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Baby came at 5:19.....Joyce you won. She weighed 7.9lbs. Don't know the length.....we had to leave because Sydney was screaming" Mommy, I love you". That was an hour ago and she is still crying and screaming.....breaking my heart. So, now time for bath and bed.....got a case of the dreads having to put her to bed. She just might have to sleep with me. Oh, Kelly is fine......thanks for all the prayers! I will check in tomorrow. Love y'all!!!!

Yeah Congrats!!! I am so excited for you all.

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Arlene - I hope everything is going well with the delivery.

So alot with me this weekend. I took my son a went to see my long time friend in NC on Labor Day. She lives in Waynesville which is roughly 2 1/2 hrs from. She lives a very simply life. Meaning her and her husband have one car she home schools and really just have the basics to live nothing really extravagant. That is something they decided to do a long time ago. Everyone is in good health so the have blue cross as an isurance plan they bought a very long time ago. She kind of lives in the mountains and has a couple of chickens which are cool to hold (only cause I have never held on before).

Makes you want to get rid of the material things an live on one income but with my health issues I can't cause we would never get a health policy because of my diabetes and other health issues. Right now I have to start payiong $1301.00 a month to keep cobra it is going to hurt us bad. I carry the insurance cause my DH is self employed. I have thought about not keeping it but our luck a medical procedure would be needed and then what more money owed.

I was searching through my old medical paper work and realized something. I always thought I never weighed less than 200 pounds after I had my son in 95. But I am happy to say I have in 11/18/98 I weighed 192 and then in 03/11/99 I weighed 189, Last I found was 1/18/2000 I weighed 194.

I thought well i guess I can do this after all. It is amazing how much your mind can trick you into thinking things.

On the job hunting front nothing is happening everyone wants you to apply only and not come in there office. So tomorrow I am going to the retail places and go an inquire about my pending resumes.

Melissa....have you ever thought of having your DH pay for individual policies for himself and your DS and you going on your own with a policy subsidised by your state? I am not sure of the GA health ins laws, but in our state it is the most reasonable way to go when one family member is a high risk to ins companies. Might be worth checking out. Even with a high deductible, would be much less than paying out what you would with Cobra. Just a thought. If your DH and DS are healthy, they could choose a high deductible also and everybody would have a savings on premium. Do you have and ins agent that would go to bat for you? If not, find one that will take a look at your situation.

I think of you often and the struggles you have been through the last few months. And, YES, you CAN get back to Onderland. Heck, I weighed 119-125 until I started on the weight gain wagon. Put your sights on a number you feel comfortable with and focus on that goal. We are here to help you along that path:tt1:

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Arlene, Congats on baby Bethany's arrival.

Linda, so glad DSS is doing better, been in my prayers.

Hi to Everyone else I've been reading but can't remember to much.

Busy fun weekend again, so I am bushed.


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Sooooooooooooo....I bet you guys are thinking..."What the hell"....she said goodbye 10 times today. "What is she doing here"? Well, went to my wake. DH warned me to just go to the lake and not go to it alone. A guy (aged) near and dear to our hearts. I am the worst. I didn't want to drive the miles to the lake (no windsheild wipers for my eyes) so I just came home.

OK...have a question for all of you. I know I do much better (as far as crying and falling apart at a wake) if a person is cremated. Both my boys have made the statement that if something happened to them, they would want cremation. DH and I both voted that way also. My vote was early in life and b/4 permanent eyeliner....I wanted cremation because no one would put my makeup on the way I would. (Kidding....I am not that vain). Anyway, back to the question.....Do you handle (not cry) better if you do not have an open casket? Let's get this discussion on the table!!!

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Hi guys.

Crazy day today. I am overscheduled with students but I don't see how to schedule them any other way. I have a student coming shortly to my house. He is a former student from RCS now in highschool. Mildly Mentally Impaired. Mom called this summer to see if I'd tutor him. She wants to keep it up over the school year. Tues. is the only night he's free and I'm free. Ran into someone else who found out what I do and wants me to tutor privately. Might try to do her Saturday mornings. Right now I'm thinking I'm nuts. However, I'd just spend the time watching TV and being on the computer, so an hour tonight and an hour from my Saturday aren't that much.

Gotta go.

Cheri...you are a girl comparable to my son (also ADHD). He worked his butt of during college getting through in three years but also tutored and was tutored. He excelled in math and tutored 6-12 hours a week besides working 45 hours and taking over 20 credits a semester. But, the trick was....he was never afraid to ask for help. English and history scared the crap out of him. The money he made tutoring math paid for the tutoring he needed for the other subjects. He was young and was able to recognize his shortfalls and found a way to get through them.

My point....whether it be a teacher, a tudor, a mom that is willing to home school.....I admire the person that has the patience to do it. I DREADED having to train (even for one day) the person that would replace me in a job.

Edited by Apples2

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Arlene, Congats on baby Bethany's arrival.

Linda, so glad DSS is doing better, been in my prayers.

Hi to Everyone else I've been reading but can't remember to much.

Busy fun weekend again, so I am bushed.


So, LauraK, I'm shot too. I shared details on my busy/fun weekend. Wanna share? Would love to hear it.

Just junking up the thread cuz I'm 15 miles away from the closest town. The New York and LA Times crosswords are done, the dog and I took a 5 mile bike ride, the laundry is done, and I even have my outfit picked out for work next Monday. Just want to visit.:)

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Congratulations Gramma Arlene...... Welcome Bethany.... so happy for you all......

Apples, we have our cemetery plots at my little rural church so I will be laid by my parents and grandparents and DH by a little country church that I love so much..... Crying has nothing to do with what I see for me...... Truthfully I have had to sing for so many funerals that I have developed a way to put my emotions on hold until the time is right... Nothing worse than a blubbering singer..... So concentrate on something to keep me focused while singing and then just do whatever my feelings are when I am finished... I donb't know if that answers your question or not....

I'm fighting a bad pain attack again right now so hard to focus right now.. Need to get our bags packed... but won't take long.... Otherwise I guess I'm ready to leave in the morning.... Now if I could just get some sleep tonight..... Take care.... Julie

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Congratulations Gramma Arlene...... Welcome Bethany.... so happy for you all......

Apples, we have our cemetery plots at my little rural church so I will be laid by my parents and grandparents and DH by a little country church that I love so much..... Crying has nothing to do with what I see for me...... Truthfully I have had to sing for so many funerals that I have developed a way to put my emotions on hold until the time is right... Nothing worse than a blubbering singer..... So concentrate on something to keep me focused while singing and then just do whatever my feelings are when I am finished... I donb't know if that answers your question or not....

I'm fighting a bad pain attack again right now so hard to focus right now.. Need to get our bags packed... but won't take long.... Otherwise I guess I'm ready to leave in the morning.... Now if I could just get some sleep tonight..... Take care.... Julie

Julie...I sang in our church chior for many years also. Many funerals with ppl I knew. Could hold it together. I could be focused when up in the chior loft.

My hope for you is some sleep tonight or some good sleep in the car tomorrow. If Monticello was not so far away and dental appt not so painful tomorrow, I would meet you. Maybe on the way back.

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Soooooooooo.........now that we are sharing about funeral and the such.....you guys are going to think I am so off the wall. But, know you enough that I think you will appreciate me and my wit the way my real life friend do. This is a notorized paper on the very top of my will. I have notified DH and both DS's in the event of a sudden death (no plans but ya never know).

OK.... we were church goers our entire life...never missed a Sunday. Things changed (actually, I think DH and I took a few minutes out of our busy lives and actually talked about our spirituality) and decided we did not need a building to be able to talk to the man upstairs. Thus, the sunporch church. Anyway, it's all in writing...my funeral and I would hope you could all be there to partake. We are hard working West Central MN farmers. We love our friends and every once in awhile are not worried about sitting down and having a little happy hour on the deck. DH knows if I have had more than the equivalent of a shot, I'm shot. So....not big drinkers.

Ten years ago I had a health scare. DH knew I was adament about not having the "traditional" funeral. Here's what that top paper of my will says....

Creamation....service at the local funeral home....mention God, please...and...make sure to play Louie Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" and Patsy Cline's "Crazy" continuously throughout the entire 2 hour service. Next step of the party...out to the farm and everyone has a shot of Johnny Walker Blue with a toast to the dead lady. Crazy? I think not

Edited by Apples2

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Congrats - Arlene - Glad Mommy & Bethany are doing fine.. Big Sis will do fine - going to have to get use to the new baby - always an adjustment for a 2 yr old :0)

Melissa - OMG didn't know you were diabetic... I don't remember that being mentioned before but again I'm old :0)

Ok now for some a$$ kicking time - if you are diabetic what the hell are you doing eating CANDY..

I'm not sure but I think if you have had prior insurance a company can't deny you coverage - Have you ck'd a group policy in the name of your DH business insuring the 3 of you??

But again you are in GA and I'm in CA - maybe diff laws..

Girl - You better leave the sweets alone !!!!! and start moving - now that you are feeling better no excuses - after you get DS off to school - take your butt on a 2 mile walk.

Apples - I cry at any furneral - it brings back the memories of all my family that I have buried - I don't care if there is an open casket or not - my BFF Billie was cremated - I still balled my eyes out - espeically when they played - I'll always love you..

I don't go to church (except for weddings & funerals) - but when I die - I want a Catholic burial/mass in the church Our Lady of Perpetual Help - I was baptized in that church, made my 1st Communion and confirmation - I had my Dad - and 2 bros services in that church - it's the church we grew up in - My Dad went to a diff Catholic church - but that's where we had the services and neither of my bro's were church pple but again that was the church they were alter boys in and th school we went to - I also buried then in suits..

I know that my Sis didn't agree w/that cuz they didn't wear suits in their daily lives - but that's what I wanted as for some reason I think that's how you should go out in your finest - not a Here Looking at you Kid tee shirt and jeans

We did put a bottle of wild turkey in Michael's casket and I think someone put a joint it too and a bottle of crown royal & fessinger wine in Jimmy's - My Dad's rosary was on Fathers Dad - and I put a fathers day card in his casket..

When I had to take my Stepmom's clothes to the funeral home they said bring a bra - we (my dad & me) thought why - Don't want to be buryed in a bra ;0) also - didn't bring any shoes for any of them - just socks - you don't see their feet ;0)

I think I also cry for the families as I know the loss that they feel..

I don't want to be burned either - don't ask me why - reminds me too much of hell I guess - I will be buried in the cematary where the rest of the family is buried - I just haven't paid the $2000 to pre buy my spot and I should so I can be close to where my bros & dad & stepmom are buried.

I want a song by Rascal Flatts - My Wish and La La means I love you - and the same song as you Wonderful Life

Then after the services - have a big party and talk about what a wonderful person I was LOL and you can even say what a bitch I could be - but as we all know - when someone dies - they become saints - ;0)

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Melissa....have you ever thought of having your DH pay for individual policies for himself and your DS and you going on your own with a policy subsidised by your state? I am not sure of the GA health ins laws, but in our state it is the most reasonable way to go when one family member is a high risk to ins companies. Might be worth checking out. Even with a high deductible, would be much less than paying out what you would with Cobra. Just a thought. If your DH and DS are healthy, they could choose a high deductible also and everybody would have a savings on premium. Do you have and ins agent that would go to bat for you? If not, find one that will take a look at your situation.

I think of you often and the struggles you have been through the last few months. And, YES, you CAN get back to Onderland. Heck, I weighed 119-125 until I started on the weight gain wagon. Put your sights on a number you feel comfortable with and focus on that goal. We are here to help you along that path:tt1:

That is a great idea I think we will look into this never thought about it. Okay what is my goal?? It has always been 175 not really sure why I am mean I just picked a goal which roughly 108 pounds loss. Okay 175 but mini goal 195.

OK...have a question for all of you. I know I do much better (as far as crying and falling apart at a wake) if a person is cremated. Both my boys have made the statement that if something happened to them, they would want cremation. DH and I both voted that way also. My vote was early in life and b/4 permanent eyeliner....I wanted cremation because no one would put my makeup on the way I would. (Kidding....I am not that vain). Anyway, back to the question.....Do you handle (not cry) better if you do not have an open casket? Let's get this discussion on the table!!!

My parents and DH want to be cremated. My FIL was open casket and it was the worst funeral I had been to. By MIL screamed and cried and had to be walked into the main room. After seeing that; my side of the family said cremation. Both of my grandparents were and other older family members. It does not prevent crying when alone but example for my grandmother we had a celebration of life and even with some tears it was mostly laughing and sharing stories. As for me I believe you should Celebrate the life they had not mourn there death but don't get me wrong crying is acceptable.

Ten years ago I had a health scare. DH knew I was adament about not having the "traditional" funeral. Here's what that top paper of my will says....

Creamation....service at the local funeral home....mention God, please...and...make sure to play Louie Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" and Patsy Cline's "Crazy" continuously throughout the entire 2 hour service. Next step of the party...out to the farm and everyone has a shot of Johnny Walker Blue with a toast to the dead lady. Crazy? I think not

Apples - I actually love your instructions on what to do when you pass because you are explaing to people what you want to happen.

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That is a great idea I think we will look into this never thought about it. Okay what is my goal?? It has always been 175 not really sure why I am mean I just picked a goal which roughly 108 pounds loss. Okay 175 but mini goal 195.

My parents and DH want to be cremated. My FIL was open casket and it was the worst funeral I had been to. By MIL screamed and cried and had to be walked into the main room. After seeing that; my side of the family said cremation. Both of my grandparents were and other older family members. It does not prevent crying when alone but example for my grandmother we had a celebration of life and even with some tears it was mostly laughing and sharing stories. As for me I believe you should Celebrate the life they had not mourn there death but don't get me wrong crying is acceptable.

Apples - I actually love your instructions on what to do when you pass because you are explaing to people what you want to happen.

Of course, Melissa...I am always explaining to ppl what I what I want to happen. 99% of the time they do not listen. Told DH....remarry when I go. I do not want you to be lonely. Just make sure that Glamour Shot I had taken when I was beautiful and 38 goes on the side of your new wife's bed along with my urn. Hope he finally listens!:)

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Of course, Melissa...I am always explaining to ppl what I what I want to happen. 99% of the time they do not listen. Told DH....remarry when I go. I do not want you to be lonely. Just make sure that Glamour Shot I had taken when I was beautiful and 38 goes on the side of your new wife's bed along with my urn. Hope he finally listens!:)

You are too Funny LOL :blush:

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Linda so glad your SD is out of the woods, will continue to say prayers for her and her daughter.

Arlene, We say Mazel Tov! Congratulations to your daughter and your whole family!!! Enjoy the next few weeks!

Julie...Free from pain I hope is just around the corner.....hold on...sending you wishes.

Tomorrow is the big New Year...been cooking for three days now...olmost done. Made some new healthy alternative recipes....tomorrow Ill post them....the veal tzimmus....a sort of sweet stew traditonal food....made healthy amongst some other...fruity brown rice...etc.

Have a great night all.....


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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