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Hi gang! I did get my walk in this morning before the rain bands from Hermine. She is going into Mexico, but we are on the dirty side so it will be yucky around here for a couple of days. I will have Sydney while DD is laboring away. She will go in the morning unless an emergency bumps her from her scheduled inducement. Sydney is all ready with her "Big Sister" shirt. I got things kid proofed for tomorrow then crocheted another 10 rows. My sight is a blur so this blanket will not be ready for Bethany's arrival.

Julie, I made Baptismal gowns for the first two DGDs. I crocheted dresses for them too. My other DD brought them to me for the two baby girls. I want to have their picture made in them.

Joyce.......get ready, this storm will be in Kansas on


Lori, are you feeling better?

Jessica......I hope you get to the source of Jacob's problem with school. Hugs! on balancing school, volunteering, and taking care of your family. It is a big job, but you can do it!!!!

I agree with Cheri about testing. My DS was labeled the class clown in kinder. He struggled so much with his reading. He was always the most popular kid in his class. He graduated and went in the Air Force.... went to college and got his degree. Then about two years ago he was diagnosed with ADD. He is 36. I just wish someone had suggested it to me when he was starting school. He may have avoided a lot of detention after school.

Linda, so glad your DSD is doing a little better. I am still praying for you and family. HUGS!!!!!

Janet, you must have had an awesome time. We want to know all about it!!!

I'll check in tomorrow.....let you know about DD and baby. Please say a prayer for her. Her name is Kelly.


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hi gals...... DH and I made a quick trip to Bismarck to get my perscriptions filled so I have enough for while I am gone.... Did a bit of shopping, nothing major.... but I was hurting by the time we were on the way home.... I have just had a hot bath and put on my tingling cream..... so it is tingling now..... took my pain pill and now to try to wait it out until it gives in a bit and I can relax........ Oh.................. if you all only knew how much I hate writing this crap every single day.... Wish I could sound happier for you...... Maybe soon.... I really think I need surgery on my neck, but what do I know... 2 neurosurgeons have said no so far.... I hope this one in mayo will have a different view of things.... tomorrow I can pack our bags and get the car ready for our trip....

Just served leftovers for supper....... my mother was bored so she came over and is now going to go out and use our hot-tub, too.... She likes to sit in it for long periods of time,....

Laura, so sorry that things have gone downhill for your dad on this visit..... and yes, you got a keeper in that little Nelson... He is very sensitive to others feelings... Must be good raising!!!!

Joyce, just bring your car to Vegas and we'll cruise the Stirp........................ I like motorcycles, too, but haven't been on one for years... We got 4 wheelers to play on but have not been well enough to do it at all this year....

Well, sorry, not much more in my mind but this pain.. I'll close for now and hope to get back when it lets up some.... Night all................. Julie

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Laura, just read your post.......sweet story about Nels.....he is so thoughtful. My father-in-law was so cold after chemo. He was tough like your dad......a real fighter. Yeah, it is so to know how your dad is really feeling. I hope he perks up soon.

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I am so excited about mayo. They're tops. Let's hope they put their finger on it right away.

So I went to my son's camper on a permanant campground in Corey Lake, MI. Took only a little over 2 hrs. Nice campground on a beautiful lake. He has lifelong friends in the same campground and some of those friends parents are there as well. He got the camper for $7800. Modest but nice. He picked up a pontoon boat for $750, fixed the leaks in the pontoons and is planning on replacing the carpet and making other improvements, I'm sure. He's very handy so he can go after great deals, which seem to fall into his lap, and improve them.

I had a good time with his wife, who is newly pregnant, and my almost 3 yr. old grand-daughter, Leah. She was so excited to see me. Tim and his wife are gone most weekends during good weather to their cabin so I don't get to see Leah as much as I do my other grandchildren. My son treated me really well as his guest and I treated them to Breakfast this morning. Unfortunately, the weather did not live up to its promise but I did have two nice rides yesterday, one during the afternoon and one at night where we were hoping to see the stars. We glimpsed a few stars but there was too much cloud cover to see them well. But it was still very neat to be out on a glass smooth lake in the dark.

This is the son who's given me more grief growing up, but he was on his best behavior yesterday and today. He didn't make any of his usual racist remarks to try to get my goat.

Saturday, my husband and I went to Navy Pier on the North side of Chicago. We walked quite aways down the lakefront. Beautiful, sunlit blue-green Water. Then we walked inland and toured an art gallery we like and lunched at a Tai restaurant. Walked back to Navy Pier in time for live music outdoors in the Beer Garden overlooking the lake front. Good country music, not our favorite, but we could dance to it and we did.

Now tomorrow, back to work. Gotta get there early to make sure I'm prepared. Will start getting kids before and after school and will be tutoring kids as well both at school and at home. We'll have to see how well I can handle it.

So, bedtime for me. Hope everyone else had a good weekend.


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Hi everyone. DSD is out of the woods -- off the ventilator -- it's truly just a miracle -- she is a fighter - very bullheaded (lol) but this time it's a good thing. I'm so happy she is on the road to recovery. She was even able to talk a little on the phone tonight - this is truly unbeliveable -- yesterday sitll in a coma and tonight off the machine and sitting in a chair. I am so thankful. DH and Aylah will visit tomorrow - -they are moving her out of critical care and I assume a regular room. We still haven't heard what it is exactly -- will get the results from mayo hopefully tomorrow. What a relief. Again, though, I hope it's a wake up call for her.

Today was busy -- did some cleaning and Aylah and I baked some banana muffins, chocolate chip Cookies and ooey gooey butter Cookies. This doesn't tempt me -- doesn't bother me at all - i love to bake and I've eaten it all before -- no need to taste it. Aylah will deliver some to her Grandma for her trip home and to the nurses who took good care of her mommy -- did a card for her to give too. Had a little bbque here -- I made DH his favorite broccoli salad and he cooked himself a steak and me sme chicken. So it was a good Labor Day. Really happy things have turned around. We couldn't be more thankful.

Aylah had her bath and I washed her hair -- quite an ordeal -- I've never had to wash it before -- with her hair you don't wash it very often - but she did great -- only cried a little. She's been so very good for us. Such a trooper.

Well, I just wanted to share the good news . hopefully the rest of the week will continue with improvements and we'll be bringing her home soon.

Take care everyone


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First off...just have to say, Linda, what great news about DSD. So happy to wake up and see your post that she took a turn for the better. She is so lucky she has you and your DH to look after Aylah. Nice gesture with baking for nursing staff and her other GM. Makes me sick to think that GM has never seen Aylah in almost 4 yrs. She is lucky she has you.

As you stated, hopefully this will be a wake up call for DSD. You just never know what it takes to make a troubled person to turn that corner. Maybe this will do it.

Also, noticed your ticker...at goal. Congrats. I feel I have missed so much this summer with you girls....even though I catch up with your posts each week. Soon I will be back full time and you will all be wishing me back to the lake.

Take care of yourself and hope you can get back to some normalcy in your life soon. Sending the love.

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Good Morning to each and every one of you.

Got home about 5:30pm yesterday. No time to post. Was helping DH load some things for a trip out to Atlanta. Him and DS are heading out early this morning. Going to move younger DS's belongings back to MN. Long trip ahead of them and they plan on driving straight through. I thought of going but I have never slept in a car or on a plane and I would be shot and underweight by the time we got back. They can handle it. Just thought I would go for moral support and help organize. Maybe better to not be in their way.

We had a very nice weekend and said goodbye for the season to many of our friends. Quite a few of the younger couples with children shut things down Labor Day weekend and cannot find time to come back due to kids being in school. Those goodbyes are tough. The moms and little ones coming over for hugs. Won't see most of them till next April or May. And, they will be a six inches taller, it seems.

Janet...not sure if I can say I'm sorry to hear you had Andrew issues (well...sorry for troubles but you get what I mean). I think this is maybe a good thing. Let him live in chaos with his big dog with all those siblings. Maybe a situation like that will kick him into working towards a place of his own or with buddies. He's most likely already sorry for leaving GM. So cute how he checked to see if you were sad. You did a wonderful thing by raising him and caring for him for so many years. It's time you look at life for YOU. Time to come home and truly relax.

Eva...counting down the days with you. So happy that you are treating yourself to this trip at the start of your retirement.

Laura...happy your parents were able to make the trip to your home. Photos were great.

OK guys...thought I had time to post but want to give hugs and help load some things and see my guys off. Later

Edited by Apples2

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Good Morning Gang

Linda glad to hear that DD is doing better and not worse..

Joyce - WTG on the exercise

Jessica - DS will be fine he just has to adjust..

Lori - Hugs - Family issues - I understand.. Hugs.

Laura - Glad you are having a good time w/the family- 92% humidity - way to hot for me ;0) Love the pics

Julie - only 3 more day !!!

Apples - Andrew will be just fine - he called last night said he guessed the move was permanent they bought him bedroom furniture :0) but he would be by to see me after work - I cryed - cuz I do miss him - but you are so right - it's time for me - I love him w/all my heart..

Had a great time a the concert - didn't get too drunk to fall off my heels ;0) after concert went to the club and danced got home about midnite (not sure didn't look at my watch) but got home just in time cuz the last drink had hit and I was feeling no pain..

Yesterday just laid around watched Hoaders all day - and slept - OMG I can't believe hoaders - it was just gross..

Well time to hit the shower - back to work

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Just checking in.......DD is bringing DGD over right now and then off to the hospital. The rain has stopped for now. Hopefully, it won't flood today. I want clear sailing for DD. DGD and I will go up to the hospital if Bethany is born before DGD's bedtime.

Janet, you looked good for your concerts....glad you had a great time. I watch Hoarders too. Makes me want to go clean a closet. lol I can understand being overwhelmed by stuff, but filth.....I don't get it. It is definitely something going wrong in the mind.

Apples, glad to see the green posts again. I am so happy DS decided to move back to MN.

Linda, awesome news about Katie. Hopefully, this was her Ah-ha moment. Still praying for her.

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Arlene...sending positive thoughts your way as you await that baby. BTW...not sure if youngest DS will be here for long. MN weather is not condusive to the type of work he does. At least his stuff will be back here.

Janet...awww...I know you love Andrew and you are sad that he has left. Not a bad thing for GM though. As I stated....time for you. Great photo...I vote you sexiest of the bunch. Cute outfit, hair looks great and just all dolled up.

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Charlene, hopefully congratulations Grandma will be in your future today. The walking is for Argentina not Vegas, but it sure won't hurt in Vegas either.

I've seen those commercials for Hoarders and I'm afraid to watch them....so gross. When I was installing and repair phones, I would have to go into people's houses that were gross like that. They couldn't understand why their phone wouldn't work...well if the phone jack wasn't full of roaches, maybe it would. Yuck.

Janet, you are the best looking one of the bunch. Glad you had a good time and you didn't fall off your shoes. I hope Andrew find's his way and you both are good with it. Did he take the new puppy Bella or did he go get Strider?

Apples, welcome back again. So another end to the cabin by the lake is coming up. I'm glad you have the opportunity to do the every year. Most of us are stuck at home all the time and don't have a retreat. So the next time you see those kids and they are 4 or 5 inches taller, you'll be able to give them just as many hugs and enjoy them growing up. How much longer will you be going up there?

Linda, glad to hear your DSD is finally taking a turn for the better. I hope she finally decides to take care of her self but that is a tough one when you are in denial. I bet all that curly hair is tough to wash, good thing it doesn't have to be washed every day. Who watches your GD when you are at work?

Cheri, sounds like you had a very nice weekend. Good thing your son treated you well. Maybe he is growing up and figuring it out....parents are important and need to be take care of. Yep it's back to work today. I need patience and I know you have quite a bit...send me some please. Have a good first day!!

Julie, how far away is the mayo clinic? I take it you will be going and spending a couple of nights? Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Maybe if you have some extra time you can look for a new MOB dress....what did your DD want you to wear? Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Laura, your Dad is fighting a disease and depression I bet. I'm starting to see that a lot in our aging parents. Wish I knew more about it when my parents suffered from it, but I was always trying to be optimistic around them. Hope his next test comes out negative too, then maybe he'll feel better. Him coming to Florida was something at least and I'll keep my fingers crossed for him too. You are going to be very busy with volunteering and school and your new job. Keep your self sane lady and take care of yourself.

Joyce, good for you and going to the gym. The movie will be there another day. I don't usually change the font but I think you might have to do it each time you post. Apples and Great can correct me about that. I'm lucky just to get a post in.

Jessica, wow, you have some great things coming up in your life and helping with a library, that's pretty cool. Maybe your son needs an advanced class? Do they have such a thing at his school?

I did get some rock raking in yesterday...not a lot, but it was better than sitting on my backside all day. Eventually I have several tons of rock to spread over the back yard, but it needs to be leveled and the large rocks removed. We have many many many many large rocks. It's pretty much what the back yard consists of. So this is a start.

Well I'd better go start day 18. Thanks for the count down wishes. Have a great Tuesday!!


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Good morning! I feel I have rejoined the land of the living today, felt like I got hit by a Mack truck yesterday. I got up, took a shower and in the middle of the shower had to get out and lie down I got so dizzy and then felt like crap all day and ran a fever and an upset tummy. Feel much better today, not 100% but much improved.

Welcome home Apples. How exciting to have DS moving back near home. But you mentioned the weather, is he already looking elsewhere? Hopefully it will be closer. I take it you'll be going to the lake place for several more weekends yet???

Joyce, on the font color, I change it every time but if there's a way to permanently change it, I'd be all for finding out how! Good choice on the gym over the movie. DH and I were going to go to the movies yesterday and to dinner I took a raincheck.

Linda, so glad Katie is getting better. I pray this was the wake up she needs.

Arlene, thinking of you and DD and the baby being born today.

Eva, I don't know how you could install phones after seeing roaches, I'd be too freaked out. LOL I've only seen Hoarders once. DD's MIL could be one, I don't know that she's got the filth but DD talks about how you can't move in her basement. She has so much scrapbooking and stamping stuff and just keeps buying more and throwing it down there, most never gets opened. They are now looking at bigger homes for her stuff.

Julie, when are you leaving for mayo? I didn't realize it was far enough for a road trip. I hope they discover some answers quickly.

Laura, glad you had a visit with your folks and your parents came down there. It sounds like your dad is also depressed. I think my mom suffers from that too with her constant pain, she always has been a negative person and this is just making her more so, it's so hard to be around but she's so defensive if you try and talk to her about it. My youngest sister is down there in FL now and was going to try and broach the subject with her again.

Cheri, it's nice when our kids grow and mature enough to appreciate us more as they get older. Glad you had a good weekend with DS.

Jewel, Hope you get some answers with Jake. Keep an open mind, as Cheri said sometimes kids are different in class than home. Also, I was shocked to find out once that my son was the instigator of some trouble in the classroom. I was like, 'not my son', but yep it was. You are his best advocate, maybe you need some one on one time with the teacher, spend some time observing in the class remembering he may be different with you in the room though. If the one on one with the teacher doesn't work, go to the principal.

Melissa, are you over the bronchitis yet? How's the job search?

Janet, sounds like Andrews move is permanent. Did he get the dog back that he had to give up? He will come to appreciate how good he had it with you, he's probably missing you like crazy which is why he keeps calling to see if you miss him. You look hot in your photo, definitely the hottest of the group! Glad you had a good time.

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Awe thanks Gang - You all are great for the ego..

Apple those are 7 for man kind jeans - I see why you love them - they are made for girls with LONG legs - I had on 5 inch heels an still had about 5 inches to hem (will I duct taped them;0)

Charlene - I heard on the news Hurricane Brownsville - are you close to that town?? Prayers you don't get any flooding - Can't wait to here all about Betheny's arrival - Prayers that all goes well.. I agree about the junk but not the filth... But to accumalate that much junk - I just don't understand - makes my shopping look minor - I don't have bags of unopened stuff.. Wanting to keep junk mail - gotta look at everything and another thing I noticed - Most of the pple on the show that are hoaders are all over weight...

Eva - LOL I use to wear heels all the time in my 20's you never caught me in a pair of sandles or tennis shoes - heck once a bf wanted to take me hiking in the canyons - I had to borrow a pair of tennis shoes - I didn't own any - you gotta remember I was the queen of disco back in the day ;0)

Yard work - girl you get your exercise!!! Ryder is w/the Gardner and doing well - I have Bella - he gave up on her a couple of weeks ago - he wants a big dog - that's what all the fights have revolved around. But he did get a dog pit bull - he's suppose to bring it over for me to see - I could careless about the dumb dog - Yep his move is permant as they bought him furniture and he has a dog thats I won't accept - He has to come and house sit when I go to Vegas 10/1.

Great - Yep I agree - but I think he sorta enjoys being with his family - he will have the best of both worlds - he can live there and visit me and when he needs a break or I need a babysitter for my dogs - he's can come and stay at the house..

Hope you are feeling better..

Well gotta get to work - ugh - had 4 days off but could use another week :0) ..

Hugs & Love to all...

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Eva....I think you are correct in having to change the font with each post. At least I have never found a way to save it but have been known not to be the computer whiz some are.

We are thinking of closing things up at the lake on the weekend prior to going to Vegas. DH is trying to talk me into some Oct visits up there but our harvest is during that time and want to just close it up and be done with it b/4 the threat of freezing. You are so right with your statement about being lucky to have that place to flee to. We have had a very stressful summer(will share in person in Vegas...things I don't want "out there" with things pending) and the time spent there does rejuvinate us.

Think of your back problems and try to prevent any further pain for yourself when it comes to picking up those rocks....would hate to see you suffer and put a damper on your trip due to back pain.

Cheri....sounds like a wonderful weekend with your son and family. I bet it was a beautiful spot for a weekend vacation. Also good to hear that your son is now treating you with respect. Have a great school week. School just started today in our area. The school busses were out in full force about 6:45 this morning.

Julie....thinking of you and the long ride ahead of you. mayo is about 5 hours from us so I am guessing it's a 9-10 hour drive???? I am hoping you have a way to keep us informed on what you find out. I think we are all sitting on the edge of our seats hoping there will be some solution to your months and months of pain and disruption in your life. Take care and sending the love.

Laura....try not to feel guilty on having to rearrange your school mom volunteer hours. You are going above and beyond with the time spent the way it is. Thinking of you and the all the stress of worrying about mom and dad.

Joyce....good choice in choosing the gym over the movie. Looking forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks.

Great.....try not to take your DD and SIL's decision to head back early personally. Kids being kids. That BBQ was just an impulsive decision. We all can get our feelings hurt with things our children do and can sit and fell unappreciated at times. And, I would bet 99% of the time when it happens, the hurt is unintentional.

Jessica....hope this week is better in school for DS. Both my boys had a tough time with being bored the first couple of years of school. Just try to work with is teacher on a plan to keep him busy and keep an open door with her. Have fun working with the kids on the library program.

Jodi...you are still going to Vegas, right????? Good going on taking the steps to making your financials a priority in the coming new year.

Hi to everyone else. I know I left some of you out. Not intentional. Running around getting things done here. 1pm appt for hair (cut, color, highlights) and then up to the lake with the dog. I get scared staying here alone so far out in the country so to the lake it is. Tomorrow I have a 3 hour dental appt. Getting permanent caps on front uppers and prep work done for front lowers. My men will most likely not be back till Friday. Will not unload trailer until we know which way DS is headed. Have moved that kid from one side of the country (and Alaska) more times than we care to admit. This is the first time we have physically moved him....other times were moving companies. My guys are rained out this week...cannot tile...cannot harvest so off they went to save us from hiring the moving company.

Dryer is beeping with a done cycle so better run. You all have a great day. Linda...hope daughter continues to improve and you get some answers soon. I pray that she think of herself, her family and her daughter and start of the road to recovery and taking care of herself.

Edited by Apples2

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Janet...a girl after my own heart with the 7 for all mankind jeans. I don't have to spend a lot on jeans but will for the fit I get with them. The difference we have is that I don't have trouble with them being too long. I just love the fit and the black stay so black when I wash them (inside out to save the color).

I also wore heels for years. I could walk anywhere and teeter on those high/skinny little things. I still wear heels but I go for a little more sturdy heel. I am clutzy and don't want to end up with a cracked A$$ or a broken skull.

Great...wouldn't surprise me if DS ended up in California. Will see. He is flying out of two airports in our area (70 miles away) and instructing. He is very hyper (wonder where he gets that from) and has to be busy every waking momet

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