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Good Morning Gang...

Laura LOL yep you get a medal :0)

Yes you get a medal "Surviving the first day od school" :confused:

Thanks guys! I need one. Feeling a little out of sorts. Happy to have a "free" day but keeping my cell near by just in case the school calls. They don't even have the kids have a "change of clothes" these days. I know he will dump his milk down his shirt and shorts or something. : ) SIGH. I know, I am overthinking it. <taking a deep breath> I might have a tequila sunrise instead of the gym! ; )

xoxo Peas

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Thanks guys! I need one. Feeling a little out of sorts. Happy to have a "free" day but keeping my cell near by just in case the school calls. They don't even have the kids have a "change of clothes" these days. I know he will dump his milk down his shirt and shorts or something. : ) SIGH. I know, I am overthinking it. <taking a deep breath> I might have a tequila sunrise instead of the gym! ; )

xoxo Peas

If you get one of those drink I need a Hot toddy (okay do not know how to spell it) But I heard it helps when you are sick. I am so sick right now. Just a horrible cold in my head, I think it is from being around all the new germs from being at the Dept of Labor and then the job fairs. Well at least I can still apply to stuff online.

It is amazing how much things have changed betwenn now and when Alex was younger.

Hang in there once you get through today it will be fine. I bet Nels is having a great time

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Laura, I remember my sister taking first day of school pictures of my nephew.

He is now 28 and just got married.

Enjoy! These are the milestones of a mother's life! And remember, unlike when he goes off to college---Nels WILL come home today!

Your first after-school discussion and snack will be fun. Make sure you tell us the cute things he says!


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Hello All,

You are here in Madrid with me. As I become frustrated about food, I think of all of your words of wisdom.

It is making this journey easier for me.

Hope everyone is doing great.

Sorry I can not afford to read any emails. Internet cost is quite high here.

Best to all of you.


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Morning.... I actually woke up by 9:00 today.... DH was long gone and I didn't even hear him at all..... We went from 100 yesterday to 62 this morning with only a high of 73 expected... Now this is my kind of day.... Am going to go see my new NP this morning for a rash I have on one foot..,. it itches so bad that I need something....

Melissa, so glad you are feeling better about things.... Sorry you caught a cold, but you can stay home and nurse yourself appropriately and get over it quick... Thanks for the good wishes and you know we are all just here for each other... It's what this thread (friendshsip group) is all about....

Linda, quite a workout....good for you... Yes, those kids say the darnedest things... One should actually write them down for ammunition for when they get older and more mouthy...... Hope you had a relaxing day.......

Cheri, congrats on 160..... I don't see that in my future, but would dearly love to be 199...... After a lifetime of over 300, 199 seems heavenly.... I guess just being healthy and comfortable is my goal.... I bet you look awesome can't wait to see you in Vegas.... Yes, I like the music best, too..... But I'm sure your little tour of the stations of Christ was beautiful...

Jessica, WTG on the 5k thing.... You are doing so well.. Having your DH with you will just make it easier... Something to do together... That's nice... Thanks for the vote of confidence..... Nice of the boss to pitch in a bit.... Hope Jake has a great new year at school, too.....

Arlene, I hope the DS moving in is just a temporary thing.... I know from personal experience that even the best intentions can go wrong when kids move home... We have lost DH's daughter now... all because we helped them.... I pray for a much better experience for you...

Judy, yes, that gal was rude.... some people only think about themselves..... doesn't occur to them that you were offended, but if you did it to her, she would throw a hissy fit....... Are you going to share anything more about this little puppy of yours??? I'm really curious now... and no, you can't lose 20 by tomorrow unless you cut off a foot or something... then you can't dance so no good there...... have fun....

Laura K, glad you had a nice weekend.... the outside church sounds pleasant..... We usually do that each year at our church.... but those who normally host it at their home by the river are the friends who are dealing with the brain aneurysms, so we have to pass this year..

Janet, nice to take a little break from the usual.... You are such a good role model.... glad you had a restful weekend.... now back at it again.... have a good week..

Laura, yes, you get a medal..... but don't drink the fancy drink..... You'll regret it... Enjoy your day and be ready for a whirlwind to come home after school..... I'm sure he'll have a million things to tell you and be ravishingly hungry.....

Yes. we are missing Jodi again... I can't keep up with her schedule.....

Eva, Joyce, Apples, Lori, Peaches, Gwen, Phyll, and any I forgot by name here..................... Hope you had a great weekend and wish you a wonderful week....

I need to go get myself ready to go up to the clinic.... It's so nice out, but rather windy....supposed to storm a bit I think...... TaTa...... talk to you all later....Julie

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A medal to you Laura. And Julie you'll be getting one too. My grandson, David, started kindergarten this week. So far, so good. Rachel had used a little gel to spike up his white-blond hair. So cute. Two other grandkids are starting pre-school this week. I'm back to school on Weds.

My niece, Olivia, had three seizures yesterday. She is currently at Children's Memorial in Chicago. My sister is beside herself. They've never been able to pinpoint the cause of her seizures and she's already on a cocktail of meds to control them. Has anyone ever heard of the Cleveland Clinic? It's supposed to be the new Mayo--just as good.

I have two reports to get out to parents today. Went for my hours walk so now I need to get to work so the rest of my day is free. Can't go far though. I've got another 24 hour urine collection thing going on so they can try to pin-point the cause of my slightly high blood Calcium. 98% of the time its parathyroid, but, so far, those tests have been clean. I am still not taking as much "D" and am off my laxative and limiting my Calcium intake. The Dr. is sure it isn't any of my supplements or milk drinking. And if it were cancer, they'd know it because it doesn't happen until cancer is advanced. So, she thinks I have a family trait for slightly high calcium but she has to rule out everything else.

I've started taking the medicine for my Sjogren's Sydrome. I've taken myself off my anti-inflammatory so I'm stiffer and more sore, but I've increased my fish oil since its an anti-inflammatory. Sjogren's is an autoimmune disease and those are inflammatory diseases so by treating it with the Plaquinelle and fish oil it may reduce my pain in my muscles and joints without the anti-inflammatories which raise my blood pressure.

But let me tell you, without my laxative I'm back to my old, highly constipated self, even with adding ground flax seed and a salad with some fruit in it everyday and enough Water to float a boat. Plus, calcium can contribute to Constipation and I've cut that back. Very exasperating and uncomfortable.


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I want my baby back too. I just dropped him off at kindergarten. I stayed a couple minutes then asked him if he was ready for me to leave. He said yes but can I hug you. So sweet and no tears. I felt a little naive. I asked the teacher if he would be needing anything for nap time and she told me they don't have nap time in kindergarten. I saw the daily schedule and he will be soo busy. I hope he isn't cranky when he gets home.

So I am just home by myself now. Reading through my school books. Trying to be prepared for my first day of school. As I am reading I am getting more confident about doing this. I find this stuff intresting (not like the film class I took).

I think I am gonna ride the bike this afternoon. It is a down day for the 5k training so I will take it easy but still get to moving.

Hubby's boss is out of town so he will be busy all week. No day off this week. I was hoping to get in a motorcycle ride but then his boss had to go to some training.

Jbflorida, Have fun meeting with your "puppy".lol

Mrs. Bubba, Glad you got some rest.

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Not that I was worried, but he made it home safe and sound. : ) One of my neighbors had all the bus stop friends over for cupcakes and icecream after the bus. So sweet. He was starving! I read the menu wrong and they served corndogs and something else that he wouldn't eat- so he had chocolate milk and applejuice! He wants his lunch box tomorrow. sigh. At least he tried.

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Jessica/Jewel, I meant to send that medal to you but it went to Julie instead (not that she doesn't deserve one). These Js do get confusing. Hope your son's first day went well, too.

Beautiful day. I need to get out into it.



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Laura, you made it.... and he looks just fine.... cute pictures.... Jessica, I'm sure Jake is fine, too.... Cheri, how awful for your niece/sister about the seizures... How old is the niece??? and you, I can sure relate about the medication problems..... I talked to my new NP this morning about just that... We have decided to take me off of the Cymbalta on a gradual basis... She thinks it is the culprit for making my mouth so weird.... popsicles and gum are getting old... nothing helps my mouth anymore... except the momentary thrill of cold from the popsicle and the first few chews of gum... Gum gives me a headache.... so I chew a few minutes and then get rid of it....

I now have 54 dozen bars and Cookies done for the wedding... My mother is making a big batch of cream wafers (DD's favorites).... so that's about 12 dozen more fancy ones.... they are sandwiched and them Mom makes cute little flowers on the tops... Don't know what I'll do for entertainment when the wedding is over.... of course it will be time for Christmas by then..... Man, the time flies.... Except for my mayo appointment.... seems as though it is takig for ever....

I just finished making a spaghetti salad for supper... Will go great with some roast pork in the fridge... DH like salads... So, I think I'm going to sit for a spell and read or something.. I feel the need for a pain pill coming on.... Usually about 4:00 I start to feel things coming..... CBL.......... Julie

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My niece is just 13 yrs old and is supposed to be starting 8th grade at a new school because her old school felt they couldn't provide what she needs. She'd been at that school all her life so the stress of the move may be a triggering factor. Plus she's hitting puberty and seizures can get worse at that time.


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Not that I was worried, but he made it home safe and sound. : ) One of my neighbors had all the bus stop friends over for cupcakes and icecream after the bus. So sweet. He was starving! I read the menu wrong and they served corndogs and something else that he wouldn't eat- so he had chocolate milk and applejuice! He wants his lunch box tomorrow. sigh. At least he tried.

Cute pics It sounds like all the kids had a great time today at school

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Laura, you made it.... and he looks just fine.... cute pictures.... Jessica, I'm sure Jake is fine, too.... Cheri, how awful for your niece/sister about the seizures... How old is the niece??? and you, I can sure relate about the medication problems..... I talked to my new NP this morning about just that... We have decided to take me off of the Cymbalta on a gradual basis... She thinks it is the culprit for making my mouth so weird.... popsicles and gum are getting old... nothing helps my mouth anymore... except the momentary thrill of cold from the popsicle and the first few chews of gum... Gum gives me a headache.... so I chew a few minutes and then get rid of it....

I now have 54 dozen bars and Cookies done for the wedding... My mother is making a big batch of cream wafers (DD's favorites).... so that's about 12 dozen more fancy ones.... they are sandwiched and them Mom makes cute little flowers on the tops... Don't know what I'll do for entertainment when the wedding is over.... of course it will be time for Christmas by then..... Man, the time flies.... Except for my mayo appointment.... seems as though it is takig for ever....

I just finished making a spaghetti salad for supper... Will go great with some roast pork in the fridge... DH like salads... So, I think I'm going to sit for a spell and read or something.. I feel the need for a pain pill coming on.... Usually about 4:00 I start to feel things coming..... CBL.......... Julie

Julie, what kind of Cookies and bars did you make? I just told my GS I would guide him through making cookies for the county fair (4H). I told him he could do bars, cookies, and a cake. Whew!! He is also showing a calf.

Lexapro causes me to have dry mouth. When I was on the Protein Shakes my mouth was so dry I thought I was getting gum disease. That is one of the reasons I went off of the shakes. I use Biotene toothpaste, mouthwash, and spray for dry mouth. I love it. No alcohol so it feels so good. Probably the combination of Cymbalta and the pain meds really dries out your mouth.

My DS is almost moved in. He travels alot with his job.....or he is at his new girlfriend's house. He told me the other day he loved her and was going to marry her. WOW! I haven't heard that come out of his mouth in the four years he has been divorced. It must be the real thing.

Laura and Jessica.......Medals for both of you! Brave Mommy for the Day!

I just bought some NB walking shoes on Amazon. They had the best price. All the reviews I read were five star. I did get the Velcro because I can adjust them better, and I am sick of my laces coming untied even when I double knot them. I sound old, but "it is what it is".

Linda......How is Merry?

Apples, thinking of you.......how is your arm?

Great, you must be having such a good time.....can't wait to hear about it.

Gwen......wow, Madrid.....awesome!

Janet, Cheri, Laura K, Eva, Jodi, Melissa, Joyce, Judy, Phyl......hope you are having a nice evening. I know I am missing someone....Kurby...HI!

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Good Evening Gang..

Cheri - Yes I have heard of it (cleveland clinic) but don't remember where ;0) I know you understand that one - but it was good whatever I heard - Hugs & Prayers on the family issues - Andrew and dog drama nothing compared to that..

Laura - You crack me up - I guess I was a working Mom - Joseph was in daycare since he was 2 - going to school was no biggie for him - Yes I remember all the 1st days of school - it was tradition to take a picture - did the same w/Andrew - Andrew was another story - he didn't go to pre-school and it took him a moment to adjust to school..

Change of clothes - OMG girl -- Chill he will survive a couple of hours w/a wet shirt - he's growing up ;0) it's ok - kids do that.. You have laughing and shaking my head - you are such a 1st time mommy ;0)..

Did you go to the gym like planed???

Julie - What is spahgetti salad?? I was really nice to come home after work and not have to rush to the gym - I think I am going to ask him if we can do Wed & Thursday..

Jessica - naps your ds still takes naps - my brooke hasn't in yrs - you are lucky - enjoy your quite time

Well - not really hungry - or should I say don't feel like cooking - might just have the Soup I made last night for dinner..

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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