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I'm worried about you going off the Cymbalta. Your symptoms seem minor compared to you crying all the time like you did the last 2 times you went off your anti-depressants. I have dry mouth and eyes from my Sjogren's Sydrome. I can live with that. I couldn't live with crying all the time. You talked about how you didn't want to even live anymore.

Wait until mayo evaluates your meds, and decides what you should go off of. This new NP doesn't know your history. You don't want to be all messed up for your daughter's wedding. If Mayo can find the source of your pain and alleviate it, then it'll be time to come off the Cymbalta.

That's just my opinion and, as always, take what you like and leave the rest.


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Hi everyone, just quick note. Merry is home although she's pretty drugged up -- pretty hard on us to see her this way. She is crying a lot and seems to have a lot of pain. They gave us pain meds but said she doesn't need any addtional tonight. She's just been laying in one spot on the floor in the living room all night. DH tried to pick her up to take her downstairs to bed but she screams when he tries so we decided to just leave her upstairs tonight. I may have to sleep next to her on the couch -- poor baby.

Busy at work. Did get up and went to Water aerobics this morning. Try to check in tomorrow. Must go sit with my baby.


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Laura, as usual, your pictures are great. So tomorrow you hit the gym and Nels goes off to school. Is DH going to do the gym with you? It really helps if you have someone to workout with. Then you can't wimp out because someone else is depending on you and I know you do operate that way. I wonder if you can put in a personal ad for a "workout" buddy......LOL. I'm sure there would be a bunch of people taking that the wrong way.

Linda, wow you had a very busy weekend. Glad you had fun at the fair and you know, if your doctor is happy with your progress, don't beat yourself up. You look fabulous, be happy with that and be proud of yourself. Sometimes we are never happy with ourselves and I believe part of the journey is to learn to accept the unperfect parts of ourselves. I'm not so sure how free I'll be after I stop working...I already have a lot of stuff planned for my "free" time.

Julie, congrats on your bandiversary! 100 pounds is quite an accomplishment and you have more to come in your future. As someone said, September 9th isn't that far away. I bet you don't have that many choices for a pool where you are, but my girlfriends pool has steps so you don't have to pull yourself out on a ladder...too bad you can't find one like that. I actually go up and down the stairs for exercise at the end of the regular pool workout because it works different muscles.

Melissa, you almost made me cry. We love you too! You will find your way! I'm glad to hear you aren't going off the deep end, that is great progress. Not so sure I would be able to maintain so well.

Jessica, sounds like you are doing really well. I'm proud of you girl. You are going to be one heck of a nurse.

Janet, sounds like you had a good weekend and yes, sometimes we do have to take computer breaks, just like it's good to take a break from anything you do regularly...it helps keep it fresh or interesting or what ever the buzz word is. The planner is just so I know what to do with the 401K money...I'm pretty sure I'm going to take the regular retirement $$ as an annuity. We'll see and yes I'm going. I'll still be employed when I meet you all in Vegas, but my official last day will be the day I fly to Argentina. Yeehaw!!

Charlene, you are a good Mom to help out your 36 year old son. I hope he can get done what he needs to get done and can be independent again. Although I know some people that live in that old fashioned family style and grandparents, parents, and kids still all live together. So he's not getting his favorite meals huh? Maybe he should be cooking? That sneaky scale....taking a break may be helpful!!

Judy, enjoy the puppy, just don't bring him home. You might have to house train them. Or should we be calling you our "cougar"? One of our FNSC friends is in her 30's and is worried about being a cougar...we just laugh...she doesn't have the age for that yet.

LauraK...glad you had a wonderful B-day weekend. So now you are all relaxed and ready for another year. Sounds like a really nice place to have a church service. I'd like to see that.

Gwen, was that Madrid Spain? Cool, enjoy!!

Cheri, I'll email you my Protein Bar recipe...it may or may not help you, but it certainly has helped with keeping me a little more regular. You're going to be very busy soon, take care. Sorry about your neice, hope they find some help for her. They had an article on NPR about seizures today...you might be able to find it as a pod cast or just be able to read it on the NPR website. It was on the Diane Ream (sp?) show. Very interesting information.

I'm sure I've missed someone, but I hope not.

The memorial service was long and there were sooooo many people there. It was held at his parents house so there were people everywhere. At least some people got to share their experiences with him and put a little closure on it. We are doing what we can to help Cheryl, his girlfriend. She is DH's friend from decades ago, but I really like her too so what ever she needs, we are trying.

Sunday, we went to Mescal (Benson) and did peaches. I canned 6 1/2 pints of jam and 10 pints of peaches. My friends tree is loaded and there were plenty more, but I ran out of jars and truly, that is enough for me. We don't really eat that many canned fruits, but guess I'm going to have to learn. They are very good. We also got some pears and I love fresh pears. I love fruit season.

I was so wiped out after standing for hours at the memorial and then the canning, last night I was beat. Watched TV and went to bed. This week is going to be busy too. We are having FNSC on Friday, Saturday I'm going to my real estate class and Sundy we go to Baltimore. We get back from there on Tuesday and then I have to play weekend catch up. Ugg. Then it's Labor day weekend...Yipee, three days in a row off.

I'm posting this before I lose it.


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Oh Linda, I'm so sorry about Merry. I hope she recovers quickly...poor little thing.

I just had written most of the previous post and hit a couple of wrong keys and it disappeared. I was really bummed, but I found it...yeah. Have to stop fat fingering things.

Okay later ladies.


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Eva, I think DS was planning to move to Midtown Houston until he met his new girlfriend. Now I think he is waiting for her to plan a wedding and then move to Clear Lake near the gulf. He was married to his high school sweetheart. Although she loved us.... her parents always took priority. We did not see much of him for thirteen years. We try to keep everything family for my GS's sake. I hope DS's ex will keep herself in check when his new woman becomes family.

Linda, poor Merry.......I just can't take seeing pups in pain. I hope she is better soon.

Okay gang.....lost track of time. I have to go walk before the sun comes up. Then I am off to take my mother to the eye doctor to get ingrown eyelashes taken out. OUCH! She is brave. They grow in about every six weeks and start irritating her eyes.


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Hi girls~

Yes, I exercised both days- but not the gym. I actually put on my walking shoes to take him to the bus stop (1/5 mile) and decided to just keep walking. Monday did 2 miles. Today did 1.5 with DH and then it started raining. But I cleaned the garage and since the washer/dryer is being serviced today- I pulled them out and cleaned behind. How gross what stuff collects back there! I am in a cleaning mood now that I have time again.

ok ok ok... laugh all you want Miss Janet! Yes, I am a first time Mommy... and YES, I have OCD/perfectionist tendencies. You should have seen his school supplies! The teacher said markers should be labeled with name on each. I have premade vinyl labels (different colors) so each marker had his name with the same color as marker. The clear pencil bags were $0.05 at Office Max (reg. $2.50) so each thing had its own bag. I am sure other parents throw their kids stuff in a bag and out the door they go. After being at a Montessori school for 3 years, Nels likes things back in order too. Toys are organized in bins- We have a "car" bin, etc. It's a good practice for life- to put things up when done and in its own place. I put a lot of time and energy into my kid probably b/c he is my only kid and I waited so long to finally have him. : ) Should have seen me during the 3 years of infertility and the 10+ IVFs. I was sooooooo into "nesting" during that time. Would just re-do closets and organize and decorate, etc. My DH has "cured" me of most of my OCD stuff b/c he is a mess. (hard to believe). I have found a balance and can let stuff go a bit now.

My poor little Ricky (17 yr old, 20 lb cat). I moved the litter box from the laundry room so it wouldn't be in the way of the repair man. (moved it just outside the room near the dining room). Well, last night Ricky needed to pee (he's hard of seeing/smelling/walking, etc..) and he peed on the rug where the litterbox had been and then covered it by pulling up the corners. aww, bless his heart. I felt so bad for changing his routine.

Janet~ I wonder sometimes how you work and do your gym schedule. That sounds like a nice change if it will work with your trainer. And you are right- he will live with a wet shirt. ; )

Eva~LOL about the ad for "workout" buddy. That would be funny to see responses! The peaches sound devine, though I doubt I would have the patience to do that much work for them. My mom freezes them with splenda/water/fruit fresh. Did you put sugar in them?

Julie~ I think Cheri's advice might be worth thinking about. Not changing too much until your appt. Although, we are not the ones with the side effect, you are. Glad to hear how much you have done with bars for wedding! Wow, then you start again for Christmas?? Sorry for your continued pain. HUGS.

Apples~ Where are you???? Sending you out a card from Nels. Didn't know if there was a different address with all your travels. ; )

Linda~ Hugs for Merry. So sweet of you to stay the night with her. It is horrible to see animals in pain. My Ricky is hurting in his back/hips and can't jump on the bed this week. He had cortisone shot last week and not much more they can do. Just hope it doesn't get so bad that we have to put him to sleep. ughhh. Dread the thought of it.

ok guys, will write more later. DH is post call and home and don't want him to think I stay on the computer all day! LOL:tt2: CBL..peasout.

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ok ok ok... laugh all you want Miss Janet! Yes, I am a first time Mommy... and YES, I have OCD/perfectionist tendencies. You should have seen his school supplies! The teacher said markers should be labeled with name on each. I have premade vinyl labels (different colors) so each marker had his name with the same color as marker. The clear pencil bags were $0.05 at Office Max (reg. $2.50) so each thing had its own bag. I am sure other parents throw their kids stuff in a bag and out the door they go. After being at a Montessori school for 3 years, Nels likes things back in order too. Toys are organized in bins- We have a "car" bin, etc. It's a good practice for life- to put things up when done and in its own place. I put a lot of time and energy into my kid probably b/c he is my only kid and I waited so long to finally have him. : ) Should have seen me during the 3 years of infertility and the 10+ IVFs. I was sooooooo into "nesting" during that time. Would just re-do closets and organize and decorate, etc. My DH has "cured" me of most of my OCD stuff b/c he is a mess. (hard to believe). I have found a balance and can let stuff go a bit now.


Ok this is OCD to the MAX with the labeling of stuff. But also too cute

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Morning, I had to get up early today so had DH wake me before he left for work.... Had another late night... Enough said!!! My Mimi stopped by before going to school so Gramma could see her in her cute outfit and backpack... Will add some pictures at the end here if I can.... Had a terrible time getting them loaded on my computer... My camera is getting old.... time for an update....

Arlene, so far I have made pecan, mixed nut, dream (brown sugar w/coconut and butter crust) lemon, toffee, brownies, choc chip oatmeal, and date bars and then little butter Cookies with orange frosting and a black "S" on them for the new last name... Sweeney... I managed to make them all without really eating any!! I did have a lemon bar.....and just a bite of the date.... Still plan to do some more Cookies, but not sure what kind and then do Sour cream raisin, carmel, apple (DF loves apples pie and these are like that) and Cereal bars with the choc frosting, and kuchen bars....... most of those have to wait a while... don't freeze as well as the others... Good luck to your GS at the fair...What is the spray you use for your mouth? I'll try anything..

Cheri, don't worry about the Cymbalta.... I'm just reducing it for right now... Will wait to see about mayo before stopping altogether.... The crying comes from the pain and that still happens when it gets really bad....

Linda, poor Merry.... I'm sure you are taking good care of her and she will be better when the time is right... She needs to feel better and she will let you know when that is.... take it easy...

Eva, glad you're memorial was nice.... Saying goodbye can be very hard sometimes... I love peach jam... My mother makes the best, but doesn't much anymore since my dad died 14 years ago... He loved jelly with his bread at every mealo..... I do miss that and chokecherry.......MMMMMM

Well, soon time for my Young and the Restless, so I want to jump in the before then... don't know what I'll do today... You all have a great day.... Karen, are you back??? When does Lori come home again????

Pictures are of Mimi and her new puppy, Vinnie and then of going off to school this morning... so big.....

Love ya.... Julie

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Good Evening Gang..

Cheri - Yes I have heard of it (cleveland clinic) but don't remember where ;0) I know you understand that one - but it was good whatever I heard - Hugs & Prayers on the family issues - Andrew and dog drama nothing compared to that..

Laura - You crack me up - I guess I was a working Mom - Joseph was in daycare since he was 2 - going to school was no biggie for him - Yes I remember all the 1st days of school - it was tradition to take a picture - did the same w/Andrew - Andrew was another story - he didn't go to pre-school and it took him a moment to adjust to school..

Change of clothes - OMG girl -- Chill he will survive a couple of hours w/a wet shirt - he's growing up ;0) it's ok - kids do that.. You have laughing and shaking my head - you are such a 1st time mommy ;0)..

Did you go to the gym like planed???

Julie - What is spahgetti salad?? I was really nice to come home after work and not have to rush to the gym - I think I am going to ask him if we can do Wed & Thursday..

Jessica - naps your ds still takes naps - my brooke hasn't in yrs - you are lucky - enjoy your quite time

Well - not really hungry - or should I say don't feel like cooking - might just have the Soup I made last night for dinner..

Janet, spaghetti salad is a Pasta salad made with cooked spaghetti.....

1# cooked spaghetti

1 diced tomato

1 diced bell pepper

1 diced onion

1 sliced cucumber

Italian dressing of your choice and as much as you like

1/2 bottle McCormack Salad Supreme seasoning...

Mix and chill..... Very good, and a bit spicy... The salad supreme stuff is spicy so I only use half a bottle... recipe calls for the whole thing..

Mimi came home from school and had to call me right away... so excited......Teacher said she did well, just wasn't good at standing in line waiting..... Not unexpected if you ask me......

Well, I'm lazy and haven't settled on anything major to do today... Maybe I will just chill all day..... Do need to go do my hair now that it's dry.... Take care... Julie

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Julie, Mimi is so cute, glad she had a good day at school.

Laura, to funny about the labels. Totally understandable, I'm sure I did that for the first one, but oh the 2nd one stuff the backpack and out the door. lol

Laura K

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I actually considered writing his name on all his pencils but relized it would be considered ocd so I didn't. I just bought alot of them to replace what he loses.

Yes he was still a napper. He slept so good last night though. Fell asleep right away. Usually he "reads" in bed before he falls asleep. It took forever yesterday waiting in the pick up line to get him. My car was begining to over heat and I was being so careful with it. He tells me he didn't have any recess. I can settle for not have nap time but I am gonna make sure this boy gets some exercise. I def don't want him to miss out on learning the importance of exercise. I am hoping once they get settled they will incorporate it in. The school is brand new and they still are doing some construction. The field behind it is all torn up and there is no gym. I may just take him to the park or pool for 30 minutes after school if it isn't raining. I am thinking maybe sometime this week (since I am out of school) going and doing volunteer hours in the class or something. They require 20 hours a year from the parents per child.

Thanks for the gold medal guys. Peas, I have a change of clothes in his backpack just in case. Mainly because he has the bowel problem. He is my only child too. I worry and keep my phone by me. Do the best you can and let him grow ya know.

When my dog patrick was hit by a car it made me so sick to see him afterwards on all the pain meds. He barked at us with his tongue hanging out. It was all slurred. He was just fine after a few days. It may take merry longer but pretty soon you will worry that you can't keep her still and she's overdoing it. We kept patrick in the crate to keep him off his leg.

Mrs, Bubba, Don't know how you can handle all those sweets. I will eat them if I don't trash them. My MIL brought over 20 apple cinnamon Bagels from panera. I thought about it for hours before I finally trashed them. It was so hard to get rid of them.

I trained again for the 5k today. I am pushing through the times I want to quit running and just walk. Afterwards my muscles are all warm and loose. It feels good. Next week I will go up to running 3 min at a time. right now I am only doing 90 seconds. I am learning though how to get over the hump and into the zone.

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Good afternoon peeps! It is a hot one today......heat index is 105.

Julie, if you have time I would love your bar recipes. They sound like something that would WOW the judges. I know you are busy now. I won't start teaching him till the middle of September.

The mouth spray is Biotene. You would love the toothpaste and mouthwash too. I keep the spray in my purse.

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Hello Lovelies!

Got home this morning about 10am. Busy catching up around this house and blanching/freezing sweet corn. Told DH that I really didn't need it but got home to three heaping laundry baskets all husked and ready to be done. I am thinking that I will end up with about 35 quart sized bags. Wish I could just ship a few to each of you and not put in freezer. Still have a lot left from last year. Will just have to add corn to every pot of stew and Soup I make this fall during harvest.

Had a wonderful weekend with DH. Was very quite at the resort (think only about 30% of the ppl were there). DH came up Thurs and stayed till Sun night. We hit a county fair on Sun. Fun but so hot and humid most of last week. We are getting a nice reprieve today. Only in the 70's.

Yesterday I worked at my friend's salon. She is painting/redecorating and let me loose over the weekend to find the decor. So much fun spending someone elses money. It is going to look so warm/homey when done. It actually looks like someone's livingroom. Just so welcoming and so much fun to do. I would love to be a personal shopper and just come into someone's home and do it up.

Speaking of the fair...I think Sun was the first time I have ever PB'd in a public place. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have PB'd in the last two years. Not sure if it was the chicken breast or the fact that DH had is hamburger gone in one bite and I got nervous. Sitting at a picnic table outside of the 4-H food booth and it hit me. (Don't be stupid like me and follow it with liquid). No restrooms in sight so bolted beside the cattle barn. A 54 yr old woman hanging her head for all the young 4-Hers to see is not a pretty sight. Of course, I was sliming by that time. Thank God for the Farm Credit Services napkins I grabbed off of the table b/4 I did the "run and puke" (tmi). Anyway, I'm doing the soft food route for a few days. Still extremely irritated today but food is making it's way on down.

When I read post of ppl who PB sometimes on a daily basis and 2-3 times or more a day, I just wonder how they can live like that. I don't get reminders very often of what my band does not tolerate and I am so thankful for that. The only things that make me a little uncomfortable are bread and Pasta. I don't really get stuck on them....just don't like that swelled up feeling after I eat them.

OK...enough about me. How are all of you?????? I finally caught up on the posts.

Linda....I am so, so, so sorry for what you have had to go thru with Merry. Poor you and DH and poor Merry. And having to hear her cry...oh my. I would be crying right along with her. It will all get better with time and she is very lucky to have such a good mommy.

Lori....what a kind person you are...thanks for the package and the card. Lovely gesture. Hope you are having a wonderful time with DH. I could travel every day.

Cheri...oh gosh....so sorry for all of your family's troubles. When it was put in one post it just seems so overwhelming...and with everything you have been dealing with personally on top of it all. Big hugs sent your way from MN.

Arlene....enjoy your time with your DS living with you. Sounds like a stepping stone...good he has you to rely on. No baby yet?

I bought some New Balance thongs about a month ago and love them. They really do force me to have better posure when I wear them. My butt muscles have tightened up over the summer and I attribute it to the NB and the Shape Ups.

LauraK...happy belated birthday! Wishing many, many more. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with friends. I LOVE floating. Me and six of my friends invested in a huge 6 person raft. Float and talk smart and giggle.

Julie...what a great idea to make the bars and Cookies for your daughter's wedding. She will always remember what you did for her..and GM too.

We have noticed at most of the weddings we had this summer that the bride elected not to have a cake. Cupcakes, personalized M&M's, bars and cookies instead.

Photos of Mimi are so cute. So sweet going off to school.

Congrats on your 2nd bandiversary. 100lbs is quite a fete and you should feel proud. You are holding your own thru all this physical turmoil. Hope there are some answers of you soon. Sending the love.

Melissa....hang in there. A new start in your work life sounds like a great move. A new start in your band life also sounds like a great move. My take on it is....you hopefully won't have the amount of stress that you have dealt with in your job for so long. Maybe these changes in your life will push you towards that new start in your eating plan. Hugs.

Eva...what a wonderful way to Celebrate your last day of work....on a plane to Argentina. Lovely.

I have been looking for a new Protein Bar recipe. Would you mind sharing with me please????? It's gotta be good if it comes from you. I still salivate when I think of your tamalles.

I love fruit season too. I will suffer major withdrawl soon. DH and I noticed this weekend that it's getting sparcer and sparcer. We don't even buy peaches because they are crap by the time they get to MN. We pay sooooooooooo much for fresh fruit here and winter is twice the price or more....bummer. Luvs

Janet...hi....silly me...can't think of anything to say but "hi". There, I said it twice. Love ya.

Phyll...hope you are having a wonderful time with family. Fun times....can't unmake those family memories.

Gwen....so lucky to be in Madrid. How's it going with the eating? Enough choices for a LB girl????

Kurby...how's it going?

Hey Judy...yep, rude of your friend to not call and apologize. Maybe she was just embarassed and didn't know what to say.

Laura....thanks for sharing photos of "our" (speaking for all of us) boy's first day of school. Oh gosh, you should have seen how sqeakly clean my cheeky little guys were that first day of school. Moral of the story....they came home dirty and smiling. Grimey little hands and a book bag with everything in it but their homework. So happy you made it thru. Such a cute mommy.

OK...I've missed some of you and I'm sorry. But, gotta finish the rest of the corn. Have a grain elevator dinner this evening. I am unsure of what they are serving and am nervous about it. I will most likely end up pushing the food around my plate. Don't want to push it and eat something I shouldn't after that nasty PB. But need to go cuz I want to be with DH and have a meeting in town after dinner. Benefit planning meeting for a friend's daught that has been deathly ill since April. Happy to report she is recovering but finacially devastating for the family. She was at mayo in ICU most of the time.

Will talk later. Missed ya all.

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OOPS...forgot ya, Jessica. You are a good mommy too. And, it is difficult to let them go. Little by little does the trick. If you can raise them to be independent, you will be happy you did when they reach 18 and want to fly on their own. Truth....DH did not handle their senior year very well and he was sooooooooooo ready when they took off for basic training. Not momma. I had visions of me laying on the ground hanging onto their leg, dragging me as they left me. I let them go and a few days later settled into the empty nest. The only advice I have is to enjoy this time....it's gone in a flash.

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Hello Lovelies!

Melissa....hang in there. A new start in your work life sounds like a great move. A new start in your band life also sounds like a great move. My take on it is....you hopefully won't have the amount of stress that you have dealt with in your job for so long. Maybe these changes in your life will push you towards that new start in your eating plan. Hugs.


Missed you Apples Yes I think this is a good time for me to regroup. Now if I can just get rid of this upper chest cold and I will be ready to rock.

I have drank more hot stuff then I can count trying to get his stuff to break up in my chest. But then I am like coughing my head off and can;t sleep. I am mostly taking niquil at night so I can sleep and trying to rest and drink plenty of liquids during the day and drinking /eating Soups which make me feel better.

I am so glad you can job hunt online I at least get up get showered dressed and apply for a couple of jobs then go lay back down. I guess my body is saying rest while you can but the Mom in me is like there is so much I can be doing around the house.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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