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Melissa....OMG...you hit the nail on the head with the salamander story. That poor dr's wife. She's going to have to relax those butt muscles pretty soon or her perfect little world will not seem so perfect.

I didn't find a salamander in the school bag but....came home from work one day when youngest was 8. Dad was "watching" them for the day...yeah right. Reached my hand into the dish Water in the sink and pulled out crap that looked like chow mien. Charlie had put 16 frogs in the microwave, didn't know what to do with them when they blew all over and filled up the sink and threw it all in.

A couple weeks later he decided to "tame" four blue jays. Caught them in a net and brought them in the house. His plan was to clip their wings and make house birds out of them. I had navy blue lamps (cloth shades) and navy furniture. Bird poop everywhere. Took us 2 days to round them up. Many, many naughty Charlie stories.

Just wait till that dr's wife opens the gym bag when the kid is 12 and finds a Mountain Dew bottle filled with discarded spit and chew!

Edited by Apples2

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Oh Lori....almost forgot about wishing you a good trip. You are so fortunate to be able to travel like you do. Have a really good time.

I loved going to the book club I belonged to a few years ago. books are my de-stessers and was born with a book in my hand. How nice of your friend to include you. You are making a life for yourself so quickly in your new city. Even if the club is something that is not your thing, you will be meeting new ppl. Heck, invite them out for lunch one at a time. Everyone has to be introduced to nuggets and meatballs at some point in their lives. LOL

Kurby....in the next few weeks/months, make finding out everything you can about nutrition your hobby. Even if someone else cooks in your household, let them know what works and does not work for you. It's very important in the beginning and throughout this process to take control of what works for you. Carry a little pocket nutritional information book. Pour over it and eventually you will automatically know what's what.

Gwen...I agree with the rest of the girls. Get advice from your LB doc when it comes to your LB. My GP doesn't know the first thing about having a band or being banded. Still to this day, he thinks it gets removed after a person hits goal. Duh!

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Gwen & Kurby - regarding knowing more about the band, I saw a therapist before my surgery and she recommended a book by Terry Simpson, MD. His practice is in Arizona and he has years of experience with our surgery. The book is: Weight Loss Surgery, A Lighter Look...at a Heavy Subject

Any question you might ever have is covered in this book and I use it for reference and reminders, when I stray from plan.

I highly recommend it. He also has a website, if you are interested.

Karen - adding my hugs to Laura's after your dental appt this week. Good to hear arm/hand are healing and you are on the mend.

I'm jealous of your visit with Phyl and DH. Can't wait to meet her and all ladies in LV.

Laura - that is one very interesting pipe. I'd love to try it. When I saw it on FB, I wondered what was in it. lolol

Getting my new Iphone this afternoon. Wish me luck.

Janet - glad the crisis with Andrew is passed. With 7 children, 11 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren - we always have drama in the family. Think I'm kind of numb to it ----- have heard it ALL.

Way to go, GF - 2 work outs in a day. You set the bar high for all of us.

Sending love to all my friends here. Let's keep on working our plans.

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Joyce reminded me that I forgot to comment on the pipe.

Laura....I'm thinking that maybe replace whatever you were smoking last night with something else that has more of a "calming" affect. Just a few days to help you calm down about putting that cheeky little boy on the bus. LOL

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Joyce reminded me that I forgot to comment on the pipe.

Laura....I'm thinking that maybe replace whatever you were smoking last night with something else that has more of a "calming" affect. Just a few days to help you calm down about putting that cheeky little boy on the bus. LOL

LMAO............ too funny! That might work, but would need an unfill to eat out my fridge! : ) I took one photo of the two docs with the Water pipe. They joked and said what if one of our small town police saw them at that moment. They would automatically think it was something illegal.

These "Water Pipe" bars are popping up all over the US in big cities. It's very common in Turkey and Syria. Take a look.

The Hookah Lounge

Today is Nelson's Day. He chooses the meals, what we do, etc. Cookies for Breakfast with choc. milk, pizza for lunch with apple juice, we played legos and made a GeoTrax train track all over the living room, went to the sand box & added a bootle of bubbles and gave him the hose! What a mess but lots of laughter. Rode bikes, looked for frogs, hosed off and then jumped in the pool! Now off to TKD. I am officially ready for orientation tomorrow. Karen, your words of wisdom on previous post helped a lot. I agree- I could use some structure. I have kept up laundry this week and kitchen of course, but have left putting up laundry, ironing and unpacking until Monday. Would rather spend the free time playing this week. : )

Love you all, thanks for the PM's of support. peasout

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Hi everyone, hope you all are having a good day.... So far, mine has been a nothing day... That's what I've done.... Was up til after 4:00 with this dang problem of mine... then I can't wake up in the morning.... Watched my Y & R, and then had a nap.... Isn't that something....??? I'm determined not to let the whole day escape without accomplishing something constructive.... I made the mistake of not getting on here yesterday and I had 4 pages to read as a punishment.... Wow, lots to try to remember with this half drugged up head.....

Laura, you are such a normal mother......especially one with only one child.... I was like that, too.... The day I took Kayla to kindergarten, I had such a hard time leaving her there..... She shooshed me away and was terribley embarrassed by me.... Just try to enjoy every single stage as they pass so fast... Jessica had it right when she said that one thing goes but other good things come in it's place.... Even when they are older that is still true... My relationship with DD is definitely changed now that she has the love of her life.. She doesn't need me so much anymore... Mimi is having a procedure tomorrow... being put under to fix 4 teeth..... I wasn't even asked to come along..... My baby!!!!! But DF took the day off and they are doing this together... the way it should be.... So, I have more of my time back again... Some days I like it, others I don't....

Apples, glad you and Phyll and her DH had a nice visit... I would love to have had more time... but I could see they were tired and I knew my shoulder was going to go on me.... Had to make a hasty exit... I'm also so glad to hear that you are doing better.... I'm ready for your teeth project to be over.. Thinking of you doing all this without pain meds is shuddering.... I'm ready for you to be pain free again...

Janet, sorry about the drama..... it happens and continues to happen no matter how old.... It's all in how we handle it I think... glad this one passed rather quickly.... I'm just amazed at your determination to exercise... You are amazing...

Lori, have fun packing and more fun being a tourist... That's someplace I've never been and DH has no desire.. He bases his opinion on what he saw when he was a kid going to and coming from Viet Nam...... Doesn't care to go back, so I'm stuck I guess, unless we make one of our get-to-gethers there!!!! Oh, and I can't do chicken either.... Took Bailey out to lunch one day when I had to have her alone without Mimi.... She wanted chicken strips... So we shared... I ate a half and had to go throw up.......I find that drummies or wings go down easier..l... I like them best....

Judy, glad you had a nice time at the wedding... Now where is it you found this new "Puppy".... Is he house trained??? We need to hear more, girl....

Phyll, hope you guys are having better days now and making your way east with more ease.... have fun.....

Eva, this waking up with pain crap is for the birds, isn't it.... I wish us all to be pain-free................. at least for a week!!!!!! 29 and dropping... WTG..

Laura K, how are things... I believe you have a birthday coming on Saturday..... any big plans?????

Linda, you are so busy flitting here and there.... Your little GD must just love to be with you...

All this talk of little boys and their mischeviousness.... I had a girl who could be right there with them... and Mimi isn't far behind. She loves bugs... She likes to let ants crawl up her arm..... What a kid...

OK, my mind is starting to fail me now.... I think it was Gwen who has the uninformed doctor..... but this is commom.... I nearly last April because ERdocs didn't bother to check me out, just unfilled my band and let me walk out of there with a gut full of infection.... nothing at all to do with my band..... Don't believe this guy... He doesn't know what he is talking about.... Kurby, you and Gwen listen well to these ladies... they know what they are talking about...

Jessica, your life is sounding so busy already, but you are well prepared for it I think..... I'm so glad you are doing better now... I just know this is what you are meant to do and you will be an awesome nurse....

Joyce, how are things....?? Is your daughter doing better now??? Hope so....

Jodi, must be gone again..... we'll have a good story again soon...

Arlene, how are you doing..?? Is that FM in check right now.... It is so weird to realize the weather can do that to you...... Hope all is well...

Cheri, must be busy, haven't heard from her for a day or two.....

Melissa, good luck at your job fairs... I hope you get some good leads....

Well, who'd I miss??? Speak up so I can fix it.... don't mean to forget..... I need to go get dressed!!! (I told you I was a slug today!!) and then find something to do..... Oh, poor DH has had a few bad days at work... Monday the breaks failed him on a big farm truck loaded with grain and he went through a road arm.... Not his fault and he tried so hard to stop;..... Tuesday was some other little thing.... Harvesting wheat now and there is lots of trucking and unloading and whatever.... Yesterday while putting wheat in an older grainery he was fixing a bit on the one next to it and something broke and he had 200 bushel of wheat on the ground before he could get it stopped.... He was a basket case when he got home at 8:00.... Then he spent from that time until after 11:00 working with DF to make a dog house for their little beagle who is causing havoc in their home.... He had a piece of cinnamon bread and went to bed only to not sleep until after 3...... he should have come upstairs where I was and we could have played cards... He says he is better today and nobody scolded him or anything.... But he needs to slow down... 13-14 hour days at 62 1/2 is not the best idea... we don't need the money that bad.... So he gets leftovers for supper tonight, but he's very good about that.....

Well, off I go to quit being a slug..... take care all and remember now, we shooting for no pain....... I'll try to hold up my endd, but no promises...... love you all... Julie

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Linda--I just spoke to the friend with the Three Legged Poodle--which, by the way, is the name of her store.

Her poodle had her leg removed at age 8 and went on to live a long and full life (she died this winter...) My friend said that if there were other health problems, don't put your dog through it, BUT if she is otherwise fine, go for it. Your pup will adjust and do fine (WE'RE the ones with the problems!)

My friend has rescued many and dog and cat and knows what she's talking about!

Hope everyone is staying cool--Florida's humidity is oppressive!


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So exactly what is that Water pipe thingy? are you drinking something??

Just met DH for lunch and got caught in a horrific rainstorm, roads flooding, etc. made it home fine but sure wasn't expecting that much rain, that's unusual for here.

Well time to face the music. I am busy packing away and decide some of these clothes I haven't worn in awhile I better try them on and I got a very rude awakening. Some were too tight. I knew I was up a few but had no idea it would affect my clothing that much. I guess when I was 300 lbs I could gain 30 lbs and still stay the same size, now it's about 10 lbs. So my plan is to hold firm til after DD leaves (she's coming weekend after this) and then I might look into the 5 day pouch test and really get back to basics. Start measuring again, journalling again, etc. I was super depressed about it and started all the negative tapes in my head that mostly start with, 'you worthless piece of %$@'. But now I am looking at this as a roadblock and when I conquer it, it so going to affirm that yes indeedy I can maintain this! Gosh I am glad I tried on stuff, would've hated to get to Maui and have too small of clothes with me. Luckily I have a few sizes in my closet. I bought most of my summer things last year before my cruise and I wasn't quite to goal yet so had a couple sizes mostly 10's and 12's.

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So exactly what is that Water pipe thingy? are you drinking something??

I am busy packing away and decide some of these clothes I haven't worn in awhile I better try them on and I got a very rude awakening. Some were too tight.

Lori~ Have fun and please don't worry about the 10 lbs. Bring some of the looser clothes and just enjoy. You will get it off when you get back. Hugs.

Turkish Hubble-Bubble (pronounced Hubbly Bubbly)

Hubble-bubble, or Nargile is one of the oldest traditions in Turkey and has enthusiasts of all ages and sexes who find great pleasure in smoking it. In addition to young Turks, tourists who visit Turkey are attracted to the hubble-bubble and often buy them as souvenirs to take home to their family and friends. The new fashion is hubble-bubble tobacco flavored with strawberries, apples or Cappuccino. It takes about an hour to smoke a pipe full of fruit tobacco, two hours for the stronger stuff. The smoke is noticeably cooler than cigarette smoke, and lightly intoxicating.

Old Turkish hubble-bubble lovers state that smoking a hubble-bubble is nothing like smoking a cigarette and also add "Cigarettes are for nervous people, competitive people and people on the run. When you smoke a hubble-bubble, you have time to think. It teaches you patience and tolerance, and gives you an appreciation of good company. Hubble-bubble smokers have a much more balanced approach to life than cigarette smokers." As long as there is a need for company and friendship, as long as people want to stop and think, there will be nargile cafés" is one of the most popular sayings nowadays.

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So you smoke it?? Here I thought everyone was drinking something out of one big pitcher. LOL DH is a non smoker except on weekends he likes to sit out back with a cigar. Maybe he'd like a hubblebubble? LOL We now have this summer ritual that will have to stop soon, on Sat. nights he gets his cigar and I get my M & M McFlurry from McD's or Blast from Sonic and we sit out back, it's our indulgence. LOL

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Hi gang.......no weight loss this week. The psychologist talk to us today. Some girls shared about Dr. Davis talk on Monday night....I missed it. It was about how the French eat and enjoy their food, but don't gain. They said he brought different wines and dark chocolate. So, girls, he approves a small glass of wine every night. I don't drink, but I might start. And chocolate......I am on it! Of course I think he told them dark chocolate twice a week. I just finished my evening walk. It was a little cooler tonight.....low 90's......lol.

I guess we all agree on one thing......my SIL needs to get snipped. My DD was going to appeal to what matters to him.....the cost. Snipping is so much cheaper......maybe that will sell him on the idea.

Well, gotta go shower ........later peeps!

Hit a man wear it hurts, THE WALLET! LOL

Hi All,

I can still remember when each of my kids went to school by themselves the first day. Feels like yesterday. I felt they had all grown up to quickly.

Where I live the shingles injection cost me $125.

Saw the orthopedic surgeon today about knee surgery. He will not do surgery until I lose another 20 to 30 pounds. He also felt that my LAP-BAND® surgery was not very successful.

He based this on when I got banded, how much I lost, and that I haven't lost anything for three weeks. I am planning to go back to square one - liquid stage. Not to sure what else I can do.

My surgeon (banding) has his Excellence Award - never said a word about PBing.

I remember when I started college. Felt like the teachers, Professors, that you were only taking their course. I was overwhelmed the first day of class. Congratulations for going to college.

Just looked at the clock, it is after midnight - gotta go.

Gwendolyn Smythe

A great book I found written by Dr. Garth Davis is called The Experts Guide to Weightloss Surgery. He talks about how bypassers loose a huge chunk of their weight in the begining but banders don't get that tidal wave of weight loss until months out when they find the sweet spot in their fill level. Until we find that sweet spot we are training ourselves to keep the weight off by learning to eat right and exercise. Bypassers don't learn this lesson till later. Don't sweat it. Every pound you lose is earned no matter how fast they come.

Had a good day today. Went to the beach this morning. Had lunch then did my 5k training. The my brother came over and we went to the pool and had dinner. Nice relaxing family day.

I had a little trouble getting through the 5k training today. I just felt like I reached the end of my energy earlier than usual. Ended up walking my last 2 sprints. I think skipping Breakfast and the time out in the heat suck the energy from me. I am gonna repeat my running plan on saturday instead of moving to the next step. I did have a healthy lunch and dinner. Just larger portion sizes. I may call my doc and move up my next fill appointment. My weight is going back down. A pound a week. I know I can do better. I have done better.

Peas, Thanks for the advice about the resume'. When It comes time I may need some advice on how to do it. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years with odd jobs. Alot has changed since I last worked steady. I don't know how to explain the gaps or if I should put every single job on there. I don't have contact info for the times I was a nanny.

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Evening ladies........... well I salvaged my day and got a few things done... Laundry is all caught up..... took care of some errands I needed to do, went through my fridge and felt like that new commercial on tv about how much food we throw away each year... I had fogotten about some romaine and leafy lettuce in a flat tupperware.... Kept ignoring it I guess,,,, it grew...... uch!!!!! did some other kitchen stuff and then DH came home unexpectedly at 2:00..... it rained a bit and they had to shut down.... I convinced him to take a shower and a much needed nap..... they went back out again to try and go but it didn't so they moved outfits and he was home a bit after 6....... asked for eggs and sausage for supper.... easy......... so he is doing better tonight.....

Laura, so intersting about the fruit flavored smoke.... not sure I want to try it, though.......

Lauri, I'm with you.... I feel a new sense of committment about to come over me... We'll have those few pounds off again before we know it.....

I had an intersting conversation with a friend today and don't know what to make of it.... I tried to be supportive, but part of me was very skeptical.... She has lupus and it has taken her renal system out.. She needs a kidney transplant but everything keeps stopping it..... and she is so dead set against dialysis.... Well last week she went to a week long retreat in MN with some well-known healing minister. He did his thing and has told her that the reason she didn't get her transplant is because she doesn't need one... The Lord has healed her and her kidneys will be like new soon.... She said he put his hands on her and she dropped to the floor and can't remember anything for a few minutes.... She is now convinced she is cured and is going in to have tests done to prove it... I would love for this to be true, for her.... I'm just not as sure as she is... I do believe in miracles, but I'm just going to hate it if this doesn't happen for her... She will be devasted.... It's hard to know what to say to her.... I said I was so happy to hear her sounding so good and that it will be wonderful for her to feel good again.... I joked and asked why she didn't take me with her!!! And I half meant it..... Anyway.... I guess we will see if her faith will make her well.....

You all have a good night.... Hugs.......... Julie

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Busy busy busy... How do I catch up !!!

Julie & Karen - glad you had a good time w/Phyl ;0)

Julie - God does work miracles but he also made doctors - Faith is good and great - but so are doctors - Take a little of both - how much did she have to pay this healer ?? or should I say donate..

Lori - OMG you are funny and very sheltered not to know what the pipe was ;0) Love it.. You aren't worthless - you just have lost a bit of your focus on your eating got a little too comfortable - this is why I always keep a little fear w/me about food

Enjoy Hawaii - but be mindful of your eating and drinking those blue hawaii's - and be sure to get your walking in - and visit the hotel gym.. Remember it's not a diet - but a lifestyle change and for us recovering food addicts - I feel that we have to be very very very careful not to let to much of our old eating habits slipping back into our new lives..

I find that 5 lbs makes a diff in my clothes..

And when you come home get back to basics... So I take it you aren't getting on the scales - I get on them about every 2 weeks

Laura - 1st day of school - well since I worked and DS went to pre-school - it wasn't so tramatic for me - but I remember when Andrew went to kindergarden - that was - he didn't go to preschool so it was scary for him ;0)

Joyce 7 kids omg - 1 was enough for me ;0) and 3 grandkids - I hate drama... This week I have been to the gym 6 time 2 x sunday - 1 monday - 1 tuesday - 2x wed !!! I'm going to turbo kick boxing before my pilos class on sunday morning - so this coming week will be another 6 exercise days - I love my yoga class on Wed nite - it feels so good to streach all those muscles....

Jessica - You need to make sure you eat Breakfast - on Sunday mornings I always have something before I go to my classes - your body needs the fuel... I have been doing pt shakes since I am not hungry 1st thing in the morning..

Karen - Love the smile and pic's on FB that Phyl posted.. You are one freaking strong woman - all that dental work and other issues you have had on your plate lately - Hugs..

Well gang - I am very pooped - think I am going to go vegge

can't wait for bb - think kathy or britnay are going home - but going to love their faces when what's his name plays his diamond veto - it's going to wake up the house..

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Hang in there Gwen. Make sure those liquids are Protein Drinks and SF liquids, jellos, etc.

Watching Leverage using On Demand. I'll try to slip a word in edgewise.

First meeting of the school year today at Roseland. Had a meeting at Elim yesterday. Another meeting tomorrow at Roseland. Kids come next Weds.

Dr. says she doesn't think my D is too high and shouldn't be causing the Calcium increase--which is very small. Also doesn't think I was getting too much Calcium. Didn't seem concerned about the laxative. She thinks I have a family disease that causes slightly high calcium levels and doesn't excrete it. Something like that. Not serious. FF something or something FF.

Gotta pee into a jug for a whole day again and then have another blood test. Startin to feel like a pincushion.

So, gotta try to remember what she called it. Look it up on Web MD. Bah humbug.

How about an update on all my relatives? My niece Olivia has been averaging 2 seizures a week. She's supposed to start a new school next week. My sister has taken kind of a leave of absence until she knows the school has the resources to handle the situation. However, her husband has finally found a job, same job as before-different company-a lot less money but nicer people. His MS seems to be completely in remission. My sister was holding their dog in her arms in their den and all the family was saying goodbye to him because his physical condition had deteriorated (enlarged heart) and she was bringing him to the vet to be put down. Instead, he died right there in her arms, surrounded by his family.

My sister the Dr.'s husband, Jim, was very close to hospice care, but has fought his way back with Cindi's close monitoring of his meds and diet, helping him lose 30# of Fluid. He is once again able to have some mobility around the house and is feeling much better. He has congestive heart failure with a greatly enlarged heart. Her RA is still acting up but is doing better. With her kids help she was able to keep working. Her back up partner came back from vacation and her PA who worked for her certain days has recovered from her treatment to eleminate a cerebral anuerysm. It was caught and treated before it killed her because her sister died from one and it runs in families so my sister made her go check it out. Now she's back at work and giving my sister breathing space at work. Cindi and Jim's son, Jimmy, is doing amazingly well. It was a year in June when the Dr. at mayo sliced and diced and resectioned Jimmy's heart and saved his life. He was within days of dieing or having to go through a heart transplant if one was available on that short notice. Now he's getting written up for the work he's doing on teaching young people how to restore a piece of wasted land and use Water conservation techniques. Pretty cool actually.

I saw my brother John from CA (Redlands) this past week. He has recovered from his shoulder surgery gone bad because of MRSA. He will never get full use of his shoulder for things like swimming and playing basketball but he's back where he was before the first of the 3 surgeries he had to first repair the damage he had from an accident, and then to repair the damage from the MRSA.

My brother Scott's son, Jordan, a very talented young musician, who was about to head off to music college, required suregery on his wrist, the part that controls the thumb. He needed 5 pins to put it back together. He should regain full function and his college is willing to accommodate his temporary disability till that time.

My brother Scott also sat down with my dad and explained his Alzheimers to him and why the Dr. wants to restrict his driving. My dad thanked him for talking to him but kept insisting he was a good driver. My mother is going crazy trying to have private conversations about him without him listening in. He was also following her around and giving her "helpful" suggestions about how she could do things better. She finally lost her temper and screamed at him that she couldn't live with him anymore and was going to leave. He said he would leave. She said there was no way she wanted to get stuck with the house. He's been better since then.

My daughter's Hashimoto's is still not bad enough to remove her thyroid. I wish it were, her mood swings are crazy sometimes. So far the dog, Frankie, is still there. David started kindergarten. Josh started pre-school. My daughter has mornings free and David actually is in all-day Kindergarten. She was praying that he wouldn't do well enough on his prescreening that he would qualify for full-time kindergarten. He'll also receive Sp. Ed help because of his autism. Autistics notoriously test poorly on formal exams. After working with David this summer I know I've taught children with a lot less brains who are a lot less on the ball. He notices everything, asks intelligent questions, and remembers what you told him. He may have some expressive language issues, we'll see if it affects his reading. If so, I can help him with that. And he seems to be in a very good school that wants to really help him.

So I haven't posted majorly about all this over the past month because there's just so much.

By the way, my new endocrinologist Dr. told me I looked great after my weight loss.

So, gotta go to bed.



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Hi gang! The rain past and so has my pain except for my new NB tennis shoes. They really put the "smarts" on my bunions. lol. I walked, but only half the time today.

Jessica, Dr. Garth Davis is my surgeon. He is a sweetheart. He is training for a triathlon so he is really into eating lots of organic green stuff......which means he wants us to eat like him. I know he is right, but old habits die hard. I just got my new book today...Crack the Fat-Loss Code.....how to outsmart your metabolism and Conquer the diet plateau. It is written by a nationally known trainer, Wendy Chant. She has some really good recipes in the book.....high Protein.

Great.........Have a Great time in Hawaii! I wish I was going. I just loved Maui.

Janet, are you at a class tonight?

Joyce, wow, lots of GKids and GGKids. The one we are waiting for will be number 10. I think that will be it. They range from 18 down to 2 and waiting.

Laura, that settles it.....you have to come to Vegas and bring your pipe. We will all get high on fruit. That is as low cal as you can get. lol

Love the baby pic of Nels. He looks like an angel.

Well, I have to get off the computer. My DGS is waiting to play games.

Goodnight All!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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