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Good Morning everyone. I have just a few minutes before needing to get ready for work. We've been so busy at work from the moment I arrive that I have no time to post

Apples welcome back. I attend the same church you do. Hope your arm/wrist is getting better. I'm also very sad to hear about Jacqi -- she's worked so hard and has been so helpful here on LBT -- and she's so young. I wll pray for her. She's in Austrailia, isn't she? To answer your question, no I'm not wearing any work out shoes -- I just hurt from over doing it I think. I have rods/screws in my back and the aritificial hip -- my DH whose had his artifical hips for over 10 years say his hurt when he over does it too - we have a little arthritis as well and of course my fibromylgia -- so I live with daily pain and have for over ten years.

Janet, Merry is much better. I think the drugs are what was causing all the problems the first night -- yesterday morning we got up and with the help of her blanket wrapped around her middle part for support we got her up and wallking around. She had difficulty on the hardwood floor in the dining room which is her pathway to go outside, it's just too slippery for her to manuver and again she isn't ready for the stairs so we use the blanket to help her in those areas but she went outside to do her business yesterday and last night. She's eating well and drinking and we got her antibiotic and pain meds down her with no problem. She went back to the vet to have her bandage changed yesterday and they said incision looks good. She was able to get up and walk around on her own pretty well last night. DGD and DSD stopped by for a quick visit and she was happy to see them. So the worst is over. We all slept in our bed last night -- she is clingy right now and wants to be sitting with me or laying next to me all the time. Usually she's more independent at night and prefers her own bed, so I'm kind of enjoying her being close right now. It was the only decision we could have made and it was the right one. Not sure if I mentioned it but the last few days of that tumor were really bad - her skin actually split open exposing her raw flesh so if we hadn't done it she would have most likely gotten a terrible infection and had a terribly painful death. She's back to her own sweet self and I'm sure in a week or so will be running around like always. I read on line that they don't have the same psychological issues we have about losing limbs -- so that was a relief. They just accept it and adapt and live their lives. Too bad we humans aren't that way.

Julie, so sorry about the continuing pain. Just a couple more weeks until mayo and some answers. I'm sure you're sick of hearing the words "hang in there" but try to make yourself as comfy as you can and if you can just take it completely easy until then it would help. I know how hard that is too but I'm sure your DH would be willing to do some extra chores around the house so you woudl have some relief.

Laura and Jess - congrats on getting through the first day of school -- I remember those days. DGD starts preschool next week -- she's excited - I'm excited for her so she has some structure in her life.

Well, I gotta get ready for work.

Cheri, Cleveland Clinic has been around forever -- always has been a very fine establishment --very much the same as Mayo -- it's the Mayo for that area. My DGF went there for his cancer treatments in the 60s 70s. The plan sounds good but will not be easy - I agree - do not do it without a contract and agreement with all sibs or there will be trouble -- and heartache.

Hopefully I'll be back later Eva, enjoy your last few weeks at work (lol).

Love you all


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Wow Cheri you have a big decision. Alot of hard work for being retired but I do understand when family calls we get in gear. I am glad that you are able to do this for them. My hubby and I have had a few talks about what to do with his parents when they get there too. They are still taking care of his 40 year old sister. They insist that she is not gonna live long enough for it to be an issue when they retire. We just couldn't manage all 3 of them. It is such a tough choice but you are such a smart and caring lady. Hope that you know that and it will give you a little peace in making the right decision. You will always have us for moral support.

Jake asked me this morning if he could have Breakfast at school. So independant. Now he wants to buy his own Breakfast. It's just $1.50 so ok. He is getting to be so big.

They made an announcment yesterday that they needed volunteers in the clinic. I am gonna look into it and see what all they need and if it will fit my skill level. It would be great if I could work with another nurse.

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Morning............. I just lost my post but it was my own fault.... pushed the wrong button and couldn't take it back..... I hate it when that happens....

Jessica, glad Jake is off to another day at school without any carryover from yesterday... He'll be fine....

Linda, glad Merry is doing better... She will find her new way now and be so much better than with that large tumor on her leg....

Eva, finding a good financial guy was a miserable job when we did it.... DH talked to so many and it was difficult to make a decision... Then the first thing that happened was the big fall................. How discouraging... but we are fine now... Hope you find just the right people for your needs....

Arlene, I've just quit guessing what this problem is anymore... I've brought up all the things from my medical history only to be told no..... so, I'm just going to wait and see what new eyes can find..... YEs, I will share my bar reicpes, but it'll take a bit to get them together... Look for a letter in the mail one of these days..

OKay, I need to get ready to head to Bismarck... Need to see the chiropractor and then some wedding shopping.... I don't know how I'll fill my days when this wedding is in the past.... Does Lori come home today?? I think so... Will be good to hear from her.. Apples, whats on your plate today?? How are you handling all the cooking you usually do while you are home... Not too many weeks left for you lake place I suppose..as harvest will be here soon for you.....

Hi to everyone else.... Hope to hear from you when I get back.... Have a good day.... HUgs............ Julie

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Good Morning Gang..

I have talked to Jacqui and her prognoisis is excellent (is cureable) - Thank God they found it early - she's 43 I think -

Will be sending good ju ju as LauraK says - and prayers (Karen my church is the same as yours ;0) any way... She is an inspiration to alot of pple here on lbt... I guess I like her cuz we are a lot a like in our thinking...

Eva - Pple still travel - but I guess alot make plans on the internet - I will do little trips - or research on internet - but like the vacation we are going on in Nov/Dec - that I went to a travel agent - wasn't sending that kind of $$$ to someone I don't know ;0)..

I increased my 401 contributions - I want to retire...

You will be outside or inside doing some project when you retire :0) but you may find a little more computer time when you take your breaks ;0)

Linda - So glad Merry is doing good - I have been so worried about that - I am glad she's able to get around - you may have to get some runners to make it easier for her to get outside :( Angel & Bella sleep w/me all the time - Bear sometimes

Charlene - This is why I belong to a gym - here in the desert it's way to hot to exercise outside - hell it's 105 at midnite.. and in the winter - it gets dark too early - so I go to a gym - but at night I ususally play w/Bella in the back yard - last night was just too hot - trying to get her use to the leash - and this whole potty training - ugh - I hate it..

What's DD due date??

Enjoy the pool - with my kind of weather mine's too hot - like being in a bath tub..

Julie - My arms are the worse my legs aren't great either and I don't wear shorts - I have the legs of an 80 yr old lady - I only wear capris - I have my mom's ugly knees.. I'm ok w/capris - but I would like some of those city walking shorts (bermudas really) but the inside of my knees are to saggy)

Karen - Yes we miss you and your great advice and perspective of things..

LauraK - is xbf x today of bf today - how's the walking

Gwen - Madrid WTG - You must be on holiday :0)

Joyce - How you doing

Laura - Did you hit the gym today after taking Nelson to bus stop - Love you ocd ;0) labeling - that's so funny..

Jessica - Yep they grow up - breakfast at school - that's something they didn't have in the old days - do you have any neighborhood kid that ds if freinds with and goes to his school - and tell your DH even bullying goes on in private school - I went to one - and there were still bullies

Well gang - this is a drive by - Im at work - tonite is 2x gym so don't know if I will have a chance to post tonite (most likely not)

So just wanted to pop in and send my love

Eat healthy and get your exercise girls !!!!!

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Linda...good news about Merry. The poor little baby. As you said, she will adapt. You just hate to see them in pain, etc. She will catch on to it all before you know it and this will all be behind you.

Jessica...nice to hear that Jake was up and ready for school this morning and heading to breakfast at school. Had tears in my eyes when I read your post yesterday. Just try to keep your eyes and ears open to what he shares and step in with teaches, etc. if you think it's something he is not handling well. Hopefully, he will just fit right in and feel comfortable with his classmates.

That volunteer job sounds like something that might me rewarding to you in more than one way. Will also look good on your resume once you are done with school and searching for a job.

Eva...Jacqui posted during the night that she saw an oncologist and he is quite optomistic for a full recovery. Was a great post to come across.

Would love to get into the real estate field but don't think I could fit it into my selfish lifestyle. Let's see....my job application would say "Summer hours April 15 thru Oct 1...I can work Mondays. Winter hours...I need 2 consecutive months off." Yep, that would go over good. LOL. Hope you will enjoy what you are doing and be able to have some flexibility with your hours.

We used to do annuities each year since we have been self-employed all but 2 yrs of our married life. I had my license to sell but did not do any more after 1999. Our retirement is what we have invested in our land. We will appreciate those annuities when the time comes though. I was a believer in locking in the rates and happy I did so. Some of ours are at 6.5-7% interest rates. You are smart to "shop" and decide which way to go.

Julie....my plate is full today. Was in town by 8am to do bank and farm errands. Stopped by the grocery store to restock the frig and pantry. Laundry, floor scrubbing, tending to my flower beds, etc. Just the regular farm wife stuff. Have a wake tonight for our hired man's son. He just died in his sleep. Sad. Going to head to the lake in the morning if I catch up with everything here.

Not too difficult for me to get my work done this week. Just clumsy working with the splint on my hand and arm. As I stated yesterday, the only thing that gives me trouble is my wrist and that just needs time to heal. No complaints really.

Not too long now b/4 you get some answers. You are going to the best place you can. mayo doesn't give up till they get to the root of the problem. We spent close to a month there in 1988 with DH. If we would not have gone there, he most likely would have been paralyzed withing a couple of months (nerve sheath tumor the size of a football with fingers than were wrapped in his spine).

Beautiful day here in MN. Was 50 degrees at 5:30am. Needed a jacket when I went to town. Still only 64. That's MN weather....last week was a humid sweltering high 90's. There's a feeling of fall in the air. Leaves will be turning b/4 we know it.

Just making one meal a day here. My guys are tiling so the lunch buckets get packed for the day. I am a princess this time of the year but make up for it during planting and harvest seasons. Kind of boring around here without the guys. Ususally gone at 6am and don't see them until after dark when they eat supper. I really look forward to harvest, which should be early this year. DH is so nice to not have a problem with me going to Vegas in the heat of harvest.

Depends on our fall when we lock up the lake place. I was thinking we should do it the weekend b/4 our Vegas trip but we usually have a week or more between bean and corn harvest so might just go up there some in Oct. It's the most beautiful time of the year to be up there. Quite and peaceful. Could run around the resort in my underpants if I wanted to.

Well....better get my butt in gear. Making a seafood stew for supper tonight. Really easy and we all love it.

I will share my recipe...I use my large crock pot.

46 oz V-8 juice (I use the spicy)

2-14.5 oz Hunts fire roasted diced tomatoes

1 large onion chopped

3 stalks chopped celery

1 Tbls minced garlic

1/2 cup dry white wine

1 dash Tabasco or hot pepper sauce

Cook all the above on high for 3 hours. Add...

1 lb crab meat (optional) If you omit crab, substitute with another fish or lobster

1 lb shelled medium/large shrimp

1 lb fish (any 1 or a mixture of halibut, salmon, cod or talapia)

Cut or break fish into bite sized peices

Cook another 2 hours on medium heat. Do not stir as it will break the fish up.

This freezes well. Enjoy!

Edited by Apples2

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Saw my GP yesterday - Have a yeast infection and she gave me steriod cream. Also had her do blood work. Everything looks great there.

Going to Lap band doc today and need to hit the shower.

Later, ladies.

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Saw my GP yesterday - Have a yeast infection and she gave me steriod cream. Also had her do blood work. Everything looks great there.

Going to LAP-BAND® doc today and need to hit the shower.

Later, ladies.

Joyce....good luck with your LB doc's scales today. Can't remember for sure but thought you said you were going for a fill? Sorry about your yeast infection. Never fun. Hope it clears up quickly. Only had one incident of yeast infection 35 yrs ago. That was enough for me! Pop back on and let us know how your appt. went.

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Aloha!! I am home and very sleepy! We took an all nighter flight and I hardly slept. But got my 2nd load of laundry in now so am being productive to stay awake. May nap later. I had a wonderful time. Maui was beautiful and we really got hooked up with a great room. We overlooked the ocean, I slept with the sliding doors open to hear the sound of the waves in the night. Then right below our balcony was a series of ponds and waterfalls the resort built with swans, pink flamingos, etc. I could sit on that balcony all day. At night we would drive to Lahiana for dinner and a little shopping/browsing. We saw Peter Fonda one night. I was pretty careful in what I ate, focused on Proteins though some of it was fried. :( I PB'd one night and it was my fault I was more focused on the conversation, etc. and less on my bite sizes. The only akward part of the trip is DH and to go with the HR rep who is female. Her husband came along as well, he was a super nice guy and we got along great, it was just weird to be with just him when the workers were working. We checked in for our flight from Maui to Honolulu and they all assumed we were 'together' etc. He rented a car yesterday and drove to the north shore and though I wanted to go I opted to just lounge at the beach and pool by myself. I enjoyed it but it got a little lonely. LOL When I am alone I tend not to go to restaurants wtih a waiter, I will go to a fastfood place alone and there was McDs just a hop, skip and a jump from the beach so yep I did have my nuggets. And, no, Janet, I didn't go to the gym but I did do lots of walking. There was even a 24 Hour fitness right on Waikiki but even though I had an any club membership it had a premium charge.

I tried to read all the posts I missed but must admit I read 7 pages quickly and skimmed a lot so sorry if I missed anything.

Laura, I got a kick out of your post about extra clothes for the day at school. My son would have needed many changes of clothes for spills, etc.

Apples, glad you are healing and praying the next 3 weeks of the splint have you back to 100%.

Linda, happy to hear Merry is recovering well. Poor little thing.

Jessica, hoping your son has better days at school.

Melissa, new beginnings, I can already hear the more positive outlook in your posts.

Arlene, saw some posts about shoes, did you find some that worked? I love NB and it's about all I wear for walking shoes.

Cheri, big decisions about moving in with your folks. Might be a win win for everyone, but so very hard to do. Not sure I could take living with my negative mother day in and day out.

Gwen, enjoy Spain, are you going to Barcelona? I loved Las Ramblas there.

Eva, how many more days??

Joyce, how's your daughter.

Julie, soon we will be hearing about your mayo appt.

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OK...I have another recipe I have always been going to share. We just bought a bunch of halibut from Alaska and it reminded me of this recipe. In 1977 I was managing a restaurant and the editor of a major MPLS newspaper came in. We served this dish on the salad bar along with small cocktail bread and crackers. Anyway, he came to my office and wanted me to enter this recipe in a contest his paper was running. I got first and $250. As a young 22 yrs old, the $$$$ came in handy.

In a large skillet with lid, add about 1/2 inch Water and 1 tsp dill weed. Bring to almost a boil and stir. Add 4 bayleaves and add 2 lbs halibut filets making sure that the fillets are sitting on top of bayleaves and cook on medium heat until done. While fish is cooling mix:

2 cups ketchup

4 Tbls horseradish

Juice from 1/2 fresh lemon

Lemon zest (about 1-2 Tbls)

Dash of Tabasco sauce

When the fish is cooled, break into bite-sized peices. Cool in frig and litely stir in cocktail sauce. I usually serve this as an appetizer in a crystal bowl and garnish with slices of lemon lefteover from 1/2 not used in recipe. I brush small cocktail bread brushed with olive oil and bake at 350 degrees until crunchy.

Now, can someone send me a cyber butt kick and tell me to go get my work done?

Edited by Apples2

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Tip for the above recipe...you can use cod or any white fish and cook as directed above. I like halibut cuz it stays pretty firm. I don't do cod...ever cuz I just cannot stand the fishy icky taste and it's used as bait for halibut fishing. Reason enough

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Janet, it is BF, looks like it's staying that way. Even talking of a future. Having a great time and yes I am still walking. Not as much but walking every day.

Cheri, in my thoughts on the decision you are making. Just make sure you have some respite care lined up so that you and DH get a break.

Apples, glad to see that green writing again. Can always count on a few posts when I jump on here. lol

The other day I seen sugar beets being trucked already. I guess they just opened to take them for that day, not stock piling as they would rot.

Linda, glad to hear Merry is getting about. That has to be so hard to watch her.

Great, Sounds like you had a good time in Hawaii. I've always wanted to see that.


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Janet, it is BF, looks like it's staying that way. Even talking of a future. Having a great time and yes I am still walking. Not as much but walking every day.

Cheri, in my thoughts on the decision you are making. Just make sure you have some respite care lined up so that you and DH get a break.

Apples, glad to see that green writing again. Can always count on a few posts when I jump on here. lol

The other day I seen sugar beets being trucked already. I guess they just opened to take them for that day, not stock piling as they would rot.

Linda, glad to hear Merry is getting about. That has to be so hard to watch her.

Great, Sounds like you had a good time in Hawaii. I've always wanted to see that.


Let's shoot for Hawaii next year for our LB meet.:(

It will be another month b/4 we see the sugar beet trucks. Not too many in our immediate area. 40 miles north and 40 miles south. With hauling sugar beets comes several deaths in our state each year. Too many hours driving in one shift, dusty or muddy roads, big heavy trucks. Sad. It's one job that I would not want DH or DS to do.

Things must me coming around of BF if you are talking of the future. Wishing you the best and hope this relationship will be all that you could wish for, Laura.

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Things got just a bit crazy picking Jake up from school today. They could not find him. Finally they escorted me inside to look for him and the poor thing was scared to tears. He heard his name on the intercom but didn't know that it meant I was ready to pick him up. Where was his teacher? I don't know. He was left in the cafeteria with alot of other kids who were being loud and he has never been in a situation like that before. The principal asked me to come inside and get him tomorrow. Then I found a note in his backpack saying he needs learn to sit and listen to directions. Then he tells us someone hit him with an orange traffic cone and that nobody likes him. It makes me sad to hear him say that but I keep pushing him to try. This is our best option until we can afford private school. Hubby is feeling so guilty for not being able to put him in private. He is taking it really hard. Telling me about how much he was picked on in school and stuff. I keep trying to tell him this is not the same. It is only the second day of school. He has all these negative feelings toward public school and I don't want my son to get those same feelings. I think he should keep trying so I keep asking my husband not to talk about it in front of my son. We need this to work out. If it doesn't hubby will want me to homeschool. Which means we will be stuck on this tight budget life forever. I just see that the 3 of us are a family and we all need to participate in the cost cutting for a bit so we can reach our goal as a family. In the end it will make life better for us all.

Jewel - I am so sorry your son had a hard day at school. I can't believe that happened. You are right your dh does not need to sprak about his school concerns with you in front of your son or he will get scared.

So I go to the Dr in a hour my symtoms are getting harder to deal with ecspecially since it is all upper chest. I cough and cough and nothing is helping and my chest hurts. I will check back later

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Jewel - I am so sorry your son had a hard day at school. I can't believe that happened. You are right your dh does not need to sprak about his school concerns with you in front of your son or he will get scared.

So I go to the Dr in a hour my symtoms are getting harder to deal with ecspecially since it is all upper chest. I cough and cough and nothing is helping and my chest hurts. I will check back later

Hope this is nothing serious, Melissa and that you get some relief. Get some rest after you get home but let us know how you turn out.:(

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I will let you all know :(

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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