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Janet - My DH and I have been all over the board with ideas for getting money . selling jewelry we do not wear, selling his carnvial glass collection having a yard sale this weekend. I have applied a total of 15 places since I have been laid off and nothing yet not even if with follow upscalls or emails. besides cobra we have to pay a big tax debt for my hubbies business. I was feeling good and resting till we opened yesterday;s mail today

Oh well we are doing what we so we can try to keep our health insurance some how.

Anways need to go to bed love ya

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Phyll, love the hair. You're beautiful. Your dog was smiling--is that possible?

I'm going to have to take up texting. And IMing. And checking my e-mail on my phone. My sister was texting my other sister and getting updates on Olivia. She was texting her daughter and son and so on. If Phyll can handle all this technology, maybe I can too. I just think I'll probably constantly misplace my phone like I do my coffee. Anyway, I'm tired and need to go to sleep. Have a colorfull day tomorrow and enjoy your day of rest and re-creation. Cheri

I'll have to go look at that picture again! Smiling, huh?!! LOL

Yes... these "modern" relationships... don't do things the way we used to... baby first, then wedding! She is a beautiful baby and she looked adorable in that little wagon... 4 yr old ring bearer pulling the wagon up the aisle! Cute! Think I'll post a couple more photos.. one of me & my sisters w/Mom... 88 yrs old! And one more "hat" picture.

Eva... are you right off I-10??? Stopping at your place might be a possibility!

Yes, Cheri... you can handle all that technology. I've never lost or broken a phone, or dropped one in the toilet!! LOL! But then I've been wearing mine around me neck the past couple of years!!! HAHA!! Hard to lose it then! I'm worried about this new one because I don't yet have a case that fits right. I ordered some accessories on eBay and they were shipped about a week ago, but coming from Hong Kong so who knows when they will get here!! I hope before we leave! Had them shipped here to my sister's house.

Okay... gotta go to bed! Exhausted after another long day with family and two more busy days to go before I get a day to relax a little.... Wed... only thing scheduled that day is dinner with old high school classmate.

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Good morning sunshines,

MONDAY, aahhhhhhhhhhh... after a busy weekend with DH on call, i am THANKFUL for Monday. :thumbup: Nels woke up without a fuss, eating grilled cheese for Breakfast (Hey- that's what he insisted on), then going to the GYM (have an appt with my old trainer), and then DH and I are having lunch with Nels. I want to see what the cafeteria looks like and stuff. Tomorrow I volunteer for the class- reading mom. Then job interview (volunteer NP 2 days a month)- after the 2 you get paid if you want. We'll see. I just need to get my feet wet after not working for a few years. Great place to network as all the docs in town volunteer 1/2 day each month. Might meet them all! LOL

Janet~ WTG on the gym! YOU inspire me, really!

Melissa~ Hang in there girl. It's tough- it sux sometimes- but you will find something! HUGS.

Phyl~ LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos! You look amazing! Love the family ones, sis, mom. Just precious photos. Wedding was lovely! I know what you mean though about how it's done these days.

Cheri~ I hear ya on the AC! Don't know how I lived 2 years in the Peace Corps without it! Hope they figure out the Ca+

I know there were more- but gotta go get the boy ready. Will update replies... promise.


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A couple more photos from the wedding reception.

Smooch pic is my favorite, I think!

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Hi Everybody.

Had a great time with Mom & Sister. Shopped and just hung out. Didn't do much but it was nice to have the time together.

Phyl, love the pics, family is beautiful.

Janet, All for one, one for all.

Linda, Merry looks so chipper and happy. Sorry about kid issues. I feel the same way, am I ever going to stop being "Mommy" and just be Mom. I want to move on.

Eva, have a good trip.

Laura, glad you are getting your feet wet again. We need good people in health care.

Judy, to bad about the "puppy" not working out. I am sure you'll find another one soon. lol

Cheri, too cool about the new choir. I hope you can go on that trip. It sounds fantastic.

Ok, need to get to work this morning.


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Morning all, at work, so not much time. I'm grateful that I was able to resolve my computer issues -- messed around with that yesterday and finally got a system restore to work and got rid of the problem! Whew, feel like I dodged a bullet.

Hope you all have a great day and a great week. Working early this week - hoping to go work out after work.


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Hi Everyone,

I am hanging in there I am so stressed today I think that is what is making it hard for me to breathe.

I told my DH I wanted to sell some of my gold I don't wear and he gave me a handful of stuff he doesn't wear anyway kinda big fight about it. I want to have a garage sale to sell things but i think he is upset we are in this and stuck. He is leaving everything up to me and what I do with his things

UGGGG I feel like I can't breathe

ok just complaining but all my friends have been helping me explaining the different between how men and woman deal with things.

Everyone on this board has been a big help thank you for your companionship and listening to me. I love you all very much and God willing I will get to meet you all.

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Hello..........I only have a couple minutes until DH and Mimi come and we have to leave.. take Mimi to her mother and go get my mother to take her to Bismarck... She needs a new dryer and can't seem to do it without me and DH.... He has a day off because of rain so we are going to go get it done...... I'm the same so won't even go there!!!!

Phyll, the pictures are wonderful...... Your family is great, but you, my dear, look positively glowing..... the hair and makeup are so becoming to you.... I'll bet you had a fairy tale time!!!!

Laura K, glad your weekend was nice with family, too.... sometimes the more relaxed times with no special events are the nicest.....

Laura, sounds like you have a plan and that's half the battle..... I'm sure you will get the job....who wouldn't want you!!!!!!

Melissa, I don't know who wouldn't want you either.... Silly people don't know a good employee when they see one..... Hugs and good luck on the hunt.... Are you feeling better??

Cheri, good luck with the kids today..... and wow.... what a deal with the choir.... I'd jump at the chance, too.... I hope it all works out well for you.... It's an honor to be selected..... I'm a high soprano, too.... Can't sing low without changing my voice and then I get no volume... And I have a big mouth!!!!!! Maybe we'll have to find a karaoke bar in Vegas!! I've only ever sung one song, but I'm willing.....

Janet, I can enjoy the peace and quiet of my house, too... It's just that......peaceful.... I can do things at my own pace and its a good thing, but don't want it for too long... then I get bored and need some company....

Arlene, did that baby make it yet??? I'm sure you are getting so anxious.... I would be too... Let us know when you can.

Jessica, you, too, are a great mother and it shows with all you volunteering and such... We never got to do that sort of thing here when my DD was little.... Good luck at school and your 5k training...

Lori, was your weekend all you hoped???

Apples should be back tomorrow.....

Oops, gotta go... my family calls........ Love you all, have a good day... Julie

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I'll have to go look at that picture again! Smiling, huh?!! LOL

Yes, Cheri... you can handle all that technology. I've never lost or broken a phone, or dropped one in the toilet!! LOL! But then I've been wearing mine around me neck the past couple of years!!! HAHA!! Hard to lose it then! I'm worried about this new one because I don't yet have a case that fits right. I ordered some accessories on eBay and they were shipped about a week ago, but coming from Hong Kong so who knows when they will get here!! I hope before we leave! Had them shipped here to my sister's house.

Phyll, the wedding photos were great, and much nicer for the bride to walk down the aisle after getting her waist back than to hurry up and get married while pregnant.

I have to tell you I took my cell phone down to the lake at my sister's house in TN. It's a very steep hill and my 70+ mother is not always stable on her feet so I took the cell in case we needed rescue. I tucked it between the boobs in my swimsuit. When I got down to the dock I jumped into the Water without removing it.

I would probably have to wear it around my neck like you do. My sister who is always on call has her phone near her at all times. She was telling me about being on the cell talking while wondering why she couldn't find her cell.

I mislay or misplace things constantly, especially my coffee cup. When I was downsized out of a job, my co-workers took me out for dinner and presented me with a coffee mug---and a pair of handcuffs and cuffed it to my wrist!

Melissa, hang in there. If you really can't breathe you need to get to the Dr. or ER--stat.

Julie, it would be fun to sing a duet with you. I much more powerful in my alto voice.


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No baby........maybe she is too big???? lol DD has an ultrasound tomorrow and a dr visit on Wed. Maybe she will induce her. I finally finished sewing trim around burp diapers.....now to embroider them. I still haven't finished crocheting the blanket. Lori, I wasn't dragging my feet with the first DGD......I made a blanket, burp diapers, crocheted dress, booties, and two caps. Bethany sure got shorted being the last one.

Julie, I got the recipes......Thanks! The chocolate Cookies I made with Cayenne pepper were good. I think I need to adjust my temp on my stove. They were chewy, but the edges weren't crisp. The recipe called for a 325. I think that is too low. And yes, I did eat a few.....no, didn't gain or lose.

Phyl, that is the pic I love!

Laura, Best wishes on the volunteering. A friend of mine quit her job doing high risk pregnancy ultrasounds and started volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy center. She loves it. She does ultrasounds for girls who are in crisis.

Janet, I know your GS will find his place in this world. He has you as his cheerleader. Look what you have done for all of us. That is your calling.....the gift of lifting people up, and sometimes lighting a fire under them.

Laura, Glad you had a good time celebrating your birthday.

Meredith......Happy Birthday! You look great! Check in! We would like to hear from you.

Okay Apples, time to show up!

Cheri, How is your neice?

Jessica, I am so sorry your son is having bowel problems. Maybe you can find the right routine and diet so he won't have an accident at school.

Linda, don't work too hard this week.

Eva, did you leave again?

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Have not yet read all posts to catch up, BUT wanted to let you know I've been gone while my files are converted from PC to MAC computer.

In transition, so I'll be here/then gone as I navigate the learning curse.


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I actually ending up going to the er cause I felt my breathing was getting worse needless to say no bronchitis it has cleared up and my heart function is good. However the steriod my reg dr put me on spiked by sugar to over 400 never ever been there.

I still feel out of breath so the er dr there gave me an inhaled steroid which will stay in my lungs and should work. i should know in the next couple of days he said that I will need to have a lung function test if it does not get better

maybe it is just anxiety who knows Love you all and I will keep you posted.

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Good Afternoon Gang

Had jury duty today - even got call up to the jury box - come back after lunch - well the guy must have copped a deal - He looked real real mean - 30+ most likely gang banger his whole life - sitting there he had a scowl on his face - didn't help his situation any - He was on trial for Robbery.. So they send us back to the jury room - at 3 get called for another case - trial would be til 9/17 - well the lady I work with is gone for the month of Sept - so got excused from that one.. Would have liked to sit on the 1st one - expected to be 3 days.. I'll do a short trial ... I feel it's my American duty - That's what the constitution say and I am red white and blue

Well I'm dress for gym - Weights arms tonite ...

Laura - How was the gym...

Melissa - Hugs - it shouldn't be all on your shoulder - that's not fair.. Take the jewelry go to diff jewelry stores - they all pay diff prices - have the garage sale - You & family in my prayers..

Julie - If I need company all I have to do is pickup the phone - but again - I do work all week so I enjoy the down time - if I was like you home then it might be a diff story.. But since only get 2 days - I do enjoy them ;0)

I can't sing - but with a few cocktail - I've done it as back up singer in Mexico and did you lost that loving feeling here in town - but again had quite a few drinks - I'm not super bad as long as I keep it low (I have a low voice - have been confused as a man on the phone) awe I'm most likely bad at a low note too - ;0)

So ya we can karoke :0)

I can tell you all from personal experience = Phyl is just as bad as the kids now a days w/her phone ... lol...

Phyl I don't know what you did - eyebrows done?? or just that you had hair and make up - you look absolutely beautiful

Charlene - Ya it will work out - Hope the baby comes soon

I started this before I went to the gym - girl called from work - all upset - she may be quiting - then I had gym - just now getting back on the computer.. Did find out though the place where she might go - asked about me ;0) - we at least I know I have a place if they ever piss me off bad enough ;0)

Well going to post to see who has posted..

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hi. all...was getting ready to post however....took so long to read all the posts from this past week that um its time for "Weeds and the "Big C". lol so...will post maybe tomorrow. Hope everyones weekend went well.

Last week was easy..was on vacation this week....work with no school and no babysiiter...HELP. Its only Monday and im saying....oh no.

Exercise?? Today. Not. Perhaps tomorrow. Foodwise not bad. No excuse except see above. Not sure how and whem to fit the exercise in this week when having a hard time with all the above. Will get up and start over this week tomorrow with a better plan.

Hope this is positive enough.

Have a great night all.


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janet - I know it should not be on all my shoulders My DH and most men handle things differently thats all I am going to try to talk about it tomorrow with him before i take the jewelery I don't want things to come back down on me. You know what I mean.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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