former students might be on the news because they've been murdered (which has happened to former RCS students) is almost as bad.

So now that I've really gotten morbid, I have to say that funerals and memorials do serve a purpose. Whatever their ritual. We can mourn with others and share our loss, and somehow that loss is more bearable. Knowing they're "in a better place" does not diminish that loss. Remembering their lives communally validates their lives and allows us to Celebrate those lives.

I always joked that as the ultimate co-dependant they'd put on my gravestone, "She meant well." LOL.

For my song I want "Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand, Lord, and lead me home. When my way grows drear, precious Lord, linger near, when my life is almost gone, at the river I stand, guide my feet, hold my hand, take my hand, Lord, and lead me home."

Mourn my loss, Celebrate my life, and believe that I've gone home. No more pain, no more sorrow.


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I think visiting cemeteries and visiting the dead was important to our parent's generation. My parents thought it was very important to visit people they cared about. Therefore I try to visit my parent's graves at least once a year, when I'm back in Colorado. I do it because it was important to my mother. I change the fake flowers and try to honor them. For myself, I told DH to do what he wants...I'll be dead and I don't care. I know he wants his ashes scattered over the ocean....I think I'd rather have them scattered over the desert or buried in my garden.

It was a hot day today. I spent a lot of it outside and now I'm tired. DH went to Phoenix with his boy to check out a tech school today. Should be interesting to hear how that went. They aren't home yet.

I guess not much is happening today. Hope Julie gets some answers tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.

Hope everyone has a nice evening!


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Good Morning! DGD is not up yet. I have a busy day.

Julie, You are in my prayers today. I am praying for the doctors too. I hope we hear from you soon. HUGS! HUGS! HUGS!

Eva.......how's the walking? I haven't walked since Monday. It's kind of good the baby and rain came at the same time. I will get to start walking this evening. I haven't gained or lost.....just maintained.

I will check in tonight! Have a great day peeps!!!

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Hi guys~

My first chance to sit down and write anything in a while. Happy New Year to my friends celebrating Rosh Hashanah. I'm happy to have a day at home with Nelson, free from the usual rush and time to just BE.

I was up at 4am and tried to catch up on the posts. I got the last 4-5 pages at least. Anyone care to write a summary of the last week or so- it will be greatly appreciated. : )

Julie~ I gather that you are at mayo. I am hoping we find some answers. hugs.

Apples~ Congrats on the newest members of your teeth family! Hope you are resting and recovering at the lake. Hugs on all the "stuff" going on. I responded to your PM.

Janet~ Hugs with Andrew stuff. I don't want to be buried in socks. I hate socks. I like Karen, if buried in what I wear to bed, will be BUCK nekkid! LOL. That's all I care to contribute to the funeral conversation. I think I read that all your work is reversed and upside down and backwards. Hope all is ok. Everytime I see your before/after photo- it motivates me. That's all I have to say. Kick butt girl!

Arlene~ Congrats on the new little girl! awww, I LOVE the sight and sounds of a newborn baby! Eat her up. Enjoy.

Eva~ HOT. You and the weather..LOL! How's it going? How many days until Argentina? If you haven't read Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez then I HIGHLY recommend it as a bring along for the trip. Although the setting isn't Argentina, there are so many similar things that it will bring the book to life reading it while in South America. It was the first book I read while in the Peace Corps, and to this day one of my favorites.

Great~Welcome back from Hawaii and Denver. Our little traveler. Hope it was good to see everyone.

Everyone else, hello & will write more. At the moment CRS and have a boy requesting breakfast..LOL. I think the beach is calling our name today. Yep, I hear it. Plan on packing a cooler with lunch, grabbing some sand toys and towels and heading to the Water. I start work next week (NP job) and have already started class volunteering 1-2 days a week and being classroom parent. I need to get better at fitting in exercise in all this. I am doing some (2 days a week at gym and one 3 mile walk another day). But I see Janet shaking her head and saying "Girl, that ain't enough!" I know. Do I get a C for trying!?

Will CBL..........peasout peeps. Laura

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Good Morning Gang...

Laura - LOL it's better than none :0) Its a good start.. Work is really about the same right now - won't change till Penny gets back from vacation the end of the month - it should be ok ..

Well had weights and yoga last night - didn't want to go to yoga but I feel so much better after and usually sleep really well - so I did take my butt - it's not like I'm jumping around and sweating.. Did sleep well last night..

It's cool here this morning - need a robe to go out side.. Eva you aren't cooling down - I don't think we are suppose to hit 91 and it's 67 right now and breezy .. Double digits this week..

I'm terrible at recaps :0) - Apples at lake - Julie at mayo - Charlene new GM - Great been having family time - Jodi is having holidays and healthy meals..

Well time for shower - Hugs gang ..

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Laura - wish I could join you and Nels at the beach today. Cloudy and cool here in K.C.

Have an appt in our office to sign the renewal for our corporate health insurance. Another 15% increase this year. ouch!!!!!

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So sad, our community pool was all covered up today and ready for the winter.

I went and got younger this morning (haircut and color) and got some McNuggets for lunch afterwards today. Today was a 4 nugget day. LOL

Am sitting here wondering how Julie is making out at mayo, thinking of Laura at the beach, Apples at the lake, Janet, Eva, Cheri and Linda hard at work, Melissa looking for work, Phyl driving cross country with a hurt back, Arlene holding that new baby, Joyce cringing as she signs up for her health insurance increase, Jodi celebrating the Jewish new year, and LauraK's daughter wondering how she's doing? Hope I didn't miss anyone, I think of you all often and soon will be able to put a real life face to most of your names! So anxious for Vegas baby!

What happened to Gwen? Is she back from her cruise yet??

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So sad, our community pool was all covered up today and ready for the winter.

I went and got younger this morning (haircut and color) and got some McNuggets for lunch afterwards today. Today was a 4 nugget day. LOL

Am sitting here wondering how Julie is making out at mayo, thinking of Laura at the beach, Apples at the lake, Janet, Eva, Cheri and Linda hard at work, Melissa looking for work, Phyl driving cross country with a hurt back, Arlene holding that new baby, Joyce cringing as she signs up for her health insurance increase, Jodi celebrating the Jewish new year, and LauraK's daughter wondering how she's doing? Hope I didn't miss anyone, I think of you all often and soon will be able to put a real life face to most of your names! So anxious for Vegas baby!

What happened to Gwen? Is she back from her cruise yet??

You did very well Lor with that recap :0)i - Yep can't wait 3 weeks to go and we will meet in person..

I don't think Phyl's back is too bad - if it was she wouldn't have been able to go non-stop for the 3 weeks in Buffalo :0)

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Well...it's been a long time since I've been on here and written something. I'm pondering if I should write something or "just get over it", kick myself in the rear and do what I need to.

What's the problem you ask? It's been close to 2 years since my banding (9/24/08). I did great - went from 210 to 136. My goal was 130 but my body just wouldn't budge past 136. I haven't had a fill in a year. But since May of this year, I've started to gain weight and don't really understand why. I am now up to 148. I still have restriction so I don't think that's the problem. Since my last fill (Aug 09) I no longer eat any meat, bread, Pasta, or rice. Soda has always been out and I never really had a problem with it anyway. I'm so depressed. I still exercise but why am I gaining weight?! My only sinful food I'm consuming is tortilla chips - but I have enough restriction that it tightens up so I don't binge (I can eat corn products but not flour products). I drink beer but only one a day at the most, my coffee is black and I don't buy drinks like Latte's etc. I know if I head in to the doctor he will say I don't need a fill - I need to lower my calories.

And let's be honest here - yes I do. I'm depressed though. Even though I have restriction, I feel like I'm right back to where I was before the banding mentally - I know what I'm supposed to do, and yet I don't do it!! I stopped keeping a journal so that I wouldn't obsess about the food but it looks as though I need to start journaling again, but somehow I just seem to "forget". Yeah right........someone kick me in the butt here, tell me to get over myself and jump back on the healthy food wagon! I know what it is to eat healthy, I just don't do it. I guess what's depressing is that I do not eat candy, cakes, popcorn, etc. etc. but I always seem to find a way to get unhealthy food into my mouth. I'm a compulsive overeater. I've been in therapy, but just recently my therapist "let me go" and said I'm fine and I just need to go out in the real world and work on the things she has taught me.

I don't know if I'm also dealing with the weight gain from premenopause? I'm 48 and am definately in that stage.

Grrrr...I'm so depressed! I'm already having to go into the next size up clothing and it is really dragging me down! I am grateful for my lap band because otherwise I am right now in a binge mode and truly want to binge.

So....I am rambling on and on here in this Lap Band forum to keep from binging - or trying to anyway.

Y'all don't have to respond really.....I just needed to vent and my son will be coming home from school soon so I will be destracted. (sp)

Forgive me for my ranting and raving...I'm just having a little pitty party here as my tight shorts are pinching into my stomach.

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Hey guys~

Thanks Lori. What a short but sweet summation.

We went to the beach. Did LOTS of walking, digging, swimming. The kids had a blast. The friend I went with is also a NP. We talked shop and watched the kids. After we got home had Nelson rinse off and off to TKD we went. DH didn't think my day was "busy" like his... but hey, it was a lot of work getting 2 six year olds to the beach and back in one piece! Two pieces, now that's easy! LOL

Janet~ You are right. I am heading that way. Being in the bathing suit today sealed the deal. Although, I have to tell you, I last wore this tankini on my honeymoon in 2001. Feeling pretty good about that, size 14. : )

peasout.. Laura

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Janet, glad to hear Phyls back isn't that bad. From her post on Facebook I thought it had gotten bad. That's a relief.

Dang smoke alarm, I preheated the oven to bake chicken for dinner. Well seems DH made a mess in there with his deer meat and Jerky. It's not smoking any more but the dang things been going off for 20 min. I have super high ceilings and can't reach it, DH is on his way home to disconnect it but it won't stop. GRRRRR I could just scream!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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