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Morning, it was a better night last night.... No major pain issues, but little ones.. I'd sleep and then wake and get a hot pack or then a cold pack and go back to sleep.... Was up 3 or 4 times I guess....But I did sleep in my bed.... I don't lots of times as the up and down is distubing to DH.... I did take it pretty easy yesterday and plan to today too..... Have a perm at noon....

Laura, I knew you would wow them at the medical place... Now can this volunteer thing lead to a real job?? or does it just look good on your resume`??? And as for the volunteering at school, it is my experience that there is a big decline in this all over the country and with lots of things besides school.. We have a teen center that I was instrumental in getting started in our little town over 10 years ago..... I put in lots of time and effort even after my DD was graduated and gone..... It's now in jeopardy of being closed as they can't get parents or other adults to volunteer 2-3 hours on an evening to keep it open.... Not good.... everyone is too busy with their own lives but still want their kids to have these things.... Don't know how they think that can happen if no one volunteers...... OK off my soap box....

Apples, forgot to say yahoo on the new car..... We need a picture........you in it!!!!! Do you have the dentist again today????

Laura K, moving to a new place can be hard when you don't know many people.... Work aquaintances are the most usual and not always the best ...... Does she do church.??? That's a good place to meet nice people....And there will be a bunch of nice people in Vegas around the 1st of October!!!!

Lori, so glad you had a wonderful weekend... I'm sure it is a let down.... Now, do you like to eat that wild game your DH is bringing home?? I sure don't .... I always tell my husband to hunt all he wants, just don't bring anything home!!!!

Well, I better get my little household chores done now before my hair appt.... When I come home I'm going to make Pigs in the Blanket (Cabagge rolls)... Someone gave DH a great big head of cabbage yesterday so thought I would make some... Will do enough so DD can have them for their supper, too...... Don't make them very often as you don't usually find the big heads of cabbage in the stores....

Oh, and it's bill paying day, too, so have all that to do, too.......Talk to you all later... Hugs.......... Julie

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Apples, Congrats on the SRX. Oh, I sat in one......it is awesome! What color did you get?

Janet, yep I have to go talk to the fitness people. We walk, but we need something more. Since we both have back problems Water aerobics is best. I would like a face lift too, but this gigantic tummy will be first. I could wear a smaller size pant if it was tucked. First, I have to lose 50 more lbs.

Lori, I am so glad you and your daughter had such a good time. You will really get close during this pregnancy. I am so happy for y'all!

Melissa, I hope you feel better today. Take care!

Laura k, yep, Bethany will be here soon enough. I just talked to my DD. She took Sydney to Mommy's Day Out and had a meltdown.....started crying. Sydney was fine. I should have gone with her. She is one her way to the OB. I will know more this afternoon.

Linda, I read your post about the hip thing. Listen to your dr. My DH is restricted from so many things weight related. It wears out the artificial joints. He has had his knees for almost ten years......well, one had to be replaced because it got loose. Back in the day my DH played soccer, rode 60 miles on his bicycle every saturday, and jogged. Now it is walking with me......what fun! lol

Julie.....Mayo is coming up soon. We are all anxious for you to be well.

I have been reading over the bar recipes. I just don't know which one to do first. What is your favorite. I have been making lemon bars for at least 25 years. It will be the Pecan Pie bar or the Dream bar.

Okay, off to nutrition class. I think the psychologist is talking to us today. Yep, most of the problem is in my head.

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Good morning! It was so cool last night I had to pull the comforter up on the bed and then just snuggled in and slept in this morning. Now I got a late start to my day. My big excitement for the day is my annual pap smear and check up. I am going to the gyn that I went to almost 10 yrs ago and who did my hysterectomy, I liked him and didn't know where else to go so thought that was a good place to start even though it's a bit of a drive.

Plastic Surgery: forgot to comment last night, someone mentioned that if money wasn't an issue we'd all do it or maybe I understood the post wrong. But no don't think I would, unless I was having some medical issue or something because of it the excess skin or something. I hate pain LOL. I have parts that bother me some mainly my legs/calves and they can't be fixed, a good bra fixes things LOL. I'd rather spend the money on other things I guess. But for folks who want the plastic surgery, I say go for it, they can do amazing things and if it makes one feel better, Great!

Laura, congrats on the job. Is this all volunteer or is part of it paid as well? I know when my kids were in school there were never enough volunteers either. I was a stay at home mom and had one mom actually tell me one time that the stay at homes should pick up the slack for the ones that worked since we didn't have anything else to do. I volunteered in the classroom through junior high and it was a way to keep my eye on the classroom and contribute.

LauraK, glad your DD is settling into Las Vegas, I am sure she will meet folks as she's there longer. Does she have any hobbies or classes she could sign up for to meet folks? golf lessons? etc??

Janet, hope things settle down at work and your friend can get things worked out. All the cuts companies are doing these days just pile more and more work on the employees that are still left.

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Lori, DD is in Vegas only for a week doing training. I keep telling her to get out of her apt. and find things. She used to volunteer a lot but not to many opportunities in Tonopah she says.

Julie, I told her to pick a church there are many different ones there, but she hasn't. I love her to pieces but am getting tired of being her entertainment. She calls many times a day and just talks. I find myself getting a bit short with her. Oh well she will adjust then I'll complain that I haven't heard from her.

Too bad she won't be there when you lovelies are going to be she could come for me. lol

I am going to the PS Dr today. I am checking to see if this is feasible or not. If my ins will pay I want what they are calling the "soft tuck" They don't mess with the muscles only the fat and excess skin. Recovery time is only 1 week, not so intense they say. I'll know more later on & will share the info.


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Good Morning to All...

As soon as wrap up the farm and tiling bookwork, I will be hitting the road. A busy day ahead and will end it at the lake this evening with the dog. Will be back Tuesday. Have lots planned for this weekend. A few potlucks with friends and a picnic that includes all the resort ppl and their families. Having dinner with a friend tonight and another friend tomorrow night.

Janet...keeping my fingers crossed that your GF can hold out and get through without quitting. And, you should show off those arms....they look really nice and you CAN see the definition of your muscles. Pays to spend time in the gym. I do 3lbs weights (40 reps) 3xdaily. Not sure how much good it does but cannot hurt to do them.

LauraK....give it time...your DD will fit into some friendships. She has not been out there very long. Soon you will be wondering why she is not calling you more. We never quit worrying, do we?

Eva...yep, the purse party was pure crap. I could not miss the party as it was put on by two good friends. And, we had to travel 65 miles one way just to get there. They were the most cheaply made purses I have ever seen. Ended up getting a flat/hard billfold for inside a purse. I swear this lady goes dumpster diving to find her product. There were studs missing, scuff marks of the billfolds, tears by the zippers, etc. It was tough to find something that was worth buying.

Good to hear you had a nice trip. Hopefully you will have many more wonderful trips once you retire.

Linda....hoping you can resolve your tough issues with family soon. Tough to live in turmoil. We've had our share of it with family (both DH's and mine) the last few months. Frustrating but sometimes does not deserve the time spent worrying about it. I was at the end of my rope with it all the last few weeks and have pulled back to just see how it all plays out. It was affecting every aspect of our lives and will probably never be resolved but I am determined to not let it flow over into our daily lives any more. Too much crap.

Phyll....love the photos and love the fact that you plan to meet some fellow bandsters on your way out west. Just plain fun. There's a few winerys around the Alexandria area that have the exact shirts that your sisters were wearing. I thought of you when I saw them. Cute.

Welcome Susan...hope you feel comfortable enough to join our group. We have ppl in all LB stages and enough of us that are down the road enough to be able to answer most questions. Hope you stick around and let us follow you as you go through the various LB stages.

Cheri....sounds like you and Janet are in the same boat with your job situations. Cut everything to the bone but take on more work. Sucks. And, not only does it affect the teachers, the students are not getting what they need. Hopefully they can find the funding to get the programs/classes back in place that are usually part of most school's ciriculum. Hang in there. Also, congrats on finding out about your 8th GC. Fun.

Joyce...just a hi and hope you get all your computer problems solved soon. I have a bit of a built in computer repairman (DS) and appreciate not having to call for one.

Jessica...you will be learning so many things over the next few years with your schooling. I am so envious. I would love to be back in school. DH is aways trying to convince me to take classes at our U, but I just have not made myself look into it. Maybe this winter.

Laura....Gold Star for the day! Congrats on your new volunteer job and also admire you for what you are doing with Nels school. It does take more than a few but I have found that with every volunteer job I have had. So short of ppl. Ppl put their name on the list and never show...not once. I love volunteering but I like to be productive if I'm going to set the time aside to do it. Don't want to show and have absolutely nothing to do. Anyway, I hope you get out of your new job half as much as I know you will give. So rewarding for you and for your patients.

Arlene...we get the humidity for about 3 months during summer. 80% is about the norm and hangs in the upper 80 degrees most of the time. This week is not as humid as last and looking forward to temps in the 70's. That hot and humid weather is perfect for major skeeter breeding. Lots of rain this summer so they are TERRIBLE this year.

You had mentioned to Linda you have had some drama with DD's life lately also. Hope it has settled down and she can get on with her life without being pestered by her ex. Can be scary with things like that.

Great...how fun shopping for maternity clothes with DD. They make such cute stuff now. Target always has a few cut peices. When I was in the weightloss stage, I did a lot of scouring the Target racks. My midsection was the last to reduce so I would buy clearence maternity crops, pants, sweaters, etc. No one knew. They were very reasonable and laundered nicely.

My mouth is doing fine. Really is only bad while in the chair and I have healed fast with every procedure. Doc is amazed with condition of my gums for my age. I have always brused 3xdaily...just had soft and discolored teeth. I am going to be so thankful that I was able to do this and that DH didn't think twice when I told him what the cost would be. I have confidence to finally smile and don't even have the permenant yet. I have been wearing temps on the front bottom where they pulled the teeth since June 3 or 4th. Also, have had top cap temps on 10 top front since first gum surgery in early July. Very comfy and look nice. Get my permanent front top caps next Wed and not sure when I get bottom permanents following that. Told doc I want them both done b/4 Vegas trip. After that I have right side top and bottom sides to do. Left side has been done for quite a few months. Lots of procedures and I would recommend this dentist to anyone looking for almost painfree dentistry. He's very concerned about his patients and has stated that he hates to see me come in when he knows I have to do procedures without numbing meds or anesthesia. I would do it all again though.

I think it was you and LauraK asked about the color of new vehicle. Light grey. Just a car. Hubby won out (even though it was a nice gesture to get it for me) and have a feeling my truck I have babied for 9 yrs will start to show it's age once he starts taking it for farm jobs. As you can tell, I'm attached to it.

Melissa...hope you are feeling better. Have my fingers crossed that you find the perfect job (yeah, I know there's no perfect job....can only wish).

OK guys....better hit the books and do a few last chores around here so I can go sit on my butt at the lake. Have a couple of new books to crack and friends to spend time with. Hope you all have a great weekend. Maybe a baby to read about when I get back???????

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Julie...forgot to wish you luck with your mayo appt. Safe travels....watch the crossroads (My grandfather's fav saying when us kids were travelling to college).

LauraK...what did I miss??????? I'm disappointed...thought you were included in the Vegas trip. I was so looking forward to meeting you.

Hope you get the answers your looking for when you meet with PS doc. That soft tuck sounds like a good solution. If I went for anything done it would be that. My muscles are in tact so it would work. I think the one and only thing I would do PS on would be that little armpit slice and pull up the skin on upper arm. I have these little wrinkles when I hold my arms a certain way. I am accepting them more and more as time goes on so don't think I will be even thinking about doing something about it.

Great...pap smears...fun. Wishing you good results

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Just think one month from today we will be arriving in Vegas!! WOOHOO!!

Just got home from my dr appt and no more pap smears for me!! another WOOHOO!! It's been 10 yrs since my hysterectomy, I have no cervix and everything has been fine on it, so I still get a pelvic exam but no pap. Everything checked out great, still need to schedule my mammo and he wants me to have a colonoscopy and baseline bone density scan done. Blood pressure was so normal, he was impressed by that. I've not seen this dr in 9 yrs so he only knew me fat.

DH called and is on his way home from the hunt with one deer and no elk. No, Julie, I do not eat his kills but he eats every last bite. he feels if he kills it he has to eat it and most of it he enjoys a lot. HOwever, he hates goose but loves goose hunting. So whenever he gets a goose he's always looking for clever ways to 'cook his goose' or give them away if he can. LOL I don't even cook most of it, he cooks it himself. But it does save us a lot on groceries unless you count all the money he spends for his hunting supplies and trips then it's not. LOL

Family Drama: I have had my share mostly with the siblings and parents, that I am learning to let go, I'm not close to them and probably never will be but can be civil when we are together. As for kid drama that's harder. Sometimes I have found the tough love approach is best. If they don't have me to bail them out and know that they tend to make better choices most of the time. One of them had a car repossessed and it was real hard not to loan them the money to take care of it, but I felt if we did, they'd just do it again and not take it seriously. After they lost their car and had to buy a clunker, etc. they are getting better about finances.

Oh almost forgot, DS was hunting with DH and DH thinks that there will be a ring and a date soon in DS's future so I may have another wedding to get ready for. I knew he was serious about this gal, good thing I really like her!

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Hi gang! Just got back from nutrition class. No weight loss......I am on a long plateau. Not discouraged.....just makes me want to walk more. The lesson today was on "damage control". It was not what I was expecting. Our new weight loss director quit last Friday. I don't think she had the experience to handle such a big practice and she had been in cardiology before this gig. Anyway, two dietitians were hired to take over. I did buy some Optifast shakes to have on hand when I don't have time to cook. I will have my DGD next week. My DD is being induced next Tuesday if she doesn't go in to labor before the 7th.

Apples, have fun this weekend!

Laura K, I want to know all about your consultation and the soft tuck.

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[ TE=ljv52;1518394]

Having more drama with family -- won't go into detail but I'm having a very tough time Please keep me in your thoughts (prayers) I need all the help I can get right now.



Will do, Linda.

Mrs. Bubba, I am doing great. Learn to make a hospital bed today with a patient in the bed and without one. Also learned to turn patients. I read all the assigned reading and seemed to be a step up from the other student I worked with. She was on vacation and didn't get the reading assignments in time. She kept making mistakes but I didn't feelt uncomfortable correcting her. So I just let her do it wrong until she asked for help. I gotta work on my social anxiety. When I am around people I feel like the dumbest person and I am so scared to say something cause it might be questioned or be wrong. I start shaking and can barely talk. I may need to talk to may doc about getting back on the anxiety meds. I can learn this stuff and execute it I just can't remember my own name to introduce myself.

Jessica, sounds like you're going to be a great nurse. If anti-anxiety meds help you--go for it.

Much better day today. Extremely humid but not as hot. At the end of the day a former student saw me and gave me the best hug. She told me she wished she could pack me up and take me to high school with her. When we said our good-byes she told me she loved me. I helped her a lot when she'd been raped by her uncle and I helped her move back up a grade. She'd been held back twice at other schools. I should get her to write up what RCS meant to her. It was so great to see her.

My niece Olivia's seizures start from all over her brain. There is no one specific starting point, so brain surgery is not an option. They've started her on new meds and she went to her new school today for the first time. No seizures. She's in a small classroom with individualized lesson plans. She has an aide with her at all times to insure her safety. This is my gratitude post for the day.

Got my schedule finally manageable. Phew! I am about the only teacher who is seeing almost as many kids as I did last year each day.

I gotta go Water my flowers before they croak from the drought. Gonna be cooler, hope we get some rain.


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Julie...forgot to wish you luck with your mayo appt. Safe travels....watch the crossroads (My grandfather's fav saying when us kids were travelling to college).

LauraK...what did I miss??????? I'm disappointed...thought you were included in the Vegas trip. I was so looking forward to meeting you.

Hope you get the answers your looking for when you meet with PS doc. That soft tuck sounds like a good solution. If I went for anything done it would be that. My muscles are in tact so it would work. I think the one and only thing I would do PS on would be that little armpit slice and pull up the skin on upper arm. I have these little wrinkles when I hold my arms a certain way. I am accepting them more and more as time goes on so don't think I will be even thinking about doing something about it.

Great...pap smears...fun. Wishing you good results

Nope I can't make Vegas, it is the beginning of our fiscal year at work and my busy time. I want to go so bad.

PS Dr said I would have to have the whole Tummy Tuck, says muscles are stretched also. Wanted the "girls" put back where they belong at the same time. Well they say I won't qualify for my insurance to pay. Skin not hanging far enough down, no open sores, not on antibiotics, no history. So I would have to pay for it myself. I can't swing the extra money right now so it's not going to happen now. Two procedures would cost about $9000.00 if I had them done at the same time. If done separtely it would be over $12000.00. I guess I will have to learn to love my body as it is.

Oh, I also quit smoking. Started Chantix last week, my quit date was my sisters b-day so it has been 2 days without smoking. Trying not to replace it with food. Doing good so far.


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Arlene, PS Dr says soft tuck is for some one that is skinny to start with & only has stretched skin from pregnacy. Not an option for some one who has gained and lost a lot of weight.

Great, my Ds & his Dad have sausage made from goose. They love it. It ends up like a summer sausage roll.


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Evening ladies,

LauraK, I'm so sorry you won't be able to meet us in Vegas. Gee, guess that means we will have to figure out something else in the future won't we.

Cheri, congrats on another GK! You get so much joy from your GK's so happy you have another one to look forward to. Sounds like you are having very long days too. Hope your school finds the help it needs. Hope the new med really does help your niece. It would be good if she could have a somewhat normal life.

Lori, wow, another wedding....maybe. Sounds like your girl weekend was a lot of fun. It's always a bit of a let down after everyone leaves. You planning on going back to Colorado for a grandma visit? Hey, good job on the doctors visit too. It's really nice to find out your body is functioning as it should.

Apples, congrats on the car. Looking forward to seeing that new smile too. Enjoy your lake time!

Arlene, hope the dietitians work out for you. That was one of the fields I was interested in and still may pursue but it would require real school. Not sure if I'm up for that yet. I bet you are feeling a lot better with all the walking you are doing. It's a good feeling when you realize your legs are shaping up and your backside is developing muscles.

Julie, are those little girls getting along better? I've never heard of cabbage rolls being called pigs in a blanket. We just called them stuffed cabbage. I haven't made that in years....I'll have to do those again this winter when I have some time....LOL.

Jessica, I think some kids do get bored and that is when they get in trouble....my DH's kid is a prime example. He's proven over and over again that he can do the work, he just isn't interested because he's bored (he's 17 now) but we thought he'd flunk out by now. He's actually doing better than ever. He's been kicked out of 3 schools because of bad behavior. He will graduate next year...yeah!!

Linda, sorry about the drama in your life. I hope that sorts itself out.

Hello to everyone else...it's getting late and I need to sleep. Have a great night.


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Arlene, PS Dr says soft tuck is for some one that is skinny to start with & only has stretched skin from pregnacy. Not an option for some one who has gained and lost a lot of weight.

Great, my Ds & his Dad have sausage made from goose. They love it. It ends up like a summer sausage roll.


Laura k, that is what I figured. My stomach muscles are mush. My friend that had PS in April got her tummy, boobs, and arms done at the same time. The Tummy Tuck was the most uncomfortable. They gave her about five drugs for pain, sleep, anxiety. Most of the real surgery pain was gone in a week. Her tummy was sore for weeks, but you go to all kinds of massage therapy so the scars heal smooth. Boy, her tummy is tight. The doctor really pulled the muscles up. She looks great. Her surgery for the tummy and boobs was about 17,000. You have a good price. I think the whole thing was about 26,000.

Eva, yes, the walking really has made me feel better. According to the measurements I took I am smaller everywhere ,but my hanging stomach. It has gone down, but not like the rest. I don't worry about my arms. I don't wear sleeveless or even real short sleeve.

Well, I got up at 4am. The weather is changing again......so says my body. I took Ibuprofen. I will get out and walk at 6am. That should take care of the pain.

Okay, peeps.........Have a great day!

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Good Morning Gang...

Charlene - when I saw you up so early - I thought maybe baby ;0)

LauraK - Congrats on the smoking (not) I have chantix too - as a while back I wanted to quit - well that moment passed ;0) - some day..

Eva - Couldn't you do is (school) on line - hell everything is on line now a days..

I have been wearing sleeveless lately - still not 100% comfortable w/it - but getting there - don't wear shorts - above my knees (even tanned) looks like an 80 yr old - I'm fine w/carpris..

Well work - OMG another switch a roo.. The girl who was going to quit because her producer was mean - well she's not quiting - but she's not going to be his account manager any more - they are switching everyone up - I will lose the account that I just got from producer A - Get back accounts from producer B (he's my main producer and these accounts were mine originally) the lady who works w/me - will now work for the Asshole producer.. She's 62 and she should keep him in line.. Don't know all the details - but omg we have had so much drama - the 3 other owners would divorce the 4th (asshole) if they could...

So I'm losing 80 account - gaining at least that much back if not more - but ok - as they were originally my account and again they are my producers accounts =

well gotta get in the shower - tomorrow my FF and no exercise tonite - so I hopefully will be able to keep up ;0)

xoxoxo J

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Morning to all.............. What an ugly night that was..... and now so groggy from all the meds I shovel in to try to help..... No way for anyone to live......I'm counting the days and pray for some kind of relief soon....

We have a cool rainy day and since I don't have any commitments with the girls and DH is at work, I'm going to take off for Bismarck for a me day.... Look for a different dress maybe and just do what I want instead of what I need......

Family drama here, too.... Always something isn't it... Ours has to do with little Bailey.... Yesterday DD had to take her to drop her off with her mother.... found the mother smelling of booze and very hung over and probably still drunk... She just got a dui and lost her license but is still driving... DF's father works with the Bismarck PD, so had a hand in her getting caught drinving without her license....DF is so worried about Bailey.... He and DD are talking about trying to go for full custody... She didn't want to stay with her mother yesterday and DD had to leave her there... DD cried all the way home and DF was still a mess last night .... Today they called with an idea of taking her to court, but don't have money.... Of course we will help, but first they need to see an atty and get things started.... They need to be married and that's not far off... If they start paperwork now for this and also for DF to adopt Mimi it will coincided with the wedding pretty well I think..... So there's my drama for the day...

So, I'm going to leave on that note and try to have a relaxful day by myself..... You all try to do the same... Hugs to all.............CBL....... Julie

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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