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Jodi - congrats on TV commercial and what fun the experience of making it. Might they put it on utube???? Then we could all see it and you.

Linda - so glad to hear Mercy is doing so well.

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Hi gang! Well, I am somewhat recovered from yesterday I did not walk this morning before church, but I needed the rest. I will double up this evening. Several ladies commented on my size. They asked if I lost a lot more weight.....no.....just walked. I was hiding my stomach pretty good. Oh well,.....it made me feel good.

Charlene Babies will come when they are ready to. Best to let nature take its course unless intervention is urgently needed. I never liked the idea of scheduled inductions unless they are necessary for the health of the mother and baby.

Whatever your DD doctor says....then be patient it will happen as you know.

Jodi, My daughter had complications last time. She was in labor eighteen hours....the epidural did not work....and she hemorrhaged and herniated a disk. So, this is a different doctor and hospital. She assured DD that she will do a c-section if she is not progressing after four hours of labor. My DD did have back surgery when Sydney was six weeks old. It was tough on her, and me too. I have a lot more confidence in this doctor and the hospital is a woman's hospital that specializes in difficult pregnancies. I do think it is good to let everything take it's course, but we just don't want a repeat of last time.

Linda, a ventilator is when they can't breathe on their own. You were right. I had a friend on one for three months......not good. Then then she had to go to another hospital to wean her off of it. It sounds like your daughter is progressing . Sorry for the ordeal your DGD is having to go through. GM is the one missing out on her DGD. You will meet your GS one day. He is in a good place. I am sure his new parents are giving him the best life. HUGS and Prayers for you and family.

Janet, you are right about this drug culture. That is reason I adopted my cousins. Their dad was and is and addict. I just don't know how he is still alive. He was one sorry A$$. He even sold my cousin's Methadone (used for pain) when she was dying of melanoma. I think he is addicted to Oxycontin now. My son(cousin) did go see him a couple of years ago......made him grateful that we gave him a good life.

Okay, I have got to finish crocheting the baby blanket. I ran out of excuses! Have fun today!

Oh, Julie, I heard that show was not too good. I very seldom go to the movies. I did go see Leonardo's latest. It was awesome, but you have to see it a few times to really "get it".

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Good afternoon. I am having some what of a difficult if not weepy day and not really sure why other than DD and DSIL left this morning. But I am going to see her again on Wed. so it's not really that. I think I was hurt because they left a few hours earlier than planned. They were going to go to Breakfast and church with us, then they got a phonecall from DBIL inviting them to a BBQ this afternoon so DSIL wanted to hit the road earlier to get there in time. This is the same DBIL that told him that he could do better than my daughter for a wife (complicated family story but this DBIL is an uncle to both of them he is married to DH's sister) and there were a lot of hurtful things said. I took it personal when they left earlier and felt like he was choosing them over us and after all, they all live in Denver and can see one another any time. So that's my family drama for the day. Plus other drama on my side of the family and I am just sick of it. Then I feel guilty when I read of the horrible drama of hosipitals, ventilators, at risk pregancys and deliveries etc.

We did have a great weekend and bought lots of baby furniture at Ikea. WE also went to dinner last night at a BBQ place that was on food Networks DINERS DIVES AND DRIVEINS. It was very yummy! DD and I split a half rack of ribs and still had left overs.

Linda, so sorry to hear of DSD's hospitalization, I pray she recovers completely soon, from that and the drugs. As well as your DSS too.

Janet, too funny about Andrew checking up on you. Sounds like your nest is empty now since he got the dog. Enjoy, even in the lonely times. BTW, this is probably a stupid question, but just what do guys get waxed??? LOL

Cheri, your post about our kids feeling so entitled etc. hit the nail on the head so to speak. Very insightful. When my kids were in HS we were the paupers in a very pricey neighborhood (got a great deal on a major fixxer upper house) and it was so difficult combating all the designer jeans, etc. if we said no we were 'the meanest parents in the world' and they were angry for being 'the only kids' without, and if we gave in to it then I felt like we were only feeding this entitlement attitude. Both kids are in their late 20's and just now do I feel like they are finally showing signs of growing up. LOL

Arlene, best wishes for a complication free delivery for DD on Tues. or sooner if it comes. Let us know asap how it goes.

Joyce & Julie, I saw Eat Pray Love too. Iwanted to see it for the Italy scenes, I was disappointed too and it was so long.

Jodi, enjoy your final week at Fire Island. Glad Earl didn't hit as hard as predicted.

Eva, how many days left??

Julie, growing up in wisconsin we had breakfast, dinner and supper. After I moved west I was forever confused or confusing people when I'd call lunch dinner. I've since conformed. Lunch meant like a light snack.

I know I am missing so much, I just read 5 pages and didn't take notes, my bad. I will catch up now things should be settling down for me. I am going to try and go to Denver on Wed for the day to see Grandma but that's about it this week.

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Joyce, I think it's cool that you went to Bali to study after reading Eat Pray Love...what I wanted to do is go to Italy and eat. I actually took a class in Italian, but then work got so busy, I didn't pursue it. Now I'm going to Argentina with my Italy money. I did enjoy reading the book, haven't seen the movie yet.

Linda, hugs and prayers to you and your family. It's amazing how stupid some people can be and how bad their choices are. They seem to think they can use and abuse those closest to them and it's their due, like we owe them something. I'm sorry you have had to deal with it. I'm sorry your step son treats you this way. We know you aren't the bad person, just the person that wants him to take responsibility for himself. (Man I sound like the preacher).

Laura, glad your parents are able to visit you. Just having them get out of their normal routine is a good thing. Hope you can relax enough to enjoy this time with them.

Janet, have a wonderful time at your concert. Good luck with those shoes too. I know I'd never wear them...but then again, I don't look as cute as you do.

Jodi, sounds like a good decision not going to Fire Island and congrats on the commercial. That is too cool. I'd love to see it, so if it's out there somewhere, let us know. Your daughter is very lucky to have you as a mom. You know a 6:45am wake up sounds like heaven to me. My alarm goes off at 5:15am and I am NOT a morning person.

Julie, you are smart to have some one lined up to do the cake and other stuff for DD's wedding. It's much better than panicking at the last minute. DF's ex will have to be really bad for her to lose custody of her daughter. We tried some of that with Robbie's Mom. It does say something about Mimi's dad and good riddance to him. DD and DF do need to keep a log of every time they have a problem with Bailey's mom. I certainly won't hurt. Your appointment is coming up soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Charlene, your heart is as big as Texas isn't it? My sister adopted our second cousins too but not because the parents were drug abusers. Their mom is epileptic and she couldn't take care of them. These families get pretty complicated but I'm glad there are loving people like you and Linda around to share their love and homes.

Lori, I'm so glad you asked the boys and waxing question because I'm not sure what they are getting waxed either. I can't even get DH to trim the hair out of his ears (sorry if that is TMI). You know your kids are still young and full of themselves because they are young. I'm not sure they would understand your hurt at them leaving early. Just know they love you and will see you often. I believe I was insensitive that way too when I was their age. They will understand more when they have their own kids. Oh and it's 18 more working days.

Cheri, I agree with you about our youth feeling entitled. I know not every kid is that way, but there sure are a lot of them out there. I'm sure working where you do you get to see the whole gamut of behaviors from good to bad. You have a lot more patience than I would and I applaud you.

I couldn't get on line last night again, but today everything is working fine. Yesterday, DH and I just loafed all day. I did do laundry and fixed a couple of meals, but that's about it. Today I got up and walked again 4.2 miles. It took me an hour and a half, but I don't care so much for the speed right now, I'm looking for the stamina. I still want to be up to 6 miles by the end of the month, but we'll see how that goes.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Labor Day weekend and I'll be checking back later.


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I couldn't get on line last night again, but today everything is working fine. Yesterday, DH and I just loafed all day. I did do laundry and fixed a couple of meals, but that's about it. Today I got up and walked again 4.2 miles. It took me an hour and a half, but I don't care so much for the speed right now, I'm looking for the stamina. I still want to be up to 6 miles by the end of the month, but we'll see how that goes.

Eva, wow! 4.2.....Awesome! The most I have done at one time is 2....so far. If you are getting ready to walk 6 miles in Vegas....leave me behind! If it is for Argentina.....good for you!!!!!

Thanks! for the props, but we just did what we were supposed to do.......it was a God thing......although the devil gave us Hell a lot of the time. We feel blessed now, but we did question our decision while we were raising them. Lots of Drama!...... still drama, but it is not our responsibility now.

Lori, I know you must be so hurt. Wait till they have kids......they will remember hurting you when they are dissed. My DS that moved in is serious with this new girlfriend. He told her if they were to marry his parents will not be treated second class this time around. When his ex and him came to town they had to drive right by our house on their way to her parents. Sometimes my ex DIL would drive up in the driveway for me to see my new GS......we called it a Drive by visit. Oh, now, since she is an ex....we are close, but there is no competition. I get to see my GS anytime. So girl, I know just how you feel and it hurts big time!!!! HUGS! HUGS! HUGS!

Janet, forgot to tell you to have a great time this eve.

Jodi, congrats on the commercial!

Well, I crocheted 10 rows before I went cross-eyed. Gotta get back to it.

HUGS! to all peeps on this thread. Happy Labor Day!

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Cheri, you wrote a few days ago.....

How old is you DSD? Children are growing up later and later. Some of it is our fault, we don't give them enough responsibility and give them too many of the things they want instead of making them work hard to earn it. Some of it is society and their friends whose parents may give them way more than we do and our kids are angry because they think they should have the same. It's this sense of entitlement. And now scientists are telling us kids brains don't mature until they're at least 25 and they don't fully have the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions. Now they have an excuse.

But I was married at the age of 19 and pregnant by the end of my college career. So I had my education in place and loved having my 3 babies. I felt grown up. My kids were my job. I was married and my husband made enough that we did fine. But our 2 income economy just to make ends meet, or to have all our wants instead of just meeting our needs, huge increase in divorce, and so many women having to raise kids by themselves while working their a$$ off just to keep their heads above Water, have made it so difficult to give our kids what they need. Out of guilt we overcompensate by giving them what they want and not making them earn the things we give them. At least, I know I did, to a certain extent.

Your words hit home and I agree with you....you put it so...that Ive had to sit back and review this weeks shopping spree....and how instead of paying the rent first....I felt compelled to buy Dassi what ever she needed/wanted even though I had no money for it at this time. Why I think its okay to pay the rent two weeks later even if the management really doesnt mind and does not even send a letter...why do I think its okay to have them wait for their money just so Dassi can have a new backpack and new shoes that cost $70 dollars even if needed for orthodics.

well, this has caused me to rethink what will be this new year and ive made a resolution....last year was to get in shape...change my health and ive done that....now....its time to get financially in shape and in order to do that...ill need some help with budget etc etc.

So..tomorrow will spend the day looking for someone to volenteer for this position....lol. Wont be easy when they work with me in the state im in....budget wise that is....so thats that..

thanks Cheri.....for wake up.....must take control and live within means and if that means no new shoes that means no new shoes....no horse back riding lessons either.....

okay thats my resolution for myself.

What I plan for others....is to help start some non profit organization for people who need clothing am entertaining a more permanent idea for the GMACH program that is not so organized and very fragmented. This is the plan for this year....and well thats my resolution for the community at large.

so there you have it. New years....purge and resolution.

Have a good night all.....


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Afternoon ladies, Just taking a break from all the textbooks. This week has been packed full of activity. I went to a tattoo convention sat and afterwards went and played pool with my Dad and his girlfriend. She has been Jacob's babysitter. My Dad asked me to find someone else because the relationship is going south. I signed him up at a local before/after school program. I talked with the teacher and she sounds like she is gonna be good for Jacob.

Also had a PTO meeting thursday and I am now in charge of setting up a bookfair. Don't ask how that happened.

Jacob is still bringing notes home about his behavior. I am waiting to hear back from the teacher about having him screened for ADD. If I don't hear in the next day or two I am gonna talk to the front office and see if I can get more help. I really don't believe it is ADD. I think he is bored. His behavior is fine everywhere except school.

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Jodi - congrats on resolutions for the New Year. Wonderful that you followed thru with last years plans and now time for new goals.

It always helps me to have them in writing and to publish or speak of them to friends. Makes me accountable.

Lori - sorry your family left early. Try to focus on all the enjoyment you had while they were there and dismiss the early departure. Easier said then done. Hugs.

Arlene - nice you received some compliments at church. Just the encouragement to keep on going.

Eva - 18 days and counting. I'm so excited for you. I love retirement and fill my days with all things I enjoy - or fill them with reading, walking the dog, and naps. Its all good.

Enjoyed class yesterday to discover features of the Mac - so good for my mind to learn.

Then drove convertible to the Plaza for dinner with friends. Temp about 84 and perfect.

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Katie has improved a bit today and they say her blood gases are getting better and she's breathing more on her own, so they keep adjusting the ventilator and say she may be able to get off of it in a few days. Lung x-ray hasn't gotten any worse -- we are still waiting to find out what it is -- won't know probably until tomorrow (earliest). We feel confident in her care and the hospital she is in -- they are all excellent. She's still in critical care but we do feel that she's out of the woods a bit.

Making some salads for DH and Aylah and I are going to bake some Cookies for the nursing staff She will go to school in the morning and after school DH and her will go back to visit her GM from Oregon one more time and pick up DSS who stayed at the hospital with his mom.

Hope you are all having a good day - we are having a lovely lower humidity day and we have all the windows/doors open so nice to have some fresh air for a change!!


Thanks again for all the love you all sent our way -- can feel it.


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Hi there, I'm getting another late start today.... Had a bad night and then was still asleep on the couch when the phone rany at 10:30 and scared the crap out of me.... Since then I've just been being a slug..... DH is home...... We are having a cool, wet, day, so he can't work even if it wasn't Labor Day..... We've discussed doing something, but nothing much fun in the rain.... He's wataching TV... We just had lunch.... doggy bags from recent meals out and it was good...... I just don't really feel like doing anything at all.... so maybe I won't....

Jodi, you've had an enlightening from Cheri's words... This is a good thing for you it seems and now you have a new plan...........it all sounds right and good for you and Dassi and your community..... Best of luck.....

Jessica, nice to hear from you..... Your plan for Jake sounds wise..... I think he is bored, too.... And not all teachers are like Cheri and have the kids best interests at heart... Some just want things to run smoothly and their way only..... I've know cases where the kids who are more advanced are ignored as much as the ones who are behind.... Good you keep on top of this so it doesn't get out of hand...... Good luck with your studying....

Joyce, would love to join you for a ride in a convertible.... Never have and has always been a little dream of mine.... to have a red convertible.....sounds silly when you write it down on paper......Hope you had fun and am glad your Mac classes are going well...

Arlene, are you crocheting baby things??? I did all that, too... little dresses and sweaters that were so cute ... I also made Mimi's baptismal gown.... was so pretty..... The 7th is getting pretty close.... tomorrow you should finally get to meet this little person.... How fun for you......

Linda, how are things going today.... I added you and your family to my prayers at church yesterday.... Hope this week will bring positive things..... How does Aylah feel about meeting this other grandmother??? Hope it goes well.....

Eva, great going on the walking.... You'll make your goal fine before your trip, I'm sure..... Have your temps gone down at all or are you still so hot there?

Laura, hope you are just having a blast with your family....

Judy, whatcha doing????? How about you, Janet, did you have fun last night???? Lori, are you feeling better, I hope??? Apples is at the lake.... Melissa, are you finally feeling better?? Laura K, what fun thing are you doing this weekend??? Cheri, you should be having a long weekend from school.... enjoy..... Phyll, are you guys headed west again yet..?? Gwen, not home yet, either I think......Who'd I miss....??? Hope no one..... Any newbies who are lurking, just jump on in.. We love to visit......

Well, I should at least make an attempt to get dressed and comb my hair..... so will talk to you all later.... Take care.......... Julie

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Linda - Great news about Katie's improvement. Still praying for her.

Had a choice today - Go to movie and see Going the Distance OR go to gym.

Janet whispered in my ear -- GO TO THE GYM. So, I went. 30 min. on bike and 20 min on treadmill. Thanks, Janet. I feel great.

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Want to increase the size of my font and color permanently. Went to CP and tried to save changed, but did not happen. Help.

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Julie - I would be delighted to take you for a ride in the convertible. Sometimes I forget how much other ppl like them too.

Can't even count how many I've had thru the years. Since I'm part witch - I love the wind. When not riding my broom, I take the convertible. lolol

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Hi guys,

LInda, glad your daughter is doing better. I'm so sorry for your pain with DGS and having to allow him to be raised by another family. Sounds like he had multiple issues. My DGS has been diagnosed MMR (mildly mentally retarded) as well as autistic. However, autistics are notoriously hard to test accurately, so I'm treating that as a soft diagnosis. I think with some of the brain training things available, especially impacting language processing, which is what autistics have trouble with, he could make remarkable gains.

Jessica, keep an open mind about the ADHD. I'm not saying he has it and if he does medicate him, but I've seen so many parents in denial about their child and how much the inattentiveness, lack of focus, and hyperactivity are damaging their academic career, and not only theirs, but also the rest of the class.

A child can be completely different in the classroom than he is in most other places because of the overabundance of distracting and stimulating things. Start him on fish oil supplements and keep him on high Protein, low carbs. Some of the brain training programs could also have a high impact on his classroom behavior. The IM (Integrated Metronome) training I did this summer is highly effective as is a computer program called Fast Forword.

He may also have inherited some of the issues that you have and this may be how they're manifesting at his age. Generally, the school has you take him to a specialist for diagnosis. You don't have to wait for them to get their rear in gear. If you have good insurance, that is.

Charlene, a God thing indeed!

Lori, our kids want to have fun, and they look for the invitation that will afford them the most entertainmnet. I've learned to accept that. It's not a diss unless you take it as such. I'm a lot more boring to be with than the other options my kids have, and I don't want them choosing me over those options just to spare my feelings. Still, it does hurt, so "hugs" girlfriend.

I'll tell you about my weekend later. Wanna go to Kohl's and see if I can pick up some flip-flops on year end sale and maybe some flat shoes with a wide toebox. I'm dreading having to wear regular shoes again. My feet don't get cold easily so I'm going to wear flip-flops as long as I can.


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Hi guys~ Another flyby. My folks leave tomorrow morning. They were supposed to leave today but the weather was too iffy. I didn't even tell them I was supposed to volunteer at Nels' school. I am going to write the teacher an email and leave a VM. I can do it any other day this week (although holiday again Thurs). I have to change next Tues' too, as it is the day of "orientation" at my new job. I just hate to look like the "slacker" room mom my 2nd/3rd weeks on the "job". sigh. It's unavoidable.

My parents visit has been bitter sweet. Dad isn't feeling well the last two days and has spent most of the time in his chair in DH's office. He thinks our house is too cold and sits in here with the sliding glass door wide open. We usually keep air on 74-75 and have it up to 79 for him. Any higher and our electronics will start going! Already DH's computer is not loving the 100% humidity and 92 degree reading in here. Saturday he was fine-he and mom took DH's car and went to check on their condo, out to lunch with friend and to the beach for an hour, followed by a swim in our pool. Yesterday we had company (Nels' best friend and his parents) and Mom enjoyed. Dad wouldn't even come out for one minute. Everyone came in the office to say hi. Today, more of the same. I made my mom get out. I said he has a dr and NP to take care of him. She hit some of the LD sales a Steinmart, etc. She felt so guilty. My family is famous for this guilt thing. At least she had a change of scenery and a little decompressing here with me. He is less demanding here (with her). He isn't eating much and that concerns her. She thinks he "looks bad" although he looks better than when I last saw him. I think they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Dad made them schedule another PET scan for this month. (supposed to wait 3 more mo.) It won't change the treatment but dad thinks they did it too early. (which they did) and is afraid it was a false negative. I wish he would just LIVE and stop LIVING test to test. I am not in his shoes though. I have not had cancer. Not sure how I would be LIVING. I know he is scared.

Nels loved having them here and just hugged on them all the time. He didn't seem to even notice Grandpa only staying in the office or bed and kept bringing him some of his toys and stuffed animals. I have to tell you a sweet story. My mom brought Nelson an airplane from Walmart. He is overindulged and has lots of things. She knew he liked the Imaginext toys and got one. He already had the one she got. He said "Grandma! I just LOVE it!" and hugged her neck. I later said to him- I am so proud of you that you didn't tell her you had it. He said, I didn't want to hurt her feelings, Mommy. I do have it already, but that shows that I do love it! Having two is even better! Just made me smile with pride and love. It's true that kids can be spoiled, but not spoiled rotten. To have that insight at 6 is lovely.

I haven't read posts. Sorry guys. I will soon. Just wanted to say hi. hugs.

Pics: 1

Nelson running to see Grandpa! He said "I am so proud of you for flying!"

2 Just off the plane

3 dinner the first night

4 Mom watching the boys swim

peasout.... Laura

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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