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Evening ladies...... I only have energy for a selfish post..... Just wanted to report that today is my 2nd bandiversary....... What I have been through in those 2 years is almost amazing to me and it still finds me struggling..... I've lost over 100 pounds but the last 10 have been lost more that a couple times I think..... I'm sure hoping that by the 3rd things will be all turned around and I will be on to a much better version of me... I'm so happy to not be what I was 2 years ago, but had envisioned so much more than this by now... thanks for all your support through this up and down time.... I appreciate it more than you could ever know.... Hugs, prayers, and much love................ Julie

CONGRATS! I love you JulieB! I for one am so proud of you and all you have gone through AND still got healthier to boot! The best is yet to come- I just know it. Hang in there, you are an amazing woman and I am proud to call my friend.

Love, Laura

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Hi everyone. Sorry I've been missing in action -- been a busy couple of days. Took GD to circus Wednes. night - very small circus -- it was basically a family of 3 people who did it all -- but it was okay for a "first" circus experience -- they even had a kid (13) that they shot out of a cannon!! She loved it, of course. Friday I had eye appt and LB doctor appt -- decided to get .5 cc's out and I'm so happy I did. I've been struggling a lot lately and had a bad episode again Wednes. -- during the circus and after we got home. It's been getting more and more often and I realized I never had a problem before I had my last fill so I decided to give myself a break and take out a little. I'd also been feeling so fatigued -- and I started thinking about it and realized I wasn't really getting all my Protein in since I wasn't able to eat much. I truly enjoyed today -- able to eat and not have that pain and stuck feeling and then pbing. So my advice to all is not to go there -- I don't think I've hurt anything but I sure have been struggling and I don't think it's necessary to struggle like that. I know what to eat and how much -- I have good enough restriction without being miserable. My surgeon agreed with me. I also whined about not losing any more and he also feels that I'm where I need to be and should not even worry about it one bit or even consider losing more. He kinda looked at me and said, "you know, you look awesome --but you also need to remember you aren't exactly a kid anymore." LOL. I know -- sigh. I stiil feel like a kid. He thinks I could get my insurance to cover ps if I document my back hurting -- he feels the excess skin could actually be a factor and now that I've lost the weight the excess skin on my belly is probably the reason my back is bothering me more. So I might check into that new surgery LauraK mentioned. I like the sounds of that recovery period a bit better. I looked on line - looks like they use some liposuction wiith it and make a much smaller incision underneath -- only about 6 to 8 inches long instead of hip to hip. I really would like to get it done if my ins. will cover it. I think I'd feel better about my weight loss too.

I took the week off from exercise. My hip/back were hurting from tromping around the fair on Sunday for 12 hours -- and I was tired all week, so slept in (til 6:30 each day). Nice break, but went back to the gym today with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Think the break was good and I didn't gain any weight doing that -- stayed the same (relief).

Thanks to all of you for the nice comments about my posts. You are so sweet to mention it, and I do appreciate it greatly.

Julie, you are such a sweetie - your DD is so lucky to have you as a mom. You are supportive and understanding and also know when to step back and let her do what she feels is best. I admire you for that. So glad Sept. 9 is so close -- just a short while now. Congrats on your band anniversary - and yes, you've come a long way Baby!!! You've done an awesome job, especially considering all that you've been through -- I'm proud of you and know you'll go for the finish line when you get through this rough patch.

Eva, I'd be so excited if I were you -- I'm so jealous -- I keep hoping I'll be able to stop work soon myself -- would love to have the freedom it will give you. Good luck with the financial advisers but I have a feeling you'll find you're in better shape than you might have thought. Hope the service for your friend went well. We attended a memorial this afternoon for the husband of a friend. It was a very nice service. He was an elderly man who died of altzheimers and each of his grandkids told a special story about their grandpa and one of the grandkids played a song that his grandpa liked on the piano and he was quite an accomplished pianist. The sons did a great job talking about their dad. It truly was one of the nicer services I've ever attended.

Cheri, you are right about the Water exercise which is why I've gone back to doing Water aerobics on my off gym days -- it really helps my back/hip to feel better - when I just go to the gym and then do step aerobics on my off days it makes me hurt more. Problem is that in the winter it's so darn hard to go to water aerobics -- going out in the cold with wet hair, etc. I need to retire and move south for sure. Sorry to hear about all the problems your family is experiencing. It's good you have your faith to help with all the stress. I hope things turn around for everyone soon.

Janet, those classes you take are amazing!! What an inspiration! Glad to hear Bella is doing well after her surgery. I posted on FB that Merry will have her leg amputated on Monday morning. We got the report this am that they found no cancer (relief) and of course there's always worry with anesthesia with a dog that age (13), but I feel confident it will all go well. She's in such misery and pain right now that I feel sure she will be greatly relieved to have it gone. She'll come home by 4:00 Monday and they say they will only bandage it lightly and even take the bandage off in a day or two if she'll leave it alone. They make it sound like it'll be simple and I hope they're right.

You mentioned Ryka shoes - I wear Ryka sandals and love them -- bought them on QVC.

Apples, hope you're enjoying the lake this weekend. Gosh, I can't believe summer is almost over already -- doesn't seem possible. Your visit with Phyl, Earl and Zoey sounded wonderful -- and the pics were great too. You look fabulous as always.

LauraK, happy birthday and hope you enjoyed your time at the Lake.

Jess, you are amazing - you have come a long way and good for you -- you have fought and won a huge battle -- and I so admire you for not just burying your head under the covers and choosing life rather than despair when you were faced with your diagnosis. What a positive role model you are and what a great, compassionate nurse you'll be.

We enjoyed our free Famiily Stone concert (no Sly but the guy who replaced him is great). They sounded fabulous -- I had seen them almost exactly 40 years ago at my high school gym (my senior year 1970). Doesn't seem possible it's been 40 years. Wow. Two of them -- the trumpet player (Cynthia) and the saxophone player are original members of the group.

Laura, hope Monday goes well and you start to enjoy that little bit of freedom -- sounds like you have a good plan in place -- take the time for YOU -- you also deserve to do things for YOU. You do so much for everyone -- so use that time for Laura. I can't believe any employer would think that anyone is going to work without any vacation time -- how ridiculous is that. I'm glad you realize that wouldn't be a good thing for you and your family -- you need to enjoy time with your family and traveling is an important family activity, I'd sure hate to give that up. Volunteering sounds like a good plan, but again, be sure to leave some time for YOU so you can do what you need to do for you.

Judy, hope your dinner went well -- lol on the carbs - I had to laugh cause before band we would never have thought of that meal as a carb heavy meal. We have learned a lot, haven't we? I'm sure it was delicious and hope you had a great time with your friends.

Lori hope you're enjoying Maui - I've never been to that island, but I loved Hawaii the three times I've visited. The pictures are great -- hope you have a great and romantic vacation.

Phyl, safe travels and I so enjoy all the photos on FB. Hope your doing well with your back/neck pain. That Zoey is just too adorable.

Joyce, you're doing great -- just keep working the program and it'll happen. I really am amazed everyday I look in the mirror that I actually am the one I'm looking at. I had that moment yesterday at my surgeon's office. The nurse who checked me in and pulled my chart was new -- she's only been there a couple of weeks she said. The nurse in the room with me is the one who I've always had before. My doctor pulled out my before picture as we were talking about my inability to lose anymore and the nurse in the room said, "oh, no, she pulled the wrong chart" -- she really truly didn't think it was me in the picture. I said, "oh no Chris, I recognize that person - well, it's me but it wasn't me, not really." It was one of those moments where I truly understood that I'm finally "on the other side" and it feels good. You'll get there - you're already halfway there so you've already accomplished a huge hurdle.

GD wanted to spend the night so she did. Enjoy having her. Can you girls believe I slept in until 11:30 this morning? I haven't slept that long in many, many years. Guess I really was tired out.

Arlene, wtg on the walking -- you are doing such a great job -- wtg on getting DH out there too. I've had a couple pedometers but never seem to be able to get the step thing to work right. Of course, I've always bought cheap ones. I have a bad bunion too and I don't plan on doing anything to fix it -- I buy extra wide shoes and that seems to solve the problem most of the time. Since I've lost weight it's gotten better -- much less painful.

Melissa, I'm proud of you -- you're doing great with your attitude. Try to take this time to get a handle on your health -- exercise and eat right -- it will really help your confidence level when you have job interviews. If you can go back to school and learn a new trade, that'd be awesome. I always told my son to go into the medical field cause there always seems to be jobs available --plus flexible schedules.

Where's Peaches? Haven't seen her on here for awhile.

Gwen, please don't get discouraged cause of what your ortho told you -- just keep working the program and you'll get the results you want and prove him wrong -- some doctors are like that - they just bad mouth the band cause they don't understand how it works and what the results shoud be.

Gotta get to bed, have a great Sunday everyone!!


Edited by ljv52

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Evening ladies...... I only have energy for a selfish post..... Just wanted to report that today is my 2nd bandiversary....... What I have been through in those 2 years is almost amazing to me and it still finds me struggling..... I've lost over 100 pounds but the last 10 have been lost more that a couple times I think..... I'm sure hoping that by the 3rd things will be all turned around and I will be on to a much better version of me... I'm so happy to not be what I was 2 years ago, but had envisioned so much more than this by now... thanks for all your support through this up and down time.... I appreciate it more than you could ever know.... Hugs, prayers, and much love................ Julie

Happy Bandiversary Julie!!

Linda, I am glad you are able to get food down again. I have been there...miserable! I didn 't know you could get ps because of excess skin causing back problems. I have an appt with my dermatologist to start documenting rashes from my excess skin. I do know that insurance will pay then. Also the plastic surgeon told my friend that if your excess tummy skin(apron) hangs low enough insurance will pay.

I bought a pedometer by Sportsline that counts calories, distance and steps. I think I paid 20 bucks for it. I love it!

Okay gang.......gotta go! I am the towel girl for the baptisms at church.

Have a great day!

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Happy Sunday girls...... I did say a prayer for all of us in church today, and especially for Cheri and her kids, as she asked..... I'm so thankful to live where I do and not have to worry about those things... Although they are not completely unheard of, it is a very rare occurance around here.... My little Mimi starts preschool on Tuesday and we have only those worries that go with your baby going off to school.... You stay safe, too, Cheri,..... God has special plans for your life that you can do these things....and so well.....

Laura, thank you for your wishes and comments... the rest of you, too, for that matter..... I have been through the ringer and it's not over yet.. I only got a couple hours of sleep last night again... I will need a nap today... We are to have 102 this afternoon.... With our humidity, that's the kind of day when most don't even attempt to work outside.... too hot to go to the lake even!!!! Anyway, I know you will have an emotional week, but he is such a sweet boy and you know that this is what you want for him..... to grow into a wonderful person, smart and confident... You and Nael are giving this to him ..... you are good parents and he is a great little boy..... And I'm not at all surprised to know that Apples sent him a package... She is so thoughtful....... We are blessed to know her...

Arlene, I had a surgery back in 2004 like you are talking about..... I had such a terribly big fatty apron that hung down half way to my knees.... Even though I wasn't anywhere near as small as I am now (sounds weird to use the word small about myself!!) I was able to have a panniculectomy to remove that roll of fat and insurance paid because as I lost weight it pulled on my back..... One of the greatest gifts I was given... It weighed 36 pounds.......Wow..... so glad that is gone..... I'm hoping to figure a way to get insurance to let me get my legs done when I am closer to goal.... Like in about 50 pounds or so.... They definitely make waking more difficult and such... I guess I'll just have to wait and see.... I hate my legs... You'll see what I mean when we get to Vegas.......

I'm envious of you gals and the Water aerobics... I still can't because I am not able to pull myself up out of the water onto the ladder....My shoulder and neck won't take it..... I love to do them.... I'd love to do the walking, too, but I tire so easy still..... I won't be winning any races anytime soon....

Linda, glad you got your unfill and that it did the trick for you.... I pb'd this morning at Breakfast over a bit of scrambled eggs.... What the world!!!!! I did manage to get a bit down after I threw up..... What fun in a restaurant..... And sleeping in is good for a body once in a while... I take sleep whenever I can get it these days....

Most of the gals must be having a busy weekend.... I hope it is all fun and relaxing... I hear my chair calling me, so think I will sign off for now... TTYL........... be cool............ Julie

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Melissa~ I think some type of radiology asst is a wonderful idea! It's a job that you get to interact with patients (but brief) and you have job security. The programs are intense but doable and not too long. Best of luck if that's what you chose. I was laughing at the backpack stories! haha

peasout.. Laura

I thought you would love those stories. I love all the pics you posted. Nels is so adorable.

Evening ladies...... I only have energy for a selfish post..... Just wanted to report that today is my 2nd bandiversary....... Julie

Okay I am late but Happy Bandiversary. Her is to year 3 we get ourselves back on track. You have been through so much and accoplished so much. Love ya Julie

Melissa, I'm proud of you -- you're doing great with your attitude. Try to take this time to get a handle on your health -- exercise and eat right -- it will really help your confidence level when you have job interviews. If you can go back to school and learn a new trade, that'd be awesome. I always told my son to go into the medical field cause there always seems to be jobs available --plus flexible schedules.


Thanks Linda for all the encouragment. i am using this time to get refocused on myself and career.

Okay ladies I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of there support and prayers. I can do this and with all of your help I actually have not went off the deep end ecspecially after getting laid off. I love you all and even though we are in all different areas of our journey in life it helps me know that there is someone always out there thinking of you.

I love each an every one of you and God willing I will get to eventually meet you all face to face.

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Good afternoon all. Just got home from the gym. Did a super work out -- 30 on bike, 45 on elleptical and 30 on weights. I had great energy and feel fantastic right now and I have the rest of the day to enjoy.

Jodi what's up with you? Haven't seen you post for a little while. Is Dassi home from camp yet?

Our little one starts preschool on the 30th too - she is super excited. She walked into the kitchen this morning and said, "could you turn the tv down for me? The noise is making me nervous." Honestly where in the world do they get this stuff? We need a new Art Linkletter to interview kids - that was always a great show -- just where to they come up with the things they say? Unbelieveable.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day -- it's really hot and muggy here so I plan to just relax inside my air conditioned house.


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Julie, happy bandiversary. Countdown to Mayo!

Melissa, so glad you're making plans.

Beautiful day here. 80 degrees and not humid. (For IL) We went to a place called the Shrine of Christ's Passion in Shererville IN. They had lifesize bronze representations of the stations of the cross with Bill Curtiss doing commentary. Outdoor walk. I don't find these things a spiritually powerful as many people do. Music and worship move me more. But it was still interesting and quite well done.

I'm averaging 160 lbs. now so I reached my new goal. I went dancing last night with my husband for a couple of hours. Great fun.

Gotta take my brother to the airport, he's flying back to CA. So, CBL.


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Evening ladies...... I only have energy for a selfish post..... Just wanted to report that today is my 2nd bandiversary....... What I have been through in those 2 years is almost amazing to me and it still finds me struggling..... I've lost over 100 pounds but the last 10 have been lost more that a couple times I think..... I'm sure hoping that by the 3rd things will be all turned around and I will be on to a much better version of me... I'm so happy to not be what I was 2 years ago, but had envisioned so much more than this by now... thanks for all your support through this up and down time.... I appreciate it more than you could ever know.... Hugs, prayers, and much love................ Julie

I just wany to say congrats and that I love you. I am so glad I get to use your experience and wisdom on my journey. Thanks to you for supporting me.

Good afternoon all. Just got home from the gym. Did a super work out -- 30 on bike, 45 on elleptical and 30 on weights. I had great energy and feel fantastic right now and I have the rest of the day to enjoy.

Jodi what's up with you? Haven't seen you post for a little while. Is Dassi home from camp yet?

Our little one starts preschool on the 30th too - she is super excited. She walked into the kitchen this morning and said, "could you turn the tv down for me? The noise is making me nervous." Honestly where in the world do they get this stuff? We need a new Art Linkletter to interview kids - that was always a great show -- just where to they come up with the things they say? Unbelieveable.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day -- it's really hot and muggy here so I plan to just relax inside my air conditioned house.


Bill Cosby is doing a new show online. He will be interviewing kids. It is called OBKB.

I just got back from the gym and actually did week 2, day 1 of C25K training. I made it through the whole thing. This is this first time I made it as far as week 2 without injury or giving up. My husband is going to start the training too. Hopefully in the end we will be able to do 5k's together. I ran for 1.5 minutes 5 times. So excited.

I am studying for my first dosage calc exam. I took the practice one and it was so easy. These are things I use to teach the 7th and 8th grade students when I was a teachers assistant. I just need to memorize a few things so I can convert from standard to metric.

Don's boss actually bought Jake some back to school supplies and a monster truck. I thought that was just so sweet of him. Every bit helps around this time.

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Hey Gang - Taking computer break ;0)

Yesterday didn't do much gf came over we watched movies - Didn't care for Crazy Heart that much - Love the Book of Eli

Had salad w/chicken for dinner and then we had some sf licorice

Had 2 hrs of gym this morning - home then food shopping - making dinner and lunch for the week..

Julie Happy 2 yr anniversary !!!

Jessica WTG On the exercise

Cheri - WTG on 160 and dancing ;0)

Linda WTG on Exercise - yes it does energize you ;0) Hugs on Merry - I feel like taking a week off of exercise ;0) - Have tomorrow off - But go next Sat instead - trainer has something he had to do ... So I will go get dog/cat food after work..

Melissa - Glad you haven't gone off the deep end :0) - You will find your way - just keep plugging away

Charlene - WTG on the new pedomitor ...

Laura WTG on your exercise plan !!!

Joyce - WTG in the pools ;0) mines too hot ;0)

Eva - Can't wait to hear what the planner say - I sure hope you get to retire ;0)...

Well gang - Great's drinking Lava Flows - saw it on FB

Judy - How did your dinner w/your gf's go

Phyl - Apples - Laurak - Gwen - I know I am missing someone(s) but the couch is calling -


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HI gang! We just finished helping my 36 year old son pack up his house.....yes, he moved in with us for a couple of months. He is already requesting his favorite meals, but finding out that we don't eat like that anymore. lol

I did not walk this evening......it is just too hot!

I was so excited this morning. I stepped on the scale and it said I lost 4lbs. Then DH stepped on the scale and he lost 4lbs too. Part of the scale was on the rug. Boo! What a let down. Oh well, I think I will stay off of it for a couple of days.

Julie, wow! 36lb loss in one day. That was a gift. You will be able to get in a pool after mayo finds out what in the heck is going on. HUGS!

Linda, that is too funny about your DGD. My two yr old DGD was trying to hug my six year old last week and she said " she is so annoying". They pick up those phrases early now.

Janet.......enjoy your "couch" time. You deserve it!

Jessica.....thanks for the tip about Bill Cosby. I just love him. I have been a fan of his for forty years. We saw him perform in Hawaii forty years ago.

Melissa, We love you!!! This is where we all come to vent and console.

Cheri......Congrats on maintaining 160!!!!

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The dinner was good! I have now had chicken parmigiana (sp) for three nights. One lady did not show--she forgot! I am okay with that (we're human), but when someone called her and told her--she never called me to apologize for not showing--now, in my book, that is just rude! I will see her on Tues when we go to pick up our scripts. Wonder if she will apologize then.

I will see my "puppy" tomorrow night. I had a lot of fun with him last week. He is sweet, but he is just too young for me. (don't ask!) But I will have fun in the meantime....

How can I lose another 20 by tomorrow night?

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Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes. I had a great time, great friends lots of boating & floating. I even went for a walk sat. morn with a little jogging thrown in. Went to church sun. morn at a place called "Cross in the Woods", it was an outside service. So cool, cross is 55' tall in a beautiful landscaped setting.

Let me see how many posts I can remember.

Julie, happy bandaversery.

Cheri, wtg on your new goal.

Jessica, you are doing great getting a jump start on your classes.

Melissa, you sound so positive now, you will find the right career for you and getting back on track.

For those of you with shoe problems, I think it was Charlene & Eva, I just got Asics gel somethings. They were very comfortable right from the start. I think they are the best shoes I've ever had.

Laura, good luck to Nels & to you on his first day back to school. He will like riding the bus.

Janet, you deserve some time off from the gym. You work harder than anyone.

Joyce, wtg on the pool time. It's great exercise I love going to Water arobics.

Linda, that Dr is right you are beautiful and look so healthy.

Ok, If I missed someone I'm sorry, trying to wrap my brain around Monday morning. Kind of hard after such a great weekend.


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It's the first day of the the rest of his life. My baby started first grade!!!! Well, I survived. Do I get a medal?

Fly by... need to go chill before gym. peasout...Laura

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Good Morning Gang...

Laura LOL yep you get a medal :0)

LauraK Glad you had a great Bday - Ya i'm dragging my feet this morning - work ;0)

Charlene - 4 lbs ;0) I put my scale on the same tile in my bathroom to weigh ;0) ya stay off it - and it's good you didn't walk if it's too hot.. We are suppose to be hot this week 115 tomorrow - 110 today - no gym tonite since trainer has something to do..

Well it's almost 6 - I need to get in the shower... CBL

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It's the first day of the the rest of his life. My baby started first grade!!!! Well, I survived. Do I get a medal?

Fly by... need to go chill before gym. peasout...Laura

Yes you get a medal "Surviving the first day od school" :confused:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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