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Reading back a bit, so if the posts aren't current, that's why.

Linda, thanks for well wishes and the back. I really don't stand too much at work...the problem is, I go take field notes which may take 10 minutes to an hour depending on the job and that is a lot of stopping and writing, then I go back to my office and sit. I get very engrossed in what I'm doing and sometimes I have to go to the printer or move around a lot, but not always. I think if I would keep the exercise up regularly, it might not be such a problem. I'm terrible at regular anything except work...oh and laundry.

Apples, the Charlie stories are funny, keep them coming!

Joyce, all those kids, no wonder you are very zen. You at least embrace technology and try to make it work. I give you a lot of credit for that...any people will not learn how to use a regular cell phone.

Melissa, sorry the job fair wasn't what you were looking for, but you will find the right job, you just have to keep trying. What sort of work would you LIKE to do? Maybe a career change is in order. Leave the sugar alone....it's evil...it makes your brain say you want more.....I have the same problem. Have to fight the urge....all the time.

So I uninstalled my virus scanner and am testing to see if that was the problem. I think it might have been conflicting with some other update.

Bought new walking shoes tonight because my regular walking shoes are already breaking down. They just don't last if you wear them all the time. These are supposed to last a lot longer. They are less expensive than the Brooks I've been wearing too.

Did Pilates machine today and will walk tomorrow. Sunday I'm going to Mescal and can peaches with one of my friends....yum fresh off the tree fruit, I love it.

Okay...got to see what other trouble I can get into.

Oh...26 WORKING days left.....I'm been flip flopping, but will more than like go. Have appointments next week with two financial planners. Should be interesting.



Laura, Nels will do great on the bus. He's a social kid and will find a buddy to ride back and forth with.

Cheri, that's quite a family update. So many problems with so many people. Sorry about the dog, but it must have felt loved when it died. That is a good way to go. Sorry about your parents, that is going to be a rough way to go.

Gwen are you a night owl? I don't think its a good idea to lose a lot of weight quickly either. You can learn to deal with how your body changes and the other stuff when it happens slowly...at least that's my humble opinion.

Jessica, some men can just stop eating and lose weight, but not everyone can do that for very many reasons. You have to do what works for you, not him.

LauraK, have a good time floating!

Janet, I bet you are tired with all the workouts you get.

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My post got split up...weird.

The new shoes are Merrills and they are light weight hiking shoes, not boots. I can wear them to work too. Since I have to do like a mile of field notes next week, they will get a good workout.


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Got up early this morning to walk then went to Roseland Christian to test a student. Five minutes before I got there they called to cancel the appointment, they've chosen a different school. This happens all the time. Many times they don't even call and you just sit there. So, I'm going to call the music teacher from work. She lives the next town over and does seamstress work. A lot of my clothes, especially pants, fit me OK in the waist but bag around my butt, hips, and thighs, especially since I lost a few more lbs. I always try shrinking them and frequently the waist will shrink because the band is cut differently than the rest, but the legs shrink in length not width, which is just the opposite of what I need. She'll even take in jeans and they'll look like they've never been touched.

School kids come back the 25th. I want to have fun on Monday and Tuesday. Don't know what I'll do yet, but I'll think of something. Been in meetings 3 days this week. Have to write reports on the 3 kids I did IM training with this summer.

We need a lot more kids to enroll at RCS. Enrollment keeps going down because of the economy. We were warned this was going to be a very slow recovery, even with the economic stimulus. Many businesses are now making large profits but not hiring people. Others overcut but are afraid to hire back. People who are hired are poorly paid, and those who are working are working for less. How can the economy recover when people aren't making enough to spend?

The people in the area I work in are always the first to be hit in a downturn or recession, they are the hardest hit, and they are the last to experience recovery. The old trickle-down theory of economics never quite seems to trickle down to them.

I've written an article on sponsoring a child and as a result we've had some donations come in for just that. I'm working on building that aspect of our ministry in coordination with some local churches who would like more of their kids to attend RCS. They know that the local public schools are training grounds for so much of what is wrong in this area.

Three little girls shot a week ago in a drive-by 3 blocks from RCS. One dead. One just scratched. The other one recovering. I asked during summer school in June for prayer requests from the students. I asked what they were worried about over the summer. One of my first graders immediately piped up, "Gettin' shot!" I asked who else was worried about that and every child there raised their hand.

The kids from these neighborhoods don't have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, they have Ongoing Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Hyper-vigilance is a constant thing. Hard to learn academically when you've been wired by stress hormones since you were very small to monitor any and all drama occuring in your family, on the streets, and in your schools. These kids are so used to drama that when there isn't any, they create it. I spoke in our teacher's meeting yesterday about how we need to create drama-free classrooms. The second any child starts to cause drama, they need to be removed until they can leave the drama behind. Meanwhile the teacher can keep teaching.

Anyway, those are the things occupying my mind right now. If you could pray for RCS that we would increase our numbers, develop more donors to help keep the tuition costs down, and give our teachers the right words and actions to keep the drama to a minimum and show these kids another way of life, I'd appreciate it.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Melissa, sorry the job fair wasn't what you were looking for, but you will find the right job, you just have to keep trying. What sort of work would you LIKE to do? Maybe a career change is in order. Leave the sugar alone....it's evil...it makes your brain say you want more.....I have the same problem. Have to fight the urge....all the time.

I always wanted to go to school to become a Ultrasound tech. But I am scared cause I would have to retake some tests to get in and redo Math and English which were never my favorites. However they have continuing education for adults that had some certificate programs for Medical Admin Asst, Surgical Tech, or Dialysis Tech. medical jobs are what alot of people are looking for now. I am looking into getting assitance to go back to school from the Dept of Labor

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I have always said that eating Breakfast makes me hungry the rest of the day. I find that isn't so much the case with having a Protein drink, but I've never agreed that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It starts my metabolism which starts my hunger. It doesn't matter what kind of food it is, its like an alcoholic taking that first drink. It gets me started. Now, with the band and with my need to keep my blood sugar stable, I don't feel well until I get something in me. Especially since I walk first thing. I usually take coffee with milk in it on my walk or my Protein Drink because I usually walk from a half an hour to an hour and I need the liquid and to replace what I'm burning up.

I have to tell you, I used to be thin because I never ate breakfast and barely ate lunch and only ate good food at supper. I was very active, drank tons of black coffee, and ate candy bars in the afternoon and a good supper at night. But I felt guilty because people said I wasn't eating right so I added more food earlier in the day. And I started gaining weight, probably because the ketosis that happens when you have a long period of time between meals, wasn't happening anymore.

This is why I don't judge other people's methods of losing weight, or insist that they do it my way. But I know I never felt good after eating Cereal or oatmeal or pancakes or even eggs and bacon for breakfast when I was a kid. If I'd never listened to the "diet police" and stuck with what worked for me, I might never have gained the weight.


I was doing fine with skipping breakfast until I increased my exercise. Glad to see I am not the only one but now that I am working out so much I think I need to make sure I get something in me far enough in advance to be of some use. I was thin too until I moved in with my Dad and stepmother. She ran a daycare and was required to cook certain things at each meal. I just ate whatever she made for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That was the first time in my life I was over weight. Never thought of it in that way.

I always wanted to go to school to become a Ultrasound tech. But I am scared cause I would have to retake some tests to get in and redo Math and English which were never my favorites. However they have continuing education for adults that had some certificate programs for Medical Admin Asst, Surgical Tech, or Dialysis Tech. medical jobs are what alot of people are looking for now. I am looking into getting assitance to go back to school from the Dept of Labor

Atleast check into the ultra sound thing if it is really what you want to do. Then you can make and educated decision on if it is worth all the work or not. Also apply for some financial aid at FAFSA.ed.gov. I got most of my money from applying there. Good luck with it.

Not much going on here today. Just went swimming this morning and worked out while in the pool. I lost 3 pounds this week too. I can feel my core and leg muscles after each 5k training session. I called yesterday and made a fill appointment.

There is a tattoo convention coming up in 2 weeks hubby wants to go so bad. My dad was also talking about getting a tat so I think I am gonna invite him to go. We can ride our bikes down there and hang out.

Also I believe it is llkb4me's birthday today. Happy Birthday.

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Quiet today on the thread. Walked this morning. Got an hour in Janet. Have been doing chores and stuff the rest of the day. We have our friend's memorial service this evening. DH is not having an easy time with this. He is very sensitive but he'll get through it and we'll remember Mark with love.

Melissa, I think Jessica has good advise. Check into that field and so if you have to do a little math and English, then you can get through that too. I don't care for math at all, but I did what I had to do to get my degree. You can do it too.

Jessica, good for you and losing those 3 pounds!

I need to get through this pile of papers. Hope every one is having a great weekend.


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Violent storms in KC - left me with no internet connection and no land phones. AT&T will TRY to fix phones buy next Tuesday and no idea when Time Warner will fix internet.

We have an air card to power the computer and my new iPhone has internet, as well.

Still have not resolved the fax/printer option since the new printer was installed three weeks ago. grrrrr..... technology

See my doctor next Wednesday and ready for a fill and recommit to working toward goal. Yes, I know, you have heard me say that before, but I'm ready.

Went to gym today and spent two hours in the pool.

It has been so wonderful to have 31 lbs. off, it was difficult to buckle down and "go for" the next 34.

It's time - with motivation of seeing all of the girls in LV in 5 weeks.


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Happy Birthday, Laura K. Hope you're enjoying your floating BD party.

Exercising in the Water is a very valid option for those of you with bad backs and feet. Until you finish losing the weight and building up your strength gently in the Water, it may even be a healthier option so that you don't make your injuries worse. Walking in the water is resistance training without the weight of your body injuring your joints. Treading water hits just about every muscle group. Hanging on to the side and kicking is good for strengthening the back. If I had the money and more time I'd go back to that in a heartbeat. Just a thought for those of you struggling.


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Atleast check into the ultra sound thing if it is really what you want to do. Then you can make and educated decision on if it is worth all the work or not. Also apply for some financial aid at FAFSA.ed.gov. I got most of my money from applying there. Good luck with it.

Thank you for the advice everyone. Jewel i will look into the assist website you gave me.

I also always wanted to work for the March of Dimes I usually walk every year and I just started ealking in the Relay for Life. They are both non profit but it would be so cool to have a job where the purpose was to raise money.

But that is all volunteer maybe if we win the lottery I could work for some place like that.

Oh and be a dog walker or animal petter (if that makes sense) at the Humane society that would be so rewarding to me but I would come home with way to many animals

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Hi guys~

It has been a quiet weekend! Nice b/c I haven't had time to read and I feel caught up already!

Jewel~ WTG on the exercise and loss! You are doing great. Keep up the momentum. I remember my first semester of nursing school was my most favorite time EVER in higher education! You are actually learning things you are interested in and can use! Best of luck!

Janet~ I think I forgot to post to you last time. So sorry- CRS syndrome and with all the stress going on, well, I know you understand. I know you keep seeing my FB comments and know where my head is right now. i did a lot of movement today- not really purposeful exercise, but moved. Played in the pool- cleaned up toys (lots of bending and squatting). I have DH agreeing to exercising at least 3 x week starting Tuesday. He has had the YMCA "family" plan and only Nels and I go. He hasn't been in a year. Even if he doesn't go, I am on plan for getting back on plan. School bus leaves at 7:30, will hop in car and go. Tuesdays will be my school volunteer day from 9-10, so those will be later Y days. Sorry to hear about all the drama in the home. You are such a great GM/M!

Apples~ What am I going to do with you?! Squeeze and kiss you, i reckon?! Listen guys, with all she has going on... she sent Nels a care package for starting 1st grade! A very cute book (which he loves!), a truck shirt and a photo/note of Tanker. That just melted his heart and he said "awww, Mrs. Karen is the best!" Can we go see her tomorrow? I suggested a TY card first and we will work on the visit! : ) Thank you again.

Julie~ Sorry to hear about the pain persisting. Thanks for your thoughts on having an only child. I just want to hug you on the bittersweet stuff of DD not needing you so much these days now that she has DF. You have been the best mom- been there when no one else has. I know deep down she knows that. I have a feeling once all the wedding stuff settles down and mayo figures out a plan, that you will be back on track. You are a tough cookie and have come so far!

Cheri~ Love to hear that you need pants altered. Can't wait to be in that place. Enjoy your days off before work. There is a special place in heaven for teachers. Glad you are getting your medical stuff squared away. You are a bit of a unique case- not the typical presentation. Glad there is no serious cause of the abnormal lab. : )

Lori~ Saw your photos of Hawaii. Hang loose. HUGS.

LauraK~ Happy Birthday girl! Wishing you a hear of health, happiness and love! WTG!!!

Eva~ WTG on the exercise! 25 days and counting! Good luck with the financial guys. They always confuse the heck out of me and I am good at that stuff. I hope you get it figured out. Hugs to DH. He has a good heart and I can imagine the loss of your friend is tough. Send him my thoughts, ok?

Melissa~ I think some type of radiology asst is a wonderful idea! It's a job that you get to interact with patients (but brief) and you have job security. The programs are intense but doable and not too long. Best of luck if that's what you chose. I was laughing at the backpack stories! haha

That's all I can remember. I am pooped and headed to bed soon. I know I sound like a broken record with the school starting stuff. I finished getting all Nels' stuff organized and in the backpacks. We went to orientation on Friday and LOVE LOVE LOVE his teacher, Mrs. Gonzales. She has 9 years experience at that school and 15+ total. The other 3 1st grade teachers are new to the school (one a new grad)- so I feel we lucked out. Tonight we took Nelson to Benihana (Japanese restaurant where they cook in front of you)- his favorite. I had scallops and barely could eat. I have great restriction despite the 1.5cc unfill last week. I will post pics- my therapy. : ) Thanks for all the support again.

peasout.. Laura

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Happy Birthday, Laura K. Hope you're enjoying your floating BD party.

Exercising in the Water is a very valid option for those of you with bad backs and feet. Until you finish losing the weight and building up your strength gently in the Water, it may even be a healthier option so that you don't make your injuries worse. Walking in the water is resistance training without the weight of your body injuring your joints. Treading water hits just about every muscle group. Hanging on to the side and kicking is good for strengthening the back. If I had the money and more time I'd go back to that in a heartbeat. Just a thought for those of you struggling.


I totally agree with you. I am looking at three places within five miles of me that offers water exercise. I am just waiting for DD to have her baby. I probably will start after Vegas. DD needs me right now.

Janet, well, I went into my closet and got out a pair of NB shoes that I hadn't worn much. They did the trick for now. I wear orthotics so I have to find shoes I can take out the insoles.

The Walgreens cream comes in a face and hand cream. I bought the face, but should have bought the hand. It is called Provectin. I am using it on my face and hands. We will see.

Eva, Woohoo! less than a month.

Laura, I know, Apples is so thoughtful. She is a Peach!

My DH is walking with me in the evenings. We actually look forward to our walk. We both wear a pedometer. I wear mine all day. Today I burned 580 calories and walked 8835 steps. Wearing a pedometer makes me want to walk more.

Laura K, I hope you had a great birthday!

Joyce, I hope you get back to normal soon. Those storms are scary. I guess I would have to say that is one of my biggest fears.......lightning.

I think I need a fill too, but Dr Davis said "give the band a rest." Whatever!

1 day, I think going into anything medical would be awesome. There are so many opportunities.

Okay, gotta go! I'll check in tomorrow.

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Happy B'day to Laura K. Bet she is having a great weekend.

Laura - love the pix of Nelson starting school. He looks so handsome and happy.

Cheri - I too am jealous of having slacks taken IN. My time will come.

Arlene - I spent two hours at the pool today and LOVED it. Summer is coming to an end and I'm so happy to be wearing a smaller size swim suit. Got two new suits with darling pool dresses (just above the knee) for coverups. Actually felt pretty good, even with the "hard bodies" (and young bodies) at my gym.

Once that new grandchild is here and you have your daughter settled in, you will enjoy the pool too. We'll talk in LV more.

Melissa - looks like this is a door opening and you might find a career you really enjoy. I'll pray for that to happen.

Karen - what a thoughtful lady you are to send off a "welcome to school" package for Nels. And - wrapped it with one hand. lolol

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Evening ladies...... I only have energy for a selfish post..... Just wanted to report that today is my 2nd bandiversary....... What I have been through in those 2 years is almost amazing to me and it still finds me struggling..... I've lost over 100 pounds but the last 10 have been lost more that a couple times I think..... I'm sure hoping that by the 3rd things will be all turned around and I will be on to a much better version of me... I'm so happy to not be what I was 2 years ago, but had envisioned so much more than this by now... thanks for all your support through this up and down time.... I appreciate it more than you could ever know.... Hugs, prayers, and much love................ Julie

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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