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Whoever's in contact with Karen please let her know I miss her and am totally aghast at the pain she has to be in. I'd be hooked up to something, sodium pentathol since morphine makes me throw up. Or something. There's a real powerful anti-inflammatory they put me on when I had kidney stones and after my knee surgeries but I can never remember the name. I don't believe in pain--just knock me out till its over. I'm really concerned that she doesn't lose any more weight. Pain can keep you from eating.

LauraK, so sorry about your exBF. Walking got me through a lot and still does. That's often when I talk to God.

Jessica, you look great. Keep it up.

Lori, it is so funny when men who never noticed you "that way" suddenly start paying attention-sometimes with their wives right next to them-in church! So funny that you didn't realize you were getting hit on. You'll never be a cougar at that rate.

Phyll, you know the anti-inflammatories can actually speed your recovery since you're a nurse. The muscle relaxers are important also. I find that if I'm favoring parts of my body that are in pain, other parts of my body start malfunctioning. On your journey, look for any easy access pools and start letting your body "hang" motionless. It really does help relieve the pressure on the discs.

As far as dancing, I will do any dance if someone shows me how, I don't care if its the chicken dance.

So, I went to the reumatologist. It looks like the antinuclear antibody I have is anti-SSA which is indicative of Sjogren's Syndrome. This can accompany Lupus and RA but can also occur by itself. I have the two main symptoms, dry eyes and dry mouth (and throat). I've had these for years. It can also cause pain and some swelling in joints even without RA. Also muscle pain (which is why I'm on the muscle relaxer) and fatigue. May explain why I sit in my chair most nights and don't move. Also may explain why my feet hurt so much when I first get up in the morning. My Dr. wants me to try Plaquinel, an anti-malarial drug, that works well for this syndrome. I'm going to talk to my sister, the Dr. with RA, first.

Gotta watch my eyes and my teeth, both of which I already do. Regular apptmts. Field of vision testing. Opthamologist not optometrist. Regular teeth cleaning which I already do. Enamel building mouthwash.

The medicine will take a few months to show results. I'll just generally start feeling better.

We think I've been taking too much Calcium and that's why I have the high numbers on that, but we're pursuing that as well. Para-thyroid tested OK. But calcium can indicate a malignancy so gotta pursue it.

My employer is changing insurances. Hope I can keep the ones I have for now while I'm going through testing.


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Hey Girls...Have missed you all and sending love to each and every one of you. Typing with one hand so making this short and sweet.

Thanks for all the kind words and well-wishes...it means so much.

Phyll....wishing you some relief with that back of yours. I didn't read but a couple of posts and caught that you have been ailing.

Same status on the arm. I go in early tomorrow morning so am taking off for the lake again in a few minutes. Things will be fine...they just need to figure out why the hand is the way it is. MRI should tell all.

I feel as if part of me is missing without talking to you all. Take care. I will text Lori with an update. Love ya!

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((((((((APPLES))))))))) Those are hugs around you! I hope you get some answers on your wrist and hand. Sure miss ya and look forward to getting your text!

I guess I gave the gals my daughter works with a laugh, I told her about my gym experience and they all thought it was funny that I didn't know that I was getting hit on. DH says it just might make him join the gym. LOL I am debating about trying the Pilates class again tomorrow. I didn't care for that one much mostly because I had a hard time doing a lot of the moves, but maybe if I keep going I will be able to and those muscles need work.

DD has her first OB appt tomorrow. She is so nervous and excited. She has an ultrasound first and asked if I wanted a copy of my first baby pic. LOL They also said she should hear the heartbeat. It's fun watching her get so excited about being mommy.

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This is a pic of DH that the district atty sent that they showed in court of the carjacking scene and asked DH to describe how he was feeling at that moment. I think it's pretty obvious. LOL

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janet - Love the hair cut oit makes you look so young.

Sorry guys to manny posts to catch up on.

Tomorrow I am going to get my tubes tied what fun. so I will not be at work for two days yeah but then I will be in pain :thumbup:

Well I will chat tomorrow love you all

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Karen--glad to hear from you...take good care...it's time for that little black cloud that has been following you to GO AWAY!!

I am packing (one of my least favorite things to do) for my nephew's wedding. Tomorrow will be a long day, Tampa to Balto to Boston and back on Sunday Boston to Atl to Tampa. I'm ALREADY tired!

I have done the Optifast--just the boxes of shakes--for 7 days as of today. I lost 7 lbs. It really wasn't that hard--there were times I was hungry, but a cup of coffee or Water helped. I think I may do this a couple of times a year as a boost.

If I don't get back til Monday on LBT, have a wonderful weekend. I hope the aches and pains are few and the smiles are plentiful.

oxox judy

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Hey Girls...Have missed you all and sending love to each and every one of you. Typing with one hand so making this short and sweet.

Thanks for all the kind words and well-wishes...it means so much.

Phyll....wishing you some relief with that back of yours. I didn't read but a couple of posts and caught that you have been ailing.

Same status on the arm. I go in early tomorrow morning so am taking off for the lake again in a few minutes. Things will be fine...they just need to figure out why the hand is the way it is. MRI should tell all.

I feel as if part of me is missing without talking to you all. Take care. I will text Lori with an update. Love ya!

Hugs to you, Lady!! You have had SO much to deal with lately!! Hope they figure out what is going on with the arm. It is so good to see that green bold print again!!

I want to thank everyone, too, for all the kind thoughts and well wishes! It is frustrating that we are not going to be here long enough to pursue what is going on with my back, but I will tend to it when we get to CA if I'm still having problems. I am reluctant to start with chiro... never have done that. I do think an MRI is probably the thing to do if this continues.

But... on the other hand, I'm feeling a lot better today. I have been taking 1 muscle relaxant and one tylenol w/codeine when I get up in the morning and an hour or so before bed. It has not made a big difference in my comfort during hte night, but it definitely has in the daytime. Last night I was able to walk the condo loop for the first time in 10 days and I'm going to do it again in the next 1/2 hr or so. So... things are definitely looking up.

((((((((APPLES))))))))) Those are hugs around you! I hope you get some answers on your wrist and hand. Sure miss ya and look forward to getting your text!

I guess I gave the gals my daughter works with a laugh, I told her about my gym experience and they all thought it was funny that I didn't know that I was getting hit on. DH says it just might make him join the gym. LOL I am debating about trying the Pilates class again tomorrow. I didn't care for that one much mostly because I had a hard time doing a lot of the moves, but maybe if I keep going I will be able to and those muscles need work.

DD has her first OB appt tomorrow. She is so nervous and excited. She has an ultrasound first and asked if I wanted a copy of my first baby pic. LOL They also said she should hear the heartbeat. It's fun watching her get so excited about being mommy.

HAHA!! Okay, Cougar!! Nice work!! LOL! Very cute that you didn't figure out he was hitting on you!! Love it!

Feeling so much better today I may ask the therapist if I can try the recumbent bike when I go for my PT tomorrow.

Great.... keep forgetting to tell you this... nephew just finished training and is pediatric neurologist. Started new job at hospital in Salt Lake City.. Children's maybe?? Anyway, he and his wife were there house hunting a month or so ago and went home discouraged because they couldn't find anything a reasonable distance from the hospital that they could afford. So I guess he is looking for a rental for the time being. In the meantime, his very pregnant wife is in the San Francisco area waiting to join him. They are having TWINS in October! My sister is SO excited... her first grandchildren.. and TWINS!!

Packing is going well. I plan to finish tomorrow. Friday will be last minute things and cleaning the house. Then we'll sleep in the RV Friday night at our daughter and son-in-law's. Hit the road Saturday morning. I am already begging for one last trip to my favorite latte place, Surf Shack, Saturday morning before we leave! Listened to whining about how hard to pull the RV in to that parking lot. But I reminded DH that when we went "camping" last month... he pulled in to the Safeway shopping center parking lot right next to it and I went through a hole in the fence!! HAHAHA!! SO... he may cave in!

Hope to make it to Idaho border the first day. We don't like to do more than 300 miles a day. Julie... I think I figured out we'd be in ND the 4th day... which would be Tuesday... but I'll look over the map again and let you know.

Julie... I'll repeat my favorite line... I'm old and I forget stuff!! so>>>>>> did you send me that list of names/addresses/ phone #s?? I noticed I have no address for you.

Anyone along I-90 have room for us to park at your house overnight??? LOL!

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Phyl, would that be Primary Childrens? That's near the U of Utah and downtown. There's a neat area there called the Avenues but very pricey. We were discouraged when we moved here as well as houses were more expensive here. How close do they want to be? They must be looking pretty close.

Glad your back seems to be doing better.

I-90 that's the one through S. Dakota isn't it?

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Phyl, would that be Primary Childrens? That's near the U of Utah and downtown. There's a neat area there called the Avenues but very pricey. We were discouraged when we moved here as well as houses were more expensive here. How close do they want to be? They must be looking pretty close.

Glad your back seems to be doing better.

I-90 that's the one through S. Dakota isn't it?

Yes, I think that is the hospital he is at. Not sure where they were looking. Will know more when I see my sister later this month. And my youngest sister is planning a baby shower for them even though they wont be there. I think she's planning on using Skype to connect with them that night.

I-90 goes through N. Dakota... hoping I might be able to connect up with Julie and/or Apples for a short visit. I think we cut south to I-94--- maybe around Fargo... as we are making a stop in Madison WI..... if our friend there promises to call off the mosquitoes before we get there!! LOL! Last time we stopped to see her they almost carried us away and she says they're now holding her hostage in her house!

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My bad then, I was thinking it was I-90 we took when we drove to S Dakota. I have family there and Wisconsin. Actually I have family in N Dakota too, but I've never met them. My grandma writes and calls there all the time, they are cousins of her's. Hope you have a safe drive. You are really going to see some of this country all the places you are going.

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Hello I am going to get the band on 8-17-10 I am very nervous and excited are you like a mentor?

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Hi guys,

I just caught up on posts. wow, busy girls.

Apples~ hugs and good luck with dentist and ortho. VERY important to go to a hand/wrist specialist. If the scaphoid bone is involved it can be very dangerous b/c it doesn't get a large blood supply. A fx there is very hard to see on plain films and usually needs MRI. Even if you have to travel for a consult, need to see a hand specialist and make sure you don't need surgery. I hope all is ok. I know you have my cell#, PLEASE feel free to call with any questions.

Melissa~ good luck with your surgery. Although it is relatively easy surgery- it is still surgery. Will they go through any of your old scars? feel better soon

Lori~ LOL about the missing nugget. I think I lost my nugget the other day, maybe you found it. ; ) Also made me laugh about the cougar attack (at the gym). You are so cute. : ) Let us know about the ultrasound! so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janet~ ditto what everyone else said about the bangs. looks nice.

Jewel~ nice uniform. They are way too big though. They are likely 50/50 and won't shrink much but try to wash them on hot twice before having them hemmed or taken in. Do they have a draw string? If not- have one put in then they can be tightened in waist as you lose. I hear you on the child care. My Nels has only had two sitters ever other than my parents. I don't trust just anyone either. It's so hard. Good luck.

Judy~ safe travels! WTG on the loss with optifast!

LadyKC~ hugs on dd stuff. That is tough to deal with. Hang in there.

Phyll~ make sure and get back checked out if persists. I know you know all this... but have to say it. If any loss of bowel/bladder fn or loss of sensation, go IMMEDIATELY to ER for STAT MRI. I know more about back pain than any one person should know. It was our #1 complaint at the urgent care clinic I worked in. (we did a lot of workers comp). Was at times difficult to figure out who wanted meds/time off and who had real pain. Mom has been through the wringer with hers. It's not easy.

Eva~Holy canoli about the hole cover! That sounded funny and painful at the same time! Retirement. Wow, sounds so nice. You deserve it, you've worked hard for many years. I have a friend of mine who has a PhD in social work and is so burnt out with it she wants to open a dog grooming business. Why not. Life is too short.

Cheri~ You are a gas! LOL. Too funny blaming kids for YOUR farts! All of those Protein supplements you mentioned give me gas. I can only use isolate products (usually the ones from my dr's like Unjury or Bariwise). The whey concentrates are harder for your body to breakdown and that's why they cause so much gas. You always seem to be a bit of a medical mystery. Your RA labs are not the normal presentation (as I guess you figured out). The supplements explanation does not settle right with me. I would gather you need to explore further to rule out malignancy. (my opinion- safer than sorrier, ya know?) The treatment recommendation also- would need to do more research, as it's not my area of expertise. Let us know what your sis/MD says. Very interesting case to me. Good luck!

Julie~ Hope you get some help with your pain mgt dr. They are usually very empathetic to PAIN. It's their job! Is your pain dr and MD or DO- are they an anesthesiologist or PMR ( physical medicine and rehabilitation )? After dealing with a PMR for my mom, I would take an anesthesiologist with a PAIN fellowship any day. PMRs only do 2 year residency where MDA does 6! (4 anesth. and 2 pain years) Not just saying that b/c my husband is one.

I know I forgot someone- It's getting late and can't go back more pages and the connection isn't good and afraid I might lose this one as it is.

UPDATE: Mom had her epidurals today. (two levels, L2-L3 and L4-5.) They had her take two 5 mg generic valium before coming but no sedation during procedure. She was in so much pain that lying on table face down had her crying. Then apparently the first one (which is worst level for her= most nerve involvement) was incredibly painful. I heard her cry out and i was down the hall inthe radiology waiting. When I got to see her in recovery she was crying and shaking. My mom is a tough cookie. 3 kids with NO meds, had hysterectomy and hemmoroidectomy in same week, dislocated knee once and had no meds to get it back in. She is not a baby and if she hurt then it had to be brutal. I doubt she would ever do this without sedation. But the good news- she is having relief of her pain. Thank God. She was walking crooked for 6 weeks so with all the compensating she is sore all over and has other pains. But the sharp, electric shooting pain is gone. I was glad my Dad didn't go today. (he had a dr's appt and my sis took him). If her heard/saw her- he likely would have had a stroke or heart attack. The dr came to talk to me and while talking he was typing something on his blackberry. I said "hello? excuse me, are you listening?" He said he had some time sensitive information for something that he is on a board of,blah blah. He really rubbed me the wrong way today and was a tad bit unprofessional (add mom's pain and not good). If she weren't going to continue seeing him I would complain. But my mom is happy there is no pain,so won't stir the shit.

now we will see how she is doing tomorrow. I need to talk to them about when I leave. I wish I could stay until the 17th for her birthday but won't be able to- just too much time away. Nel's school orientation is 19th and he needs some down time. Also need to get school supplies/uniforms, etc. If she is doing ok, we will likely go back Sat or Sun., and just have an early Bday party. I know she will understand. It's also super stressful here with a house full. I have been so proud of Nels, handling this all like a trooper. Really a good boy. I think I lost 3-4 lbs so far. (need my scale to really know). But working my A$$ off and not eating much. Bonus.

Hope everyone is ok. Will be better at writing when I get home. Some photos. Dad and his best friend, nels on plane. mom and i today when we got to hospital. Breakfast with the BFF and an aerial shot of my hometown in FL

enjoy. peasout... Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Hi all...

Okay found this amazing bakery in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

No glutten, no sugar, Spelt and agave...everything all natural vegetarian.

Boy am I a happy camper!!! I bought ten things and had a small teeny weeny bite of each...just had to!!! The only thing I didnt love....the agave sweetened, glutten free Brownie....tasted like..um passover brownies too sweet!!!! Everything else to die for!!! All this and a Kosher certification as well...meaning I could bring this stuff in the house...and I could now have healthy treats for shabbos for Dassi and her friends...oh yes and me. lol.

Doing the happy dance...woo hoo. Happy days are here again....havent had a treat like this in five months.....

Jodi, I love your new profile pic. You are so beautiful...

thank you...!

Ok I don't want to be a JAP, I'll just be a princess. lol

no no JAP....lol

I am so excited. My uniforms are scheduled for delivery today. I will post pics when I can. Who doesn't love getting a package.

The deal with the books is if you buy them new, you can access them online too. They have the entire book online and last semester I found that so helpful when studying. Plus talking with a student already in she said it really helps speed up writing out care plans. She copies and paste right from the book into her care plan. I want that but if I don't have the money I may have to just do without and buy used. We don't use credit cards. we use cash for almost everything. We are considering getting a small loan though. We can pay it off as soon as I get my financial aid. Just something we are considering.

At some point today I gotta run my son to my MIL. It's and hour drive. She is gonna let him stay the night since we have the dinner tonite. My SIL just moved back in with them yesterday. It is kinda crazy over there right now. I just didn't know anyone else on such short notice. Sometimes people without kids don't think about things like this. I gotta make some friends close to here.

We are very nervous about the babysitter thing. I do intend to pay my family for babysitting. You are right that it can cause drama though. We are really protective of him. He has only had 2 babysitters. My MIL and my Dads girlfriend. He has never even stayed with my stepmother or mother. We hear so many horror stories about babysitters. I am gonna ask my Dad's girlfriend first. If that doesn't workout I will look into hiring a professional. I wonder if the ymca would do a pick up at the school? I'll call and find out about that.

No JCC? Sometimes a JCC will offer after school and will pick up from the school as well...no need to be jewish either...not sure if there is one in your area but check it out if there is....

Phyll I hope your back feels better...I for one love the Chiropractor...I would go every day if I could!! I go and get a deep tissue massage and then an adjustment and I feel great after...its one price..for both so that makes me a happy camper. My daughter loves going as well.

She gets real upset if we dont go once a week..she says it helps her concentrate and keeps her body from getting out of sync. Ive been taken her since she was a week old!

If she got sick or had any infections especially ear ones....it was right to the Chiropractor before the Dr.

You should try it....you never know...id take that adjustment over drugs anyday. Hope you feel better soon.

Phyl - sorry about the pain. Sending prayers that healing will come soon.

Can't believe winter preparation has begun for you. Such an interesting time in life for you and hubby.

Jessica - love the new uniforms arriving by mail. Always fun to receive a package. So proud of your dedication toward making a great career for yourself thru all the hard work. It will pay off.

Spend from 11 pm to 5 am at the hospital with 47 yr. old daughter and her hubby. She was admitted to psychiatric unit of local hospital and I'm praying that solutions will be found to help her embrace a healthier, drug-free lifestyle. She battles chronic depression.

Leaving to meet a dear friend for lunch - then a nap and dinner with other friends who are caring for their 4 grandsons this week.

Busy day.

Oh I hope your daughter feels better soon and the facility is going to be able to meet her needs...Shes lucky to have you and her husband for support...thats half the battle for any illness, but if drugs can help for the interum until your daughter can begin to take control of her life herself.....it might be the best thing at the moment...Drugs are a tool and need to be used as such....some were never meant for long term use...some longer then others...but whats important is that she realizes that she needs help and cannot get through

this alone.

Checking in from my phone so there will be typos just a warning.

Ok the weirdest thing happened to at the gym. DH and DD say I was hit on. This guy came up to me and started talking and talking he goes on to tell me how he likes older women because they are wiser, more experienced, and comfortable with who they are and he likes curvy women. I told dd about it and she said, mom he was hitting on you, dh concurred. Its been so long i didn't even recognize it. Lol. I did the class today at the gym and so did he.

Janet, dh's secretary was speechless after i told her i was queen but i earned her respect after that. Lol

Jodi, dh and i were just saying we'd love to go back to Isreal but have no plans to do so. When we were there they were having lots of bar mitzvahs at the wall is that where you'd do Dassi's bat mitzvah? Btw how di you pronounce Dassi? Does it sound more lassie or daisy?

Laurak, sorry things didn't work out with the ex but glad you recognized that now

Lori....ROTFL...hahah. Good for you!! So it isnt just me...its this newfound postive energy that you are putting out!!! You must feel pretty great!! No matter who he was or if he was "younger" the fact that he payed attention and gave you attention...should have made you feel like a couger...grrrrreeeat! Btw.....enjoy the first visit to OB..Dr. The first is always the bestest!!! Congratulations again!

No, we arent going to have her Bat Mitzvah at the wall....the men would stone us if we did. lol Woman arent really supposed to bring attention to themselves and god forbid they might make a spectical by singing aloud there together....lol No....im not ready to get that much attention ....yet.

So far I looked into several different programs...for bat mitzvah girls...what I found was....that in Israel there is no such thing as a big party like in the states for this occasion where a girl turns 12. What they do is they take on "chessed" projects (acts of kindness) from Rosh Hashana of the year of the birthday till the following Rosh Hashana the next year...the new year to the next year, During this time....the girls take upon themselves several projects and work with them the whole year...at the end of the year they have a meaningful celebration of sorts.

So...I thought...heck Im not going to spend 10,000 dollars to have just a party here in the states....and invite her whole class and the second class.....nope...

Havent decided which program to choose from...yet.

There is one program in Israel...in Natanya...there is a girls orphanage....more like a home for troubled girls who cannot for whatever reason live at home. You can donate a certain set amount of money to the home....and they will make a big dinner celebration for all the girls together who live there along with your child and family so that they too can go to a party. I like this idea...but again its only a party...I was thinking of doing this and something in conjunction with it......maybe the second program....which takes place

At Rachels tomb (an auspicious for girls and woman to come pray in Bethlehem). Here apparently you pray for Rachel who is one of the four mothers to help you..have a baby if you cant....(as she cried out to god to give her a child and he listened and did) or a girl who wants to get married.... so we pray...saying..."mamma Rachel cry for us again....wont you shed a tear for your dear children and pray that we should get what we need....together).

When a baby girl is born they bring her here...and put on a red string that was made with prayers to ward off the evil spirit...and to recieve special blessings....

I like this idea....and I think for Dassi this would be the most meaningful for her.

The program....starts in the U.S. at the beginning of the year and you begin learning with your mother, sister, grandmother..(woman) something of importance to being a jewish woman...and then you come to Israel and then do several projects...like volenteer in a Soup kitchen for a week with your mother or others...or a hospital or give Water out to soldiers or babysit for parents who lost children do to war etc etc. You pick what you want.....

I like this idea and id like to combine the two...as well.

I would also like to begin doing other chessed projects here in the community.... maybe collect clothing, school supplies..or whatever to bring with us to the Oprhanage in Natanya which weve done the last time we came and it was a fabulous experience for Dassi and she would like to do this again....

so to answer your question....um not sure...but youve prompted me to get on the ball to get things rolling New Years....is just a month away and I havent even been in touch to see about the real possibilities...who knows...perhaps both of these ideas will be astronomically expensive and we wont be doing either on the scale I would like...and will have to look into others.

What ever the case may be....Im thinking that it will be passover time...and thats something that at least has been the consensus..all around. Of course my dad....funny guy....called just last week and asked what date he should make the airline reservations....and I just laughed!!!

Who did he think he was talking to??? He should know that I wouldnt have a plan about 10 months in advance of anything! lol

wew...that was a long response to a simple question but...you asked lol. Hope I didnt bore you with this....but perhaps you can help...with an idea or other even?


Hi gang! Down 1lb.....I'll take it!!! I have to change my ticker. Today's class was about change. What was the biggest change in our life?......hardest thing about change?....biggest benefit of change? It was really a good lesson. I think it is hardest for the ladies having with children at home. Kids don't like to change the foods they have been eating. One lady was even crying because her DH and kids won't support her. I was there once.....that's how I got here.

Great, yep, I think you were hit on. Good for you!

Janet, I will see if I can take a pic with this Mac. I am such a tech dummy. I am spoiled having two DS programmers, DD with a masters in educational technology, and a really geeky DH. I just have to whine and they help so I will shut up.

Jessica.......you look great in your uniform!

Phyl, I wish you could stay somewhere long enough to get some therapy. HUGS!

Apples, thinking of you today! Prayers going up for you!

Jodi.......you are a pretty girl!

Thank you...

You always have such good insights to tell us about the things you learn at support group. Thank you for sharing.

Cherri, I hope that you will get to the bottom of what ever is ailing you and you can just change your diet and not have to take so many extra pills.....being in pain is no fun....I hope knowing what is causing it will help somewhat as well. Thoughts are with you.


janet - Love the hair cut oit makes you look so young.

Sorry guys to manny posts to catch up on.

Tomorrow I am going to get my tubes tied what fun. so I will not be at work for two days yeah but then I will be in pain :thumbup:

Well I will chat tomorrow love you all

ouch. I hope all goes well and recouperation is minimal.

okay..all...I post way way too much!!

Have a good night all


Edited by NYSparklegirl

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oh...sorry. Dassi is pronounced...like Darcy without the r? Its Hadassah....so its sounds the same...but just leave off the ha and the ah and add the i after the s. lol. I guess.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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