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Jodi, I love your posts. I can just "hear" you.

Went to bed early and woke up with a leg cramp. It's over now and I'm going back to bed.

Hugs to Apples. It's not what you are supposed to do to relax...break an arm that is.

Judy, have fun on your trip.

Ended up working late and didn't do pool, but I did walk after work in 100 deg weather. Kicked my butt.

Okay, off to bed. Greetings to everyone.


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Good Morning

This is a drive by - I SKIMMED the post - you all were busy...

Last night gym at 5 - home 6:15 - had to p/u car - then yoga @ 7:30 don't get home til 8:45 - and had all the normal stuff to do before bed - never got a chance to get on the computer..

Great - LOL cougar

Apples - Hugs

Eva - I hate leg cramps

Jodi - love the pic and food ;0)

Charlene - WTG - Whine and they will do it for you ;0)

Joyce - Hugs on DD issues - been there.. Hugs

Laura - Love the pic's

Everyone else Hugs - I didn't quote so don't remember what else was said... I gotta get in the shower

Thanks for all the complements on the bangs ;0)

busy at work so doubt I will be back until tonite..

But no gym tonite :0) so I will be back

Oh Newbie - Yes this is a mentor site - I started it but we are all here to help..

Gotta jam - Have a great day everyone Hugs

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Good morning! It's supposed to be a cooler day here today in the 80's which is perfect for me!

Jodi, if I haven't commented I agree with the others, love the new pic. I enjoyed reading about your planning for Dassi's bat mitzvah. Is it a problem going to Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem. I know when we went to Bethlehem to see where Christ was born we had to cross into Palestinian territory. We had to leave our Isreali/Jewish tour guide and bus driver behind and board an Arab bus with an Arab driver and guide to go in. It was kindda scary and I was very relieved when we crossed back over. Of course, we couldn't cross back over until we visited their gift shop. Now that you mentioned it at the wall it was only the boys doing their bar mitzvah's and I felt sorry for the women who had to stay on their side of the wall and were standing on chairs trying to see over and throwing candy and some were singing. DH described things to me on 'his' side of the wall he said there was a library there and how they had this plexiglass by the edge of teh wall and it was dug all the way down and you could see how far down the wall went, we didn't have that on our side. Also when we went into the church where DAvid's tomb was we had to go on seperate sides.

Janet, goodness you keep busy! NO wonder you are a size zero!

Laura, your poor mom, that sounded so painful, but am happy to hear she is getting some relief from the shots now. Is Nels excited about starting school soon? I know in Denver, my friends kids started today already.

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There is a difference between a Princess and a Diva.

Concerning Merry and her leg--there is a vet that has a radio show/newspaper column. When I was questioning the quality of Tinka's life with senility (she was 16 1/2), I wrote to him. I was asked if I would be on the radio show and speak to the vet. And he was helpful to me!

Send an email to petworld@stevedale.tv

His website is www.stevedalepetworld.com

There is a pet supplies store in Sun City Center called "The Three Legged Poodle" named after the owner's actual 3 legged poodle (who died this year-old age). I am good friends with the owner...do you want me to contact her for you?

Gotta run-CBL.


Thanks for the information -- do you know how old the poodle was when she had her amputation? If you think she was older I'd really love to hear how she adapted when it was done. I'll pm you my personal e-mail. If that lady would be kind enough to give me advice, I'd be very happy for it.



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Okay, it has now happened to me and I'm furious..... I lost my post.....it was long and I commented to everyone... I had to leave the computer and then came back a bit later to finish... I finished and pressed submit, thinking it would go,but it told me I couldn't post becasue I wasn't logged in..... What the heck..... I was logged in when I started... Why did it kick me out????

I can't start over now, will have to do it later.... Hugs to everyone and I'll be back when I can.... Julie

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Thanks for the information -- do you know how old the poodle was when she had her amputation? If you think she was older I'd really love to hear how she adapted when it was done. I'll pm you my personal e-mail. If that lady would be kind enough to give me advice, I'd be very happy for it.



ahhh. I was wondering about that post. Yes it was Judy who posted that....Im jodi lol. So many J's cant keep em straight myself.

Good luck.

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Good morning! It's supposed to be a cooler day here today in the 80's which is perfect for me!

Jodi, if I haven't commented I agree with the others, love the new pic. I enjoyed reading about your planning for Dassi's bat mitzvah. Is it a problem going to Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem. I know when we went to Bethlehem to see where Christ was born we had to cross into Palestinian territory. We had to leave our Isreali/Jewish tour guide and bus driver behind and board an Arab bus with an Arab driver and guide to go in. It was kindda scary and I was very relieved when we crossed back over. Of course, we couldn't cross back over until we visited their gift shop. Now that you mentioned it at the wall it was only the boys doing their bar mitzvah's and I felt sorry for the women who had to stay on their side of the wall and were standing on chairs trying to see over and throwing candy and some were singing. DH described things to me on 'his' side of the wall he said there was a library there and how they had this plexiglass by the edge of teh wall and it was dug all the way down and you could see how far down the wall went, we didn't have that on our side. Also when we went into the church where DAvid's tomb was we had to go on seperate sides.

Janet, goodness you keep busy! NO wonder you are a size zero!

Laura, your poor mom, that sounded so painful, but am happy to hear she is getting some relief from the shots now. Is Nels excited about starting school soon? I know in Denver, my friends kids started today already.

Lori...I wasnt aware of this...I do recall now that we did have to walk a while from outside to the tomb....hmm will have to do some more research about this as my dad and mom would not be able to trek there....hmmmm hmmm. Dilemma....

yes, its a lovely experience for everyone...and the sweet candy for a sweet life is fun...try to hit the kid as hard as you can and no one gets in trouble....the girls love this part!! You throw it right after the boy is called up to the read from the torah for the first time....then they get hit with all this sweetness...not sure where that came from...lol Must be a jewish thing...you get something yummy and then a zetz...(hit) right after...so typical. lol

Lovely how the woman get to take backseat at the wall of all places....the holiest of holies.....Yes, I do remember seeing the plexiglass...and all the way down. Not sure if you went to what is called the small wall located on the side in the back of the area where the men were...you had to go down a tunnel or sorts to get there...thats where I liked to go pray....away from everyone else and private...so no one can see me and I can cry my eyes out and not be embarrased...not that I should have been there of all places....but nevertheless....I like my privacy at those times.

was just thinking....perhaps we shall be the first bat mizvah there....hahahh theyd stone us.

Thanks for the info...will do some of that research this week.....achum. (hope)


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Thanks for the information -- do you know how old the poodle was when she had her amputation? If you think she was older I'd really love to hear how she adapted when it was done. I'll pm you my personal e-mail. If that lady would be kind enough to give me advice, I'd be very happy for it.



wow, do I feel stupid -- thought Jodi wrote the message about he lady with the 3 legged dog -- that's what I get for peaking at LBT while I'm at work. Thanks Judy for the information, I'll pm you and wait to hear from you when you get back from Boston. Thanks for the information -- I appreciate your help.


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So, Dr. Laura, I no longer take Calcium supplements. But I do drink at least two cups of milk a day and frequently 3 in my coffee, which is 90% of my dietary needs. But, I looked at my Atkins shakes, which I have once or twice a day and they're each 50% of my dietary needs, plus the Atkins bar I've been taking is another 20% as is my Multi-Vitamin. So on a high calcium day I could be getting 230% of my dietary needs, and most days I'm getting more than 100%. I'm not real high on the calcium levels in my blood and blood serum is what I think the nurse said. I should start copying down these things. So I'm still taking more calcium than I need. I got a call back from the Dr. today advising me after the blood test yesterday, that I need to make an apptmt with an endocrinologist. So, I'll do that, I guess. But I'm really sick of Dr.'s appmts. I hope I just need to cut back on the calcium I'm getting.

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Phyl, have a safe trip -- hope your back gets better and you can get back to your regular routine.

Arlene, congrats on the loss -- wtg -- thanks for sharing what you learn -- it's so helpful to all of us.

Joyce, hugs on the DD issues -- I know how it is -- SD went through that before too -- and it's hard on everyone. Will be sending positive thoughts your way.

Cheri, interesting about your new health issue cause I have dry mouth, dry eyes and I tested very high for Calcium two years ago when I had my kidney failure - they did a full body scan and found nothing but never did anything else -- I'll have to check on this too -- with all my aches and pains, it would explain a lot.

Laura, love the pics -- your dad looks great -- your mom looks good too - hope she gets some relief -- that's exactly where my back problems were too -- and I had several epidurals -- unfortunately mine never did much and I ended up with back surgery which I do NOT recommend. It did cure my sciatia but I still have pain every day.

Did the gym this am -- 40/40/30 -- was tired and wished I wasn't there the whole time - I've been struggling with exercise lately - I think I'm bored -- plus I exercise my A$$$ off and eat healthy and never see any changes so sometimes I feel like, "what's the use". So today at the gym when I thought that I thought, "oh NO you don't, you got to meet the LBT girls in 6 weeks -- get on that elleptical!" LOL. So thank God for all of you.

Lori, wtg cougar -- at least you know you've still GOT IT -- good for DH to be a little "worried" -- lol. Love it - and that's gotta make you feel GREAT.

Taking DGD to the Iowa State Fair Sunday -- can't wait - I'm so excited -- her first fair. I'm definitely planning to have some unhealthy planned "treats" -they have fried butter there -- maybe I'll sample that. LOL.

Jodi, I have a niece named Darcy so will remember how to pronounce Dassi - such a beautiful name. I loved reading about your plans --I love your religion - love all the rituals and history of it all - thanks for sharing it.

Julie, hope you are doing better today - sorry about your post -- I know how that goes.

Apples, thinking of you all day -- sending kisses and hugs -- hope the pain is getting better. Did you get the dentist behind you yesterday too? HOnestly you are amazing!!

Heat index is at 108 again today - like the 10th day in a row -- supposed to cool off tomorrow or Sat. -- supposed to only be 83 on Sunday and lower humidity -- otherwise the fair would be horrible. Going to see The Buckinghams at a free concert Sun. night at the fair - they are the band that recorded Kind of a Drag -- should be great. Then Fri. the 20th is Sly and the Family Stone - looking forward to that too.

To the newbie, yes, Janet is the greatest mentor of all - come hang out with us and you will learn lots - and get your butt kicked if necessary (tough love) but we are all here cheering you on as you take your LB journey. So jump in and tell us a little about yourself.

Eva, I'm so jealous about retirement -- I'd love to quit and write more stories and books -- maybe some day I'll be able to -- need the health insurance unfortunately.

Well, gang, got the concert at the park with GD tonight - love it -- I think there's only one more week after tonght - free popcorn, free music and free ice tea! Love small town living!!

Hugs to all - CBL


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Hey all I am home. All I can say is the essure tubal hurt like a witch. The give you valium, lortab and a shot of torodial which helps and makes you loopy. Anyways i feel beeter now below is what the essure is all about. It is different than the way they used to do tubals. The cool thing was I got to see my cervix and tubes and everything on tv which is cool if you like that kind of stuff.


Essure is covered by most insurance providers, and if the Essure procedure is performed in a doctor's office, depending on your specific insurance plan, payment may be as low as a simple co-pay.

Essure offers women what no birth control ever has

  • No surgery, burning or anesthesia
  • No hormones
  • No slowing down to recover
  • Performed in less than 10 minutes
  • Peace of mind - your doctor can confirm when you can rely on Essure for birth control

With Essure, you'll never have to worry about unplanned pregnancy again. The Essure procedure is permanent and is NOT reversible. "

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Linda, high Calcium is a byproduct of kidney problems. The Sjogrens syndrome is unrelated to the calcium. However, I have been taking a lot of Vitamin D because its increased my energy and mood so much. My blood levels are high and I just looked up causes of high calcium on Web MD and high D is a cause. So is drinking too much milk. So is taking laxatives and I take Miralax everyday. So, I'm cutting back on the Miralax, cutting back on the Vitamin D, cutting back on the milk in my coffee, making sure I only drink one Protein Drink a day, and, after a couple of weeks, I'll go in for another blood test. I bet its the combination of things that's causing it. But I'll still make an apptmt with the endocrinologist. Just in case.

My sister, the Dr. with RA, said the Plaquinelle is a very safe drug and to go ahead and try it for the Sjogren's Syndrome.

By the way, for those of you with auto-immune diseases, she highly recommends the anti-inflammatory diet. You go off all meats except fish, and all wheat, and all dairy, and all citrus. You take fish oil. You start introducing things back in your diet one at a time to see if your symptoms get worse or better. She now eats lamb, buffalo, fish, and organic chicken. She doesn't eat beef or pork. And I don't think she eats wheat or has citrus.

She highly recommends fish oil for bringing down inflammation.

Since several of you are FM sufferers, and there may be some RA or Lupis people, you may want to try this.


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Well I'm going to try again.... I feel like I haven't spoken to you individually for a while and want to so here goes... See how good my memory on a double take.... Earlier Mimi called me and asked me to take her to the swimming pool.... so I did .... then she wanted ice cream.... the community pool is a block from my house and the "Dipper" (our version of Dairy Queen) is right next to it.... then she had to come home with me.... DD just came to get her... We had a fun afternoon and I tried not to lift her at all.....

Apples, dear, you are on my mind all the time... Hope things are moving along for you somewhat.... Life has handed you an obstacle course and so far you have handled it with grace and poise.... Here's hopeing you are at 100% soon....

Lori, way to go on the gym thing..... It was a big compliment even if he didn't know it.... I'll bet your DH will be wanting you to accompany him on more of his trips now.... gotta keep an eye out for those other guys!!!! I hope you feel good about it and just take it for what it was.... fun and ego boosting....

Laura, my pain management doctor leaves a lot to be desired... He is very indifferent to my pain and seems content to just let me stay on drugs forever... I asked to see him tomorrow so we can talk and I will tell him about mayo and see if he wants to continue my care after I get home... If not I will find someone who will... (Already have, actually) I'm so sorry about your mother's health issues now... I've had those shots but did not have the pain she experienced... lots of pressure but not what I call pain.... Hope she gets relief soon.... You are such a good daughter...

Judy, you have a great time at the wedding... WTG on the 7 pounds... You are doing so well and I'm proud of you.... Wish I could get going, but I just can't seem to get a handle on it with all this pain all the time... I'm hopeing for a resurgance of committment after Mayo finds out what is wrong with me.....

Jodi, I love reading all about your religion and your traditions... It seems so formal.....but you make it sound fun, too.... I'm so glad you are having such a good summer...

Laura K, so sorry your relationship has ended again, but this time you know why and it was on your terms... Sounds like his health is a big issue with his personality now, so really it just can't be helped... You take care of yourself....

Joyce, hugs on the DD problems... Mine has been through lots since she was in an accident in high school... her best friend was killed...... Four young girls out for a little drive and in the blink of an eye one life is over and the other 3 will never be the same.. My DD has been through out-patient group therapy and is doing lots better but for a while it was crazy... I hope she is getting good help and that you can be there for support.... God Bless you all....

Arlene, I believe you are the one with 113 today...... I can hardly imagine what that is like.... We get over a 100 once in a while each year, but not usually more that a day or two.... We have the humidity, too, so it is really almost unbearable....

Janet, you have 113, too, I believe..... good thing it doesn't bother you much... You have a pool so do you use it much... I would love to have one.... It's not a common thing here in ND.... When the little girls get bigger I would love to have one of the above ground types.....4 feet high... played in one with my grandson in Ohio a while back.... Was great..... He lives in it....

Melissa, glad you are home and doing okay after your procedure... Was it just something you wanted or was it a neccessity medically speaking??? Not really my business so you don't have to say.... Rest up. You have been sounding better lately so hope this will perk you up much more and you can enjoy the rest of summer...

Cheri, you sound so informed about all this medical stuff.... you could have been a doctor like your sister, too.... Hope you find your answers and get things all moving on an even kiel again soon... We all have to get healthy so we can enjoy Vegas... It's really not far off anymore... And I have so much to do for the wedding...

Jessica, you look very professional in you uniform... and from what I know of nurses it doesn't hurt for it to be a bit loose.... Too tight would make working miserable I think.... You, too, are sounding so much better now... I'm happy for you and know you are going to be just fine.. Glad you and your DB had a great visit....

Eva, I sure do understand why you are counting down the days till you are done with work..... Out in that heat all the time... I'm glad for you.... When is the Argentina thing??? Oh and you asked about my MOB dress..... Already have it... Found it on a clearance rack for $9.............. It's not fancy, but I'm not a fancy person.... just a black, sort of empire waist long dress... Now I just need a black bra and some shoes to go along with it... I have some perfect jewelry, so feel like I'm pretty well set there.

Linda, WTG on all your exercise.... I know it seems like it isn't doing any good in the weight loss department, but just think how much healthier your body is that you can exercise like that... And you are building muscle and it weighs more that fat, so no loss isn't actually unusual..... Keep up the good work...

Phyll, let's talk about I 90...... When you get to about Billings MT I 90 vears off to the south and then travels all across South Dakota... I94 is what keeps coming on through North Dakota..... and then they meet up again in Minnesota somewhere... Can't remember the town just now... So you will be driving on I 94 when you get to Bismarck.... I am 36 miles up the road (north) from there.... We have lots of room for you to park you RV and would love to have you stay as long as you like... Let me know if that fits into your plans... For sure I will come to Bismarck to meet you for coffee or something...

Peaches and Pam, hope you are doing well... haven't heard from you in awhile.... Sagreenia, welcome.... this is a great place... tell us about you and jump in and join our group... a bunch of lovely ladies in all different stages of LB from all over the country....

So, I think I made it again... gosh if I forgot someone I'll be mortified..... I need to get busy now and do something.... Spending the afternoon with Mimi threw me off my game plan for the day.... but there will be another day.... You all take care and I'll talk to you later..... Hugs and prayers... Julie

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I need to vent a little. I went to Wal-Mart today which is the building next door to where I work…I walk there. I get my stuff and I’m using a basket and am politely standing in line in the proper place waiting my turn. The lady at the checkout counter is complaining because the 30 boxes of crayons she bought were 25 cents and someone told her they were 20 cents. It became a very big deal and she and an associate walk off to check the price, etc. Another lady gets in line behind me and is wondering why I’m standing there and not going up to the register. I explain that another lady is complaining about the price of crayons and I can’t go up there yet. The lady behind me starts bitching at me…she’s going to be late for her doctor’s appointment, she only has two items, etc. Why don’t I go up there and finish checking out. The other people come back, then the lady behind me complains because the crayon lady goes up to the cash register and she thinks she’s cutting in line. I explain again that she is the person who is checking out. At this point, I left the line and went to another register because the lady behind me is still complaining. After people expect miracles at work because they don’t plan well and get all huffy when they can’t have what they want that same day, I really don’t need crotchety old women bitching at me about something that had absolutely nothing to do with me. I’m sorry she’s going to be late, but hey, it wasn’t my fault. I probably would have let her go in front of me except she was nasty. Well she got to go anyway because I left, but geez people have unreasonable expectations sometimes. Okay, that’s my vent.

I had a meeting this afternoon and didn’t go back to work afterwards. I went grocery shopping (tortoise food) and that check out person was very pleasant. So I’ll go do the pool in a little while and work out my frustrations again.

CBL, Eva

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Julie, you do such a lovely job of responding to so many people.

All I can say is "ditto."


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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