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Karen - sending prayers for your friend, Jacqui. Keep us informed.

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No disclaimer needed, I rarely eat Desserts, just like to have something good to take places when I need to bring something. Not much of a sweet tooth here, I am into salty and crunchy! LOL

I've noticed the older I get the more it takes me to recover from those sleepless nights. Guess as I get older I need my beauty sleep!

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Janet, I checked out the recipe rehab when you posted it last time. They do have some good stuff on there.

Joyce, Congrats! on normal blood work. Yep, at our age that is real nice peace of mind. Yeah, I weighed 119 forty years ago. Janet, you are one fit lady.

Great, we took the night flight too. Got home at 8am. I was beat all day long. Now, facing taking care of a 2yr old 24/7 I'll be tired, but not as tire as I was two years ago. I don't know how you got all of those chores done today after that long flight. Good for you!!!

Okay, gotta turn on ESPN. Pearland, Tx is playing the Northwest in the Little League World Series. Go Pearland!!! Love our boys!!

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Jewel - I am glad your son had a better day

Quick post about me just got back from the Dr and the store I have Bronchitis. I am taking levaquin, Mucinex, and some stong cough med that will help me sleep. She advised me to drink alot and eat plenty of yogurt which will help. At least I am not working so I can get some rest. See a bright side to the lay off :(.

Well I am going to sleep check with you guys tomorrow.

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I must've missed some stuff in my haste to catch up.

Janet, 119???? Oh my, that working out is really paying off. New pics!!

Joyce, congrats on the normal bloodwork, that's wonderful. That alone makes all this worthwhile.

Melissa, take care, I hate bronchitis! On the plane going over to Hawaii the gal behind me just coughed and coughed the whole flight. Part of me was so mad at her for still flying and possibly infecting us all, and I sure didn't want to catch it, but then the other side of me thought poor thing, probably has been looking forward and planning a Hawaiian vacation a long time and then gets stick.

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Wooow....just finished reading all the posts from the past week...took about an hour! You gals sure are busy!

yikes...thought its been hot in NY but heck...ill take NY anyday in the summer compared to where some of you guys are.... humidity and all.

Its been a heck of two weeks...for me here. Ive been working on a new project. Im now supervising the ABA program for one of the Early Intervention agencies I work with...thing is I know nada about ABA...but I did have some training about 20 yrs ago..so I got the pleasures after saying of course I can write programs for ABA..(not), so spent the whole week last week online doing crash courses on ABA programs etc. I know Cheri is saying.....oh no no no.....however, It really isnt that difficult to write up the programs and present them to the parents and therapists to follow. Of..course if im serious about doing more of this type of work I will need to be certified. Meaning back to school...or at least back to the books through online certification. Was busy last week with this..and getting ready for Dassi to come back from camp! Cleaning and laundry,food shopping and getting this place in shape once again.

Happy to say have done all that I wanted to for the summer as far as organization goes. Even put up the curtains..permantly! Meaning Im staying here for a while. If you all remember I had my list of stuff to do for summer and hanging the curtains right was a major goal.

This week...well Dassi came home Monday and its been laundry and shopping for school and clothes etc etc. Some vacation lol. Tonight I had a break as she decided to spend the night at grandmas....so here I am catching a breather. Tomorrow she has a play date/sleep over here so Ill be able to cook and pack for weekend to Fire Island. Three more weekends to go.......the summer is olmost over!

I met someone sort of....yes, brace yourselves....one of those dates that I didnt want to go on....kind of went on one with someone I knew from college...dont know whether I mentioned him or not...but went on three dates so far...and spent a good deal of time with him on those dates. Either hes a really nice guy or hes a pretending to be one and is really good at it. lol I have some concerns well alot of them lol....but as we spend time Im sure they will be addressed or not...and then I will say hasta lavista baby. oh how negative this sounds but am preparing for this...why???? Why???? I dont know but must be careful as he could be just the nice guy I think he is and well..that could mean only one thing...and that is just inconceivable at this time....

and I wont even go into the details of all the whys that I can come up with.

Caution especially now that Dassi is home...ill keep you all posted...

Have I mentioned I think hes nice??

I was at the surgeon today...and well I know that this month has been a struggle for me...and even with the training at gym and eating healthy..Ive only lost 3llbs....but this is okay. Im not really upset, I realized that Fire Island and the vacations and different routine was affecting my progress and changed things two weeks ago to compensate and began to loose again...but I realized how easy things can spiral out of control when not on top of things, not planning and keeping to routine. This was an important lesson for me. Back on track again and feeling good about it, would not have been happy had I not changed things and just let it go on and on....so am happy with the 3 llbs. still have another 15-20 to reach goal...but if I only reach 15 I will be happy....heck im ecstatic now at 158. If I get to 150 that would be great too anywhere between 135-150 within normal limits depending on whom you talk to for 5'5".

Okay....these are responding to posts over the last two weeks....so forgive me for being so tardy but must respond even now after the fact.....

LauraK....I love that story and read it to my daughter everynight...from age 3 to about 8. I still occasionally read it to her when she needs a pick me up...or I need one lol however Ive cried every time I read it...no matter how many times. My favorite along with "Dont Forget I love you" by Miriam Moss that is a good one as well if you havent heard of it and "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn. This is a story about a mommy squirel and her baby getting ready for the first day of school. These are all books about the relationship of mothers and their babies depicting in each scenarios of how each mother deals with the impeding independence their children continue to have as they grow up. Tear jerkers all of them. lol

How I loved to sit and read to Dassi everynight.. the same repertoir...."goodnight moon" always ended the evening along with the "Big red Barn" oldies but goodies. Enjoy this time.....I know you are. I could read it in your posts!! Dont forget ever....

Cheri, wow. You and your students are in my prayers.

I wish you all the luck in finding the funding you need to help all your students in need.

Karen, im glad your hand is on the mend. I hope it doesnt hurt to much..but you know.....you can always say it hurts a little more then really...you deserve to milk this for all its worth youve had a tough summer!!! USE IT!!! lol

Julie, Hoping little Mimi feels a little better and is recouping after her surgery....poor thing and you are feeling okay and are getting excited about the wedding....as it is nearing. I agree..stopping any meds now....maybe not such a good idea before the wedding. That is just my two scents....When I went off zoloft....wow....people wanted to just strangle me as I was um off the wall for a bit until my system regulated itself. (seriously)

Of course there are those that think that I should still be on it when I am about to self destruct at times lol.

Jessica, Why why why are some teachers so inconsiderate?? Id like to take your sons teacher and shake her silly....Its only the second day of school and allready she is focussing on the negative???? Perhaps your son was so excited and nurvous about the prospect of starting school that he could not sit and listen??? Is this a possibility?? I bet it is for all the children. Im apologizing to you as a teacher...no way no how should any teacher tell a parent this information about a child in a note if this was truly a concern..

I would speak to her directly to find out how she is going to help him develop these skills number one and then request that if she has any concerns regarding his readiness skills that she phone you and speak to you directly or to set up a meeting with you and the social worker and her together to determine how to help him achieve these goals and whether he needs to recieve any resources to help him. Im sorry to disagree with people regarding your husbands position however, after this Im sure his opionion has solidified even more about the Public School experience. The only advice I can give you...is to advocate for your son while he is in this system and make sure it works for him and you not the other way around. This teacher needs a lesson in positive teaching and you have the oppurtunity now at the beginning of the year to let her know that this is the way you expect her to teach your child and reach out to you if needed....

(oh and I have some other choice words for her but ill refrain from them at this time...and keep my professionalism in check)

Lori, Im glad you enjoyed your vacation at least the part when you werent alone. It is lonely going to such a romantic place to sit by the pool or eat alone..when everyone else is probably with someone or family...so can imagine that that might have felt awkward.....

Janet, I am ROTFL....at Andrew and your relationship...why it reminds so much of myself and my mother...Your descriptions of your experiences with him. I promise...sometimes with some kids...(like me) there will always be drama even when the kid is 45. lol Good luck.

Linda, Im crying for your little Merry....Its so sad to see our little furrys in pain or crying...but the worst is over and you will see that she will get used to the situation and will not even know anything is different after the recouping time....I was crying that she didnt want to be touched and you were going to sleep on the couch next to her..so sad...but you did the right thing! You did the research and had many opinions about the right treatments....so you gave her life..and her quality will not be diminished at all...give yourself a hug and give her a kiss for me....

Judy...Hope the dinners you had for your co-actors went well. Have fun with your boy toy lol Make sure he takes you to nice places and treats you well..who cares how old he is...as long as you enjoy spending time with him and he makes you feel good. (You could also be making him feel good and treating him well as well achum).

Melissa I hope you are feeling better. Stress does bring on viruses and colds as well...take time to coddle yourself now....

Karen, I dont know what its like to be a farmers wife but I always wanted to live on a farm so I am envious of you and your family..and love love your stories about the daily goings on of the farm.

Okay then.....think I must have missed someone..so please forgive....

Have a good night.


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Jodi...oh boy...could I have fun with that last statement of you not knowing what it is like to be a farmers wife. I could say almost anything. But, some insight as to what I have never had to do as a farmers wife...

I have never pulled a teet

I have never slopped a hog

I have never shoveled manuer

I have never plowed anything but snow

But I have...

Plucked and gutted a chicken (and puked while doing it)

Picked rocks in the hot sun for hours unend

Pulled weeds in 160 acre plots of soybeans and then moved on to pull weeds in another 900 or so acres

Drove the tractor for hours and hours digging the other 1000 acres of corn ground with a toddler on each side of me

Sat up all night babysitting the corn dryer

Called the fire dept three times for three different fires while babysitting the corn dryer but had the fires out by the time they drove the 15 miles to get here

Unloaded semi truck after semi truck full of corn and seen to it that it got in the correct grain bin

Put one of the semis in the pond because I left it in gear

Put hubby's pickup into the side of his new machine shed/shop and totaled his welder at the same time

Fed between 8-10 hired help every day twice a day during harvest and planting season while running my own business and working at least 60 hours a week

Just a little peak into what the first 29 or so years of my life with my honey were like. I am now somewhat retired and still feel guilty that I don't do all those things. This summer and getting away more to the lake has helped me settle in a bit and leave some of it behind me.

Now do you all understand why I like I am?????? A little nuts, a little this, a little that

Edited by Apples2

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Hey Gang...

Cheri - Great idea of your bro's but you know all that has to be written up in a will by your parents to hold up.. Also being a caregiver is really really hard - would you have some one to be able to come in to give you a break.. Was the flood outside surface Water and you didn't have flood insurance?? Couldn't you get some low interest loan from the government - they usually come in and help pple out when things like that happen..

I could've gotten the loan but who needs more debt? We're in a flood plain so no insurance, even though it was surface Water and we weren't flooded. We're right next to the biggest stone quarry in the world. I think we've got bedrock not that far below the surface and very old drains and sewers that can't carry the saturated ground water away fast enough.

As far as my parents go, I'm letting my brother get the others on board. Two of my siblings are Dr.'s, one is a chaplain/pastor who works with the elderly and dying a lot, and my baby sister is just not in a position to take care of my parents though she'd like to. Medical issues with daughter and husband. The chaplain bro came up with it because he sees many families making these arrangements.I won't do it unless the family is totally in agreement. The hardest ones to convince may be my parents. We'll present it to them as coming from all of us. This probably isn't going to happen for a few years yet. I definitely will make sure all paperwork is done and all siblings are in agreement. I think my sisters probably think they could do a better job but they're not in a position to do it. I'll also definitely make sure we have respite care. I know they'll get on my nerves. But I won't be alone. I'll have Ken who's great with paperwork, keeps houses clean, grocery shops.

I was with both my parents all day yesterday and it went pretty well. I just considered them to partially be children with cognitive issues. Just like I deal with every day. Kind of a paradigm shift. If I see it as my job now, and not as an obligation, and my parents as people who need my compassion and understanding, it makes a difference. I was surprised at how easily I handled them both yesterday.

I'm going to start my "job" now. See how it goes.

Hugs on your neice

Eva - you going to be come a real estate agent?? I think you should be come a travel agent :0) !! You have a busy week - hugs on the funeral - those are so tough

Linda - Hugs you have me crying about your poor Merry - that would just break my heart... How's she doing today..

Melissa - rest while you can..

Jessica - Hugs - Kindergarden is tough - I agree your DH shouldn't discuss this stuff in front of him - Did your DS go to pre-school?? I think my Brooke has gotten in trouble for not minding - it takes kids awhile to get in the groove... But that had to be so scary when you couldn't find him - those car lines are for the birds - yes - park and walk in to get him

Laura - Yep I know why you are the way you are - latter life mommy - tried to so hard to have one - then were blessed to get Nel - I have a gf at work who was like 38 when she had DD (had to do all that fertility stuff) any way - she's the same way - I think she still sleeps w/her DD.. I think that maybe we take for granted our kids (not having issues in having them) where as - to pple who have a hard time having them once they do - they are extra special (thats not to say that ours aren't special - but you know what I mean )

But - What about the gym - yes you walked - but gym gf - weights - more than 1.5 mile ... Come on you are pretty damn fit so I don't think a 1.5 walk really over exerted you ;0)- we want you to get to goal !!!

Charlene - You want to talk about hot - I will say that today was our hottest day all summer - at 6:30 tonite my car said 119..

Ok I know I missed a few - but it's 8:30 and I need to go eat..

I had boot camp tonite - and I wore a tank top - IT'S THE 1ST TIME I have done that... I figured my little short sleeves weren't really covering up anything - so what the hell - it pple don't like it they don't have to look..

I'm sure you looked great-and 119 lbs, way to go.

OK...I'm not sure how much of you pray or believe in Got or whatever. It's a personal thing and I am believer in keeping my faith to myself. (Actually, I believe but I am one to KNOW God knows me and where I come from and we have sunporch church on Sunday mornings while eating homemade muffins...doesn't get better than that).

I'm putting out a prayer request. One of our LBT longtimers found our she has rectal cancer. I have followed this girl from day 1. I just find her to be cute, full of spunk and very helpful to newbies. Can we all just say an extra shout out to God (even if you don't believe) for this woman. She's the kind that makes you smile just cuz she is such an individual and does not give a crap if you agree or not.

Thanks for the healing prayers...she need it and know she will feel it. BTW....user name Jacqui.

The Lord bless and keep your friend Jacqui. By the way, we used to call skipping church attending Bedside Baptist.

Melissa, so glad you went to Dr.. Hope the drugs work. Be well.]

Jessica, so glad your little man had a better day. Volunteering is so needed and rewarding not to mention it makes Jake proud to see his mom at school.

Ditto to what she said.

My DD just picked up Sydney. The doctor said she is dilated to a little over 3. She said she would induce in two weeks, but doubts she will make it that long. So, we should have a baby soon.

Praying all will go well and a healthy baby will be born.

Janet - way to go wearing a tank top. Noticed you mentioned you were at 119 - I weighed that in the 9th grade.

Forgot to mention that all my blood work came back in the normal range - which is GREAT for a 67 yr. old. Cholesterol @ 196 - so yippee, under 200.

So, for now, my weight and cholesterol are the same. lolol

ladykcusa congrats on the blood test.

Gotta go to bed.

Love to all.


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Jodi...oh boy...could I have fun with that last statement of you not knowing what it is like to be a farmers wife. I could say almost anything. But, some insight as to what I have never had to do as a farmers wife...

I have never pulled a teet

I have never slopped a hog

I have never shoveled manuer

I have never plowed anything but snow

But I have...

Plucked and gutted a chicken (and puked while doing it)

Picked rocks in the hot sun for hours unend

Pulled weeds in 160 acre plots of soybeans and then moved on to pull weeds in another 900 or so acres

Drove the tractor for hours and hours digging the other 1000 acres of corn ground with a toddler on each side of me

Sat up all night babysitting the corn dryer

Called the fire dept three times for three different fires while babysitting the corn dryer but had the fires out by the time they drove the 15 miles to get here

Unloaded semi truck after semi truck full of corn and seen to it that it got in the correct grain bin

Put one of the semis in the pond because I left it in gear

Put hubby's pickup into the side of his new machine shed/shop and totaled his welder at the same time

Fed between 8-10 hired help every day twice a day during harvest and planting season while running my own business and working at least 60 hours a week

Just a little peak into what the first 29 or so years of my life with my honey were like. I am now somewhat retired and still feel guilty that I don't do all those things. This summer and getting away more to the lake has helped me settle in a bit and leave some of it behind me.

Now do you all understand why I like I am?????? A little nuts, a little this, a little that

OMG that explains so much. I know I know I should be resting in bed but I had to comment on this. You have alot of energy to have done and still do alot.

Apples did you ever post a before picture of yourself? Also did you do all that when you weighed more. I guess I never really asked about your pre LB life you can send me a PM if you don't want to post it all on the board.

Okay now of to bed Love you guys

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OMG that explains so much. I know I know I should be resting in bed but I had to comment on this. You have alot of energy to have done and still do alot.

Apples did you ever post a before picture of yourself? Also did you do all that when you weighed more. I guess I never really asked about your pre LB life you can send me a PM if you don't want to post it all on the board.

Okay now of to bed Love you guys

Oh Melissa..you must know me by now...I just splay everything right out there...

I weighed 119 when we got married 30 yrs ago at the age of 24. The weight started piling on when I hit menopause and was on steroids for 5 yrs of and on. I started gaining at the age of 38 or 39 and the weight came on really fast. And, yes, I did a lot of work when I was heavy.

When I was thin I could eat almost anything I wanted. If I'd put on a couple of pounds, I would drop my caloric intake down to about 2000-2500 a day for a few days and it would come right off. My metabolism new is the same as it was when I was younger.

If you look under my personal profile you will see my b/4 photos. Just click on my "Apples2" and it will bring you to the photos on the lower right.

Hope your meds to the trick for you, Melissa.

Cheri....both DH and I were raised Catholic and really never missed a Sunday until we decided to quit the church in 1994. The only time DH would miss would be in the heat of harvest or planting season. I was in the choir, taught Sunday school, was a laic minister. I would get after DH when he would buck out on church to get his work done. His favorite saying was "I'd rather be on my tractor thinking about church than be in church thinking about my tractor".

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OK Melissa...I just dread these b/4 photos. Here's one of me but not yet at my heaviest. I put about 40lbs more one after this one was taken. The other photo is a snap shot taken at our wedding:wub:

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Phyll...I imagine you were up bright and early and are trucking across Wisconsin by now. I do not envy you travelling that interstate between Mpls and Madison, WI. Bumpy, bumpy, crappy road.

I just have to say it again...I had such a lovely time and was so nice getting to meet you, hubby and the fur family. Safe travels.

he city where I met Phyll last night to see a doc about my wrist. No worries...just want to be sure on the plan for wearing splint...how long, etc. Much, much better this week.

Gums are feeling much better this morning. Had them sliced and diced again yesterday (2nd time in a month). Procedure was necessary to better fit the new caps. It's kind of like labor. You white knuckle it and then are thinking about having that next baby a few hours later. (Not typical but that's how I felt about labor).

Just had to do my daily junking up of the thread. Hope you all have a good day. Don't let the stresses of work and life get to you. We only live one life.

Our pleasure... to meet both you and Julie, and then another Karen from another thread in Indiana! What a kick to get to meet all these bandsters!! Had a great visit. Corn was wonderful... didn't eat the steaks yet. Thank you so much!

Yes, Julie... wish we could've spent more time! And wish we could've sampled what was in that crock pot! LOL! It was just one of those stressful days and we WERE tired!

Melissa....OMG...you hit the nail on the head with the salamander story. That poor dr's wife. She's going to have to relax those butt muscles pretty soon or her perfect little world will not seem so perfect.

I didn't find a salamander in the school bag but....came home from work one day when youngest was 8. Dad was "watching" them for the day...yeah right. Reached my hand into the dish Water in the sink and pulled out crap that looked like chow mien. Charlie had put 16 frogs in the microwave, didn't know what to do with them when they blew all over and filled up the sink and threw it all in.

A couple weeks later he decided to "tame" four blue jays. Caught them in a net and brought them in the house. His plan was to clip their wings and make house birds out of them. I had navy blue lamps (cloth shades) and navy furniture. Bird poop everywhere. Took us 2 days to round them up. Many, many naughty Charlie stories.

Just wait till that dr's wife opens the gym bag when the kid is 12 and finds a Mountain Dew bottle filled with discarded spit and chew!

Oh, goodness!! Reminds me that our youngest son, Steve, carried a dried up old ND salamander around in the pocket of his jeans for a few weeks.... Wouldn't give it up until the tail fell off! Gross! I think he was about 3-4 yrs old.

Well... I've gotta quit and go to bed even though there are about 5 more pages, at least, that I haven't read yet!! Tired!! Busy, busy days now that we are here in Buffalo.... spending time with my sisters, Mom & Uncle Ed, went to see one of Earl's sisters today and I'm sure tomorrow he will want to see his brothers. Then we have wedding stuff all weekend and more things going on next week!!

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Phyll...good to hear you had a good trip as you crossed the country. Nice to hear you arrived safe and sound. Tell that other Karen that you like me best!

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Evening ladies....too tired to post so this is just to say hi.

Have a great night!!


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OK Melissa...I just dread these b/4 photos. Here's one of me but not yet at my heaviest. I put about 40lbs more one after this one was taken. The other photo is a snap shot taken at our wedding:wub:

I looked at all your pics and i have to say what an unbelievable change. You and Janet are my true inspiration that it can be done.

Also alot of ladies on this board inspire me.

Oh and it is 1:45am and I still can't sleep apparently my med for sleeping and reducing my coughing is not working. Oh my cough is less but I am still stairing at the computer. I guess I am going to log off and read and that will knock me out. Talk to you all later today

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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