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LauraK - I told him to get out - ;0) and this time he did ;0)

I just chuckle to myself - that he keeps calling to know if I'm ok - lol I'm 55 been on my own since 16 - Ya I'm ok.. I'm a big girl :0).. WTG on your walk... Yep aint it amazing on what we can do today opposed to a yr ago.. I'm still amazed today.. I think those things are the best NSV's - It' what keeps me motivated..

Charlene - WTG on getting up w/o support - we have an exercise like that in bootcamp - the 1st time they did it - I wasn't too good at it - but we did it last week and I am better - so these classes are helping me..

WTG on your food last night - I'm an enchilada eater or chili reno - I too have to have red meat weekly or at least every couple weeks - and I am liking chicken more now too..

Eva - Yep I can feel fall coming - well as much fall as we get - but evenings & mornings are pretty good - it's suppose to be hot here for the next 2 days 110+

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Hi all...

Its been a heck of a week and its not over yet.

Between work, no babysitter shopping for school clothes and getting ready for the holidays next week its been lets say challenging....

Today will be no less....was supposed to go to Fire Island this weekend but um with Earl on the way we arent going anywhere near....We live in Nassau Conty and the he is going to hit this evening..so need to be prepared.

Going to train this morning....but not into it...going anyway.

Got a call yesturday from Surgeon office...they are doing a photo shoot for before and after shots. Was asked to participate. This should be interesting as the after is not as of yet lol.

Finished the last of the organization in the apt. Goals for the summer and it is done!!! No more buckets..even went through the last one which was Dassis artwork and school savors from baby on...lol Got rid of so much "stuff" and saved only her creative artwork and reports and such. Still had one bucket afterwhich?

Good Morning Peeps...

Jodi - your gym doesn't have child care.. Even my $10 gym has it ;0) you can still get out and walk - Vacation - I can't wait - but mines still 3 months away..

Yes...it does but Dassi is 11. They have a computer room and lounge but she doesnt want to go there....she wants to stay home. I can only bribe her so much. Time is more essentially the problem...when to go and get there..


Sorry girls but I gotta vent. Jakes teacher has been sending notes home about his behavior every day. Today her note had a yellow straight face and said much improved. Then the yellow straight face and note was crossed out and she put a red sad face and said he was looking out the window too much. Seriously? Are you fing kinding me. We have been putting him on tv restriction each nite he brings home a red face. Am I really suppose to put him on restriction for looking out the window? We requested a conference. I don't feel like that was a big enough offense to wash away his whole day of "improvement". She is being way to picky and I am afraid she is just picking on him. She has only sent home a couple pages of his classwork. They were all coloring pages and one page where he wrote his name 5 times. He hates coloring and has been writing his name over a year now. Sounds like he could be bored and tired because he isn't napping any more. I am so frustrated trying to fix a problem in his behavior when it might not be him at all. Yesterday her note said he colored all over his desk. Why would he do that? He doesn't do stuff like that with our family or us. These little notes aren't clarifying what the real issue is. Do they just not get along? Is he bored? tired? angry?

Jessica....Cheri is right on target...I would say the same.... to what her recommendations are.

QUOTE=Charlene K;1518408]Congratulations!

Hey guys~ I am pooped and should be in bed. BUSY week this week.

I volunteered in Nels' class for the first time today and the teacher is so grateful! It seems not one other parent sent in anthing (supplies for class) not signed up to volunteer. I am still just shocked. I told her I would do whatever I can! So call Mrs. Classroom Mom. Wish my mom lived nearby, she LOVES this stuff. She's so creative and loves interacting with this age.

JOB. well, yeah, they loved me! He said I was just what they needed! They want a min. commitment of 4 mornings a month, 16 hrs total. Prefer they be once a week or two days back to back every two weeks. So that you can follow up with your own patients. Makes sense. The medical director is amazing, smart, well educated, teaches med students and loves the teaching part. The medical office/center itself is top notch! They have EVERYTHING! Like a small ER. Every specialty rotates through, so you get referrals to come to you! They even have an in house optomotrist! I have to do orientation on the 14th (anyone in the medical field knows all the videos they have to show you). Kind of a bmmer when you are a volunteer- used to not mind it back when I got paid good money to sit on my butt and do nothing for orientation. Tis part of the territory. The other staff seemed super nice. The full time NP has been there since 95 when they opened. She seems really nice and helpful. Only one gal I have to keep my eye on. Can't get a read for her year.

sleep time here... peasout.. Laura

PS. thought of editing my post- it's now 6:30am and I just realized HOW tired I was----------couldn't spell or write properly. Yawn. Off to wake up the boy. 4 hrs is not enough sleep.< /p>

Sounds great!! Good luck and enjoy!

Okay must run to gym.

food choices good this week.....not enough Water however...but working at that as well.

Have a great weekend....and all those in Earls wake....keep safe and dry!!


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Hugs and prayers for the whole family sent you way. Hope everything turns around for her and all of you. Take care of yourself, give Aylah extra hugs.

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Tech was here almost 3 hours this morning, so I'm now on the Mac permanently. Training curve is ahead, but I'm excited to face it.

Weather is improving in K.C. and continuing to walk everyday. Still need to get to the gym (hear Janet in my ear every day).

Looks like hurricane Earl blew himself out for Jodi for the weekend.

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Julie - hope your daughter and DF will be able to adopt Bailey and remove her from that situation. So sad for her.

Sorry you had another rough night.

Enjoy your day alone and shopping.

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Oh Janet - drama with Andrew. So sorry - BUT enjoy the temporary empty next. You deserve some quiet time w/o the drama.

I have plenty of it with daughter who battles chronic depression. Always feel she will be offended (paranoia) by something. Oh well.

I call it Pop. But, since the band, don't drink it anymore.

Arlene - what a great Mom to clean DD house and share your maids. Easy to see how much you love her.

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Linda - sending prayers for your step daughter. What is her name, so we can include the name in our prayers.

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Arlene - NSV - getting up off the floor unassisted. YIPPEE

That truly is progress. I still avoid getting on the floor b/c of new knee. Just not sure what it will do yet.

As you can all see, I'm reading and commenting. Someone needs to junk up the thread when Karen is gone.

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Good Morning Gang...

Hi everybody, I'm finally getting around to sitting at the computer again... I enjoyed my afternoon alone in Bismarck, but was not successful in my hunt for a different dress or shoes..... I did by a black skirt and will go back to Dress Barn to see if it matches the shade of black of a top I tried on their a week ago... Anyway I tried on my dress last night and just don't see what is wrong with it.... I'm not a fancy person and dresses aren't my strong attire anyway, but we'll see.... I did get a couple other things accomplished.... Found a place that does red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting just in case I can't do it after my trip to Mayo... that's a big relief for me.... I have a back up plan in case I'm not able to do it all.....

Well, the drama with Bailey didn't get fixed mucg.. DF called his lawyer and was told he didn't have enough agaist her to try for full custody now.... but to start keeping a log of everytime she does something.... Doesn't do much for his worry about Bailey when she is with her mother..... But he also inquired about adopting Mimi and that went much better.... Was told that DD needed to contact "sperm donor" and as if he will consent to termination of rights..... So, amazingly, she called him yesterday.... he agreed.....she went to meet him last night and he signed a paper agreeing.... So that is almost a done deal and so the adoption papers can be ready to sign right after the wedding.... This is a wonderful thing for Mimi and DD..... she faced this guy and wasn't afraid.... She did make the meeting place where DF works so he was right there just in case.... They said he didn't even hesitate to sign his name.... DF just shook his head and said how could he do that without a second thought... Makes me so happy that he is the kind of man he is.... Mimi will have a wonderful daddy..... I'm so thankful.....

The flowers that I was supposed to do are now done... A friend volunteered to do them and had them done in one afternoon...... I can cross that off my list of things to do.... Hurray................... I have a batch of cut out Cookies ready to roll now ..... making little guitars....... will frost them black and sprinkle with silver sugar... should be cute for my 2 metal heads!!!!!!

Janet, your situation with Andrew is sad and funny all at the same time.. Too cute that he thinks you are sad and missing him.... I'm guessing he won't be gone long after he finds out how good he had it..... But I hope you use this time to regroup and relax... You deserve it.... Enjoy your Friday off....... Sounds like the switches at work are in your favor for a change... Good luck with all that..... And good for you wearing sleeveless.... I'm sure you look just fine.. I wear them all the time. but it's my legs that are my problem.... I only will do capris, too.... too much flab above the knee....

Oh, Lori, I feel for you with all the wild game in the house... I get so crabby when DH brings anything in... I just hate it... I know it's selfish....can't help myself... it just grosses me out and I can't put it in my mouth... Used to eat venison all the time as a kid... Mom canned most of it... Uck........ Another weekend with DD sounds good... You are lucky they are so close.... As for pigs in the blanket, I think that came from the fact that the original recipe used ground pork..... I use ground beef, but we have always called them pigs...... smokies wrapped in dough is something not seen in my world very often... so don't know what they are called here.. And we say pop......... and Breakfast , lunch or dinner, and then supper are our meals....... If you ask someone for dinner you must always clarify the time...

Arlene, you are a good mother.....doing all that for your daughter... The waiting is hard, but she will be here soon... 9-7 is my grandmother's and my niece's birthday.... It's a very good day.....Enjoy... Congrats on the getting up off the floor without help... I would love to do that again... did for awhile and now have gone backwards again.....

Cheri, what a lovely idea to bless the children.... You are right that they can use all the blessings they can get... And sounds to me like you are one of their blessings......Teaching is your calling...... WTG

Eva, your time is getting short... I'm sure you are getting excited.... Don't schedule too much too soon because I think you should take just a few days to regroup and enjoy your freedom..... I know I did..... They you can put some stability back in your schedule when you are ready.... On-line classes sounds nice..... I've never even thought of that, but I stay so busy with my family that I don't need to find busy work right now... Maybe after I get healthy again and this wedding is past I will need to fill my time,too.....I'll have to keep it in mind...... You go girl with bugging your husband... sounds like a good idea......

Linda, my prayers for your DD and Aylah and you, too.... I'm so sorry for all her troubles... Let's hope her body still has the will to come out from under this... But thank God that little one has you!!!!! You are a blessing, too...... You take care and keep us informed when you can....

Laura K, sounds like you have yet another busy weekend planned.. Is your BF going with you??? congrats on the smoking thing... I know how very difficult it is and I wish you the best......

Jodi, life will settle down again sometime soon I'm sure... For now, just be glad you can keep up with the craziness of everything.... have fun while you do, too.... Let us know how you are when you can....

Joyce, glad you are getting the computer thing all figured out... we have been missing you......

Well all you other gals must be busy doing something... Laura and Jessica are very busy being mothers of little boys and school and new jobs...... Hope all is well.... The rest of you are having a good time, I hope.... Check in when you can...... Melissa, are you any better....??

Time to go roll my guitars..... Fun...... putzy..... but I want to do it so will bite the bullet..... Have a great rest of the day girls..... Hugs to all........ Julie

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Hi everyone, Am finally able to take a quick look at the posts I've missed. Step Daughter's name is Katie. We had all this drama with her and her brother over the weekend and Monday (having to do with the choices they are both making and that we don't approve of and then they team up against us and try to intimidate us with their crap). Then bam this new health crises hit us. As you all know she's been sick for over a year with what is apparently severe pancreatis (she's juvenile diabetic). When she was in the hospital over the weekend she told us it was the same old problem and she also had kidney problems -- and they thought she may have kidney failure -- so when we found out about the pnumonia on Wednes evening we were shocked - and for it to be so severe - her doctor called us at home Wednes evening (thank goodness this is a small town and the doctors all know us well from both these kids being so sick so much), and asked us to come to the hospital to meet with him. We figured it must be the kidney issue - maybe she was in failure and they were going to start dialysis or something. So we were totally ignorant about any kind of breathing issues. Anyway to make a long story short, we talked with her and reassured her and she apologized for recent drama and then we had her transported up to Des Moines so a lung specialist could take care of her. And you know the rest. DH was with her all day yesterday before and after the procedure - but she's just in an induced coma so not much for us to do except to check to make sure she's receiving good care (she is) and to take care of Aylah. So that is where we are at -- we must just hope that they can find a drug to work on the pnumonia -- what we were told is that the regular antibiotics they give for that weren't working -- so they aren't even sure now that it is pnumonia -- doctor is asking us to check out her apt. for mold, etc.

But Aylah is doing fine -- so far.

Trying to catch up on posts -- Janet, I actually did get DSS in a apt. a year and half ago -- found the apt, helped find used furniture AND paid his rent for 6 months -- then he decided to go to Oregon to try to live with his DM -- then he just appeared on our doorstep again last year around Thanksgiving -- and this time the drama was again cause he lost yet another job and was starting to not do the chores around the house we ask of him for living with us free AND he hangs out with the wrong people, puts his friends ahead of his responsibilities, etc. So he moved out and was pissed at ME because of it -- because I told him what a stupid idiot he was for losing another job for stupid reasons! Part of the deal of allowing him to live with us was for him to pay off his fines that he owes so he could then think about getting his license back and then go to school -- so when he keeps losing jobs and staying out all night that's when I call him on it then I'm the BAD guy - and then his sister got involved, and we had a big go round. Plus we expect him to take care of his diabetes too which he doesn't do either. Anyway, not meaning to complain or be negative, but everytime he moves out it's a relief. I just don't think we do him any favors letting him sponge off us. Yes, Jamet, the house is much cleaner when he's gone too - plus we find things broken a lot. I had none of these problems with my own DS. I'm sure Andrew will miss living with you - but it's time for YOU and hope you get some quiet -- you deserve it after all you've done for him. Sounds like the changes at work will be beneficial to you -- glad to hear that.

Arlene you are such good Mom -- so nice of you to clean and take your DD out for pedis and dinner -- and watch the kids. She's lucky to have you. Hope Bethany arrives soon!!

Lori, you too -- glad DD is coming for the weekend. Sounds like a fun time buying baby furniture - enjoy!! We called it "pop" in Ohio but when I moved west in the 70s they called it "soda" -- so I do now and I'm back in the midwest where it's "pop" again. I call stuffed cabbage "pigs in blanket" or "glumpies" too - as well as stuffed cabbage. Haven't made that in a long time -- will make some when it gets cooler out. I use a bed of sauerkraut and tomatoes and garlic to lay mine in -- and cook them long and slow in the oven in low temp.

Julie, so glad mayo is finally just around the corner. Good luck and I'll be thinking of you next week. Also, Julie, we went through much the same type of drama with my step kids (their mother turned into a drug addict after the divorce) and we had to step in and file for custody -- it was hard and expensive but the kids were safe (kind of screws them up though because she walked away and didn't make any effort to be in their lives). It's very tough raising someone else's child - I raised three step kids and as you all know it's been very tough.

Eva, unfortunately my step kids seemed to have gotten the "addict" gene and didn't wise up from their mother's mistakes - I do hope Robbie continues to understand that doing drinking, etc. isn't a good life.

Well, gang, time to get home -- have a good weekend, and I'll check in and keep you informed.

Cheri, hope you have a restful weekend - hugs and prayers for your niece too.

To all of you -- thanks for all your kind words and prayers.


Edited by ljv52

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Hey peeps......just checking in. DD and I went to breakfast.....had one scrambled egg and one Breakfast sausage link. Then off to Target and bought some last minute stuff for the baby and for my house. I guess we walked too long. DD started spotting and having pains. We called the doctor, but all pain and spotting stopped. The doctor said for her to be a couch potato this weekend and come in early Tuesday. She said if labor started up she would meet her at the hospital. I still haven't finished sewing.

Linda, wow, you have been through it. I hope they find an antibiotic to work for her. Yes, sometimes you have to exercise "tough love". Your step son has to pull himself out of the ditch. Prayers for You and Family!

Julie, I hope you have a pain free weekend. I was so proud of being able to get off the floor.....I did it again today. Girl, I bought the stuff for you toffee bar recipe. I have to wait till Jakob has time so we can practice.

Joyce......Welcome to MacWorld! I am so glad my DH takes care of everything or I wouldn't be online right now.

Jodi.......you sound busy for sure. Yep, stay out of the way of hurricanes.......voice of experience here. Our area is still rebuilding from Ike in 08.

Lori, have a great weekend with the kiddos!

Janet, enjoy the empty nest! I like it! Mine won't be empty tomorrow........three grandkids and DS is due home from San Fran, but he will be making a beeline for his girlfriend's home.

I hope y'all have a great evening!

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Hi everyone, just a quick note as I have to get ready for work. Step daughter gravely ill -- looked like double pneumonia but it wasn't responding to treatment -- moved her to Des Moines hospital Wednes. and she's now on a ventilator -- did a broncoscopy (sp?) yesterday and will wait for cultures - several days. Have her on a feeding tube -- will be on a ventilator for several weeks. As you all know her body is very weak so please pray for her and my little Aylah. We want everything for our GD and that includes having her mom survive and be in her life. It is very hard on my DH and me as this is what we have been fearing for so long and we feel so helpless and out of control. Hopefully it will all turn around and be fine, but we need help with prayers. Thank you all, I'll try to stay in touch and keep you updated. Aylah is with us and is doing fine -- not asking questions yet.


Oh man! Thank God Aylah has you!

How old is you DSD? Children are growing up later and later. Some of it is our fault, we don't give them enough responsibility and give them too many of the things they want instead of making them work hard to earn it. Some of it is society and their friends whose parents may give them way more than we do and our kids are angry because they think they should have the same. It's this sense of entitlement. And now scientists are telling us kids brains don't mature until they're at least 25 and they don't fully have the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions. Now they have an excuse.

But I was married at the age of 19 and pregnant by the end of my college career. So I had my education in place and loved having my 3 babies. I felt grown up. My kids were my job. I was married and my husband made enough that we did fine. But our 2 income economy just to make ends meet, or to have all our wants instead of just meeting our needs, huge increase in divorce, and so many women having to raise kids by themselves while working their a$$ off just to keep their heads above Water, have made it so difficult to give our kids what they need. Out of guilt we overcompensate by giving them what they want and not making them earn the things we give them. At least, I know I did, to a certain extent.

So now I try to be there for my grandchildren. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to make up for what I've done wrong with my own kids. Fortunately, although they all have issues, they all took responsibility for their lives, are married, have children, hold down a living wage, and are raising their children in the church. I know better than to look to them for affirmation. I tend to be the target of their humor if they're all together at once, so family reunions are not my favorite things. My daughter is not my best friend. She still pops off at me too much for me to ever feel safe around her. Actually, except for my youngest son, my two older kids make me feel the way I did around their father. Just when I let down my guard and think things are going well, bam! I realize I'll never be able to really let down my guard with them. My youngest is more easy going and less likely to attack me verbally or criticize my decisions and choices. He may not agree with me but he's more like me in hating conflict and drama and choosing not to create it.

But compared to many of your kids issues and the responsibilities you've been left with, I actually have it very good.

Hi gang! I went out walking this morning, but the lightning chased me home......it is pouring down now.

Linda, I am so sorry for your step daughter. I will be praying for her and your family. Now, what is her name? I might have it wrong, but doesn't she have a chronic disease.....diabetes?

Cheri, Awesome! on the Meet and Greet. No better way than to start the year with blessing the children. Love your prayer too!

Janet, No, Andrew is not grown, but he thinks he is. So it is better for him to go help his mom with his siblings.....good grow up lesson.

Eva, don't laugh, but I surprised myself. For years I have had to pull up on a chair or couch if I sat on the floor. The other day when I babysat Sydney I went to change her diaper. She would not get on the couch for me to change her. She laid on the floor. So, I got down on the floor and changed her.......I got up without holding on to a chair or the couch. I am stronger than I thought. Now for Sydney to get potty trained so I don't have to keep doing that. With the new baby coming potty training is on the "to do " list for DD.

I will be doing Breakfast today with DD......Omelet. Then to have pedi and run errands. Then I have to finish sewing for Bethany. I will check in tonight.

Janet, FYI, I only had about 3oz of fajita meat and two spoons of refried Beans last night at the Mexican restaurant. I just have to eat meat at least once a week.

Charlene, meat is a big part of the Protein I get. eggs make me pb and I get tired of whey Protein. I only drink one Protein Drink a day. Vegetable Proteins like soy are not complete Proteins and don't give you enough of the nutrients you need. Protein stops me from being hungry and keeps my cravings at bay. I make sure that some of my protein is meat, usually chicken or tuna, some red meat.

I've also really found that I need to vary the amount I eat. I can eat over 1200 calories one or two days including more carbs, and then drop to 1000 or less for a few sticking to protein and I either maintain or lose even more. I really believe that long periods of time where we eat under 1200 calories a day screws up our metabolism and no matter how little we eat and how much we exercise we can't lose.

I really hear you on the getting off the floor thing. I have two fake knees which makes it even harder. It'll never be easy for me but I can turn from sitting on my butt to get my foot under me with my hands on the floor and lift myself up from that position without grabbing onto anything. NSV.

I seldom drink. It just doesnt' occur to me. But because I've cut back to almost no anti-inflammatories, my muscles and joints tend to be in a lot of pain by the end of work, especially my neck from doing paperwork and bending over kids.

Tonight we went out to eat right after work and I had two flavored vodka martinis laced with some really luscious liqueurs. They were called Stress Busters. After the first drink, my muscles in my neck and shoulders relaxed and the pain was gone. So I had another one. They trulyl lived up to their name. Made my husband drive home. LOL.

Can't do that often but after a week revising my schedule daily, planning a Meet and Greet, and suffering from 90+ humidity and 90+ heat all week, it felt really good.

Wish drugs worked on my pain and muscles the way that alcohol did without any side effects. Easy to see how chronic pain can make us turn to whatever will alleviate it, from food to drugs to alcohol.

Well--big weekend. I'm going to my son's cottage in MI this Sunday. Never been, two and a half hour drive by myself. Might take my granddaughter Skylar to play with my granddaughter Leah. Then home again Monday morning. Tomorrow, my Dh and I might go to Navy Pier and walk to the Gold Coast and back to Navy Pier for some dancing. Last Hurrah before school begins in earnest.

Looking forward to our Oct. 1 meeting.


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Hey Gang

Got hair cut then went to Macy's - when you want to shop you can't find anything - well I did get a pair of 7 for man kind jeans - $$$ but they fit like a glove - plus I had coupons so wasn't too bad - the only thing they are so long even w/heels - I see why Apples likes them - they are made for pple w/LONG legs ;0) - got 2 tops.

Went to victoria secerts - gf said get real sexy bra (it's the name) well they weren't for my 55 yr old boobs - came home and went to my new nail salon - Andrew was there ;o) getting waxed (yes boys do this now a days) I paid for his waxing - he left then called - said thank you again - had come by the house to get some stuff - I guess he got a dog for his Mom's house - So it looks like he's not coming back - cuz no more dogs and it's a big dog (pit bull) I don't mind the breed - I don't care if it was a cat - no more freaking animals..

Said he might stop by later :0)... Ya I guess it's settling in that he's just not away for the weekend but gone - I guess it's going to be a little weird - take getting use to -

Linda - you SDS sounds like my DS a few years ago - He's cleaned up his act (for the most part - still shows his true colors every now an then)

Prayers for SDD - this has to be so scary - sounds like they aren't sure what's wrong..

Julie - sounds like DD DF is a great guy !!! She's lucky to have found such a great guy - and Mimi's daddy sound like a "Fing" butthead - she's better off w/o him ...

I hear you on the shopping - today wasn't my day either..

Joyce - Hugs on you DD issue - it's so tough... At our age we aren't suppose to have so much drama..

Charlene - Sounds like the doc doesn't want to mess up his labor day plans - Sounds like you maybe having a baby this weekend..

Cheri - Sounds like you have plans for a great weekend

Well my fur babies want to be fed - cbl

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Morning everyone, just checking in. They did a CT scan last night to check her other organs and the report was good -- appears everything else is functioning okay. She hasn't gotten any worse, so that's encouraging. Still waiting for the cultures to grow.

Her mom flew in (of course, she's only good when there's a crisis or a other big events). She got a ticket through Red Cross. I guess she's staying at the hospital as she has no money. Anyway, she's never met Aylah so of course she wants us to bring Aylah up to meet her. DH says there's a nice big area we could meet her (like a park) for a few hours on hospital grounds. She's staying until Wed. Actually, I'm relieved she's here because it will save us from having to go back and forth so much - it is about 70 miles each way, So it will give us a bit of a break.

So that's my news. Aylah is still not asking questions -- so that's kind of weird I think. She's happy and playing and is her normal self -- it's amazing how kids are really. Thanks for all the prayers - I feel it's helping.

Gonna get dressed and get to the gym for a good work out -- haven't been since Wed. night -- need to go.

Cheri, DSS is 21 -- almost 22 -- so he's plenty old enough to be on his own. He's a grand manipulator and is good looking and charms everyone -- but I'm the one person he can't charm and fool so it gets him (and me) in trouble with each other cause I call him on all his crap. He also needs to take better care of himself -- he's also juvenile diabetic and doesn't take readings/shots as he's supposed to. he's bee seriously ill in the past too - nothing ever seems to sink in with them.

I was thinking about that last night -- wondering if when Katie is better if she'll just come back home and pick up her cigarettes again - I sure hope not, but it won't surprise me. part of our fight last weekend was because we found out both DSS and her were back into smoking pot and neither one of them have any business doing drugs of any kind. Katie had a child taken by the State of Oregon 6 years ago because of past drug abuse -- she has no business doing any kind of drugs. Which makes us wonder if her condition has anything to do with smoking pot - my DH said he read something about some pot being laced with some substance that's causing people to get sick. He told the doctor everything so if it was something like that they should be able to deal with it.

Have a good day and enjoy your long weekend everyone.


Edited by ljv52

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Wow, Linda,

Does that mean you have a grand-daughter you don't know? Its amazing how so many kids who, when they have a parent who basically abandons them for alcohol and/or drugs, grow up to repeat that pattern, leaving the people who actually loved them and raised them and did not abandon them heartbroken. Something inside them is broken and doesn't seem fixable. Dieing needlessly is another form of abandonment. Let's pray that your daughter not only recovers, but that this becomes a life-changing experience for her and the wake-up call she needs to break the generational chains that bind her.

God bless you and keep you and your loved ones safe. It's a testament to the love you've shown Aylah and the time you've invested in her that she's so contented in your home.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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